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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1933, p. 6

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's t'. '- i-'-i--,.- ~ -~ - - t 'a'- i -'- - --'il THE V/HITBY GAZEIT &,iCHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 18,:1933 qRUBY/AYE flIanat. a 70outIa 0ab girl, lu leva lier -of Ibat night ai the SawYvI th aIMtthtbdietor t homne?' eth nantisa vatiltan. a aieled tmao. Deanis t-len 1the world lad aeenîrd iiiban ectom fo utdargOontac Ou.ilape ad La te efilled with amiionvdeoiill. ha Ivo benhoe o senttto tbooon"rr euperalst o hmu-e, un- a twO lsigbliucky foru; but t-eto ter thé cars of Dr. Donald Ratibo I fwo, eec.prii oeh 0woliTainsr tt e ottagé chire. ne rr int riment tber. 90tt 6 find her baela It geto drk, .tys. 8a.0dm herarmitfaILIl o u o Annas sleeping draught lad hiev nand thtis aitl here la about Itl, -,e rîth the0titi d tor.a1 tili iritte 10hald uselenn. It lad onily cxc.ted her and beioutltsyae.foince aeen-haven't ýýenia fiaton. ]LAude. Datota' dît racked her nerees. bail ansebreakfast yet" laaaon tousla . ie at mtabAoffread Daois a di.' leraps i ife loch sortir mrie grI'tbled, trYlua b bide bis anLxe- roraa. but ho Would tt ont aet lt:h 10. orolOaveDîOfaita Cor llDote r rvi*-ite ooled round the roc- i azer- 1 f tell Mr. Shunt-y bell tend toto la tempored 0y lîntoute 0of a vo- iy; yes, îhe itottie wt-Ou te or, the i8015ofunCl laaong lethelp,- Jona 010 OllotO Roselia. Who ivaa ln thae dressing talle. MIl. "ItU get lark carly ta-day. lotor botuse. At bat Rîalluon, fIoda Diano crossed thte rooni. OIe wasth tlIbs fog baingt about.'- 001 lhoilaa deeply ln love dith Diae, B chIidish figure ln lier wt-uic i- "If *YO700toit Slnurey te t-bie 3t ha coctreamia le héor t Ittoonel a nia dtfi. goywn wth lier baie feet and dird - lUllU now," IfOlson uaod lugul- bU blmtv0die eut o! ympatity. erdcriy loir. rtallOIY. tfot but t-bat f focal iint what ber ihu 4it boitad e i Bildnl Hec bonda shook a 1111e makingC Yt'Ye 'igbt. The more of use Ibat hi Wu.ButERolet du8 OOEOiamiy the botle raille againsl the glom sa B lC tor ber, the aconer saboli bo Itsanea. DIDUn and Rallhota part. and alt measured oui some of lhe droPS O.oUnaI." - tlttar Cmesn Dom SuntaIt O 'R eYou trlid tha oois'S I cuiaDI.. ana hate1]London. It lad anooly Ibiter Ioteste.t n,.u u Datlacomt 10niaber. OIt dia- 'lIhats lecause 1 iaven'r put unr OUMf lugo there B totin thle aun- conra t t l Il thaotigith wa1tear 011. il' Dlana tlougliiila- Mr" lin. As lita l îavltg for Lutn- . gueiy. "I dont care; pelîlilI il aileil te yods," tiobson satî l0e tOmesfr0,0 Dr. Ra11000.. e- viii reallv make me leep ta s ime." iCrfdllY. «Wbe en c mt ueo your Lond. &liOe hiftoltbat ei. 000k 10 O-he shverrd tnd made oa1latte banilbefore your faeout intheIn nan. Dattla 0w1fe.Oaa hem Cfor ypaoea grimace os oIe crept bock lu led. tlit 7081, boy do yôu lhltt you're tn lava 011k amm-rlad mtt dîm et, Wiiy vere ti bthinlgo ilsol ere golftg to euin te Woods? Plot lut buaa sied 001lt an lbiann a aylui. Lit e toplaooed ta boe gond for one 50o WbBIM i'l ian idea," le aildef. n M afrtgttfUl. laumOilg allale. OIc