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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1933, p. 1

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Tni ZETTE AND CIIR NICLE y ___G ____________ VOL. 70ý-NO..20 WHITBY,, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933 ONTARIO COUNTY'S LEADING WEEKLY Oxford Group 'Hk 'IIVIL SER VICE' WhiÃŽtby Yacht Club Is 1WARM FRAISE FOR County May Do Some 8y Whtb Pople in NIIITIIIA s .gnzet Purchase SEIRETARYOFTHE 'RoadW rkt.Hl Churches on -Sunday GONFOSIE [00iE Boats, Cet Clu1b House PENSIONS"BAI nmpoe e Ontarie'. Minister of - 4 Absoluteý Honesty, Purity, AT YACHT CLUB Heli a uu htla tohave a Yacht Ch.bý tii WhtbyClub who care ta talle Cbairman aud SCOtaT3 ROTARY SPEAKEK< MyTl.Avnaec FelhWuGus mlua bea a tact after an inter. sadvantag e! tbla opportunaty toMa keAvng o ýUWihmand Love easgand enthuîaasceting learsa. Hosts at Dinner atGoemntsCtr- Unoliliespeaker beld on Frlda la C in Ai Sans rices were secured and arrange- Ubig 'Sbed by Group Leud. _ Parlah Hall,ýJ "basabout fifty bad. oet rcirlycmpleted fer the U~tions Towards Unena.- ors Here '~~~~~~Civil Service NigIscat Coin- d hi sn eno th grcaeo boate te feraiu th e eeGatCrs.o!R cb u-p y eatRlf PoieLodg, N.0,AF & e loobeing 'an ofaiz.l' ISeet,asie Rr G ntC iteo Rac1 m nt elf M.. balai la tbe Maaonlc Temple tIen o! ibis klnd. baa bren secured for the Club', T.~wnsahr, chairmais of tihe Coaoty____ HUNDREDS HE.ARD on Monday evenlng, wae marlted Fosr a weelc or ao prior to the quatr ait the Bay and arrange- of Ontario Old Age Pensions Board by tihe 'preonoce of a flamber ef meeting Mr. Ferry, always un en- Tet r o an aet aead o nshaips, e-an fUc ~TrAi.. FSSAGESdliloigslahed cfetlculgtulsl praahdbe u à club houser hut thero almat ima- bridge ToisiteoceayWORK ON ROAD lion. Dr. J. M. Robh, Mnsler of tevel uee h htymdaey ccIot ummrso rSINTO UXBRIDGE irealtis for tbe Province of Ontar- ctizen ise ha tboughi mght hoe GIvra normal times, prospects Ciiuoty Counoci or Friday et a duo. At Meeting in Oshawa on owowa hgsotsekr iaterested ln a venture of this kind could mt ha hrighter for the eue- on r er i the Mansion Houe e t. o'Cu 0ti fA Viioi wr rsntfotTr-admtwitb most rncouraging re. oses o! any rrganizotion than thry Lnbrilgr. tn addition to, nictulbnc'4. Cos toth County o l Monday Night, 'Whit.hYr onto, ttowmanvilllr, Hamilton. t, naeandplitosfr are fer the Wiitb ~ Yach Clb ndn b Couîscil Lieut. (;ol. R. ok U d r a e pml elofC a gdad other places. The dogmce mrbr' ii bli ngt y r c t fie anticipaterl ai nent semnmer Sîiiri. offîrur comiaodiiir thse On.