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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1933, p. 2

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THE WHITBY GAZE= SiA CH-RONTCLE. T1-fllSfAV L#AV ' 10,4 The Whitby Gazette & ChrI4 pat4r4a pt' migWtl Ift1 A: *~W Vc", '- ayar o u %or ber th il-14lit O o hrtrecaunhii.. Thg~* d p 1bieb the subsciptlon fI g 044011op t hvIe *gfiî label. J. H. 0 ZOIN. p0g4ItyçmIusjsManager ?olm~ga.: pgl )4 aie5 wm~ppv. '*I~~aiAv. s'.' Y huit, isia. Swil* a ##s'4i main like Rev. Dr. &op VailWYl 40 hIaoté, would M M0wo înt A rueVI baquet ini Whltby laiti weelo, a* v4lu*Wg &&&et te the lWWR @1 8ub, stag, wq bovp 18 pqglible. ad t àl lto b@ Mpi~ Mat 00lymx foi, semFNO illII 174 mAde lwtoww yagisatiqa. An ofgmni- **$!op th4t toijld britig tQ#@tbtp th@ et ail Pt4mnt 0hU» OS lh town top @R@ 4"f @0n tayiday çQuld net but uueOmpluuh FnMeh N"td §Bd oervç 4 woupth' lin Onte has only 4~ 1q@k to th@ )% __ Blbi@ Class in Toîép4e, el which IIen1tM Maurno ip 19dec, tpt boe what cari be @@ aeoiâho whog fpn 1()!#@t !av * whilç thol p! glu ~ununnatlea 4B4 aid thev Mr tino sonRfp. pVFPcsno..- hlg 1114 y of W141 Somad lWbute jç 41p -rg p ip~rn # Torontg çYCR- ln ~ e ; Wg pid & vil) 01111 4tIb t Pp -w F , Mo0hlllVMY. Wbt- bYo P'wPd «f lÇUÇtiong e4llr tire?~ fio.4 a idrl odqp&ttpni1 *ffblr in WlItby IC)r f K#,v p*fa. Theç artiçlo p*$n- ad @Ut thot Pr'. MçÇillivray tîqg4 Ri t'hg 914 wuîîuby enu linstitute. gprv@J tg ggol 4@41 t. qqçupylm:r tle pit 14 el #Uavd E*f 191199949 A 1 1114; $144* i o W«q la Yom. h~ hig bÇon *eroltFOpe gr@? o the ug #PS4l $#*It lie ha§o 101* #"ii;lptldw$ lb. On>tirip Ladîo.' v7g@ 01 >@*t, t i V * s elheeg d PUb 1qçh~Vkil, wik mfe F*M#II te, Xg@tp~lllvvýy lande î iuay iife. He i a fofl ié aay lntqi4 d@Ppite îdvaneiniq e=ffqpi$y "Vui4 *: Oeqvtl lm MYOs te dupileels Ç%Woi . The tvib;ute @f th@. Tore#** Popv P!h'(lOtn wg woIl de- A Kri in Nom., ç'ad D.ed WMtbom*t y m i l elwation. Killy Iqq V. v«Omày omsp)otg4 85 yeui Mvr ýhs Priiêoh Emuiire, )q#vipg &goad4 tlibrge, a W10011 big fîbluor, 84r W&M 'VIL. , ivble wr in 4Ul ietory took pIMO dlluig 18' Folup 'oouiitll in pobe oh âlf ip he MeV ofillifl n#@l.îve .~ 9p, *rWoo îld "04blî,1haw isun estabioh @4 lit plqo..o tl9 ngdui, and maij king@ ane BOy ilngin mollo. pu$ lit à thpge gpo#ui @ l~ bun ê0tod the i'inly "I filrat hai' ing <Qupqo, I)y §m@ )10 hm 411 #.nmid#.vd qnly R lfig u g, a4 #si1Pg in 08 mm@ y Yew cpipl, heeseoes, iMelire. ee ni FÀ . mllesPAye i di. reotinlho othe tiof th@ Britigil mm, pire, ý no riaon he. wboe ei'*ptre in I% , 41,.nait thon ie. W%@11 the opteginep of