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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 8

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,1* LIGI-IT TEWHITrBY IAZETTE & CHRONICLR1-IURSDAY,1 MARCH 3, i1932 A WEEKY REVIW- Sc~TIT' ott, Ucard, Hodge, Lee,' Maickey. J. Half!IltOnli .........198 )N C N R C . Notez. on, he Came E. Hum hrie6..........192 teganie_ w-as fast and,. sensa- S.:Rodu ...... 19 tional, the attendaisce fair, R. Pryce. q.. ........190 LITCHERS DEFEATE!) APPLE Tise thrill. of, tiseevenin.g %yas Dr. Sen......... 8 1ICKERS . wheii Lee Wilsoss mis leaving the E. Lomax........19 players' bencis. D. MoLean . ,... 187 YekAdr~nsAîIePees Tousiiî- Tucker tuckercd oat in, LI. Haàrris................ 186 'om Red Winjg Orchard sumet ýde- thse first two rajoilut'es of play'. J. Smytse..... .......... 186 t at fthlu i ands uf ise ocl ut o. Forrcster isetd tise open Hi. Waterisouse...........18 er,5i,4, iiet -ýas -diti Join -Heard. tL. Dewsbury.......8 sers, 5 Uns imstausIscsa T>egoazlies- were beiisational. J . Pinder ....... ........18 Ma okygos ~)c at Ross 'M~obra 1 ' -tseriss oe-J MýeGregor ..... ........ .184c iiursday ev-eniug aI tise renn,3 id.ti t efore a fairly- large crQwd, ~t ig.H Robinson...........14 ere brouglît to tiseir f cet tixueh dock Aý,ndersous bIit thisuascot at, F, ZMray - ..184 id Limne again by tise sensation-homne Ihut brou git lots cf players. Dr.- MeGeocis........8 tj stop., of tise goalies for botli Thse bacis ýclucckiisg antI body I5i. MeKerciser.......12b - clueckilug was fros .Ing........... ...181 eailisTii5. Rart ICausi, sec undersîand, T. Dean.................1 a: Tht- iiec-iuî4was -crs-db-C aus yise cia1lünigcd lte sinners 10 a J. Joiston........7, se la-er fusu i lirdtryïiag te ganan usi romn!.awb eccan learn T.' Munroe...... ....9o t-tawa utilPous o\vra cr -tises- bave aà ggod tearn ined up as C. Russeli............7 ed lus~ owuîue adcriuilt ol6-.F Nixon-78aý Ucs rnssaIts us] raimg Gal'.-.JOVsmt t-r D. Merlntyre; S. Kirk........... '.i..177 1. oass-lv ron lt uet suu sorig d-face J! Saits ad .,,-LaverY; Dr. WaIk-Lýr.............176 t( 11U fini -l for tis': Butcliscr :orwards, f. o, s, H. Vgtloss, l'Dr. Cunmins .......176 ti tacsux os1-Sil iuiŽ. rcwtit: CaveElc; sib. . Ross, E Val- pesalewlict ax~jsikl- t' ar i. ..'clusyrc-, DraB-lou, -eo e Mclellasd........16fi oscl nGclFoasr at ,ts F--s. B - . -eo. W. atcliffe...............i1- St'lth ui5lgt illvcist~ as unade Dr. Stevenson.............-,2 fors - ~ ~TWT~ McClley............12 cor( S Watsoa - 70n Tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ttr eodne OTTIHOIT.LXHerd,............. 14.0 stsstlodlie o nBOWLING IsEEA pA. Gi........... ........ 168 NT.nheaer................167 r nt iReIWnSii to 10 Pb. -2 6. le as follows: .- .Dr. Wbtr.6 ead 1naisi lutsort, Sîsitii fur tise Teams, P. -W. L. Pts., 13- W alsls..........6 !eat Choppeint ooitied tîiogs up Lndilcililidcthnt-neSessatons.........21 14 7ý 19, D. Platt 1.. . .162 idte uhndrr e il iesoeBîsekisorses . 1 l4'16 1W. Hardea«............ i... 160- ettr ns iulsas oo-cl adfo sucRaungers........... 18 10 9 13ý R. Dy-er..........158 ted Wussgs ati! H ieard slipped tiseBace......i 71 R.anH e......15 lsdý iiast Uiby10isiak il 3-al ie Sancbess.... ..15 -S7il12 -S. VCban oi..... ......158 aii livunulic i p sis) u.....y...t...... Robini S J. sbby .. . 15 ta isil 'stae t%\Lbert siî oeCardinaîs .........ý12 -6 6 6 R. Fnlay.................12il w-as-te iv nt; d-tsvus ti .cessnhi19ggFalcosus.......... 