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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 4

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'rLW '~Y7L11T~V flA7FIW ~ PI~r~u~ r TI4I1P~flAY iW~VbMW~ ~i ~ I Q~I PAGE FOUR --LB, v*a~ r; - Comm.nt Cont roi of Manicipal Finances -~--- ~d T ii ugtlon by OntarIo" Attorney' Ceral, Hon, W. R. Price, that the. Pro- vlaclu Govemment mur' asUme a Ver? rwgd oversght of the finances ofitg muS.- cfpses lias -been greeted with varba 4ogreesot enthualasm sd oetautpàtlay. To- thq serion mlnded citize who bus wt&b t a xa tiô a -.Dominion, ProvIncil su Munlcipal-incwresing by lepapind boud duingrecent years. there le aàrsszwnce lu Mr.,'Prle'is aIceIaent.Inaessig taxs,. drlag roperusyors, were net 4«1"iaay vlew*d by v«7 maiy people, but tiiai of depréssion caat a different Ilgt on lb s4iatIoos4 ad mo.t peopleo-have now -00 othe point viiere thevii abote- Ir iisut tha t tir v eopentativo- in the diffoerat gvermiIng bodiéç. wbo wers Include thiio Otauai" "ai hbpe do to a bl4%Idbudget> sd no avoidabîe .xp*i4tu 0*Onb;r suciaspollcyctu riàhi1» "odd. 7%éDoum &Ms udPro.- vipdwisweovramnts appearusily ýth bave houa suluud wth tUeuuouuldty 0 tucbia o n.It 1la slner*lyto bu iiopo4 Ibat CoavCounc4la-andi Munial h ouds vii theu Qatarlo gvuin#teu*OtPla and re~ lu olwl tbs! am"-e pa*h.If M6t mu a haIt la *hlhbY, we billeetii. Tova Couda Mu tW .baud of Educâaul aebol), laps of1 an* Unl gti.yee ll slltsto .s~d.dthir stmatediudtr o 947644, sdPMU*h&yW"ti a i# swplu W118s ve.trcttadber tia poIIcysi ww0* Onder ti th od, eut Tér leesu b iodw u bt bqessu -~~U that tu !-xa-ujfSthe oI eu csbun4ud u Eaq W ,dw*9t wmtWbre w 1 11MM l'n. ComuwgDisarmament Coinference feWhîtiCzetadC-rDce *&bioisCoumvWs L.diag W.shly .,oe, 1'h.5budap morningt b, rimes Pub- Wy Peident' L A. lowsy. Vk..Preaeut a- r«uM Gofeibow Dretur. S1JDS<RIPTION RATES Apyher laCasda. 2.$Z -O inadysace; 25 Yflf10 uhciber the bm nted stages or o,.her tarIEncoutris. 'h.date te which tbe suhscriP- <Im(spid e dlston the addresa 1"e Il H ORMISTON. Editôt and Business MInAet Telephomos: Bc% 23 sud 79; Re'idece. 3» Mgember. Canadian Weekly, NewspapersAssociation WHITBY, THURSDAY, DECEMBIR l7th, 1931 A CommunitY' Chriatmaa TreO On.e o the miuch-appreclated and aixtici- pated features et the Yuletide BSan id One that Je an inspiration whach refiect.s th,. pervadlng spirit oi the holiday, is the oommunlty Chrigtmas tre. e ei n some towns of Ontario, an observance that is »sua1ly held a day or two previous Wu Chriatmas, and at which Citizen&, olci and Young, assemble to partake i the general lestivilies. The Christmas Fair Çommittee in Whitby thia year has undertalcen te revive the Christmas tree Idea in town, and on Thurb- dýay of next week there will be one unloaded ,by Santa Claus for the benefit of the kid- .dies in town and district. Years ago, a çommunity Chrisîmia tree was a feature ý6f Yuletide in Whitby. Acommunity Christnasý tree. brightly ;llghted and decorated, diffluges frem its 7ranches ifs meàsage of good wli and ,heer. It radiates happineas and good ýftUowship among the people. It animates >ui encourages that cormradeshîp which in, -<ho essential in tle world today. In tact, i'ýt là looked upon sý a regular institution In 5nany centres. Wouid il net be se in Whit- 'The spirit of service te mankind in never mocre In evidence than it Je at Christmas Urne. Nobody could think or talk et de- pression when there in no much galetY -&bout. But there are some who have net. the- &&me oppertunity as others Wtobe happy and gay, and they must b. given this chance. The spontieous effect of a cern- nunty jollification around a Christmnas itre. outdoors in far-reaching. It helpe to btnd the. tiaentof ellowship in tom-n and Paea 'sHighaé Di Too Large À e 01 twnrniag aat excessive lagtWbvmybuilding lu Cangda vws"ou.dau by SiF ,&3xander Glbb, Britaln's noted migao, tu an atidrai athe .Empire club lunwm b, ~laTomoto recently. Mi t e eption of air tranportatÎon, iiigha ur1=CIdng vau tbemclesple va>' et movfng goda Wbeu t*wobuIding of hflgi wuvascousideeW, aspeker salti. Refrr th e .t.rana.Cmada,bhvway, *Iu8omohayis ane justiffla wbu tiaoy arn pioei.s-hhways suda opuni o p sMW sections of the.couctry, but vue» tii .