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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 7

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TH£ WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MARCH30.-1932 Macdoi 3 takzing the canoi lair, a Se, ) 'died lu moang ths iness sud youg sol ad bpeen ( iole Evidi cuity ini eÉ iGlasgow, cailed th 4eagtte Ji [nglng unt resent lia tings Ilu or! Odstý ýurgh sh Les colula unenipic a crowd. t lea.st 2' sly at NV ri au intel over. On red Uy aud StatE uow thb Mion ln St nd accept. exfI Prcssi Reuison, %thabasca, akep. Ther aud Mis!q e confir LbIa t?)ud( 1 langua on lic ais ber o! very intere5tLý om, the wevst reach- al secreta-ry of social e Anlglican Chlur*ch -ill a dried-out sec- "TUe !foolish speuld- Ihuv;tg, andI carele-ç las gonle and we NwIi rongei'. sane and SPeonp.e" He fur- ba,ýt the gi!ts froin ride uis realize MOre ýver olir FellOwslhiP." Il tihe diocese o! vrntes, "Ttit lareally ow rnV people have keep the parnsU, as a, stpeadily." Another nue part states thnt ,have becu assisted id clothing sud cou- Ssbudders to thinie ns -would Ihave been rat bad not cone to 4ih ehurcbeg are e sudden death o! Hurd, Ènown as an acher. man o! force .1of!icially tlie tbleo- literary adviser of & Stoughitoxi Coi- *I to work his way fine example of a En. 1-is. great store amo to hlm witb lit- arty adi%ritages o! lversit 'y. He began mitive-Mtbodists fas i the market square, e dlcd 'vas acting bnist Churcli, West- ýg Toad, London, th the names or Dr. Jowett, and Dr. rgan. 14 e teaued ,onservative position Two o! lis receut 'It la not tUe animal 'whIch bothers me, ýa. arn," antI also, k-Ind Jeasis 1waflt Iessus, who will go. clU" fle had a feci- days svouid Ue few, said at -the begin- year, "I find. mysel! tlip-toe as T enter wbin knew hlm best TOWARDS, [AST Sable Island Move Like -an, 1 Octopus.Seeking Victima Halifax, NS-býike a giaut otupus cheated 'o! its prey sudý reekinug newvictinîs, Sable Island appears to eUcmoviag-7creepiuig eastwa1-d.ý Andi as t usov'es, tîsis dreaded meniace o! tUe 'Atîsutieý tries to shake off the Ilfe-savlng- cguip-. Imeut that- las tesseusd the power ô! arni-lilce sAuoals reaehing out- uder the sea to grssp the way- wmard-ship, Thrice since 187 3. wheu the eqluipmient w-as set up. Canadian ýgoverament englucers mnosed ighthouses eastward as thc west end o!- tUe, lsland' di- appeared, and oae beacon lcft Tu its original position w-as carried away by theý wa ves. J. ýJ. Mèc- Leau, district superinteudeut o! ligîhts, considees it possible. the west light w-l11 have et) Us nioved agala witblu the ncxt year or two. Aitýhôugli the ares -ô!fthe,, ln- land' bas 'remaiued 'about tbc sanie lunreent yeare. Uic -sur- face seemà to have sbl!ted a dis- tance. o!, tibres or, four -rnllesc. Sice 1926f the cautbar bas la- creaged lu beiglut'froni two feet belo-w water at higb tide -tOi-six feet above ut higU water. for a distance o! about'four mites. The *Preseut w-est end tlghthouse ta more tIa tUree miles east o! the original. position. Ou thbc north, Where tUe islaud reaches its h1-Éýt altitude o! S85 f eet there lu a, steady, wastage .o! -saud. w-ile- a correspondiug luncrease on the south side le expected- -to build- the bar tbére. above water soon. Sable ,Tsland Is sitüatedt 110 miles south easto! Cape Canso, catIons o!e the Nova Scotia. Ils shoass,_extendiug zlln uni-"v~vixuder the ses for about 17 iles, estabiislug inter- bave- dragged more tisu200 ves- etw-een th e _& Old sels btîsteir. d6oo. TUe Island ile Hîir ,Church. Il le kuow-n bthxte shippiug, trade as bc tUe muios i- "tle graveya rd o! the Atlant£le," o! recons'1ructive sud a. chant lu the office o! C. ýe Church o! Enz- H. Hostermani, district agent for lu 1'00 years. I t the Departuient o! MarIne,îshows it0 fellowsbip a the position, o! cach wrecl. Il haviug 13 bisUops. looks ile a ce.metery.map. iud 250,0h00 people For iea ya tyar sut coujntnlcs. 