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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1933, p. 6

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.s~. - p. r.~o: - Il~~~~~~~o YF1Bmi.cnetabI, aitby and OX OR ROUF 'CIVIL S R IVSATURDAT ___ lOiq.rib -tirtir THIS re, 014 rmp-b te erauepa WEEK yoilh« eiceni in Wviiri Is IAR) Dy -NIIBT. R LU AI sEK ~ di iuas 1a- kdte. ~ th hah i oe a4 aI u.. a,q.eaol litaed pa i ta loah for tire W~HI1?BI PEUOPLE COMPOSITE UIlIlIE du .s.d ilr ai -iep a s foet i h tbtlgret tf Orintaio a pent se and bogli lii hi lil -e and Ibee milion dollert on pre r'O rhit ul sont comnesy ifnilon. Gaverumenu arapd Attractoii mau cutda ir vike s p ity Self- vg mariey t tbe wran-g 1i *C mu cosiise riticisni anme ce bhougiri If more mnna>' tbUId le i caled as barit heto eirs God usd spieat us diseuse 'previplionrr. MONDAY & I'UESDAY taln and mun and God. In thbevo- irnuch Ins ron)d laOv0 'ta ho (î')ti.san Nigirs' Mandsi T I I1i filet tht Oxford Gmoup was soi ant Dr. Habit said ha bellersed Ihot àied Manihattan'& MA sSrtuueuAY ntnganiuotitnr iheme mos nothmdrg 10 in pres*enî-dny edIIcatIùe,ý in the rliotoua tuiruopeeri jobn, ut membînsbip or lista ai achontu mare tint o9glt.ta hu pue-fiee iraradri HETIl Gaheig f.Jdcii inmerc. Ha eXpiaised ibal o pin- spent us lira stilaeret Cf. heaiîbr before Vone- eyeptutSn OJdt son mou eitr jein ont out ofte d dlsasa xerevftnný e li- TX iroup. by thn quolity of tire lite Illied tit fitae aeubjeets -snmrid an ARTHUR Lw Pibaea tey iverte livisg in Chrlst, bu cuves mare prontnencis fi ftle iifeiil ofS . Wbît a bunun hîing fucod tp née-y geet banefit 01 evçrycne, SOE 1 ROCHE'S Orbe, arr.' Ce*oDY of "mlig Ia ltite oc-vld chailenge of Christ crur t aorte a!ofe..le the, ê-ug . McGIbbûn 1foilît Hlm. Juadged hua lite by taugbt irad ta recoIve liefa attn- the fur aioutes, u enderd is tio. T e Ontario g averfilit, lie *won Arthur MeGibbon, .C., for- rmhote lite lu Cod, Baued bit lite puIuted est. 18 nam datag..Ïne- ay3e *amn %vet athîrs and hoemme a lite- thur aîtag tIIs Une anli e Double Show fisin lia iber ut the Bar ehbhugir more aitCfld bie do unýnt-j.tal Cmtr -and' Cram Ib ne foruid ruh as rist, Dr.=1ni Roi pk n3am 4tl aatSma WEDNESDAY t1la2ie>in the City ai Oshraa, filenon cul sa le asa rop- D..RolasplieinWinrI.. ýTiat tersoon 109k the Cathi c. In ailhbumnilty, the Gmaup elti regard te tire agtieS at ..d 9t recogieed 1h01 ihey bod cames laie lti ors delrartment. illbé,efkn Jo~~a;a A 1 THURSDAY o!t oCffice, ut Lindsay and mase us tira sricne aben numitenieeo tour disese ba tat, Wbic WA N B X E 9DWfIn ?allY smann is ai Jadgi o! tire aiirit hall bren living Ibis ay et Pbieiiy affect peuple aven thse 0c aagiayj~~ a..uatyi court ni fict Cousîlies, lite ii atil agea. Misa Hulda Wood- 0er tirirty-iSve pears. ThIse' OiC t IVA A ~LOY I a Ã"fVictçia and Halibarton Mis cuck. Mr. Nncvii'lNoton, Dr.Mr diabatet. birer diueose, Cancer, CHABaLES BU ' EWORTH '4BEAUTY Hut. joidge Rsaddy of Wii re. rap Firrdiuy, arnd Mra. Soit Vilitom and dlsesaee ut tiebat.diiîded,iith ia Idnor Judge 0C'n rnitnericd ta tce power of Chis in ofthirse lie Poisttd rant, itOuid I FRILIPO ItbLMEFS fer SALE" atr af Cobourgi is ors tire dais. Clsîtt aneq ua5uaîîy inn avercant If pierople MAS, CLAREB J. E. 