- Puople Toi cf ~S1~8O ~ ~ woris andi program In the banquet tsnwhterastttteCu wlI ara a club of dinghy salors lacis Regimneni: Duncan B. Melo-. Would Only Be One. hall mare InI charge e! the visît- s aa> eue fncrs battlisg ta u bold Whistby's grond tyre, ruaO solicitor, D. J. Reun, ors,~~~~~~~ aisel b Cli Sevr G. D. Caat C, Com oor spertin.g raptation ngainnt club s ceuntV road nîurrineent; W. S.. hr memaise of the Campaile Luaiga. a! the Ohawa Yacht Cub, acoi, fran Ohawa, Kingstnn, Toronto Drueis on, Uoiridgr, Mr. Lancasteri, Spehin mal tsechucha and There van a large attenîiunce anid panied by Wm. Burt, an enîhuri. anda elaeemiere. innirector for thilCtd Age Peu- -Ude lr crely annnr et àyc~ atenon eeinstise whleaevenlng mas af an ex. satie siler andl winnee of nt rif Foliswing are tise sficers lerct siens Huard, Turoto; J. H. Orrads- - .gro îrn et uocînpioyîucnt relhi F reprasnutativea of tise Oxoàcapîlonni eharacter. Gsaas aaiing races doie tise ereoldnt-. H. Prrry. tun, edtor of ther Wbitby Gazettencmr rirhy ta cdaid Grog frôn Toronto Iave Wiitby Tiha guests scere introducrs In seson usat cîosed, addreased tise i. Pridet-G. N. Yewn. and Chronicir, %V. J. H. Richardsonselt, hrb teFdraau the 10<10e rouam hy WBrn. W. F.4 Prer mcil goveremnts nl caris 0 yaI frs bandg tàl . Harden. and watcomed by w eeiga anelntoge. Trau rJ.RFrt. inspclar oI lise House ai Refuen - ~ canîcîbsîr anc ihird of labor castu. brlnto decmimae e o eIeaIrI uro. Hagi Rebno. lnts a n interceluis races isteen Onis. ecrtary-F. S. Mille. and cilera mccc gorsîs. -S I itl n h uiiaius as te lisen tésa ar u is sai i a n awa andi Wlitby In tise yeor tl) Advitiorir Committea - Ther. Following tii rexcelleunt dinct Saiîetneest,-a of tise Traininsg hiard, the Couaty ai Ontario miiy dieneiaei said -efs e e' ltie Hospital ai whisîu. W. B-o. cme and praning tise tme t rJinz. F. C. Hateis. A. H. Allen. R. risici crmcd le iect witlis tise ap' -s410 forin Ce ie>,, Bewmnawlle, anderlahe &orme rsad muirk withîîî sie ne luew esag, ut Mo.=.RbsadR..Bo sp an~ c-operatian of tise 9. Ijatri. S. L. Triers, R. T. Mec- h gae iveyntrsn he ex wdy. -iti~le e iton of tise oid G. D. CONANT, lits. J. Bragg, M.P.P., mare among O asaClub, ln getting ibis ver.- t.aen, R. A. Hitcbison, Joseph drenses o!r aI.aisaer b in et - '"lii. dit thi W tby otr yAosa tisa aoI font dndysis asCr wbe Ws o a ree ie ib iei tIsse irbo were rcld ntia tur osto lis aea legs. Ho f,r Kiner. Jndge Rl. iluddy. desswe m y Lrt o itli u ieliib <~7 Apooa o sfoadds 'SsOr4WII ine.ta lte il ca tser offered ta donate a cp fr Club Execitîe Cmmittep D T. Ssîîî h n R orJssun.v o Whitby e.?lhi uIsea iaS>, cnr iticily bin mmbgees akî jsna bytes. a N~ioteg l ube l wrlui aiin ea g raîuiaîau on ht8 mecen mur- cnmpeîîîînn anong tise memln-er A. W ilson, Geu. A ster B. B. Be~ Fn InWIh at y.Ih;eardcnJon Re r o hom r.e Friday ____ _________ erC tCoi ur bflson wrk ose hiae Arangemente were els made te ton, E. M. ismax. R. TtcAtutr, CF.; enrtPrrs isetrî Somrise, Pcidayn the o uetake aun te mrk .hwaonFia s d atra enfing. - uIlnaed <i<5 Tise inturs aniser tise leader- hoid classes during tise mantse 4f Brown, R.. R. melI .i.Sern fPrtPcy iortcLltsti ls(oÇ T f lo h oa rdn rnls ru *veulgesiomareo!theten for eemnpetilc. Jc sipr W. ca W.R LdeJanuar>', February anda MareF, con. J. G. Fargusnn. Win ped.' c10. J. n Kr ., uants' real Oiciiiihayl s um !U SIIsy> lacis t tis a er- ben___ tissaumeis tise ofcias' chairs whiere nornution In tisa art or! Ceetuln dB aw.