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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 5

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TrHE WHITBY, CAZETTE &,CHRONICLE, JRSDAY, MARCH 3-, 1932.- titby Public ýSchools Second TerniReport g- are the Public or second terni. The1 der of menit in each1 'EET SCUQOL ,onours, Î75%Ioand Muedougal, Edua es . King, Ronald krris, Patricia Rich- Stewart, Elsie Ross, Leo Vamplèu. Pas, ýephenson, Gertrude elle Callns, Bernice I Connor, Gardon- iSmith, Margaret. Lvidson, Lloyd Aug- ils Florence Fraser, re'ne Kinsman, Maxx Jborndyke, George McCulough, Jack Church, Keaneth ýe Yacobosky, Bill Moore. Below Pass R. A. Sennett, Treacher. -Honours-Donald Bea- y Delaney, Esther Hall, nmpthorne, Ruby Palmer, ns, Ferne Nichols, Fran- ýon, Irene Johnson and ard e qual, Helen Dever- Ellen Mowat, Wellingtoni Ray Camnpbell, Chiarles ylvia Wilson, Lloyd Cos- ures-GeÈa1d GascoIfgne, jas, Mary 1alliday, Flor- ,non,. Erma Goldring, Es- ias. Missed soine exaniin- ary Mathisofl, Douglas Jacki Read, Julia Bor- e Trunible. At .-onours-Dou glas s- Conley, Jean Goldring, se,.,Hlen Hoar. Pass rhuk, Doris Cameron, onley. 'Teacher) Laura 1. Cook. -Honours, Kenneth Phin, xby, Jean Walwin, Mal- ns, Bernice Gordon. Da- Janet Smith, Jack Town, eard, Orval Atkinson, rinor, Bille Ward, Mary Billy Smith, Howardine Sadie McKay, Garnet ith Harris. Pass-Doreen' narguerite Hill, Murray audie Janeq. Fail-Mada- s. Absent-John' Thomas. ey Bessie Trumble, Don- rn. Honours, Margaret Wal- ,a Harper, Harry Town, ison, Ruth James. Pass- ,onley, Georgina Bailey, [eflwain, Dudley Wilson, Holiday, BiIIy Gerow. Gerow. Abent-Arthur A" Class, Hônours- l, Jean Wil'kinson, Carol Joan Ormiston, Margaret Ethel Foster, Bobby Bea- Whîtfield, Nancy Chown, CoeiPeggy Kemp- >ouglas Blair, Elizabeth ý, Castle Smth, - Earl eddy Thorndyke, Muriel yn Atkinson. Pass-Mary aus- Honour- Marion scot, Bily Boyaton,- Christine Saxby, ,and Douglas Sheardi equal. Pass- Dick Muudsleéy, Lilian Bailey, Alex Foster and Albert Gummon -and Elsie Gîlespie and Marion Underwoodjail equal, Edlith Feuron, Canruad Hewis, Wilma James. Below Pass-Helen Luke, ýeujn Lowden,- Agnes Anderson,. 'Ronald Bell. Absent during tests- Rtobert Mesher. il 4ON. LEAVE TH OSE ST ýLONLTAKE ~UNTIL. TQMORROW M A FEWMINUTES > -WlrHRISC J >. THE HARD.WATER SOAP? 1 USE IT HE WEEK'S WASH-TO: GET CLOTHES ERt WITHOUT SCRU13BIWG.* I'M GLAD OW IT'S $0 GOOD ýFRDISHES, TOO SUd& that WCtlk likema ifl ýtub, was né, lspal INS s the on fr ned...eVn1à Cr (y oba so~- o hes B4 harclest Wate rtewahfo disheS. for ail cleaning 14 barsoaS. hps. rowdeCs or softefle5-jutRý' frtheîQ lol;stlatig dsyOU ever ri:,eed Riso tic sds 5oak Ot drt. W tsrbor 1,oil. «YOC teslr One to crb )oied higsbrîght! 