'An-' Futns ert r visited by the goverument steam- Il Uc ta get id o! er Lady Laurier, whiiehbrbnaga that tUe ClurcI bh upis Ios Htfx s a native atone These isuies reoemoa Impnt Y. Shp is now-I hs vst rluemst1prm Chnstanslu ailst events o! tUe ycsr;- the ian- ironitin nain. u r ivai of the slip sucauis ews retnatter. O from fnieuds asebone, papers to otant mat c b- read, good tbings toiest. ,ocations, namely, TUe Island Ile constantîy cbasg-. ofNn-ofom ng la shape, owing t te action ,omuuuio. ~~ee n. tUe sand o! winlansd w-ave, Iffercace o! opin- 0u ed iineil îe w-a adounedSince.1763, wheu tuken over by' tIce deul'r again Gireat Bitain, itl ia,;surnulfroni tions, Au iuterest- 40 miles' lu leugîl to 20, frata -w-as !avôred "Y 21/1lunbreadilito one,. asndfrôm Chlhr'te. w~h200. !et n belgbî to 85. Il 'was ýf s iinmber of ieuow-uas Sauta Cruz to carly wolild set - UPau navigatora, w-ho estîmated il, s troU ~i<~'sns" icgh at 100 miles. Iu 1598 a lunhs ! Egladbaud o! convicîs were le! t thene istrs ""'""'by the Marquis 4e la Racle, but. ce ta carry ou Its in 1603 the few survivors wecre t. TUe 1,w!i-)nureturucd 10 France. lered thi tIlwas Earlyy ln the sîxteentl century- ut anI antherhorses w-rs teftI ou Ils shores.by ant an indepen- tle Po ,rtuguese, and tUe native e froun tUe Tbirty- poules. supposed to Uc their de- scendants, :stilil are, exponlted. * - TIesare 30 poules, ou -tUe lo- Scottiel General -Iaucj u ow. No trees. grow there. Uc witlîout titeir Yeas ago tUe Câtnadlan'Gôveru- en tbey open ini meut plautc'd tbousande o! trees 5 tUat bothi Dg. J, la. an effort 10 stay destruction EtIc ChurcU of f Othe IslandIby storme, but tUe r..A. M. Reaw-ilk, wind swept theun aWay, Blue- ebytenian Cliireh. bernies sud-straw-Uerris are ta be s, snd thse ueed tound sud craubernies are so0 they relurn lm- 'plentiful the .Istandere export Ir fields. A pleas- -then, to.,îte malond. Wld ut the farewells duels,, gulîs: suad other shore eacb vtsited tbc birds.néet lu -large numbers. lugq oietals, and Be! ore tbe Canadian - govern-, Warmest greet- »ment estabhIshed ils sysem o! *Churel 15 no uîghts sud 'relief .stations there [tb contcmpt "The was no cscsplag the treacberous is doing Jls worl bars once a ship's keel -taucbed agood under- tUe sand. -Whiîe iss esî between the tw-o have been .tost sisce 1873,,tise le- ia returus la lie landI bas becomte gýplace vhseref rîpouk. Ntdia, sud lires are sai-etI lastead o! baot. -thîs Free Churel The lasI wreck -,ocëcurerd .luI îSouth AmenIas. Marel. 