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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 5

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E - I . THE'HIrBY (~zE1rE 4RONIITUSAY EEIE V ~ - 4 k ý'r mlestjonerin the roinuntfis. ,fpb ic rnsportation Oen'thO Hgbwàays. atsd ln thse pulsing te. o~the îîonee r stage-coach, tram-> j noh uxuriously mo4un *Paýrt-thie rftl'tor coach. *arc invtecdto tnspect thse nov :L on your neit visit bo Toronto. TuI ilPped Se tràéble sal w hwole (alive) ,116 vder. tire rý,ckoxîed by those Ilîka theni very tasty. T0ise tltlttlority h fond of desl- rg clie gr ent annual fee*èt ne1ts and pllgýilms At Lhas- The elilt ?feature lE; SéUp a'f vrit 20 feet acrofs , aud Itl mil b)eginsfl*I vlen tii-o nàqt ribleo o the 1mlests delîvers rtiîon tram the edge ort tie s, nta'au, and Bsilo sItiIf s( 1< ysith you tbr tva Sups tliiî was n good enough y sefor lier." you want to nsarry biy mier. eh?" P ýqsir, do," foung iian, have y-oitu sit),- Lriquestion of tise'isour le lier the thirty-Po ver Kellogg can break the two-poWotliý Vrgnlan-pîlot. Chi saToy Display Provides New Deligh ta ..For-Eve#y Boy and Girl If auyb(odZ vunts to ftnd thse rp t tChrlstmuts. g2 tO ueoi the t 0s. Te eldren are already te3ud bells, whisties and horssp fla.M sudlng to mnake one sure tIsai Cbrlstmas la here. Tlh he ont InformaI shopping in tise %vorld le don. lus toy shops, and oý'er the counters, every day mucb "~re than vxoney le exelsangeti for tUp merchandise. Pennies and a- tel are inneh more than cold cash; the> roprosout a hundred sacrîices thenfuelves, y-ou wilI be by thse î> Lerest li the shoppers. Heré lug young Teddy Bear baby huggag hiz Ilkenes and makinai afnue ishow ef re4lstance m lien motber and the saâleslady want to tube hlm away. Perhaps h is .5wlt tise Intention (-f mrapping uP thse Teddy Des r, btit ounig Te<ldy vanta to tae in- lmas f, mnd ne- $etsa the power tif grosfl-ups to prevent him froîsi-va 1k ing away witIs the favorite toy. attIhe toy s-hCoopn.DoS Did one ever isaion orbear sucb And thse parcels. tfat are re- enihusiasm us surrounde thse doIt c«lVOd Ihto the arms of theyoutb- dlisplays tisis -ye&r7 -Tbo girls are fhl Purthmars are never measured I umply wlld over thte e1078 luI by» the -coBL. 'They reprszent costume dols. Real as tbey look Chrltusas. and who can estimite and act ansd stand. the-% neyer lose Viiet Christma.s represensie? theîr doîl charm. whili the ic blil L..ad o! Toys îty te lie held and ritedIed and .8. 0tO tise land of toys wili tht played with. Boy doîts Ihave rather seeker atter Christmsas hie himsaelf. cerné% into their cvii tItis yea. and Alt vili nlot b. an easy matter Such cunng, gay cogtumes aud te got away from i t. If yôu are neot such smart hats &et ai Jauit7 au- 'held -by the uplendor of thse îoys3 gles atop their curla' Well leave, M W onp t. rave, about thelWa aàà4 50110 nod Wonder ut su. if you Wonder ut tise 4olls, 4um 9 mary.) ut tIi meebantusltOu-' S&into 4unem eut doeeattop ut =ic ;%miatçnx hovill, réalI sropluuesand abipo aud ,truins. Science hA mdo the msodel tee, thse toy that lu th. bazdaet a boyi mai 40 4h. vrork thut the moulteti ot modemn construction eam do. Building lau a gun thut nover louesIts tuafor the. boys, and minf bouts of olld. sUlent maybe. eDu joymm.t .111 ber Uken Itu workiig tis e ontruction toya snd puttifli tDgether miniature egyse mU towers or inagc heigbt aud lntrl, ente lunesjol roadway and muUwai. In addition to the construction eItfnts. there arte ail the things tint go laie them