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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Dec 1932, p. 1

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AZ T TAý VOL 69-NO. 28. ONT. CANADA, .URSDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1932 - -~ i .1 IUIONLÈ -oNTARiq COUNTYS LEAbNG WEEKLY NOCV-.EEÇIINSINWHITBY FOR_ 193 MUNICIPALAF S FWGHT FOR REEYE TW ON~ KSCHIRISTMAS WASCON L0F13 WE -DISCUSSE AT ANOÏWUNCI. IN PATRIOT FA O AHPYTlEA EUNDT OE CIVIC NOMINAIONS I~1fYTINBF" AEA 0 HTY ONT. ROSPITAI.BLCLMTO ____________________ .der tiat the Towni taa &Mdrrears go fer as fi- - ~~~Reeve C. L.Mackey Réo, ,my mitbiii"1 abI yStudyzoon GftChristasa-Dinner MayorSpeals of't loasbani. For the conreni. Finmces,'Haror ewiee v;t'M te ~.the batik, arrangements S a -Coun. J. M. Kenny provements, Taxe,. undr, t s e= h theter ftale ai bis office l hltasDyinmdeRtrnMuhoRge (tMer Important Mttera est C. L Macey, of bW i .R'~ yfa aec ~ rnn o i e rgtan ap u o i f fletig Msaa Rere - Tounsif p. i~~tsndTirat=lfl t pthe i tax.,,nltoetcolections. blo mndred or mr ainse on usy fa pise pehen als**in largecealtof . io 0Cenail appreciates t nt erloHesitl, Whitby, no COLTUTE ouTaaliy g t i o ea ? ta lageans f IIIt, faillent citent the clasner effort cg p dby SeveryTRUSTm- qusllfylag to rua f r tai 9 nurlhenry le4e*â",4 e bi ueh ment ratepayers lber cf the saf rouemed==a terni, ho wlttdrev Ile pCpen à%t4 B. ecause Its byUt ave resended te the ai>- auperlniteudeatyclown, to accompliai AGAMN RETURNED laitjhe ielbd te lte conisatwd h estuthai an oi l 4 es pendfor palrient cf tille thilaenduoreniai ed et their Reeve Jackson Serves No-' Water 'p. Telrr amm m *emibeb pl ai iesauýea' txseetbed -Iopsa ru elfmin WthW.Moeiyn . .H the 1932 Couacil sud W. S. ' eed.a et fe uines, but there la e large" igt.Theediof the Gazette ApelilcTton. ÎIai, orerreteoste OVsoUfura t tifs usait, Minsuathan usuel lu araeranmd Clroncle, apent t'o carlier Richardson,, and Walter saip. Aàtrs-cornered U1119t11a11 r 1, Se fiatthfi.C- Jaa &" îhe Counseil laconlfln»t $c tedyet th. big Intitu. Appesi County Asseau- liadt been niooted during tihei5 is pan stfnly close Uà"f«egMolarespectifnlly Invitat a csd a depy impeadBnlreR.lce ment et Firt Oppor.asd muai peupletoughtliat il t sCcsç 1 go gmeon reaponsu te qbl heeaoae rprton N ota o .& Mic. ?acksy uculai aile* litferNtc happlucuset ail, su tunity ni ot .M.laSy»4 eal aU5. s hepha ens ted o staderic ayteMlionU"Mwi tie Pana.taiking effort, cf rezdered gcdin svi Ce ou*- fhe staff membero te carry ot an nelgnl dsusdcado h onyCuele.N..aMunicipal affaira wrero fraukly Tvahp ouloîes" Cea ecactfjng taks. Ticre ill beo n electioz for soutigetey932TdiCourt-iyBiarsdo iCu Cncl t a iales anauarly merna- 19 ci3 ff etaWai o apeber cf 193 To-c eaa- Tersyulalu tee ~ CI'>' iait te the Hospital sud lift 13 . Ou Tueaday nigiat et naie tic ISTMAS FESTIVAo aevery lfmato et tic L-0:ci:r: It vas