1P sds Cpfor c'. P ilgivestwrçat lit as Ilightweîght. Ptffsd of40 faITlOUS sh to ;the malef50 fo fto ady -arecotinijdthis hard-~W9asopfo aft rc feor hl« as Get t e B Gpackage t d Y for »w>wO! IVI.EIO5h WmD Sm. PÈimer-Wray Thorndyke, The hast xnfdseason collections pass. - -leit Paris.couturiers divlded into Jr. Prîmer-Honours-Mary Mit.. two camps-those w2o believed la, chell, Donald Elhison, Jack Morton, combatlng :public pr. ession by .a Joyce. Powell. Pass-Madelin6 In- gay -wealth o! Victu- que cost- godbFred Dewsbury, Fred urnes and those wbo e 1tha h Harden, James Watson, Jack spirit of the time demaan d a re-* Mesher. Below- Pass-Georg.e Wil- tura, to-.moire ecoomnical odes lis-, Edith Gaston. Absent for ex- and tailored' simphiclty. - - amnations, William Dulby.- The big summer showings. were Teaehei-, L. Murrayâ exrpected to decide betweea the two;but, they seem',rather ta have R e S~ oo effected a. reconclhltlon. The sil- houette has been simplified. There LA are fewer pepluins. godets uand -t flounces., Pieuts, too, are, u6ed witli discretion. The. diagonal -eut, moldlng the flýure subtly and The results o:f the weekhy. exain- gvn ua nnhuns o inatîons ut Whitby High School. gracei s favo.red by: many creat- are as follows: ors-7Pato.u. Malabelier and Mag- Formn V. French Comp.-F. %O_- gy Rouif, for exaniphe; 'while ettani 89, B.- Luwher 88, B. Levine others, like Lehong ' Sehiaparelli 84, ýE. Stevenson .83iD.. Pringle 78,'adLoee ak s !ie R. BckI 76 H.Stei 74 Z.Geekinds o!_ gores, slighthy llarlng Or 70, W. Gordo 76, . estn74,Z.69,turnlng *Into pleut.effeets toward 70,W. ordn 7,'M Wethe 69 ýthé hem. L.- Routley 68, E. Bird.-67, D. Love Thougk thereaemn ailore4 62, 1. Brawley 57,,A. Goldsmith 57 costumee of trîg. clear-cut out-ý C. Woffolk 56, W. Baker .56, $S. Iine,-with snug jackets and ar- Lawlem 54, H. Quinn 54, W. McEw- row skirts, .on e rarely, sees a chas- en .53, B-.Chapmaa 50, -J.- MeChin- sic, manaish suit. Jacketg aIl bave tock 46, S. Donnelly 45, J..MacConi- *ide sh:otlders, and their .-âIeeves nelI 40. - are usually raglan or-kigiono,,cùt ForiIV.Geometry-R. Ayles-- when, they are not xnounted under worth 98, T.ý Rea 96;. M. Mantell epaulette. They're uptto be, about *94, K akson 86, -V. Hlall 85, A. hiip-bone hength and -sem1-fltted o 1r Scott 81, W. Ruddy 75, M. Niddery bejted, andcohharless. But whlle 59, M. Heard 58, M., Roberts 58, D. respectlag these 'general. ruhes, Buther 52, G. Levine 51, F. Every. Parle couturiers are glving us a 50, X. Cooke 38, M. MacConnel36, great deal of suit varlety.' B. Dalby,33, D. Smith 20, D. Rice The MllitaryNote 11. They may go a ormil1tary Form III. Latin-S. Steffler 90, lac-lngs or braidlngs. ike Worth, M.Miuio Oý M., Corbett 89 F. Lenlef and others. that give a Brooks1 80, P. Neal 75, F.- Mander- amusing. chesty look, reminding son 75, C. Maddaford .73, S. Yaco- us. of the swagger, waso.Waistetl Marjorie C. Baker.