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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1933, p. 2

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PAGE TWO The Wliitby Gazette & Chrocîd* Ontario to>umtys LeidAis Wrekij Vubltstaed avers r7bsrsday mlorale; p I)y I i'sbttetttag Company of Oshawa. L.tatLed. C. Si. 94andp. &readent. A B Alioway. Vier t'rapi. dont, <traydn M Usodfetiow, Otrectoir. OonyWtsare ln Canada $1 50 s year ln advanc.- $2.00 a year to subscribers ln the Vi5t1id 814 jr 010cr forelga coîsnlriea The date tQ pttkb the aubaciptlon lis pld ta tndtcs*ed en the eddrop iabel. 1 B. ORMIAHTON. EdItor and Busine.ss seer Teleplhones. Bell 28. Realsdauce $6 VHITIBY. THURSMDAY. 'NOVEMBEIR 2, 1033. A Faith fui Publip Servont Passes With the passing on Sunday of George W. P. Every, for twenty-two, years sUPer- intendent of the Whitby Publiic UtilitY Commrission, thte Town of Whitby bas ssii- i ered an irreparable lose. Hie record 01 public service was outstanding, and Ilis zeal for and his interest in thei many 4sst- ies that fell to bis lot as director of titrie great public enterprises knew no bounsid. Work for the town of Whitby can trasiy ba said to bave been a hobby with Mir. Every, and bis tecitnical knowiedge, bock- ed up by wonderful ability, was a vatuabie asset to the town which he servedl 80 long. le it any vyonder, then, tha4 a few moments after his death members of the Public Utility Commission and oliver civie officiais expressed te opinion that bis position would be a bard one to fi11. The laie Mr. Every was a consistent andi enthusîastic champion of the case of public ownership. Hi beiieved titat utilities Itie wsterworka andi electric iiglpt andi power shouid be operated by the people for the benefit of titi peopte, fur- nisbing light, power and water at a mini- mium cosl îo that titese utflities might be- -availabie in the homes of eventS n's of.citizens. In Mr-. Elverv - oo, the great Hydro Electrie entetrprfae basi a warm friensi. It was iargely titrougb bis effortsi ti>at WbstbAecame an active pas-tner ini thei Hy 0jnts-prise. Although lit limes hi waa fsced to, disagrie with certain policies o'thei Hydro as they efforlesi *Whi.tby, Ù e neves-theless had unboosndcd failli in thte enterprise andi he bîlievesi that Wititby was weli servîd by it. Ms-. Eves-y a"0 founsi time to help in ail com- eesunity ent.crprisîs, and could always ha counted upoin to lend se band when any- thisg urt-i witile for the town neîded to bi donc. As a soldie-, Mr. Every sud bis bit in France. lie helpe in a large measure to re- crisit a Whitby Comspanay of the li6ts bat- talion, witich ha commanded in Francs, andi bsis service was recognizcsjjby promotion in the rans-sc. Many wlo serd under blin rç- 23La~l~~ficer, Who.,cnow Wl u f hi rank andi file lai His Majîsty'as fort.. -As a Ms.onhe was a t es-of slrength t to tisAt greel fraternal o ganization, H1ev baS bien