ElnîlIwd44hV@ dîffiuil PFOWmeino i whîob t4 #hj ynot de- laide tb.e' ri te th. lMiP f"r 64viç?t &Pd i la ,divile on whiph tboy r-4 s.ely. rie liv.. a qutot lifs beli#g a hommnIpving mîqn. *l. rompoul of big. liuleto. W@ haVq roçAflo t. 111115.1 $W8 wligu ho paRQ@ hie wiil b., guç- Çoodod bu' angtbtr werthy of hie father. K.Iab, th@ Werth fAoMetgnf liompP 1115et 480 Thep4 AU4 Mo owîu Wh 1dil ghi # bp&4 w y ewodcong lit yetjp tst whF6 ahs4 weiàsfu@t 4nle" dho lo whopu ho hle hî,nsf.slauIol in liof w4th "cpu' Il*@4 m*iaii'ny ee#r.i Agi. Aiiiiog AI for a olatemnt 01 lut YOir' t*porbi.ii t @ .op ltirno p M a il@u..4 a O0le1t0 l0ilUntlI, 10 inlîl the y#ll n"as hi nUI4P #Bd p@rq@eveu5.. tlw 0 I 4 * 110 OhY l a bligitiend due $h1 hedies 1'o the Ut year w@prç çin- uoloi aPd 0 b. R m4on use o! tihe boat of lusb fer 1I#. ail Latflw4 #@nçr#llY ..qltl net b. expeet- wi $0 letoiow this palIrpla but actiens JIU* theae &y@ s.emiai~ înl bear out lthe 44;tith t *Çai sffoetit logP im Pecuqiaiî thta eev; th i In > isalen with # gfoin of #e1t, ygar4î and OffichLla " bleutai apd crtip1 ili teWqrst type of hIM&1te,'giys Tihe Ganoti- eque geporter, 0414. vie eitily 4apte. The evldenct produce4 tg.il, k an4 # week apin tht entiy 8)§ ping Rn a4 411 Jtlgon coliirîhouse shows that moot it- hunian treutmettWgsîccorded nien whope pffe*e, ik e ref~î4!ng lu Worç. wna etpny a minor oUne, Yet 4 hMu~*nopjj vpe kpocled dQWIIt Ptrtpped0 hi tp1e reot r4 uesnçiousties#liqthern thrown at4e "4110 hole" for c teks. A boy" qf 10 sntOp.odti t sevpl yeure f or rogberu', h#0 ýtep qhgîekied in *'the hole" fori,11*'.. tIys for a breach of prison reguj4thOna aih tth@1trlai judgt remarked tisat 1hg uhguld neyer hgavobees sent to the penitentiary at 411. Theut art biut a few of the hndîojrmentieinitie afaurw e# 4 dninistratiufl, tMîy çbgin;eshavt 4iready been made in the personnel of tht staff and more wiii probgbly foliow au a Fosuli, o the present epquiry. Tht public, W@1ehve, wîil' 40mantI theun. ,Strilizatitin of thme (Jnqfit frit hiese days when ttip quçgtioptu f thse gtorlhlision nf $, UIfit is Mqtçh tg ptht Ni, it je encotirg 'g ho pote that att out- gM»*dig#nboti 'ltheh lifielI. top tndicine iqd i the publie service as Dr. Hetrbert pFU13@, hiepten#pt- oertior of Ontario, is th1e loader binwhtt pgrsto hge a new and nuu.h nodgd canip#Iî gs't teni tht rapidiy . inpsogs'ini uand flpVflîiti reproduction tof huniaffint by meritaliy deficient peoopa. IOu figutres ;ioen out frum tint to byehitMen of the ça1i11re pf Dr. lrue ai10 Mg'py social wtiykuva Who 4lpnw where- et then etal, il igapparent thut the prob- hem has reachi s&op# a