'Anderuan, lC.C., Croan Attar- i . JonsCuc oud saabi nedicot odvlce Ifiane- ______ blîrEN F S gra Id Victoria Counîy, preaentîi St tu brh dlatnîp os tir aoppearaiees of ALICK B. RAII ftat la tiré case adalmtra AI St. John's, Port Whi Mma r ympîeme mbucii are 'salimn- ésirieuco 1rie Cno aiu maerla Huarry Perkina, Mr. Rd. FIud aid cagnlzad lu the eariy àigeii, etof Any Day FroansI m -sn ipeev n r Eli Clar. necaunted -r--.. rtC It;a»' C- luOt et., 5 tireieadvr Elissaugeba ud , Tire roua-e -. iso. .m0y 25-230t 7.3 ILLIE it,ètsI eeo- aih Irmîsera had remôved sit tramn ibeir lles, deotis rnta Lreae dîsousmis la 730-eo.aagcrmu. peic ta udaie lî am csît ta peuple faut te îaek medîcol - and GUS" Mestrqdigdsrc -and a ara- udo it and suîîendeîed ibeir limes uîvîce outil 100 laie on untlle liratalé ndgnlme rn aboiip to bu. They nact meratant- dionuse iras advacd au fa ir at rAn Even MI. t. I li lt fldé n rrre a eri hem dtnatrial. dumaestic nd il lu exîremnîr dîffierat teaO' aI P > jîO il'itIT ~~ Ct tOhm s ieTw butinais pmnbiems yiîIdnd ta the a.Aueuayugn l A.fter 7.30 BAC Eîlt * iLdr eddicLtr ist rat souion ut Christ'$ say et tubereriosiu la prnvoiént la ot ithe crmory. ife. nibode ut prevenîlona ni a -tr.Wadno h Si. ndre's hurc etticaionadoped b th goy CH" EN AYTIE-ro aunty, and F r o ri k Armuirong. di rree-w' Cur mecdnutn hadopetd W a t re go - MHLME i'rIE-O ayon ut Lindsay, cniesdîd con- At tIno Preohyterian titurcin luIvnmr ranthe la r a t>- fic ceenrvg Mr. Altu Chaurlestoid fr-cal deriar uLri ogl> ratudatius su d a ireunarucornleie vmir-iciocy tour hie forer earr tp reni ibiu aurtlculer iint. ____________and________________ v oa ragulur cuausai and bar usdîc r tirmeeaiate i'-w gudau h bdaeurda poaittan es brancires of activlly ,uere~ Estnda QsaetbaX& in a tirm ahere ire irad promlanaIy lisdepa'tmeflta csTlt htyTm sty-trHn .W odn . nie L iees raiuand. Mcre. Walknr ioI et irepitoas mental1 hoaPttalti 'Mta- W. Neabini. E. Wv \%tt-,ir tl hua! lirah Peterboro' Bar Associa- berna welters. ttdwelsséayes, Hoy Ranirnnri.nm - lios, extendri feicitutians an ie- lir actr ver Salait ins ld tesimt nt. ch ril Beth 3.A UOlt,',D-1,11-f fte eebrolwera othera gava tireir ajînss af lime. dental mort 5 nnill4>-fJiAI utt .AJcitr r i-ivtcflt eebn uvro and perr.In cenriadisge ts 11."e Plîerinu Tuanhi Cuhrias sugration tiraI orcasînl changes o!dfo bse soîvuu lt.ONTARII.I V N Oîatos, . me-o i,.(tr l bc adiy thesdc judizes Ruddy' Uited Chancir nstpbauled very str-onglyr ttII LU l! Iio, ti . lin.IX i nier nt b . Ssad m Hi iall on t Cof ticr. Ronald MrLeod, minuster of tire tru beat raye of SIgbllngý4 'SUE SITU ColT ( o i ti . A ROdd A.. Bulle, nre ieiaif thf üuiedaie United Churcir. laed lthe reses ara edacalien and Pp#'éPq- DEiavid Tios F ila d fie Oshrama Bar Associaion. and posad of Mis. Hellen Soit, Mn. Sul- uiubb ,bawei nilet tire Citoinla Lindsu>- Ba-soito.etne f Cmtnsed 'wHITB' MQJB ircini os beitait of lie menhire ]Woad asnd ethens and mltnesuad ttverrrnnt la toay pophtg mégi- trmtsi Oa Ni aterieasoitos ~isr in the lita et greal COsr-stios; ]y osa bute mitlion dolloris t îaCSoie fHl ge Cuti- Tlu Is',Sd Rg u)-e.b C wibe i bgcsrun ut Jadge Rudv thnie came o lime ni spiritual sagou