itor-ored hy itis fse ow craftsznni witls thse highest honore thel coulsi confe-, and ln thse carrYitig out of hie dulies to titi cailles of Masons-y ho was t xever fouid a wanting.U The Passing of George W. P. Every, la, P we say again, a great ]ose. The tosun is better for his life, and hi viii always he I rimimbered for his high ideais of ses-vice. -SYmpathy Best Expresed g By Deeds 0 There la a wide diffîrence betwelan sym- i pathy and mos-bid curiosity. Newspapîrs th on Monday told us Ohat over ten ltîsuiens of people visiteS te home of Ms-. and Ms-s. sl Hiier, Toronto, whose baby was <ound Mi duad some davo ago onde- cis-cujeitances se that are as yet s mystery. Somi people, il be is sa.vd, even attempted to toucit the cold rl body of titi litte girl. WVe venstus-e to say t bhat while qoîte s number of weil wishing Po steeple went to the Hilîlier home to express ti tiseir sincure sympathy for titi bes-savedsoia 'sarits, a atill larges- number were care'rs iî away by s-os-bld curiosiiy. No doubt iwime LOI of titem were professional mourners, a th clAsps of neopte to ho fouins in cve-y com- sto msunlty. Svsnpathy for te Hiliiîs fgmiiy V& gtps best exrressed by those wtto hefiisi mi to 6sei for the mi-îîirg chii1d; wito op en- on Pd their homes in the nigit to1 serve bot levé tes and coffee to the sias-ciers who work- us ed ien titi colS; Who offered to, pa' lthe f unes-ai expsnsee or Sonate a grave. or Who bandeS &orne moneyt Onlthe almoet destitute bis-o 01 Jutland and bts wife. Remnoving Hatig ait o ag Fianerah 1aa TiWfJTBY GAZETTrE & CHR( A* itmfs-al? Weat»psli, o' e4w -4aý-s ego, wbor. P Qvertlqw e iuun4p- 4people wue sl« On11g 05 i 1 a!nd#b to hepr Ip qrc thrp1 Off1l doo-. As bite service Stas-ft baYed theis- beasis,ad-then a qmîet yv wsbarsd saying :-"It is this wllaie faInily thst nobody take a 114k by egs bIUat." Il W44A tp l'p# Jsp tM Iggestton. 00@te #Wt ai o Of revewence ecats luvd Jvt oas *99 ~ i$endansl'r*p leleut friand. wito are present ta p&y tiib uti ofl'espoct." TZhe Absolutes ef The - Oxford Croup Wipa4er may ho the pqe'o0pio pili of agiffs s-siteon Suuday bg-d remi ot 4g~ jford Group give rasionsfil î4th i intO, to u lem 4 Ipnct hi 114 qlote itoncsy, pqtIy, tç44«~f nffl ap4ndove hefour Btabfoutass stuc 7%t j G 4 roup, if prlIdtiood 19 il P"#,- bo s-ail themrasevesChs*U ffl i«o iars of tMe CissjstJaa r W01$4 4dg about 4sapitrsitgi ruvlOb t0 1149 4s*of Penlecost in 115e #tiy îCli TJsupr ehinothvlsg rong with a ho ai PM>yiqwio daim tobebudosvilltedJ tbffl tMss Chtristians prînciplop, andwvi oMp wIlo hearS Ia e itifleg"rof I Gouii op Suaday nms octhavse bousin4 PM, 9A4_ wlth titeis- mepa;ge, they wl» iafl, V4 w;foot esu's, plyse l15ez»sredit I houp aissolulelys, iese. ;50 nnch bas huais 19ard of thne Quiet Group Mvement « latp Iiat i w good thps for tbe people of Whit>y es-an it otas-t with le4d aper; on u Aay 0p4 Jearu acnet)ils of 4 tblila The filitaIlarge