fod liai a ouf- ol s tiey gave te cratepayers sauo i ouclISr. , lq5 vf i tff.eFor ysrimerofteSIn- antitutii earsipetnas well au montera of lScîcot cnter nf conucillors lied tcpblic mctgtloigtl Those lu lie race are: UA! " " combattonsroJ.MCooky cigiWGraal. b. cf mail dÎptled te cneceuaary. IMayorBounau esee te. CaArtinr J. ay n lacis AI- i. 5. EaL Oui EIon a te rted eutc tiogh ueattudcceusemuHen5~ry Jones. Lrne R. Kemp -ntu bid te LRT.JAKO Jackson aud Depîty-reeve Roe dhugte aut tedtcCiatun Elected iIayorBferM19383 by se- lRoy F. Lick. Mr. Grant lis i haefo elvryt ABRTWJAbO due tie pnoca er Tfsvi la Me or theu, rCt: ew eaMues C UR HE i' eUT" pt u hae erdofvryto cr dclre r-eeced tthe ieliday. Ths rolieXusW' IMr.LLekarethe ew and5ate.cotÂte trally tonusaudaElected Reeefer 1933 bs- acclama- uomlaatioîo meetiag ounldoaday gi ionarnncj Ced Cas_-W_________ rela ucre iaanaled acnpr-lien. Score Jackso bas bees linîIgiu Il ta tic magitatients.nd hThese thetrebmunicipal lits lu Whiby for TeCurlfrI 3n e sud Treasurer John . Frost at mag8 u-ireepatiors.aidseilas Te eruiedllore193ovusilie an ciairfman lu a vcry able cape- lu dîffereai capacitica for, e M Cogeaistl Srvseices...on~ nay A-. Ieced sugsly decorated Chist- 22 yer.MYr-hre dtdBw alnsd tie meetng lazto bauyears. Mr. Lîcit la oo 11,40, ..>ugeao e i evie n~mas treeq. eci building iuting lis _____________mayo-Cile.dWr S ten tuc heume ~lflori 1 j An rougemen Who nu auudeïabi- piete Sermitona by Miniters-ChMriatznes Mualo a. am i di tributed aitter the R -Air .Jcu Mattera dlscusaed tacludeai tih, EH IIRMASJ jFI "ged...bts.alarge foloiluSA 8uel R~ ~ e~e ~E~Ill ep-eve - e-lre . Rkon. tonstosnilPosition; tic re- R eu years Cgoe hesnccesatnyt " in AUCulu es--OId MneCrols Mak e m à ervfcewusabitld lu tic As- DptFORv-re . oe thc recet tacreeon l ic touna s IiIYl N Wite tiers arc e ogi-et Imm*rt D. B. Lsugford, ef St. Joha's Pringis, IWillimDavidsoti, Fred onty asesemet as isnded doue 1f Ufi A WA e airethli e kiaote etail csas- e * Port Wlalthy, iluocieg. I II'~Laudun, Frank Thioadguld. îyteEquaiiatioa Board on thedaie t ccum.Tirsl a ls prt cf Christmas wausud tic Child" Il wao OF 51- etr el-cei pcliMILUII UGeorge Kefi, sud James H. fin- Rte pei i edfe lro lf lJ feeling LiaI expensa muet letea si uevdente ta tic churchea bcan!, lte polnted eout, tht ds Chritmamessage sud afieru-ardo ut muentment , sud for ticcaiioc- IeutDI te tboue If lie iuiVnefdietWhittbyen Suday, hici hep- gentd noua cf e Savieurla bk ated at s Commuion service. ThJl The rtîremeut uf Cuucliior tlien cf fatx arreara te mintain tic ARD YRANlu to maltalu lia presentief & Myifs peer fell on Christmas sieuld have teen preclalmel *s pal Crima ffseusic denu-iMltnich a enl oote sau fnacial sig onnial aig. lïqjyeto hsriewih PCEI5T P ed. ldr. Reany ua a fermer increeItattic1983 tax rat s s -- -Rctione by fie accamatiseD bussescf nreap' ms tog-ofale uthmpanyc 5, or t mm stfcnded ia