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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Feb 1933, p. 2

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LUARY 16, 1933 PAGE TWO THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CI The W hitby Gazettemd ChroàWce Nova Scotia, 48; Prince Edward Iland, Ontario <Cestre Ledt4* Weekl __________ Pubitiabd sveny Tt ~Thiamriulb nnea The Cet in Educational Grants puiloibtnsCmpany of gila, ita, M eet; Obra7dOY M. Goodgeliow. Dinector. Premier George S. Henry announces z7b±erinoS anauda, $2.09 a yean lu advance. htteei eb u f2 e et i ~~5 erte aubseribens tinlte United Statuti â hr at eàeto 0prcn.i oo ttnSniicontrieu. Tbt. aeC iit U Ct rnte to publie knd separate scisools and susbeaullPOa laid la. iodicated on teé addre of 10 per cent. Ini grants te hlgh acoels. J. {.OE.I3ON.F.itt rand Busiunsmanager By ti ineans he expects te gave upwards resioe:Bell'1; ReidentS. 859 orc a million dolars..this wlll note of WMIVrTY TRUtfsDÂy, FEBRUAICY îîet, 198. course, enean any rosi reductie ipbi expenditure, bTtt #w#! iMply 1unvOeethe Whty passitlg on of tIt0su1m totise lready over- The Bible Societyv iniw ib burdened yunicipatiezl. Tie cut wliii h - met severely feit 4n theé rurl chool sec- The unual meeting of Whitby Branhiions, where the govern'vent grant is an o!f -the Bible Society has been called for important part of thse seliol board's rev- «IeSeday evening of noxt week, Fobru- onue. Ini Whitbys case thesecut ilrs îry 22ndà, in the Baptist Church, whul inithse logs of moniey at a tume when it lis iepots of -thse yearsoperatioui in towli ni4t neeed by thse B<jrd. S.ffl presetted and officers lected. ePam Miiu srepes the hope us.a1iaoollh thse Society bas been unf cf- that this raduoln will not result ini any ~qs#lenet belng able to socure as lowerhng of thse tandard of education ini eMr. John A. Tory, preinent Ontario. «'He Wlin elite", says thse Oiil- ~(peInbusineàss man, as had ban- Hla Packet-Times,. "hewever. thst local tiihOit lias on thse othor bantd been chooî boards feel just as deeplW as ho frtnte ini being able te get the Bey. A. dois the noed for reducirtg ependitures W. 3bAnfeld. notedoisionary who has ini ordr te ligistoithtie pressure of the tax- riareati etf revoit agi spis titYyersi Africa, to gire an pyrsbutiee il oee disposition Cuita are luard otez iÙlÜtdaddress, which undoubtdlY to gruonhie ut the action of the Depart- aicar ine« wi tr t nterotiand caina. ment if it in found to prîsage a igeneral cea&te h sa e Beause ef the loyal and gixterelis Sup- reduction cf Provincial expnditurés al ight> irtit row: ne alwsn bm modedthetien InIMI iSPrli. 