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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 6

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE- Tl-URSDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 fetS %"-- pQi - u deiÙy cSil, by u71119 k bad not bea Vau ISuntiteori miie froin Yale herni! -ta, love -ealissd at iength 1lnter.eIed la )f what hi@ fmm- position ha4 a!- ,&tly ln a mociai à had had a&lo«e je vas.annotijCed ln thVe. viie paper and Artel was Van l Iew Jer3ey. NSTAIiLENT XXX ýutuxnn suniabolie and osIy istonal feU of a yellow les! the.. crystal air .Iidlcated tnontie vas October and.not rhe bis vere transparent uze, all about the canyon Sdan, wben the Lawrences Eïc lunch up there on, a bot unday. atternoon, MVter the ail and Dck walkad up the d alone. gave haer a big lrm band Vo rwheri the path vas roeky p, both theit f aces were and danip wheia they ast resantly on a great faflezl 1,up in the sweet shsdowy ?,ud srleled at each other. n1 id Dlck then, "do you ia yen have growu Vo ha the beautlful veman ini theý blue eyea deepened oddly, îniier water ouched b?' cleud )u say s-"' she starnmered, lier volce with difficulty. er oe e ould seenite speak Dick stood u and atGer a Iail get tVo b 1eVtee oand m i she would go back dewn as you Icnow what V've corne or, Gall," Dick saad thon. always been the only 'omaN w'orld for me. But teone id flnd you-wbat youe o ba-with a&l the tevn-- ne-,-nire oT legsn love wth spped, for Gail bad carde up >him and was holdIng out d. PiIck put Mis bg &auna anr and cruahed han againat t, and they kissed eascii th- hing atream bsck; iV vas leur on an October afternooe, the 3 alraady alikng. ail that time-sll thsttUnie, ou carad?" , ut I dldn't know IV vas r> b hal athat tUrne," he a sd, y., lit-4,rt of--went on, ay to day." ew I caed-" theairl said Y. enlv th1e two stopped ion the- rail and smlled at ach ôth- ail seena lIe a dream,'" mfemsed, ;tood looklig up at him viti-, &aklng-hac mnan,' the rmaxi a ta ake care of heran sd >v her. and love her; - al.-her Sorneflasýh of the colning of te-ielovleansd compas-ý struck Vbam botb. alndther Irnot bqwldenad glances met ng tegetiier. - :,Iatar ail thesa yeans, ojter Cther girls. it'a so strange te f rysel! as engaKedi" strangete -né Vo thlnk that ne"li stonped on- a bx.lef e laugh. - "That a sat ly. Lawrence1l" Dick f inishad 1 .11 se stras2ge," (Gall -Muid. Mrs Richard Btebbinsl'< shel -"theabig mn aad, uniT-I n at her'. il corne out like a stery,"' -ided contently. 8h. e nked 1 oard the unseme PIcsIck-i a audden littie touch of smîî-I msess. 'fThev know-"- aha, i sbashad gpin. a'V knawwhvy' hey knOv,"; ;wered. hey do! But let's have it.-. jus.t a little wvile," the Rirll IILa's net tell themn today. te h-boss," Dlck agreedas; w1y' vent on. ffers .were making prepars- rdapantune. Gai! gave 110j ahe began 10 bhDgaber1 sud cupa: Dtck aaldi oth-.i r isIsalPhil as plnMlieat1 ,ccmpeanled by a brie! nôdî 1l vent up at once t& bis ,nd caugbt ber by thea=m ied lier &bout. innocent inquiring . glancet gullVily and ahe iauched thèl caler spreadlnk 'ovar hr i another second Phil had great sheut and G11 alli and crying lu bis arM*.J la'Iaping oVer ber aMaUed haci rus la embrace nDlck1 bhgt evern? ie