cengregution r_____andser%-dfrs ayyao prsictcd, but sa iliht rediacton Entrie. in Ail Clases, How- roule are rare bu wîîtîp Te"ou s- heirpu>lpitdeuvred ap- te aB1>ou otfaehpes te f.u romnti thendpoint cf nun- on the Counci Tii> ysar lte il ecoobanc doue creditP teh elautrslargebacsity e iseswhitee 1133SryCouet t 5fiiiit, ticSella55 pIseurslud rofreic~ ntr perst nel pag, -Ti a rt eonufl ee c tIe nîro Igb oard. J. Heieton e ou' e*"i- o a uidtic wecmcb.Aâsutesi oe". 'Mncpaiis cIller for tour luIra. btlnet S aialets supfflroMé... .ii..aa. -It vas an Ideal day, altieg nho dagilu g ter iti.Aai ias dm" MiaVls -mber ef lbe 1932 idinlulre- men e wfw1aàChrisnmas outaide. Chunciles led or star titd,i mattçred S" 4 e tgfs in alssvmntro i sond e tsn intsicases ucre dscorated. ail, seolong as uitinaatsly usre t muleet tc 9car.~>s -. ...~saasVai ast ~ Knises ithouf exception report rlt thtcest et Chait. Te gire , 'Bo I usepl ~gec e 93 98C ardtcli.J,), 11 lmut asca asct 11100 *;ouy nilla tic atondince. lusit mhî »rv ofe thfe test Cirismas sec- a chld a heppy Christmas nusi___ - vses. s i rtas issieuiaw but hi. use opeful fiat betore tic ycan ego tien asimilar Fair w as fhulu>s eld lu tsars. bte eumetitg dsar to tas hmat etOmrow» 0.Z6" t«%V ecd et tleyeur fils emunt wud4 id Jupiter Pluvius madehidmaci UUI l Let. JSWoinB. CC Obcla Cd tie minitersid. Reter. gse«'imups ..e.m. e . . Ms. . ss bgrti rducea. It exish ueili vcr- couupicucous, sud prior tue isT cecretion ofetienrt of uaa made te tic artietry cof<led,. $rr .hieln, a. er4Ceuci ha1ais0smal it a F- r tj>yenr i a uni hbe Ar-b #Jfg ip ,M Ui Uthe #cf Bethlehem hg*ui0i H1e dd e coiensemnit gisn utile Wb ~ ta cuer i n5ssast cauen hetil l daci ie . OUIImiigit InuAt J on's -Tt.e.lk. Ho teuk eur tinoy shaâîs rihoW8 ssi.pet. t k ëm Bk fe utVi B~ sl *- fwuRa Cui, uhen fie Christmas mid- permItted us te hold Hhla est f 5 , otiheLiesiPlanace s e4fote Board, décidait nel te lm wtee. las-Ia.rosssOtes aeacecelebreteai by Rer. arme. Specialsicaiuse ndWltbe e u I.tou d- udr l ce dW.j *~lI5Pfl ~ dclanallla.as l chega e fiel'atas W .M.rantis churciho- by tiec choutr, iti tira. R. Rlcasia. " e e . eco iesa.fsa ati -n Par vuN the Cecuu hop" te b îeet. Ù3daywuse. uey Bil iPâssed Fors P&psasit hiiî eti tuarte occaion. Tic sou sud Mrs. Ranicfih ume o ie variohe Reesor ss Wiiia enensR. PublihavUlii ly Cmissi ton la *Na a~aa dlc sn nvchdasappebsal. laerunder fie directiounetftire. aloits. thUegs, e tey p.@ ncth eor andWillhameAn erso.Puled iit omitin tha onta ali1 utti hai Depis ie'aveerer.OeAnlseW. Lynde, sacng fie mussaO edyeei u ilcdti.af casomeup odn tre ow ut ofentai01-es i. ail casssuni Council ileaGriner ily Bordsec, wile the sermon, tic choirl ee b frdi ui on e claain i xrde mas yar asasn wtsaitupnRic fos. S pet iroe hiyea n î lsi This nîs d fgtice ffe>te>y tiey sang Chismas c5ftet sStar. T* Th trdemui rur- Aclmioe ~ ~ ee majorIlY fthie qesloca- dictsd, fiers uould te ne tacrease pstculan rtu fthlicpoeiîryansd Tcts a i!t£ 'Gsmn SBambbc," by Yen. itereteng readingusud Adam Gis- sate lustail le n ery Uziridge, Dec. 28.