9. poettit lhasn lasbenacrd ie alongte liftte." ls .beoa n llible Socety In Whitby, ovin duringthtie __________as .Meai mlri tIyhg times ofrecent suars. and too, ho-gutsadMriC cise~ of uts wotiy objet-the publica- Most Have Botter Market-als tien 0o1 rid's word ini every languagé- - thës mual -meeting will no doubt be large- T lso ly attettded. Tbe Soclety le certaunlY 'ait io estihnted tbat at least 50 par worthy ofthtie sympathy and cooperation cent. of te formera cf Simncoa County w91l toldbyl of aul citisns. have greAt difficulty in csrrylng on their business for another year unlesnmarket Major L. T. Burws conditions Improve or thoir creditors off er tien Encountéra Mfay Bring a Hopefugl mesagae unusuat lozenicy," states the annual re- Ica--Visits Lon port of tisa Northt and South Simncoe Pots-FewW Wl Hore branches' ethtie Ontario Dopartinent of BEN D onrbe Agriculture for 1932. "Land values have Z 1 Tue nnonceateet huttheshrunk te at least bal! titeir former value ByXMOR La T. r'i.~'l Merea miistr '! mnesin ise and orivtet capital is nt lnterested o any L. . Ontario cabinet, VitI corne e Whitby at 'an suri> date and address a Citamnbst e! Commerce lunciteon, hais bien wel re- ceivid ie toma, and te viit of te mInis- ter milI hi inude one o!te important oyants of te er ie coienecCion mit thCie Chaneber.è A son o! Nortit Ontario, te Honorable Mr . McCrea ls peritape onte!ofthe hast posted maeie Canada or ini Aminlca on thse minlng indut e!fte -nerVi and ite possibutitiea- Ha ln represettive liete Li.glaatrOeof t district of Sudbsury' mite te grTeat p nt$a o0titiInternatioxt- - aI dMond Nlck Coo3ian M ae ocatit a lies luh evélep- 't of tise nortisl nd's eining reseurces. th>' needa toda>' a man wit a hope- ftMessage. Tise Chaner o! Commerce W ta c know sonething o! Canada'e ret mining industu>'. Hon. Mr. McCrea 18 te logical maie o hrng titis message, and miten lie comas& it le hopid hat a large numberiii urie eut te hear hlm. Lord Greenwvood Never Forawta Lord Greeawood Whitbys distiglith- ed native son, neveu forgeVs is ite omie or is old associations wit to-rn and ceunt>' organizationt. At tae annual disner of te Ontario ]Regimet iteld ie Ohawa on Frita>' nigitt it was announcad by Lieut-Cet. R. B. Siit hat Lord Greenmoed, bitter knomn Vo his Wislity ied district friendu as Sic Ramat, itad donated a itaadaoue paintinug o! His Majeai>einiig George te Fifth, lie recognltlon of is formner association mitit the reiment whichi n is day wao kieowui as 84th Ontario CouaC>' Regimiet. Tiis magificint gift la deepl>' appreci- aVsd b>'te Reginent and itwihI serve Vo remilnd officers and mae o! oda>' and te future o! hs distinguished carter and ginlerosit> o!fte donr, asi -ailse ixspir- ing ieyslt>'Vt tieSoveceign.c Whare Money Could b. Saved Governiments. boti f ederai and provina. cWu, are tatking econone> viit a loud voici, and are propeing varioue meanteof relieving te axpa>ers of hir hesvy burdans e! axaion. Oncva>', me tiink, would ho neduce hsrumber o emiers et pailumint at Ottawa and i ever>' province, hus setting an exumple to te countieu mito aIne hava oo mai e>'mn siC- ing arouad te Couiecil Board drawhng pen dieni and chsrging up iileage. Hrt la Vise situationle inte Count>' of Sirncoe, accerding te titi Barrie Examiner: 'lt akes over fi!ty per cent, more ieg- imators Ce do te business o!fte Count>- et Slmcoo han are required for Cita whole province o! Prince Edward Iand, miicit ha a population of about tee sme as hia ceenit>. Outuide Vise houss f parlianeent t Otta.