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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1933, p. 3

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THE-WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933 PAGE THREE- WibDirct-News Bdge ts Fro m Saff R ep orte rs BROOKLIN HALWE'EN IVAS BY IWONEN'SIN, Township HaU Filied *on Tuesday Evening-Good Citizen Passes Brookiu, Nov. 1- The autumo Thank-offersng service for the Womaso'a Mlslonacy Society wilIl ho held on Weno 1,Nv 5th, li the Sa!udayeSc.hool Room a f the United Chuh. Mro. Caracailen, of the Ontario Ladies' Cailege, will lie guest speaker. Mr. ond Mro. Ges. Joses ond Merle have retorned fromn a trip ta Brauce Peninoula. Mr. J. Garhott woo in Locoot Bill on Suasday and gave an ad- dress at tIse S unday Scoo there In tise Intereoto of Temperonce, Amoog thosa who ottended tise Young People's Çonfenence In Co- bourg over -tise week eod were Mr. B. Houghton, Miss Beosie Gorbutt, Miss Aice Arnoold, repreoentlog the Y.P.U.C., and Miss Marguerite Munter and Miss Doris Jackoson tise e.G.i.T. The Mena Choir of thse Unsited Chucch assistedl in thse anaolveraary =eaie at Raglan on Sundoy ev- -lr. Frank Thompson wao aanong e aScessful plougismen at the alfg match on Priday. téa under tise auspices of eand Schsol club held an tiContinuation Scisool ~ fmuch lIatereot. Tise <eeved by the Presi- Lad, and thse Foot i.C. S. Thompson. ild Mrs. (Dr.) Jshn tes, and the teach- thse tes room. A es aere preseot s.J. Tordiff, of Bar. thMr. and Mrs. F. or te week end. d Mca. Fred Brown and cîntyre, of Toronto, were >a. Portesus bot week. ,"hanters ]eave on Friday for> <,annual trip to thse norts loü isâh mcets in M'onday sout o.6, at 4.15 en tise United Church scisool room. Ail the chi]. dren are lnvited. Don't forget the erool demostro- tion on Tisursday, Fridsy and Sot- urdar, in.tise Township Hall. Ail tise ladies are Invited, thse only charge being your menbeohip fer for 1933-34. Mrs. JolI, Mms. A. C. Elliott and Mrs. N. J. White attended s meet- ing of tise Oshawao Presbyterial Ex- ecutive at tise Ontario Ladies' Col- legs, Whltby, on Wedneoday. Service in St. Thomua Angclican Chursi an Suoodsy eveniog, Nov. 5, at 7 .'clsck, wlth the rector In charge. Tise deatis oscrred aht Broakllua an Friday, Oct. 27tis, or Jesabe C. Stephans, aecond3 dauociten oi tise laie Josephs and Jean Stepisena. Tise funecal took place frotise reS.d ecoaihec sioter, MIt-.. John aM. Carr, 32 Haddo Street, Torento, te Mount Plessant Cemeters-. Once agaia tise Balltss-s-s t-capri> given by tise Women'aInstitute was a great succeso. Tise Tas ssisip Mll mas brighi oltis Hallas es-s decora- tionosand gave a iestifal setting fac tise costomed guecta, sha Jolat- cS in tisa parade. Thr procrans cen- sisied af o piano dort isy Misses Ruthi Juil anSdItose Eoyd; readng by Miss Hem, of Columbus; solo, C. F. Thoason; "Grasdfather's Cîock,' sung in s eaoifaily con- structesi grandfatbesucisck; solo, Mr. K. Webher, in othser cosa tome, "Soutisers Meoisties;' sols, Mc. Howard Acksey, aiss lu south- ore cstume, 'Migbty Like a Rase;" fluet, Mc. and Mrs. N. J. White, bln acttiscostume, "The Crooketi Rauher." Miss Bannais, Osharisa, preaidesi at tise piano for the manches anS Mms. Prsgrliy anS Mca. Edgar Crosali focritsesolos.