> - Mc upralwte other muas of tras- p«tt.toeaYouare pIlhg UP a bug eUb Wb"~ yosa' chlldru tsd your cuildrea' chim in bii ave to PAy." «U 1I have any critîcisuto offer." la Ymsr OwIltles anefar b *00ao detyoW, - ~ Your lrst Stu. awmom eAi bh ak o u mot au Mt dupesi mtIa nmm M.W itoros.tiiat M la t ti. h ~IlaBa» of tbismSt M4 '*spab t o, la e el. uv lwtlawe *Odathpe.n Original Deco rations For ,Chtistmas "Tables Need:Not be,,Expenaive In- February ftfty nations et the wold will participate i a "1disarmament confer- ence"'dacried by one writer an destinedl to é ho 'ti.greatest internatil expedI- ment of our trne." It is for the sensitg of publiCeopinion ni Canada on the question of, disarmament, and for the 'instruction of Canadas representatives, that ini recent weeks,-illiofo Canadian citizens have been aaloe4 te place their naînes on a peU- tion favormng worid diarmament, te b. preentd to the great conference at Gen- eva. The fâct that hundreds of thousands of narnés have gladly been appenddte this petition las an indication that the people ef Canada do want a guarantee of permanent lWorid peace, if -such in possible of attai- ment. Admnittedly it wiil be a difficuit task to bring ail the epposing interests repre- sented at such a conference into agreement on such broad principles as will be required for a f oundation on which te build such a great achievement as world-wlde disarina- ment. But If the peoples ef the various nations wlIi present te their delegates sueh an unmistakable evidence et their desire for peace as have Canadian citizens, we believe great headway could ho made. There muet be ne petty bickering. The conference will have tailed before it starts if delegates of narrow vision and circumi- scribed otltook are sent to Geneva. The. people& etftthe earth must tell their dele- gates that this conférence miust net fait. The nations are spending as niuch money on war preparations as would retire the whole Great War debt et ail ceuntries i an inicredibly brief peried. If the. vast sums spent on army and navy and air force dur- ing each yesr were turned into induatrial and social welfare and educational channels what a change would resuit. And yet, this great waste wil continue unies* Vthe people of the. earth who have it in their power te do se wilI instruet their statesmen that ne possible effort mutt ho spared te achieve world disarmament. - There are those who say that a drean ot werld ponce la folly. Usually such peo- ple stand te profit by.war. But the people who, as in the years 1914-1918, ses in war on2Y sorrow and mlSery and sacrifice and death will net be con<nted until they can feel that for their chldren and thelr childrena childrut *0 horror of war are forever bantbed from the earth. May 193à2 e tueraization ef this &«eM of wSÏld dsarmnament. Scr ~inc yea Ue Deal ille PUo CN.RLI .f Particu6ary Pw o f Oaiatmas Sttluga good ezauPîsIO "aet Cuadian bouselvr Canusa National - avy ebefs bavé not ,oMry-doO their Chriafl s sblab1 earw Cbrlstupiding w«I X way la erder ual fbe <bath b veil boilti ant nlceY pturet Whoeu th. feautveel tome Lalaut reports fr01th8 D a Car adi RooeiDepaltm«entuldS- cate ibat. s rau oasM008yw.r 8ptre ba ses O f itu e essntlalis beem on a grand me.wbere, the arerage beati-of a faMîlli buis bis turhsy by the puudthe lacoi- mauat departacof e bsral- way buye go buitirei «fpudt or oes toms.The&, t«r b. tablesr ot the Candian Nationl Raft- wsye bolets a»diduntmg sar l t 16,00 Poads arkot. or- lve, toms, or %"a third elles-matI ap~mxlateti. .46O bhrda Quite a respectable lab*o oM ho aus t wffblans ucaf rêv* quired tfo i ase fabie. Thi votr lb.uaflvev ffi