îtpgg thot inlea 4ortething of o drggtie nature is donte the na&jt ill bluttottienpç with a very large oeruege ~ ienaly I*tf il plle. Abt bsoeatî l4io wosotliapilASiafor the insane foulu oQV@tfleWh.t*;wit11 no aion of au abatesurtt. Ai g mgtter off Ént, figures 4how ish#t tise snmber of iilagne pieratta in Çan#dg jta nçreaing xttarhly. O44riois Itiritusate in hêiaics institutions 041011 As lb. Onrtario Hospital, Whiitby, whers nuch ig gompltuhed for thippe who apffer from diapaes nof tht rqndt, but ]Pr. jBruce'a fnohod of preventhen rallier tban poire las tstttainly mere tirpoly than the sertiun of f4tb he ws'i4li, 414dith@. onareeît of *Kisting onee te5 pare fqr theae who ares Mntaiiy atitd Gpod Npega Thte ponosuncemrent just made by R. S. MlsAuthlin, te th. effeot thgt thc wnçhuc- tiop ocbtleis ofGetier4ai Muter. of C@- ad,% foir Jons ppd jt4ly have beeg l i- rMpOt by 1,600 par ynitg, 1n îdditJun tg the, frmerly contempiatedi suenuer eclieduleq,ig t41e bept XI.wg t h4t .ono tg f:i11l thp lut hwQ oe,.titres yt§fs. hif t'Il b has beon ïnid.. I10 e tate&i o h 8I of incJeotucJsaiop furt4he pari>' Pmptýf May apdl tht p-o4ptpçlq for bettor blihiepa later ln the seasen. o ThpQÈhw# wM ibe uin, lmoat t;lonce, ttetgenficial offect of th1e bostter thnq ta#$have already begoip tolumake Ihor 4P Oe. opt eau rocahltaI ,for a W1ei o o tie three years production liu p4tc4ye#geti e4rly in lhO somm9r. QVnrtibpwevter, thore îrze gned prou- 'rai pe btfp~guer preductiop, bigger tes ait use'prnpioymnot. Te 411 pople of Oehawatht.ni& eg4os- pfolt eomp l Wtis n encolirglti effpct. <q Tbey cas' pçw feel thst tht worît oif th@ti @r.jgiuu @yr, and that the city's greateatr tube Mni; s e q~ pwArd tia l tlkeop 04 50w ebse oflite pa 4releît t f tho genenmi Amprnntrmunl everywhere. Maye bhis ipovfn'sontinue, w1th p'pod ireila8 isill fprt:hhpGot:orei Iiotora ol'f Ct1da, lMOsAnd for ils workere h. Paulii Fgrm Predout, th Prrenator IfenrY bas anouncet that hi, woverpqpi4tenda lu m4ke an lptengive 09~ dive for the seruring ef gireoter mnarketei affule tarot preducte, anted e l 4y4s pemal @f advtrtietng cgmp'n. for 1 ffl0, gro*t itress te to Iso laid on 1the home oi iinlot, in addition lu th4l pvei'oeae, andti i 10e @"##105 ahoui methoti wiil loo@blii 1@09 t h mte an der mtnaotp furt 41e Pm- 4 It.gt he o f .frme ef tht prqivince, lha Aury #pve whieh tendt u incrogge the. ui'8he tng er ofthIle fpFesan d ltaI 'h41 th@, toutn beisinti this e caiipaijn, js Ici ervo bhik#.If the farner capn eeotw,& a elli' p'ayiel for htb prodesce, wtoethier ,il i yjpts ot the fieldi or the alabloi tinpo & pqtetial poirchaop tîof iuti- 4led eodop, anti thusthe asieel ef pet- rîit> wil beuiti tsi nove in the, 14ghl di- eti@q. $9 vie sîâ'- tîst epiaer te thia cas"- iga. Maie il bri0tht Sanie rosetewhuob Im.a fellaw -seostAîioliietAd T Dei Onc :.