ý Tise prizes oece amas-ded us foi- lacs: Seat cuples-BMra. E. Croat- ail, Mca, Acissey; Pisylis Burroughsa, Ivy Mawhcay; Gari-Ms.. Nor- man Thompoon and Misa Nos'eeui Pstteraon; S idney Baricy anS Lau- rie Bayes; Lucky Spot.- .effmey Bailey; Halloween casume-Bea. oie Gansait, James Wuiieeo, Femn Bannas, Margaret Harris uts- June Vich. Represestative costame - Mrs. Dngasan, Rap Jackson, Geren Thompuan, Mary Boyeu anS Dora. anS Mro. Wator Weic, Bexokîbua. Mr. Walter Webu, acteS as chair- man. The committee in charge ai tise pragram cosiated of Heu. Me- Neel>', Mcm.Tam Lambert, Mrs. Irelassi, MisasfD. Batty, Miss Aluge ArnoaiS, Jean Watson ansi Ms.. Lewin, anS are ta ha congratulai- cdon the way bas ohiais eoeep dc- tail was arcaoged and crnies- oui. United Churci-Res. P. L. Juil, BA., Pastar. Sanda>', Nos-.- 5: 10 a.m., Sundgy Scissalisisioasay Sunday, apeciai speaker, Mias Janiesan, ai India; 1l a.m, the Sacrment ni tiss1lard'- 'i---s'7 p.m., evenlng service. Tise pastar oilpreacia ai botit aervice- lausa- day, S p.m., Yaung Peapes League, bran rrepota iastise Cobocg C frec.Tueaday, S p.m.s M id A imber froos becs attendeS Oxfocd Grop meetings in Oshawa anS Wiitby over tise wesk enS. Sale by tisa Bîrks estaue af Dali-s-Les Dardons, Wtitby townsip. la C. F. Jordan, Ta- ranto rnnag mass- iiros-gis J. A. Willoughby, relatas, .4srmaSo issown ibis weolt. This praperi>' lia iraoklln village, Ias-ludan 25 mores, Theinaebaaas.5. 5 4-masm bosse olis barn ss-si stable accommadation ad tyo acres af orehas- . A picioresque snrlng criais wlndo tsmaogb Use castre of tis e stats. Tise aew osar ouil makin tise aropeciy as hi s country residonce, aad alanss o new roof and atiser ImPcove- oasIs on aise bose. TisebhaldS sng itait la valueti at $10000. Porcisses lace of tise wholc propet la aat disclossi. A full accasat or the piowlOg match beidsa s't0of tise village sca FrIsiaj sud lise basq net ai sigbt appoers eicewisaro in hia Issue of tise Gazette ansi Chran cie, your homo pulser. ASHBURN ~ Miss Thomyaan. a erel kn,,svs-Y, ASHBU N cliticmilt, aonoonto, ronvulilIh audience wits eru rajIs foc bath ysung aosd i. îRes,. a H~~~~orton-acteS as himnI,,, 3~5UL155JiII5 own efficient masser. hs - AT. ASH URN WAS tisaaks la extended to o lhil' cd moke the Suodsls :jl entectaimnent a sucreqý FINE SIJCCESS- Baisam 9Large Attendance on Sun- BAISSAM Or.11 day sd attbe Spper lovee nsoals, bel4dia ttihs-s. Ifs- - a datteSpe on Fri3day ovesil a. a, . NIia p - aueeay cded soccesag.The tuI s-s a and girls sud ail thoas- ah h I ý - sO ~are 1t a esonra-sla-I - 1- Asihacan, Oct, 31 - Service inîiaeir aoccess. lreiopt a arn s-s-s-i Bures Churcis on Sunday, Nov. , t, 0a ver six diollars. a i Il a.m, uith the pastor, lies, .O . anod Mms. A. .1. Riis-s-s- ,f A. Forgason, las charge. Sahbatb SR-roliln. visitrd O s-sitil, 11 SIhorit 10 eaum. A isearty invita- Msa A.E. Jones: and tioo lae otended ta everysse. tMr. B.Jases vîsitiS- l I,-sdiy MnUr.muid Mca, Wesley Doble, sf with trienda ln Oshai Sunderland, spent Sonday witis Mr. Several (rMn sets ss---s--ss and Mrs, Henry Doble. tise aoaiver"scy ser% s-,s a h Mc, and Mca, Roy Perey, Mr. and hucnona Sunday lest rMca, Oliver Lane, of Myrtle, Mc. fIememiser theo tossis-s- ps--- o-s anid Mca, David Brasme, af Mt. bazaar ln 1he cbuor-ss