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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1933, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT m SPORTS Whitby Tennis Club Enters Central Leaguel Wbitby Tennis Club at a well the porchesin om rna ,-, ho aitended meeting umadle plans for Bowling and Titon i r( 1tilice a very aucceaatui season. Dir. Alce Coreiliacnd Jari, toý' '. >dIII tais eiected preidenrt., nnd 1 tIlmaiIdertded t e'lirte tihe othler otticers lare t1t ile-Cent ral Ontario Tenn eOlPa; l ,president, Roy FowI lle d ie1- againitis season. prealident. Nina oss; ocrotu y- trésrer, Mildred Price. The opening di t ,I le Social Commitee-jean Sten - tiat.\n2-., and a ari. Ode KI lng. Audrey I.cnlet thtp drie l hihe,itdpriaken Grounds Comitteen- A. J. torthttth. met ltait Dol'. t, tnt Bell, Watter Thtomson. LurehatritBesseeDonneilet lock Petina, largaret Corrcli. arkinta ocd Helena hE lit The Clch s repre-en aties on ýon an a cmmm go ln Girls Softball Team Will Play at Brooklini \Vtntbî (ine e tifial tramt ex" iIjtil t ,e t ot, iiAs s ptcts t lapay in lte ,oithllt.toa > flî' 'trcta' l\ 'i "r1 menti open 1 S,îtt lîO cta i-a "tit r aî 1Brouln Farott- 'clnndî ,î ofitiiballhla-befil,, in1 beec hedoaithe Tittbk wdlOtke a ol tcaatt-ctOCt thegirs rc n oodshj,,ý rotiM.fA lt Ieau tthohR - I le t 5hgel ar- goetchot case f- aons Thereot-il bce %crte,% face Toh'ie grl, arc plann n'. r ai ton te teont thîs yesr, . ac lat it eraiso c ford nost, il " ' , 'a s ramhan-grtiicîc nThte .tl% Iptrd I aiierat a àday lîse-aissit tnkttott' tbut it wted hiîbtte.cethr, lans ntoy vv'tl iceiode eneol retctcetI ýlbe adtt. in tcateot oiOay players whe sh ttiof hc allie to gts-c atc ail i 'e, irqerotn I%\'t1 a gond a ocurit for l'tittv ai An, îî.eht rtt- fgi .-. be groobtîn. Junt moit het nîIliplan nro brouait'iecpati, o 'the School Athletic Meet To be HeId May.2-4 Entries Should Be Sent ini ctr tlic t't-tîîet Bct 0 irai hey as Soon as Possible Th 'lc.u,rcc,-,nesn no av - Mr. Chilcott at Oshawa f-erb ail-t unlîncers sutotrod Muntbvco iotgnlir #otauy Schol Inudd n Tis reniîtmt ganes must he re- Districtfo uhafis s r hîetkagt- \0 popîl utho ho, oet j - ttadf 50 peinesnt ibs sehoolcex- The setosol monc oh the lIt antmatiotsîn lîgobto su compete. 'artu Sebuin* b cal i andt1 cei, tllitotonfocmation May bc obtained Champiunsbipa m.11ticIt hel o, Aliiinlttugi, flic dis'rici, coveeororc J. i-aaadra Park, t.lhtdtsa or, M a, i. Miurai, ucgaicîgseccetai- of Z4 and ail eicies nlitîId tc -îtt fliciactaro Aîteîte Commistion, inas souon ,robi oî-hhîhlfit ),il1 iirc s Park, Toronto. colt ait the Oniasu .î iI îIiî utîr anîd The. Standiars Vt-a'otaol Inît,î,î,r 'nIittlards u- hc obtonied il, 'lie Titene irectu art hctît oîîîhîi tIltifirttt (ents, nvit aeso, i.. ttc.