î ni hn.uio l,cvtsstpect y0Uve 50 te Rp tU& ndrttlOsuiQIuîuàîhdt 'ns (pl -1a j;. i,i . rhs, ec' is- tîucl Ivac di .ohîy ions i Mtuucol.iaeetitt cherpa s U hc.:e.solo o c.oll ..it illn00nut4oe **0 P* in R&ftn. 4 s.ssubîli sl ia 'idt ose laaY8s tuc "Ilr ttttuiçptjs t wO p :0à0i4[l, ntg55 ,, ranîîst Th.en th.t suusu:oPî#:v ep;noî atsr ai your 50tr ai- tonjag, 4îa:horî~i Is Ihe l otî;ae ls Yu htsu o aa.Ii i0 le tiutpsusuenu taçhf#g 1w 18,Çts tuy ai u t he hs o- tax ce mur $I iîçes. pà a..andthisi 1heu ilo l ihrut *aY ta th*t mupiÇpal ceugèpt eerQmlpel s1.1ja;" k-,144tuas scoop.18 uemutinyrn9_ hp; tise 50te, ea &co.a d se.stti t ssîusnge tçivgia q8.et8 tel,- les in$ bornse aoîlt t 4y lainfitle îrnitleb6 s saisi n& s., ia ' Neneir 1mitathit, lisn t4FIG7he. nà 4ci it. P'uFou st 4Vpi P lu thissuw*I fanthte $5, et wf'tt Mii F lea4t ue Doiiascso soeî,î,'u f o:u" Aas. d se t'eu pop4.te s au inulosus je si nt tthe rreunicipattty osit cthe t rOi a lsah pour tis s îc pop ha ohe ttomluson srocosue suàS5.*ftVu.iha ,te Thui ycu get hitextra au b th ,psrsuuoc Ctatnrsitssoo ' It- ens s ouwei)osau lsinthte midle. làs $e,». but 1 Pdiji n C u iu 5Mr h9usire-tcboespuun es hîni) munsosuali un- 4iQ lstc ofni Ptarles. *îuouea cli se asenh e, si.î rn th.Ou&usatt(o a cs IhdostI 14.t. q4a t ;zpe 9rîn.1. 'iu 7a11 als'ba iPr~n~e fi* i t.sI. mopias s'ef lie I îe Visaecs b mo g tçma Inte up. p 1Ietsps sei tIel TaÎOiy rid ait ÏYt, ie P tuf@, fie îe u t .s5iyo igz Ou: ro i dt lu s a t g s e l .q y oe spe o4 f eîr4 a% yW wup wre d to iii um e eR., eVnsse b verostti buho thsuer5dey ttgoho d th.iîut mat th r w iti e toyuie 5 tatidiete r:aclieq pM 0cmr limsuas igitfpts #u tics ico Oc proert. "9 N09~ ohrink, peci, trqek, CWI ult ei o n firePeoof--eparkw Qý .oe,,>, Ipa. W Ppfity g-ouded et t4~ four eme &açco;c0Ib~ o (mOiosç hq A.'. is, mwpls I - 8 p dion. fi U eplpç4~ fro w.7i 0~ ~osgp Boi" ?ve aram SUN LU ItE AND % "ETU"N I teonAit peilnt, -0 m .u.waio.Pets 5Me rotum), - OINO ON NT JE1VRNiÎ MAY 83uoI UNTIL MdMAY Il e Rt«uavu MA4Ym EXCU8JO lC%~38LD AT AGENCIES QNLY m tmj MWome" el.olphoe. Ir, OACEm LINU- Dunda.y Pt HI hamu.lai' ai I iUi!Iiit - . .' t 'J PAGE TWÇ El :-ýnýý 77-11 113- 1933 IAuto Tr<wel Not NoVeOlt> Not ub .10n uioie h p*çedîtbq ~iba14avot p "A1 iWNW o nsuitor, Sicrh)l.Utiio ots i awar -, lf;r 'n MW , aP uq go. t t qI f t 1 9Ibi. - - ~ sg ve5o wet VI to ettî Tbe week-end excursio cst i nt ter avan *î4 et the rfei WnivJames F, b 50otWsîî, tiqq wihur a i qcountrsy grb- IPIIe st heudn r wstem cotet bu .5tq #R 18ei ÇIMbt ey cty iied! c" lIt 49O141tu'q M Cmeitiee bay. ovof Suleu 19.0, r 4 aorectpr et vcasuomttcti., "tq? q c to ef iietdo t le wO wbtrh buied iPqboafoa i e 84 !