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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT - - -~ '~a &~V - ~Il, 7là Mo-Eu""YGZ11 w.nvî î-r~& 4 NEW SUIJEOIJES ARE 13311F11DY (Contlnued troni Page 3) fmportant factor ln suu'h a devel- opinent. The utien of gas Iii Indui- trIai oporat inm have lnrr,tiid flatertally Ili rprent ycuru. Il' colveniencê and leMtrieiiry as a bealing fuel are tinquestianed sud ýuereailfl 113 nppre'î'lntod. guijt'ct <iD>l' o St@ rosuIlSt <x,'Iais u, thler hoatIne mediumi. Comiilîrt, Fiveruhi> "WIil siV ow t htle f ulleut vo.îîpéralnn wlth thie Sdustrîes lu the Ota -il yBwnu ville dIatrIct. ttc have estabilshed llidustrial andi comiiierdJal-ratea whIclý, we hollevro. compare ver> tsvour-ibî>' with ,>tsclar ga.lu l other dlntrietui. Ouîr ne'w rates are lntended Ioi' î,olt lip req'tlraînents of the. lnclîîtrie i iiIll, district and "iii hcar îuînparlson wlth <ie@ roul of other fue~l,., ail thiitgs cou. midorod. We ulmo have avaiiablé I-n the pprtion of Nr. N ElIboiceti, an Iudumirîi ga.. orgduer who 11% fîtly 1'roîlermani illh sand aval]. ablo utlit ii">'luN tad%li#e li lu- duptrnul goi% unît rifîl pobieulA gr nrrnI1t. 'miTîstit.' lirru iNu ti ttrotati îîdt li I t Ilu.dia- l"tct liam noti pr" oI~i)tmv lînigas, nvailnthi ni rqdill 1aIfor lu il îî.l i i i nlii4i utiiimîrtlat s.. 'INn hoîpe alitl aÉre caî,idenît tiaet thu' riem wO haivoe rtf4lill,îd will tioilrlttIlltu>mu'illy l the' Indui4- anti it-il l I 111v Kuî,' fIi,. <'nahi.c us@ Io ia' r"iitc oui* gar4 output euh. sîantlnti A5 's ll uïolt uteri> othor 'mrolvli'pîu fg to tht oriluiulçr dopanie vr>' largel), (on t I" liti no o Itltnîp. lion, Il lm m)ir hop" and expet6ta. lion Ihitt 'il h a)lin SîîrrsuInoaicou- uaulmpîlun foI r îigigiî'lilnimd coin. mnerdi puîrpouNom. m(), niay ' b".an- abiod. 111i(1luP "ire,', <o adjumt oîUr doms-Uc trîtit'>'bInenOt mono, càOuu ai,' 'rherqr'%. r' i Fi h c'urri ji than iirci tlir r><i b i1,r saut& lh e> le Ae bU Man fora. IOert »s as> rhimbon lus the "ed. it c- drIen "tv p oie medrNi a Ou Cbltatms aoftlîg iahm t %dan fierca sumlkv O iane lIrgoail arous4et h* 4 os a N>ieiolas splîoitteIf U p lut. It- - e ai tomea of11a- 8tI. aloms. like eu besto~~ LateShpr ejNRISTMAS T1UIS, FROM CANADA6I. TO MANI STATES Seven Hwire Clod hAre Shippe.d t Unitedi States with thv C'('rktFim, *sOo drsewinî us-n. i. lt i ~Chri,.t nias Irem <rad4e 4t)ciùinîg 1 boom ýReport*- r4.'i îtmi b>'the ('anadiati Natllont u h avn atfrom the Centrai anitV' i l OtOts to! th" f' p'tl l hirre uMost cf the 1ireem orii:tîl. show (but weil over 4 -,', I-' mdlii d uai Ch riîstli àa- i;ic - be car- rosi to 15 dif teît t;'t" Ofth 700 cariondu s i t "" li' teea rapreust-ut, nporr l "éI be iosded ln the'Mrl'i ' ics tiie remtinrde»r onir-" ti,ï i vri 0111M polntin op î'!"ru'; ""1 the north sud ,monti, id'"'the ri- ver.sR'ordîî >'l'm t iii' ' *'taduaÀn -4rêpat <hlit y#ar willti t,,'î. n far Wtuq lle tll ttîtofal-e iatd as far genti>lu,%%-'tr 'ci Mou()t of tirue tre'.. irii<%#1"oIISt Mi cars lan i..i'tibut those dentined fir r' itaiSt Points abd whilih " 'ae Ilirotigli "aideol.;r i"pea ture. "-miibe loa'Ig'd ' 'cr ror added probî'ci.ui 01" reo varlous qtti>' omfne j t- t'iill for Lubîi du',corniinîe. uil is i jach gr.