thrers* .iliolvanves' ta fantîlots i(îbr iurati . t' OA~sasn oum lcr mreoneive a ssocitions- abirs badla tele tutun up by a mbaîe the r nrobasnî elltaer bas. E ilm eirs.isa n; i S. iap II ~dJII F l edl lugsie orfcs Judirrs arud daiip re-aur-rendir ut the lite te dled tcem o lc IsauitnrIag -trions ove, Stoultrilie; itir, H. OrmerefT HEP SIf r i epc ffl ifrn u si Gnd. All prortae isrd Ibeur ou- nrnberîuioeils and tirait if edtlga. trumadI s 1 dlciary district chasgng t ou lutiun in Chtriat by tire practica of noen and iirent tIn cu rani di, a.se il,- Sud igi Cti-ci IJD IEJU ose centre ru anaber dur court il- tire priaicipîns sf Chiti Tira mai- the number ot peuple Who gatffeR C S100e, ' iîchater; lad, . O sv . 1 1 Ings At r tîrvols. ing ai ronpleîa resltiuton and lire troam thus dîseosa there mWuC 11e Curile Milihan; ar-i. G. Ti- 6.Wm. VR sirar-lng e! tire ile mîit tire limes s merp great reductign tu lats bleCrs 'Millikan; 4tir. C. Taparutt la lire sIrengtirening and uphuili- cibler expeenditures b>' tse soir- Close fil. Soi - lo, Jas fli, i i 1JE1 SIIJENIY AT ing of Christion riroarlcer. esn Lee. Greenhasir: lad, Johnr rr0 er o1 1, [1, t1 d Afl!s-asu Meetings W. tino. Dc. C. F. MrGilllVt ?ed Port Fery; ls-d. W. Onu- %slrinrby fi-r Weil atas ed im on nidt w ea nh 6 eidica v 0 -Wod ara t 411 C. 13011. r.arrrrng foit fa, alil t, r i'AlSIIV H M meettng Plr r , 1 ' 'Mdîo ail] nalks ci file, i, rray mi UME__ - mnmeoae ,rel~itNjt ucluIbu .> 4,?tt.t0Siii vuiiut-r e.r Il Lr.. msee des-e given ta tire won- iadirato. a M , 2Vê - a.vt ePr Tnurvc Itr ioacryOtto datlgrare of God In huat lIte. 'TeVialtors' mo iroeiPtp si.J lns ien ei huIatcnnu nm A genierhl meeting la Ail Saints' by Breý Rer. T. F. Beat, and rae ÃŽk ramilt 41 P. Webster, Wood- ke A& I- rl- iri, uit>BC., il aivit 1fl Pigwie in Business Parisir Hall eanrluded tire day, ponird ta by sanofe tir, villa,.n nOf fit m ir, l iby,îI %,inn al ths memrberii of tite vieil- connus Cluse V. Siohitle - lat, A 'nte n,àit i buIt tp.li Life of Oshawa isg trams gatitered betene a rapa- Titoce wn funi part In the mark, Cames-on: tati O. D'ergu srb iiial ,,d itrbci hl. cnt>- audience ta brelpi b> answering e%înlut a* pe-nîredinra as onficr. - son Stouffvillét 3On H. DevIt , rai ali-adie Mr tiutiio anr ,y pe-a -tilcr Mr. Euery The uems of the oilleurolisse- niraotiouan loype olitn nvein as tv.iieem -n Boràçaygson; 4tb. H. titrie, ,glra r,, llic servant wiro i- ofri J. W. Bantbnry. unne e! Di; Eketnald Mç4aod oa led for gni. iîîptý et Landsanod h onreans lin To1en, i rr.nr - , rot orrly a r-ac ra ruuIp-aiatdi adefdinite nus-rendes- ai te lita ta PI \' W Bro. Hotr t'- ,Close VI, Stulabla, - lot 1 ,lîa i t air nmrnlruoasnii devo-n . itroernia ia Gai titrougr Chitst and Ris' F. sou. trp et Attorney-flra! Short. Woodvlle; lsd. H. Wcst lrivn 1-1 i tîrmîy-mo peane bu, 1,,1111r. 410 King SL. at, os Sot- Raiph ~ ~ S- Ad-irmcltr ia W ' Brrr b'. G Hearda. ara-. Cernerot, On. Chacuen vtrlcd a. - 'vir rnierndrot ai cur '"id'y afternon, cae as o lenge fas- nple su te exatne I itrnfHatt Wrnuin. Cameran: lt, F 'bmuimireinnnrvri, i da-- en In mod es>raiRs u irea thireacîr. la lie lgiri o! tire foau W W Iv W, P Hatiet Thaupsoar, Breuilit. tir,.oîrîî t1 isrict lie lias gimet dba ui eii pl absalotea.