ý aispes o 14 ( tloto,î- ýtlIiet, h1o'lîeaiecs -ttitac1i.lIl- ioamsso.a,îiinaort,]îhh-, , 4, ,rclndî M2lllttd-.Z, 25 tuori Tor on ilî0011ti ie-,î ui-tttidn 4d)lcard,, rlao. 52 se- !tons frnftleetfil.l, i. Ait osi12 )adsloto ttttdI. 173 5 sils date t,nt, i c. â l'ail9J _, 8n.îd. itî.tttîd 'Io-t. 4t) ft.i Fageso nuý a1ittiltlllllîohtglt jtittt,it51 2 tr:tuer- ou, tfqler .. f- ,- etn du .2t tords. 24 3- tec trveposot Ilt n, 440ut hî t t -.'. di ard.> lit 4-5 scods; SSII ,ccdncl ao 1,t l'1. a 1- \'t-tt 2 mite' 12 secs..80yasr i oindro12 May Ist. isnti id u 1t toto 4 ses 120 3ards loi, Nobtocna ente. t.- ..ctPlu2 ;~,îh. stt e(suipucd s i titan tInee tn eaîtlî(t ' tîo"t brocS aump 19 fée, tý , nîbct.t t r -'t---, lit e att lt et. janclîs, 130 tFn ,'p v , "n 'c. îtodre- 241 vcais - 1W0 f týI tsii,tr JLOani l, -at 113 'ail. 220 Il e. vards, 24 l, tht t , l 491' e s;É ardis fialnchiî,ît t. \\îtt. 1()î tsee. mA. e4 mins. 5 mile, (Io tot a 'ct i"' ildai-.l -. . l t toi e i t 3 'nrs 44 setse end tinii,su o ý, , a-rt' t cinail, iii) , î.,ri ch bîîdc 17 3-5 sers ;;ithctut sî.cn i '-1- ut ai tîn ,itt 4? itoa rnsingie,,î ilîsttît ttteo,tl 1în~aîttîi te 7 oi ranntng broati 'lotîtl ho e 140 It -t :ctI î o c . i) ' dirscuis, 105 t- t- oi n Bilt Morris ai Mev Four H ockey -ok.d mito. accarding ta the 1, lie Nuggei, have Quhte Players Take \uln;ias gas ockfieya é h U D R s.,jm..'bce Ilwt ho liqa scentre Up £~oa~,s~ n'n' ed Froat, a rlgbt xigr s u ffs iearsscd their in Ojshawa j tîrl, ci r, n hi-c soS t yl hé "I ttt thnt lier yll proui - cv tre,, tati-ci more ta thé Anîrdit ' ' .,t ! tît, tet tri% mitrea plans are n LAý Ma, 1. i I'ltî dant o',t tl taled for a champion- ohirb atitletcn îs,ict1 ttci.' chit a, neuot sasses. dhictaont b iait tIt ,an tttîî P, t. lot h Moiost and Frcnt t strvBfids of edea,,,, antd qeai.t. l,st oig lébhraod ofbhockey tu play dîtteg t Il" nout nRs.-î, Aîie tche mcci litély lobk- This ,estt lelornnd 'lati.tt tee pre, prospects teiéa-ve the t piaras have mtnu Ot 'ncit la Boultttttîo ae lima a mc xe \te",'î.o aste Siltermiao. msnagela lnrhthen lef thé th -icI Cttut1 1, V'etces. rvas, quat- (et ,l]a' soulng In the Serat- 'lie placies ot - - .' t .a, finals wilî h Li aa d ast t tdeceo te th.- eit, titI-t- t11c OSetir 'That ha voulda>t paît meh are '- loue Oi.tr aîttd ha,îte lisbeard'a star sone. aho last i tet ti.i, tintrdIînet ,Alleu, rost Iléggers Ive eccia ni, t he Meo' uî ortem on hie tino-sp 1 for Gaht Ti-erter f i ,,> Hn-r D o'd tac ' ftollday Tricesin "Foi A.S.A. Tablets, 100' * Colgate's Shaving Crearn Pal Blades, 5 in pkg. Oxford Blades, 10 in pkg. Listenne ......... Lysol . . . . . . . . eussian Ol 0 oncs,. Italian Olive 011, 40 oz.... Seidlitz Powders, 2 boxes Scott Tissue, 2 roils Fruitatives, 50c size Moth Tox and Spoéeyer Lux Flakes, 2 boxes -- Bromo Seltzer.. Fletcher'& Castoria ... n Vacuum Bottles .... tLunch Kits, Complete .. Kleenex Tissues ... Rubber Playballs, 10 