reutre 04 .00 pouise t ble oosodlly or crtaberitafer JeIy antisaes mabot tu,e$s. ufrd t heU!y or inlste. You viii 1k. tihe resuit. The. vhuténess entaide ce Christ- mus Da". IfifIs laWhite, Makos Us ioek for the reds which are se et- fectivo vlthhite. The greenh ve have, ln our evergreen tromS. er. isa atable vhichLiehe usekeeper wio.I5 clos e t h. eeda ceun min wttb cu ti ew cszdles mand à buneh of ribbor. Chocs a glass bowi snd put iet a sturdy floyer- holde?. Put pin. branches thiMky into it. The red bernies et Cana- dian bolly are effective. The. Bru- bsh bcrry viii acuwon ehemete use. .Wflh thauis e much gren la ru. quired. Place a bey cf nlbbon ou tie pie-and stand four ted can- dles aroUnd t an sd fie table la ready. Iflitte a long table Place sorne' rcd caudies aitiheoppOet corners of the table, sud Il. a amal bunci -of red rlbbeui te each candle- stick.i-, olly alsai mai b. ipiaced flat on the. cthauonatb a candis- stick. »A table may We doue vith red aione, w1tthmorne t1he hecoloci piaced flat dovo the ceaire cf the white cloth. on. more taile vhkch usez treai euIt flowers. vhich are the leasi ex. pensve et Chr'istmas lUme, that la the narchAsua, aiould ho monUioned place tie greens tickly. ln a bevl witi a helder sud iusert th. long stems et the narciasus, wvilc %hould be w-ired hi' the flerisi. at in- tervala.*The white, red andi grc3n make a harmouU u-. And lien tiiere ar e doratious whieh oe etcn malte te pieuse the eilîdren. A toi Santa Clauavblth à pack nhis baek. leuda bimacîlf nicat agrjeabIy te us ,table centre idea. F111 thc pack viii bits et boliy and greens. Builîtheii bar'-' up wii Cotton amcvansuaprin)(le tie viole vlth mica à.lamond du»t. Dont forget a eazitle or two. for tics. nMai he llghted to change tie viole eftect.for the. evsihii meal.' served as tudividual portions. ll tho maki"t the chefs bave bad te mi% toietber the foitawlug lInre- 600 poundi of raisins; 1.000 pounda of cuzT&flts. 00 Poun~d$ of cbopped smet; 600 pounds of brown sugar; tao Pound& cf br..derumbe; 126 poundaeto Coeur; 260 tarte carrela gratêd: .500 tablaspoonfula of groucid gui- ter; 750 feaspoonfuls of Cinnla- mon; 45 Pound$ of aUsipices; $00 nulmege; 126 pouadsetofcitron,; 135 pouuhs of candied lemia la addition t0 the euul Christ- mas turkey. am. CaadUa Nation- al Railn ys M. mm Merve otair dialair truarnlt out of TMoS. to andi betweea Kontres Md To- roato éurILg cebmtlt. sk be eMro , ».mb.g aualu a te t~ste"aLSOok a.W £a# Tor . À AqwmAW$ ci ibis aUW bas also, bMn ..cuisdfor Ue At the Ohate uLtu««Xler N la t f tarva..e L5fY01g UJ "Ndstt a Qit a a OMM7tr T bolnu liai 9fa u0 aineasa a om Mu t a h1 bave e«Ital lorairt8frbt* tei vft s TORONO. OA~CH RMAL %ay a; Pmu sStreet%, Toronto Aboya l epoduced a sketch of the mod h!ghway tavdel e the new anOther mlestone 'n the ron'anto bis. new "Tomato Coach Termina-", to bc Trmmaiwf provide adequate and tory of public transportation on the pened 08 Saturdav, Decetber 9tb, the much.needd fadil frtthes Ici (fsKing's Highways, andinb the pulsnrgc Sut uilingla anad delpid ad ofpasoe~sered dilyby rayvival of the pioneer stage-coach, trans.. Sm bildng n Cn-d deignd ad ofp&"ugmsered ilyby rayforsned into ts luxuriously onodero ContMM Md soY fortheaccomoda- Coach LInes md othe Coach rOUtes C0fl counterpart-the rmotor coach. 1 t66n Of MOtOr O ur copa m.Kterpibg %-rÎnfhITomte.,-You are invited to irispect the new pace wlth the rapid developme of Mmb 'Troont Coach Tepainal" marks Terminal on your ntxt voit to Toronto. Chriatmnastable deccrations jeed h nwt be eïlaborate to boefetctve, andt they ueed net ho expeusie to croate that 4destive atmospbere i which belonga tu ibis &Mut day of! the. year.'