* Wth 49§dontqa fif .# : Ii4ern qLn o f le rt r tR1 oe*oihçl- aw,:test ti:' e s~ î1. m Rail wuy agriti ocile pull ltyoge Peml d upl - àii i to he eoteý --,s .ti cp MRIsnt--IteS a1- Aî1I .y41Va andputnipa.or it.1ete ter *p ~ rlteu u t ci eoS otlnr outcr thenda7. tugt p ire lst lu.h ettcai e q pp i i t I ýn li illi~ o a stf Ou hl sI ie qs" Il . -s in the c lle ermf Y, W i tetî lis e q.5 ta. lun miu netîs aîwyp jb0~, tit ..7'P h 1 we~eahh~u~l~ls ors, î's rpft .1isos, pstofPI' t 4.5 l sit t f îlr îc-o redo nitvacon n u tn -...- ts3yw af A inepou!r1 n r1p cn4. el ~oios1.,o ' ysB Islarou ti = ta 4c f sa v 0e tovc; exede ie in.t cgin ilpog@ oft te J,, Pyeri 10yV. l Icpe r ma 1 #4 .0 dtp * tl " q4.l- ta l su Mi4 t e" t on y illP [sies sirecapocli 4i9980 rt lp oir n ce c ae c '. eeNl9istpl ;Qe arIL49 WItloeIiatoft he Op 'oil i u. snuh WY iave oit trle, grhsi ~"~ a ZoD,, î ; <pt F;e..î, vl Mv a io.ib uPupe a altc, ak , f8sitrqp .m u er" i ose tb# lk Ibýmt we tltegla aiaî ' "'it ' uete talfskýI uk fall t Foc a, ý 1r iiIDIiniidtn o. ttgnc eëthpe - * I n na a aubeco l M rm asises ta i l$ ir 4.~l l POUtA i qF'h l iai nîsososiq T14O 1n l i ll r4j Ibitcs' o trh e xe nt lies t eqpp * ir cta F mi ii lisp 1 rq c.$ a 41 greseoJhý e"tet' îii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ac Ile 0"o ~poet is alh t~s. ii Iot~î-j.p~ ~ une fra Il - cehîlîne' trIl j:ptttte RlW ;uîpii ~ 4.~utfuture. lita oeo. s;Pl ulnestaxf iet M49si C# etreiîr I Wel8 hFi8eleira enslitepusîpela Iole p niip'1 hiop Çîfmina r uflu14 , fs'ou erert. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I . 4rte u h crlm b Csds 1ý iteucu t pPdt i 1îsess l Rin re - ou r a h fpra n vt iu Noliosai ft 1 à 'il, t 0 11e esî err te bi et hisuepthoerlitgmo - Tise~~~~~~~~~~ pas; î seto uu etetoi iîîu C1u~ds~e q t W4 tm isTOtriep tislh ci o n e ou r ise IVontm e911 ws~îs~e cvuipe 5.RI~ O seîsob e eaou H 1 î 'q U! te .. i @e % i îtusuh lna rr- co l e Oilmfa teti sntats mlutust dsCsn ~ rt 4uuveteq f lr ~ idoc.ni tisa , ip î ot itît eiaptic ge 8%, lppl s.uh i, o I - îuslisîituil le au ra Q!.fil 4FI41 ofd la 1 oWP tastite *File# I; 4 geffl 5III; §lt @FI thI the perssttiti o t a âSI os ol mu gOorO ta9 FI 3.u tuaeï- a thrbiddng thsciaa4lb!ioeuof thPpc 0 me, .e4 gi 1euçilpsîîm It il îThéiMin& tantt 4 t IV , fla berr t j Pl.f 14eil81cc'oc illit4u Pit c taoWUI P O ff.q y