1930, w-heu the Norwegiau Ma~icLeod, of' st eamer Ntlý, lades villi lumber. ('o-ý,an-, a yo ung minister- confleet- cd withi the fainous *'MacLeod,'1 -Ch and ai o a padre ia the late war, w lio enhance.d lis owa reputation, ere ý' eLVcd a visit lately from Prince je e Ceor-ge, the, third son of the Kinig ,î nd Queen. Both :took, a tUu throu-b the slums, wbere nome nna i, fo't he nid soidiers are enduring ti4Î e o!u h ardship, and. then shared in' a iiZtio osfalsing-song Wi *th the unernpioyed In alail fth-e hall of. the Parisb Churcli. ottilibfc the Slums ThreeVUnitooChurch minis*- witnlesses ters Ù'orn 'Newfeuudland have the powers o! priviiege o f-, vsitiug the Hoiy Idier, m"11 Land..fly the ternis' o! a wiUt (ngagèd to made somte years ago by Camp- ence Giiid beli Macphersona sum' of rnoney ,arrying On was le!t tà pay the expenses of Scotiand. two 'Metbodistinisters every e, Scottish tlree years ia taing such -a trip. nterrupted Five of the- proniluent Doctors of tii the PO- Divinity and'eight o!ftheregular à1ve !orbid- pastors have already, been so the pars. favored, while ýA. :Younig, EdwInI Patrick' NMoore and W. J. Mdorris are now' nOu be- enijoying their tuiru.- The C'ou-> iga n e ferençe imakes the el eetion. C>yed. His tev. M. R. Douagh represeuts estlmated theè United Church In the Laibor 5,000, was Camp just. opened for, the 1,200 ýa,;bIngton, men an the Trans-Canaada' higl- rview -wltb way going across Ilding Moun- the way tain district, lu nortbern Mani- the niaYor toba. He . reports-, 'that #'there e Governor are la'wyers, aýchool teachers and ireatenls to. army off!i1ce'rs cutting brusb be- tLouis ou aide> on ,another, along witls .a a nommla- inedley o! actors, flylng umen. and [dent. . othe& ýof no speciali profeEission." -Rev. J.-A- Scrimgeor. D.D.. bas on Service been eiected. chairnian o! the the new Presbytery o TrIniead.He Is- was at principal. of the TheologicalSu- *e 19 an in- Imary at San Fernando. The East sion there, Indian Churèliof!Iýrrnldad -seat mcl. TNhe $1,140 as a tself:-dental 'offerlng dress them ansd the missionaries $825 for the e, and at Missionary -anijd Maintenance o spoke ill Fuud. froiM Halifax for the Uulted KIugdorn weut ashore.Au aý dense1 fog. Al :members o! the crew. .Were rescued. Charles Faulkner has been act- ing superinteudeut lu charge of Sable. Island* since the dPring of 193SQ. High Cost. of Learing Has1 No. Terrors 'in theI *Saskatoon, Sask.-UnlversIty-o! Saskatchewan ,studeats have showu th emselves this-year evea more proficleut iu the dual arts o! redn-ciug 'the cost of, living and at the same tirne keepiug à keen- eye 'open for >the -chance of eaftng the odd dollar1 to help pay their 'way. Mapy o! the studeuts. corne froni tarin homnes and the. most popular method o! reèducing the f0011 bill is'to get: a periodical consigument from . home. -Que, group of four -boys each -arran'ged to get a -box frorn home once a mnuth aud, :wben :visitedo t he 1'Urder was,,weil filtede Beef, pork, eggs and boiled puddings wbich could be.heated on short notice,ý were among. the commodities. -Things regarded as tuxuries in the City corene awlth thee ship-, ments: When -sweet table cream brings oiy 15 cents for the pou nd o!f butter-fat, the son aSX the university shouid get some o! IL. Even' students who have not, farmn homes to fl ba-k upon .flnd that it paysý to keep lu touch. wltl the farmn as 'a source ofOod nQe Agro studeutdenv. - dently a man of- bis bauds, re-ý cently,-kilied a* pig for a farmer near Sutberlaud, .