--bhe leu lieus fer office irere f led cari3 lu fie 1933 fax rate, and .tiere plescci, snd eoftersemade tank- Te e et t Tounty ofon-At tefie n ue ocuk manso s!tels tusetul ciornaee fold a In on 5eecottage tiers uas ceuniciliet Uziridge.ad lie Uz- lulie day bot a eweeiere putlas migt SOItite e rsductiuu oftlhait ieg sud artisofetar. Titre lys a l fte owshi of etiy M Sunday rorning and oie- freut uu-a tiequost ut tue Wn Wr5lo giron by the tatter Of bridge townshipucouncil fer 1933 aller supper. Con. Ornîsteai. mii nes efoi i ~aso a tory fisc di3plny ni nppies. pont acainut th e uafzdgggis ed Veit si ckerng large con- tien an tileir aerive] et th e ng patient as a tkren of isb ae eiec letd iy accatioln. iating anuaed ut lie soutua,- oui. nes oisfolshe-mont outhle ctuuty nus IUe xsteusure In attendante te manger ta Behlee. Tiehelg z ation et what the tospitai The resuib uf lie elettios i"a th' lles meeting talie h.und quis- panitaa as undertUien iy tu-Inte cdncssed pelty dnpnt-acodigoa ertrcma- s FteRyudtea ptacoaeiedylieAna fgfrlemueletk tnueasoinsitsdefrissrvesor13 bueCucte rBrs ag sfo.ci oue vco i-y tlunisys, 9eet ug mnto tefllwar#.the vdsitenrac i etourcd Mayer, F. H. Wilkinson: if by saudoinaglise Id sas. ti-b chig-pcyiscatdedccfoiwuri ghce-.Christmsase mesage. sud the ole parts nere sang b Semucieditue usa esconntered, cîiad okstrtsos ounots passatice pecliosant. Tic United Cierci Mise K. IFerd and Messrs. IL A. atitutiosa bu entend kicdiy Reeve. Jets It. Loue; Coutl. test et au eleclien, dlied ils c2p- h.ie Ilee that tanation lu tie Tiche nior bcipes eulhiîod Yic yig et Ceunut>'Ceuril bolai se At tho United Chunti, niere Sennett, A. Lyne sdgeus e fieledi Dr .T -lC .Wiis .B brlyalr'.0adtl tewnu f W bywunever lbe au chijdren wausîso mncclîlarges, anuldueasyndeî,ee. Tuîîl . l lii.C.II.essiiîy ferosu i Wensdyo ts ee a b t n- ers large cougnegatilus Smith. Tic nai-rtite e i%, iefer 44 yean bas Baker. C. P. King. Henry Suittreugit lie Couotila p le fuit hil gi -smyrpoited usaoulier er m teIn n tion ili hy. Tv-oto ca neditided SeasalgasisvnnitseMn.A L uBd.sud he taloatandsI.C om.stegh that fiesCuni idcontrol o eat bcinhtt te volthis dopat- loue:assssiree "vain, teMr&. . Lcaofes. u a ata u mrtl n-ed .C Rds.ateg o ethtie 43 nmiselevical for wuuaThetonshpyueut o! Ctd -omalS- or ouei taxtin Pi-O5e.mete.on: voPaltr yaon ient -. titretsl, ti 115elun (ceated au pags 2SfrntIhe hspitel vt eri esi itc OunidFm enl ;îfOpmnsI h oseet hreýcc&oe.O.00H. Gelsâ1.4 cM i., ýppss edle bo cen- blvaeclaateion le as tulons: vltheenere tueive sominations Nee soe a eid tist cen- q ile a numbici-onIenles. and te$6000; Coi. L. McLaugiein, nais.ita -. hs ev. sa ahewO* ep o onil aldntalo h si etee wrkwa dnsths ai, idao s îmtuiteecrt ator, $0.90 i. Nwag a- inus