copvgffatoe. ltUrni ott be>sr lts themn apd wopfflio hpOI sa tîrIbate ot h espirit p Clsrlalln lk iran-e wbicit seems b ble eosislg Ms: evident in Witby as the dayq gp on, 77% Menage of "IPopo> Day'fil Poignapt reminder of t#oae apseol day;S « gjpry antd of!gTieipg, ,Ipop, D;qy> 34jsjday nggt, lN»V, 4t119, lMoies reclus tg prompt tba ie -ze»s 4f Whitt and of Tspadain 4the 4utiel bhey avie ft baibed *MM lte pgqt ganuatiop. To Cgui di(M F99tb inu tiis ye;Is-ofigrq.c., tie 4el s-e peW j if! lthe ppppy May t yl54M lIyth sente OMgMeiance PMayba bo liteVont :uf fItffl sese ;;. Theq s7185014513 scrlilee ThIi ies popp,0y àb MRss blil coun4r'4babbiep, a$«f«oad Pd- vatina, enalur« liong ig gees qjld fusa» triumphed sssid rmpUTs-lts ga s-rpete, wIth POPPies. To viea titis itptsbia es biem ns ttPop7 DPo Ie 40 proplautbiat amniS aillte anglies, contudiO5 brosk which titis s-oaptry la alrlving vailiaptîs, 4( pitietrat-, tlise hart aSd uiltnelare Issir ltelesu attlqg4 ts a seuo f honsage tc ilpose 600,0001 Canadies, o ofni bnaifs-c 3nta-jo Covnty, Whio cite-icithemselvu, for- service belveesi 1914 andi 1919; oJ baet nu r mos-ititan 60,M4)0fotsp [raves in Y'spce d aisBlgbosa. êns itbji s'es- ihos4saviaut bte poppy waïvaî Tit he *qrsd fiaS wîrunt at sssggrs iTey s era yqezsg Canadiens, filled evun a% he youti t aitQ;y gr# filas, oWitts titi Jo> or living. 00tsA, ieestise 170,001) mon 'ho tn 1980 huas- upon bles- bdle tbIn Markb, and4stars O! war--âbe SlaIled ex- es-s-te îpap vio su(teeidlea4lmnuton s behaif <t! (tenedg. To tuaiifoest t ps-ou vcogulitiop 01 tieir plus-e is tiIs cOuubry, Lomark tli4tribut4 visisla tiais- 4me, POPPY ry b7ias be;s, sselel in lo,,i val aIlpMAY joie ine caallpang the. regt srsow. Tise blod.regl embiiss i@tîlbqt. ,d titrotjghpu Canada by bise Coaata ýegtollovse volunteer os-ganication are he ps-oduç4 c« UsableS VOtes-wm, Msq riving ta maîntajin bo'Ma.ls'es ln the itceraft Ssipp a aSmlulslesed ly lth, Do. intor Go;rrment. To pus-susse a poppy i Satu.4ay nexl la a amaji thing. For es-y ejlts ta o 41i la a big lump. Let 1att1 Wuj,9s'POPPY OnouPup>s- Day. iaerjqf Net., %4e hi stbr epergetie Mer-19aitl reMu tisi t ni eighb wea4 uij blChipetm. e b,, gainr. Tisiy are feUs, alibva (o th& pise. l t ýe; « ttiaIsan AJ3t4 4MaotoeIilig up am* e t, 10ttsa lai» qillrat etc of a qje org s-l. Ma cturîtg plants have. sr a s-re thsa psy iv trrlarge to b o phK« 4p1tad sp 'pgps#y, show nousît qc- MoU&dy, 8.15 p.M.-At thse Y.P.S. Le.gie of tiUe iassone nirestsvcrl* inte paIt tcw mmeFeçrdînc ta lite De- N*tosa. PIay, '#WAR SURRUNMl~I' ion pAeT i dc eaqd Commerce. 40" glyp~'Woî~ BinÇaqI,~~v ____________________________________________ te begnning QI October stood u 15 #s<4iaiJ ii çuoRc>s.~ ti* Ipd NO~*D~ 35»~~ - ~s~9~on the g9Prqmt5pemployeteo s ~ oep is ~ ~ of ons Mv , ii2to1 Votora Cordfiallyv bwitqd 4se oitpssthè, 0 the -- ----- r C G7d lal year but was . eowtpe Stta.8ale figures S le h nt aine monilia ai 1932 t IV 10 -1-REM 09MNM CE DAY WEEICEN 36,173 ihis tOs- 10 date, althoactt sien Ne". 