- receiviug a goodly Dp6rtlonuo! It Ila paymient for bis services- get belp to te bachelor mnu.. Girl' students "batclî" as wel as men and a considerable nuni- ber o! girls ate clubbing together to do lig-ht-housekeeping. One ad- veuturo s- pair rented _a smaii sback, eight feet by ten. away out 1on the prairie heyond. the cdty, iit.They tramp across the snowdr'fts' each morniung for haî1f-paqt elght classes. Inu their searc'h '-or chances to earu -actual. mouey stud ents enter many callungs. One, Agro toolç a contract to rua a bot dog stand lu the rInk. He fouud It not very profiat.ble sud decided- ly, bard. on the digestion, Some-' tmes there were not euougb dogs to èatisfy the customers. At other8, there .were a lot le! t over tbat hé lad' to est. Suobbisbuess is not a fault o! t'fe, students, observers agree. The boys whoare waling on the table iu thé dling hall hre doing other useful work to cars their way to, a degree, are fiéquently honiored by, ;beIr f ellow students wben. offices o!fitncinare to be awardd. A,nTHIER MYT English Antiquarîian Says Sacred Place, Neyer N ew Cevroll Sx WLhai a Diffr not-,theesli&htest justification for this., The place, he says, neyer once received -mention- in auy old records. There is nothing.to,,'show that this, was ever a holy.site aud the tradi-ý- tion is o<i nidern origin, only -100 years ago.ý Recent excavations, he says, prcuved once and for ail that there was no holy weli on. tlhs spot in 627 w<hen Edwin '<as baptized. Canon Bell, howrever, 4n au inter- view,, however; said the pilgrimiagés were not miade to the Holy WIeli, but to the Minster. as a 'wholc. The authorities of the _Minster, he said, have always emphasized the tract that the connection, of- the well withi the baptism of'King Ed.win rested whivupon tradition. lu -their .ce- perieuice autiquaries had sometimes been mistaken and tradition 'prcved trur. GAIIDEN NOTES, WATER IaIE S A )POOLS ByJohn F.. Clark, Ontarlo Departmnent of Agriculture) Water Lilies are .esseutially flowers for the gardener who re- vels linruaguificent colours, as the hues Are not equal 'led iný brilli- aucy by the. llowers 'o! any other plants. They- have .their peculiar, interest.s teoilathe tact ,that some open by day while oathers are night bloomers., ,Sorie are hardy, while. others ýare tender. Hardy Water 'Lîlies usày- be planted ut auy tume. if sta rted Iu early. spring, they sbould blooMn throughout the summe r. Tender Water Lilies. must not go. out-of- doors uiktil-warmi weather is es- tabllshced and danger o! cold spelîs* Is definitely past. ln natur- ai pools -where hardy bilues are to remain, it is: advisable'.tà plant the liles in. baskets and lower, thens into position. The baskets soon rot and the -roots become estabtishied lu the. p'3o1. .1 bilies, do.best iu water which is 'warm aud remains at au even tempera ture. Excess o! 1coud water keeps the temperature lower than normai and. retards Sfower prod- uiction.1 Avoid growing Lilies lu deep water. Elght lunches o! water over the roots 'is suitable for practicully alI varieties lu cuiti- vation. Iu deep pjoig the cotitain- ers ln whiech tteéLii ies are. plant- ed should be raised to the proper' lerel by the use. of suppiorts be- neatiltelixs - Low to Start The smrilest4onld may hc cou- struceted b.y usiing al! a barrel, 'flovidinig ti'o squarea feet o a ter sirfae. HaIt liii witb a rich, hteavy soit and usnk - to a levell .with the grouîîid.. This provides a. sati.sfactory home for a Water- Lily. The same may be duplicated a number c! times and mois*ture- r loringa plants setý betweeu the bar- rets. A sur ies of tubgs suk t dit_- ferent levels may be arrauged« to fodeudless -pleusure. 