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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1933, p. 4

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THE WH-ITBY GAZEITE & CHRONICLAE, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1933 1onîiMondai avanies,.te slt u. 1. B. Boston lsa àgoust t 1 «the strete"on Satnt- thé U1itt NOause. Niag£a.aon- 11 ay27h, ta roa tonds f1cr Like. thé locai ScouCs. wl.aciihé soiti At Sc sach. TACF DAY SAU At lMeéNaîêr'a., - *btbycorps ef Dutth nta, 3 »h1. for 25r et annutal seit-Denti lAppeal Tac MdMee',phono 94. Day. and tAk for h.eo-orAtious t tcf Cl.. niCi. This ilatheofinal ADORaESEDT0UNOIoPEOPLE 19 Ce rnyfrSi-De- u u r Dr. G. L. Mactiongti a , athe na DI efoth t M frSl B l ft r peaker t thé BAptiSt Younc II IOfr hie year. Peopiea meeting on Maundit * AX"METING 0OFT"R S ulht, hi. suhiect Cing "Héaith WOMN inBTI'1U I~ ~sae anti RamaAtaneti." Dr. Mac- TIh a ailuoaiMeetiun o the doogail matin hi. atii avéni' WOafeMl CoCs ti 11, beéi n latérétlag ant Iinstructive. Thor@ thé Ooîuoii Chambera on Frida>', waé a large nttéodatmré cf Youngtthe autatentla <lOCh> cuomette- petpéopl..Iog at 8 ooloclc. As hie la thé an- pernui losât Stins and élecion of Of&- TAC DAY FUR THE BLIND cré,e.SI:telaspet! he.«III hc s A 1oclcornTaitteé formetiiIaAtedne moenéetgo, f0tu torCher the in- tommAToorS FOIt CATLE Crens of the Canadian instituits KPE AT IA Whtil secrétar>'. Cs ca Chaptr Alomnae Asainei- tierOatteOtaioladiCes' Col- The Higliway Cafe co-a~ct, on Mondai eveoIte 69l"SSI. h Co ège uuat ,s hodatgdey o Jne i Ma.lodviiitheti omiai.o' A. E. Saulick. Proaeiééa?--ciOOk. Plaesétend ballots or PRtO SSDoîclonest, 3 hh. for l5c etnonOCations a Miss Elgglns, Eeg- htsékers. phono i . ttrai. 0net lAer titan May I1CCh. Th l énuai ea for h. crado- ENffORCB DOC BYLAT aiiug clans viii hé heitiAt theo Chiot cf Police H. W. Quan. COllege on MondA'. liay' lOCh. ai - - - trili ha.. hesuen lstructed ta én, f pM force thuoniotoin cs f thé dot T heIV Veek 0f dogeoto lié titoaa ordorig "e smmer sores rsa o s t- thé somamer moitit, Thé hylàw IlI 01cftbe WOM01la Ioîtitoté rame inCu forcé on May lut. bot vitt hi hsld at hrtespointa In In W hareitby man cannesSouthOntario District: at Pick- finm crdenononrs. Dtbe ondait C1t. Thée ecturer la mise M. E. Mr. CatcebtFrencih, o a«i byhp ana itlarte viii1 bé piciteti orand MoDarld, oftidoasé Créaih, On- cuired to Connccoc amang to the taken to thé poonti. tare.. ia MDIrmid tomés dea:h ai hi. maiher, hirs. John R. hlgi t cmtaioed. Site has Frenchachane aicati oc crra aon ALl ESM.M1% ICVOl'O4CATIO0N hbaI eflrlà:e ln Céchiug In ae Satoctiay. FIJND tROWS thiealiéot.ia a1radtetsoC Rv. lic. Carcoacraelis n aN ri Proc.eStiiolquié tiy. bot vith MidDoatI lu tiCte, O uelph, and ra hswcrk atteodaiii ohecirtia confdice. ihe métohera of AttlianIBArktCr n short course ece thas 