-îtt"r lifigili for ii- ' ' ui-i lIut itu t n 'Th 104 s n Ilila1 CI i rt 1 u t, l lm t ree bramc r r."*eu¶ îula tuiba a.dtl'nai nevo-nun f or ae uiir of Caiîadlaàn faruis-rm. Soi ae fw ot eîlom itkà prar'itce of rijttj- valing àa umalilPatch (iutli". <>1 pra'nsy fou' Ie Purpose .' ,tîn efth th r"osa re ttaketi ran. b tuiglil ho iernî.d "nf'tît or arr-takoui troin woo-dcs"i irrasl wlissro thing u1 liii' for 1, de. îs~ sirable. Ihore i t,, lt'. lîî* ('anadas1 foret.l wealbhî bellîg dix- xliPated throuuh Iti h nit1 Chritsaatr" lhart P.el t hls baap.~ Cooking SteuQlIs for dolse Doli t.unrture lsiudry oqulpmonit for dolls stufted -or, wodeu &aimais Tooiu-rai Onea Tor animais; Riuipty Dumpty Circus Modellitgcla>'. plaitîeLe, pinta, ebaiks, Paper. raste, biiuit sclasors, blaçkboard More ibooks Fi ix Imman O À CbIld Of oYer six Ycars ueeds man>' of the Loy.a arcad3y nien- tleue4 and atbers. Sewlugtumalerlala Toclsa ad work boencît musical Instruments (kymnaalum apparat us Balla Boxlug gioves PuncbluS brg Ski», skates, anovrahoei Sied», wagons Delle DoIt turcohure Mitai oookit setà Modelllug Cilay landwork trateriaiN of ai, kInds Electrlc trains, Nioccano &,,Id Erot!tor sots Real ishes of Christmaa Cbrwamu a Eté b.e S'mtt ïUht iu tb* yur. Ill 'uithidbo *7motery. When everybody Id in lied, emvpt the PoUceniab. dpvii the chlmney cornes an old gentle. Jmani a <d loak. bordored wtth hitewool. carrylog orer hi@ bark an Immense e sackuffed with toye and bon bons,, whlcb lie emptios into the stoohinga et good Ilttle boys and girls aaleep ti tbelr cota. The. policeman does pot aoek the 0<1ld ousé-broaket; the black epot do« nfot b.amlrth hl& b--autl iii red and whité cloak; more wonderful stili, the smIleut rhliney on the bumblest, roof ln a&H the world 1» wido onough for hie descent. #ack and ail. The tact ls Sauta Clauis, St. Nicholas, Fath. er Chrisimas,9bùhomrn No&l. Neeht Clobes. or whattrer else eblidren May eaiu the old gentle- man wtth the zack-the tact la. be Ir a ghost. He liq the gbost of the 100<1 St. Nichols who wanit &bout doing gouerous acte lu aie- cret; who slipped money. murler sud gold t.hrough the bey boWe or under the doorii-ot poor peoplo. andi made bhomne*happy wlthout lettlng anyone know boy St hap- p$ned. àlehblas was a klnd Bman sud now he la a ktnd ghoet. Ail over the world-In Europe, Amn- erica. Ai<ls Afrira snd Australta. the «bout of tbis gebod old man on Christmas Evo paseftdown ml-. lions of chlmnneys, and 1511# billions of stocktngs with t"olioua or toys and quadrillions 0f candies. Toi. reallY and truly t là the spirit or St. Nieholan wbo cornes aeroa the abow on Cbrlatrna Ei'. lu France, Bonhomme Noel, as tbey ceuh sauta clauis, I& &aceom- patied by another ghwrtt. a thla. imaae)-fatced old gentleman, wlth long t.