laughed sand Il it as Ati.vi4< vau Vha nprLsd; entirely takenil sitk Stebbns, GsiUr' mie a tee mutch &ac i her ou n tghta Vo hear er. Ir j&0. Wiloughbyflved, then DIck woud duly. dePart. with hlm in a 1mw v»eatUne. If bis.su=riar dted, *DICk weuld go eaut at once,, and çtabllsh binseli posuily iR! Wasilngtol n. iher case *he andz t~1a would 2e imarried ln--say eight months. DIck came soberly into> the 111- rary ten days alter the plcnie te tell her- that, ld Willoughby had: quletly alipped away. Gail's face paled a littUe. "Bc it«"S no LondonV "No London." Ï'Mter il your work, Dick!" "*Oh, that? It'1l core ne ksome- how, some day:" "Z*ut it dees neen a fresh astert?" *In a wsy It doem. But the thlng 1 mmnd làleavin< you."1ý "No help for It!" she said gaLant- ly. 41spoenot."1 Il hav e sornethlng, you knor,,", ghe said ,hopefully a! ter a pause. "Phil -là fixing It al Up now. Arlel wants money and.Samn and 1 would. as soon Wait. -So itlooks as If we might get* the ranch, he and -I. and he eays he'd like ta live Ithere and farin It and put out. twenty'acres., of table berries. Il *,he does-e-ven thoiigh 1t nilght be soins time--' It'll ail worlc-.out," he sal&¶ 'But lw- sn't juet what I wantecl tVo of- fer you. mny darLng." jThe.asat word flutterci ber senses 'and.she laughed excitedly '<Besides, there may . be a miracle 1"' she said. Diclc looked nto h ees "You're the rnlralek he said. The p1rase was desb 4ed tc>'be- corne a house hold.word. \For It was but a. few'days later that i1ck came to the Lawrence bouse tbdinher. late. and handed a'telegram ta Gail, 'Rlead It eut loudl,"- Dasedly sheobeyed. It was sig-', ed "George -G., Leavitt," "'.9 We would be, glad if vou coui1, arrange' Vo take Paul Willoughby's place,' Gail,:reed, "Iassurning fuil responglbilty for London. office. Can offer"you assistant if.-desired. We.are holding Aquitania, reserva-, tions.for Novemùberfi! teenth pend- inx your reply.' "Dlck!", She swallowed bhard.. «4What does IV rneali?"' "I imeans belng picked out of the- ranks> and banded a field rnarshal's commission!" Diclc said in, a -voice, that shook. "Congratulations!" Phi] said. bis, face onie glow of pride and satsfac- tion. "ýBut. Dlck-Diok--can you?" 'Gail starmeied. " e -aeyusure? ,withoutt!" Dlck adrnitted. da<Money?" Sam, aslced. I"Nope."e Dick laoked at Gail. «01 sald simply. aan 4But gs-" T'his sSangir "Yau'd have ta 12e niarried, rlght off!", Dick uald nothing. Rie looked -at Gai!. * "Gs1l ýcould be -married taaiorrow V uti11kma,e horse!' Lily sald 'iV a xc n.Things were bai-0 pesiing fast and furiously Vo the luckly Lawrences a t last. MJ;s Àlei'g secret wedding had had al the town buizzng.. Now Miss Abi-" géàl'i plans had the rlght e! way anÏd*the littietewn #assttrred'.with a deeper ernotiont "To-for the1 land's sakel ~T "To'tendon, Mrs. Pine. For two. yeans.". e"Neit Thunaday! Next.Thursda,#?