inch NO ADDMONAL TAX' y Anethar racent arrivsi ln tbe city teseLa .moureux, laat via- tac mitli Timnins. Senior N.O.H. A. champions. Lam oureun bau ceai abiiity altacuatiné an thé fa- foncé sud gurmard line. A year ago he Pi5i'éd aith Winfsor Mic- Macs, the tesai that woz thé In- térmediate OEHA. charnpionahip. Ma ls onty soventean yésrs o! age aud eboulf go veil on the Blue Ianps conster. XItelaunfersîof ibsi TonY Graboaki, brother cf Jo-Jo", who bas sctatiilated eon thé Blse Imps torward lina for the past ivo pears, all caméte t Oshava ln b th ait tai attend the iéchsieal sehrocl and mili ha mlth the "Big Feur" champions. Port Perry News PORT PERRY. Blay 13 - Mcý MACcten, of ieoo"tý. Iea garnI ai the home uf Mc and hics. W. H. Hormis. 'lTe Sympatiîrot lirhoinutmunty isneotetued t. Mhic\i,nHendmos and fintonctltti eeeni sad bc- 5 bilî oî lîtis Nîtto f fToroînto. lu S BI r and Mcc. VW. S Hamiluon. tf Ted et,,. tîcot, ii'gurntuiofPort lise, tirtds otîtSunday. i , nth r Af'il,,ti "it , ,,,f ift, ni - 'o Suntdat ,-rî th[l-.a tle,,J fcîtnuaitht,, 1,parade mc nlîîh r hoofietd,, Packi> 't.ittmd Chtoeb l'i tsri-urnas i cage ofRet hlmnl,,t-et'h 1 ti otad ititi\%nu iîltt.tan spii'N"ndu aittirlt tri t-I Mt ) .tndî i s 15 1. I iiglt Niie' i rt ,.tîîtsN tiliw %stîe Bt, aîti ntt iuIlo tt, .' 4'Nh ndîol te o, ed ithSl,d tMr,%tiFi Htohîs oas io le 1 i r,. lil1) Heiio,î. niArihat. ,a lîeate 'c te is%, i. i-ad Rr, , idi -irads. te, NV'Et- Ilo .it, 'h L Aronin ,andSMBit S 1-oceneaticadcd a reetcng oet hi 'renhîtece to it iîncdan, Bit and Mis Norcman ehn iccd Mr% Be-ýc, Oeiaccu-etc gîtruts Dut ,îttdna t celatîtte unSun do% Mr and bits ltocatd Fath and lamîil, ,of u, t',,,. %rt acets tîto Port Perom lcrsds ct,dunda,. 'Mi and is lit, shuttk atîl htid. tir Reg anshccd hics toîtt uperot ittdot ,%ittb ictdsm 'se ai-ona,. Mr asd Kims Aoci,eNtsc anti tatoîho of iiantînt e,,( Suudao we.I ai tht homottr ttItîn tparentu,, \l,\ and Bit,atecgm Roce lI.nc littattîeReal ant I, ItS hi t l'r-eîRaipit1ta% notterd ilot" 'ttc (lIVr ýiteOberset noterc li n Bairir- agg,ner. outoIt basa ee-ed guent aithet rir fMt acd MbIte Ce. itaicc tIre NIîs Muielchand Fttmt t.tcke. tf Totou.acd Bits.Mc- tlut tc b arc uPending Seodo, ith ttctpartsî Biaud Mts. lot o Scugog qttGor3. Mayplu-Mrce H. tiomaca visititflbec sicter, Mos i Bar areln Port Pocry canRu Son tir R. WaIiace cf l'art Parmi' trau thé guost of his daaghcec,i Mos Bearc.on asuRnfap OIt-ci.Lt-aaeof0Oshawra simileg Bis C'Graham Suc a tea fays 'tlhsses Jasanafd Mortan Bru rnela f Grecs River. ta elsttssg t toit eouaîn. Mios Haien Corner c îd eliiefou r Rundsy Ocheol on btfr IRDemaursnan a inters 11'tir rot hic cenitme. NI rH lt,îuîs ai Prlocc Albert Ie and ire J3 A Sacîman -eréoecdaeéguoass ocaMrand rl,'Rt lochns, ber da,îeh "t t ndMTî R ut.',, or t I S, acfMret G P.icli t- ttdrn, eer Sanfav veltt ' un td Mrc