>' beard. îbréatening dark .7YeS, sud à frowniug forebesd. This la Le Pore Fouettard, lu F'reuch our word whip le fbeet.. 80 yôu e that Le Pers I'ouet- tard mesua iEugligh -Yatber Whlpper.' Tisi.Fat ber Wblpper- Who aceotnipnnes Fether Christ. moi* 111France. carnes qon bis shoulder a wicker basket 1111.4 witiu tlny blrch roda, and ho leaVf orne of th«@e whlpsfor evory chlld who han been naughty. or cross, or tree4y durlug tb. y.ar. Pather Chritatmas. of courbe. oui>' COrne ta ebldren Who are trYing thbeb. 100. Tharle anot ber difforence lu Ilaàe Chilâren do not bang up1 their gtoekiaga oen Chritmtuas Ev.; 100tasd- th" 'put Ibeir little ».1 bot, wblch are woodeu sboe., tu front et thO. hearth, close Io the ebimn*e. by wbtch F'ather Christ- mias deaceuda. Ir you bave read1 Vicer IRUps 8woudertul book4 "Les Mti bleo.» yen wifl re- momber tii. utory of the pbor lit.- le lll-tsL girl who put ber1 soï . os019.theartb yerarlmteri Yfar. snd **ver roe.lite uytluit MIt Saint Nicbolaia theLbaaji< et a poot but gsod Ïman Wbo bedj bes in lap*OOOO vielîed lb* effl. Ot ber sque u&n'ailled lb«r mie. NUl of g..d thînp #0,4 b« SUIS 1#11 of bft*Utîdela u4 s ,uggutons for CkitlàaaGtifts The. tirut froit, 1the tirat o. 'l'lnkatilug-bow th a um daya'atpln b>'! Thmi auddeuly we are alert te Lie tact that Chrit- oma e t band, and agzur recurs th, Porplexing tnestien of "What shaîl we give the cbldre.n?, Maybe you wors on.etofthe parents wbo Iâset Ynr put -off cholco o! gîfta bd'shopping unt4l the test moment and then ruehod franticali>', lrrltàbly. and more or less bîidi> about te toy di partments trylng to find "moine- tblng" for Mary sud- John. May.- ho "Ui. too. bad "ho expenlene, Of maklng your choiee, exbausteâ gutided by a harassed clerit 0r led agira> b>' the 'oeye appeau' ot paoor> made P18ythlngs, and then found out toc, taiethuaI funny tour-year-old John ..Pe- ferred' -uisOWfl bîulJîing blorke to the ezpeuslve, comPlSt'ated, glilîer>' etectrlc train >'ou fîiait> purchaped; or that someliow lhe attractlvo-to-look-at giued and fragile dcli furniture emed lit erahi>' b <1sitegrate under lhe strong and active. manipulation o1 slx-year-old Mary, Probabi>' Tou. toc, along with at toast sertcaîv. five per cent ofthl.e ther parents in the Dominion, doterzlined that neat ChriatmaS tibnte Wouîd be dit terent. Chistmas la Just &roud the corner. If you. as a earfuî, sr" anitleus lu gel away from tb,> haptiazard, unluîelltgeut buyîîiii of unsuitable loyi sud piaythlntes Dow liq the tlie to bfrtn. Non' 18 the Uime lu gIve unburrnîçL thoughtfui cousîderullen tb 1he play nerda cf yeur eblldren. to labo au Inventer>' of wbat 1h.