> For heaven's sake!"I Why the rush? " 'Ic-M.Stebblns-bas te. sail for London, on. the fifteenth. And we have V o have ten -days or. Vwo.weeks ln New 'York." "When d'you leave the libeary Gail?ep C«Tomorrow nlght."1 'Wltll. I dàeclarè IV wn't seeni lilce t,'he sarne lace wlthnut you!"' Hediey Mine ta rescue a f elow-, miner >who w-as buried -under a heap of Stone. They ,worked lUne'-ours, under dangerous1 conditions and almost iimediately after. they had rescued t'heir conrade -the ý'tunnel in whichi they had been Woqrking 'collapted., A barn lire flear Brântford *as extlugulsefid wlth çkim mll1k. Now If somebody had thought ta* throw eggs Into the blaze at the same, time, ýwhat a, nièe custard cbb1d have been mùde-Qube xChronIcle-Tolegr-ap#.j Lawye r,"luDétroit ýWas kissed and hugged by a woman- whose 4cse.'he won.*,Perbaps when she gOtè, hie 1211'.shernay coo'l off a, tri! le. -Strattord fleacon-Hler- 'aid. HOW Cn as b. dldrma <en you algue ,ulfr 'Vision..Ther f.Ve g"w througb amy sye flbut thdrwa. C. H. Tud4 OptD. glnemock Opp. FP.. HAT Dundas St Port erry News mrs. Orde and Mr.. H. Staone, signed the declarationl of of fice, as n ew miembers of the. Board- of EPducàtio.n at the recent meeting. The followilg off icer s were eleet- ed. Chairrmn, l.Mr.' R. B..,Small- man;' Vice Chairman, Mr. Wm.- Anderson;l.Secretary- Mr. W. A. Christy, {continiued ln office wjth- out election). . Comimittees, - f in- ance, Mr. G.-R. Divey.(chaLir'maf),' Mrc. B.D. H-enry- Mr..R. B: Srall-2 man. MNanagemnent, Mrp'.S. Farmer (chairman), Mrs. Geo. Jacks7.ll, Mrs. Orde, Mr. C. I3eare, Mr.'W.. J. Anderson. ýProperty, M . B: Caiwker (chairman) Mc. A. L. ,McDermott, Mr. Manseil Gerrow,, McI. F.i Stone., Board cepresenta- ives of, ;gricultucal. X2dvi sory Conmittee, Mr.'S. Farmer, (chair-] .Man), Mrs. Jackso'n, rOde .aund 'Mr., A.ý B. Cawker. J Mr. Ivan Wallace and '-,ir. .Raipli Wallace were home for the week-end. . Mrs. Hayden and Miss Minnie jHayden were ln Toronto -one day Vhls, week'. *Miss IrvaN otV fo Mount. AI- bert, was home f or.the week-end. 1Mr. and Mns. John Allen and . two daughters,'kToronto, spent ithe week-end mwNth 'fciends in PortFenny. Mr. Hariey Balfour, o! 'Ux- bs)idge, was.-1n town oùn Sunday., The recent sale of homemacle - ookiig 'and' sale-"bf aproris, èe.,] w ýhich was held'. Ipy the Youngj Wornen's Auxlliary of St. John'sj Pnesbyterian* Churdli at th'e mans -e was . 'Weil at tended. TheJ pnoceeds amounted tt wenty-tw-o dollars.. Miss Grac.e, Cawkec, >of Hanp- V on. was home f 1or the week-end. The firqt a .nnual convention o! -Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Sunday School AÀssociation' will b e held in -Port Perry on Wed- nesday, Marcb 2ud.- The aftec- noon Èffsion- Will'be held ln the Parlsh Hall o! Vhs, Church o! the .Ascension. .sad -the e>Vening -ses- sion .will be held in St. John's Presbytenrian Church. The prin- 1cipal speaker s-il! be Rev. IL ýrlest-. o! Toronto, Superinten- dent O!f Religious Education. Af- ternoon, Sessien .In the Parieli Hal. Programme. 2.00 lyrn and "The Lord's Prayer".. 2.1o. Wei- corne.by, Rev. T. A. Nin-d', Re- .sPonsýe by tbè President, 'Mn, R. B. Srnallrnan. Appolntments o! i Committees, Nominations aud 1Resohution.s 2.3 0, Report' of the SecretarY-Treasuner. 2.40, Wor-, ship -Service by Rev. -J.. Elford. 'Pur ten minute papers. 1 . Leader- ship Training, Mrs. E. E. Aunaud. Î2. The- Pcobleni of ý,dolesëence, Mrs. Edgar Leask. 3. Gnadecl Les- sons vm. International S.S. tes- snRev, R. T. Richards. -4. Ternpîiance Educationi, Mr. S." 1Farmer, 3.40, Rounid Table Con- ferencée t'adiseus,first, the psp- ers-read and later othier Su nday .School problems,-led-by Rev. H-. .Priest, Toronto. 