nauL3 ?' O"ZCoul find t-y vay tbcougb "Mea 0aroty. .apetlnte ha b orld' t~p~XXI hem in lte dark," Joias saad but flotnoettht e oratnoîninquickiy, but Nobaon shoot hia ead. the Sbomnlt unýto. Cealleou: ' De. Jonasva-s puliing 1h1epony and .uWbat rm afrlof i I th1e river," Donald RathoOnio'1 rcw O N iH' oaor tm&p way 1in1the stable allen 1fr. ha adaxlleilreiuctantxy."fi aiwanrs 00 O Wrfl TE MOT 1 Shurey carne dawt-he yard. a gait bail-a Wndçrtoi fascination for lh, l"snrteanit Inadalmeni uà figure ioomlng oui of tle gi-ocin ut ipoorlady. 51k tfor houro wacilg Il, 1110DB bail bain iiy walelng lte atone bafora ber, ber Ibougts far. svay, but t the acund cf tlf'e amie bier nender lady tiffeneil. and ber foce went nustwbite os hec îown. "No..... . no .."Hec beart cri-ed oul ln pasîoate prolmit aven aber dlale cyra mt bath- bonea searrsa the long mat-. Ano llie bod heen afraid îlot aile van egnnlrg te orget bîml luvtehlanl Forget bisabig, pcv- erful lady agal vbcebbail o once laer beldlnta mcl perfect ap- iinesnnd peore? Ins grave bteody eynt. and tae moutis tatI looked mo If il racely omlled? lue 111 niotmile nov, tbcugb a liLile flah passed accussa ho octobre cra efare i turned te greet bin hmsteoa.a fit eetoed on elernlly taeDVans, Ifonlyo17 mliit ig l î... Rt lmafvas ibblng o. before Hoibhvne began to makre bis __________________________ t-ny croao lta ber. Ho sert-elte enow a teai many peopler. mtny cf "Dont 'e put ber avor yet," hi abec oulai. tnd olugtag bteierueif 2 '01cm stopped tb engagehinmn lu ron- oald. 'Thire'o sot-e thinis for Ha braite off vilb a bou of jfo- verataion. allibooras" lion, thon pufld fei bt-el togetlar itihbone cao leside ber roc but Jna trn 1say gruffly:"11ra't t-Btelnay lie mode no akiemptt l'a lobaber Jns und round.. tie osing ,.1 yso; bot l if 70do bond. and as it 1 fot offre t.. 'I'U lie diffîcul lu gel se faztanse noiang cf ber- " "*COond-evrolag, mias ialvn.' tila109." heid aBrtber ouiieniy. '11 teep o icokout," Jonaa pem Diant raisd epes îlot ot-raint- 7The formner fro-noil. lueil. fItly rpataetlc. berause ilcy "Wben I van your aga I1ldn t r- lie vent harkt luth1e tmp and fourbi set bard fur fIndifférenee. eue about tings bing dlff.ic ." drove siovir owoy. "fr0el-e'Jrslllle.Dr. Raohce" e stoîf liuily."I fId Cto. If yeti The riveef ,. .. i vma odisagee- "A g0ea01rockinla w a c ner d .go up te the 1000e île miocuzal ive able ibouibi on o moi-ine ite lhIs. Nov ailli e 10 hink cf ltai fot- Yeut-lai's tuego0'"HRi Jeýue-atOn vandeepî li sre. and et-cl o t- vw onlerful la feei Jonas abrugged lia hueiro and The river voul le Icy col mil 0010 a&gain île pence tnd afeiy of cleyrd.lue d.ld nct cealiy olijaet te ful cf dead veeda. hie nreencr!1 îhe fog. lut be wou in no mo te, Xi t seanied lu be geetiag drt a- "f laphone -ou are t-cil?" le saod go. There w-u a dock &pot l'11 is reoly. aIlhough il vu osnt yet tire. formally t-lad clenever the ihought of Dan- o ocneth îe grayaiessocf thei Jtoa "Yes, thanl ena." ' aid iltllane. vos deejuenai.llandilinlenalfylng, es "Qulle nef1" lie feu ous If. durtng the Pest If somieohet-arebltoving blck snoke 81,e iied tlu aumer, bulnov taI vertu inre le irai met ber, aIe imb it snd the t-o t-ee aowy an roin feeling lad motered had unmontciuly been gteng hlm mîngltng ltaller. 