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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1933, p. 6

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THE WHITBY -GAZETTE"& CHRONIC LE, -THURSTYAY, OCTOBER 5, 1l933 IGazett & hronce itrilPgeof, Curreni .PAGE 0F INTERESTING ,PICTURES 0F HIGHLLIGHTS IN A.-WEEKL Y RE VIE W 0F WORLD NEWS '~New Lord Mayor of fondon.- Where Hurrican.e Hit Cit in Mexic Guehrig Ste ais Honi ( H. Collett, selier shieriff of the City of London, cliosen, Lorq succceding Sir Percy Greenway, is pictnred <above) with blis, ri the gardeit of tleir homne ut Deekenlialli, 1ýent. Hie is a nieira- tire 6lover's Comnpany'. Soviet Roquet For Mrs.@ Lindbergh T MPICO IS VASI IIANEBlN A colossal task of reconstruction faces lhurricane-st rieke Taupioiih cores' of bildinii lunIi îîîîtue y]ioodcd an uco river haînpering work of rescue and rei-val.Tliis. imiportant ilexicaît pior-t [l au aâpa1ing scelle of rI'inf, of W '< ge~ bîîîîîlings-,floatiîg on the torrents.rushing thriougli its principal sre hs arln I&W d'epijcîs thé havoc wrugîthihurriçac tcaa lod.'Maly -.bodies. are beicved te bebencath sîîattered buildin,,s. Boats sho-wu jini thc stl.ccts la ýlîe picture are- the 0o1]Y rue tas of tranisipoýrtaàtioni for- relief crews. Ne w Reich Bishop he ou ase li 1 ow.'i 1-ii 1utc hItti Eleanor Twitc-hcil, atn'their i-- Returning Homne With: La bors Enided [net presented lier lun hebaif o!' Russias civil avia-' [tns, Mrs. Chr$s A. Lindberghlîis picturcd as site ias kernîak, 1reprsentattirc of tue Soviet conumisariat,' on ýLeningrTad. !phia Twins Closely Mqtched Chosein- by Clîancellar Hitler ta bead Ituenewli r cntcd UCnited (ierman Protestant Chureli,',Rcv., Dr. Ludîrig Mluchler (above), for- mier arîny ehapbaii, met nilli OP- position .ibe n- lie iras forinaI.y confirîned as Beicli Bishop aut the, national Synod. 3More -thàn 2000 1rotestanù pastors protested lus. eleetion, charging the-Sy nod ýwas Fire Trial TMEY'RE ALWAYS.JUST TWICE AS SICK- 3-y ear-old Hines twins M.Narjorie left) .nd Martha are so alike biey even have -operations for the saine ailiments, at the sanie r Iheyare picturcd at the Jèfferson Hospital îii 1'iladelpbia ,ring front a niastoid operation. They've hem econtr-acting the ilitesses at the sanie timnes-including ineasles. ehieken pox onclitis-throughout their livQs. Farlî is. the saine height--5 inces-and each weigbs 105 pounds., Captures Hilli Climbing Record. Bitternetsaha& reached a IICw leight in lte RèicLstak ire trial inu1Leip- zig, Germany,, with the, Nazi case perceplibly shaken b"y attacks of thse défense. Hailed Tooking forward to a feiv' <la3 sof iuel-eatriied rest bfr euii~their iiiteiî'rupted w ork iiBritaîn; Lord i aMienîlîl-tand Sir nre Ahi îenibers orfAlic M'laiillan, comnmissionr on the ('anacian banking and eurren.cy situation, a csevn I n ttèil fov*c jucture. ivitli I-Ion. G. Hllvard l erguson, Canadian Higb cOltiissioniier i [nl ju',t befoi c le îving Qleber in ite t 'aadialf lPacifieý lier înpre ss of Britain. 31v. and' M r erguson ihaveliii, beleupayi l a- shor1 t. ilsit 0on Ilis side,: -lso sailcd iin the Enipress. I.cft to riglit larc: Sir Charles IMdis, Lady Macà(iiilaiii. . egon Laýdy Addîg, Lord Macmilan and 3lrs. rgo. h Delano Robbins. ùnitvd SuItesMii' biws, itho r iv e (1in o(1iware land and i,;s w îtl ici. parents ,4at "t and Sirs. Hup- lî 1 [xc a-ait [i[ axîd hailiv d(t1rin an11;1 trIl li Pap.er .Advértising ADDRESSING THE. WHITBY CI-,ýL MBER AST, RUSSELL -T. KELLEWL NWl 0F COMMERCE ON FR! N A*PVERTLSING MAN COMMUNITY BUILDER, DECLARE D THAT THE LOCAL NEPAL WAS THE BEST MEDIUM 0 DETSN FOR MERCFIANIT WHO> 'WANTED:.TO .TELI TI-E PEOPLE W/MAT THEY HAD FOR SALE.ANL WHO WANTED TO. MEET OUTSID.E COMPETITION.. -l E URGEDT-I BUý$iNESS -MEN TO CULTIVA"1FT OCAL: AND, DISTRICT MAKE A:SU RVEY 0F THE TRADIN G AREA, .:AND THEN TO GET BUSINESS., In. Whitby,. Theý ..Gazett-e and TRADE<' ADVERTI c SETS NEW RECORD AT PIIIE'S PE-K" 1933 Plke's Peak Classie, the first -four, cars 'ta finlish were nues. Photo-shows: A Mle. wt the Terraplane Eigbt In lie -%vn the Penrose Trophy, Hudlson-Es<ex second consecu- m, tu set a new record for this 14,000-foot ellnxb hasn netir!y ficult turns. iness magnates and .others, iloyer .-.. It.%u are, I suppose, v ocu, iiant for Office Boy's Job- sir; but at the saine timne I tand that business is busi-. re had been an outbreak of ýt the artist's .studio and ýthe mce ag-ent had been called to tec t'le damage. w vth regard ta these can- saId the insurance niat.. SIay fhey' Cot *bout1 hl lingscah! "Yc's," adnitted tht, artist. "But," lie poÎinted oui, 'I'd Paiîited- on auost of them." "Ah,* ýsaid the agent. thoughtful- Iy 7"hon suppose we say five 1 î'lingq .eaelm?" :, I An old farmer after paying his bill for a new reaper and binder' was asked by the cashier how it: went. .-Weil,: ye 8ee, -this time last year Isat on the fence with a cigar iii My mouth and watched thirty men-i reapfing -my field. This year I reap-1 ed it nîyseif, and thirty men àat onr the fence and, watched mI, IS A WELLL RECOGNIZED. MEDIUM- FOR GETTING RESULTS FR01 ADVERTISIN.Ï. IT COVERS CMLTL THE TRADING AREA RIPx FËERRED TO BY MR.. KELLEY,--'ANID LT IS READ IN H-UNDREDS C HOMES. A WEEKLY MESSAGE IN* THE. GAZETTE AND CI-RONICL W.ýILL- MOST-CERTAINLY BRING "B-USINESS&. CONSULT OUR, ADVERTIS ING-DEPARTMENT TODAY PHONE ý3 Henri Barbusse (above) , noted Frenchb pacifistf. was cbeered by more than 3,000 dçlegates to the United, States Congress Againstý War - when,, ln an address before them in New- York, lie declared that Fasclsm and Capitallsm were linked as exiemies of proletariia ,The- -Whitby Gaze te S? and UII ONTARIO COUNTY'S. LEADING.WEEKLY 1 A

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