and irtth tbem. Juat liiithe. moderns Jýcua. tac- tory, sçtreet raUway. the , .quiptnent tor the. toyi la there. À girl mmanset Up aud keeQ a teY house compistely nOW. f rom bath room to >kitchenlette. sud the.aises ef tie tblujp Vary fVom a 5<5uS1 Inch of metal or wood te a slushie- usetul article. Wben You come *te houa. furniahig. the dolla çuu step right ln wfti ail their natural, Poser and fit mIn the pieture anti keep their ewn houpsE guided, -of course. bv the hand of a wise voueR hSosekeepef. PEEL'S SHORE Give STR Fotwer ThisI Christmias 1 Practi*cal Gifts For Al I - FOR THE LADIES FOR THE MENl Street mndEvening 51w.. tHouft Shbo..frooe... 75C ta $3n5 CosyBoudir SimmHockey Sho.. from $1~00 ta $500 f From............ 50c to $1095 GoIoSIICS rom ..$1.50 ta $2W G (h rom .$1.00 to $3à "LW 51w.. frm .. .$Z'65 to $9.0 Hockey- SboesShoe Bucke Sasjubos SlI.TreOI, etc * Hosiery IHSzioOMUnowt IN ?EIY SOXES5 IHockey Shoes .$1.95 ta $2.98 Sboes for Best .......$2.90to $3.50 blous.*.soSc to $100 HoseS1ai Rdg......75cta$1.65 Gold 6Obes ........m$.$l6 I CLUB BAGS, AVIATRIX CASES, -SUIT C.ASES TRUNKS *p PEL'S SO TR "SAflSFACTIO GAM?;NTIR OMONY EUNSOM ':~ ~1! <s ffmu a te obbdte igvitls brlght idaz th'$ -,70- ta»l bave > 5 1D05 iM ausWo th&e bag o! juwmaklg trih i tife> '-p aoigup An-,MI Tisrre a 0<sui 14Oae am" &adt ii Mesluatg-tsntb,5t kftp tise whole tamil! 15ùte.etd oa Chnlsmu -aigt PrttY Inar .verytatg ta tbii.WUv-UP wOrld tbat lu a ieda Su»e 18 fOund n reducedÈ» efor 4h. chTUdit, frot gel! te blhads. Yuletide Magic DoesNot Wane in Old En glanid Cisiltms u nBitan bus Mt lest thse charus of its appeuL Winter lu Britafnluel fot te be derieti; tise magfie and tradition of lié British Chistinus atraci visitors tram all parts of the vorld. Thse Diekena tradition endures ta tbis day. despîte thse ehunges that Umne wus wought. The t stgêteuh. the Iisurely movemolsts. certali et thse old customs. haye goue, but tic spînit romains. Eband hua noe Anctâe cilmute. Tioro lu beautl iu bure trotsand hederovisuad cleared tlelds. sud te thé stauiîch leyer oft ho open air It lis a glori- Mus sessotS. The fausly Chrlimu Party bus net lest tuefin ltise virI efmod- ers ldeas.Ratier. It hua beeli revlvod by thse uulvetsal motor car. The .teeklns ulili iuaffauo thse rail eft he bed sud cet for the -dvent o!f athen Christmas. Mitie tee sud holly sud gay. coored pe :bers deck every room th ie pudding cornes ricIs sud black te tise table, crachersanarepuled. good visé are voitd, aud thse carol singera ame revarded for tisoir tlmely te- iinder of a atHIi aucred sud happy day.1 ~.ct Us be Gay For Christmas: Lot Us b. gay, frieuds. ibis iristmas !Db.ind aIU the ligis f hoe.elot usnsee te ut thuit terf ls the real spirit et ChristmSas '.et us St w&! (rom our custoWià- sry eautine of fmouds aud go in- te thse hia>.sud bywayu te searcis for ihose vie need cheer. tng Up. Tiser la magalllcont wetrk to b. do»., vus tie simpleat ut- 11e Parties; but sue o t hthut "Yàr tufetu are Dot cul> tise ltle vtoup to e scsyen belous. 8e mauy of us l*t> rsougis ibis werldi 1k. rabblts. rnanng ilu% the dailî ittue tracltso!feut ererydar lifet. th-ouas ofea or home duties; to ibis 4"d tint lîtti. club oery oiSonf Tuesday: te this friand', bridge and tisai -fnenda tea-pat> fld Mo busy. bappy, menue, pffl by tise resl meuiias ef lite-se.- tas tisome v iàned us. Let um niche ibis CisttsMtiste-defluito tuuruigpout ta the. dark py«., !brouigis viscis obave" mips- eé Chriatmau SPurt in. h North Çowatry ttis «à bhpls w% bête -ooat t , «OU *çlei. 