ns--- Zisas, vere Suaday visitors with ber 141h. Mn, and Mca, Allan Ross. The Action S.ers s - Young Reople mnt an Tuesday on Mondon ovenisgetas- rIres evenlu* last with tbeLirao'yco- ufMca. N. Goddard. vener,'Mc. Win. Burgess, in chýrge. ereSice aris- I- A sustprogramme wsgaves. vlsoitedj'the week-end os--ir ss cosdlg ofcdings by Mir. Win. bers. Burgesa m:d Miss Hazel Mole. _______ MissBertha Itundle, af Part Ferry, splent Use week end with MYRTLE STATION aMr. and Mcae G. W. West. Mfr. ansd Mca. Wm. Hersas aand fmnily, of Bcooklin, oece BSudsy P i visitera with Mr.,%and Mca. Robert BAUL IlUD1WIS Mecan, Mcs. J. Bestley, of Utica, apent a few daya fast week woth lier fTF TAL1l i daughter, Mca. Robert Gosse. LIII LI I III IN f Mc. peu] Christianson, of Bcsok lin, spent SWsay -with friendsaia s Miss Delay Fisher cetursed hsome TO NT FRD I on Manday, sfter spending tise past two weelas in Tarants. Myrtl Organizto id 7 Misses Betty and Bernice Gosse, ~ iairiWni af WIsIy speot tbe week end at Up a Succesful theïr home bers. Mc. and Mca. Frediltedshaw, of Season Ciscemont, apeat Sooday at the____ home af Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hop- Myctie, Station, Oct. 31-r.- iln, casse ai thesesnivecssry uer r.- Wateh for particolars about tiseat Pros ect nextnt ater puasqoscade pariy ta beciseld onanha no cu vc e nondap, hr- i. » nscadsy, Nov. Oth, ander tise as- Sna coois ervice boal ouh,'s picea ai the Asihors Commonity A large nomber irsonoc si ca A.lub ynalda, Walter ansd sttended tise anniveray sec,,ý Mrs.A. Rynat Raglanafaot Sundsy sas,,fs-et Geangina lisynalda, Uica, wereciel repsid for their efforts. hlary aSumday visitera eritis Mc.ad Mca. atisera attended tise snaivers..ry at splHerni aloencacc Asihurs os tisesame day spIeýdI Halloe'en cncerto Mr.and Bro BHacc Otran p. o was pot an by tise pupils is theOwo S- u . y e teg>s scissol coarnnan Fniday afterraan of Mn. and Mca. DaviS Ros., l aut, conaiatlsg of chis aes redisa- Me. and Mca. Cbsniey Aros s-ras- Z, tiens, dialoguas, etc. Refrea*ments af Oahaws, see visitons s-f liir woe aerved and s social heur anS Mca. Lutiser Mitehell aSuBs-. apeat. 1 day. Mc. and Mca. A. Halmas, of To- Bro. Roisi. Chiisolm was a vis malta, apent Sanday ltis Mcm. Wm.r an To Tronto fst Thocadsy. Walkec, Mcr. and Mrs. Fraonk Harr-. docteS by Bey. J. C. rieron and Gardas, sioMssLorn in ed B Res J.C. rc , n ofs-Sunday ocre visitara of Mn. sad Lindgay,-i un hr ,o u-Mca. Robernt Squelcis. of Misu dsy ist t la 6m. and 7 p.m., wha Carmnel. presched very iosaoiclag messages Mr. Dsvid Grant bas gane te To- bath morning andi soniso. Os resta fac tise mInten, o-bers he has iTuesday evealasg tisachareis hall becs employed in a Sairp, sad s>cli suaa crawdad car tise Cool suasse- aîoattndt night scisaoi. asnd concert. Mr. Jas Simkin opena s i do1Says sflbat oeek vioiting frienda ln KINSALE Trentan. Tise Ladico' Aid beiti s Hallow- entes in tise nsuavis iasenuent HA V[T OM alst Thurmiay evcssing, ihafr HARVE T watiensiance and a gond sopper. Ar-- iisinc epeciai taubb eid lnNovem- AT KINSALE1VAS b"r.M. asnd Mes-. Chas. Pilkey, of TTBrookis. sceesisjitors nlu aocvil- llage os Thorsdayslbot. EN E) L.st Friday eveaing was s gala occasoa, ohen ioesty-nine nmera- bras and supparters of tise Myrtie Peuple Braved