%f  few sprues of heunlock. a branci or *two cf Dîne,'a' Pair of red candies and a bew of cherry' rib- bon make a delthtf u otretee i whoae ceatisl negliguble Secure a.b bit ef Canadien red holl7 whtc lu lb ftlued witb scarlet berriea but leat- issu and ,'ou'1l add a specls.l brigbt I ieuch te h aU. The. ferlâi shepi bars nlany reu- dy-made centres whicb are complete colortul and balanced. They areq flot easali destroyed and utay f rosht anid gay right through the Christ. mas season. a.nd asat for more tbanr oe soason If cs.retuliy atored away. Some of them bave brigbt. artificial holly and al bav-e ne or more reti caudies whlch rna.y bc Uighted fer the. evontng ieaL. Something nov ibis îear ia a white and mUrer table. Shirlibns ilver lasthe rsi requiuite. piaccd on a white clotb. A bowl for the centre viii a fiower-holder 1leflPd. ed. Iuto ibis bulld a mniniatu re elump et CbrIsimauv trocs, using sprays etf hemlock. The. ahopsc have a new. UtIle trlck thia Year la fie shape etftlny Icicles. llang t ho homlock branches thick viti the, Build a snowbank about the base otflihe bowi usfing flue, absorbent cotton. A bal-dozen white ýmuMs wiii furniah 1the nowballs nnd iendi the. substautial feuch ef white and1 givo ai the ure lime the ioveîy atoasphere created by tie presence ef fresh floyers. Nov Plate fnur! lev abWer candlestIeka at the fourq corners of ithe table and insert1 four long wite.candîca. vhici arc decoetêti via tsy hunci of sg. ver holly or mistletoe.. 1'lese may ho iied on wtth silver ribeui. Scat- ter artificial moiv, mica ftales. over th1e cotion snd tic Irce and prepare place carda tled et the corners writh buches ef alier rorni a trame for tie artisis' pic- tures, forty-four of the finesi dia- niondu worm set-E.D.i1. IVREATRS 0F ROLLY BEIIi8 IiEEP OU'T 0LD WITCHES The vroaih of iolly combines bçth Pagan and -Christian aigni- tIakce. hIs laclosely allied viii ths crowu cf ihorne, tic rcd ber- riea prebably roprescntinî tdrops rt blonod. Kelly vas saidti t be hatefulte v itches andi vas tiere- fore plaeed on doorut and - windowit tri keep tiQbe ut. lnEngland- the iolly tirai breught bute the honte *»s sald to e aa igu of wbo vould ruile the hous for the enaunniyens'. tie huaband oit Uhc vif e. »ElLICACi 7 TraveilerI fell ot Cbris;tras fe4ats giron by tie mandarins ot Turkiestan at wbicbh.heprincipal delicacies art newly-born wite and swaiiowed whole (aIIvet biike an ey'ster, are reckoned by those wl-oIlike ihen cYMtasty. The csr. auiherity is fond of deç- critisigt thegretit affuaI f eaët of priesta and pilgrims nt Lhas-- sa. Tic chic! feature Is soup I.cmt a vat 20 feet across, and tbe meal begins x-hen tho niost v-Pnerable ot tihe1presttadeibvèrs an oration fcrnm the edge or the vati andi dives ln. -Yes, uiaam. andi one said it i coulti ôiay with. you for two mentis thnt vas a7 good enougli retereuce for ber." -'So Yeu want to marry my daughter. eh?" "Yes air,! do." "Young man, have you consid- The question oethtic mur- la whether tie thirty-Poer Kellogg Pact can break tic two-power im- piact. - Virjinian-Pilot. i i -1 i - I Sua "aschool ples" or *'Ciristmas pier- ea" popular iln Englaud luinbthe rs hait of the 11h century-seeta rof writinK paper wiih designi in Den id Ii li viiicopperpiate headings, Aithougi tiec frai Christmnas card proper appean ho have been Issued around 1846, if vas not until 1961, tint the cuatont et card-send ing eh- Wmcd uny footiold The. most costy Christmas rard vaz prepared ai lhe order c-t an ludian prince fer prmmetation te a lady et hugi ranli whom i. ad- miréd. Ih meaured Ivoie loches hi ten, and -requircd six months hn- cossant work by Uic artiste vie made Ih. Ih as valued ai more than tue muid a hait million dollars. Fort" elophants vere kulled bâtnre iuskseto exactly the right quality were obtained te yield thse Mui Ivery uscesaaryfor iii, card. Four efthe mcet tulented atlins ýtc e ofoünd inbuIndia were set le work. Thoir task vas le reproduce cm fia tluy surface ne foyer tian ten tbouaand aces(rom ithe liteé<of the liludu prophet. Budia. Round PFREPARE QIOIUF CURISTMAS FAR[ ON RKAND SCAJI 4 ">41 I -I te "On '1 rt 1-- ~i~t !¶ ¶5 4 -. -- - - - 9--»" 1

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