harable etord, tît-roite. Robert Pittai-a: cous- Pesu ent obrs. The nouijna- pear sud tic etreets ucre nowin laitut he iudgieg ubici t35 car- astar, $414.610;Sanuel Siasd@ia. VI liAt eon eve a isi e. _____Roer _ shnurt.AI ienos werPi Fakbe Wilon iointinges tf the ïpt Citetsa iit James end David Hntkiey. William Davidsoe, William me- pactget i-d nultevi tossidernile aeccess. valuator, $40740; A éas osn A ___a___ hrsta joua e fier.euo og oe rdue, A largte oîuhbrofetpeuple bsai'ed liuse, seneograpiors, $41018S. A. iluoie as.uve t eer tmaequr. Prr Ito rungie,AletWso iras underteren ttis year, btthethe c la isalo wti, iis part ef NcGibton, $90.00; R. e te.nsittinth mnuI5L5B5oL5aL5atAJckon CaresEda- Bw ohuanet fndishcd pet. Vll h e oos w b~, WIID caCe totitflombinmesJamesal-Moleton lu orC orr lurvel ia las nl n ii usuisd n nak $00; 5. cityre, $ menosttube ih it he ic nd- Port Penny. Don. 2hS-Thuo aJmsMilsKuy Vtasu.-. ls oehopeal noa e tî dsusoiyfn-Onoe, $50; W . sIlGonge KIlbSamuel Russel the ounil wuldfinsh te suthStret nrth.andsonemvey ;ne-petiai pobate rlis, igroen Pont Penny uvilage tounetl iras cata, Fned Landoia Robert fie neelal îui.îaiu boh lahovy drauglîl sud clair $6600; A. F. Aae llàfl> ~ M lf A I.IL ip aucowet pickles, suffteal olves, iolifýt, y sectaisnlo l I iztI. lleDeei.contRdai sud eatviela t tc betdig Tc P. FC. tietpoue'd 20009' sc. =1 VAJLIAi tanaa psudding wstfilenon sente, W. Ml. Loîcher secceod Robert ee'f. DepaimnthI earid4citons te n eof ou- Horeer $4500; q .G-eg'Y __________ isebiscuita, irsaif, butter anal oouencîîîe us rece eofthela î-JmeHorGmtou bheau oeei-i o te sd le i-uni e ithcelaouthen D adV.M.Flon 2.0;G B u-tes The geniai sud efficient chef, lage. wulle the cousicualors ciect- - ___ whapsi o k~drivera Th. prires ivent toahi-cc ant, $1,d32.25; G. D. Cesant, 5late, FPosecting e p- __t ta _gorb wr oouh "dtl«abets adaTBYdaneoe iMaeJ.ANr . eso.3.E edies Miss $10000; (Lairycral. *=32S. oaly infrequentiy, the peai- o nul e reed th le dsats, liadta besy day, Bt oneO Jaclîsue asd Hariold Acier. theseapen urelief admuintation, horne, iIs; Miss Nica Ross, 2sd, Provision ton tic paymoiete e inugo Sd? au-doigwt ionifeeew~tu silgie imginesenMAgNuc18 frv ta ie ho bl om adMs . f dflo,3od ortsi onueclden ii apais lUt, sud eadiug aise ou a Sun- fie question. Discussin ii iber as bits, sud yet tiere eau R[taiTownship pfroving iras mde nsuh silo ceeu- SitaelleInsnte.- G.coM. aGoadimeeing*oO.4 Jndcoftoin teevlunc iniheaorl aececuberama31wn cilman. Tic relief depatrint, luv-Thiss tas in change ot Iralficef bsMdI uetcdiu ,eiaisol eico.med ai ltesieghoou useuteor vdeuts lu t01118 shi a. Detres 8.