-iraoute irosui abso- lOcr uto Hei h Close VII, Stuibile - Hure I ari 11, rir ..irrusnnr. i le - v ashurt tinte beose iris deoth. lot puit-, ituiuo taallassese (iap 'A nrre Rogers, noiri eare and sans-r-lut. Jr -Te-arn. o1d lrasi ,vi.--t, vaitarrernl ire ae ttooyu s a ctive mon, ire irai an bouelvads i e -ot r.oir-lail s-ertaiy Claremntn; Sui, 0. Deae-e. Gacu -r r.1oo i int iran, aii ifdcowannr.gr r-nannlg ubsbsas snd theabl Isi ando o t e-et p Pi me ttrm W A L.awer, [rir biron;, 3n. O. Wntey. Oabreai. rrmiit i-il tfiisses, "Ail servivce i ne tire momtent wiren doar set irmslms efreGo, to oseinrnuriomcm 4th. 4. Thuraxec, Usiride btnirrnm,,au minso.'Aa r rions unm. Bi. nîne.e Mima smhd e gami ae fierkag ThSe ea I -ne Aribu, lIard tir1rî John Sprane, Camecr. lic 11 bcn renîrel tor nui tut- fin. vbo oosiutied hlm mitb is wsnît di ecagvsi fte Ie. Tgeeal fm 'iraltil Ciau Vi. Stuirbie - Boya 161..mîîm istirctron or a hîsoniîsir taun bin In o ceci'- rffect~~~~~ Dei b> tierie Ieio ) un ner. J. Hit,,s lsd voiier - lt, Wilam Altan. i lin arril, -n' Hislorv utf .,nolu condition, tdyiig te widey T, Ofic. I&: nd.Ni.Metan.Woovile, ni-omi hthee raueh In is s-atl. mou, tira te- ar nab a a rITn T05,- ili Of iar lai, Ro . Ires, Carnation, --mn mis iiirye ai s prnodnd reli a gnsbu e abuug th chleg oie eh Tx Boenca Ibrd ro pth boitiefgout the Oser of nnntg Pintec G. Bootir. Wbitevane, ftb, D ilr^p ri tr suelf sacrîifie. R ma rreta preniausj, ta taire a tivrd Christ. had aos reati eitrr SS. - nro Th o' r oiroy, moyen, Osirawa. gtr,,'i, asi drsînbed panade ritee-ot itut betrr -lrepartngti Citivios s-siy i IPPI. lunof Pror ivio Serrumar, Clses . Tracters in S unr - ni dort tors. lie dtd nat regsin tin'isg m nrIý I-te greanr lovem bis rIouvenoassesa, brut expirai oînast Tîhep irai dirraveise ibai the timi. J S 5 Droi Eaul tt,-tL,au trty. lot. J, Coopertirrale, Atiaceuin l,e Iris iamiiy, bic frends. His imdail wtotsyn aid stae-ytiaiJeiscand hin love rios ot Ntomtafis Dencliremn Soi, B. ]Kennoedy, Aglonoîniurvîr an the earîy use o!5lmdn3ay mlratsps slilltrmue. Tbey bad tuten a van- D, O i eC i R HN H ro N I.l,'S.&E, Walkr, Manioc. . '.nrar îaanl os~ mord aeler heing aulsîci ta tire lare uote Ged, ihal troogb Jeait, tHEesu et, tm% anas iiane: 'ii ,tbe emesne supper rua t airen cirrrablelt h uh Christ ha tari meant abat i raid 0e-g -Pn- A E. Semple, tmupio tes-mo at tir. Broahin M'ne - r11 ,holetriecoint we >->tauuigFgr m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ormut mint liet Ibli.ie tuSne-sofPoica eeaBu Gaa aigovrtnM sbery ras on onrtstand- seit murhaoe ta e hi..p ore Tylenrre-u ertia io Ht Groira andîs unie-e or nento toe, n.I tia loe hm vTr t e-rqeý ia . irtalor D T NMé. suroista sar sirn bis anaoaelir't lit u-ya rarer tigure In tire buainess lite o! ontetb ud.In asmrlua ue lan. inurConte-el tivard, " pasf , Ien. oad bitte-t thet h asurance of immotrllty tits clip. Sincs arnîvlng ia Osi, trrnn tr tei nbut tile Oxford Gresp Assitant siraa -i ic hanrds cunianed, eima t ou arçoe- lity iriea ara, as o pd 'isen ies-e, pr-esestei. Presidant ntas. Dr. Fiant Surbmar. Ibé, icam Pro AIrs" ado d )oprya-.bt rn ottr icua ire Irtrm is' im laboe Iticiare 01, toltad te r-r ntui r etr.ineoail "Tire OfrueoId Ge-oup mer, esfoMia nt ant alieste ciohai airnd c.IlEd~ ha oi b of1 ir ixbouei ftri tblade t lire Bibe mn ar-tin. It is ompnsepd Inr ab iPt b. Hinuu lrere!miabt lae uei n ie rai rior Ifeo mci rat ard. ÃŽlien, ill hna thicne p lo u tae fta- mi Ol emmnt-nnhir are isily esererder- i- i atIer 1- gf. *preâted regret tinit iratitr ihan roi be in dontral of timi rd tu ishor i mIras cppartrit rl.inir n ibfie fronr astite r Si Haie-p Wulrb Oupept fcandilions bai! ben unarani'- muri duair nrmrnd acirve ating* rrtforded. He mas tire dtie dii ineif ire tin ir the ttrrncumeî aid 'r,- Wntliin -O bue teit that criler tire ritm' rl,i ,ve n ilrt permit Iit ruain venmture lnueeimeots rn it ardtrnre nbl'-nn t" I ier Surtr il Jaineý OR( ao 0'tanlee tire mutch lirait ban meil dli, crues m ir pansue ouI t Orsin nvoieîn store frns hor and Mi Imjy %%ioemsus coolie Tosecu' , irrietl out. Osesi speakstre- nilrt tm-arnnid unreîr ehe doniosn vue aimape o iligent beaoat for ar veiv;r i-0 mrmed th- Asistîngt hes m teBrr verf e riai W. E. N-. Sinsclair R C .. ,nmrid wc couli ast n astter Oshawaa, At one lîna on assurer -l'a mmmi heabll trf ehe Geîeutn itlel W Be-e e re ie-irtchbior. OtNe M.P.P., miro to any oaupues hon mini n hin. hiCa t and cri ebilu praticrsttp r- h ,iray t v 'sIng a numriP ef 11eii ('nvmmrn'trt fnbit hIe00em suppart to thn lie rlaorauy beanrar meren An- nhe mroun ris>' bloct trsnîei b>' i 1 lin t ie esitnee, as ta the H r I e5 i Be-agg tsf,?. men Ausociation; Hec Or. ine w tsI Ross, Dr. Chas. F. Mc- nng, Blinse Bond and Ontaria i ri chier bam fursotî oi , pSitb. tbe rer United Et rec r t llray, O-ment Harper. Dr. dames etreeta builing tire propertion iv ý- tvceli that bt en- lifii bam W Pro Fugb Rohînrmve Dei*_ tlitan ei Columbut aid o elrIp M mm-r,- W. J Luire aod f. M. Ito attractive stores; bies neurii rouogit nr cirai- or Hesimh commanden Ia Hi I, Muesny al l.,,OdicIî, Tire actiue bear-trs te-asatar-ing e ucre ne cuber lr-vga etf tai oret cr menivers ai Sco Plitiot Orpm erît, scialIt" 0>a ay durIsg te war sold %%rie -i5imeosip Mayor Btm- Proportisn. hn.st.tn of chanid leive Ot;retrr- avrn Gle'ar~orge Hart, or (rebara Pue- rcinet W Jackson, A le irai o remuarae Cofus Vcrmêsmoe Fnpren tat i, W RoRb iNfiet Iyor Wira au lb. penoîent*e rp'nuit nIl bîtir. 99v,,i' - J ifoi buaiilng and reai eutàIe. Mej rnsota uril bin rve~ eumj aire e moet fats, Ilk~ roi ri brrr.jIl F. H idi moe politiaps Ibas aup utita mbe-sugb lifu-ebanrirr ai a roe] un Hr1i Pml. 0ý s-as Ji renditn tdveo shw' bti rai -calae-ogto wbr sne 0f Atony.neiseiral hqet on billtriait ta rire nid [and %l - rî.X lerirmn a e eio iand o'h brci.o lii sanr. Comrlm in- sar nrtî na inîblr orsantoni Opiani a eter.Wn Joute- I as ledl b>' Ni'r. Titomyson. suin I) ulin annd fae l prs-Ce. MIa test mnumental ef-i Gi ., e,r -f j '-,- v , fl and Ia Ctfil laissai beoutir% tant at irutt Oshawa ani tbe er \t arottani bas bina lirane-elTré tia t but ntlat iriî mup, va. ibe promnent pont ie ii,,metoanOuX d r~ t srr u-t,,,nn. -~ aana ner as onv rmua e i i-il icyt Os secring tas- trio uity 2 'Y iir1,,zfi d Niai,- . rtoioy Secnretaep W.J. Ciroxl nf tirhtsulbleuo!ts it u'ter.bumnebuu.taseniis r li- asbraIe-srtrrnsr u ic F riarmraG sr Itlnbrr e 1s unku