- ~Smmcoi Count>' Council l inte entit targeat leisiaive bod>' ie Caneada. York Gouet>', iitit 47 mne ra, bas cone more Clan Slnecoi and eght of te provirn- cial leilatures have ovin 47 sauta. The members inite leillatures are as f o- toms:* Brtiash Coumbia 48; Aberta, 68; Smatteeun, 63; Manitoba. 5U, Ontario, 112; Quebe, 95; Nem Brunswick, 48; extent ini farnnortgages. Fartners mite miii bet weatleer te sterne are hose mite have net- bien prodigal Of soi! fortlit>'; wito havi coestantiy maintained a watcit- fui eye on the spriad e! weeds on their faunsa and witit caution and business en- birprise have watcited aIl itemns of exPen- diture," te mhicit the Barrle Examniner adds. "Low prices for ait clauses e! farlet pro- ductsanar causung great concerie. noV ont>' smeong the farmers titeneoves- ho are hiC direcly' b>'titis ucnditio btNso b>' tevie &M cit' peopIéý gensVaytr0Cgi i. mwithicithtiti dustrtalist andnmer- c'" tgo consistintl>o long for!, Tlsey RoolIy Prefer Canada lt,-lias bien ver>' noticeble hat maie> of thae mite have bren deported fronu Canada becas e ofthefr Communlstic ton- dendWO have nt heen ver>' anxlous Vo go. Tisai have fougitt bitteri>' againt de- portutloee. Tisisla ruher strange inu vlew o! the* tact hat te>' have been hoIdlpg up as Mo4ea te ver>' countrios t ticli ite>' mare belng set. It sarns ruCher incon- aistenet on hir part hat titîy wouid prals. spoviet ]Rusais on te one hand, and invoke- al ite mhner ofethCie iaw to avold 1ý.elng sent hine, on te otiter. Tiese meu eent intance o! a figlt a gnsteportation ta Cht cf Peter Ver- iuin t4ae nted Doukitobor leader. On is ma>' ba& gte bhis home ln Europe, ite has a staff cf lew>ers at work r>ing te privent bus deportuCion Ctte land ite used ta ral homne. Tue Toronto Globe, ln a ver>' point- ed editoÉla, neakes a timel>' commt on tis poecularsituation, iemiticit it aya: "Thon* mueCtha i ressua.oaant itae par- astenC toogingt of te iummu hert la tar ite, ta nId arenes and taeid trisuda; but nt tS o nnWhita mutd sa otbîvoIla titeir noir home.,Tlitatrs eea Cahba tita mitenevoar. tiey dmeti. titee peaple aro tiret o! il robi-tabenî: aed thtconnsoqttsfce la hiC Cboy araent mnted unymbera: CC la aasoie aumptiona ttteeltome- thing m-rOg cilla a men If hite u*furnid o go home-on itt itaeborne." Titi real vousoie is hat tese agtators bava ne faltis ititeir evei assertionsu, have ne meail, ili in te uopia wich thti> claIn eiots under Soviet rule in Rus"i. So perlesothe bist rnedicine hat cun ho glvin tem is tisai ta>'eitouid b. ent bock there. After a tatie ofcenditioni oer Vieri, tise>'ina>' have a keenir ap- preciation o e it berties and privileges witicit the>' ijo>'ed under te Britih tiag. Editorial Notes Have yeu bougitt your ax prepsymnit cirtificates yît? Cutting salaries sueriesto be te erder o! te day in Most mrnrcipatties, accord- ing Ce te papirs. Reporta e ofuaC>' Counci prothidii5ir Vwo meeks liste, mare printed fin somi ceuni>' enispers lastC mek, but ne credit i-as givuate te pupr fronim wicli titev Vmere lppod. iator in tbe foesion