-t Firit Book., "A" Cins-Honours -.Robert Smnith, Fredu Suxby, Nora Campbell, -Gwen Mihaîko and- Bud BalIey equal, Norman Bailey, Hel- en. Beamîsh, -,Billy Bull, Donald Henderson, Everett Blight, Marie Brown, Helen Kean, Dorothy Ar- chibald. and Dorathy' Richards equal, Douglas Harper,- Louis Pal- mer,, Mary Scezksuk. Pass-Clar-, ence, Thorxd ~e. "B" Clas4Hanours-Ruth Bar- chuk, Violet ?arrott, Dorothy jBah- mer, Ruth KIng and. Margaret Wood equal, Howard Toms,Dog las Peggs,. Irene, Moore, Frank Thomatî. Pass, Helen Lintner, How-ý ard Allan, Margaret Stanlick urxd George Town equal, Murjorie Gain- mon, Rasslyn Robertson,- Ralph Harris, Eva Vi rgin and Evelyn Mc-, Cullough ecquai. -Ivan Pindar, Hplen Buly, Milton.Pinda'?. BeloN Pass -June Allan. W. Jean MUiddleton, Teacher. Sr. *Primer- Honours-Charles Ry ecroft, Geraldine Underwood. Pas-Violet Ryecéroft.,Below Pus -Rosa 'onlyOlive Harris. Jr.- Primer - Honoburs - Mar- garet Wilhelm, Phyllis Lear, Beth Robertson,1 Wilmna Wilkinson, Lu- cille llrow'n, -Everett Quantril, Dom-. othy *Hicks,' Tommy Delaney, Har- ry Charters, Marion Starbird aind Joan., Saxby and, George Mowvat Poanal, Robert Collins. Pas-Rase Mikicel, .Helen'Gammon, .Jackelyn Lavery, Sydney Townsend,- Annie Scezwsuk, 'Joyce MacGllivray, Stanley Atkiusan,.Peggy MacCon- neli, Peggy I nsole, Rahph, Parrott and Mary Gerow eauixl, David Col- lins, Bilhy Allan, Helen Blight and Grace Anderson equai,- Billy Pas- ter, John Chawn. - Below Pass- Joshua Bruce, Ronald Lintner, Ev-e- lyn Bailey, Bert Fraser, Joan Bailey, Elvin Church. M. D6bbyn, Teucher; DUDSSTftEET SCHOOLý Jr. IV.- Honours - Edward Goode, Lais Sleightholm, Audrey Caupîand and Jack Kean equal, Douglas Allan, Gertrude Charters, Frarik, Carter, Nelsan Palmer, Webster Trhampson, Jean:Camp- bell, Mack Rogers,, Jack Tmuleman. Pasa-,Lilhian Love, Edith Adama,ý Gardon Pepper, Bud Dilling, John Fisher,, Betty Heard, Bernard* Clarke, Biilie Lawler, Samn Thorn- dyke, Wi1lhe Collins,, Audrey Alli- son, Joan Parsons and George Fos- ter equal, Lamne Atkinsonh,,Jim At- kinson, Evans Michael. Below'Pas -Allan Anderson, Jean Daim, Mel-7 vin McPherson,, Annie Yarmoha, Albert Bedding, Ray Crocker, Bud Heard. Abset.. ,MprY-z LQzI,-Moore, Melvin Tofan, Evelyn bosky 67, E. Mesher 64,,J1 Web? Jnderwood, Arthur. Virgin. 1 61, M. Cornlsh 56: M. Smith.52; - O.L. clntsbTeacer.Barton 51, K. J{eard 60, J. Me Sr. IV.-Honours-.Viola Rooke, 46i W. Harkness 45, KMc Ross Ficht. Pass-.Gladys Little, 44, E. Clarke 38, M. Mowat6, Dave Stein, Fred O'Dell, Elizabeth Augustus 35, M. Basset 5, Mowat, Ruby Allun. Below Pass- Boyaton 28, 1. Davey 24, L Gladys'Huntley, Arthur Bradley, -28. Margaret, Hopper.ý Bert Harlowe., Formý Il. Agriculture-S. Ad Sr. -111. Honours-Jim Sturgess.- 92, B. Cendric. 90, M . Smit-h $8, PaËs--Malcolm McClelland, Doris Fenemnore 81, E. Gibson 79;,ID. Tbàý. Johnston, Irene Park, Douglas Hal.. chuk 79, H. Anderson 74,1J. HIl_ liday, Doris Noble, Joyce Allison. den 14, E. Hall 74, W. Richards4 Below Pass-Jim Mayne, AllUn 73, E. Bassett, 72, H. Goodffl Rewis, Allan Bradley. Absent- ,71, R. Yatobosky 71, E& Harris Mary Tofan., C. Hutchison 69,'P. Giroux 68) Jr II- onours-Grace Rpicli. McIntyre. 66,. J.