inn-e m no r'um oI, "'OIm d u,.arsd0hh A.oen laseere-s the~ province, Tht baid ou mirtrir _____________________langer _________ tir Auocttuoend ire , Clive Sr Wu ~ i t stands was tire site or tire finte tP,» oiaic rp s«Sw e itan b.h occapîtr tur mno lion Preslirr ~ N 'rtd oufrtr N oaStresaMaia.oJ9sg etara. and tir plalibilîg CLAS~F't~"Notice claos ln Clove nakino' la belb7g &ft~yfl* tttSLtfI formed In Witby Tthose. iteý îI4IJYI!.k caltdkindly cemnlllcale -wlth isat M. St beale,21 Dalton ]Rd. Toroot) For Rent - I THE 8UpltçmE COUVRT FOR ReNT- TWO BOUSES-ON - *U1 Centre street soutb, ail' cosveni. tln thre Blttir ut Meigeapolitas once. arege antd gardon, Posse.- Lite laroaraure Comâpati Pol slon Sept lot Apply. Mms. Ce. lCcp Sitîniand1the &pibneja., gqwl' -Cntreet.., Telephone lmonorf ierbert ileeve$ to Have 80W.Ada lIeeues greWd Ëlrrony FOR RENT- SEVEN ROOM CiIanerloSidPUy cottagt ail convenicocca, good gar- NOTICE lu heroby gîven troti don, fruit tries, etc. an Brrck ntrcct lte application aorMHerbert souCi,. Apply Seymnour Whitney, Riettes. adlourned, to Dé bronghl Drillerla Street, Port WhCby., an On notice la Aila Reeré,te1s0 ORRENT-COUSE FUR lIENT. ied0fOobr t, 1931. ai the FOR illge ! Srottin.will lha Apply Kéig RBras. WbitbY. board at Orroode Hall,. Toronto, _______________________on Friday the 241h day of Ni- FOR RENT-FARM CONVENI' vember, 193, before the pnesid- kenly located la Oshrawa. Aay de'.1119 Judgo ln Chambers,ou annY nired ocreoge. Iminediata losges' Peronti nowing tire wirereaboute sion taeIriqunir. I. D. Connt. Osh-.ofathIe outl Ada Retons. and any awa. parnon lraving lotareot ln the MOR RENT-HOUSE, ALL CO-ald PaltrY, mtonlthon appeor and venlances, 810 per nants. Atrarî- moka, claie., mont $6 par mantît. Alally laie. This naotraeig givea pruant phone164.te trerOrden or tbe Maen doted Dm 1 4.hlira ltiday et Oclaber, 1913., 9FOR lIENT - SIX ROOMED directlite rvice on aa od Ada ,coagogan Porry St. Appty Glia- Reves by tva tnsetiolns of titis 3 ete ffie.- Order ln tiréGaltia ea Wblitby, tilt atîte.Ontario. FOR RENT-TWO IlOUSES, 6 Ette-ed 0.B. 117 pages lai-I e-Came. ail conuvenatnctes moder- Octoiter 301h, 1933. att raOi. Aptrly Ga. A. Ro, Talaphaone 5t, Whithy. T. HOER*TPLENNOX. 808 Lumsdan Bldg., For Sale Toroanto, ont. Rev. FOR SALE - IN4 WHITBY, f20b) modern bungalow, evary conu-______________ 1venlenca. cantral, hardwood TREA5URER'à SALE 0F LAND .flocirs. t ratais and bitiroaff, FOR TAXES igardon and garage. Muaet - unen tlaihaapprecioted. Wr-ite C.'Poaiin sfthe. Tsws ot Wlitby "Advertliorr. Box 27, Gazette CeuI> of Ontario and Cirratirle.Te.t F~OR SALE-QIIUESEC HEATER t Bp n itiue if a warrant isatird by wmur ail borner, $14; electrir the moyur cutftic Town ouf Yrtlîtby etova rani $140. for 131. 