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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Feb 1933, p. 3

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TH-E WHITBY GAZETTE & CHROQ CLE, THURS1JAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 PACE FVý A. Dowoo, Pori VerrT' 1îî S accompamied by Mrs. Clarence d e ! i t a s t i * . . ' r l t eM r . a n d M r s . S t a n l e y 9 a g g a n d atdei ai i 1 tacildren were Suoday guetteai r OFf» B si esa d and iStoeAati ee w i eDsMrs.HILWood was a we-cMEDICAL OIdIÂWA'g 2'E4PE BBU27FIL" sca..t ,j,,Humis U, h rd nigQoMpej-«'e4 guest ofniber daughter. Ms. liar ____________ ftsOIeg r ik, RAAma e 1 s..eron ,ie able reaponses, b màHie!,andi Dr. Hîgh. near ti t T O A T O P L !" T E M al e c o t ru s g a th è r e 4 , L , l eC o n g ra tu la tio n s a re e x ten d é si to ietelD R . R . T . a Lrg e piaflo by Me. Jamtehs' AdISIL Mr ad Mrs, Ted King on tebirth -_________ CONaEOR 9.egqB~ of a sonl on Monday. FOR RENT -COTTAGE, FOUR Residence and 0f ce UERORS' rontowy ecraed Al on Mafany c oihpopular an£ 0Mr. George Scott, of Xroei.roonwydgrtt i o- Cor. Brun and Marie Sts. GAMW RICARDDIX rita, Oti ati oungp pmnti Sundav wtth bis parente, Mr. ventencea. Apply A. Bandet, Pal.htb eICARDDIXaI the tiances * wbit suoÊed Mrs. W. A. Scott. sceSi. es*e.ANN HARDING itr Messrs. Bud Rowden and Le#nard FRRN PV OMDitR FREDERJCK A CIJDDY 0AMAU lgV* aUr. M es. OIIAb lin Bras!, were Saturday iguesteô;Ted FRRN IEROE -0 y U ~ Robisson. bungatew. ait gonvenir ces. utace. PiIYSICIAN 111.tas viehe ourpriseI ghardsood tireurs, garage and chic-CofudsaiEcd u vroel mabi.lts ere ,-Trece fletiy bTeehoe W.dnsds so Thrada-Net We! long tipwreatroal«_______ RUII liaen fbouse. Possesion Nlarchltet. briti W. JO In la fshi, in flhII apnlv W Stirrs,Byron St.Ttohne~ a - IdIUMI--ex èe 1lng an UopiIp &idd 6fo 26RCôROOM BRICK HOUSE -UP- PWO,,SEASHINO I EATU1i.S nite. ON 1 poe te the Royal Theatre. Appli'1. LEGL ili"e ilSundaP gu, stit e haitik Fftmtac "SECOND HAND andt Mra. A. Pre'etige. 1,ILJ BICe OS WTHTELE W.H.KNND WV»Mr Roy Dqoiay lebe. r F AN afHI ctec et land anddcillrr buiditas arri Slicitora in o3. A. Sw forman fAwrfl * *Apoiy. 1.Turasky Core Neer Csvaee, HOt. OMD~ lh Aj~yto TeLye cgoo For Sale Wtb n meeting At te hôme., 0_______________offctr oth ewBcheri # aL hLE INON Cara Hardy Peraet »Uto e lto w ye BIJDIS N AI R ed ~ ~ Pr ~ .. 25c ~D35on' adee l aî Ds d , àep U m aT w W-B_ U RItM W edI ry sUpplies. Wrte fer whole-r prone, teny,.lé Il N Vtelsle catalogue. Sent to adulte ONL RUDDY @ho-@ hotionalontetctliut rli CRIfi~N ~ te tti. ieîîn ~ 7tw 5.448 Regin,., Sask. (33d)i Office ai th. Courtue.o Misa Miytle-Je irreaow lsHRid lu catodr in thse Ceein*y Loè and Fourand ~,Money ta JOAn. hoy to Proeeti ta make a t'la- Janl aî Wbaily for tise past two WPhone 33 adi rug. Mna. George g e18 * O Soep weeks on a nominal charge oai va. LOST-FOUR KRYS ATTACHFD-f 13 ........gavre Us a séisojtration aduMoto grancY arisuta out of lise indine'ai lu cord. liettocen Heards' Taxi stiand A. G. BR~OWNING, KC>. 