T Redmon i RodsiainSndercolaterý i? . keiadet are bai-hhomne ne-e lh4ru -tee pricicem,'oth -oe % "îr itB' locSa Me. and Mrs. 13. Watt vere witlitmt hi w:êk-n. Bd. Wagg, MisMay Wagg and friend, of 'f Toronto, vere st ber mothers, lire. M. Gîbuer, reutly. Mr. and Mns. John Dawsonan sd son, af Port Perry. worm Sunay visita,. ai the home at Mr. Frank H ortap. MisameRuth and Katbleen Payne v1sited iheir liter. Mr@. Ivan Spencer, Greenbsnk. Mns. Malcotmad son, cf Un- bridge, heavoeeu the Custeta lire. Harlem Wagg. retenti'. Mr. nd Mca- lBlake Cregg, of wice UntilMay24th a ayGreenbanle. mers Sihe guests of 11fr. aud Mra. C. W. Loakey, en *. . . . .5 Sunfai'. ............. . Misae9. Hontse vas at ber hume ........... 25c ln Roieville. avec teweek-end. barsnd Mrs-.lamee Marc, Ath- .............. 6c brnMr. and MnO. Wil DatY, . ......... 39C Margaret and Kathleen, Port 2&, .c,9& Porrc', mre Sunday visitera st ....... 4up the hotmenof M r. Freomn Edgar. ....23c, 4&», 92c The ladies cf thé United cburth association Jaurneyed ta Plue ............. Grote. on Tuasday night snd pro- ............M sened their faseous pay,. "Thé Mysiery Meeting of the Cacss- ............ toadF Pour", witb vas volt at- .25e ltr. and Mca. Neiaah Ashton, ........... reff le adEna, of Ahbhura. ..........75c apent as evénlng. récenl, i, tthé home cf Mr. A. Reynolds. ..........16C Trouti anf cocker ilhint aBorna .....19C, 39e 79C to e hebspart af the dey ln ibis district. Our boys corme hume ..........24c waith acmé gond catches framt thé .24c; 2 for 47c emlil creaits. Word bas been réceived hare t .. ... ... . 19C the receat deaîh cf Mr. Chsriis -....17c; 2 for 33ce 1Lemlo. Teoser. Sat.sThé lite Mc.' Chalie Lawton vas a son of .........2& Mar. lin Lawîaa. isteoaf 1161c. TO ABOVE SPECi>.L5 Seagrave SEAGItAVE, May 1lt-Thé er, ~ ~ .le PrPer.aymeeting af thé Wamén'a er. Por PerrI Asociation vas bletti on Wédnes- Mr. Sydney Rggun cf Brut- day alternoan tebt, at thé home lait Culsambia, lahei.ping Mr. S, ot Mca. Milton Stonie vith a Itodman for the sommer. splendid attendanceofo membéré Mr. Gordon Jéftcoy bas e- and vistors. Président Bics. C. curof vont taking up thé rails W. Macs opeaéd thé meeting aud tieof the CP.R. raiiroad witbthe singiog of a hymnl, toi- ihat ruas fron Burketon olowead iiy several mambers leaf- Lindsayi. ln Prayer. Mrs. S. Reyolcds Master Douglas JoblIn. et Nec coafes the Bible loasoat. Several tleton socompanlea is cousin. 1'items ot lnteresting husiness vas Miss Doria Williams adattends transeted cf vhich la expectéd thns Centre Sobacl. wuîîî(os rarclotloutInlathe near The services more véry Inter- future. A short program con- esting test Sunday as t vas ducced by cammittes In5 charge, "MNothers iDay". mas thon enjoyed. Those taking The Susday Shools wore wéil part woro, vocal duét hy thé attoaddftesot Sucday. At thé Mlisses Jean Harding and Porcl heaf. Mr. C. Sameiis and Mmrs Moon. Piase Instrumental bY S. 