1erý and olie coulil anly nod ilent- braiten piecto of a. puzzle, vbhhod Refare hiebol gente a mile on ]y. sotly ond eaeefully Sornsail 01m- theerod hlieuvo d td Setgeldot-n Tiensoct-cane came anI tolimioselves Cula One, unifi Iba ntarpiuug. nd leal 1the tle apcny. fit vas et-ar 1e ouddeny realiled lIatI t va-t aitimpossile taao ea tle iigIor AI dinner be vos a long t-tv trot- complet6 And It t-o Ralbepe's aivy lureuoge. And smevbera. ber: le sol on Me,. t-ater'o ftf fane lIai leoov wln tIhe fl.nlaed s ondeing hopelessiy about. t-os bond cul thie graaInet-t-tper t-oc- pitaure. Roaie-a poce "mailc lblng. as cate on lae iginî: eevietvife Ptta. Te love Jonas felt for DlaU wvosDlonaliadt clled ber. bon@ van the eomn imprtoantthe kand of love t-bld Dat-te lad The curinan acril vmell cf a river goiaî feu for leotire.lHi bail heen con- a-n th îe air, a mnnging cf rotltng Thc dtanee vos endfcav; la Diântu ltent la love ons îepcet'adrecumo eeceta ii'and dinh voler, fY ha Oveeevcugiai imagination, thc font oi ber. sitng natiblng mort efrian - -ou ?n'ed anychira near 1the river talr, eeoied taenv iceloner t ef thon 11101 lvmight beamilived then lie bol vandered verfaeir rons itbme afpeBediltlablasepaetted la continue te filetat. the r ghtdireation, or the river roco l-r lv miles:course aCIer Buit îl o beabold lue iiDilPPI' ound bal a mile lebînd tle village course fllowel cee aotbeetantoc- t-anmore lIon lie rould endure. l n a vide armicirate. rile mtctore Towctiovldpeople Ilt-osuflOBr ldday ballone jol _______ Fo n eatnz orlue cb-h«eaucc as reacîrd Ralbone'a. The big Obe aivoavi sald. "Tbant<ad"- galet cr vide open- -c IDWtan- dm oe alcthe deai vas nffl. uai ta'nt- tabis expeiieameandml 4 utom otive %tthave ct-aîd camne and talkte Oias hi iearel tle boeehé1sire1111 bar noese t-os arc' hi cnfiT flnd the front dccr t-no vida open alo rd soct-e t-Be cf sailng off .11 the regardIles O f doMP foi- tnt t-wrl- ctiezPeople. aid le t-claianme tn ed in. her. and 1e ccnll sac eomthlac He denea round lutI the i d cc Itd)t.NDfNG THE O1ODRNMI that vold stop lta sdreafl f a'e 0and got dot-oliiSuiucb more eccooragini ham Ne vould hnov ht-ba ie torsst- Nobody anoverel bis napenltel rcentI bosiness In RegIna Prt-a' ferino; perlons hi owusuanfeing kaiork. and presenily lehaltnd lhe iii- 10 iat excutive, tbore ara touallf eirtltef andie and ioiked Ic the Blarben incilod te beliece te buslines But thougb se ahi colet- ose b lobcdy aocut. He set lia basket ( ruer mo y mon le turocal. oflI t e udal unfrenilv a-wlat-dg f eggtad huter dot-n en îhe Tv hile perelapa fot typical 0f lte cm vlt alrined ecaca liith men talle and hod turiacd u' go ciels o bre Casadian West, conditins itagan tOcalopear. Ràthbbne vsos ultliotaon, the chauffere, audidenly ap- n~ Regina are a goal Itraluetai-. asacng îlot- peaceet. 