- >' su racsr;DunDu sPa iidisone sIb ltsco ra onoî e Board Sccretary, J. H. OrmiS-. UF, smon of iReaci Townshup, prep a- of e ris lu Wlstby anis ccntarred lse Oiret degrea. salling wilI hoi ,Iren by exPr, M luns G Pl ier .n, G, M.fl AI ~ Celhiri ffÇ- Fsibowing tubls. W. lIra. Ledgee enced nalaoru ta, thoee membero f Goodfeiiew, Tt D. Ruddy. les and silies. ur HII V 50e> ru il brung pard t as Qe ted tise %Ç Dw' aï presented isrtis a ropy of tise Ts ohc woDrr saf ;î ~ ~ aeandb oss ui etAi- lts ehn1 r JU volume "101 YearB o! Craft Ma- rrlacy nf uhe Pensiloos Doard camér Suprîot'dru 13.. Kre Ibat, ith ongtedE U CARSn sory lu tise Tc fli W Ity luefo wacm cosmendation lris 9il IPc"lI T oiloties as nnri asons iates in th a rnlng 1nt 55 y i . ohwn M5e un bý ai lise aprakere anis Inspecuor Lan Ié*It, cas partiipatr unt the. asii ban ftegolal! o! Compponite t.odge IorsP sigI OPEE lie ofI1trio DurIg the evenng Bro Dr' MhtÛ < avies weetherlest ha had~ iecesYFrOMbing to Ir <i4,ue meto Ood.io a I etnRW rao. Gos. M. place isl b ard tufli îCIfwr w a~2s catr]iis r oud Ot he b e ie > a low meeîtJd a.W rbut. O. M. Faithful Public Servant Board was caiied upon ta ba ite ta Town Council ilwudacr-n oM.Ka lyadwscag aie R.W. Bro. (leo. W. P. Evars', __________services, ____ ire rnpbos'mmî ta iatis or meort el buttarli>' tee one Says Tlsey aS ay h o ayyal a d Thc spîeakers tîad a gnod 4hrd noon, anis tise bulk of tise nrork r vnisevc for Acleis- asg r uin Maens lit tisa toms anis Wiitls tisis mack mour sus nie iseee.H was a Pant Mas- foc lise s'îrk ofifli Pensions àtsr4iî ietghrE rs i ol ma bc h doue bic man labr. If amI.nt-- am g Basscms,îti an île asembore 0etosnd paesing o! ana of its muat faitiofai ter e! Composite Lodge No. 80, A. as a whiser. Il ou s sîcesseis liat ProicinaI pire Maraisal a Depac- tiha mCaisr s favorable thr mark I e m i! Actionom iîm sd framnut - iec is1 andl efficient public servante and P. & A.M., Whtbs't Pasi District ,rey application sras frompty aid i ,i on Mandas' farenosa cran- c'astd bm cuerici on for mas' wereis qu ~e ssaÊ. a'__ yusadn cofea1 IepennID u>a Ontario District; Pat laids' deabu mts au tuaI mae>y ibs' m of bh yàr 'Ft ltisa banquet hlt, fsitomlng no' Major GeogeWasinto Il'ot F riiaI of Ko stone Ciapter No. liandreci o! dollars bis becs 94- îr lICnet.aiaIt h ris ti sepr oac g t ne er asho s. a tia mcetIng, a banquet wos nomy- Evory, for twanty-tmo erimspe 96, Royal Aris Mausnas; Paat Grae an rdfrac end-]ioneef