1su BCTuIBrsl hiW htb iltC e sales of trucksand buses w.,:ie -l. ritbhici0. 1 B $850 n t rtinf cra bie 42.7 per ceint. of te par- 1-6m8e-ai. 4.15po bnc Sle . Auds-ses Cisorcb Preaby- sand ZIraton lsece- b eîq- iSbssm iteirest tbcee-quacters g pai ' ew. G0eut se onTranNe. à seî the terige les' H. Canots-hait M.A., te t OtBqdll" ofê tpi e1932 svert through inancing cor- o d0n0 Ph.D. 5 niawtier. sesles ite, wreatts iol ha e-ra tions, oily 33.9 per cent. 0,-c Tiosbe ld q n CblreAbl ad et nay aia n D-rTl 6: cisorc es-bonihet * is t I . ub&pà tained ti cron ttne psy- nhleersi. oeS ir. Su adsy 24e O eeho l ssiof es tseenl> bniog Ibi. yca f(r Il a.m.-i -5plic wossiitp and who ' IWhe r a n lcOS 4pr ,,;.celap Tnie,505l tile t- arsî ir "Il io len exporta, glere isatl abs ae or imla Bp-yelc o&M ad a .- 0:unarve4 -, Capodian asiteohtblc maotutaert slt~. . ~ ,I4Tt% ,. ls >iSS 1a p.s-mec -A orsadsand 444service. ispes c*pspded io&t itis yeac. Ex- FOR SNIOlMATlON-sclsUCgp P F4E. 97I-IKT ed ses-ma: *'sOu ests." '7 .M.-gy@Png proyer- po porits of automobsilees ad trucksi toc HTY N. Msec4is' 8ivpet-St. Anorewn e rornD, cher t#e s-e tr u- h stuinetmottsia J 933 total-iIl5Pb"ST -3.NM l'eopie. b, ycRezàmmPrsaee" tled i4,5i5 nis vatued ai $6013,52b' ~-?e tb Frlday, Oct. 2.-TOi W.- S. l 6Tinslsss nd 4eMIry comptared wth 7942 ueit& vaiod ut '\ <A>A NTJNL ss-n t- t te elsurcb hait. ses-vItra Contine uaiti; lps e s 3.228,139 in the corrs-ipottdinsops-e ____________NATIONAL___________________ 78. - ut~~~~o the preneau ureet. Is, 0.W.d lesot peur._____________________________ 19. Wlathsr Baptlet Chus-s-b Roc MAlel W$11 preg5 p C15 i bs-s.y----------- Md T. P. Best. peotr. Bible Srbooe Pl - . i eO. J. bi. c 1 l ---------------- e t ai ai., Sunday Classes toc rss* on -Relus-day 1LIFIiI Chldren'a Church ati 1t.30 8 evee tthi cn irmaANItionR DriOvine wos-tip t tIla ni.ses-vice osa irday eeIt5fl TI] The nset"DineGuisaice' - artites ai58e 'cik. t~ NERNF~ ec 'Jeeag Ont5', floe Y Rv.D commuaniosi n vc1. A. L. Ric-harde, DB. Ail cordtal avis . SuaaiY, 10eV. bill: E H NCT Mosiday, s P.m., o v p.i bs- Il ar.- Meons' norebte saeetisad and Jpn rcsnas-eeîlpae.ermonst A WORD aip. eeseîbu sn heipful titime a ïl# ea t of =98lac for ail s-otng people.~d "algts D bu my# Wedneeday evenîoe. 7 30 o MB.ados iitr qs aoee > utS,.«fercnwoai ena Club. open 0t il a*'6o Sndy Ssholp a lunîted huscl Moet >7 biurad*y.7.35. Frayer mcoo l p-.-lt-Tdoaipsng4ud1 se -i lez slowed hy choir ti-to 7 c tsWstes , 5ueet oelira. In _shwa__ ur.4 ep of ras-hetih by Aeclviseas-yNov. 1210 peati-f n4aje bi. eas sf Opipae. s .Ast soad xr se, Ray. J. A. rtt, BA A To.