'The Lealer-Post la ltaI cipY Tlsen &ha le&m'ef 1101 Oatbbacae Janas loat-ed aI hlm prnous te oIiating ternsareports had beto cafled BvBy auddeniy on "Wlosrr's everaciodis?" ho alteil 5f ninv iUats oîustes:Bies or utarcl n.He lndicaled lte baoket. "I'te Jui , sitaîuomobiles, up te 60 Hie titat-abe dthualeeen ooytag heougi thai. LDent Ilera anpbudY pi-rcent beti ter; tai-ga cars, tan- good-Iapeto ber, &bout?" poeet sdcr,2 a CHAPTER lm We've gotsocmelbing caIse ludu -ni etel uervicea.ilnspar Anna lad Bien wvoine up foc fTbericlues long round t-a.iig focrY011 'pri-evi erter riraaatofngrain SIe taid viith uuual tlnd.lincoa in va rail ' Hoioaooî&d taitir. 1He loti a r s tocks, i-ch ter;smailgi-, bacc ve'-lurned te go. lIra came beait. sidritad. mort e vlue; m al r "T sloauld go ta bedailnd y ail "WVhiclt-tp dul pou coma? ie 1cfr de, o m ore lume. lal let aime ifeep» anhed. loweiing bis voica. '-dtn-1apft blab 'T nmuldtal aiap Dlans a md 'Ii-nugh Ithe village.. ui-icereeahbler vaolume; dbgiae- 'Laet-megie you santeiog te 'Ol-el-yn d idlaItmaie art-- - hiardware, BtilItimprore- mar yo aiep-ame c f lIaI lling ci cur miss osale. 1 aulX- ni-i. dialugl ras nsai te taie pose 1 * heforevos t-ee CL. Ton mati ieep "Mia-v Rsait-? 'No, Wly?»lTHE NEIW CAR, Mie Dia "taih?' Hoboon echoaf cittilv eactions te the ahifly net j Annrame bock chia lthe aleeroinq impatience oi onxletp "wnybyie - la -liv tedan ara differcit. Fat- draughandii elDiasa tact iv and ai cause oies out ormtere.,ofcdlui--, s anaâ, Ic Bacc ot- t-anr iacea ifbflf lta hoat pul bbcd, een o-u cloue fine docgt iv. moestent he galloa. Moîber Bîka "Il] hi cimse lyif nm au at me," - oa'aituaaos fac ast-c con smaet. le mineor ofIhe ophnilery. Sois elle said. Nul very ni-e flaàc n g blM lu- .'a isires lowt-eliitee -il go. 1 80mthlng ta ber lotie of voire go sondering off on ber cONb a '- dtueittervocl lIke ta icarn Moade Dla tth saidenir of Mitas morving le tisa frt?" rftt a atlce-aoondlng bort 8ta'itanmud an ainotat hîilaisi "Alune?" Joasnol. ciid tet-an nouI dace' He calta lcnglng for bec and for Ibe peare "Tou a r-ahe's lait?" Ju . p a a le asndcanla 1e, baud cf bar l111e aocSt- aI the ontLagv a.ked ti-uv oon lbe i-on havetan atpl-l at-cirstanberar tl-'Nu 1I .4'tmets notainof d ai-iof hb isod can foc naard 11e Creature -ouid sari, " Hnioîîc relai-ed ahlgrlY. - ha If altceoul havI munt i la-t clround abot Ibece - IOiER BOffIS TIC SALES Dialua et optan boit. raciirgber- ltit ia- fuug thasrumates it dtilî i.gaitatiootcf3,2 beer Il the slf te andltfre. la f.ud tee Ilf>poiî&oae tuil ' 'nite t lates hol moi-i tîsu t Ane t-labed ahiaouîai n'y.bot bec ha-r t'iad le a kinlmeata le, - gatrnot-iiai and pscoprhniiieo et-ai fel ton hot andt burnirg e l tonuî lu o ng berc 00." eferî 'flic autmobile andualry afoc the relIef cf toa-a. . A'. i-gv - Jiua.,vaif hi-efi? 1 gct a distini-t commeri-l tImn- Were cihie giclast-ada te cuter lad.auued I-ng en iEa oOt a , lu$ len t e Clevroiet dealer8t FACE SIX tracts andl 7i posengar .gars. mostiy la dlarlbutore, lnaxmuch os mcict ettabished bit-t-arI al- ready bal feéla aI.trurba for Ir- prodotstt tly lad bs0t-,t-ans' focloriot- durlng itheatongt-idcy ci-o. .