5.00,. Closing 1Hymu and Benedicetion. Eveniug Session, St. -John's. Churcli. -.g0," Worship Service, .Rev. E. KE. Annand ' 7.45, Rep-ct. 1o! the Nomlnatlng and Resolu- Stioâ Comânitt -ees, -.Announ.cements., 8.00. solo by Mn. Hantfield. 8.10, :address by *th. President, mc. R. Iand others". The Womnen's Missiouary meet-ý ing wlll 2e, held lu the Kinsale, clWch. on ýThursday afternoou at 2.301 An Ester program -will 12e gîven- by Mrs.' Brandon's group. ýThe'Mision Cincle met, at Vhe home -o! -Miss Mlldred Pegg on, Saturday.' Thée W-t4e Awake - Sunday îlçb! -9!&% 9t t t e ho-~me ot CH-MOO SALES. Miss Olive Kinnear -on Mondey eieiliig. An excellenÉ pcogram '<VLs carried out whieli-had been lylauuned lix- Launa Ormlrod andi Gertrude Cocbett. The story of the song <'"Bright en thle- Corner Whecse You Are," was told and then, the-girls -sang thse song. A eýtiidy and discussion was* cou- ducted 'on "'John the Ba-ptist aurd JEIsus." -Miss Zorah Gee sang vecy sweetly n solo, "'Éhe Garden." MfÉs Olive Kinnear,,secved a veny fine lunch. - I's very , earîy iar Vhe spcing for the noads tobs as muddy as they are non-. Evelyn and -Reg-- geClarke, -whiie driving. down the big hilli7a f ,ew days ago, had Vhe. mieftortune, tJ skid aied Vhs carfell over.on one side.- Theý car was damaged but he young ptxuple _were not. seriously hurt, except foc the shock. Mc.Hague passed away early 'l uesday -m orning at»'the homeof lier .sistei 1, Mcis. Ormecod, where ,;ie, liasbeen iii for se-vers] weeks. Ir.. sud Mcs. Brandon aend Marlon înotoced Vo Cannington on !ýa*tIiday to, seezthe doctor. Mns. Bnnndon's health le slowly lm-, pcovînig. Tlhornton 's _oriné ,rs. on Suudy, Febnuary :21, m as$ter Gordon Jaceson ,sang zn .solo -a' * thèe-ÉtSunday scho serti-ic "f- ail enjoyed.' The scliool -chiîdren enjoyed, a Valentine, party last wýeek. Af ter ail Vhe. valentines had beenl ex- changed a short progcam. o! music '*as enjoye d then. eaîdy, apples sud cookies-were pas;sed-acound.' Irhie majority o! 'the women froni this, vlcinity are attendlng the O81'<awa School of. Coolcing and Hôm e Economics hs week. Congratulations are due Mns. Roy Lick, Mrs. Jas. Prestos and Mrs. Isaac Kerman on winulng pnizes.1 The classes are most interesting- to. ail Tue.Yùouug.People's play, "The Pi-odigal Son," _presentedon Frn- day eiveiting', was a decided suc- cees. All those takinîg part deserve hearty . congratsKfations. Mr. a nd #s. Shaw, o oo- Ùo, -Mc. Will< Collinesud Mc. --AI- Son., of Whitiýy;-were r ecenV gueste of M.aud M.é'a.Luke. Mcc. G.--H-., RobinËon epeut TIiucsday- ia Caucrtice> with friende, - MIes scrs. Jim Lciuoh J Kinnaear, .Eric sud Ceeil Dean wcre in Toronto, on Sunday.- Mn. and. Mcc. W. H.. perrymànu and Billie sud Mc. sud-Mc,;. éA. H. Dean wcro Sunda<#gîtlests o! Mc,1. Percyman's. cuVýer la Caldw- fer. Ma:ster Murray GCubenrt'ceturn- ed, to anshester last week with lits gýandniother,. Mrs., A. E. Spencer,1 toc a few weeks' visit. Week-end gueste - of 'Mr. and ,Mcc. W. . ScotVt wece Mî. Scot's bnoth ér, 1G sorge. Scatt, Mcc. Scott and Miss, Norma, o! -fMount Albert. Mc. andi Mcc. Oliver Pascos, o! Pickering, -have*lieeu guests this wcek oE Mc. aund, Mns. Edgar Pas-. Brougham -NeWs. Mifiss Kathleen MeKiînuonii as bcen ln Toronto ths pestý week. Mcc. Beeket aud, littIe sou, Lo- cuct Hill; wece- Saturdav Yisitors* of Mns.4 George Phlp.