19310........2426.5 Senin ies, o n rdhteea m &k ate per roses. mines c4iIetise bodty aiThomasa Sheridan in a sied Royal Hotel. Finder phrate re- teseruter, Sollcité% ,Nssu p. 1932............I5iIW * e î t- wia n rad hemolo, nieldi ner bis home ou auary 2~ turc tc, Bell Telepisutic Oifice, Office, BlessisSe.. Nemi. 192 5342 7tirogh Mr. j. ilraaik Bootits. characler. ?dis Milieîtan i e fr-50 Arhue Hopkias, Parkia n o Beack SL S. ( Ie wrttliebcnoted ihac 1932liras the Mr. W. A. HoIllday, iepe-ratutVba is nut, b siaa asrses eoe M~i e '3?*icelle n ar t den te Prst- eadig abut te Inlin.The shaw. wa br( ht ellâretMe1,14 39 , 1dArdywar IJEP. SIQIyS A thaetishe revnue rached t, aa flth clite hee et n tbe: evagdlhToflet aIte istn sh awa P .24 maria,.ineadiencge, anti-cMr. sorsein l feence uxTUt Court Tueeeiay 0nmarnaug anti sat 011SOP0FONTAIRTO th 2500 ak Te d entellyrcpleth e ha.tere ettnlratabler adLUIL olalftrmalchaxd iy asajzï;NoiI 0F EGISTItATIOM YNCNBtMN"- ý LlIL iii n chanre in the rates cisedule saime lention as liee ot I at ai ile at t ,etpî I mnlac ýHFÀ'L"lll'ï 6RD#7conduteti1le2han- electten On thte rga, it7O TLA arstr oict. H uiiu Ilinougit edbishea- tishaiu:yr otsMu ad.Tcrue 1C va irn wiîî one No evedence vas tbken as Crccs.,nNotice le lerebY etuen tisai a Opposite Bell Tlpin f~o Ce tn asuiionestui h ttMaVIDlngpîtures onl a pic- lirns resPooteti t i able an. pck g r itel Attorney J. XA lccGbbon askd B]y.aw wu apasseti iy the Couneli office B South tise Town bso wardsofa uareater Ltonte! Jaoruey r te Motr a u ira. A very tnlres the Il da te o teprellmina___Oftse Chuntyaf Ontainao n.ie Phonte 45 .Soi il-untinued fionmpage t> of a millon dollars nveted nnethe cereeaîlegAsiedtir. antilistes»Profitable meeting. Attlite ei1rsc e ereenet Prncipat ant interest on Plant lisat funuises Pure, sain andti liougis England, irelatt n tiOts meIg g teny Lou hweek. lIn the e tccH pkirdu Drovidiiig'for thissoue of delien- li1 ty lu ý WLLIA wasremadedn inurest lu tise amrnnt of $104,000.- etbnueobigatians for r ater-ptle ac I IeCrPiaIo gtad ierletenes abolirontantd eaîfee vas senicoi. . L0 etoayo tile lime ai h brn.O o iepreeo aigaINSLRANCE *worke Perpouca But Iliere as a ray ia tise nisomes anti businesplacet. ltay Ofthetiseotelantibeauti- Mn. Allie Mark atlttr E K R n. Hpusmcune pr teuhetted00por tn e utise Ofunipahne oC of lglt due aI lthe endi of 1933. uiPlacesuOaille Mtlertcndanti Mr,. OreJeîîney an utile zêeM E E nersne orIno h onysaeso tl entise lasi onynient ofintenest euc1svaluabît tInfomationwau evisitai iheir ncle. Mn. J Gil le I Phane W Myhn. lie s. Willed iamcour.v 