ose Banel illands téeb"tiitiOls itteon sèee oif mitîcitare aitailow, but ansbte oeau ble 'loft cla>, oaithIP dram- lng elgittOn SscI eaui 551 tittug4, thougit net miitt otbtuIngbotton. CLARBSONI?. Feb. In. -vThe Februal>' meeting; ettheb5W.. < et te United Clnurcit mas ibeliai the 'bome et Mis 'Clara Under- ill on Tbuniday atternsi. Mns. Raîwson'e grtuP boacharge Det te program n d te Pteldent, Mye. D. A. Scott, presided pi teg ifeetlng. Mni. scott miss gave a >ver>' lntenasifl report et ute Prembytelial ineettng. beli re- cenCiy ai ColUm]bus. vTe flrsCt4 cbapper et ll ilt md> itoi, iî ....Is.. reullominl or C@aaa."vas Cahoit b>' Mne. UlCawe se 115IL Waihen. teulpelralitssacreten7, raid au ia- toesitig aicite. »'entilled "Bsecr dsud sinests." Spas muisntai h, numbOtin mere conibeted by Mir&. N. Salndersnio soasng "At Siean-tidç." In a pleksilg venu- noer, and b>' Missne ttiesti fiat- b>' mita ;avscsd with a piano soie. . 'iCCÇ'M0N IN-THEl WATIWSR 1 eAttsancloue oette meeitiCtate to e.btteehm ég 16 0F ~ ~ 1 B 5L I N CUIRA 87011p lai chateaservea d ecil- ri S u tm1bmi oa et resdelt <avade isoado~ OntValitttipe tes. te proceSsaIs L nec. nuiut vius lit. medcea Cttilii tsio atd1en et mMchdo a " iteons batli uU Sa SI eiot n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~en laMWu hodiisdml> tCt litf laeme.te ite ae s l Surie p.sethe girls overcaine titi Dw in 4ft e ~i Flrlda-il Plantaingsaneome i teviclit>'. bas beeu n te clp sudaIlliore yense tieuciatterlng eprsmy Mon Mais (si5INC, isgitl- teet real winter sesatiien dunins WB tewAcd thne brettantoee ai te fotol6a rc ere. Ilte 9gro are"0(teSt SmaCite pont wgfk. Wite te cela---d ---- nesi hf, O i ie ld ADu 5IsuCctuSIt mi*u« mare bagau luti week-end, teO 1. VcoreIb. praga. gSaeoad rom: li. Argua.e« te0 iol utsn*iUe aeteLondon Quarantine SCationa. c- i .A'utao i*ppeCrarw, ER. Del Vimo, 1B. Air- an eneedi>' ni liprtu miaCte dnce oniioslaid drusn In idF.Asuela. m edn epC Satlt seu the6-ct greemnat. - Depirtoilent oS ts;tared 3degneses bby Utow ori nAgricuiture- gavraiet he horçmera u RASSHOPPERS GOOD eite senior com et te publie LAYERS ~fteFrozen PNorth ICite village. beoreth il t obottul bu beauclosed ail vmekint naicn ir tlr h ii.~.......L eing e t Cite ulIn ofeliSts Ceagit- Unîveruitv Club of Ottawca rrcenC- Te an.a h r Miss R. Donneit. mito l5aet ber iy, Mr. ArChur Gibeon, Dominion borne tn eowlsmcI mitre site ment Entonofotiii. gave an accot of ta speud tee ci-sud. tht vîluaitît wonk heiag randucird gah's Expedt aeo0ccpiedsabte oseuring eeo On Suteda>' tat te senvcoue iti tae Eotruiologiti tofranc io i Eevy ocut'sotie nd aokitg ve.Cit uiud. te Baptiat ctucterabre ~~-te Pederal DepartmieSnSAio- X«y, PC ,apsand aearill oer ts ducied 1»bC twcitIs metubina, tare. Tite iosrs irontinjurionien- ne1ly Trud.l ge and sdar aicou ary.lTe uts-Mn. T. C. oaticlt la Cie mentiti ect arnaont îteamatimillions oS bit Peple ,-sbotti bore mdnMn C. R Fant lu usecee- dollars eoorv vrc iChin thte Do Peope .ccd.appear prosparetoanmd content' -' l uie itrtenlig eontuy boing tIn. Mn. pgitell, i atudent et