- Misse Helen Bai-day is with lier people for a few days' holiday. Albert Harvey and other Toc- onto friendas spent Suudsy utVhs hoime o! -hie parentç,. The' Ross -iMi4ddleton family and ?Jcrs. Lemon wcee Torouto visit- Ta onSud. -Th:e- I'ïea Casele family vieted tVhe Pynan Feasby -faxuily o! Osh- aWa on Saturday. Mn. 1.L-uthen Middletou lias been in- Toronto 'Uver. Vhe past - weekz having apenation aud tceatments foc noce sud hcad trouble. _A number of.young people at- teuded the banquet.kinPîckpîring at hs -close o! Vhs, classes, in agri- culture.,lveld -thers tis rmonth. -The. skating canrnivailu n Toron-- to pnoved an attraction f occorne o! our peOple. Mrs. T. C..Bcown'euit Vo Toc- onto an. Thuîrcday, Vo attend. the th5rd presentation.in ans week o! a:,-musical --play .by High Park Preebytecian Church..clit ir -ich was vecy fiue, W.,,J. Brown ,cilA- dren> and Mise' E. Muegrove ac- comdpanied-ber hbome oi1 Sunday. LItîle Josephine Steveucson Ie .progcessiug - atisfactori1,, ai- ,th'augh still in Vhs Oshawa Hospi- IChampion BoyMu'sher and His Do the.- rusniug cf «the -second dnnîal junior. dog derby at Ottawa teoetty. Mare thsa seventy boys frarn Ottasta and Ottawa -Valiey pointa competèd five othýr prizes. Alidogs WerscwrZd_ 'sddrivenr by boys or girls; -uudpr iteayears of age. Dogfights d excitemeut, runaways snci, Jaie finishes lwere' plastiful as 1tIsaddp awapt along over tie half-nAfe rak ta thée vIsers af oid sud youug apc. tomsln t.he grand stanid vth'rn sight of wihevery foot.àf the races were r un. To"nine7,year .uld Teddy Turgeon, of Ottawa aud, his alnaat-lice dog Don, weutgemier honora,ie final. being' decklèd lai a - neck andi neck finish ieiveaa Don and Lloyd. Jankins' black Calle The ,dogs. swept dovu thse stretch nase te nase, butthe police dog had -theIoiMrnase sud geVt hjlldg1 y -cali afid'tIse c-hamPiousl'ip of the' W uahm-plnt derby ..Canàâ;às National Railways photgab On Satur da-y afeoon, Feb. .27 lu Vhe to-wn -hall a ltirge ga-thering of, Vhe farmers of Vhs ýtow'nship, interested. 1A the milk producetion industry, -met Vo -diseuss'th-e sub- ject', from theëir- etandpoint, and. to' orgnize for co-'operati ,on with otheroWnships, Vo cafeguard. the fisrmecs' intecests la hs matter, The Y.P.S. met. lu 'the .hall, Wednesday, ieDrs outn a.4 president,. presidiug. After th ,s devotions! opening -exlerci.es Mc. [George Wilson, ,convênor of'.Citi- zen Gcoup, couducted ths meet- inig. Mr., John White's paper on 'The Simple Life" -was* ex ception;- ally fifie. Mc. James -Wild gave a few thouglitS on Vhe hymu,' "We Giv- Thes BUt ThIne Own." Hugh' Cannon gvea eading, "The Country Chiire-li-."'Rev. Mc. Mcw- Lellan Ëave'a short address. The i mieeting clased with hymu and pr ayer. REPORT,$llOW~S MORE ATVT .Statistics Comilhïed in Ot- *tawa, Prove Up, Trend of Industry Ottawa. ':HopeÎul indications of the returu ai prosperity are fur-7 nished 'by a. series of' reports whîch have,.just' licen summnariýed by the. Trade-,and -Commerce »departit. Empioyn e looôking.9 up iwn auy iunes,'p ro0d uc t ion n several