1steu, uel tgofwcon.sti c tioo ris R BRy BRAWi L EY ant irncipal will have been matie '9VatdeoMn rcotnclin feCtlValestia oescdayirlsot welk. nilbuaa HpROBiahae yivvsreîtrt htR. FeAERTBamuhLE ose erorginal 30 yrec deisenture T e he isae s U.Shelley mas ton- Miss Etina Clark vas a râeqnt nalsho en smOfti o n acrney hage»s ltty Officte red nR e gDc- FrAtmbl ,sat Ion $50000 isscti o mae andI deecI verylieaîy te OIarkOuet utornuî is esut hav been ut on their- own ba iuaColishe Cunir f Octarios nAN' ru ntifth roetiegti a CakaIBniso. . itggne. vro lt a t lo apiceareti before tise Magistrats té &IL day o u bicuarî3, A.D.Oay iass i a n teu& Briel 21yawofNove40marti9on. tise In Vlitby le ena y010, cf isepraie Tise Buin W Pla pthe>.i lle, a daîoty tea, mas nered. Miss and vene îuniigr temantied thi -lits.Campaniea Represunteai Wlrctceve the mateu-worhos steos - eb lailti as Mrs. Otitllovs last Titonsday ta Port Kathleen recciveti manse Ortty girls oWIt bail nif$100 acis ion trIns-ais- AW matlie., ta quasi s tsl ~ D D Of sonai pymentfor Pincipl andK681,andHre. Maundrelli vus a Perry s-tnt TheBu Wn * Thte gueula mere, 'lite Misses Mar- peanance on Tbenaday. A. C. Hall ifd* tise saine, or any puna r e- iterel aof $244322, beginng wittc "A1MORT IN THE U » I-1 veuserveti. oiditr.grtPesnA pae frU.ndM.Dvd-0,mtlemdewhutre LW.ULE ci va 94 Atendon that tint Tise Boday Seleol audiorium ---tv--plOyer. tînogh iiee. ieta Lîck, Dis uLicli. Giadys Luke. son. tWoatheaithe t firul pulItcotn tepseutng crith Whtb wterors ystrnoftheBatjt Curh as oi-neut playoti their lest ent i »pt Marie Lube. Clara teikpatrick , Laat veete Hopkainus apeanet ibe- -09 eis Netcete@ nd cao tôt lie MuttilLue bnsasue Ca. tis W ty aîrwrk sstut I is BpoutCiurisvasnt- l > , te Odttilloses vrng aredbt Frances Roinson lanti Doris (;us'.'fae Magitrate Cregton on le ad;e tirester. aisa shauld lia oneeasy sîneet. tortalY itlleti an Piday eena LatRaglan by it ntvn oa stlfle cttvgnny iasg venl vsInî- Bttitheu aye Fit-Fs-, uosasae tclgoî u Wsuurwoeslstatiostias Ion tise ravelcgue, giveut ly Ret. a n h ot arnycag hSi a ntm aatti t a fFbu ie uo oilaes The total amoulst ai maler de- T. A. Robinon. MA.. entitlut"A et wMinutes tist ai tde (ti sereuarmeAccmident set ivCrv At«asMeibc 14 A .198 Mr n Ms .ilr adMc . te . hs.Ine regs e lreYoung People un Monday tLook Ciat cestain s-sornas yen extcectect; R. D. BUDDY. 5liou 66 Wbitby in tir prar 1932 oas 159.