Mo- minios. Aisnareuli ofi iseiRa- B~AiRP~t.m. este est iethiite I ai1,ea lu Masier Univerniti,. as exptcted tiens roniluctrd ity ederat eoto- uNu .rtt. tri îonduct Choise serviras buttfait- molagists. he claimad that ioiport- -.BSA "radnro ati iaappeir. anî envinirs areresuting ever ver BURWAUE amarild Snober Bey. R. Bîrbour, et TeronCo, 5mai rntomolo.ical reseancli *wostatsid train Borad aitr m athte mintinten at te United Reftrrini to infestaltions of - long i40t miles e0 .aln C iicitu&y o O len'ît and deite. grasssopere in Westerno Canada. Bâile toilie butrmt a mafoc ma17 oitd twoIOi is icnat sermons ite ntated Chat tae ollîter in charte failie i ',rio Ctebarîiar biteen te tive Ceappreclitiva congretiittl. of ltae Ioderai worb ic ioboua. weraibr' urwel ' trouparofleCnLinEkms dunrit an nd a sio. Tite dance bell unden te ana- Me. Noroian Crîidîe. in dircriniz a l'osmao gaeumlon nssirrO-iules t te ClinnattSocial Soderal aurvev of the grasiîictccn wii iits ihîs horsella baimeen tase sottît' Cilu Cte CammnlitYHatI, on inetosircras in Manitoiba tout ou- leou Cite iiitres ent'nmiii enatt Friayevening. mon tain>' molt orC a ll tsidinconrord te litere5os' ab(out cupie - , îlîl tstiaitvori of mttePnescdonitatided. even iboogi weemeabr graseitoupers in numbers an to 140,- <J' eiv 0p; t co ie tes tderada etaCiteaupriesoncsditios emretnt te mont fav- 00() n one nounne fSoteof soit. l'e- n') Wolas>en"-' oraitta. Goed music mas turnisted ies ltese e ziz3are reduced in nom- tareil. tri 55 t astpeotci Ye ssieandtitase presot $Pelit 9avery bers ittiadvrerewratiîr tr otrr isitgritoupa areCit iffeontaet'snioyabt5e veing. rnai ra operol factors, lb-oc ' acnittc etmTheeople ina teiBernard r B.O. MelnCyce Ioa apatient it cycle proitaiitti of an imprtrant t>' detaess. ùooaraeday incluaithe aigi. SC. Mititiin atsital, Toronteo hot ah oS d"sirurtc e sgroht-- maibr no a tive populatioOnand tiel' aew mitent ite undermetat a sergical pers in Western Canada during the Agt 2 ccioorniehtrernrly tivodl in snnit' eprratin yostanday. lThe apera- crmsomm rner. Wes 'oe li otVictoria isind bot mito, oase-r'tien mai on itsiearnm wich vs go ci o",1 rouaC etf Citeshertags et gante,itave bail>' lnisuna uet a Yser and a VIAIITY 01F IVEED SEBOS . ®re w 1'l' no-rd ailCote mtluielai. ibo iten ite ietmtb a se- An toperîiment ta Cent tito via- Letcn Bei a .vers occidetit mbits it mork ln hie bItIItof meed sell a s tinsrce- Levs Brr. irte ci~ tir>. on et b>'tIr -Domilou. Depint- ses, m~' nua lo ,,nda "f tetCsl'reb iv. apent acouple eor .tii oi p ij ' aed teap 'opcri a distance oS abotel1(10 mîtes. uttnnît a Tocanyst. wval it 'd dpadts- Quen Ma ' e arintoCtis Pesata isarge a .E n Ma m am-éd idbtcand itrelsa lisiani iIti oteaCted. ltse ]ns insta oa Iii @pot te meeh-eudboiillstant Cite coer aDi bagl ba coasiderable eaation ai auiaden. torercnparent s 0iend wellith foosr euitr in îss it ha nd oeaor lgterilnu . Ws nd MM rs.lktC ntortia- or~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i Ch0reoa"i elesta u o rte r, severai etrttefr tniettdnet a wa ehdltip lo'a experlenced inla