'Two inches o! gra'<el at tbe-bottom o! .each'tub. which may t.hen be bailf fllled witb fibrous loani, raughty pulled- ta pié ces, rnlxe4 wl.tb s portion o!, well-rotted cow mian- ure and covered, with water, will. corupflete the preparaions., *una few days. wheu ait bhas settled, the plauting - may be. doué, after wbich, more water can, be gentiy .added to within af'ew luches o! the bru. Thre- st -ieP fromrn a rndeselbarrer sawn luIn hall, or a galvauized Viasb tub, Is n0t great. A sinali coucrete pool o! attracetive shape makes a splendid receptaéle, for Water liles. _Pools o! muel larger dimensions rnay .also - give the OWuer a great dent -of pleasure. As' everv. situation là differeut, nfoý definite sizes eau be recommeud- ed. The larger, the lot,. the larger the pool eau be rnade. -Poliowing2 out the barreU idea one. may 'go a -step .farther and secure a'brew-- er's hogshead àbout six feet In djameter, whea. eut .Into two 'I MOTOAS 1 ýSO nany motorists have diseovered th îe d;fference six cylinders make ' that todlay the Che vroiet- Six leads ýail other automiobiles, Produced ;Pt Can, àS evlesy "y.ects gainst the wear.and-tear of cc Six cylinders are better invrya. For exaumple Chev- long as you drilve your Chevrolet. rolet's six-cylinder inotor "picks-up" i high, gear qýuickly InT addition*,to these great ndvantages, C and'without vibration. You get away sahead of the tiaffiC Free WiheèElng wth safe, silènt Syncro-] and you d'O not have to shiftgears so often.ý It gixes you 60.horsepower performancE Secondly, you cati drivens -fast and as far as you Jike With- aling costs.of any f ufl-sire car, regardies out any sense of strain or fatigue. For six-cylindertravel is cylinders.. And Chevrolet provides Bl *smooth, quiêt and restful at every speed. smarter, rorier and more ilastingIy quii Then, toon, Chevrolet smoothness is buifr4in ÇM'oothness- Drive a Chevrolet Six. You vil l ind inherent inà six-cylinder design, sud Chevroiet's miiethod of advantage aftc 'r another, to emphasize *insuating engine froi chassis by thick'rubbër.cushions. It b ',Choosea Cbevrolet Six! NEW(IJVROLIET with Suenlt. Second Sy*ncro-Mlesh-and Sintplified Free Wheeliniz Priced Jrom $655,,at Faqory, -TaxetsExtra ONTARIO MOTOR SALES,ý BO WMAN VILLE manure sud good soil. Build tle pools at. such-a levet that tUe *ground surrounding It eau be made to siope away.from it, as fIt asot good iplicy to have surface wàter dralniug .luto tIhe pool. TUe top level o! the. pool should not Uc ratsed above ýtUe grouud. TUe walls.sUould not Uc visible or jýuuelo! tle attractive- sese pI, tUe water gaXden wilit Uc bast. iPiisiiÙig thc pool about the water's edge la your greateut op- portunity. for artistie expression. Rocks may. be placed .trregniu.rly sud at istervals around the pool lu order to mnake'it-more attract- Ive. Rougb stones fière sud there. about the margins heip, to relieve the flatuess. These n.ay Uc arran g- ed ln u scb a <ay.as 10 uccommou- date molsturie.-lovlng plants. Some rock plants..may also Uce used toa give tUe paoOi a natural. appear- suce sud ta relleve, the stones and -construction work., Froin a pool sixteen square feet la s-ize, about a pail of water witl escape la g day Uy evupora-. iou. Stagnation la preventcd Uy replacing tUe water loas andkusinis filh sud submerged plants. It isý bèst t1 leep the water levet as even as possible, andtts'ma.y, Uc ac'omplished_ýby maeaus o!'