1 iitiiySaint&' have alrady made i cou- lotk fMr thé InstitutsBrant, éaecasaai Mcn.ai I oats Idoraht r contribution to thé Ré- VIth ber 1:961,11d49 of rural cou- whercclhtn son Rabph i> a stadrai. itoatitan Fond AiotmeSt. vhich itdiCon.. Miss MacDlacmid May hb, Mc. J. M.thiiapaad Mcas. SOiOOiCi ta 1,0.00,ttanid InCinde dibàad6d 090£ Oceréutier accépt- t Chick and dahtea. ai Brocbtiir, tu cointl ihe effort duriég thé ahie beryion. Wbite hre viii ou- arc vstng wi:tair1.and tira. . tiotaya IMaiy anti foltol ep iy 'hi unt e metings it hsbée C. Towne. durnofthe witoe of the Irier te aLrraSged Chut ailitée branchea catch aitl tessit nlabounCé yuffl bhave anopporCunit>' of at- Mc andi tara. i-Nii,.fii nIich anyoco miny car, to rive. tbladiar. Whlthy branoch là iovlted wcr in Hacila ta Snatanda)r ast, No apctscniir dtine la bains tCC&SatutheC.meetings atPititer- whceen the aftror toar ey attend- mail. bat ac n taonts vhlcb li. cd a r-anionof ai tnt1913 oi Mc- corne in are ln cash anditéora are MoterLUnvesity anad ii e rýc nocvain regretts aer rilghs SÈIOOM SAt» <itElmTOHAVE cc nang the arocaat meeting ui tir M- matibuOu nftILII1. Thora bta APPIa DA"S C Master Atucata Ansccit,,a. heen no oe inthé congrégaion lard 6Cm.. are no respecer of Ji hut bas apreeil h@ or hér la- P»6180. 'rlteWhitb>r Grouti Cam- ci Mc. J. F. Agg and flan avecotention ta gîte somîthlag aidJit mtta. éontô-llnm ite Iiret WhIt- L mnocedtu cte Campa tesadtean ust la couientl>' expssCed hat aver bY WOOD etScOf 1uteanAd héi liràa tat oi tht abwta. théetniée-yeir Portitithé total ré- WhitbY Pauit Of Wlf Cauhe I. p- ns Mr nd r> A. oac hae ciait ivCl hlieeachét andi avec PéàitioCethé ciisées. ef lCltby tt Mn aai c- a. oac ba c eédéal ta support titis tplendid vont 0 rncnced ta Ccchrane, CUn. chene amng boye&trough hé mediumo thai' wiliiremnaiafar à tanin. Duteh mêla. 3 ls. tftor5clict ut1Ci$alie Or appleaon Apple Diey tals . JC3aadar lata Nuaie eéers. phone 94. lMa $,t. lots. Ail thé Sout, id mers . and oaoian rcetttat Vhif NCMiNSTEf Cubea liii hieout in farce te con irientsisn Whitrha ast weecienO CHOIR AT ST. AJ4DRZWS bu>' out a ppli or àa nbel. Ail cota lot thor sunmtroahome orar At St. Atitcv'a Préabytin p beVOti 11 be an aPfr théltY b 01-1111a. thuncb on Sandîy eveniîng àa aécatbmotion and carryiOr on ef Scout r tara. Roua Vernona vi a bhee attraction vil bc the ii fth Ce vonklththe"s. héa &Ppui &t A n Toroc ntofom eemontbs. bas toaniSrt ad choir oC Si. Paul,s Ought iOCcailad ltaona May retocedInti m botborne Ore. Pnesbyaérian Church. - sthurst ecoîaider t iactit md patnlott Street, Toronto. The visausor iti-duait>'Ot support Cia Apple Dar. Mr. jack tch-tin a ho litsbeema aaCr s Rey. R. Mliirmitd. anot it Ttlabopéd hat éverynnewilhéit atiending Querra s ontvrnaity.Kng- preacher ando hi scir,. vble tbe ai goutirons Aitlrnumastaoé. viii ýtrac, a ahmeborne e