ý Levine 60> N. -B ardsonl,)Bih Harlowé. Pass-Rich. nett 56, J. Holtb-y 56, E. Town ard Lindley,. Mack Stevenson, Hel- C. Burt 53J L. Steffler 53, W. W en- Geale, Harold Huntley, Earl 50, E; Toland 49, D. 'Gilchrist 4 Dill ing,. Hilda Palnmer, Kathleen P. Levine 34,' W. Lavery- 33. Campbell. Ronald« Huntley. Below. Forra IB. Literatur-ý A. J*e.k-t Pass--Annie Allison,- Peter Hogg, son 93, R. -Stuart 92,-. W. Maffey R'uth Rob.erts, Maudie ,Maddock, C. Underwood 88, S. Carl1aw .8 4, Wilhelmine 'Rich. Abent-_ý Lois McQuay 82,ý H. Shortt 82,: D. Tu -, Merston, ,Kthleen Dalby.- -1 er 78, J. Allan 76, H,. Gascoign W., A. Jackson. D . Bell 70, H. Vernon.69, R. I1i Sr. Il.-Honourg-s-Vivi .an Dalby, 66, P. Thachuk 66, H. HazeIl 62, _& Ruth McClelland, _Clara Lemburg, Lavin 53, A. Trueman 50, W. Wa* Joa Lidle, HlenPar. Pss-son 50, W. Huyck- 48, A. Stein 4k Evelyn Carter, Ja .mes-Birrmner and H Parsonsý 45, F. Thompsofl 459-1 Jim Martin equal,. Robertta Camp- Dalby 42, C. Alloway, abs., C. Peeý+ bell, Donald Fitc, George Palmer. bles abs., G. I-rwi.n abs., ýS. Basco i Below Pass--Josie Crocker, Ver- abs. non Johnstoin. Form 1,G. -Literatur- J.Vase1S'> Jr.- II.ý-H onours.-CarlYcbs esky 96,. B. Mihàlko 91, M. Bonnet--' ky, Jack McLean. Pass-Abie Le- 84G. iean7 LGisf vin, Bh JhnsnWilie utwn,6, G. Best 74, B. Wilder 74, V. Elaine -Sebert and Arthur Joynt Rice 69, E>. Correi1 69, G.Cobt equal,. Norniandy RokDrice .6 6, F. IhoWe 64, M' OCGonnor 6%~ Bremner. Belôw Pass-Florence M. Turner 61, -H. Chambers- 55, ML- Hawes, Arthur Spanne .r, Iv-an Flet- Crawforth_53, M. Bell 52,' N. G chr, Georgina Campbell.'.Absent- 150M Martyn 50, A. Giroux 48, A>- EveettBryat.Town 43, P. Hodson 41; M. Scott 40,-G. Luke, 32. Sr. I.-Honours-Ruth Bowman, or C-A Pemnhp- . Millie Yacabosky, Isad 1re ParkeArnmnsip 1T GeogeSinpsn reas-ParkerMagner 72, 'E. Davidson 72,. IF, Neoblge Smn.' La, E aHnt-Manteli 71, H. Rosettani 7û,,'-Fý Noey, EGdopMcean, oleut- Mitchell 69, G. Park 69, E. Sheri-$ Nle, Evedon MuirDolas Dire dan 69, R. Charke 69, C. Green 66 rFred :Maddock, 'Demitry .Rudack, .Gro 6 B hcu 5 Oua _Crocker, Harvey- Roýoke. Ab-' Scott 65, E. Hogg 64,.,R. Flynn 62j sen-Dogls Otwi, rnet Ot-B. Cameron 62, H. Crawforth 6% .4entDouga-s F. M., E ea.OP.-Podinsky 60, D. Sheard 59, M F. M Herd.Marks -59, A. Jubb 58, W. Peppee Jr.I-Hn rs aphMcr, 58, A.« Hopper, 57, B. Lemberg 55Î H. Hunt 54, R. Anderson 48. Alhison Vanstonie, Fred Gammnon, Forin C. A. C'an. History- 'B. Evelyn Fallow. Pass-Isadore Lem- Marks 88, P. Podvinsky 78, R. An-ý berg, Erna, Huntley, Janet Baker, eonlB.Lmeg6.WPp- Clara Stein. Below Pass-mDavidpe67H.Mgr6,H.Ca Wood. prý6,H.Mge;6. .Ca Primer A.- Honours- Claire forth 60, T. Gordon 60, F.- Mitche Rich. Pas-. Marare Poter,59, H. liosettani -56, R. Clarke 51f Harod Batly Dooth Sadon H. Hunt 47, A. Jubé 44. B. Tha- Lloyd. Simpson, Allan Johnston, chk3,E Hg 7 . had3 Ralph .Andersoni. R.. Flynn 36. G. Park 34., 1'. Sco Primr BHonurs Stlla 29, E. Sheridan .24, A.