-aa tom- rile opinionliait nter becn s waloffmcii r oSdn ieiliar. ag ntrat roa e statuts: '*sT a aIl Christian people te ttuu dyeetnla.I st eieadth ulkiciesuao lbgrosstt eletin>e esy IJJRI ~I ahdhoiterd, othfrot he tan- Te ehibtsin he ounil onti u nthe proseciiee c gte 1thfe aource of li Isteature wil tprovs verb7 . ~i 1500 pounals of erkcy andl coeeldmsuicipal eletilos. Fer IJRUW admaiilerd. cti tru le ueca- Te c ,îb of u aIr .C pounci esglt ofdetanti appeae l l sareugli for tic needa fui. 1SMpounade ut chiiken nero cuok- lie effice of rese- l ois J.,lier point et tiss gttlcg ielp anal et Charnier %vcs ert nlharge ut ot r. A. sho te brse sud pe i d sdy, for net oely ilait unique The arden etthe services t l ai serveil. Certeintiy tti est ris sud Lawrece Cooper ere tlie UA lTS NIE fie rateasn, than It wuse fileE. Stlîci. anud thicranagement&s iecea y iecuntyJuaaet flsmater et dates oet tegn- compoe, sun u nsg atCanadien lteis coutl netsoueat candidate. Fer Lie four teuricil A ISE5N per fVsma nt urtunats, tais, perunsmusci beleer tuns met, ceuni ase fiscase may lte,aieust iludeuding, but ue are s.- arc cocnci. Cet eut lie tuli5uetiaebteter dinner. osais, toc caniddatea are lu lie efaZthe astraer, tuat se many Tte hall uns cnonded. slan lt-ehriesdsub aohth . ia i a il1u0ai;ngliaI for rstsraute. Candi i tupcnfemn omrsa iid sfles: Jnta citiaess ere ot of wnerk, sud yosn it amy ho foeed avisahieile taxetiun on the ceuty court sp"a@ cffi.hedoatu, rcursncton given sut et fie servisina#l 51 jIUm rt salal, individuel Cleavelot. Mashalsl Derey, Rai-iy Accident Sunlay Night ut obtUgul te etaeeb atnctetrou usheuse tel li epetasis. boi ir e i ouy entc aonIsutie iateii otcherches net Sunday. sntrcoez, seserteal eteilea j. poilteyon, Albsrt G. Fianels toua te saltin thiftamuile.s v-lae attoudasceanethie Painrliis >hie aid county." Tiengi authenticall, s- Saturday eedang tlecemica sIe. asaurtei candis§, bananes, Aitomes W. Grigg, Joseph.i. c..eCrossing in fiefh th ndufriai conditions .cnnvas aag idas lasI mad wmuid ___the_________ t. iha ta- WaicWhtSi ervice&a pugglsorangea, les creanim aee. Wesley, lItAi-uer, asul mImpsove fouirteshie solu- ha, becs mîti lager but ftle ouhrs ahem lu fie Son a eury lote9.%MNDonald, James OConnour Wi ien of latibuc. Ilie hond- r.i-a Good cash pizca noere of- Abl.aa osdvahm isnanioxalsgo et pulpta et t ndFe Wts lineuot heli aCheen snd Wel- fercd d ttenyliis.possibe dent tees toll5ired byth iidebtin et.aitter eloing fo or- isries. fsrFidlaueu~tn:te~ aiecea. t ~dsia-Toronto Salnrdap iEl ourcoputtn___ eMnday Jeaaaery 2-d, REEVE W. A. LAVIS adFtdWts eus-e Fedmpuaition ai btise, tebheuAamBailey, cf Whiîhy, tonfnacalyadohews. dl appmcd liai sr my He. A.L. uaaiued &*vers lsiteanddlet Mao-BPa ecmadi uL= i i a.rt crrepond eOr rab, iDEPUTY-REEVE AGAINInuisiefe edara i eyr oua ncemei Sîudt he Cosuunslly Chist- ___ricaonateI BD.,"TisConsacretion c D.IfiLI iuiase th e Foinragrnn tic t hxaera .new &msoani umas Troc iras cil. Santa Caus WILL EMIÀI>lD. Home.,, wilu oIILLLLIJILUtuck te tg u force, f payicg taxes on w - arive n hity 230inNon- Bfia u te eek et prayer soi-- Tueaday, anàz 3S,. Igit C.P.R. engins eaithiceroix- fie insitfisut plan the tiret fis-e