'Radmas sang '*My Mothérsa Miss Alésa Stone. Reading hy Bible', vitIn the littie cnes join- Mesx A. Bruce. Meeting loaed Ing ln viab the chorus. Wé val- aith hymn and bhésodictien. Af- noms ourcasummer cottage miit- ter the usual, refreshmonts ors hackin lauer Sunday ichool acre served. adsocial urne again who attendait 0e regslar sapn A Mothar'. choir practicé asat seascs. vas belid under théestbié dIroc- MieseBlanche Swotmns.of To- le fib raitMa1o couic. visitéd ber piareuts, Mr. scott This choir oneeliéf thom- and Bics. A. Svctman avec thé seives onuSundai' ovénlag. In thé week-end. 1treatast cf ail pérsouago. Mr. Donald Lewia vas theo, Mot her" Mca. C. W. Macs and .9nday toast cf Mr. AmataNMes .1 Harding vere bard ln a Swéetman, Jr., duel tn the athem. and 111c. S. Ati are cary anrry and grieved j.1 Wooldidge saang a sala vbieh over aur great ls n the désth note enjayef. eunfay School i. cf Bra. J. Mimner. who vas caltitd lie AN. wa fItIogly ohserved ta bar home hepond ]sat Wed- et seneraf masahere cf the As- cesday. -May îéib. afior ber fil-.noiatio tahiag part ln the coco of the pasi five cants ln Moher'a Day pregraci ber 59thit, ear. A nécp patiecit sufteree al thrnugh herc111e. A fathfui memiter and attend Baggottsville day Scbool whero mnh bo a i-laisi of Youangboys, vhoaected ci tiomar bearers ai hem lttearai 'c fle Centre Cburcb aest Fi-id., The paît bearar. <ci-o some If the members of ber choir.,îIhot maire Luzernec Sacetmun. St drer C'handter. Sydney Goidring. OIti. Ion Deniers, Boy Hope, CIa rot,'c Carter. The floral tethotes ahcmerd ot tligs esteen clnbwich shé oas leld. tev. Mr.efilrd anS Ste. Jobtinsepabe ey" renfort îtîu c-ced, ttu he SIecese fta tîtti and frieuda. Mcsa Muser ces tormerly iseuuLeinie r 'oube nf Seageen e. tha came hbarsuna, bride about lbietp yeaee ueo. viser e Inbs e horseccing ber 1 evtoue fatthfuiir Ohit aîmc 10 t 7maumu lber vacan t plame lber tua- band sud six Sacéttera t tittîp Mes ý E ,Swrrîman. b'-'tatîg. (Doria) Meo C Heayc Pronco 1Albect. Rets. pida, Oot îery. Ivob and vu dent. Bayand Raiph. atat hnme Ris grand- ehîldren. Mariun. Helen.Otarie acf Nareosi Sweetman. end lin- Me and iDougtlasHeeyr Tva hronhers. Mc Alfred trottis Il- lUntcn and Mr Bler t olhofa Toronto We ai1 cateaf otrîtdrap- est SYnesibe tor Mc tlnranf facile> vThe reemaiîsveroilaid ta rest n hiie Pista irosta Ceaoery, PrineoAIheert Btr and Ms. I barold a..tîI-l and Stuart, eofHann Mn, and Mca J Duato anf chtidre*. 0f Port Peer", erre éusetuof 1 Ms t Redmai acf botr astter. MIa R Readce on Sonder Mce RB lHesdces eisil.d ber mnoîbor. tIrs O Bayes etý Sui- day Mir Ncermas aid Jbe Odred, of Tocante. vl5lted bis hrnlher, Mer J. Aif ref non Sunda, teagog friesif, estend théir deepeet scnplit t teSt.By Hecdecs tn thé deati ,'f lido mutIner Mts M Hrnders ln Pnort Perc- Utica htt Blar Oti C(Iihmol ci thé o '"itl for t he tp,,tpuse -f duipa to.ei, astlual prln,îhé .