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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 3

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE& CHRONICLE, THURSDÀY, MARCH. 3, 1932 ews Bud.ge.ts *FroËm.,. Gazette and Chrniie Corre - ~ -- Themeeting.of the <ýBusy' Miss8 Evelyn Elliott was pre- Girýl 'Class" was held at the.hoDr senedwit abeatiul bouquèe ! ei echer, .Mrs. Blake, I uf rsesin pprciaionfortheHart. The meetl4ng. was ln charn tpendid help -she rendered as ac-QfJnSct.Iopndysn eoInpanIst for the achool concert. ig "There were ninety. and fine cr f ollowed by..PTayer by Inenie rIa Mrs. flunter was in Graf ton fonL_ ilsofi. The minutes of the la the week-end. 1 iimeeting were rcad, and Scrlptui lesson taken by Vera, McGee. A A Most unique ev-ent wa'el-cection o!f new officers for tI bruted atý the- home of 'NMr. and ecornlng3*ear -was as follows: Prq M\rs. Jolinsýton on Saturday whlèn ident, Ruth Bickell; v. ice-preîý Mr. sud Mrs. Davidson, the, par- dýent, Vera McýIGee,; secnetary* Ni tWnts of Mrs. Johustorecd reen Paiterson; treasuren', ?ea Lhe diamond anvray !terCo'k; ianist, Evelyn.Prouse; a wedding, The'ewrepeen tSistant .en Actt lower con lie gathering -five ,Qf the six'nittèee-dna. Thompson, Hazi <~ildrn, w~oare, ,ailliving, MCee.IXUUabUIlêS bIut the oldest _lsa missionary in.class g et p wpa,. th fund ceiaand as onthae t enat le in aid of fnesh-air work.-fc the eleraton.Thee ae ten-children this summer. Jean Scai -tograndeilidren an. seven 1 ivted the class te ber home ic great grandchildren, the.majority the next meeting. Thee closir O>f -which were present.> An. illum- hymu was, "Safely and TIender] lrated- address. together with,,a ,Jesus is Calling," foll-3wed 'by th ha:ket cotaining carnations was clspre. -resented'to -Mr.. and Mrs. David- son by the children . Mr. Davi d- so1nhaFs,,been prominent7 in muni- qw7aremont. cipi a afrs f oy' many -years and is well known in York -Couhity Where lie - as warden inu11891. The. community ex tends ýcougnatu- miss Clara. Neal.speut the las lations. to.these tnriends., weeçk-in Toronto; ne ,ge kg- st ire lo- s- as te Rev. A. MeLêllan tg confined or to bis be d through ilines. - t The auction sale 0 f'Mn. Ner- Or lii-'s fanm stock and liinplementE ig wa 1s withdrawn last Thursdayo ecount of the vsry 10w prices ie bld. Adam Spears, township asses- sor, made. bis annual tour iu -the village last week. Mr&. Bsnnett Is Improving froi ber Illness. st David Taylor continues in, a vsry citîcal condition. He -had r the mis! ortune to break bis bip one -day last week. - The young people of the Uie C- burch initend holding a St. Pat- a. rick's concert about' the l6th -of r. We are"sor ry to report the'ser- n tous ilîlesa 0f Mrs;ý E.-Shirk, in a Tononto Hospital.* IvMrs. John Morgan'aud daugh- '~ter Gertrude, and Miss Ada I'ound 0f TonontoNetosreecent vi eitors in Ciarem ou-t. James Eva ns celebrated luIis d 86th birtbday- one day last week, wbsén most 0of bis, family were Spresent. *Mt. Evans is enJoying -splend id bealtb -and pnepaning to go toe the -bush1 to hýelp cut bis senson's supply:0f wodd. Thc-mx' Mission Circle of the Baptist Cherch held their an- 1,ual, open meeting. at the home e of Mrs. G. ýM. Forsylli last Fri- *-day uight. A good prognam was given 'and, af ten- lunch was senved, à, social time.w'as spent lu -g4mes Id and coutssts., Mr.-.and -Mrs. Albert Mantle's ddaughter, Mns.