- i B eatt- i ofcv. ii Nvsaa e îuîOOccuucî ha he sdeo Df tS bras SvoV the t~ ronceStnoh eis, l'h. l3sTfURps OY5 . Pitn ea fo n poranat ces i trcc sumecvpene )I Oitite, lsite aping g44 Mies- '4 miissintrs assiluasel noft he UOh ,p- Mil sgpts lCiurcit, Whitby'p, - y joephs gieg. ca t'yehbytçri ufth Uiten d W'o *dsaiA kuow M* > ho Twsaty-tlrot Sisidey alter Trio- mondai, et ~-ttishe ; ises-cie. tQ eidis theCetrse o apolxwt ssipabbn Uuispi f4MeGs-gissit Ils. ri7fusiier 110, 1933. Rec. E. s'optess oielY a K 1,-isi fce w. StrÇet isi Cuc fOhuu s-p, e a-4 - . . p4 Oi aeg ;is ~ A na sary of~thIe t408e Play, "Was- Bos-sedr4-a. ceW etduyNove eulèr8 ih r 1 wIl viiMJdlsisau e.. t.l.p ,Cosshl Cue.---90.. eediâ9lr 4 9VOT0es-5 Ue for misas n thlits lrenosa and aller- Chu-A - oyC mno. cat.e;d àw ssi and a SuPPeraMeetting ,inte Pi 5 .~Mey em anon VtItors as-e alays mode e iib.Thlits cotiereuce Ije'uon 4 III HOlY CoammuaiononCea. si ,»eand Work Cooeriaci"TH -r---- -r--a4a a e ie stCy * Sui 'rc'a ' 4ud 0 b lcu ins y C1ay B u c t o a A s s o c4 o nT h c o s scs o o n d Ol to e t i r e . , W i T A u I J 5 N N I B b Makeo Pluns for Seuî-i al teL y. J H. .WlukidsyBrsh * -J. H. P"~i, Mipe Meeting to ce.HeM at Beavertobc d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __a__titis * Oe riSa> Nopesilse- tii tOc . s-asetcrîî luIs-aseco aS ra e sAl.lw " lie t's-cp s-s-î e as 'foi-en ' ~ Ullg W IfU ieS rpfs llrD.i 5 o e lIltia Harronwitbc10 it" o cl s it enra ubi i- e ii s e>r's ersnal A1111 " I U jIII pp I ata. ie 4>913s~eist 1 C10, taîcsa aleisc th- -1tus-yest tlite PisîtsandTs-istce t duc.A .; Vrv. 4 tt ers-,c i Yug f-ustp s-ade eljlebti ý0 Tu Hall i BeRvrton wli bcth( "à (rs a Weil s the entra publiapeopl i luc7.) esbeeçias-l 11pendr po-lttibç ScGo fheîu eml isas salen rs o he speîtkestt ic b,,M nAignât.asrue fIs-ausaftupi-.rp 55 1 en-a te cOu a tsa tO n V ca of i di sdc llieu, So f orwl rin tnDessagz a ti.iouf se, upctt ies' w- . ni ell 0 u#oa mb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ta drs h aîruoset 1 Euau.PovpsiD-Tsti 4-.J i Wit et rea* e ft-J.i o tgeer ' recod pas Os- soi itci brume i Js--i at th ,ial Imo te.Aliot oeawdcu oobilt . ian Gii bS toxisîiaio rsul"Thes u vs th oe a a it eOf bter ti1i O k i b M A Cmp10. lâeraie Iiti - o -Wat ol ution AleC4v15 308otuncas e s l etsi ainirec upin c"artuol fuira --lebie caOtheie tr A a l Tcrugspeker te asseeapi fer r, ihi Ite MoAu INIM l'01@ ..n -mon Ri upsso l, - a t t ar socs iai eal ieIn te anS ctatit adssdala a e a v suedglonte ,#toal tivti O fal i # i. Ia rera att oi ý-1., t Ol c "Ceene s' stitsuce rst- a 5.3 cspctiser is-t R .AIr sa- fom ts et ~4st t a i nl tee. ettro F. a i c turi Si>ejitiio p4ýe I'ltQ; The lscanenîsis- e. Tls il OIIIn (ac gt PSil t ni 0t-i ses-dy o p i, so. 41 aioi W ehis , cii 4,7EU g 71.ar4W1 #,t 4)j tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I -rerM. sbiitvasfrepci .eSsS :tets Ç5-ral s!