131 býcaring date tire 12t1. Day ci itton Rd. S., Oshawa. Airgusi, 1933, a sale ai lands jn _________________________acrrars fur tours imtire Town ut FUR SALE - CONIFORTABLE Wi1iyol ilrl itr uni rigii-ran rriir ous istow colCirambîer. Brucs Street, Whiîbyai Whitby, ailt modern casvînrtnces rri or ofu lto clock in the foi.r-c wiii, hait acre ai fruit tries and unionnWcdnieoday, the bih dar :mailltraits. Excellent location, of Dèceriber, 1933, abri upu. lire fui' Box 58, Galette and Citrurrice. bawna day or àiays tatil lthe aale Is FOR SALE - DURHAM COW. cunmpicird, uniess tire taacs and ijout refretieaned, 18qater Custa are saunrer pard. Notice tg 10 aie1 qpigtpano or nd lrrby given tiraItIrle îlot uoflands condition. $12.00, oeosa itatava rsl o rer ftxsl c 1.00. Apply phono 1614. rag Pubiiired latrire Ontario Ganette os threZnd, Pib lôrirnd 2lrd days FOR SALE- AT MISS POW- af Septemben, 1933. Copiea ut tire ail'. Dondue St. West, Sotorday said Iris mayoireirad ai my uffic. attîrntan. 1 irtben cainet Daird 81 Witby unis 241h day of (Oak). t Qaec a roer, medium. August, 1933. 2 watnul easy chrairs, 1 wao. JOI-N R. FROST, 1 corner wardîthe. Town Treasurej>- Roofimg -)'li __________________ IRASUIIEit' SALE OFf LARD ROOFINO - ALL KINDI 0F AND TAXES COUNTY 0F guarontnad roafînuad repairo. ONTARIO Aspiralt.biti p roofloga o By 9orrin o1 a warrant iaîued 'ay apeclally. Caulklug. H. Qulutua, (lie Warden ai tire Colinty ut on. Whiihy. taa. re caring dote ireIst day of _________________________Septeniber, 1933, lire liitoflands V4mtedliobie te bcr uold far- arrcars ut tain tht Couqty of Ontario WANTED-O14E OLD CANPSor Uobblethpu i d eu n ideertise. ian saorpu, used otr muqsed avant- 1t4in lat 'Chiarl Gaette un the cd by pern startinÃŽa coIIlctiat. If Zi iand 341h day, oaiSeptemitet Yen have cam'e t la d I atiboaxtltd tire 11h and Iriti dtyoof Oc- 50, Gazette and Cirrotnirl. Advtr- tqir' r Copies ut euch lut of ad- li$cr iill arrange to rau 10 te ciert estent mur ire iad airas oppli. tient. cuti,. ta me. la drfault af poy- lrrit of arrears and Cuita as shows WANTED- FIIRNISHED LIV- un î csaid tist, un or before Ine roan. hedruom and kitchent- Wtdlîrriay tire 27th day Of Decera- elte. Prafrabyls ceally tIr.-iber,1933. oi Iwu o'ctocinlatIre roted pîlvoin buome. APPly Go- aitrrioor. I $ali, at tihe said hour. zette. ati rhc Court Houe. Wiritby. pro- - ceed to snu iy public onction,.lire Auction Sale suid mdi or unir porti.ri tiereof as shilt le necrssarv le ayuyacir WEDNEODAY. 7NOV. 8t-AUC- urriarr. irgeilieramir tise cIrnes tiental oeutbaises, ratite, itoPle- Ibere,. monie, boy, rouie. furntui'e. etc., E. A. McKay. ai lot 2,1r-ut. 41 Picrkering ijusl Courrty Treassier. sertir af Aodteyi tire pruperly 'ot Dat,-i aor Viirmy, ibis i8tli day Harvey Edwarda. Suie ai ana i Sr itor iibr. 1931-1411à. a clora sriarp. Terme arsir. Set bills. War. ilaw, Auctioseer. Nîri'ICE TO CICEDITOCS For Exchange lu tire Eseete of ilpiraim- A,. 14005E FORt EXCHANGE-ttIX Ali persnta honing elaimu r-oomed brick veseer uet la ucaiacrtirae estote of Epirrain eity uf Oshawa, sua roon, at- Edmord Starr, tate of lire Tawnm tacbed garage. gttd location, aIt ai Whitby, wbo died usneo' about irardwoad fleurs, Frenchr doors. the 41b day uf Jaiy. 1931. arei irailt oniy Ibrea 1mers ueo. Woud requiied luteont partlruiarg af nacironge fueroltable Wbitby Raore ta tire atdersifsed os or residence. Apply F. c. Wet, hetuo e lotr day or Moven- tormnriy Meaknr's grucerp store, beo.t,> afier mincir dote lire Whbh. b tJjie dereased mîli be dis- - - - tribt Pt.boette retard osip ta For Sale or Rent lire ciaino lires reeved, aid ignorive ait utbarn. I-bUSE FOR àALE OitRIENT- Date i atTrornto tbia lîrd day Six oomd