iibirng 5uP. progressive damiarie piniy on setel$bo tlie t ie.pont. Monda>' eveong.lTae prize mais 1 1 2 n d t e , g ip r a s ti v s e n a is te a o e t a . M oa o n iy J . H . E v a n . anslie brbai onScaaBay Conpany Pestan d a eoy- Mise J. McGlinita. of Toronto, Ion' Cite nt oS . ai Canadien Menusa i ce post. speut Ct tksda e in Tosoheulc wmhite IsPopulone, Bt tistis lierbore. we-n i e on Phorbor le ver>' lortudesi Chrea Royal Ossadiun Lame mad Mr@. Oeerisnd. of cuwli tbe gttil Meastet Policemn andn toSur Itil' Toronto, mers guenin Of C. A. and aitI or riren ilee9 non', BaY CempaaY employeos. Tho MM Oveniand. on Susday lent.G It ceuiceiîr i50e landiet CTrar River setîlemeul la Cal Mn,. P. A. Tsddn, af Mantreol. or îilnaiicanhe itn t trapntsie oivislitini ber parents, 'Walter CciiiPr iduig ciuen ofit eîolgt1mwati mot. Titis biesand Mns. Thomson, Men t- itensdrives ste buildings nsate toenonS Mns. Luter PlIkeylasapondint ir itit wlt sieallrocit kne s e bib ors a couplesr et asmith relatives le r'lclccl'c cand'c. iaût enduriogthCie miotor, mok-t-iWhîtby, lBary of peylt ier te iuildisçoiythig itut coin tefrita liTohe tinon aSCthe ITee te aI.a" Rver ares r e eynmru dan f runtits andien ardHaitor.lite efri-aF R O E I®rdK nusnsativae oninoiting treagbito FETLZ PATR Jr Nier,,l [iia Cerenatios gsI! Whhte rarrya cdos c c..n otioCacive ribsl nons s oaai'IAP5DS t1. 1 1',crc c e srango e arit oiitor. ule Panture land Srtilizd a Ci terate scmi'te sl ing nxeiondla eieatlf 5475 ontds pennactr os' a ui oic I"cc cim tnari l nuxct i seaparalng Piete îeroitzer mon ailetîluontary then tbtits latino es, biun@tit mtoi ue Z.1mme sto te acre tien con- Ter arommengr@is net rtd.inuoun grazing wseanpracied. fThe lit aoruodlag eceu a st arreanc bnd of tond sîmîtarty Sertiloz. a o as bOing coPSOially productie tc otgof uttni a it aIther caribou or toues aititugi, te e cbtane nîn itona lu Iticabne latter piasiltit. ite ns -s . Ci2tiar w hy17 oâtete ce 25,aui m e lniaiti Te ese pro- anSdte samie kînd oS land nten. r u d a ntiaauOunIeo rued tan- darsa te grester part eofi,@nsotle nleil1.40 cocu u te ce ts Seubst oi îd ea hîu Cita eulta sere obtaiecdity lte Do-. f M -,latoiess abaiasace doriag car. miction DePartnt ueof Agriculturg c an esiiens utof t Cornain iatai Che Expieruaentai Parin. Napon, Ct u Ji eksems tecoasaextesivemis-sn. varud Inraisce te la cr oaf bgril resourc ots.îsgThes cOrding taetce condition ni grotit bsn1ape epal. lie more and bv carotul caicultinadevend- MfO I v.IIo.itis .re.ares aS C thia aite'ram aitle ceseiC emrc oitsaiCed. In adt. a isai vempeni a tisruels un- diin Co te pasture sthe towc e- -ter hyles sans mita, fin and Seoin Cie e itain aecn irit Citectat sadres dram a c hpanraunneaetete à4dérable prt of tbearîCco fe al Citbcanimant on il mathL ïIderabte mln et aoe od e iven. lTee ild urd l inthia n- s oee OdiIJng fron Ires River fotantsel penat ad blicoue asran seAs rendltt POUîsisla u . .n . s t17fon ment oSftte tweesty.Sive trara cie«lit 'b>Mgaf:s ins t ond ne onigac titadoutoe lunsud. h iena aluga bam f igitrokyInnsce The g rli ete 1 t ias peruanentro0 rial e iigt nesyinanctri 1tm a astesdi vl ne nda oSavih ýqlqy Atii verottonse verad a uea1cr-Safet>Glu 0 uadaelCinaic eneS-rnàaud1. 