Àcoabdaraibe iimpÃ"tf cd' dîtîcnatlocisneas t-as ilonse.ilh induotres letie l 'arbîhi-îe ren' erian. sucb as Sut-rsilupoibers. prctîei t-nkora, botte and i-sýp mauactrera andl tinfrellUne, it waa tated. SIXES FOR TUE POLIOS Foa rui-oîng île treçt ofc Monîreai t-it apeclirtadla ce- reelnc oQuiptorai-anowarivd emeegency rals vtb Ilylue altual, of offeeres, fifteen nev Clevrolet Binaes have J10gb.hev pioredlnlauservice lan1thePFrenrh- Canadien motropolîs.ThiIs tlcah fi-at flelt of elnas o te a a4ded t île transpartation aqultansat vf lte funtreti police, fiazulîr-lt afdeconcmy af operatîon bat-bec ben taitealato cconslderatlon ir tle purchata ai reqotrel fnan unila tilymar. THOUGHTS ON UGOS Check thé aaruig -rmte ,no n-car tcnerttoi-. Xttny ha rîhî for t-Inter lut toct bigh for ut-- mer, vllh ltae rcuit n'aur .bul flamuentscii hum ot leeaoc cf tle overritargait battry_, If t îilot-ont bhomsouat thlIafilbe pi- lice ylttaareourlihimnhar liiil "cocl pou fiee" . .. ut-e m, If rau startef ncay an a lig4tted Street hanint- ttegclten tfalua on the Itlt ,vîtcb, tae inst pu- Icemon vobd kiîtlir mtcut "Lighta". Nocadaysm 700 are more libeir toit-et 8aBot-molt a Ian laya iter. SuC Inladvertances aî $0 par Inadvertenca are enouigh 10 opnoiiltae toing t- Caci Scenco Ca findîng hiefdllgbt glaire (lley ctil It "dauble" ln Bfitalii a lit- pralleto. but prctre i Cm' h- lot- mode. Nil ce vont a foa- penetratint- baodllgh issat. UÀglîs ai-e one cf ror lit-seau safetv aida. Kaep rour eqalptent i-lt-t andilloua rurseaifandlte cter feitot-. INCOEASE FOR P'ONeTIAC Popniarlty aI the Pontiac- CIraIgtbtElgitIn lpCanada asvelu aa te tiStatesvi., le Cn- rremaCne.Satas fit-ures In the Dn- minion or Ohe asînth cf forcI reglatareil an Ilinerease Cor lPan- tiac cf Ina pr refit over digureo for tle stlme montbliaat rear. Contil lo itereatlnCotheaneveai of tle CralgIt BRîtbtla &ai ano- tlcasaie la t hea ariy Aprît fig- ures., latle iUnited States, fac- tory productan ochalule. liceal cn ltae experlef cales for- Apr'i ltd to ha loaeted more titan 26 par aet la lîke acreof Ctae fa-- ART IN OENRIAL MOTORS Lif-île cood carvlnga by thti Svolitit-Amorîcan,Caril Iait- chat-tar. loplctlng automaoile raflamen, and sîritiat- panles hyt Azet Mus o f Ohîcagoaaien piacel lalntse nri ct buifling ai tle Century a Po0 i-e sInternational Expfosition l Chicago. Oaa of tle sols mtv mutculta-boundi-y corih-n r Inao moltan mtelfCr a catICg.ý wtlIao iacbaond ci gileainaef Ioundiry eqalpocani. Ancibee le plots a vorktntan removing a i-a bol cranitlalfat o n ahue dfi- lomnuer. Otitar. show- aucb opi- aionsasa grltdlag of cyllodac blimitanadtIbuiling of aabicv- bile bhie.Tle sataues and pf- el@ ara part oflî gltery ni an domîciliart ln ltae Genîrti %1,, tars ollîlît. Thei ligt 1 contain bnadreds, of cibevb- jecte 0f Interest. Calallng a coi pista autootbilie aoaatllptf,-- tai-y, a Mille theatîra, reucor- .1 tnhou'atory equlpt-eni in opera- tlot. ad iflaiaa tlItit dcyi-I lte wde varty of t evîopiiý-' tioto producîn. pRAIRIE BRUtP lDElIl'tc Herdînt- sbeep onte peli-le range lurCng tle sanlae ,ni-ia la prartbaed la fiffari-na .8,0, each eraneitevlng covrd i--ai mellois lt-met lis ot-n ci-cl. tina. Hocerer. literie are shreê broad classes, lased un the nvîchi rarsetofthe Stoch FieatI, aievaara ltote t-ho coiroi tbe heep at nlght: second. thoae do lace n corrailot use the