> aiready have lu lbe way of piay malerials sud loy'.; te doride vrbat îb#-y will ueed durlng the next year. 10 maka out your shopping lit fthinea you want te provIde as Christmas If lu. A Wise Seletto, At the dItterent age lovai. ut Pouid ho wlaê 10o select onu or two le>'. or moterisus fiat fai under the fohlowins classe. 1. Physîqul exercistea: Kld<lle kars, borils glgivea, etc.). :. Sente developers: (Xylo. phone, aand. eolored beads). 3. Toya for make-hclleve: t Doita. taundry equlprdeut, etc. i. 4. llsudwork mattrlals: (Pa per and scissure, raffla). 6. Bulding Ipya: (Blocks. to!a, etc. ). Havlng ea.reull>smade Tour lu- venter>', check tbe ht îor toys and pla>'-uuterîale yottr ebld ai. re*dy bas agatiat tue needs ef a eblld hit age, as uutllped aboe. De«"dewhicb Ililuga tre 10 h porehased uew.au Chrtta.ragifl. aud vilc arete be gr'dtlly *e QuIred onutelb. udhaget*" Keu 9011Yiel>' u im l teécbld'a nu*d ddo »t Ust iYo.rmot& hi Wpt- 04 b>'whabte ta*lretUag rat .l- w* a 4lrkùa...4* maLrx-- 1: Oak* hUnap out ot, -t.b., ua flsbed 'prodtat&,, i sath ila-. WIIIt. utiforrod sud Plantut *lo.tlotï yn u «be scr. yon dro "*tdir 8~th, wmoai Wîols wo a5tittylingsudg D'arpai -gff o te>,"a4pIa>'blg. (hue te T1*9 aui lu »"W.. fl*bber bail «Àdont U*sma ouas- *-"i, >m., 'Mae wOuIyo yu'vogot en OrChard Ils wblleb It grows, YOP'l iflitdthat appîe-tnets get more bilnibea et mistleto.e ven>' Inlter. Juat as >oO ie cboeuoilem suld ae-rlOPs, s do the bird.s love' Mistieto. bernes aud eapeeîaîy TOUabrd et a missel. (hr#ab. W#11 e. eai rled hat 4C4080e bea sftend of the". ber. nîea-Mi-,lthruh Sas? Welt wbea Mn. Pick>' ba.pIck. Od a bOn'ybe'll (1>'off sud ruh bis bust op aalat Ibe bank of -% tree te v ie fan>' 111e bit tbral m#7 suti romaIn on hls beak ~and Ilu LiaI "Y. e e. hoesowa VIe eed «et Lý ie ait.e SThat ltW ed viiwi la tk tb -the ba*, abolo.t uoots, sud * «U ~msntboeffllb. saitrn. g ou ubalUttla apreut v*111. cot, a bu ftac s u s. voit, t 1es Oxpet, iW4 b.eout do,st.e.teu4t t i o mat for people te bu>' sud biaup lu ift'il off tt e fltugtt ie Christmas Day in the Morning for the Children Offl BR SFIWOIL IMMTK A pair f candesticks A camera An evenîng puirse linebles for lier suippors Daînt>' table linen A cezi& bed jacket Oppasglaiesu A boudoir clock Pottery. bras or glassware Lingerie, uegllgeea An etchng or a watr color A lentiier wrutlnk case Louuging pyjamen A pin for ber Mat Pot pourri Sport-* set of csp. scnrf and bag A badminton racquet Costume jeweileny Bloudoir cuahlonas A tcliver tramne A bedolde lanip An eiderdowîî cuig Machine, 1- 010ericIru an otr,; GIIFTS HE~ WOL'LD LI1< mdry eOuipmnut A desk mol 'lIerA readlng lamp A nev sot of radio lubes A ru; tor tho car A heuter for the car fer the rLste watlàCa." o for Mis tletoe Ioked l'eU boiD moter de-tr- lur-llhed motoicu glotei XOU"on hrismasEve A brouie statuette Yteuse ou Cbohni a ndE, Smoking sand à leb e u d bo mntouan. 