15_ 6 ) -____________0 -,o-al usargini. jock ptit is Mhole A it..........8411', Mà :cani iii)and Thionspsoi scored -ith Higîîest b ndividuai score, 1 anzches.ti-r -kvews snlyi a few- - coifls to go to fini.ll gante, J Smytle-327. rea hcky ai - efre Pri HigîtesLi individual score, 9. inli lianlilte gaine tb pcece- gantes, F.-N. aguire-7 31. Ts u .ietItermnll -- 1ligiest teani score, 23 gýames, TmetingaI tS. e lio'sef o t is 1 Bu'1teliers - Goal, "R. (,ilby; -:dc- TBilaclseTh.seetng413.nt ence. B. Ssiitlî andi J. Wilso:cc I- sditidiial Averages so*,cn- Thnon. Tise îeeting opens 1 tre, Newmanl; sings, T. T ucker anid . 'Cuniingham, i ........... 214 er in- unison f o1owed. Tise Serip-. -. Forresten. Suibs., R. -Mowbray, S.. Jardine .......... 209, ture reading- sens given by Miss1 and L. Wil.SOV. T. Rae ....... .207 *Julia loe. Rî euad iu -Red Wirsg Orcliardsý-Goal, o-W. IrvinE..........27tes0f last meeting ere rad and illy; defence, Thossi1psonl antIWeo-F. 'Maguire............ ..204approved. A lengtliy buisinpss ses- tIe; centre, Adamis; sings, Brown R. Tîornadyke........199 aslou followed. It 'sas decidesi 10 mrd Ins-wh; subs., Ansdrcs,-5, Pascoc, R, MNcNee.........9 akE an-autograpis quilt In :the near future., Mrs. Frank Crosier, W.M.S.. delegate to tiseconven- tion l,ètsI lanfltawmanvllle. Janu- ary 2 8th, gave aà vemy Interesting report which was muc1i.apprecI- atesi. Mrs. F. Crosier aico. gave tise Study'.Book chapter, lard. Times-." A short reading* was giv- enby Miss Irese Jamesr and Mrs. brogh, o acloseý by slnglng oue verseý of 4'Take îiy life- ansi let il be," and al repeating: Mlzpab Beediction. . o f th eY ea r! Ten hostess .semved a deflclous ansi.,a social 'bour speiit,- Tise -next meeting ta be hl-d at tise home of Miss J. Hooper. * Speclal sèrvices are being leld in,-the dchurcis this week . Rev. Mr. El-ùord, .Scugog. Island,. Rev. Mr. -RIchrdsi Port Periry, and Rev. Mr. Denny,,,Utica, ansitise pastor, Mr. Tottemt, seul be ýtise commu îty. tle speake'rs gt tisese meetings.- -,ty on .hisa veig lad, wineverybody masqueraded In "l'ard-- tIme" costumes -hch causesi nueh fun. Ail paradlei be- -fore Mr.Chia s. Lambe and Mrs. B u-sin ess Wm. EttY.ýwh1-o seere actinig as inag, MarIze 3 z-.Wad -EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN, AIL LINES) spent a f ew days wiIl lier par- f s r. >andi Mme. 'F. Dring, Raglan, recentlî-. - JUSTIN TME FR-EATERMr. Loren Thompsoniisad tise JUSTIN TME FR EATERmisfortune to lôse one of his goosi Inilci 'ces slately. - ______________________________ - Qulte a few frai here- atlended Mr. Hoover's saleata Shirley ýbn Wednesday. Essay Conteat, for Sèhool Children -ý OHRATTRACTIONS.bUI)U I Se hsPaper Next Week For'FuIl -Part icularsAIRt[T R -MERCHANTS-Re8erve, space now, for: SrecWa, -<oninesifripage 1) - aId Sauuiders, Walte-r Robetsan. Edition of Gazette, and Chronicle, Mardi l7th. Robert Snialls, Earl Taylor,. Vinqat Teefý- Jolin Teefy, George TELEHONE23 ad 79Willeon.- TELPHO 2 79Tise .decorations -for tise ban- - quet were prepa'resi by Miss. HOP- kîns ansitise gls la 'hem dlace and'were 'noat tastefully.pre- pamesi ansi amangesi. 'Tise supper -- which seas-served by the Presby- terian ladies of Pickcering, was-a deliglit ta air ansi sas 'vemy effici- ently served. The Ladies'. Assbci-; Itlnsly placesiall teir kitchen - atnof-tslee u.mtaite-hesuris er PHONE -lo hevstn ctrr'n 70W hï. opetonI oigs weas inuch appreclatesi. A saixaphane* Is produced la PORT. WH171'Y Americ-a every' fort-, seeonds or- E so, we are Ild. Ut *as estlmated tisat Iý tley see r ipilès lu, ane place lu tiseSahara. Desert, it OK wouid be 'a vemy good Idea. EPJIESNUMBER8 FYOUUN MefN INI CRIMINAL ý