.thec garden hase.. Informai pools are nsually- seen ta cosuection with borders, rock gardeas sud. law-fls very 'nutural ta character. The in.ormal pool ha the logical type to butld. Thinga o! geometrle, dcsigns-and' con- ventional shapes* should Uc avoid- able. Soil 10o Uët The best soil for uise lsa ae-, vy -sod-solh, mixed with' wçel-rot- ted-cow masure, >ut a good mix- ture o! equal, parts*o! good gar- dca salI sud rotted C*ow. manure makes au equally good compost., Soit feous swamps ta apt- ta Uc saur sud 1lacking- in- fertiliy. TUe Jack Frost-King, of Architects- J ack Frst natures greatest. arehiee, completed yet anotiser, wondeful job, at Banff où the main fine of tise Canadiai Ïaeifie Rail- way througis tise Pocky Mountains,, tbUis'wiuten, vises he deuiged and buit thse columnnsof the ici-eof. the 'Carnival Queca. Asmealhy -5een'by tise picture, tise two gm.t plan rethéeoutstasding -features 0f hep~ac. bieywerebiuüt by - OSHAWA beut soul is fibrous-'loai.» If, the soil is tee light, the grawtlî w-iI go .lutoleaves rallier than llowers. if sheep manure la uued', it should' be supplied te the extent o! oneý part toe eght or ten,,0f soil, If cow manure. lu not _avaitabl.e, us e grQu'nd bohe, a. umaîl handfeil to ech tub or box, ýWUeu setting 'eut the plant, spread outtUe ro*ots, Wetl, sud a!- ter -filllug lun the s oi, cover w-ltU au Inch o! uaud. Escli Lily shouid. have a -coUic foot o!f jl. ýA box twcive, luches écdiw-ny w-iI do. but oeeo! slightty larger dimien- sions is better.. TUe' Lily reots spread. lat'era1ly andI lie close ter the surface, therefore,. itis -better te have.large. shsallow containers rather than deep onsfte.sanie ca pacity. îu Vlenthng InplautIng 'att aqualica,-set the crawns from n%#fiich the -ea-ves sprin:g about even wth th' tU"sur face o! tUe soit.-. The drormant: rhizomes o! hardy, Lilies ,a ntI Lo- tus tubera are *geuerally laid hani- zont aliy. or on a uligUt angle, nI- though' the upriglit.-roots o! the 'Marliac type ma1y.- he set vertical-- After plnnting, raise, tUe water level te trous thrée tb four .inchc-, above thee cxowans*of!the pian ts, gradualty adding mÏore'to ke'cp Pace with-tIc growth o! the lea!- stalles, until flually. the water 1ev- eli la brought upte Irons 1w-elve te fifteen luches ubove.the croW-us .oi tUeplants. hIts important'that. thhs la d'eue gruduatty,:us tUe suld- dca addition, 1of a large uaniount e! colt w-ier is likely te chili1 and so ,checkthe Lilies. Afrequeut'source o! aanoy-1 ance lu ponds sud poolsis Wthe, uppearauce of 'a thicie scuns- on tUe surface during warm -weatler. It Is slisutuImpossible ýta eradi- cate il, but it may Uc lept dowu -by, adding the foltewviug solu ti-on. Que teaspoonful o! saturated'.sQ- tîltiou of Cepper ýSulpUaté (Blue Vitroil) ta cadi 1'q coUic feet, o! '<atera: ,'rîis w-ut deslro)y algue (the undesirabje plant:growth or. .silmy ,coating te plants) Witlouî. ijurin.g.otiser plants. or lisU. GootI Varleties *TUe following are-reecoimcd- edI as good vanieties o! a hardy, nature,. antI arc m'oderste lu price'. Chromiatella: The best- yellow v<atietvy. Ecelet,* fallage. Comanelie: A lustrons orange btushin o lecap- per .enînsisan. Ver-y ~llnioa: Beautifut d c ep chancI red blo)s- * somns. Constant bloomer .f rnomn -May util ut-1, liasu., Ideal for - eutting as fUeY ne- )pien- five 'or six * ,,<lays in usucces- Gladstonse:, The largesît w-lite *Li-ly. - Helen Fowler:, GootI pink. Jan-es ]Brydon: D eoun b le crîmuon r Ul ocm s, '<ith bronze re.d leaves.. Marliae AlUida:.A -deean sattuny - - whilequite fra- puttiug lto play, onë,month befooe Cinaaand theUnied States ranIt.Flcvre topenisg of tUe gmt event,,Iwo 1 Oweotat !ai i and tsicenteprof- u n, wnr.Paul Marlot: L- o w-,e 'i more men got busy and tutht Aiserta Pý6 tucludkaing tUe tI es p ni nd.t conetîg al o ieain ras-pi=hpàý mtoxS*kting Chmibnrne oppinieClud parnt cebloks bewen te w Pror-am* whehtermiuated ilu "tek Opat: -Fine'rplul Lily, Pillams, sud set is -front of it tise tise eiectIOun of Miss Margaret J., V. B. SUaw *L a r g e fragrunt great throue o! tee, front which th ise ~col, 1-Dt'uzheiler,.Alta., w-cil- risy piul. ceremonies of theUa Cmival vere wownm»tenis and hockey euîhu- . TROPJCAL.