îg ale r -decuraîtite Situattr, tî lIBrid, of Toc- t ntr st.,ted he,- "U-' Mise It leoréo 15,1er Mrie asd 'to 1tt,, ,teasd SIc asnf lr Artta-- îtîilaroiLoit I re J. kFla-d anti tsnily, a, 1t h. 1 -te eti f ai NI T"kOt,. noaS, Ssc, D3i1, 't'irorso -v ta-- v t Che - t seachet BAGOrOTSVILLE. Mai' 17.- Mys. Walter Truti. ut Ashhurr. Sprat a fom days ih C. A. Lysf e lantveéb. - r. H Puclnshansitatef sawsn lumbh cer anf bas quitéea suppli'ofnIlogaabeaf. Prof %Icgrlen sacssztructi.ié s dancing pavillon et bis banc bore. This viii hoe a ino thisé foc ouremmunîI' and hi, mani' tcionda aishhlm evécy succos ln bis nom ostorpciae. On PrIdai' éveniné. May t lb. thé Kisese Young People are prosontIisg their frama "«Héaf- etrong Joan*' it Aujley chorch. aftec whicb a social bosr vIlI ho $pent. A good timo lais taré fer ail vho attend. Charles Spencer. cf Pickering. bas céntef the place lstely va- catef hi' Mm. Ruarno. We wsîcome Mc. Spencec andfafmily ta cor communit'. INVITATIONS FOR BIIISUom I WEEK NOWAVAIL4BLE Cîtazens Are Asked to Co- operate an Dlstution Of Cardaà épéctlty prîctef carda, incit- iez people faon &l aits cl afOn- tarie to visit Ontario and Dur- han cousDites saut <est,-oudf or the Blossase Wehetoftht. dis- trict, have 00v boon aecured hi' th.s OasaaChanher a! Com- merce. and ace avatabie for asy citinens vbu vish to sf dthesa tn frienf s or reativs asapee- nonal invitations to carno te this part o! the provinceata admice thbhiossons Whitby. Bavman- ville and Cobourgases ca-oporat- Ing wit the Oshawa Chambar ot Commerce ln pcunotisg Ibis Btonorn We--kseand is olpact- af Ihat It li tirds-a a éeen gatbéclung ut siabt.eers lu this fitrtict. leafod. "Wben the apple htunoms areoln bloon." thé card bas ther oloivémcs- nagé, "This la te poiot] of aprisé- tirné ss ave nfoodtng. <han the districtla laiothé in ail Ità Water in Place of Meal He1ps Stoinacli ulf maire Sdd a iitt, onf tAd i. n. 'tttî g. o ice'îo fragrant froshneai af pinki and wbites snd pastel greens, vhou the bird sing their matiug snus and the traiiing. arbutus. trili-. uns and violets load théetci vith their slluring Perfumas. "Thounânds cf acres or beauti- ful orcéhrds be inh lubloom. and a tour thcOugh Ontario'seat. tractive aPPle 'gcowing ýcounticu during blonssm jse viliihe a rare trost, <e veilias an énjai'- able outint, long te hacomem- beref. "iGt t lthe car. I011 se witb ase, put Bother sud aIl thes bld' fies lae and ansear thé urgé af sprlngtime. "Nature bekona ycu te the gréat open spaces slcmg tbe open coaf. "«At thé end cf e perfect day ycu viii r9tncn ticef. but happp sud cereshed apritually anS montally.t "Dont miss asing Oniari's gréai appi)e urchards Suriné bloseom tids."1 At teilsys Rotary Club lunch- son, Damé