- Williams 21,. id- F. Mantell 13. ley, Eileen Risebrough,, Lillian Agri culture 1. Can. Hist-S. Cor- Parke, Sohia armoa, Tddy ish 41,- J. Annan 29, R. Vernoni 23. SBrughtbnAlfrd lison Mar'on Form CA Spelling- H. Roset-1 Sebrt.Pas - erdie Harlow, -tani 9'4,D. Sheard 90, R. Flynn 90,i Dorothy O'Dell Jack Green, Clif- B. Cameron 85,YF. Gordon 84, H.- ford Maddock, 'Ruby Martin, Ross Mggnet 75,H. HI.unt 75' R. Clarke, Bryant, Lorne Camxpbell. Absent- 75 1E vdsn70 .1Pdink Herbie icry, oos Campbell.. 65, -E. Sheridan 65, B. Lemberg 60,~ PrimerCPass--Freda Toland, W.- Pepper 59,- R. Anderson 50. -A., Dorothy- Richardson, Aileen Mas- Hopper -«, B. Marks .40, E. -Hoge- singberd, -Mary "Anderson- Helen ~,p ct 0 .Mnel1,F SpanerDx aleyGodn Mitchell 4, A.- Jubb 0, C. Green, 0,. Ro.- Below Pass-Harry Flet- H.,Crawforth 0, G. Park 0, B. Tha-' 1cher, Býilly Maw, ,Vergie ,Rooke, -chuk 0.- Peter Bremner, Francis Lane, Jack _______________ Anderson. Absent-Joan: Campbell, IeeCrocker, Roy Morrison.ON E. ShepÏhard. O H î. BRCKSTÉÉ SHODL CJRNERS. on. Pass-Jack Powvell, jean Hoar. Dy1 "THE SILENT CUP', 1Below Pass-James' CraWforth, - -onn y <r~sfet Hi' Worsh1r! r1.-IV- onours--OmerY Mitr. the inayar aand the génial. auc- chell, Wilma Thoraidyke. Pass- tldneer, Bill, Maw# who. share an isabelle - Wa4son, Samn Mudrey, office 1ýogeth er,. have experlenced Gwen Peebles; John Campbell, Ah- c'O nsiderathe -di!!icuhty ln trans- bert Samlansbi, Jack Hoar and An- acting 'busines s. owing to t he nie Thachuk,- tie. Below. Pass-Nel-mrngmetgs! eSnso lieThnhu, Nm Gulbum, Dr-Rest held, there. Monday,. it is othy Peebles, Frank Alloway. Abm-,îearned. by. the& sihent cap. Jiist ýe-nt-Donald'. Mitchell, Grade Mar-. while there was a meetingla' lu, WlhieCrawfrth.progress and a Éoluton to the Jr. 'IIi-Honours-ýMarTy Rea, war si'tuationï in the. !ar east lelrnBuges.Pas-ar Ta-about to be faound and -cabled ta i .'iuk, Gordon Hardy, Betty Irvne, Geneva, Mr. maw -camne ont .and ,ilIie Rea. Wilda Crawforth, Mary' addressed a few words to. the' 'dudrey, Marion Wan. elw on, whradahi..et n officerg i Npoieonice ngravinga (anid, by the' waY, thiesa effects shonld lie shuîrned by girls ýw'ho tend ta baroque 'curves, though thase, are. vcry smart' for ev-en-_ Onie af the miosL successful o! 1Uic laced costumes la Veru Boreas twa-piecc a! blackliuicn wiLl%.iLs lltted'j;acket,"fastened by a afol-, bia roW o! square.1v-amy ings (the squared circle is no longer imit- cd ta the'boxlig. vocabulamy). pasa- ed through. butta-a-hales laI the jacket front a-ad luced by a iliboux of white -croche ted*ien thiveadl tbut passas rau-ad the, collarles neck 14ke a scar!, also. Lyalene- shows greut original- lfy la 'hem jacket loslugs-nurrow dauble-hreasted effects !astened, by chipa or lby the gZold or ýsilver buttons that are being used with such..profusionthis seusan. O! course,,- yau've. heard about hem 1Ameri ,can glngham blauses, scarfs a-adlnlng that 'giv-e unlexpect'd. ro6uthfu ch ta waol -suits, for_ they'praved ta be-ana o! -this san'as sensjations, a-ad arefoe cast for great suces with. thue smart youugstcrs -here. - 1Stlll another, smamt suit. jacket la the straight, sUper-simple 'car-- diga sort of! hJngý fav-amed by Augustubemnard, Chantai.a-ad ini many- cases by Malubocher.. M,- niay be wamn cither baose or belt- cd, accordiag ta the figure a! the weamer. CA4DET_ PARADE $trong Feeling 'in Tqonto Against Anual. Program- Toronta.