imatances serouniug the r tcmc.'mioe a as agectd seom a zne the T isaim ans' o b a % nen a is. oner mibc W. sica. Leslger inteadent o! tise Publmr VIt Ccin F Superintendent of Ontario District Ibis countv mis busc thss l t1à Ii-, uhîrît a weeh ara Msondity woatuw gri !on a as' n is Liema's ta preeiised. Bro. De. Geo. H. Ste- mlun1ts omsa lify Me- Ne. 10, Rayai Arcs Manona; s'est cneedsîo e ol Jaca, oroccis i aalgi.o m l- ,ii soac able to ied mucto Wee Isar d t u o seuil ay dnr o is #rnHn risio of sh teonte oul tisai ifeedety morse caosui 'tre.i ealgd nto -! ena ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vesn miocudntcuas 'ifro r ieihat itperiesiseal E-mry hais not bran maIl feti a nesoi Preceptar o! St. Joisn tise Almener Wiitby, a tressed t he puinu t ils.tk ferero occasiones r ihbrn aned I l pontdr ioulisa If doe ceap- to, t o'o hud nýver be tulç se0Ie o! tisa Ontario Mospital, Whitby, bu bla pnoditis bai netl lieai dronptc> NocisheIrnilb-er a tecrcn a NaonI WoeIsCck In the banda o! drl au-i waa th ralelii au ta Inîmodara Msp. Dr. bis frienda ans' alarea. At si-rern ler, Wlsitisy, and is nut Tethe- pcssuo me s a uai ariabyte irc tn -m nom ssan as env otller limte ni bow fm¶'If ma S- comsmeat o! Me. Justie Kelly ti Roben gava hlm a Icarîs 'et'l o'cisck Suda is h ets hiet b-ina Compos~ite Comanyonr o! tiah-s anu. iycrsb iecace -.'n nBsisfce u i uue as ia ll eirl làt culdvelop- Suprena Cout ai W Is>' en comae tu tise tomn anis Imiteand ~ 'a<~~O t assto men anîd mmen niso boiI uis opieci tu as adjosisan bacsrn a ute ais bn t h lm 10 sbotrtu gsateis btcoeepiete sr- FrISas' afternaoo as be caseurreis roferted le Litse samce 8 es e mvins ie wIti a audisen Ieari iMasonle Temple le Wiitby. t seri thicr counutrym anis bais ruiý o oiiS Se thse Colline Esiate o rkamnadhlhmtirti of @ II GOt & lis*- te-s verict, returflod b>' a jury' gtteailng tise POpastmgpt et attack anis msano ouI. Tise Pt à et Mr. iivry mute lierw bInsit rec d the Tg isf Fîe arahIs depais' b-niu l In bai l u ,,olg~r. sr in.>' mIsumeisfund tisai Alexanader sua-, aJI& or tisa Prno unsis u »X. huei sudisen pasaîn epread cIrmntal la ralaing ; siqlls arr o!1 nely>'. n..le..dr - ,i .01 Toeonto, dieiW>it gnî i' esiio. nsnJ .Oauso,1bj lib nuci ety ohf tssu s!u tiset d r , t. ~ ýd( lin as >M ail;' buu n h hoerd'eohavêi- eusdé. for M. ritkt'Ii ,.t ¶e sbiapse te thse Cfown r, telu -.mi ~riI ut<. I. Daies r leu maîler eoije t7e lirnl a W u redéa.IÀb a bt beo ta tI ecntgin vr th ni4 141 filIsI '.ve pes on 0e 1 oini ti omads lai e!r anîsl Mats" l In h!itb>',l h b t tl e estM ~f1~' t#e m1 an in yrara le cama, tisa ber'i éculkl ta scmf'ea . tiCltiie mach hava tci becr thisn 00*n i4 a e,,I,ýpii, Il-tctor..lee tkIt." H. Mean cWsî 4oe k« wàrKM t'ue Ûýiythat ise uio ffi al -eb C ocs l inth - o;ru atepbo a l liraiec o l goieo Mr.rmkIù Ib'a'is Mr. aoda saecu a oi