marehaf t-round cacit nigli I ié lte mmi-nomalie aratom ' i ii ast- hel griautd eeiy orîi VALUE 0F a"OOLING HMILE fi It a it-pie tlr sui-on- irot hîclerligeccuhln la mtAl 40 deîrecm F lIbye la prerhi-îally ae chaonge in athei-stbei- if lac- lartle ai tle end nf 24 loiisaat éiu dégeisslte n sitar infernaga fourtoil anad at60 lezrea narir a bal-aed lt-c.sas at taas cot ltae stairt. sasataie Dominion De. ptrtimenicf A griculture Mutk tautd bscoiied a a-ct-ppie aM potsible. Fi-eabiy dravun nit kcap- taisa substnce lnnarmtOI&- tertiawhchlIoc abltilureiCala hacterla for a certain pal'iud If tae rooling i dalayed th-e sUait soa pases offlv popet pOCU.l tngtheIl, acleer pfoi- moilit iv. letildav ten lu 14 bi- urs orong- Manchester News Caulier ihanrettiesed ii) bec daaeliie, Mcs WVa' 'Aaiker. Hnu siser, MrT lBryant. of Osha- swa. la lsial î ere betI aI BrooaiIb on Wadneay. Msy hi-I. Tle progrestive ecdre and dance. bol ln thelalluon Frîdor evectiaî iBat, wvognot t-ciy argoir aitended. catir sevecatalles aI ou- che blainn planel. Tha Women't Assciration mat ai ttc homeofaIMrt. A. E, Spen- cer. on Wednepday aflarncou nIta cool ottenlance nreaent. Thte meeting apened t Mie boope presîdint-, ACtcr a short businessa aession, PaletJoseph Dnlaan gave a realînt-, Mm,. W. Dotton a plana Instrumentl. and MisAletet narraIt a reaalsg wllch t-cie ait murl enjayef. Thc honaie aeveit varuedaînîr andl falicloatrefi-Osîtenli tnd ai socalfboue epent, vtea lte an- rhant-c of lover sceda. routas, bulle.slilps. eIc.. tsait place. Thte niai meeltigvîila Iel at i tae norne of lira. Lcîiie James, vlan4 aul munt asIt-r roli-rat i tll recUIs op' pty a fina of tin ctsn. Te conamta, CIn charge 0f Mthers' Day programme are makit- god preparattonsanou itapa to bave a Zoaod-etzed con- gregatian peesent wt-th un on Ounfor. 1 Mr-. and Mrs. J. Doboun atd Nlaa vlalted Oonfay vîit Mets. tosveli floloon at 1er flateet lame, Myntle. Me. and Mc&, W, P, Waiter and baby, Edos. Ora. Coulico and Mes.,Bryant vîtiteai Cuadan- tl Me, and Me,. farveyR feal, Ureenlat, Mcm, James Mliteb la veatîna her uarentt, fMr. and fre, Nor-- Samo, Chicago. Me. und Mes. J. T. Etatt Jt-i 'ai t-ltit Mar. ml Ira. Lloydl Mc- Kie, SatuCfaý' evunInt lest. GAZETTE ADS. GET RESULTS. Fcreigu GaaaToti (xamicops entinelý A mont-os arreotoil tnd t-tel 1;1 Vtlemouîlt op thte Naorth 'f ompaca the allai- day for cariring fîrearma. a prurtîce at 1.-ococmmon la 1h1 countolr. Re vas a Saiede, 10 yearsthl te r--ontry. and bof token cat no o atoralitotion papors. rroitabtp di- bail001t-madeaony partictiar atîempt inslboomthlbangsoge. îitber. Wo lot-o otheai-nativos ar Cae elon i islncrunltry, atoacit Caladiana, t-ho ireht-ont- cur leul cîtînens,.bolt-we bot-otoc t-cs f roua Eura'pon andl oaler rontlesa viavbona rCieseno- tion or Cantdà. Titey corne homo vllite IdesltaItlteDominion laanid attb ndl ooity country t-hi-ch sands for te bled t-un. Titi p un their original conce-p- tiona cf the country dram tle ThiPDTIAC tr. iq ht Oi. i-uq-C8 in .v.rqthinq but priceaund upk.u.' Ij VIIYOU eenthe. bit oaw car Iluttea 1w price fieid? le otac - a tuapplng Er --iy Srls8 -gha givea 700 lncreaaad length ail 'roomlncaa t7l vhutr, moother performance. . a bost of advanced refinementa in tact, everytbing y00 caold ask of mW automobile. Andl witb ail ila 1 w pep and power .wlth ail linaw ltszury * Pontialsim au ay as aver on your pocketbokl, Prices art actuaUly loveriSec - drive -compare teEconomy Straight4 ltoday 1 i UU ME011101101 FSetnHER 2 ECONOMI 8411M OMNE . 