- -Two-thlrdà, a! the. - Toronto publid 'se hool principals and alaine inspectars are la ta- veor af the uboitia.n-o! the un-anal .-halcadet- parade on Empire Day. Twenty-ane principals are',*n favor of continuance, but.f aur- teciof them suggest, the chang,ý lng a! the hocality tradm Tnlver- - These, figures were given. by Red & Whiete THESE- EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES' MAYTO OUR STORE FRIDAY Ar CLASSIID1 ADVFIRTISING1 7Artýièes For 'Sale > FOiR SALE-USED FURNITURE and staves bouglit 'and sà1d. High- est pri!ces pald. Gaod. upright, pianlo fat sale la first clas condi- tion. Jobbiug aud 'epairlng 'alsa ýdpe. Apply W. Roanch. Phone -For Reint FOR, RENT- SIX ROO)M.ED t .rick hanse cant of towa,. park. Apply P. O._ Box 1l3 S. TO RENT:- SIALI, HOUSE. 4 roomaý, 10w rentai. W-alLer Bunu, FO :RENT--FIVE R6dm, house, good cellh«r, some conveni-, encçes, good- location.. Reýnt r eas- onable. Apply Threadgold Bras.- Agents Wanted -., EARN MONEY AT HOME AD- dressîng ýenvelopes iii qp arc tune. Experience nine cessaul . Par- eiul ce.Lod2GlnRa auto (17) Logal Notice. QUAKER OATS. Large Pkg ............. PEAS, CORN and-TOI 31Tins fcr .. .......... DATES. 2 Pounds for .......... MEATs Rounýd Steak-........l. 19C Sirloin. -Steak-*.............. lb. 22c -Chuck R st Beef . .13c Rolled Pot. Roast Beef ..Ib 14c COOKED HAM, sliced lb. 29c, LARD (Puye). Pound Prirts .... FALCON Sweet 40oz Gordon McD PbHONE.312 Chie! -Ins pector _D. D. Moshier ta the achool maîiag.ienct commit tee on;.Wèdnesday.astle estiIt. a! aquest iornnaire.. Those schools whîichlia no- cadet com panies 'wcre flot iuchudý- ed li thiequestioninaire ýreanîts as theyýrwere uotaL aectcd. Ir. oshier said. the 0 o*ow ing -ere the main reasorus gven. by those wha wouîd abolish the parade. (1) Turne 1lainl preparathoix and cousequ-eiit«,.interruiptions la rlass -wor'k. .(2). The- loug n'ait on the avenue:.()EIs uxdesir- 1 ah in>fîenco lainsuppobrlilit tlJe- agitatian o! extrtmie pacif!i'tS la theiî a ppositiaon ta ulitary traini- iig. lu. achanhs. - Reaso ls given for tlip parade by those- who favor iL: (1)ý As a stimuxlus t oat ud I-patriotisniin la cadets and ah- server.s. ()AsË an inecuîtiive ta cadet drill. ()Its influnce ina deyeclpiug r duhy. constitllted ant- thdrity. A inajority- fàvored *thxe.con- ti nunle' of the Iplhysîcal cÙItUrQO den-oistrated, staged hy ýthe L housand -public achool ,girls 13n . mpira DPay anid-ilopýPosed iL. . for the demuin5tra.tiona a - verslty Ave. Te ue lspector 1noted th'e folawiug sug-Lgestionis which were 1o!!ered. (M) Lay greater *stress on Emi- pire Day ininiiuahcoo. (2) A large - m ajomitr fa var . ,ýre-ater pronielice ta the,., dem- o nstra-tiaii of pîxysical 1education. (3) -A largenunbner !av-or'.m1e-, ®rganization- of, the parade .