i e. mr aicuu' Iuesc nd n lom auelati coidci i tg ' eo. . , an Jaes~r qt'l ma P itadu I Ã"î taise boalti !tis dem eI conrf tIse foretrl4 tln i aiaia theo tom i ra aîsnl iba ceunis' aprxsall')110ii Ilitfn ýhIII eq tinsutth wold giet as As sue* eddntlofsl xrdse aIe LbcriAeami 1, 0 tlisa Hou rtl Ilsrri su IIfIî.. M r-ias itli In #WF ý-dy r.RSsel ae anisal samagu d il ' î. taa n teyaetu In S or bais he urir o tis a0 sucbr1 a1 c ccli ecrt 15011 lab> ~ ~ ~ itn Tisera &er eara, o. lr- teér gar for tis public banalil ofnpron'amentn wu rsith A.! huqa- ioa a 1tharsbt a nttOni toi nate r o! i a a Kf mnetn e smte H toala a no s mnire o r iusl ca mrae ! rili bo aiesecn nue' Th i-d s tîelii $5 n0f %%i cl . Mseussa ver , liurnrcetptnofon cî eamaiisteeIneea l il qal annhc !sen r u raetitse uoimo miiit N scrîarmd i. s e ebie go t li ub-beýLet~ - îeusbtI tse oe aimtoe Hder e cntrpal th upbie'ee a aiusan i o uli ricuIs meta ieCrain nu r e lu o tiho a rd barn ilue îcg t haou l Y ai-isg. tîce a cviuo 111*0h pa01. .is0ps44 , si aee Drf diueaa ~ald.e mas egarisuelas dpo SITe dese as intise dI th owshu p co led mo e xri hes ri ' oo fIne m a ben nai is y t e p ic once a idsi Oh,-Caet' drul - *rSiyb! iLlai» G arie goenat re acos 71a on y n sai ebehim a p rom nI' Culscc Moit cha iths mes'nmnt %u sci al r cîc a die iefflossla miîae ia mc b>' an asntar i s or est le of nthve anisb la rlgo cn, ugsiîui lF ia srepor tInsalig ma' ie pmcrcd CaaSce5Ce c Drîsg tse asi>'ar tuiglitna Miee wr ofis th pubitiroit Ia theoesr r ai r ra o affhl Xs bi nE Ms Importnt funio ae tensrie iead il > onfa Com res Fsd r mme> ther contrei ofer inîiil rrdr vda a tack siieroule o Wi a uehr rm e a ri to ~~'ti ~ ~ o éir ' tee ~ l e ~cars aZ IU IEx~K U racpa !ptleonrh en i ' omeehinCsi. FcenitrieesseeMoO rf îm ttrslu e Mrisu I-td 'ter ri The rsa inqetoina R-cui titale Ia<a5at~llM , Is tutait maree tieforér~j th¶aea e bvn l publie suath -_ # -irasi sa Reies5e alO aneeucaoi iegai i.fiscCm ileerl!n îci u-rlr e oair biaasu nts- EC tris i o ho doutrll le O l a thej5 mpjate f ui Fiepao b>' thisem nai S>'. .uor. PrilanatiH e uaa a natin ol neuien a laben bu sen Coaeuand s e s thIe ris iem Tobise niees'u ti) h IFn0 neo i tisee la.ofC d ers mIe bu tisai tis ce ltI0 -d asbti h mor berme tis C ons n 0 euli a is a rmsd b e nt ei lh "ýlssi theasroaisseier asin re-,a iionie ia eisans crihé rill ft e r vvcrod Tilier ir ithaCcrie'aq ne t our (id tU tai bu msol o a qu th, tatPhs ist dies bra i c tasre gardnt as ue ' 4= 1 ' po 4 ito l isa h i hef te the ct isaI mes Co ia Os itir N rr t rrc aysa e esiri s uccuy th'4 einr mi e e retor iii ul 010 laier, e tie lnS '-.l gor (COu l jO D-e7 hy ie adtmae huas iis ' e gond an maiol; ie apeat tenfn Me nembr as f eanl faea h 1 i. all this ayb dieua n li aiueCrit'Cuoil Orsi sic chak b@Iaés InmioIIih bis a e eliew s or o a ry Cog ont Cos tie pn I