somimeraa- chrtofai40 volectsor mort il ~permit ou Satorda>', May' 8?Ch. ce Ca t ina. ideceti onc ai he t Cin lb0 y hat titis Mostt mmtlbuile Woitk The svice vili taci et a va 0O -mahoCrldb uceil. M. anti Mrt. VaaiacShaw, of cdornc Bey. Dr. Carmnichiet, Cth.e 0 EOiT Tonotamcc caimngos nartis n mnifér i S. Aatieva, and the Mr. D.M. Jacksoneta Wbitby, ton one tia lat n rdl. choir. onder hics. P. N. Speatt, iji vibe bai bess on a vîsit matCh bié Imil bc 50 ynacs &o aon suitî1 go bo St. Pau'%in laTerete. TOu sono, Mr. W. 0. and tir. A. M. %,.cc Mr. andi Mc. bEI-i. L iha s the tietecbagée ahé made b>' Jacks«o, eft lMrion, III.. anS .u armuthRd. Toont, ad pr-St. Andrev'àAndio dodubt every l£vavilie. lad., respetiteir, ham ents of Traffit Officer ad Mn. Std- tcatt inlb.ecturch viiell led. rtorabd home. During hitiah nyHittiant. Whitby, veirnatidMUICAL - sancN eue oVistet MAny Cition la ,r h hda l ai StXAVAn'L 01fibath sCsmm- u; lin01,cismunt ilee forthceir it ngaiS T hanmuplent70 MSMRE DAT as ihan. talon, M. Vernon, andhar, Egiati Th topie ~ Titrée.publie scitoli eC ilbit. Beant ,West Iraubîeont. lohne- anti 67 yeacs aid. ceapecciveiy, bacc by satidte &eparale etitool. viiCoCi>Rsrn elvl Ma rad teirolden a ddia be 4 Yat. ui. &n rusîléefstaval on tite iao, Brrimborlderada Ïhavr. act tnet gitcovaeitifg cleri eeniug orf Empira Dar, MA>' nfeovo can6indait. ouad on ai hear borne lamiSaborda>' lOrd. ln téeTown lii. Tiklm City. Cre Mtrépoiband aad et oaa aimectieti y heicr flac iriné titek*ite Placé ofte Cdicdiils:iacLuis. Cairo le atuatel at thé a hitren. Traffat OlfIcer Satice> Hi]i- Programmes usuéIlin prsstietad loctio oCte Chioanmd Miasia. anti, Wbathy. Mca. Williasm Rosé. Ilu«eacuioal on hat day. Tbir- mîppi rivera.i In diana apd i .a BraCntrd;Mr*, R H. Marray, taon ranimaii li te*part ln tOu ui>'b iiidCt oleiiat Ciaesicaie, cs arn Wcgbs f.tlvi. ntiM. . A. Rutebi. Cle: caavlli.. lad.. Prineton. aoti Mn%. H. 1, Beat. Tocontto. anti son wiii préside. Thte pupilaef d.PdsitMonSl.En ciéengratitratien.mah Toaa viii tendier île derson, Oveashoro &ld unie- AiSaints' Chnrihbasnsecuneti'chorués.. and boesin âCée. i, l. &II la n tasi,. ne aime t srieofM P.RBat thoraé vîlib.espécial reflasis. pnt à day10lo reat Park. St. ahrenncm a M P R eiti. pianosaapio.a ntlâ &i cofC Louis. Mo. Ths peéitilaratés thé a stutient ai Wycifn Coletrte. tusolos b hCte papils. Thete etiVai second lîrgit ooical *lie la a ias n tierk ac h e ahurccb tatbe Irgent or0f li ito e hé hvoru.OIme &boy linaei ti. iucmsg the Caiereéatnuiac Mr. éW-b» OI vl eniscCe rem~a ciS'C Beîbtie iii aoamearre ha.sdauaes oiiaodlnth iractand fil .w.ll écôt ite a rtniaistél e t lnh a-aoiîy e brde, L.N.C.M.. sapenvisor of oea Illinois. This trip vas maie SCOUTS O BELL APPLE& ,muait ln teéséitools Titefe vili posîbte îhrough te courtes>'oe lie naotimiabnofes but a Ccl. Mr. W. C. laciteon, Chiot apervi- Thé