îad -physIcaI deln ansati oui, if these ,are Inaintalined.> Ragzla2n A njo t enjoyabl4e socialevxL w as, stug 1ed on, ,atiirday -und er the auspices of the Sunday. School h xen, a splenldid concert. and Shadowv Social was preseuit- ed'. Af ter7 the close of the concert: camie the sux-prisi.ngeiecnt. Auc- tiancer Win.-M.aw,, of Wlitby, was present-,aud kept cveryolic ctertained - during -_ the Shadow Sale. Eachi lady -as placed one by anc hehind -the rurtaii and sohd tôthte*highcst .bidder. One- wauld, thinkit-,L a niasqu .erade ta sce thcli comic a-ad unique cos- tumes worn. Those. wha were, les fortunaàte la obtainlng boxes were prqvided by lunch. served, b-, thel ladies. Th-le f olowitignastîhe prog raminie preaeuted by -te membei;rs. 1, Chairma's addreas,' Rev-. - Totten. 2,.' Recitatian by Jack Bright. 3, Recitation, 1)by Dalsy Brya-nt 4, Recitation by Ruth Bray. 5, Recitatian iry, blanche Wilson.- 6, 'IeciL.ation hy Jean Ormiston. 7,ý Recitatli by' Doris Bryant. 8e Novelty numnber by 'Young Men's Clasa. 9, Mono- loguie entitled "Thé Story Hlonr", by Doris3ý Br ay - and Dorothy Blrlght. 10, *«rpcitation by Lama. Ev-as. .11 , Dialoôgue. Mrs'. Pea- bady9s Bourder. 12, Pian'o duet by Mrs Oristti nd. M'isýBTiglit. 13,- Sang entitlcd "Charlie BrawuVs Bible 'Class". 14, Rend- ig by ýMrs. Pehrman. 15, Solo .1by..Mm. Itvln--Om miston. .16, Rcad- ixug by. Mr.,- Chas: ,Brnwni. The youix mn deserves mnch credit fom -jheirpnov-elty number' when ail wcre -drèssed asnegroca. Sbngs, jak4es,'and solos were lu- cluded ln their nuimber. «Those w-1o0took p art- Irnthe dialogue 4"Mms. Peabody'sBoard- cm" were Miss Dame, an actr ess. Jean Thompson; Mis. Peabody, Ruby Wilson;.,1 .twa neighbou-r. girls, Marguerite Miller a-adolive Thompsan; Bridget,- thle -muid-, Allie Avery; two meigboôur me-a, Lloyd Miller and 'Grant ]Bright., The proceeds- amo unted ta av-cm -Mrsa Garda-a. Breit,_a-ad twinl .daughters' haveý arriv-cd h ome tram lier. parents'home Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook at Calumbus. .Mesars. D. Thompson a-ad Nom- .ma-a. Wilson were bath coxxincdi ! ta. their"bcd through- Iliness ala week. -, Miss Ruth Brent, o! Port, Perry, - was a, Week-end guest:o!f Mr. a-ad Mrs. Norman.Hu ghsox. Mr. a-ad Mrs. James.Ormiston, Quahity Always J-igher o! T3rooklin vlaited with Mm. atid Mlrs ,Gep. 