-WoodWard,,of To- ýd ronto, wbo had been visiinig ber In iiarents:ah wlntèn, bad been Iu very poor bealth* for the past iiinonth, took ssniouisly .111 last nWednesday, night and was nushed to a- Toronto Hospital where she w 'as opsrated ou. The. spècialist L.fouud ber in a serjous condition. n Uer f rIbnds hope for a speeay re- ceoveny. On Monday Mr. aud Mrs. Mantle .re-eived word that their g soni-in-lawv, Mn. Jarvis of Toronto, n was ta ken -to, the hospital and' L- -had..two o peratIoýns. Claremont hockey team *was defeated on Thunsdayi night .Iast -ou the Stouffyllle. rlnk, by Locust- h Hill, this -beinig, lu the finals, eacb team have wou a game. On .Wsd- d nesday night these 'two ,teàam' ýe mneet. It 18 expected LoCust Hill wlll win on account of more pnac- . t ise.aud the -players-bsing much beavier. Ashburn Miss A. O'Neillspent the week ,end. lu Toronto. Mrs. L. Richardson :spent the -weeka-end wlth relative.s -et Sou- gog Island. - Service lu flurn's Church on rSunday, Marcb -6th, ut. il a.m. Sand, 7 p.m., couducted hy the pas- *ton, Rev. D. A. Fergusoi. Sabbath school at 10 a.m. A hearty Invita- Stion is1 extsnded t7o svsryone. No. meeting of. the young peo- Spie beld -last *week, owing, to the pancairs. sclal held on Wednes- day' evening >under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild. A splendid programme was given consîstîng of the -following: selections by Day's Orchestra- Balsam, solo- Ï-Miss Murlel Wearn;-.readings by Mn-.. Gondon Taber and Mr. N. rGoddard; solo-Mr. Walter',Ksrr. Proceeds, $20.00. Ashburn Ladies" Bridge 'Club. met at the home -o! Miss Vera, Leach on, Monday. evsning, Fsb. 22nd; and at the home of Mrs.' Walter Trul on Mondây evening, ri eb. 2 9tb .fMI and Mrs. Chas. Fias, o! Glen Major, spnt udant h ' SuperI~Qat a '~Fre hke G ri nsàM Balsam- Mrs. ReevÏies,-o! Toronto, spent several days -last week wltb ber daughter, Mrs.. N. Goddard.* Rev. Mn.* Smant todk change.o! the young 'people s- meeting oný Wedhlesday evening lest. and gave a veryIintsrestiug talk; ýa mandolln oelectton, given bly JaÎ. C7arter-was much* enjoyed by. aIl present. ,Mr. J. A.*Joues, who bas been unden -Dr.-Jas. Moore's mcesfor the 'paW week., la, we are Zlad to say, -lmprliovtng. gr. rand eMrs. Floyd ýJones and, Iday Wlth hià uncle, Mr. Bert- Jones, Mr. and Mrs., Jas. Wilson visit-: sOd'one day last week with ber Saunt, Mns. W. Graha-m *o! Myrtle. Tliý active service clasg met hast weelc et-the home -of* Mrs. Lewis joues. .Miss li. Reeves, o! Torouto, vis-. ijted 'the, week-ende wlth ber ss ter, Mns. N. Goddand. Mr. Wm. Green la having the hydro iu8taàlled.,Mn. D. Parrott', of Ashbunn, and Paul- Wilson are doing the wonk.. #. -- Mn. Blake' Coultice had. the inisfortuu'e to break, bis arm, last-Week, wile cranking bis car. Word was recelved bers on- Tuesday morning o! the deatb o *Jas, Calvent, o! Toronto, he.,was well known ln'the nsigbborhood, *having- spent bis boybood "deys i l3ene.