Seoy Scouts .'i.eoaitnu "letion vttthCe tia p taet>'Dar of lré panté Cot the Centrai via Siven permission hy thé* for Sur h ooks.Ililinois asti PublietBei-vice Co. ln I %oatéern Illinois, Aidlit. A. M. DotrO -an alfac 2ec ataiason. af EvaU.viiie, fl., Meeherae phonoe094. Oancit sécretar>' for h. diii file Iliim ms.u..fl I~ 1_ naaoréne C o., of Canada. Radio Owners! Wity dleconataseIse ué 0f Fourra»odio ltt. hé sommer mealle? whémn mmm or h monftm'~ iYer. It I on ma>' dé. s-vthUe utmott. recép. cOepiffte cet 0f our radié set, tabeà. ïesai ans _______ Teléeassme oetceat jrt elnbues onth" é a rEmm.t H Oe Coiberme St. Phoas ""e A POPUICn pastan antichAIr ta- change van enjoyeti lasl Stntay eenIig. niththe mWhtiy BAt- iss 'Ou rab ad te Cetral 'United Charrb. Oshava. Titi cehaice. éd O y Mn R. NiCholson1 ant i Ora t. Panrotstornîti ouC Ct cul oltenc, andatie litémialt.ra Bec GArge MfQuade. Ositâva. andi R-c T .iBeat, WhIltby. vecn t itia hein choin@ sad on- IontsbAn chcaîge The Ide& vs f"dond ollitcaied tiIl10aa splentiltiripîtscf co-opecais. Candcantoani )jpaveti theva>' foi- therorhances ICUl S e'OOCEICy &TOREU Mir.JamaicE... 0 f PortC Penn, itac purbîoeti thé Borns Cash oaeni' on Brooci treCet Nantit antilok posesiéle &t vesit. MrMc tcKCé itajbe«er uLtIng te éuOeicr %tore it Po"l Perrn anti tais baticonaiderable expériernaca Inthé tmécry bush- nées Mn MrKee mlii tari->'a tfulf tock onI Onréie, and tiomtsanti yull atnCcovit aIn déalilnemati fond values la rénden goOS mr- vcetaInicorO ciid anti ncvpatrons 0f th*octonn OSHAWA ICOARY FAMI ilOtSrBOEf A hnreeeha pitehlng tcutet op0 en ail&Uuident. of te Connties of Ctatioaend Dus-am. a-ii he o hed in rnn6ction vilS te OeshavaButas->' tir ai Wod- nsda>' antiThoonsde>, lenét t11 and ti habre Vili irev@vent.. open stoglée and optendouble. Tie eentest VIII ,oOomcneé on tits STsi la;p of te fairiWedttee.- fSn. lune lb. ai p. . Tite mincers a us eac losiiiéhode- teembuief aItt e scueol ettbe -nutet an Tbui-nday. lune SCh, aad lb la axPecteti thiAthe*Suû&s wili hé pia>'ed htn8a ffmd 7 P n on ohat date. Valmable priies ciii b. sverded Co th i uiînrs anti cusers-up la &&th avant. En- triesa vii be alwUd .ted Clà 18 '- riocit Boozan aWeindnea>' tue 7t0. bat It le ieei titl OetmSC5 ilii maté Ibeir étrie. s oo0 as possible. Entiez muet hé madte ta Kraie Parsuna (Canadia Lise Assurance) Oshai Oshava Rotas>' Fair buha.ha cel c aeetéfhCieattaadia alk- anuit evte in b Che distictbt A- t nstif tite lAnlget nusSibira OI people af moi simiiar&flfair néiecs ii isay«eh* tinosuai parades unier the. managemet i liane Tnti maiailuote auonca- calt lneludifts a number et Valu. sbie prieustiérèvith. ThéeCOsh- awa RaUtalns are mradi bard At mort on thé dtaiîe o! tbélc tair and bave pnémnlaed au eent go-aitai- tian au>. eritofore. ThoP héraeshce phitia: eoait ad .11 the otiter *"ait. viiihaé ld in Rotary' Parkten.Centre treet. Tiotre yl hépelades ani the aiicc. Wadea>' d Tharéla>'. Jugé 7ttitand ti Sthé iiborinice 0ttiti g lot attat n oshlaoSas ho- it boit Ilai thc îlteleou. St.