Storm BaIli Club joonseyed te tise home of Mc. anad Mrs. Murray McCarthy, las Weather tu, Attend Torosto. A bus cbarteaed for tliq AnnualEvent purpose lef t Myrtle about 7.00) p11 ter eigisl. Tise evea ing s spent-in KIti-SALE. Noevbier 2. - gamnes anS dancing. and prises Do n 't oret tise Hallowe'en so- ocre aworded th iseooneca. Aftec a cai al aWtie Hall this Fciday nigist. vcry siainty loncisean os served by Ficot sad second prizsa eilI haie iv- tise hoateos. tise members ai thse en for hast dresoed girls and boys teana prearoted tise newly marrieS ai ail ages, aiso mes and wamen. couple soitis a iseauttful lamp, ac-I Ysur fortune taid ires. Ladies ans campasied isy tise followlng ad- cequeeted ta bring elthec aandwichs- Scens: es or cake. Admission lOc and 5c. Dean Mr. asti Bru. McCarthy- i Rev. Mc. Hassard, of Toronto, As a IIa e hase asaeashled lu I calied an C. J. and Mca. Stevenson yauc beautifs-i home as yssr guensa recently. But in tise nterent of tise Myrtie Mn. and Mca. Oea. Hadgaon, Mrs. Bali Club or could nat let tisis op. Jane Rticharsdson and Messrs. Clan- saartunsty las wiihout exnreoaing es Rtichsardson and Fred Wood- in Bonm ss ur u gratefoinesa ta j wanS motesced ta Huntsville cecent- yoo icsersuofa yosr geusereoca goal, ly anadrapent a few hauca olts Mc. port af? aoc eas. Your prosence at and Mca. Casirns, who moved oct ecri gamre os alwaym bIcki fox'. tisere faut opring. i wacd toasd yor encoucsglng ad- Miss O. Boulier, muid friend. of vieoas of great benelit ta the Turento, cailed an Mn. Alvin Hsok- team on general. Aithougs fast sex- cr st Fniday. sasn'or vu oece nat suecesfas, wei Messcs. Mechie Parbin anssiLes- treaýt tisat.. antis ysuc sager ous- lie Hacrern spent BSnday in To- por.oe owi gain tise League titIsl s-osto. next s-ec. In tism 5w and happy Mieses Helen Lama crp marrieS lite a? vatanu. we, as meca- aSd Jensie Farbin, af Broakiu, are bora of tise club, wlish yous'sloe apending ibis week eu s caV.I Ieaits. inspiring grâces«ansd Ion >- Parisin. --lîfe, and saskvoast cauil Socry te report Mc. S. Faredale slamp asx a saîl token ai aur &p- asnd Mr. Gormley, Se., as tiese ais pciaiion. Vasurs ver>' truly. l5a. At time of ocvitiog bath arr Me. McCarthv madc a ver>y nuit- sameoisat iss'prsvcd. ablie rrply. , tug tisai ise et becS Mca. Annie Harbcaa la apendlag a igreat intseroti tise Myrtie Cais bhis wsek erits ber neice, Mca. Bay- and o-iuhrd t great aucoeas neact l, at Breugbin .yesr Mc. and Mca. Watsonand Sac gb-r M. Wsife. Huas-Prea., af tise ter Jean. and Mcr.muid Mca. Douglas Club, s caileal upon fac s iew- Nesbitt and baby, of Brsaklin, wits_________________ s ecal fiends fresa tise U.S.A. et- teded tise Sanda>' sricea s ece. il ocre old friensado f Re and ire. Harton. Q aly D a Mn. Orvîlie Lawton, of Manillea" spen Sccly isf d Pndsandrey Mr. audssMc. H. Parname and s-sa a----iraas-ias-s-roc s-sp.Tis- iý sst, i-s--ss--r s-os-e. Tt ili iaks a sssait s- 'Il ' s- ti ho l ant s ils -- s-- s ts -ha e s-inesia- ta. asass -sssss t --. a er c, acism ri,- s-as--as-r ras-d s-ne s-ess- A fuco- s-sr--s b-s-ts--shiesBe macs-eS s- s,-r asss a-c- ss- -bst t ilheor ils-s-s Is-as-is- ai him and s- ----a - sssr dura Is-ff Tiers s---s--a - - aoss-s--aI a nds J. ,- as msss---- ose- 10 as-ces s-r- s--- 'sai- heatl a taocking s aial ass-for-3-Pas, t h naad s-us-or frmr-a s-apautainse END PAIN -Sothe SORE HANDS by Rubbùirag in a e UOG Ors-. 