'I& iIgtom tise g ;a euisb4 1n.u *4r tu ailes t iie sai "eeO4,oe. abd'.I 'Sd o M*ort nke, SUCéS 1154 ~ &lee ur gsàb" 1U fl I, graceful, and m padte atie otia tii m (Ilirlut as pewter 5an v Tomnba Foand *Quite Emp-tyl -A vast buril ground couîaing some 10,(w0 graves bas just becs discOered in the Arnsberg Forest nrt,hre, wbere ijes the litile that remainks oi the bodies of tbe famoits Teton nertswito defeaided their COtiflry %vith t-arying fortunes ini the Teuton wars against the Romans betwlen the years 9 A.D. and 18 A-D. Tnve,%tigations, conducted by Pro- fesser 1ehler have discloscd mrny graves and archotoloqjsts are now busY excavating on the BO'lne Hilt*wicb WjCi s a moumd of seute 18 feet high, 360O feet long and M4 feet deep and has long becs kncr,*n t1D be thetotmb of the Teuton war- rlcrs who thrcw off the Ron yk.It.is expected that this "cav- tt ofUe dead7 as it j, locally known, %will centain smre of the te- Iflains cJ at Icast 20,00 soldier pat- \ot evern the horsts of the beroes rem,.~ howe%,er, as 't .ba$ been found that the limne in the sol ha cofsumed tsernt. Ail tIsai rests Sm ,the ernpty tomba. Hopes, however. arc hrîd that some relies have been sPared bv tune and soil and that a Iresh page may lie ceecd on which ont may read stillimote than euee cas tell of the 'Legions of Varus.' which he lrssî ut the hands of Ar- 'minu, thet r'triot. in A-D. 9. %When Romne, tnder Augustu. tCae -ar. centenîpiated these ubjugation of tIhe Teuton, a, ar an tras thse Lbe. Publius Quintilius Varus was the Gernian Pro Consul. In comnmand of hîs three legions, ntmbctèin sanie 27.0»0men of ail arma. lie marched North-East ~4inJi auxiliaries was Arusinius a Tcuton vIsa had taloen service with Roei Se grrat had thse services of Armnin. tus to Rome becus that lie was noi on'y a f retunaisof the city but also 'm "*equiîies7 a kight. I bis goverement of the Cher- tici tribe of whosn Arminius wus a iuce. Varus Isad proved vain andi overbcaringý. cruel and careless of tht sensibilities of thc people. Ar- ntaiius arnanged a mudni amonti uaxiliaries andi combineti t with a revoit ansung the people Thosugh 'Varus as vusvured «us toe vain te puy any teit to the danger. viîls tfie rmaltthai ;',hen the treopt arrlvcd Stit <of the Hartz Mountains tIhe evolt 'iréke out andi Vamis and bis le- ions umbuthed. Varuas himielf di-. 'layeti great personal bravery, bu# %le gave neorSders te bit mens and waeu leit aimtt atone oive onu tnder Arminius dreve bim buck lu t t Y aven lth (!MunS. '-c field. Het îrew "inseli on lus 114 A-D, lie von a deelsive vieiorSx w-n avertianti die&i. loer themi , o eyearlalier. cmOIU aÜMi,- h@oemt, , li bus beçan . e e l Oaespcç astîsthe mr-of et jise For a lime the Romans, under IAter, ibroStgl varyng fortusi bikhlundr 8 as the utut" \usgus 1,w"ho vas 72 yeansof e ofgt an Amr*v;s sled bis popferfte t d ibucm G Moult" ýý ied aulne, gaveup thse idita cf con &M t ti.vert neyer absorb-4$ nhittse , D >etmoldi shows. luesi andi Isdew tlcir lUno to thr.t iisEmpire fBut Arusnlus, i4 I e< xVst. Laier. lsoweffl. Qeontanitu. tufs, bmcme ovebearlng'sd vus-ITier. notlim las qent t e etend lbous t=>ef rdered' by bis omm fe Z"' s biSet lef, est$ lonspuôhs - dùt 'i tse Empire - 1 ttossàhthe Teutoins vus seetn the trown .gOret- vt> a v 5 . s - e- ~] I a s stio.Mi ibafrQencja )eCially im- the caise te your voice lUi< ristmas Day to.nüý crovded lin-s t o avoid thit s~ erefore suggest ti ys before Chrisw and appreC lYeu-,and FOR THE BOYS éiv f-s f-

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