cttag. bt wterof Ortmt.r, 19133 Six-ames g ta ply e. otrater, STAIIR. SPENCE & HALL, hatni. o. lmiy 1and Mo.. 30î2 Hay Street. Toronto, Pare-tty. CîosSn Ariî. oltitmr fou Clara E. Pawell Wiriby.aid Molne V Powell, Admnlaiî ____________________________tr trires. entirusimanmomde Dinaonu'tut- utaudlug figreeiluasîîsîîngitaNOTI'CE TO CiIIiDITORS carry lite City oute lautinaste ltTr AIR0 H nra. RITATE 0F WILLIAMl The rt rvestionu ieoerccpierl LuSARD MUERa]ID hrr waus a clerh in Blaney'c ___ graverynstore At tir a seof 22 Notie s bereby given tiraI ail ir are-ed liza Jane McIntyru. pcrauUS havln ny asr deisor de- mbo Prndectaaed bin lu 1924. mandsagoainaltbte laie WiiIam Sirurtiy attrîni blaarriage ie se- EdwarriMeeher rira died en or ceptd o position ae travelinsg about tihe l9tb day of Sepitn- sotees tufr Ebr-Siais & Ct-, ber. 119;1-. are requlrad la ien4 icir Poaition ira ieid mitir dit- iy pranrd post ordeliver la lb. tOnctiont tue- or-iy peors. ubdrerl er eecotors or ta lb. 'r Dusse Finit Car oderselrdsaliritars berels for .iiBasrey ras aaes wet-th-îe_ ese-ottrv, tbnir tomtes and te29 ta try semtbings. and trau adreseer arnd flt trtieutare tu tire tiratcrtizenutfOnhawa ta owritîne ofthieir daimse anrd tira drive as arrtomobile. Se uued a arite tht luit day et Narember "irarseinss-crriaee" te caver 1931. tire Raid eeulors miii proa- i .1 PAGE SIX,, TH E WHITBY G.AZETTE & CHRO\!CLE,_THUtý-ReAY, NOVEÉMBER 2 19*33 N DR. R. T. MLpA;J~ Cor. Brode çnd a ry St. DR. FREpgRtk A, CmVO' cor. Dna n SeM W W. iH. ;IEI>Y Barr! --- Soieltae.ii.- oi- urem Ofice-Broce ,Stfeçt i@ta n nsuiter.8oUituo" floai> 1',jb Office aet the CWut Hrraue, former ky occupied by A. R. 1hdil*laa. Moneytaoas A. C. BROWNINÇO c tBarrier.Seeie.Htg ' > <ppoi t îreàn Phrire 4 ht INSURANc L W. I)UDI£Y Fanerai . D Phone40 S. J. Aawe~ toer. Phas 8. A.A.Q Nr. W. 5AFR Dealer in lmporiedand Canadiaa .Granites Firit da svorejet moderato prîtes. Phone 462 Kingston Rôad We#t.:Whîby GROYESIDE CEIWTR-Y W. 90. joe$ s.sto. Brooeeh., e Ont"*i dâiaas»aea . RlioPitaj. B1yra et. Sontht, Whitbyr. SUqgic*lAtedi. ObtetsCl4r and éa,site rare, dejal, me Ight. i ega tered Nuage. l4sdu M -Wht. of Pheoa4lx Lojlge, I.O.ObPi,, A.F', & A.i..:Sotp af Englasaf.. en- mrilTrtîeller~A' À iý ;x Osa&Property Owu*rV'A#@ .vu' ation, md l .o! ettjisi faeit4.n ot thre tidon. fia tntereit'were wtdeu uaüt ty 'aaOIit.pl of bis yearà they kopt hiar youàe Wlt thel.plisln o' lteoldor generatian, ith* gentlf reflue- ment, thé rhY&lry hrindl> cour- tesY tnd unfailingtsueopitalicy. which theyso, pertetitytemàpil- lied luatrot' among 'hiteltt of the lasses their ptsint entaill. Rio charmn. rin, unoblrilve confidence aud waran-.harted uympatry mode bIm A ,vel-llked man lu tht. tommunît> aid one wo wilha liéüdb mnteeed, 1 He le surivîvedhy a ntecsand sePitevla Oshawa, Miss Moitie Nash. oho liv.d withhlm. and WIi l X&111. f Lloyd St., aus Weil go a humher '-of!-nieue and nephewa in lqngland,, hwha ill deeply maurs hie paoutsg.4, The fumerai services wer. casdnrled tram the Stane. Set. Unitted Church T ueeda'y afte- noon. mnd th. servie. Was taken ni thse cem.iry hy. 4fi 1L. O.K. Memhe'art ofthse. Offiblal Bloard ef Simon. lit.tunled

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