ASES: (Contintied from, page 1) se consent of tise Crown. is ,Torsisip read thse trioý a severe ecture, impressilig upon thémn trongly tise seriousne>ss of their ýfence .and pointiflg out thse na- ire, of tise-prison terni provided. .tley were allowed to go now- id- got into -trouble aLgain, they nust expect to suifer thse conse- jueuceS. H1-is Worsbip said that e had ýa duty 'to perforni. not ýnly to tise accused but also to ,e public wisose _property must e protected. Crcywn *Attornie3ý %icGibbon, greed to suspended sentence, as Je Sai(f.,some ,whsat -reluctantly, wing to tise seriousness of the, frencecornmitteèd by tise, men and tise.fact tisat in otiser places jail sentences isad beeén reted out to offender u. Mr. .ligbbon at lis, juncture comns-ented on tie@ lact thait so rnany yo g. men %ere cosmijttiusg crini Ial offen- ces t-oday. He gave tise nmenaa stern warning, rem-in4ng' tbisn that if tlîcy came baiuk for .any otier offence tliey could expa'et no merci- The issue rested with hem, lie added.. Thse Court <conicuired in a sUg- gestion by tise Crowii tiat thse -ço.;youngcr men sisould report lie first of ecdi montis to -tise Chicf of Police. pust 1>ny Wages Edwtard- Whippey, of -Wisitby Trcwnsisip, was ebarged bylits brotber, Henry Wiippêy, with tise sori- payment 0of a balance alleged to be owinÏg for Ws.ges -for werk ue rformed betwen Jùly 19al, and- February, 1932.. Tise -amn- ut claimed was $98.25. The defenceof Edwar d Whip- Pey, the, defendant, was tisai wh~ile bis'brother haCL worked f oi iiii during -the tme «st ated, hE liad never been isired for an3 specilie tmmont. Ho'claimed tisai lie made au agreement withbis trotiser that lie uvould give-hiltr his board and tobacco for ser sices. Tisýris evidence *sas cor. roborated by tise defendant'i wieand daugister. Tise plaintif, Henry Wisippey rinintained tisat ise was isired ai $15.0 0> a niontis and tisere was. z balance owing Ii of $98..25 Plaintiff swore'.tiat previeus't( enfering into tisis agreemsent witi his brother lie had beený worklng for another fariner wiso haîtof. fered hlm, $15.00 a niontis- t( côme and work for hlm. Whei he told-this te lhis brother, lie tes. tified, tise latter said that - h eould.corne and work for hlm f oi that- aimount. Another. witnes t esiti1fi edthat'Henr.y Wisippey baî to d hlm tisat lie was going t( work for bis broth er for tise am, ouit stated. Magsrate.,W.illis, in gvn jud(gmnent -for tise fi amoun claimiqd by-,plaintif expre,5sed tii opinion'thIst plaintiff had by hij own .evjdence and thýat of otheý Witnessles substantlated hus aim ,The- fact tishat plaintlff testif le( tisat ho bad told hié brother'tisa lie w-as offe.red a job by anotise farmer at $15.00 pet monts, ani was told by bis, brother to coin and. wonk for hlm 'for that ams ount, -was consldered by thi Court Ito be a strong point in thi plalntlff*s favor. $TABIL ilATIQI Dominion' Gove nnment. I structed to Place Problei. on Parley Agenda INVESTIGATION- Bri FOR PIJST OFFICE itish Oo'verrnenàt to De. ide on Proposed Dras-- tic Changes London. - As a sequel ta -tise isneoial recen tly pre-sentesi te the Prime Minister by-320 nieni- bers of Parîlament, tiseA Potmas- ter"-Generai Rt. Hon. Sir'Kingsley Wood, ,appointesi a comlnlttee ta inqîsire Into seisether any changes, Mn tise status,- constitution or. or- gauîization .of. tisePoat Officesel be la tise-publie. interpst. Tise bmoad Issue befome the coînmittee la -seiether tise. Post Office shahl continue te- be. rus fmom Whiteisall or'shallbe trans- fommesi Into-a lpublic uti.lty un- t1ertaking - like tise.Britishs Broadcastlng Corporatiou - for instance _- ansi -mun on,, purely buEiness ines. Tise csignesis of tise memaoniai content 'tise Post Off:ce latoo - mucis:o! a -public uftility ta, be under tise Gcverm- V iitoscount Bidgeéman,, former tl tLord o!ftise Aduslmaty, Ile chairman o! tle committea. sehlci inciudes aiea Lord Plender, .Whoa isas servedi on -inn.umrnombie simi- iar,,:committees; ands' Sir John Cadmhan.: a member a f- tise Scien-1 tiffe ans i fdustrial Reseamris Coutncil.