M. Tuf, wbeo engin- ated thé idea cf baving au On- tario sud Durham coaoiy bios- nom veeb, spoke briafly an the auhjéct, and askaf the Rotaciane te send thé cards ont te their friands. Supplies cf thésé pacds cean be nacuref by asy citizen at ibmr Clamber et Commerce office ln thé Alger building. Citizéns of Oshawa ara cequesiéf te ca- oparate in the distribution cf thèse tarde by seecing tbem and mailiag thém tat thoir friads anf relativesauaspesp- tiel Invitation te coma tetailà fistrict nazi week-end, May 20 te 22. IF TUBIY BAN TO PICK UP SOMEONIi AT THE SAMUl "Tweo af Great Britaine loastast callay locomiotives have beau Boy Scout and Girl Guide. Hereas hoping nhey sen-er tri' to do a god dned ai thé same spot ut thes saine tim. "-Border Citles Star. A VOCATION FINIBINO STREET PAIR -Na trou ihan 82 Scout badge study auhiecta, alimef ta héip dIs- covec vocationî, véra Pcrtrapad In buethe hi' Motreal Cube, Scouts aud Rcvers at an isfeor nireet talc, or Scout Dis-plai', thet occu- lied an entiré Blouc of the ht.zj Faton block. Warbing femonsire- tnxco itriodef thé building or e tîiil-sizo cacce. tendiag nit io liie homne, caring foc becsud riticiten. repairine ehoas, hiaf- ttc bookc, opeceting radia. etc. The dloplay mas upenef hy Bis Exceiioncy, thé Governor-Genarel. Vr-1 meo mbére a mnFp mar- clef a women for ber cîmolai'. Yoîs vouldu't marri' me il mon.- ey, mouud yoD? " - Vico-Why, centanIy neýt. mi' dear; 1 vouldu't al'c*ya- fecrsl the monqi' ln .thmg 1¶acpld. .t- K.ps Déclsi 0 06 AT AIL 0e(Ã"CEaS ou& OWN sonzJME TKAK SALMWON PinkIrnu NO. %1 TINS... 3 FOR 19c *Twu«D E»AN> D UCRI>TO CONSISTENCT 0F 21CH CREAlE Evaporated 2 Tan Tins M ILK AAPDA! 3 BABY TINS ......14e uuarS OU W5AY BU4TOS Corned Eeef 2 mo. iLuu2% LUBTB 0K CLUB Mous£ O ives PStu R.dÀ9oqu.n Z 25 CALWOKPOIAFREIN OKEÉN P. a 19 MAMAM'AR MME PRE&5 DAULT TO aLL STORES CHRRY CAKElb DICIOUS ROASTS 0F TENDER À & P SELECTRD BEF IF' PORTERHOUSE - lb.0 PRIME ]aRID "m ndlb .19 LOINS CHOPS Let rUJrna FRESH YOUNG ROASTING CU"S - j du e me m l 5 durl e m lb17 BACAST BAON TIROUT 1 -ab. P.tkag. 701 v.um LA"e no.14 ,mainati 50.iu arudqýa, 1« sm lac zg-. em s uad s ek ,a e i" ta. 5505S i Pi m THE.* CANADA BEAVER CLUB Dry Ginge I 2 »4%. ntU2<*'.5 (CONT5NO5 ONL>) uRirBIlEDUCATOI U ANTHRACITE COAL D.L. & W. BLUE COAL For best résults an aIl sizes m&Ad best pricés. SCOTCH ANTHRACITE TRY AT~ON 0F GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE COAL. Thé Best Ceai on the. Malwel COKE!! Doméestac Coke-Highest Quahity WOOD Dry andi good quslity, saxos ready for tove us. JAMES SAWDON PHONE 182 WHITBY t7F e " t~t4np0 - c ~7" ~ '.h~,o - 7 .Orn,1 7 ~t- i li"' 'o-'- ~'-'î decîtî~~uto.~,.e-t i - p V~t iP.t~0F-'"~' 'y~'t-co ~eoi. i"<goipiirO~ei. ~Y t~RONlc~ID~~ WI~Y~-T&. N9~3 ____________________ 7 w , m il . il,

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