30.Ms- s-s- era Martyrselal ooasthses-ir end of thia-mbarn swb-b s-ass- e lsg sast Fridap, Nos- 2-ls- U, as" tilabout 2h Ivet anti isCa itss--s -sat Fart near lise iip anSdlu s-s-sis-s-s- n.a Porteerry hsaouptas-las-,a s--s- s y weeks We aili bot-sho ges- as-s ,à aoabs asbt as- poso-ble 1 d Tise eatiier s-s m--h rns-s-ss, s- s- s-an last web as I s-tseu î-ie *aIster anS a lot of &nso, 55 s-s-M d sonne carsagli tueso -Ses-o o a e a000 basisas-o lissera s)es- t Tise atms-neara butp as --e S tarolPa as tisy es soreteLS s-sp dis tisa anar last mecs.4 Congratulaitions s-o hItso i r- s- I G raham la oisn--g sho sal oEr cup at tisa acisaurisar as-s- lIc.. Murray Clark. bnd prise a st *of baoks, ansilisnLos-a 1 Pret-sout -ird prise. s setlo books, chies are gos-sS roSs-es- laceremyne. hic. Glea Booti apetS- -ss--ss-a, wihh&frns, Ier s-lit-s-Las- Mc. asti Mes. J yîcssus-o s-sat-e asti Mr@. R. Hoosi Tise Centre s-tbs-oiliSht-s-e liiIOce'en par-s-os-s-Fes-as-ai s-raaon wni ailns-iOs s-si. lss-s laweena gan sa gissass ns-- atoaita sh rabs as- a t-s-S sercet i as- s-bsetas s-Mal As-tison Sectmaeliasugaras s-bfor noser Secs-hati asti o e hoebas bs-e so-ai gos-d s-d t si singa bomqs n s ber. r s-r (aege Ss es-os-s- Sud tac bs-Igfortune oe .Liss ala1i orereeoas-y bhows--ss-g Nfrs F Croas-er stans-s-ts-g so- s parsents. Me .anSd'srF NFecier- s-oc a sew eeiss s- as-sd tIrs. Ns-Ses supessi -sg s-be cInter ,ilh -o-the nec., Ms- and hîra E PFinea. s s- A ploni- ss-e-grass- e en laoS das-tisae oos-fhrr- a@t Freisapocanneg.Asi thasa wo sers nos- siere miasi d senerai gondiiagisa. Tise Jus-sor bora iPs-s up ssoe exrasa go-d suas-r. Tise maie quartetsteandss s-e eueS quartette sang a couple aI picese Tisas-o ai a mos-k weddin; ehis-is as -r aus Iasterestissg Contrait Od N1rI-S-aVTis-s. ss-M- s srket r"ent, -is ss--. ss-- r sn fs-st nos- M r Lloydi b s-os- lis-- a s- s--.-s--s. - - s IIs-s- Carsada r, anti-g a s-rs---, s-- ha. --s s - -----p-atr ss aca. Ms-. li--S ut s-. s- s- s. --ssI i s--pr-I lMr. Jobs Iool.aa -s s- -r -- - q gosiÇut Sakl $5,000 ORTIE 0F GENFaJ i MERCHANDI E TO- BE SOLDW SACRIFICE PRICES AWAY BELO COST. This is a welI assorted istock of Boots, Shoesj Rubbrers and Men's Wear. Now is the sea- son for heavy gooda. You can Save money by purchasmng thes. goocis while they luat.t Evrery article priced to clear. NEW DRESS SHIRTS. Brokensdase up to$.0 To dar ............................ ............... 9C r MEN'5 BOOTS AND SHOES. WOMEN'S SHOES-Taaa, Black, Strap, Pueap$ F sud Oxfords. From ..........s......... 1 up a MEN'S SMOCKS J& OVERALLS WonderW ues. li MEN"S DRESI & WORK PANTS, e Prom .................................... $1,95 ,. t MEN'S HORSEHIDE MITIS & GLOVES. * Reaulr $1.50 for........... ............. 9 8 C t YO<JTHS' AND BOYS' PANTS. N8 ro Ch r .............. . ... . . ................ , YOUTHS' OVERCOATS of aplesadid qualiy. M R.ducod tram $7.50. To des .......... . $4A) MKN'S AND YOUTHS' ALL WOOL SWEATERS s1 TO CLEAR AWAY BELOW COST. MEN'S ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Repils,$2%00 à garmnt fr.....a .... ..'