-Ris many frilends bers ex- tend their-sympatbly ta th e. 1son- nowing -frlenidc. (To-o late for asat week) Congratulations ,to. ýMisses Mur-ile Wearn .and Vivian-SadIen, 3 i recevn finat claàss honours in thein pimry vocal examinations at the RHamb94urg ConservatorÉy Of Music, Toronto- Both are pupils o! MISS Ada Joues Sadler, A.R.,C.M. .Mn. and, Mis. A. J.]Rogers, o! tr oklin visited one.due last) week ai R. Wllson's. * Sevenul, from liens atten ded the chocral concert ut Stouffville. Fr1- day evening o! last week. Mns. Chas Empnlnghumis Wvia iting, this week- with -.Tonotto fnieuds. Mrs. -A. E. Joues and sou -visIt- ed.Tuesday With Brookliu frieuds. Myrtie Sàtat.ion (Too late for last week> Mrs. T. R. Price's spnt the week-end with Sterling fnisuda. MnrS. Rancien and !nisud, o!. Tononto spent Snnday wlth Mn., and -M rs. D. G. Rosa. -- Miss Electa Birkett, of Port *Penny, la spe;ndirigaàf ew ,weekr wlth Mrs., Gnaham. Tt. 2- Wamen's Association held' thé! r aunual pan cake sup Per ne- cently ln. the -basement o! the church. AIl enJoyed a giond' feed o! panài-cakes,,. but - owing te soo much llluess' lu the village not a lange crowd was present.* The Young Peopies -League very 'kind- ly 'supplied the -programme for- the eveniing. A f ul u tteudauce .o! -teachers. and seholans wene pnesent uat Sunday Sehool on Sunday. The mauy'frieuds o! Mns. -Dob- sou sxtend their sympathy iu ber recent .breeav ment. -Mn. Dobson 'vas -well kuown bers huving of- te n assisted thé chunch.>choir lu th1eir services. o! song. Mn.R. S'. Long spent lait week. with ber daughten 'lu SeagraVe; -A pot-luck supper 'vas beld u t the parsouage last Tuesday eve- rng -in counection- with the W. M.S-. work. After the suppen a pleusant hour. %vas- spent social- ly. 'wile -the ladies sewed qult Mrs. D. Luery spent -Wednes- day and Tbursday- lu Toronto., Mnrs.. Chisholm was vis1t.ig' her son lu Toronto lagt week. Mr., and Mns. MeCurl. aud sou, Vernon. o! Brookln, speut Sun- day with -Mn.. and Mrs. Frank Harrison. 14n. Edgar Cooper. o! Toron- to,. spent, Sunday with fniends.' Mn. aud Mrs. Frnk 1Harrison wene lu Toronto last week attend- ing the weddIng, of a f rieud. 1 Mr. n. erMs. T.-, Prices. spent Sunday in Tononto. Mrs. É. 'raordlff 1is spendlng a 'week lu Owen -Sound and 'other western pointa. Outetandint among 1932 modela, in lias Chu-vsler Imprrial Eigbî Sedan ah sL~ais, thui. car tecatuneà RoatingPowcr, Free W beelxug, automaiic éiuîch th éhrPtuding Chrysier featares for tt cr that there wMou-ld no4t, be .anY ut Raglan on Sundav. ch-ance .o! getting asupply..* Mrs. Doolittle ut, 1islti lg lier Rev. Totton con-ducted spýciat dall"hter at Ottàa' a -f revival s.ervices, ut' .lManch.esten,- Mi!,s Beatnace Ros avisitiig lust week,.,rltvqntPki;*ç -Kinsale Th'hfe 'as a good attenclance' uat chuncîr here lait' ýabbath. Thoi. patrgave an interestinig set- -nmon snd thle choir gave splendid service. We regret.veny much to report * he daho -M.Bnte,'ho .after a brave flght diedSin Osh 'a- 'va Hospital, on Wednesday of lest 'veek, aud vus laid te Test lin Salem cemeteny on. Sutunday* uaftennoon> lust. Service waz con- dùldted by bis pastor, Rev. Mn. Smart,, la Kinsale Chunch, and It 'vasveny langely uttended, show-, igthe' respect the Whole com-'r rnmunitybail for the deceased.,Mn, Bentley und famnilv camne teC an- ada !nom, Englanil aboàt 10 yeins ugo. He.lived* lu Greenwood 'for so ins tim e; afte nw arda m -I L t bis late home blenre. .Ho 'vase! a mst cbeeny dIsposjtion' und mate many warn fniendsa nul ultirens. ispnesencs lun .church .'viii be mueh missel.- He and Mns..Bent- ley were negulan lu their atiend- abce. He 'va s a Couservutive Iu pohiticsansd a memnben of,,our United Cb-unch., Us leaves to rnouru bis unexpecteldsath Mns. Bentlley te whomn the1 sympathy' o! the 'viole commýÏuuity -goseut. Hen son, RobÉent, 'vili live with- ber., The othen surviving chilînen ans Edward and William. wh.O hive on Nod 7 highw -ay, andI Fred,. lu «Englaul. Everybody regrets the.o *as o! an *old'antI respectel. ueighbon anI fnieul and exteuda their- sympatby to. the beneaved ones. Mr. Calvent, o! Toronto, 'vbo 'vus stnbokenwitbl the 'flu,:whlch .