f N ,, 3 l A i YI~ io isapna 41 * i A h ieF Fnurooî ai . "n tierîs s etu9 î n 1 il , -çlsvei 1e at' i f onlct Itp4, ntmcret lç s. m -- m utinvIiarffat ary S Otte 1 8to.s lf~~ If 1 @@tu%148 f tpcp pc <vo t o il liPlu - rgoi$Feepne W" lirý hve os ostom iîqf aestpae up~ p otai : le ~ C ciZ ni#fild fr queli C1O tht fi t fth ýsjct. scml4.pr- PU the Vte titri b urrd4 $ 1 rjè;1 rfto n h e r nu 1gol 0rLuttla otn3 -b"ctmy 1 M ase Ylmns. telu. 'couptgtrieeitîl T4 @ç4@ itfbillaio ÎR0to." llfc. usescelrosaNeusmOu Pl fP;t-«sM 'i h. raiitb4 f l)oucu formier Cha ceIla t4Çy Whaie 4o ht e rold:e-:u r Ft;q, ini l 4iq ite ilitoro if th l1 etiJ ic lruc, t 4 4zj eV t f, y pru @p Sf7. 1ho É 10 .çm' u Isclengt. e th pQ er tl a tary PUL j spgcc Clithoe bteilryn OelWIII5Pitr Clt:ti t u 515tt'* the g rol rotis ths iovc nl Prstctsn ie x c US4tht t e ih.dox CIrculeChu:rh uin'atiug communisut tt Naziri n Ruqqia. T49 Ço:hclic aiç4 Lu- sunny ha. imprisonêd thç " tiscr*qtiCherche* uce, if lh#y jll, inudnfrscor(i ciu !usppu:.. Pa oftreedirairain, the One se, Soýcsll PUuucrptiçc pait:0 ' whgFp tlrtainy wpl rCnn"e: her s~ no î;u !çv@lqtiýtir, thon fi',cep sçq ;114 lç&cç deshauss tiýr kht et;,iâ taLbor pirty which gave i l,, ( th ajeFe uhs4ïgd.o:r apioul r 4ncu Rep1Isl;c ns f tut reil r '*' hF Rîrtion ptGernuanoil h t o 1. clteqwîlslise I tît isHoiîetiîuolirnre ginieluisi Ot0Cp4rty o Sr lhi ,bine a paradis, pi uCmocraoy. Romance and the Automoibile tUlu(mi Star) ci boet tilr murs. i ha. fnpslneroyd*1eroc Otuhiup itotih7sW, tuasndclitSfor eermfiîla nim*te hoi5#t. Th#i, 1 a f[si bout thse Clîds ef Lotpe. orth iliso p5tt uuoai gpbiit1146 l ititeite i-îles0k«, outhttc tittPlo tru su So tifuenosu'ud, Our own Esuterun'fnwnslist p~ý lIotG iR as btîo teoulis in the %4s 4-4.ys ntOf*ocbîith, q k:ou prld, romancu onaot 4s. And s1Ih ise h-ard iîtlà 8essit jai. h tîte ili suve 80a métus 4s marn 44 î.puctf ' 5wruser aina ui, tes ntdestero-ciy ted u9y ot-p loqq, 4&sigeneci ost4mttssen i.tryinïr tn scurene *sapan turu s tiqfs 4t afpthu ius iibii t andiwork. Il i55ui.haO cot,: pi ienst th1e ,toua l -h uià o, o utqrole Pr Pif sus alier fonqts ust fi heuiusssi*tdibeleUis su ol ironepcr'toti pbig le;lieiîî es it urî4lsiueli; ssitii. iP ithe Mîi lf0 it.Isholite îudplowt r* r 0 the i tu sii %Oiî, U lie 1 fodPP . I oi lof ts te frin su lte te ..bvtde rc't tînt tce tfl îu teus the Aho &i Dietrîu iiiro, ilà boreertiste lhunimt posi tue nFihsiul litn1'iaiif r odp lenerthontittcsIptgfcrilgp ntessrt aiu I ta iins 1 D 1:e L lau Si n or5 i .lao u H,~wWe T12x Ta0xes 1 il 11 t t t i v fi tî

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