-Andrew's Preabyterin Chrcl WHrrBY, ONT. Special Service Sunday Evening, May 21st 74Y'CLOCKC Ih. nîlaiter end clhot. Pauls Pr.slbyterian Chwah, Dathorat Strimet, Toronto, willI hali charge cf the ser- vice, while St. AmdreW's ,ahaàter mud choir art in Ch. Toronto chuech. REV. A. McDIEMID Ukmlasto f S3LPour& Churcb WILL PREACH and a choir of140 vola..wlU8 runder special nuie mder te direction of Orgale and Choir Leader Grant. This is a very eecattactionanad mmusnof thé chorch and fMondse avlted Cc h. on hand. whitby Woaeons SBowinogClub1 ha. récéinéti an Invitation front he Buffalo Wumeo's Club tCfa At1 tend a ournmnt Ou Juiy l7thÉ aod iSth. and Ct léIlikely Chat Ctc wIli hé accértod. MUSICAL TIIEAT AT TE COILMEC Ou Friday eveniogt n1this rookitChéré viii hi A toue omi- cai Ct-SaAt athe Ontario lAdCe5 nulé,in. e vhch Ch. citissonsaie inlIted. The programme viii la- ioudé oumbéra by lira. Fiéfeace Laiile Jones, héad oC Ché Départ- ment of £locution, ToronoCônCou erACory ef Munic, and ailén. ion% W thé Lyrit Singera or Cahaiva. DuCcla sets.,OIibli. for l4e At Moéer's, phone $4. I>UATC OF1'ARITR PAQUWPIE The doath ooourred On Mont- réAý, on Pnroday, May 11, ut Arthur PaqueCCé. a former roai- eont oC Whithy. lMr. Faqootté. whu vas thirty years of ago, vas cei knoova lu Whitby, havInt livedl Chèreutil &bOott CWlve 'cars tan and receiving hie *du- nation in Whitby. Ré van prose:. Cèsad bb>hC it oChér. Che.ltt lins. Dassallera, an@ pour t, and itincé that Ilime Mr. Paqlte huti béen 1n Ponritéaltit. RiC sucolcoti bi' bIs idov, and thréé chilitinn. Robent, aieé nué; Jun- qoclino. aie senén. anti Lillian. ac tonre. . .Blair. MMli- lac Drivé, Oshawav a.C a cosin of the Seceaseti. Thete unenni vae helti n Montreai an Otorday na an NtEW FUNERAL HOME AND IVItERAL EQUIPMZNT ia E W. Phair. vito aamé ulmo uca prclsaiedthett.business of Nait- TA=I BER LVICKC TOU WILJa APPEECITE MOXOBEN CAMA CAREFUL DRIVER PnRom" PTSERVICE PRIONE USW COWIESON'S Neat Ce poea 04Me A good qui PAINT at tl Quarts. 1/2 Galbai suft> HOUSE the foiloving S1TELCOTE Rubber Enamel.$2.00 paint. yow car ana what a job hinakea. LSPARTANflE FLOOR VARNISH. 9no Q anot .... .......... ............... o LA"N MOWERS..$6 MOad u spec ......-l.................. 6 0 Rice's Hardware "A cuut p l APPLE DAY Tue GGaéap coosaitué *1 Wbijotb> oHainlg OST WffffBy PACXOe 0FW0041CUma laST MYTZTOOP 0? DOT SCOUTS Biatuaday, Mar 27-t 1933 Appt.. isilI b sld siéglaml>' or tl a " qeatit'. ré toC aid Scout Sud Cab wSk çla Whtby. Announc ements ceao roey asou Apri oCh. 1901, are noir lui aud payable at the Doiniffon anC. Whitby. (49) PatriotirC eson Fritiay, May 1ttl in thé Bagtiat School rcôm, untiér auspices oi tue Ladies' Aid. Hosme