ebliguuion A ras' ni a o eltob a t. îc oîea ognsrn c tÀon a M tgea. M aeti uaat iîaIe IaISs ser ot Wb y rsfactiaonsdd o len Cisefu and re o Tis a ma ho pauli mame c C u i *gue the. 14ic #hul neye!'h I'vI, teoand tleelgn« as f tIs hait ent C unîbiFo Wmndy, in-r Dhul virsidit ý,sdr ci-s eS taio msai nvestii. ahiearohug fn i ha., v a nii se Uts songis. h me'- îsr Fui llat ai -enetaite,& ri , lrrr . Ila orrts ad u ie uptIi ira a ollo ua rrelA a~r is Jb~isgam ysl tI5 ~ c rmAmuPPLEl bi asria foc iti t] wie il, île tirarte Fnd îleri il a rc% 1HM! ilbaý"t iia sas t 1eBrl 1sf So nb gluiaa Ielt m e.;w ~ ~ rm ie ,ess-a rers useeuusmqowing the u gg'r , luans ar aa ema-mi'm D' s ï7malsau .9 r In fîlou ma ius -S.o. rpReo- ine met aalteamsi ds4ss - ' Ifonubueran tare O7)e II [IV IS ilised, tiserae banrosh le-Iim dora h h H RE ta i flaet Ils liai s rs tise, as' ut j -i e ur..rtlhetisa uildingurime miouseseedsciasslehveved Srdeltiens'Ifer au calce enteS m agis atheeation t ha-- '0tlau onélti Peff I-omel Miese Ida~5> steteS an on lise iner Uxbelg mewnhip tats iêTs lrma Saseaî haiste! tâtait fi e W rai du i n apbis ce-upfb ihe uaster Calars eýon Frunk He sîra mu nataiis ofi ocaso con ta, Sema usai turccý husoîm a W n D n FINFr byte lovJI~ ~be of OLM l ind :-but t a r t he *dM ln the tise arecierarcorireiicaimr an a reAs idn ofl ti odsus odwr andRU~ i>iuime c Monat lac ir uordnta M tetnio ,i ko tome geos lnis Oneasea tise anar iarn tee p-lsbn nihe uin î tis.u by, N sg I(UWNrtL 1111W: wa ease by tj-e tea~~îia lis eat Ferids<y s marko spCe to Mru ovmeislain maio luit 5ehon té___ b at r . t lg o e ea dué a rg 1111,111e eg isialicîs th atentin o is O ti t he las oti 0 c Ico e isom bîe sa is Pld 0ful cuae oue TublFc -.lid A dert s't mn ilak anus'e eth to rrs car etlc 5idl aoe hbiî hall ceor kil, aeat ls ise nnuel is Ii.ï r e l ss o efal et uvae tri oisîr e'isi t'ed \e r The oen po salit w e r e h Ofics T Id. Lo. the n - n on.ur ltu was Iro F I r- Jd i l N a ntlcia 0 b ani Pria,- o ut i are ay l Da sfrterhsiaiv ýre htI a râ h 8ý the hi tlluikte- laI hQ4 W 'é akeîo am i al(4i th o!ni tise lestsd ,hir w i p stve fl t , t 41,,výt Ch4 espuel aime StIae aot uerr esaes' in sfmltînelbailer Chargforo ntrire ui Ce urir oh HA Ha Ca1 F î n 4e ahlà fane mueisi t il u ers ct als appl Tee lana a! . t is eut Wise ot ýter tstlue ftor îearepellCsa a'r' naei mar a oe sa sOttIoi O rrriü 'a.îî al-t F rdrcna ber aeii a lis col-elh a lîeTonss l.ai ia caîveeimon isaraiibl tol K115hd CC tal e in na iri bin uF5yuu un na r lest b>Iesu ldn e! is a w ,.K t t g peiera f gul t ue of fie aIeth I. sa raief Iiai i l et Nsa lte aisag pZ asS RV I il eodfn mii b ei nF El a e m nte. oel n Delgo ustie ]Ktl- s4CV *g"d a doun theSrmb a i t T5e *om s1lg mmltr nsto 10 ataie reri sh ose s!c thu thebn iu lmn ciFr avsru' om aie a i-rihi-r t tlgpaI Carie puts êeIe-~t i, m ehanmeouisi