-bro - tc otak i ohlci n et cOolbresi . t e 4t lla MsCe-e'apossaieii#10r440ittl le AusI a he foa fad -tto ew, ilb M dclE agtcuireelcjepws etIn W W. t D iz Jo 0, s. uros - lc-it unn uatRprs p e ..tive S h aII Ita1p149t---fo a. It trioenser writecjatino p ub wtcchi p paiths Jvllk s î lca a- t Nbkt --- loi tascoCeoeî t tu en ua iters - tt ifiirlo'act ttc onie fft Odraneer. wsatnd Jc4 t s- t tin ç ' tlsebtesif p ot %W ci. 8oy te Ian9 tht ssetkn iope tuM-oA.1) ass- les in e C itesu andap , Chrisi ansci ass)i? ev. A. L truusces JUIFcern-' MIne.o e of tpmctsi usic coeat1enayti'; -il bcSamel Faarxt ,771 'lac rlraisi an cpnuil a ss e ,rî. s ecs a fumsestoslei' s os-the as-s~ssin onM os t-w a a s as pr sptins rn- e 4 t h l" yi belote a helorre flO fll ei .caet ed b.S ' setaae-1 5SilsiOlatsetin iitiO a e t é a =eu ps dtlflb r i O 00 Jurbi, ho ftki te 4ater' epie i l aejei t in s tanad Is a crs-OetDI, 3e. int tbv irenes --il ble lt ndr Il'&Pa o "ibie a ss-too - avars" l-w cluute.Cnt eiu i b Il o i~ hM d iern c lit aieW.eose iielfil bc Ocetut sîde fasce sili Iturl R;(toolInsectr fr S uthOntt i carli'" Dscu sion f t e .îs.th e J utsCr56 1h.eee ese a ie for w, i p t"0,ts-a, fth o ate-. s-sip r s ide loa un bi sll hepi. kt ciS Ala stauscs DS -o al i I.plss o C. colSouneotBitws *sl (le atectelquestiondr.er .cb, taieh. 5 a ahtcI- th QoetùnuMoA.ECrerm lis-y. A. D. es$itb, o ftl iaiatstirt tscsne ts facmia ii 'luus ieleaer-OsF, 9c70,1t40.e-. ixi lna s-rIe hls it- 'e"va Litps. Oa I suii iteeii rga)o puIssllts os d nmthe lysay <s u as a a-c odt seio e ti-Pn Il'Cd nComui,,silc dils dncs n msia sIl sin 9 -1 suPor t atesa wjlge saIvsrt . ai eaehaa,310a 4 e c or- a _____________ 0 the deteus-leswis-osa ait'oltetthe Osh- dabJ talenteus-vos-sec rate ebaoll of tho ta#tbT 9F 1OrTo dur In., the oufPim btcs-ndanatu- t hue va 153aSli n a r rat gEf i 9V tbe n ýltae. '£'bc 4 75 aod j ltIBaypo!iRe ut en HuatiuMtote «Ïpiud.Nes aittte Much ofthe T4o Çosnu id f, aeuathe cf ly upu ites PWI5 * Vhoe u is aferlie .wa urt elss Tn es i tdsocf<rp98o4î1.sees [uLs.Mo.5 The "coing getfiraathia s-bps-)ci1efeontsthesb -odo of the County_ 4re5-tOheop eapç al e pe, uirtse' sdý t Jr 3tePI, O tP Yu iubn n h W O O D cst ls itseisy.- Ç_ R.ale c - odse n(n trig)aiSifgtai"akda oi Say____ Ir-fouir_____ M719_____ 0 111,_____ l-A IeSmes-sageulus) ha ato ecag di th.aine s-apIc .i1sthe vlttttt OP itedieto an t ÀVOW -L1--v~~Oîapo~e Oc Rv.Iorn iii rieofglInCadadlar tol lww.dp aTeesasD. D.asss aTighllasIdesitn tacS ait site esîy dwsB MARINa af T Ilaia e ,,. d thesai in Jly y os ee s r lot allS a sthe uts- I uytegetierteo x O E U Ils drleaectettadistsic rat s-id W& $.12wBdtu Aer J a m e ssSa w 4 o n i ofas-ted ea s$80do5s2cop so psa-saiipt fitesOuncirais' &elmetstbe pwm- ve te Nec Ouet Çara as-t a eraert t ecmg a .,Ia yitas thl e tO luos-StnOc nctet as aciqi e shn to I clesche mal po 9104f nt b , _ à,j i * ~4E WEKs-c4 A>rH! UTO ÎNI1ÛSÎRr EX~ORT~ IRE FAR ADOVF 1W IFAR Emplqyp.iit Jnd#'~ pf Js'* 4s$vy Il M.~ Çsruuptty Sunday--1he Mbiater-t bb 5vi. il AM TOEPA 7 pu-QDY EVENING FE LOWSHP. MQflTHLY BOCK SF#BMO.N"- V ettfrrytee 1, foi r f f m - An

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