5 t ronnstce a vit teufertilized acta. EXPeRT CA1TLE ONS NEW FOOTING ITie CUitd Kingdons agrecmenit, ai eem raillrd. puta Canadua cal- tie exportera ontian equai foiiug wit ther tnmpeCtoma e intc Britit marktet. Sur te irst tite n City- soccu Yeats. lTe Bcrce s t on o seoroenerlo i ronslat catlsmovltt os exporti a no onger rrctuira Fat an an sore cmttr are allgmeS ta nove Sre to imaS puits. mit the enderntandinu ehae ttmate ct.C Cie mustr aSofaaqualitv ansd Cvpc satisfacCorv nuate Britshinitiitcy Oi AlzrtculCrr Chorit iraeding le nu ongrer reçired: te Cersod af isoatsion tas item redanri no gsl# clair dae. aid a reserinarv offiter le au lonzcr requirt-a eaccoesanv tte cuCle on thea ocean voyaze. lthes. cont-assona te te Briishai iisrofmeaSArnucuinre arctupant oS n ii-ltecal agreemenl aciced ut vte iarespetive gonrnmensai5 th~e ImDeniol Economnir Cuoncencc sud under otact Canaan tecoMutes yka- md S sive Morea g..N-ti-ffThe water bad a rbeare. members of. a Roen WOod. ,ed oniy with goose-flesb iand a itile dippy thaïy bad to bave iir basilfuuO nad broke tienteie, togetiter and toniug oud nbottid- ty Sncbes beow thte surface. vThe botties were uianted with te moutit downward taeiereveflt thea accumlnnation f twater ln the bat- ties. The exportiment bis been car- rled on ity theo bitcigati Agrieci'- Curai Cotiege. and il bas benu round that after tonty years burt- tii In tiis way seedsofoSBlack Medicit PePPeTêrraBB, P1gweed. ltagweed. Wild Prinirese. Cane- mon Plantain, Purblane, and Curled Dock germinated vigoroflO- y.These reonarkaitio rOQuits. led te Dominion AgrostOoDiBlt to saik the question "Who knows bow long weod oeeds wIll iast' FUTURE FoRt CANADIAN TTIBKEYS Mr. W. A. Brownfofethte Do- mnion Ltve Stock Brandi bals ne- turned fr001 Ilceat Britain mitera 1ho wao osocited qtith the mer- 1bottng of the Christmtritades et ,bout gb tub fatted pouitry. Thte f iiient. wtic eroneited meet- ly of ttieye, weut over lnu "Chu- ted' instead oSfte osaitronon condtttion, tiereioro came In dir- ocet conipetitton witb te home- , ttted rocher thon tm d -tthe qualttY and a ttractive elotion of thteb ipaiett eau sotd chtiiy tin LondC stock iltînxndtoaty attraCiIit attenttiotnof te mitoieaatOt ýand - 'as quickly told nt Savottraitie -prices iii ivre te aster- ;f .OS e rado Itatabslpnit et y liýn BumkLi JE AND BFJÏER ta th e eM m BugIIu Nt" Mdu Fgeat pisydicu coirt.., chlteta con ufordrd by Ia aits & Glu.b Alste eM bi lrlinBudo mu as out.le0our receasques- m o anadan mtoras, 89% IMt> Gisesle hetr ont car. Snc1l tc mais ta ha mititonuttitiseciumr teuture-ort>'oce e! the mmy saW amI "ht comble McLmughlteck Cc t and DBc=r Mles. Casefsteaa GMAC Trsa ~- WMAT Ulm uOTmem TOI.D us 11 hIsrA*t iis IWWu'o Mo" dh @but Our esoot snoey sang Cam olmt.o Md poseudu btmiu mbicb r la sd sb&. lbi bdominaymee nd Bsud oS re m PF MauFao.f CassEs »gk mbW 04 HATCH 1N ý hm

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