'Bray an Suiiduy. Mm. and Mmrs. D. Thompsou, Misses Jean and Olive Thompsoru and -Mr. Lloyd 'ThQmpson saentl Sund(ay -wlth friexida liiToronto.f Mviss. liiez Tumminouds -tvas con1- fincd- ta her home* last week thi-ougli iliness. The Ladies' Aid are hb*tldling their pancake social on Wednies- day ev-cing - when thcy will pre- I.sent their playette «'Han- the Story ÇGrcw" , accompanied by îrecitatious, sud, nuioby the Wey ricliOrxeta - Mm. ad MsStanley NoýttIug-1 bain amud- ou], of Oshawa, welrc iccenit gtiests of relatives, here. WHAT OTHERS SAY Wh tbv Fe. 28, 1931.1 Editor Cazette andl Chronîcle Sir,-Itrs that you cân filid, rooni la vouur valuable paper ta pu!int this item lu appreciatioui o! -the efforts of the various relie! organizatians of the Towu*of ýWhitliy. WPc - canuot begin ta t h-.aîx thei for their urîsehfish effor'ts t-o help the un!artuatea lu such a. ven- pheasant way, not at alf hnmilatiug ta the racipients br 1 :tdu a :In-'k we cbuld !ind a more' uude rstanding man, tagn 'Mr. Ormiston for loaking Into relie! cases ý.IL slaaways ,an- eucoîiragiug w-ord a-nd a InýighL -y hlp!i siile !ram M r mis- ton and, Hie Ladies'- Wei!are tir- WANTI App1ej Ca Gool -Notice EFFECTII COLLIN'S, Pl SlH Will close WEDN' also close Monday until further notic OPEN TUES SATU~ 'El LJR Gibbard' SU UJMERIC] At à spéciallpr, One week only. Get ci NOTE--OUR SPRI Furniture PHONE 410 Santa Clara;P -RUNES......5 3 Powunimfor ....... 5 PASTRY. FLOUR,- Red & White. ' 7 lb., Package.... ...................i17c, Aylmer-.PORK ý& BEANS. Sé ý2!/z Tins... ....... ........ MORTGAGE SALE tTader and by virtue o! the powers contaiued jiu a certain Mortgage which will be- produced ut thie time 01! _ale, there willý lie o!!ered for sale byPbi -Auction at the office -a! William' M1aw, Esquire, Dundas Sre East. iii1 the Town o! Whitby ou Monday, Mt.treh, l4th, a 1922e ut the haur ýo! two Oa'élock'la the atternoon, the followlng lands und:Vremises. -Lots -Numbers 230. 231 anud 2322;il- the Town of Whitby- as, - how-a on Plan of, North East Qâarter o!. Lot Nuînber Twenty- ~svnof the Township a! -Wlitby,- akow s Plaza Royal.. SOn the gaid ,premises arc said. 'to be erectcd a one story f our Vamdho-us*e and ý tabIe ahli la ifair satte a! repair. Term s-One-hal! 1of!-the- pur- Ciose price ta hae pald dowu a t 'tline ,aofsale,. -balance wi thi n hTirty. days therea!ter. Salen-wl ',be, subjeet t a.a reserve bld. For further particulars and acoditions,,o! sale applY' ta A.G.. 1ýrowanugKC. Whitby, :or. ta William Maw, Esquiire, Whitby. Dated.at Whitby, Ontario, this Fimast day o! March, .1932. R.S.h 19, Capte 1S, SeS.'19,ction M. NTEStoEn 0 LOUI IEVN B-f AE HoteLOeper ii esans havlpg claims. against thie--Estate of Louis Ste- Yen Bandel, lfate of- the Town ýo! Whitby, in the County of Ontario, HtKeper, Deceased,, who died on or about the.Second dayof Febfuary A.D., 1932, -are hereby .notifled -to file wlth the undersigu-ý ed, on or:before the Twenýty-ninith day of March, A.D. 19312, full par-è ticulars of tlieir dlaims. Immedi- ately after, sald. date, tlie'-as"ts of the Deceased wiIl be distriffiit- ed amongst those entitled. there- to,- having regard only to daims S'a fled. Dated at Wlitby, tbis Twenty- ninth .day o! .February. A.D. 1932. RD. RUDDY, Barrister etc., WHITBYnt 1 an

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