- JPSTAR IN N.Y. OPEýRA New 'York,,N.Y-ýFor yearsTo sisiko b"-kiya, Japanese opera star, NEW TCHRYSLE, WITH THE. GREATEST ENGINEE DEVELOPMENTS 0F MODERN1 goveffsment& assumed the: respon- slbflityb! eéffectlng any change. pro- posed - by a% conference. Hie con- cluded his brlef > speech wlth *a definitio611-ot the G-avernmenit's ai s regardIlng currency. - 1-.Area-of.,Stabilization "Wbat we sisal. endeor to..pro-, asote by - every means In, aur pàwer," le said, "Is that . in one- quarter of tise world's ýsurface, ln- cluding as It does xnany countries an d one-quarter of- the world's, population. we should,: If possible, have a stabllized- currency or. a > nediuzsim of expression of' values for trade and excisange- and-in tise words of tise'rlgst -honorable gen-. tleman (Mr. Ring.) 'Trade .helng exehange- that tisese* media if ýyou will, should. have values niot neces- sarily in the ýsanie terns but tisat they .should, have esable valùes for tise purpoése. of facllitating 'tise transaction ot business and tise ad-' vancemntof trade." Mr. . King whose objections to* the Government's proposai were taken, againht tise. wording of tise, Stevens, enuotion rýather tisan against its pria-_ ciple, wa flayed by William Irvine' (U.F.A., Wetasklwln).- Mr.. Irvine declared that.,Mr. 1ilng bad pre- sented.-*no constructive suggestion to aid tise solution,-o! the 'currency problens. Tise Lîbera1l leader, sail Mr. Irvine, siould have spent al summer, studying tisis question in order tisat lie migýbt ýnow have something to offer tise House. FLOATING POWER gvsta Chrysir six.tylinder and eight-cylinder performnance a smoethness nieyer before achieved., Power vibration is absolutely elinsinated fromn r_ - J I- - both trame èand body. Chryslees'new Automatic Clutch mnakes- dlrîving sup rerr have ta, touch -the clutch pedal; its completcly automatic, nothinï lIeft ýfoot to touch,- even wheri strting from a standstil or usirig re And these fetrs %tgte ith the others, make thec new -ChryslE the new Chrysier Eigyht smarter, romer more powerful, atT safer cars. 'Y ou muist drive a new Chrysier to appreciatc a trJy up-t( D)avidso, UUA * DUNDAS. -S bas looked Lorseard ta her debsut, in New York.> tThe other niglit,- wlisile big .gans boomnedin the, Fan East, anid nonel Io o fr'iendily reverberenations nuisnibleýd back fr*m tiserest 'of tisessorlsl, sise faced her finst -Newv Yonk aui- dieruce in -a -T oses Hall -Concert, - Tise-, diminutive .singe rs face- rlouded swiftlv si-%vlien tise Subjcct eas raised' in ails inter-iesv. Thnn~ se susiled, brighîiy.- 2'But' singing is inlennatiorual Eiendsislip," sc said. "I je s ail TUREET E.- ab I liat. S o sasin , Ia, i ",i l rnîî ari Frcch b<d~ 1h-ra bola n froi -uueRxl sainaII arirtIaia diBo1~-- sc o tdil I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 taiatalII l -(s we can - dverti.se it" Procluèts are nearly always, put on the market- before they - yertised. Quite frequetycanges have to me'~ade in ai~ beoetepublic eenerally wiil accept it.