ýý $1.49 d XtEN'S FLEECE INED UNDERWEAKR 89 C ;teguIsr$125. Ta des,...........s We Balisit Your Patronage.a alsfmaIl reek St. Nottk Whâby 5 Se sIl .e.,'I te Bread or Pastry Today evanced deal mn 4apleaman P'.a.n grj kerisOhere ton. JRGE>v Is 'la BIiEID mmÀnb words and gceatly upiseld the )'La sportemousiip of tise term, anS ne- tc iscfèresi ta os ineident in a previosa- league genose, toiera sportsmnhip UTICA. Oct. 24.-Tise asouat an the part o? tise appauing teas Tisant Orferinit senvs ofottise08 was lackisg. Mr. John Miller ad, Unitesi (shurta oui ie sersveti Sceased tise posty anS tsas-aieS Mr. on Suna tepalracandsa eveas- and Mrm. HrCatby for tise spien- îsg, Nos-. 5, ai 2.30 ansi 7 p m. diS tirnc enisyrd. and Me. Edigar Re,-. tal. Gren.tir Seagnave, Huerton asut-proveS. Tise homne- wil bche ie speaker at bath soc- uisard journcy oas s happy 0ne, vces. Os-selseal chair aSdSus- musSe up ai sisging unS jaklsg, ail day Scisoal rilsiren ouI taile bavisg hdaS svrry enjoyahia con-cas hiarges a!tiesa snals la tise af- -- in S dIrr oigulsts terrien, whlle tise Ssagcave chair lay ories oini s-s sEnshu bat asalat In tisaeveasîng. iighway shudvac htticy Nfr. ansi Mca. C. W. Lakep, are Soisg. Os Mondsp a lady tirsor o-re attise home of Bra. George etca avcrosted O n kok mis-h. Prospact, racrntly. e yrMr. Bracks usesferre. I hc ni c.Bsy1irct Apparsntly na ceas, sesly. "'i stNir.sand mrovHnryng Mcan too bat." Mes. MeMittan, Bragnuse, cccent- GRE WOOD Mes-.('Pe. Boosam and SMca. omprte os oreta goats etOAUDLEYliîh,.Tors-oto, apeot tise oei- H.a npion werethe ueBvs-s-s-tEYend tils- Is-. and tals. Htarey .Nitra.AJE ~Art Reynolda sas-o UM U IYC U tratner. las. Or oaungs-sat-tv otaresi ta Tise Blue nirsi Club met la tise (IVUic ta Curets -un Tuesdas- elbai saioaaWetlacatay later- e sig bte ss-Sndpeesontesiiol e WA H LU-nnrit agod ttndnc o payas Fis-hie a'rts-a a". Tissa 1'IAS HEU) BI s and ile:s:furgUo[nd i ~ pli Weil i glasbeIng tise ?Tt. a iepMr. .Thm.useraviitsit it inete av i tise iMsoThomaey.Sr e. Oee. Srtnth,'j'le laIlouso os-s- talus da MISSION tIRCiE'a Ce ean lOMs af Praaperit. AriRA E te sCiaoeTibsa e oiti-n: pis: l'respect, mecentiy. L e nwmu saels onyrd hp a. Rooms Prettily Decorated saS tisa miafrtuneta get bauiylle, cisoruses. ussrt etc., ocre Gooci Prizes Were bs-rned an h-r armas ansi legs o uce u Event at the %vcii civreaits-si bath teaciser ansi Awarded soiaans grase tse s ven it Home of Mr. and Mrs. ibolsilt ftisir aofirs. Luncha as-gst tireestrylg tgeil;mai;-se-seS asti dancsigbrhett outabc-aise oa siy hurna. Winters ta a close a vs- es- -slisool es-s GREENIhOOLJ, U-i t31 isss-ssI ials ecsu naBell, Ssci anS An.-s- e-aismens- and bs--ils-a-ss-Ors-stes- -sSJer, o ersu sa oss--, of Ptne CGoense. visltes i otis r s.I Q iI~-e- u-ite a ss--smiser fs-osa boresas-- cassilultrs-a s-s-ys-~i sorttes- sotsscu t s-r. ast'irtalc. B. Oisae. recenti!. j- s s s r r- -------- rcu-- tasSeS ths-a nougi-sg matcha se the isa ses-- Illn-y s-as-s-stspis--olu, Me.asti Mes. Harold Karcy, ,- rsouîs-s s--sti -ýridaytetus. Coas- iaag s--att-h sst Eie-as-tlurlel and Audre, ece visitona --it&I -s.ss -s -iras- hs-ss-s-Is-- gestultiont -ot aoIesora J. Lee Jis-s- issa sIsai r las bs-c -s-ss-sils- oltis Me. and Mcs. Oea. Wacd s-Ls-s--a t-s-ss- s-s-so --tus os-s- -bs- as-s-SJ. McSS as ois lng icut anti his is-tee.islesJames Pcls-stt orSunduy. I sar-,sssus-- ssussssss- saec-ondtpeiaes s-veraisss-ots ss-tues-selt.