-IILES' condueted, in ise presence -of tholn- 1ut, 0S Cautuvul Quecu for 1983.' Blue Beauty: f lUxe',o! lamre size. Sand otpecatosfrm al pitsof ~r pctuo l shw-ninst. 1 -Day bloomer. Dauben: Light ,blue day bleomiug. Good - for tubs. Junio: Large putre w-ite. * NIgit bloomer. Panama Pacifie: Reddish purpie 0 0hoomS. Day -bioomer. Rubra Rosca: Large rbsy carus- lue flowers hgî PAPERS TERL-0r Publlcations of Seventeenth ent ury Record' Great' Events Salut John, N.B..Z.Examples o! journalisus as practiced more Ilisu tUrcs huudred years ugo are Inu tU-e possession of, W, E. SeisIly, of Saint Joliii; w-ho ow-ns cpies of neyerai bondon ncv;s- purpers -published la tUe seven- tcenth centulry. 'Uetrial, ludicîmient sud cc cution «or Guy.Fawkces' w-us a big ne-es breake.-Fuît delails ef the fanions Cuupowder plot w-d'e gis'- enin_ ha UeWeekely rNew-es, pnin- ted for Jef!ery Chonîtdn landtI te U seid ut bis shep ut tUe, Great ' .Nortb J)Oôr of St. Paul's, 'Mon- day, ;11 January, 106" TUe principal tEtory réad il aI)rt: "éA brie! discourue upon thie ai'- raignmeut and èx-eculhsu 0f the eght tatraDgy the two Xitèrs, Graunt, Rookeieood, Keyes, Bates antI Johusoni, alias G.uy FuW-ks,,four o! w-hidi '<ere execu ted lu St. Paul's Churcli- yard, bondon, .upon 1Thunaday, ise 27t1 laut, sud tUoetcîer four Jlu tUe aid Palace Yard iiu West- si-nster, over agaînst tlise Pulis- menut House,,antI w-li àa1relation of. the oôtfer traytors w-l eh w-ere executed, ut Worceàtcr." 'Theo execution w-as deait witiî in a matter o!ftact mauner, as, lu- cttcatcd, Uy-tUe ,!oalo-tng excrpt: "Then came BatVes, sud w-heul le w-us hanged the exdcotioners pgepared te draw andI quarter, treux;- sud w-heu tUtu w-as donc tUe business o! thc day wns end- TIse writer lîad little sympartsy for Guy 1Faw-kes sud -wrote as foslows: "b'ast o! ah dcame the, great DcviI o! ail, Guy Fawkles, alias Jobu-nson,-wh-lehuîld bave put lire to tUe pew-dcr. Mis body bc- ing wuenlz-with tUe tor ture sud siekueý,ss, hie.w-as seance able to zu up- the iadder, yct, with much ado by the hlp ! thse haugmnan. p xit. higîs enonuglito b reak lis necle by-the.faîl., ."- mUatIe no: speech, but witi Uts idle Cere.m.onies made bis cutI upcn the gal.low-s sud tUe btocke, trte- egreat joy of att belsolders tUiaf -tUe land w-at. cded7 of so %vicked nvia is. .The 'Gazette e! 1666 referrýd- as !ollow-s ta thc great lireo! -Loendon: "This diasai firé brol-e ont ut a. Laker',s shop lu Pudding tane, Uy_ Fi9U Street, Iu tUe îower part of tle City, near Thèmes street (amônK woodên-bouses ready to take fire sud, full ýof combustible gocude),-, luBillinegate ward; w-Uicl ward làa afew- lours w-as taltI lu ashes.- 'Tirel Fire!Fi<e doir' ing oui t gro "lUe cd; nior ;irc 'h&t Ulie ld w-e greatîs' net court ail think tUat1 atclati culion at Foý te,, mdgants On~e- Seen Years Ag Corv 'iocr ulonl siglît i partv niifisUerrri v:-us ant finI hicý(- sa-t' tUai il, was Kâtes HOTE sl»in. oe. Six U-hners-MaLe! 1 ýý 1 -ý KiM 0-ý

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