is ncreasing, crodns are better, ocean shipmcnzts are incrcas- ig and in the mnore. domnestie unei ishrej a remarkable incr eaSe in radio license'., Pri.ce indi efoi- dutiland public utility s-tocks have been .furmer af-ter thr« fcent trend dowuWard.: Factory,,employment representa- tiveg wece receivedby the Domin- ion- Bucésu *of Statistics from '>4,756- mianufacturers emiplôyiug.423,9l3 ap- cratives on. February' 1, as -cainîpar- cd with an eniployrnent list of oniv 414,931 on Jan.uary' .1. -Theé Domiinion'Bureau of Stâtis- tics, reparte that .*'the Most note- worthy recovery took place' inte iran and steel t-extilu. -industries. Withiu the -for mer g roup the auto- mobile, crudeé, 'ollcd aund forged, aýgnicultural imleméent and hegtiug aI)pliauce, divisions. showýcd *the lacg- es t advances. whilc i n- t hc textile groùp. garments an.d personal -for-, nishinge;ý cotton, woollen and silk, knjtting and hcadw<eac factories ce- portcd especialli' pronouu ced mi- provemeut. The-lumnber, leather and rubher .divisions alsQ registcred im- portant gains, w-hile -thère w'ere losses iunîfood, Pulp aud paper, edcc- tric cucrent and.couic other plants. Thec manuiactucing group ',nepre-- sents. slightl<' aec hall of the total inidustries for vwhich cpomu etatisties are_ kcpt. . Other indus- tries hov-ever, generallv< shaowed de- creases in activtv bringigdw the index for industrial cmployuient ta' -slightly below that ai- ,ýJanuarv 1. SubstantiatiuIg-flic cînploymIeut increases, production afs stee! ingots sud direct *stcel castings in, Canada during jauuary fatalied 25,060. tons, au advanceof 20 per cent. avec the 20,969 tons of.,December. Prodîxe- tiois. of a ùtomobiles duriing jahuacr- also showcd au increase, advancing from 2.432 cars, in December tal 3,- 731 cars in Januýianr.. Car-loadiugs foc, the week cending February 13 amiouuted Vto 41,010 cars '~punes zjsue~ ELUCKYLARCE l.usulliess DR. R. T. MacLAREN Physician sud Surgeon Residence and Office Cor, Brocl, nnd Mary Sts., * Whitby liarnister, -Seolcitôr In: the ýS pjreçmecourt, Notary Coxrvey' aucer, etc. * u Whitby, Ont. Off ro~-ck Street Noth, an doarth Hewis' Buteher Sic R. DONALD RUDflY ,Barrister, Solicitor, Nbotary P'ubl Office at Vhs Court Hous, forme ly, occupied by A. E. Christian. * Money Vo Loan Phone 339 Whltl A. G. BROWNING,, K.C. (Barnisten, Solicitor, -Natany Public) Office Brock St. 'North (Opposite Rice's Hardware) Telephone 892, lvhitby, Ontanfi DUNCAN B. McINTYRI barriater, SollcIt.pr, Notary - Office Brock St. South Opposite Bell Telephons Office Phone 45 .-Whitt Groveside Cemnetery W. H. Jones, 1ýeston Phono 2503 - i Picke ring. New»s alinger which v * . Donald ýMiss Sproule, o! Torontoat-ns luv speut Sýunday xith lier sister, tin cin Mcc. W.. V. Rsdditt. De- At~ -Mr. Roy Stewart, a! Derait, missiont lias'been visitiug hic cleter, Mcc.wsnt LScott and'family. iug Vhs -Miss Phyllis- Pilkey aceomn- er callsi panied.by a friend, spent Sunday thes l at thes home o! hec parents, C. -mies r. W.' sud Mcc. - Plkey. age, Misý .Miss Mary Douglas, o! Toronto, C.oc-kery visited '- witlîher , candmother., This lw Mcc. A. Burrell, on1ýuuday. 