-utu Mark s.Wintcma andiBott>' I ssss-----Pi, iis-,s-b-ss-e-sA s-- Theos-isrcs-nervices selisse hain, ast wssk s-a ut-ms-s- ns--s-t-s-a-s- Joyce ocre cîîtîag In Oshsawa iN rrs- a nd s-ss- I iis. sss--s t-s i sss- -s t wtissruw osa n a u day. Rer. wiahlit s-tu stes-. biss. Iead<ffls. aoir tise week-end. ss- s--ss--ss--i ls-s-s-s- ts-s-eds s-s-t-, Ms-. Ts-ttam la aaing ta Caeas. Thesc Woss-csts- Auss-sas-so-- s-- - Mca J. Sutherland. RoheI s - ss---s- IItirs-sss---sas ts-vIssp s-ss-s- oece ho e il caastiat asatbser- mes- ut tis hei- ofsst-s-- iss-A. s"u-s-sss- u-d Thomas aSd bics. Tisas. s-Il srisr. s-snss-s us-s--s--s-s-ss-ss-r a -ss e rvs-Vs- anti Rao. Mr, Lang, mcllilsss Thss-ursis-a i ates-tta . os- ialsy wsoea ststing In Oshsawa Is-t('avs-a ss-t i s as-s charge oIau- Mai. Jrn s-ss---astisonos- f-I M--iss--- eeentiy. iPsss- --- I- - . - , sa a ss-. s-sssees-ar srois-ns ut Prospect. ceia-s osos-tesilass- s-ors ia-slt i. l,. Tisa Ladies' AIS o? the Pise -es- - iss--r-ss--ss--ss--ss-->s--ss-lrs--ss- s udtt IMse.W. F. Waliser l'cg us-s-S inds--I. hytecie s- Chuaoi oIlmert la tise I-s--s --s--s-- ou--- ssst sL- is-s-s-s- and s-sais-p.Eds-n. Mn. ansi Bra. Maisse ra lss-s s-es, APis-se ass-il\11taIsI O batb Onhoal room ai tise I \s-s-s-s-s- P is- sas-ssss----o--l, s-s--s-s- lue-c ela d o aS iagiter Jaan, St-cadi'tgg, aoia-ass- a.s-chs-o-s-s-hums-h on Tboeaday aftrmoa a 1, s-ss--ss-ss--s--bls-s-.s-.s-I is--g--a ansd NMs. Caurtiees, Oceenisaisi, oser sir ek-rs -- . 3 a.m. s ,ss--, - -1 ss, ssLisssss is-s-s-s-s-I ,r. il svos-is-rd soin S ourosilr sun s-sbra- 1.. andltlstre s-. l týls--os-si- Mc. ands i rtis.,IW. G is1is . 1,- .- Isss-ssss--St aylst. la, s t-e-siSos-sdat- us1-s-ltMss- Jas-se baby, anS Minsg lor rGuch, I ss. Psssss--- h.. ssssssse- r I hie. is-u tis hinra lis eneig 'iolecMsin. d, u-Glien aor, mre Sonday vieltocurI ---ssss---s --Isss-- ss -ss IS il!acutotunrs-enbece. 'ist bi-ss---ss re-l- --sid a as et tisa homeo f C Mr. J. Bllard. sss ss- ---il.,- s-!-s-s-sI 's-s--. Ps- and Ies . L. lis-eel. cesos-i l asu --ssasic Nss-ss- t h ie Miss Helen Butsoa anS Miss sa k-s ,asi ------ss ,---sss-sss-su-, hiit , ss- e a e- re-tvisitars ails SunasSy lsla-sita-sssst ast FrsSap es- - atîls Shunis. ai Peins-a Albert, -s , - s.s--- a- sI -s-s-s-- li-sss--a-o lis- ndS hIs. Jus. Mitchsll, sos-oc. Th .is s-ss-ss- tut tret-slis-dce- Ipent os-e oseis-enS aiths-e bomne sssss -ssai s-ss-ss-sus-- s--s--s--s- torales-inrsangas-s lack. l'l5t i e il-sfaMr. H.Wagg. --a- asa.sss--..ss-.s-r-asxaa cosatmesowet-r -ssas-sv as-s- sWeil sar- Mc. rosi Bru.*Cliston Brown s I '-- Il-ss--s sar ss-s--ss--asa-s-s-- lnonds re ou sa h as-Iloas-s-ep SaOs-s-ais anti îamîîy. af Taronto. Sunday - --as--. as-s-Is--l jas-s-s-I Ps-a.tas- tanr lise juSgcso des-s-e asn ste ist. adS mus ber Mater, lira Dallas-s s ---a-ss-a silsss ssss----i s--s--s -(ss-ss Allera bs-s-se-nt sr ,t-yst saanal Aidemsn. aa-s sss.i-ss-s-s--i s--s ,lI-sa--lssss, Aimas-as,Oct. 81-Beveral Mens gainsesa self-secs-ces-i] ad wes-or MlBn a-avillent-Suai "Is-s-sr.s-as---ssss-ssta-sII-sa,-alt---s-dd 4 sort-hie Oas-ord grec p b, cusy ad u.aN Itss-Pggirs-sub.estoetibc misb Is brother, 'Ie Absnes-ras-s--ssI -aasss-oi sa-I hs-s-s--ss-s-as-susre oft-e serviceos Sun day air- Isra hs N Pgca uieso oDavis, SanCard. s-hss--- -s-s a sa-iltiris-ss- Iterssoss- abs-sut auS as- t aecas-s-as-sas-h ft-fos-- Tise Halloween paety put an s- a-s-sg, -ra-sIssli-s-sas-ases - s- ' -ssIs-l is-s ier.Asie, aof Witby,cii! s-Jssea e- t--e -rrssslssss- by tise Publiea S4ci l blirens- ilrs--s s a-- -sss--ss.