-utoanacelcostumeor places Ueo. iBray attendcdi tce fuercal ai tey a r m atie k ntivi> eTrssrrorkntoe oascotayeti. Mis, teioflOnbatrboen(sent Ihene iont.cW. s-d--- 592,000 tr.operiat callon-vitich is In tise Hoty Landimoerer tee Mc Acy'ccorî,etrlaeArtimtr e.Ienbos MMti iiF Averyo'asJe cteteoe ttittion l uebuis ba e a cnet ot at the average rate ai 4j6,-ÉisBîie. oi. Mn. Rbinson thur0 - orîan ai Eiheic an Mon- uts a vrepbys wtinriciaceinmien o! Olie emoaeeInorman S ER GS E ue11gaia per day. Witli a popula- liouelit vîita vealth f ainl- htOiecubo, day.igtehihs ubrc o h een 0 h nomton SLERGS do f294 fo wte i, pr bl otue or tise pao. SymPathy i tetrded te faut- _______ Poiîtres ite Mm. Harold Pieson asceninineel by Cise exarninaeion "'IPSDAT FEB. 2lat-AUCTION UNDERTAING pous incudng beOntario Hou- DIB Of tise Htly I-ani, Manti ts ily oaiteelaIe Frnksi, vant iobeainedth ie lomeut ut.ntie,. Re- tisaIlise manolaucisuer change mas ae a crtlei Hîtaa pos(ilai li i ouîidt e an item-vee tlaPlayeti îy membens ai NantisOshawa. ftretimentu veme uenvdeiltrIme an laid, sale. ae s antiéditai sîs i nent , rW . ageo tiv consaerPtion per inisabiitise cloreis. Ths travelogos iaailv iveti iere Mn. Valant ant oeOl ltn 8 eeîoyaisle esening. prW-iyOC.eogeA.Oma.N taontioftatot 82 gallons. Tise gneae-lmeocsit'lemne the lu ise ltentiance la itilli increasa n0m e s s euday lZîIIOI s Secl uae AICIADAt oy' e orgsa e A.2 0 A F. erAmbuace r v ie ust atnout u dingonu day ditences mny ofthetie ofaiJeans at Sunday Scisool Cisuncish 'SudySîau a et ted FERTILIBERESOL a vsIaNWimtil nWne-st ulancSeorvnicEbe, i 1932 ma 551.W0 SalostonJeîy s ieo tradth ie strete et ltsetvi- Sonday School lu afferine a upecial Masmsonotiei Matr ibm t.ke-se*bil le e t 12.30v a aurne. ta 1 - W i 23i-t ii ithe et las on sunay an. luges, tovas anti chies oC Paies.-.prise tg te boysanti girls wh ws aa oed asr AueilbeMrt i amsennmeabc mS*tblle. 9DaT , FR.i ci - N ICThoLSON10 SEiD M. satanelatemnuol p aid lit ages ly Mis pi isto Rathie P l7tlî. 353100 gallons. .Il o ing gondtttail mAnkinti. attends cisuncitmuh ual o d etsne oe ntertâla caroeGarsart Msls Greta Lit it ianso ' atsepiicA$sati f fnntr.ladeaer ud1ustt TI eesstrrea tetvs~tî metonedginth~le a elaut C.. T ci olier fs-ends ai a alsug i companicti liv Misas nt lier day, isa£eeîioc .4 plfat odidg Tise lu ig are s bch omre.sAviastvjoni ntif eRte Doris LiclianeUrMs-W. A. Scotanti busit e n Canaeda É- us-erse hase- M. et he e tu orana, Pl on 3t Vill .40.0wbnllecide 7.$ 16 *44po dI fa tact5ge>s1-n0, erhnt I S et -.. -atr ale .îs .,deltrePhosvsne ottSs ie npet3i5.BruSe.t on atlelg,4efimenetnullett isemetfusas'4lng sudrlasoi *hian!worde Ive Tih nubnformaunecsmdet tng ia Ad n oettelBd «fa l ie ssDay otan Daity mi Th nmeroffewsrvce ad toe h h rdI gjoe &rgiBvms-s emo e saaactcallireo eu&, fr tisazCy doing 1932 vas 14. Ieat. VIs leelrrnivas assistetilesa ero nSuatidacaels-siicshse es- s ' -CesaA B7,1 TisIa condfiIndvidul îitbytaistise. Gnnpitai lçnpiFsneral Dir-ees. sud Tic neuralien af individual vot~~~~~~e yIii Geat . CVIe'Mr&- J. Wealberhog, ai Coîborne, ____ ' Thicfonditusio n tila eotaln.Us Tsm ss accauntu s 88M bt u tt ciama 90, staleniti musien. Te pré. le vline ieioe m tii insclusion o ac aus iiOais.Wai 11M , Aa