Oneriou hj tsejs Mucshi eS ea ates ber Meo Cie mîh bean d islc o arki i ric ritriu- aai IeF"aaes.aur the, mIlso vins (bm heFs w'ui eau rn Ihpe coal now tnis eSc rnWdeim.U nî itv E i rn e ' enaiebs snnn.m airoirudi st n e w t me tooau aissen ileu neda' hri.n Hsatu an nti iuit rC a nshr lin Lridi m aosernf l Oauealbe$orlitorne poueci auaiei the rh th fisosss a ro!brrts oi appis &gi ilrear t. b. AdulautF e e.s onimierv1 tIsa Slataesu peelsa. meis i O Y 98 Weil fai *à5*nt d lii of laea, a n m wiheany laeame-- Ifn Sucra of5. ros off___ ih n i- isu I trms Cio mosis ~ ~ & masa motie ament tis na-es ' are lain btl milite meigi, etere mae ailef mat fore in- for KiddOiuuclicnnes'Ta ap m l -oa i if . tolretape- wn itit on nent re ismulmr I -e f wore ricato elit- ïy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as sasnasfu matise lenr' and see Onaro en' cimeS riS lua oi Whý Uin ,ssooecm frrnt cor9iJ n Ceaeoums esee xa r t m e tdmB d11it h aits ro s and beain rane o sth Sot Ameoela. RIsi l u >e Fus e as C hrga Tes. Ifom %V' Oeatrl ue .a reain arpe-nueca lu tua O o iti halaI t*f 4 e oi t C re ep or talt rune i ls a a ehrs. tnllul Aiss ciatinon, mais tis !el for meb ' r s rae wooiiie l~ j icees in biis asth 15S>'ues en irmtad e lm dm 'al Sitii 01c- aslsîo a maundrb J e e >l i a iîea rds' rmems c la m e .Q bXl y 1 h a y l t a t e a e e t e s o e o h e t o t l n . , p t t o o r h ii e t le e a n g as d n a clis o! ielela nt Iria. aleNeu i o iLt*.11 "h'~ Tlu h a monsaeser se-bac t ai basetis aItb pihi mept a 7- il nise Ille vaeonse hut des aI c s' om u n rea i n o r CFe Laisuasâýdt lase o roIiIn e u nses ua Telé , aI otis e u e a ise o!as, la5 the Uatuuiayry ci5u an Ait rl « " t ivsiain (a oho ali olg n 15.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ils tiatmls etts 1*ms -m co liebi smero yee. o lums bava ot nana lats . A IlaS e rce .ar e , ucio Gemm lea tR . esi arrci i) have.DemsT Onc. îe nme te r me coiiea n -i tourna* ss'a oi.tureaikiaue iei uc g.Teco a es îleoay boa fTse S',umb e ledS '5 Fani mra dura ait rei u10ruegsii -h nlia Ime 'u ue irio leri h day e sda f is le î aTht l r lo reC ui mvssi bei ai'isil m ~ 'N o s na le n eeîe1e Tayo Drsy eor a s R er irs woba et e at iiie lu pu ll-ri rer ni tri co s. rlaliooonlm" n f b mili ic f P,- ptisa ÃŽ it nI s ue basipesîi a icu on tisa la mm e q ys ce e la rd om th est mscon LStre. anîd miP-amîe it aur thf eisecofru . sis ibu 1-1 cire~0 iria ol a vnS theseIo Arothlsi i e uen' Pa ar as ismarbs ais yea on faimo mis:maeilabg yai 'u nîia t ario Aveue ontr et sis friteo R ,îe Tt mersi In et ic ni bn os Hî Lci tiitari rum e own u l 5rsté folel TNaoea.es. r hu ber an -e Theroas isanaxc 'DUast chai ea>uld osv ris u , i n Il ner, ni e O f au th aîsnine bcussincesesr " Said m aîîndse oo . uc il eturd i r il ha Oss

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