motie cooking 'table, anti candy table. Teaici-ccd Irom 4 ta 6, 25t. 301nM )llcke,r, lelclcon- tracter, reptir Amnd matenane. Phono sol, eVeoinga 282. NouCons. loronerîr olS b>' Sl- rite In Wiîtay. seUV'u iseoma.w ore ti luerai dbign4eCcorder. .lrrnitage, cii block, WhlCh>'. Laoevr harpened anS ceé- paIrod as$IlCuai At W. 3. Luohea Bicycle and Repair Stop. Ras., Patrotp ici ag badug oil bstmera e anL=0mpa.,resaur nampse. cGrteén t réi, oesblockc tait ci Towan RAIL Phoné 460. andtinCimnilt. rcck mrect norlh. Phone 117W. Wlithy. Oluchre ,])ante and Dravlng or 18 ArtIcles Cla i. fBernard@ Hall. Fr141>'. Mar iSth at Il o'clock. Ecffeahuoet..admission abc. Arthtur W. Lyntie, Ciacher cf elogog.Studio ont bleqit uorth cf AU Saint.' Charch. centre St. Northt. Phone M7. lison & Sel,itaha madtiensicave irnprovcrnenCa Ca thé building as mcli aa aidding neméodternsequipmeuC. ,,,re hahua providéti a mcii ae- paiolti anti apàticano iuqrai hone whire se-vices can bcho hit, aime a fioc show rootomhie a stock ail Chat la moderan In h. casreC îUnt Ca an bondi aud coovcaiénlly tiiapia>'d. A ccv inovationn lasiitîrict la a moierai ient which hba becn recî- éti foc inspection on thé second fleor. -This ent Ca erecti cevr ra 0 rave so hat hoie atentiht tée lest ites ofai dteceaéti rélalicéor iriénti tan stand Cageher. This COOl a oC Itantilar usé incae of tain. A nsaniisas-y. cli equippeti, hSs aao bien cansîructti, mhiié a modemn ambulance andi hearse bavé bien addod taothé équipmenC. Mr. Phîir la carryigon oh. itrniCore businéas, Slo uphoaiaéringad pic- btrc arminf. Mé in-Ces te titi- f00. t in cin ianti vléiewtéeim- prucernaits ta thé store andtihbb modemracnvéoiencéî provideti. Maplo syrop, ailc à plnt At Mokrphone 14. à t6eChurhe Of Whitby- Wititby Baptiat Citarct. fBsc- vices &asUsuel vOtthé patar, Ré,. T. F. Boit, lu charge. Bible lichoat ét 10 &.m. Pretchlcg at il a.. aubjeci *sA5Aa&.3&&.aa5aa.. er Thinfo,' lien-a Bibi. Cians at 3 p.m. Gospel service at 7 lInt. subject. "Servie". liontiay. i r- ou., BYPU. Monis CiaO et 7.30 Wedneudîy. Prayar Meetingi Titoceda> at 7.10 p. Stý Joints Ctnrcb. Pont Wity Recton, Onci. l. B. Langiacti Su day. Mal Z1tb: Il&.m, Mornticg .p.uu., Suetiai Schaol anti iiihble litases ' 7 r 51 cc1'ninqprhy- ér. Mn J. Jaichson, B.A, w a ssill aaost 1Mr. Ltogotiorlerig the ummctén alIt preldai bb ao$e- vices. lhocîdoy. itadan i Otar i0tb. te W. A. dcc titanal i aid business meeting ot te home ai Mr%. Ker Monutay, Mai' Znd, ut 7 pan - in Suodàn Seharol Hall. annuela Mec's Association banquet. Thte olvatIon Army moetinés on aondip, May *let, viii iné con- tioced hy Beaogn Bantam At 11 Att. and 7 n.m AÀ spécial feituce of hé *voulu& servies viii he the ananuel &lier service. 