'M r le r Mr. Tami Johuston, of Port 'a dd re ss Union, visited friends iin the vil-, ,) W. lagé d'uri-ns- Vhs week-end. - -a s h ies s Miss Isa-bel, Squires ie visiting sud gav inu Geot-etomw-n with lier îucle talk air and aut, -Mc. sud Mcc. James es-plaincc 11fichacd son - of value Mies Edith MucciraF, of Toronto, when éi '<-sited lvih friende in the vil- Vhs pair lage-hs week. - -firer co>I -Miss, Mary Kennedy. o! Sean- -calfe hi bor&, w-as 1V'hl,,!zeset -a!fhecsister. standard Mcc*. James Palmer, ans day hast VhIue-s t wesk. - world ha Mr. sud Mcc. A. Bayes sud Mcf. final taï aud c.l..* fo y,,s sp e iit Guets" Thurs.day lvith .IrMc-and _Mcc. A.Harold Franklin o! Port Pecry. e d by V Mie aiosAunis, o! Dun- 11ev. H. hacton, visited wtit-li Gardon sud Robinsoy * Mc. Fundlast wek. hs ni Miss -Noinne McGint'c. i5 Won ,by pedn-a-monri wlth - frieuds seuted'1 !Ui Toronto. 1e- e - lev. H. sJtaIion,'o?'the Uu7ited Tihe prI5 liuril, lias- tend ered hie cesigna- lows: tion Vo Vhs huard o! thue citucch. jeail AT sud hilease acepsted sa- ali OSt.-Me Jame.s',-Ciurc',Exeter. ( whIch arnm - will take effect at Vhs lend O! Mln, Jùne. Tho hast of friends whlch Te Vhe Stainton familii, have- made -Te ,s nue coming Vto ile village, wîîî fSyne" bI lie eorrv ta cpeethernileave the dl05s.'an l own. 11ev. H-. G. Crozier, of îbsi Tha-mesfoc-d, lbas lissa asked Vtoi4îeaa succeedMc. Stainton - oao i iun Mc. -sud Mcc. Oswald Cookunod have reuted the Morrissey test-I dceou Chtîrclî St. aud rmove-d w therein.la t -week. - -On Vhselisels o!r-ths mnesies - epidemnie have corne- Vhs bad -od nind sc-arjelv a bouse in~ the vil-- laelas escaped. Many o! the 1 -Lonld ,victims have besu eoufilned to> Liptou'u, their beds. - --tcopiiies The symnpar'ny of the villag-e Is In a 5po extended ta Mr. sud *Mcc. E. J. g rave A l WNlaisli. - Toronto. focrmeclý fr uef Pickering luths dent h Of- - irton Tru, teu-seac-6id dauglihter ;Marguer-f S - Thomas ite, wiich took place Iast wýeelw. humble Intérýmùnt -sas mallein Vhs R.C.trpe In luplace o! Vhs usuai meeting Lbondon io prFeliruacy, Vhsi-neuilisce o! tancesi flis Wornen's Instituts met 'wvith The-nea Ste M-a.cs ilu Home EcronomnIce in<sec sud [co.çnnëctiou with VhsheAgriculture ous. Sha -Short, Course CIsczs, on Tuesday Vlan' fro .atronand enjoy-edl a very in- with thl Vrestiug snd attractive demon- Gallery. stratlon In salads, - given byv hS, consid~er d1icectoi, 'Miss, T. Hopk~ins. TZltei Liptoni ladies wprce deliglited with the -f onnisll nisauy novel. wlays of serviug fruits TrustÈe and veg-etable,-. Atter tie- sè-ssion, - Lipton. Vhs ladies adjourned Vo the home Art Gal o! Mcc. W? J. Clark. whecEý they - held s shortbusiness rpeciod. -Thle Thel Short Course Classes Ili-m-a n -iii Agriculture sud Home Econome gocd h wvhich ha«ve been couducted intVhs plier..N) ivillage by the Departmeixt o! As-- ainy,.- Irieîltîîre wece terniinated on .:Friday evening, byf a riost sue- Icesefuil'a-inquet lun qt. Andcew's' Church Hall. Tlie pupils sd their friende ta tise number o' ans hundred gatheced in Vhs auditor- film sud then sdjoucned Vo Vhs A-NT banquet lhali, where they nwens welcomed -hy Vhes iansd hostees- o! Vhseveuning '-Mc. Lucien Midi- i and sud Mise Jpan Annan, sud -scorted Vo their places at Vhs ct.harg. Tlie decoc-ations hlchii lIlq

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