*'as followied by pusumonia,, pues- ed awuy uften a few laya' illnèss. RHis nemains -'vers lniterred , ut Sel em cerneteny ou Wedneslay'o!f this 'vesk. Re leav-es a 'vifs und family te sufer thîs1 great: losi Wheu a young man is 'as 'veli known,-bers, having wonked forý several farmaers 'around.. Re 'vus a football sport 'unId'vas veil and- favonably knowu ,espeoially, lu th-e Mt. Zion . settîsment. - The WmnsMsinr o cisty met fon their regulai mouth- ly meetilng lu .our cburch base- -mnent this Thunsdlay fternoon_ ull thé,'vomen o! the circuit 'viii be 'velcorne. -C. L. Meckey .'vas,,tbroughh leÈe eentiy -looklng f or.marketable buckwheat. Ré, punchased a, con-J sideruble amount from Mn. Deck- er ou the Relman farn. The No., 2 highway ber s laa meat'terrible rougIs rond te tnav- el overu* The stars of tbeweather and, many- ra.ia 1ssaccountable for its condition, ne dou bt. George Rai-brou sol a truck< l o! dfapples recently te Toronto men. The -pnîce vas met, remark-ý ubly hlgh. The price O!potatosa segmS te* be etngles.-, whlcb la flot a vsry encouraging eutloolr for oun potsto grewers. . -ý The poatponèd meeting e! the Women's Instituts 'vilI be bèlI ut' Mn&. Ledgett's on,' Manch 10, ut 2.f 'clock. Miss , Launa *Sud-. 1erwill give, a paper. AIse Mns. ilnocwunIdge, our-, District Presîf- dent, 'vilI iseau address. Es-Qry- one -welcomne. - " This Fridai. es'eung. Manch the "Dnumtte Club" o! Greenwool, viIl, pnesent« mcmf new play "Rer Gloves," lu the. hiall.- Corne "and eujoy -the even- - Coluimbus MisRunîleo Port Perry, vislted *!th Mn. and Mrs. Rloy Hall. Mïs. Elmner --Rosas-raturas-J [tomfe 1a! ter spen dlng a.few 'veeka' vacation lu Tagonto-.with rela- tives. The Wr7mo.th me esotion hein ther mntby ee tin o m e- y tie -edyo!. lest wee'k etea oe yro! MM-.T. PeÉe.man, With. thIrty -- - lu ettendan.ce. The« president oc- A number around the neigbi- ctxpied ,the chair and cond-ueted borhood bave been laid .up -wlth the, opening exercises. The Scnlp-ý severe, colds: and sons .tbroati. tu're lesson 'vas, real by Mrs. Lou- Mn. Stewart -Greham lfa moving Guy and the roll euh w's aunswer- !rom . hs Kent farnt, east o! ý the, ed by some: verse- or quotationt village te' the Gilroy, !erm seat coutaininig the Word, "Kifndness." of! Prospect, that be. bougbt ne- The.tminutes. o! lest mnee ting 'vere ceutly !romn Mr. Jý. Archer. The, reed and approved andI ail m.at- remo.vai l-o! thîs famùily !r. ntm-ouný tenrs o! business -deait 'vitb, aften mlidst la generally. regnetted, but whlcb n pnogram 'vus giveni1c*ou-ý we trust that,-they ,mey meet wlth sisting o! readings by. Misa. Rer- continued succesà ia thein new non iand-,Miss: Doris Nesbitt; vo- environumenta. cal -solo by Miss Margaret- Dean- Dainy -fermers tbrou gh hele bonn; gulter solo by isMxn and the vicinity e!t Brookîluàh a ve Pereman.' The- -Meeting- clesed been hevlng thein lesè true.ked' with . the sbenedietiou after 'vhch- from. Mud Lake und Wolfe'a lunch 'vus served, andI a social. Ponds, eat -o! - the village.' It -timèenjôyed.- ha. ceuly a .ten-lneh thiekuesa this _.Mn. Tom Girant.