3 iTAI&IIZED M1 A LT 111 4 IMPRnl Y NCR-MEiII uh OMET 111011 5 s-OIT NIIER INUlAION 6 1110901 COWL VENTLITOI 7 NYII*UJC 1MM0C11UiOl 8 RU F11F13111LUUCAION 9 ADJIIIIALE f1111AT OfIC 10 ifiFM L 1111WlNO1IELD ad IIIUTGR muInNSP .di . HATCH MOTOR. SALES PNOM£ 299 - DUNDAS ST. WEST - ETy THIS NEWlu TIRE WILL. SAVE LIVES REMARKABLE NIEW IRVERTWN JOH-N, WHAT IF WE MAKES "SAFESI TIRE EVER BUILT"jA BO-TWRL 3 TIMES SAFER FROM B.LD W-OTS ND EXTRA COSI TO. PUBLIC T HIS Io probably te.mt poscmt o a ss vital mngt aaoeeng b or~anabln bym*g eerr.maIe Ise tidri Tbf5g Sm a Wai a ts titi oaiy cf a bama-a auvaauto,.-Au inr-aoaooasitst-ft if gh.Sed mailCe ...- an rvehased ainz"ac4 o..au th' cf uI. g enoits '22 Sa.upSlvrtct- Ti-a -o crlppit people. LfSvrolîden PIp C Nemw ~a re l i lhad tto s fi net havae le Prosstapaods lvh&baisProved luelf dire. timia lncesaY",a.Bis em-rccluie, Ci-cmbloc--cua.Othr ia ectr a'et fo Cr apsal. Ont ne <at-i5ddiidiiýs AM whd t-beiaspeadameair resiI <t ...bvrltast-r 40,530004 e9 60-mile &fier Mac. The oe si'emt- r -&0ho its ime t-hitire a grçcnos . ; utbie t zgso becmsa cetullc. Rabber sud fmily amoital-9 . o t-e Cahrlc bi oe a = e. A blister dat-n90the lite bric. B MW-tu..ha4ac i, citer. pFOU Gcldet PlyiuW< tda&ive. d '-slc no o-. iam al«amI s-lod itskN.e>d tdduag. Sdenemic tastb lasilg mnass of r And atesrrible d.og asci n -. Slolar Cfat ilve0 Làki omuacmmoasteccpulag etah o mad-rasiminS youe caTr ffe.rad. th: rondý" ..ancet-a, u- Sa tocmbody plpîr 5.1 o pavemnuem d.queag batlid à safcr tire, Onts it voslationuof tisia Caisic a staond the tuarite utia cal modern pose caa-ectara d 4 highmpeead niors. cîdugîs danger of skif Mit-of 1 o3 t ig* -I<Ib Pat diinSicirsow 'T To peoteci paîtfronm blut--cuis.cae. Ih cassa u na: os cvccpne oGtdeatt it Sdifa rSiv-- motaredann tnp cdi i eavn Tire las@te mmoaoap toc )Drive Iin t-er. ho Lidi-Sivar Golden Hpl. Tis. ttc"Mcsnim"--tea urg isnventonaresictiatest-ttc bas- aaunvhideaaauis Cîsri astd robier don span d. itho ltelspou wc i. Tlou.Ietarimdoe oiurne.I rit Tires at or. dl s thse drc, lowtut-muatrcprevioteal ores eertca. MAD1E IN çANADA ewGoodric /d 13 p lime not-el-and the'apurioifm - lion pirture. Tbey .tblfitlltî 0t!,t Oeîigh 0 f red-hioo 'iimfl*g la carry ao gos,, a'eu tam .drovn ad UPan "I h Iblor: ô w'éountry et-en Socedea, île adod.tien canod la 100borain ot u lawbreaoars. ONE IN A MILLXO.14 Business Mat-Whot dorot do wtunatlthloeepictuýea ou point? Moiternlol Artt-!goei ltepa. air. . Business Mun - Wei, mare rate terme, t-y mon. lv't-e lan luckitngfui- o sabt-on lita yoao laie yoore. Uormany lot det-oboped-a sub«- etitute fer matiles. The dlvorce recordelri diraelthtit'Unitedl 110..-a --1. . t fko ýWhig-Standar4. Silvertowni PE -yAM Goum MW Phone 22w

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