'lTeé aptiet Young Peiopiié ftuloCon VIII cun- SocI a special service an Mondai'. Ml i tîd eaI ji p.m. amead é; Ion h C itlevsit h11meeting aiford. Theé17nited Citaich, minîsten Rec. A. L. Richards, B.D. SCi dey. May i8tC.. Il anm. moi-oh vorsti p. sermon titemme. - Cote For Trouble'. a message C Chte laye. 2.30 fDT. tét 0000 voa-hip at AI.m.nde. 7ep.m éneninif vorsbip. sermon teml 'Boit och Do Ta. Wantl" C inibeer prechlSgat ai l servi ViaitorsarCie veen cardiabi>' Int Aul saluts' Church, w:11:14 dlfth sfnt aifléKreter, M 21ett,101. Bec. In. Iai-pitAd .Tit., rectr; -tI a.m.. Raiy C ma11nian Il .m.. moarobag p or aid sermon. préncher. theo tor. subJel. t, 0Uiuiao anti O Ouided.' (Thé eét a té. s ot atidress a n thé Reeurrt andthe Ch iristian LIte bas rusoponetitta colnettb iavth firat ommuiaa aof thté ranlirmeti on May, 111h i Guides anti Brwwnies vîli a aC Ibis service. i Sonda>' Sciool; 7 ehcrlevied eéning prayer. Armnatton anti sermon, pro 811. ite. Devyn T. Oven, DCL. Lord Ibabap oI Att friande varmi>' -Sale i hue services. MODERt N TU OPRd0F Jamboree 0' Boy Scout. Or th, THlE SPANISH MAINf varions igland. Of the British 0hosteof ap otoîn iCidti aniWest Indicesandi BnClshou Con, other roaring odeenturersofnIthe rlébrano< Ch. lt Anolvértory SpAnih tmain muot han, pulled o ntîaIg 1 in lA Choir roords andi ohivotedti thir "nd tImoberg In iuooiomnt kt the re- font spectacle ni Port or Spain, Magistraté-"-ýWhY 4,4 Ton ha.e T'rlitildà, ofi adern bhoOOtivan- o, Curer, horingt iho tinté nf their yoar iibàOd'a mnother?" tirés nithaut ocuiiitcf a shiP or Cuirrit-T&S '8Calt, îîopa vAIiiingasingle aictint off a wtrabip, 'E vA& AIW&yb throwiri' planit.Th, occasionn'wsa, a onéhi ér l0a>mlteeth."--CapeArgue M0401 Te ho ovén fla ofr 15 qu or ehi aum AIT NO LONGER or Perfected Refrigeration p pouve iten putirg t f Tau co setu all>' mvit thé piarchasue ofan Eieeta'iceîu01. a >reriCith. beWeeC- Rtéfngerabar - .- mat no Ingheusé Oefrlgeutor. Lot ngêr. Begin iW ta cula>' ué caplaluin etétala. pieinanes antieonaeéniée.cea atrier eéfrigeranUon at li nt'a. - perfect pratéotion ot ASIC ABOU OUR 'ur fonld .. bunml Ir ee EAY PAYMENTr -bée ample sCuanilg pire PLA" 4ldéiiciaustfroues deannt.. WALTER THOMSON PHiONE 271 aRtiom -"-:emâwèeaim DRESS UP FOR TUfE mZ4th W. have a ha staock of Kgsauu. Imrjmun 's Scwmpr MENS, $1.95 BOYS', $1.79 YOUTHîS, $1.49 MEN'S RUNNING BOOTS, 89C BOY'S, 79c YOUTHS', 69C PeI'"s Shoe Store 'WE FIT THE FEET" Phone 151 Droco st. Souh PACaç FOUR Mr,, James bNo]K. 0F THE SUPERIR STORES, PORT PLRRY, HAS PURCHASED THE STOCK AND MRD£E 0F BURNS' CASH01 and will continuseCc cerva the people of Whleb7 ad viciaity. M. McKee liashad mn y yars ezpeenc lainervlag te publie and ca assure ycu that evsrythlg handled wlfl lie te.uhat atnas>can procurme., Thé Motte cf te.Store lbc CLEANLINESS, QLJALITY, SERVIC. THE DUST OF EVERYTHING AT LOWEST M«ARKET PICES. Yo.w Patronage Sélicited PHONE il James MOKo., Prop -wi SPEcIALI 1 1

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