> Tointo, epeut seeson whih- la quite unusuel, the Week-ýend ut home.. but It *4-. thought e t ene tirne Mns. Gordon Brent u nd twln L The re.gular nuetîn!i of tIi-e y alla Wednesdax e'ening, JPeb. 14. _f- sPren-e ter Vie devotions and 'busi . esathe, taken. audience v.-as treated to a very Ms fi ne address by Mn. Johin Pieer- lnS ing 9on .his e\xPerxenLces ,a, a Sol--.Ms dier ini the great -%van, wththe ie amusing and huimorous,. feat.ures E .of. a. soîdier s life v.hicli made bis îî;slin addness very întenestxng. --On: Mondn'y evenin1g, Feb. 29th, Pramlati< thre memibens o! the League- were- schicolhc the guests of the Leuguie at Solina a'nd thoý 'viere they put on a short p o -snt gram.* 'Mn. -S. Wbe rsdd Those 'contnibuiting 'vers S, Wleb- bèr a-nd Gertr-ude Webb er, aduct; ýMiss B. Lapp, a paper on -the work of Pauline Johuuison; Ms E.. Cook,, a paper on thie mnini.stry Qulilte of Jeans: MsG. Tfos, a reud- Wtre at' iuig, "A Bride, and Goo ar c Shoping," andj Dr. Cooper's _-aIl- uda l dresa oQn the topic,«'Recr-eation." Bentlcv The roads 'vere v.enyv muddy, b ut land SOI the ..attendance was good andl first sett everybody enjoyed themselves hle ihad thoroughl3. . uite Miss Jean MeýICulocli-spent the u week-end at the, home of hier bro-lîvai then, _Mr. George: McCu]loch.- A. numnber of young -peoeple nal from bèe attended the concert titeir [lei and' dance: put on by thse Brook-Te ,lin Coxitinuation Sehool, on Fr1- le0nte ot dayr evenig, -and report a -'&od SatIlr4a: time.** Qut fe inr Base Une, Westtees brother Mn onWa lk er, of PDunbartoni îeen. lia 'vas a.iator at Mrs. Yourex last Pal weèk. T1-ý Mfiss Eleanor Tallinig tWs ~a isit davghtd r 01 wvýith Miss Ids Story hast week. -e o Mr.John iWilson and Mrs Birn-Sund beckwer viitos aiE. tor s aitdatUghter, Saturday.-ntdre Mrs. Youirex ad Miss IdLa Stoni- visite(l with Mrn. aud 1Mu.s' Joîx eral mon Wal-kcr, Duabarton, lest wcek. etithe hin Mn. and iMrs. H. Rosand M "'s-1Ormierod Ross ,vere crecentvisitonrs .vithE. Mns. S tor-. i n Ble 1Eveni,-ting seemIs to point te anlfre' esnly sprng. Snow rone; icebergs on the lakeshore gone; bird5re - Wc . Vernemben fa-rncs 115' seeding in March 1i a bot iiii The Rosi family attenided l'he maineil for a ftie 'virl ber ais- li ter. The rnnuskrat scason)r opens on the e l15tIt and trappers are miaking Prc- ci11a t -e, parattions for the catch. - - cugil Almonds d,)-g1Ain1 Te spg Sundy S oool'on Sunday ws thebý- well1 attendel, reaching almosi osev -eventy present. A speexal unum- doga ln beriaiven eucb Sunday by a'i r Juiion memhben whxch ila mteneat- îfined, ing as 'veIllus helpfui- fotate i children. Iutrters Mrs..Wing Brown Is visiting ut oatx ut home 0! ienson, 'Mn. \arnen Fr,ît nÈ FS-row.n, Oshawa. - egsa rn. and. Mrs. George Xinsman _oý i and cbtîdren, o! Oslhawa, spent Th is the week-end ut the home 0f bis ane -brother, Mn. T. G. Kinsniani. - anv several fnom this viciuity et- rtr fendel- the funeral o! WÇilliami and Ted' Bntley's fath en t Ki- uanda of sale üOn Saturday.Ta ce.Mon Yoûng' Peoiple's meeting on -tw. 'usday eve-ning, 'viii Rcsv. A. L ý%-toare Richards -tuking change o! the in h arc topie, 'as 'velI attended, !ollow-mnti .1 m oVei n el by choir practice. dosIn' Ladies' Aid met ut the home of srn.g Mr. W. ll on M7edfiesduy a!-spig tteointo, make plana for' the pnec new yeun. -- prec dm'y -and gaire a full repent o!f otb sessions.j -The: Young People's are hold- in ft a St. Patrick social. Funther I - 1*1 Chrysler Imperial Èigt,

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