Tier A bttsc ervc casensDAd, 1922,homeeof Ur.ngotisai mIe tooreuemare famileu are reculvînug cuts oC the eveing vent la tise Mrs&A. i. Gnose. ers AcOlietIMre i l Canad a ________________isnNa24 wOler un hu ane watcr lii.Tise buding tond. Tisose visa have becs confinet ta09fetlierWIEinCnaaNoWPonDO.24a Broobtin, rentier ai mter meteru inut uteorbaone-Cicdotus aenol tesu than 12 0er cent of asst MLVTBAM WAVMGUEareimPahI,. léPlant taot am eltrogen. , aosemoster tisai la Ilameti for put- TN 'heisc own tatemnent cot mv. I0 NIu» oHuJlOle Cogratuaionl~s anc heing exîenti- Poi cdadptgssht. o in o u fwr bcue DCRTN cneswltzyé aniao te undear thé auspices of teé oM.adMs edCo.fertied a198I i inm achines as-e vantlog lusteeti. Myte i ter cnRt iagaiofteit alaiet food luana fr Vutoensatoei ie u F . A gramtis oi tise vaîemmosks tep't. MIl Association o et i te lld Mrin.oa ieIlemn-ms--iUer.1d an e en ti ove isuthe PAHER In-CRAjo 1910 ............ ,96.75 teote-cî averyIîsnteretave Ta-cula nnda lw>.. ed O wa asdt 4orco tneweetetwnbuh -0 L 19105.......... . 69. 7 hoa,0626- ntrslg a TonMs-s. Pm n a te iîtheasis_____eciu ils-st pas i tie o erlt. u t aserfo a kleet. oier- ss au. s.lpg 1919.. . . . .11,111,12 eilte,'A Tnp Tregithe 1 s Miusihael Grose retunnedt 10lie, - i4th ie aro teop aie nddw on he tetsF rm - A gadjbet he ig Pon 1921......1344.11 Brtîish tales.5' a gvn in e Position in Toronto aller spenuî12. .857l udytba oseo oea~t nte ce erofaumheles-e.equr -ntbodtalaipsantfois trai, an lo ecbna rn oosei alès.. iauome~ 1923i......-....i8,51718eniiltSchmrsmonmes-e pot oume tifai t lirhopouerse,, intenturetirds 0 braeire.«ITu.eenenom menoess bura ta os- éssdece saispisa* 1i85 1927 ........... ,162.16 uvninq by M.M.r.ieley rpr- u Tont. teson spent Suntiat o rovioion ai t lize s ee u Ot*-c~ i cy unBeIntean ite. ban t BroEs tebr E or > Mr A Seley rpt- n ornt. A I E Stemartaket. Mr. Wing Be-own nseallesi tisaI ald tiseda easoabe ias f ha t e-e r trucke anti even tIi PHONIE 39 - W I Mru. inhatmadosun le mc nred A ottxe o h er1933 aenwdue., lseaandssal bs. in'W'-lishansoes tisaI tappenedtuitagl_______________ f* 1fA tise boanital anti copecîs t atIddcntn n etrn hoeii nti iaw een esve Alag ae otueyar e- w at usedipla foo t e La tise Une-beltirafetsi tiste bell fhn-.Ea' H1C) UjïC.LE4\N I N G cruhm ee ek omuet bse idthi iten days fro te dte of muns~iedp haMsaal mtez rang ot of a ~job. previously, JIlaea1.uwta houýfOhw.adMs f ferailizen sa"nti pnventeui manT ot oteei eOlnOtat Hael Pieson. otfToronto. spent r s uns.,d ipappoînnentntin drap ratas rutsiso th upmn ad ,,yiscs oithvenuunti s- stise Momyeeler. Tebna- H W TAFFORD Mr hr use of isfeniun anti traudulcM rracy In ile Os-e tiepsrtmeni ta bie Dealer in lmPorîed anti Lanatial lie o.lcu ais iin Omtoeen e'îe t veîoytee i ua elrur, . sre.11Gaternatees visiere. thMismateOri'tiala. ate