- ssass--s-- cpersesi an Sooday ai Use Sosi sat eape vr tl u lder tise tireciiôn of Mr. D. ss5ts---,a, * >" ,as -1-- -- v-s - s-lue ifesscsion anS give a tallk as- ewec'ik mies-s-tise fersst s-tosled Oatisecwooti on Pidsay aigst, i ls- gea ,%s us sIials-rs-t ;iIs---a-as te-- - mc.aS r Fra nes.H ri, n s-ss-ss--Oc. tirenmata.acsMr. aiosesd- is- iIs-.po-ass- - _____________Mr._ Oct. 27t-,,was a des-çdsituerais-- BaseLineVes s- as--to t lse hse i.- lic. >'%ana isbaa.' --sss---l'aire' as-s-i s..aisalsa s'ad Mica oi Ba ean e t beentopton ha bief risit. Doris as-nd ssasi Ils--s--mi alIlas-i,. 1ce t (oas-tire o TIus--day la1 it Mr. nd Ms. Cis"attenaling tise fanrerai of tise laite tan Hst . .Wagg anodC u.W. R. (o-ss---sce GssI IýNNtWEsST. Oct. 31.- iMr. as-tsirs. Roisert Clark - esnt Tise lis-sb . ,- . -u-ss PIr s- , ; a-ss- s-sristtit on tisa I-tsis a day recelnt ty eus rri i -o n e tu th,-s-ss- i s1 - -Ms--i s r -s Rultsh astasor. woha bs Is-s- a - s-er s-s aos ls-a Newe Ontas so. Prisces Albert. li-. s-a----sss -- --ss--a beoe n a ms-s-nti's sos-ai-as-- ta hec % >i sa-s s-os- las-k anti a baieo A fer ai th is B-gi Scheool s- ClauSe sas--m i ssi s-s Pis-s-s-s-s-s-atSt. arereum sut-s--s--adents attendeSt tire lSias-s o es-cy igosa ----s,1--s --s silutss-shs .s-s-l - s-s--s-us-la s-aoog bise a- dantes int he usa doitorius-mn os- s-s-s- scac s- s sai ss---1 ss Ms-s- Jrs--rMeQuays-. o h,, r-iseen ,orals-s--IaLds-ls-s )litsa theue otkem r ieaol.Part Ferry. Fi-e lSat- s-s-is-,Wr\as-s-a-- s s -- i- -- ut- tisng foc rass- s--sibebs s-s-s--s -s~ss--s~ s--s g li ra Cas-s-- Mca. Art Reynsoits. iVlier s- .t Guosis 1,-1 tes-ss-ss-ses- -ss vs- -itis-a fis-se bs-g deet-. as-as-r s-as-ais-ets- Georgîna, oera S aa-c vis-s- s-r ao-st- li-a-i , s ss--sls-s is.sas--sib irs.s r ne e. mpis andc s-s-ss-s-as-s-ss-s-- o uus-s- an ttis n. an tals s-i Csa -sesots-sedl -sri Kingstona n s-s n dtay s-i-Id (bs- re-sgreos-foe, sais asti tayrtia. anti attendeS ss-seTri., lis cSe-ss--a '1 .. . a s s -es-ed s-ss-sh relatives tilere. s--ss--ssI ss-ssas-ssno I so itîmanîf OCerlng servicesa In s-be s--', Voalise a-- --- -b be iisssrsror osetteci s---, r-ao-.ss--- savyt ru-est bîtemian Cisors-l.,ssisirea ss b r I ýoahes -ss- s s ' essisss -s-s- qes, bI-stisais-fn. s- s-ss---s -s s---ss Sa a-ap ls Checisera are oss o s eei meas-r1-- s s s--s ts-h-ss- l----ssr si s-Mi.Ch ll tass- lu--s- sir- sacrle dosa s-slais Flo ru e nt- as-esdat es-s- i ro s --a s- --s- 1s tla- -s-s R-iss-on s-esi Mre rasf i. s os-a Utalub is a-L oeome -os-. lino e r sss---ssI a-a hs-rt'sis e si s io a-s-ss-ai il-s s-es-es- os-tisesarabiee s- rMs-- i Lare-s-s-ev e-s--i of Osha s as-as--ss-s-is- \r Eýr i e-s v i lu a s-s-mice ,.,sre frs-s-sos- alas-starvek s-oas-sr fasa--s -. s---shs--as - lo 3CUg O sesi-si a s--s--slehv --atty s--r s- s--.-.- iM anchester tis-dSs-tes-st lis-a.las-e,-as-i.tars- sou arooï -iss-s-,1s-lli'hls- - -, s-lt - - s-s- -. -

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