1,4t ut mens ltoilotrtos sbnch o! mîbavetyo,., un- An addition te lMAscollection 1 wert St came froin ho- A cigartt, box (ftlled with his greengrucer soldid to favorite cltr.ttsu> bang UP lu IbeIr hou§"s Lealhien alippors rmas?- A ltravelling edock Y chickt, kucu'. cf À khal1uescet mit 1 dont suppore Ibsire A bolt wlth itlallod buckle rtovu chhe wbo do. A »seofetisenns atuda Smitletoe greva lu ia 1g Metai Iinbed arm bande on tref. Fitures of tbo klud ho hîkes tutmes foutid on oak. Tobaceo pouich flO%;tr Otrt'on, Les Iben vallet kuowm bow or why .11 Silk uudeywesa "1 le go uthat tuanu>' A' cardigan oswtatqr ,1 teli l yO ou b IlSt White e11k mnttler Spelitout Chéerg ea t maur et thb.de-. nowua àe ate* olued lua apro. leat, agistth* sbirvlatiou, et th* Word "Cinttaîsa.'> TleY de- clan. ltt Wtlug il "IXMaa" la lrtr@?e*»S~Id aioîldsieî b. per- -mlttid.- Il 14 a*id'tiat wfitb, o000excep. leed#rsi biugbi* elîiimluprlet agaluIbà-tbe abbrvhaîed fera et Utisinth 01114 oc rd lLnr.vrent aeertan yIY L la nD oo& hýfaste sd sPolia -the -àpperceest t os.t th* icm '*ordo tu tk'he J la,. neusous. Tirela .aoé .~ ýabbretugliU t*e m tV$ (me do0M bot Write "<Xl" "Xîeu." MereorrChrista i su0evou* thmat pp«Usla l'ouwly'&Ill liu o.be) ame uWel as b. Nbia ai eligionsorlsaue. Niarl>' a il as. woi'd u f C~brlsU#ua as w-mil as tboam w-se, usabia lai Typev, Unc 1 I ODE batt" ï Urtb UUas>i iii. O8bgkLýt 'As the a-a I,~. c-m observe the -day sthe birth of .. ..en !locomotW'e wees -a", aii th.l. Lâord and Sayo s, make, ping, sandin h cr1j orrect t)i Chrismas te occuton or god dificà1 y o htYp'u sffd rVoâlif Chrltmastheoccaionfor oodslipping., use a littiq. more saudç deeds. Kitchener Record. Over iu Harnfton.,ntario, a ver- The Stratford Beacon*-,H er -M fect baby otet with $20OOO iR wants te -now wlW soffie Co*$ ave Prizes is thieafeued. W c 1propesv such a ad *lok.- Cud. il., be thW aî lot of sick-and or"v udies.-?D. theYre ruminatina ou -the'inmot- tro t Free.'Press. ,bity of fate ?-ýToý'cito Sta. 3The AherdeenCafe I SCHRISTMAS C3IOCOLATES CIGARS AND* CIGARETTES I Est H«. Whou in Attendance at the Cbrstmms Fair W A GOOD PLACE TO KAT Tee Caim in Brick, and Balk Mr$, Joh n Bolt .on 81 Me &ock S3. Noth W WhtbyPlumbing adr S Heating Service REG~PAROTT 0 'Pr.prceor jMate Your Ch'ista.a: S"OW WO tG ift ra tkl Ahaya at Your Service aIl 'you wauat lui- an a "t s auj O~Mh.en.~ usho. gnâ ~ l~~S P..e,.~ lisp *Uft~f - Whou ale the b wltb holly lîaug up à d1er the et woridened people to al Christi CousLrn cOura». bi are Molay WeIl, tb. hunceu c ILlSa s» trucs, but firat, camt va>', but 1) I lac' wbé 04 in isld plis abi Jut upi plg ci "i '-i" J Turkey«st Gees Ducs, hicloens cbWeU sTabl HERB W ILSN ti~ "I à we ý :>i-Ilý CHPnNICLF-. THURMAY-,nlr-rlrmipl:t> 1,7 1 ait 1

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