a lengîh isesue- rst ciae o, osk aIttdees-t n. almbs ntiMn. JOH IR.lMOST-Iot, oeuouttise meuebens dtiettetptrices. Theiaitetvtfasn el msî on O1% 'bta i crwsa ahn e hn 6 meatier bas matie it mues casier Treaua-er Tow fWhjt NT EIks.R Ilualrtts.'N oe KigtnRn WsWib ionrlise fariners a t ram tieirmoud. CORi - - wo lecberc A alon s bmate ther rauteut tg'a sv "u îrnuai CEMETRIES s - d radier dangerous for carsin samoins __________________CORN_______ yflis5E ltP., c CI1IIUtTIURUtI .t4~$eraca roter M. Wm. Kellcnzton mntta OVE S E CMtoui f 5fanti Mn,. Krtlingtose for a îem data. L a l tVtif DUti ES - W.H.ulaica - te J co- wntto heForas-r. VSSil te toiserve visat efret .Jackc tha veiit. ooratt luas ewTie-Tbl AOped RADIO REPAIRS QLDUTCI at ,cPolig.-r JmsTravel the King'a Highway o-eNew ber or the sREPAIRS TO ALL CoActEs OU SCUGOO Pub.5.-Mn Jameoldiang lie es.rs. anti amarteti gamien, Toronto, vers ( = bu e = tISEe lat tase e r. net u ai esMaterssl snd Worknaasfsi OsosCM i- u tditss ndmmyoaot c i lime guesta 0f Mn. anti Bn. ip- Jack- in ruai LIs nBi 115cm erieanm lrGa- TeUSTSE M (Ddring lsousecl«oang. Old Duteisla saiie It do.u o n a eseday tes vet rountron iBmil ladeMiest SevCaucli ue tustse Grayee Mn. anti lra, G. Samells e rs eIimai anvad r bati'fmICnach anesbssile net e récntguees r r. ndlie.A.LEtlat tles vas th it a ni Of lrélier Toronta anti Qsawa went 010 t E. iOK 1prient fistise beoaty 0 of hly iuubupeIa.e~l *sa W Iceey PlougMdeamaîman.wht> ec l . scath aetasu sa oelschsl>glu ns-suotweabasvearcetgauss f e-Est ir. . B dN ilt vus ils sumauien5 -age 'aise ppaeandpage 5 cf ti o e tD s.W t0f lOti, YoîalI ud tie a D C way thse boi my te dean sessdoav, Un. antilis-s. o. Citerie antiVilstbeapas npg fii o DO eto li me M" Leé,efryvstdM.As-aussitise canner te the e Wt. te GzteTiecrefcsnrliI eepsoo00fbl wallb and wooMies Luell Jeffrey vtotieti lin.Effiective Mondsye Febs-uary i3hitollin. tise Jesesier. seestievinEg ae ch h, hagbt ééhn 6 met athrms -riao tors resil kkhonuhns& an Mrs El . Jetreyone ayeut the lair aprni in a ilAdir,,eastbound anti mesîbound t o elat l lai lisor. ris wtchtht hd hinin he tise boises vsaiic îrsel e ttbot lms ers- nu ssfrinatw ostirleges. R. Jacksonisla. liet e 1kWHITBY - uONT~sARIO ., vncose. vile aven et Eo1idy'sns o te oteAL9.0apet tamd«o o hee so supis aenck hig la ti IîceHardwvare stars Walter MeCai 1 ar-0.&m lirae bue r irp5alt Is n edatibOt be da isu edmmCodl ouwW oasurcowparIs eInl sstrvues cttesg LEAVE WHiTIY I-BAVE TORONTO neutanla thast tîs1te acledule. anti are tee tacet isi.a Pluitru t le danti bor, dA lan g he elfat Ir stSt hoCentg St. lBay et Detnsssmiii iup t 0 os- cle Dutes sciuuaiotybsau. s *est... clauae manti tires reet tutienoogit.1-ho O55p9 e ses hossiich is v eeToronto lttuliaalveà bner M

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