anirwuni- aeropay ao bt b e ilaiduring lb. condit: Cinici, 5ev. T. F. Seat, "Ti iebgrison BrookiSri-et Nrth et munthu cof ecati ea. Tx = r ri a inasietpiarte asdou itensautitli e ef exts-aordduary acratlon oetlfe Clhs, ea" .53*oce Sunday*veesg. Mi. mentcartificat« ofiednlicouti tishle peope ef Wldtl, Wednsdar Jauary 4 DY ACCLAMATIEINBelley vas atfssded by Dr. Cui- f$10snoiopcoutlieb.purcaseil Bandandec idtuht hele fie lpueftheiaminsters Churcla, ssa Hsites, a !lsdy and itdte iave scveral at iumann f S pr cent pas- louelte teCunit Cissber vilOi- tounat ve orspne viilsecratbon offceur- Business sud - siiicîspub lu s a aipgsubi un samnsd jasas esalalite pur- a civit recepebon iras tendereai hiss. i tlasmaelraofethfse ppor- dsalli Ut." A&ILavis vmasivue.eaapdeclarsd lie boad iestIonabislaogs. chassai at;e ~timesduing tic Tiescabher acfl. oter 600 o he. hou, sete.Tiursday, Sanuary 5, St. letcil ri-ce.oniEauaiWhiiîiy luiv- He us ewaruada taken le hifs tir. se'teansd talon te fie tire diuristed le lthe chilleie.t theu frfe nee Cin-t r.Cas-scelle& iTh slip lmattissîion or tennahoe.. Thescar la nov prialluy bank là Jue, niera thep nonilv-ho c .epieto prise liaI nl bc Pb-u tuhcit e lmsggslcdecratiou et eous- Comnip o colier nominece lavîeg quai- a total vi-eca. ho.asespted aseceai. Tie nom, spa- liisd eixt ek. jointecuamnitte.eofthefri.ndsy, Jsaip 6. Sf,0114utthal offite. For tie depty- Te Ford car uticitUr. Bafey tom noudlif be befit te ail tex- tClurci aud fie dail- Rer. E. ilpi Adye, L.Thi.5'shercvalaap ad ehe ahi-e0 sexes nsnaswulvnes crueted ai titheaide poae. la Toronte Ified moi-ted ...In e~ca~ es"Consecrtioa." v-ha Consecratien oftcoui- lit t éis umncil.t ou.eson, thee wi te o e ni augl silvas proteed- Try r ceeaefnly crn$4,00,000 '-- PU- - - M IN glt aerites bala Inte s elallilhpa." hese teleti. t.g dafactea fi-uni bictrain West bing ceflleteai l 195undes-fia 3ARA TONSMP iChusci ai 11 p.aIu.,A'l USafusday, JSsuneip t!SA8leu tiedepsly-noe-veshbp, Etereli oeratic croules atller akifu eyntae. Mapor Boumau, te clos- et iL4S af lictheSi- Seaite <hurcis. Bev. RsIP c We h o has octupicdal isl siati et.Te oengine iin& saai i fi the s-olm t oe tGibilleDec. 128-fn Mare a n lpi.admichael, FIaI)."TheC o .1 qBe olie thpear u93iZ ls îiug wusa in charge ai Suginser wul- ~the herbes-w vs i"Oquesn.tion te township.John Siutat e euJoa Churcl, Prt iîfi, eofthfe Moemeni for thi a~ sedE h y ChartA.-prifinian Devis, wute lie conductci- thestenus, URdIt isben deepeniaed cltasev nelmlinfaepaing u o ifat ufoI f ztion et Canadien LIte." bof tohise casiîdateastn e s .J Mc.Bt usli j.:r reuStei ay imes o e tc 5v Sud Palici Clake. eiecfsd aus>eteI nelcA g e r ~Sunday, January ti. 8.1 -9 s ofes tshe Westmoael district. Tnaffle OffierSde biar criscu, nso Io cduf-ssdeul-rev Ie alintaco- t uIIl eLee f sth. eIf CiorciSudnp ln cddacVue eltefrfiai ti. te11 vas riugleg and

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