- Color, design, fià those are someé of- the- things« the public has to bè' consulteci Sometimes a product rwon't el1 ait Il and simply has tô bec tinued. As ona epesow that they w*Ome an rï as soon as, ail refinemnents and improvements have been addeé yotiicould hearthe, manufacturer say, if you could be i his - Now we can adventise."- When you buy advertised goocis, you rnay krîow they hav through the experimental stages7 You may-be sure that the ma tuner knows -they are, right 'nd that he is willing to stakçe his'; tion on thern. You may be confident that you are buying go have sold and that would continue to sell without any adverti ail. for advertisiïng merely letý.al the people know-nômu considerable numbers would finci out by Word of mouth tel f rom now. 0f course, advertieing goes a step fanther.- Word harcl ever tells* ail the Uses 'of a pnoduct. It often.doesn't gi real- reasons for its.-superiority-. Advertising tells, people al* product and the numnerous ways in which they can use it. Whatever you buy, therefore, let the advertisements b guide. When the manfcue says, "Now we can advertise i .ngwha oucnSafely say, "Now we can buyt" it Le ir it 1- stabilizatIon o! Empire curmen- cy, a. tople involilg considera- tien ,o! an Empire monetary u'jnit,. an Empire excisange centre or any o! tise dozens o! solutions.put fomward in tise ast, sen s assures o! a'place ou lie .àgenda o! tise fortlcoming Imper- !l Couferenice 'when tiseflouse o! Coimons ut' Ottasea ou Tiurs- day 'instrucesi tise Bennett Gav-? eriment to "Initiale ansi support auy mas-e tosyamd tise study a! tis i-ast problem,' A mastemly exposition of cur-; ency ansi exchsange: probieme by' Hon. H. Stevens,:Minister o! Tfrade ands. Commqerce, ansi a declamation -by Premier Bennett on thle-asis-- ablity o! achieving- some fornnio!. stabilizalion mamked- tise Isea-our* debate sehidis precedei* 1tise adoption' o! le, resolution committing-tise. goverument. By puttiag forseard dise motion cônmmltting its conference repre- seutatises ta a discufiion o! cun-_ rency stabulization, tho-ernmeht took tise initiative l in ebèa.te com- mencesi last week bY A. E. Mac.- Loa,. Lilas-ai M.P. for P.E.I. Mm.' Stevens, aItishe conclusion o! lis Ienigtisy ansi compréhensive asidrose, msivesi a suib-amendmùent which thse bouse adoptesi witiout :dÎýisiQn.' . Gold -Shortage Warnîng - Tiougi hle expressed ne -vew ou bi-metliisem, Mr. Stevens. warued 'o!ý tise possibullty' o! au acuto gelli shortage.- Goodproduction sens nose $100-.000,000 a year short -of . wonis neesis, le saisi. UnIese, nese gols fieldes eere 1openesi up,*1941,seouid seo an* annual deficieacy o!' $300,- 000,0ý00. About $400,000,000 seorlis o! gold. -sens produced a -yeam Put hlif o! il 'went to iadListry ansitise arts,. Ieaving oiily $200,000,000 for the neede -o! trade ansi curmeucy. Mr, Stevens eenouicsi inflation as a folly and, seas inélinesi te cri11-, cizo tise.managosi systesu. o! cur-ý riency seiicis, 10 a degreo. wses- tablisisesiiun.the 15.S. fédéral bank systom.. -Answering tise ,crilicisffns.eof Jt. Hon. W. LU Mackenzie-King, Libéral leader, Premier Bennât t BtesMes the fac t'that the. ImUpétr*l- Cosifer- ence is neither a. leglalative nom ain exécutive body. Il coulid*&tudy ýpreb- leis but couisi aot ox3cute solu- -k. ri- it NcwCAs-ie & 4Doobcdsn $z24o, f o. b. Windsor- PT<HE new Chirysler cars offer the g.reatest enginceerig .1ý dievelopm ients of 'modern timnes - ELOATING POWE4R-0-Automnatic Clutch -,Free Wheeling- Sient Gear -Selector - Double - Droýp Girder-Truss Franes - AHI-Steel Bodies -4-wheel Weatherproof Hydraulic Brakes.. and many other modem features. ri ý 7 1 .11

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