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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1933, p. 2

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N PAGE TWO~ I flI 'The-Whity Gazette & Chromiide publthod *vey Thuridai inoruhIS I fblmfl pUMtilUtIU l OMPafli et flaheve, l.lmt'pd: tC M. MUtndY Prelffint; A R AllomaY. Vt#'* Presi dent -(travifin M Unodfolow IOW lr AnvwhpTp lu Canada i enà ia ve fflief 82 00 a Veaste subrrhre 1) heo iutod ItetW or otherf'1f"ôtiontflts TSi t» tlntvhli'S #bu iuhuq,rlPtlon la ei 1' telndletf'd on the eddrflu label,- J. 0 OIMISTON Mditor and Routm lees le@ Telephonsti Bell 23: Rueslnce. 869 WHITBY, -THURSDAY. DFXCEMBER 28, 1933. The Towon Cougncil of 1934 Thse Town of Whitby will be goverutd ln 1984 by a Council whieh bas already served for two years. It is an unusuai sit- uation, for in the long history of rnuuici- pal politit8 in Whltby acclamations even for one year have been few sud far W. tween. If thteratepayers of Whitby waut.ed a change lni thee evie administration IIQw lu power they were certainly not on hand on nomination night to say se with nomina- tions that could a week Inter be baciceti up wvith votes. The- ratepayers i the major- ity may sither be satisfied with the pres- eut administration and teel that a change at-this tume is uiinecessary, or else they are not interested enougit ln civic affairs ta turu out and hear what their repre- sentativea have ta Bay. Running a towu tIssa days la a seriaus business, and oe would have thought that after crlticism aplenty heard on the street corners during the year, te say nothing of tht many 'suggestions," somne of those vIsa make it their business te coutinualiy ait in judg- nient on members of the Council would have been on hand for the snuaI day of reckouing. But .not more than fifty rate- payers were onhbaud when the public * meeting of tht ratepayers opened. Thoe who failed ta attend Friday's * meeting mlssed sorne ver nice addresses given by the memibera of Council. Every detail cf the yetrs work and the town'is business was touched on sud f ully explaIn-' ed and even the few who were on baud had every opportunity ta ask questions if the>' se desired. It mas certainly their Priellege. Nis. men who have occupied thé Coun- COl seatô lu the COuncil Chamber for two Or tliree yeara have agaîn couseuted, at tise expeuse of mucit tirne and effort, ta auali serve in what wil undoubtedly b. ôof ettht mnost ptrenuous yearsl lnthe town'a history Of moi) over hait a century. Mai'Citizen are out ot work, thero are Mi~ON're ilief toAY than ever before, and ta" arreamaePiltng Up tW such an extent tht cxii the atricteat eCOnolny and close -i~nwlog *1 keep the civlc shlp ailoat 0 Mainaltain rttOWW% CredltheUIbaii g t > .atigu e etlsouteothie town '=uemploy.d will get wonk sud heip »edu20è,tenumber 0f names cm the relief lits. Buts On th.emisole, 1934 miii be a isard Yea OW I« te Council, and the co-operatioli ai s YMPAthy of everycitizen will b. more neceart tan ever before. Council may bo forW dto do thinga for th@ public good tIsaI fit wu1dnetcoulde lunoma) times uum sa .w ndury cta=ykIndnlmmbe mamseod, beun rasa>'toim s bu l a' huwdeedêd ltaI t "k *bsol tt-losits meursd for litantfew f an>' Idmstr*a.0f - liions -ha"a IMM »go mo5toss sdthis =y.-b. -th# e&Ws laOri, but it li aU flt that ha but kMal-« p ene noaub Wo «M do t* frOw tlauia. auattl of titis kWlai sruie has rnçrotitaonces bsnfavoraby con. sdiered by tmanufaturet, both fronil'the standpoint of location and power anId Ught rates, but for some other rea or au- other tUee manufacturer go elswhetm No Porson locaiy ean be blamd for evé>' effort is always made to get industrWe hée. Thon who have titis work in hand have to dolu the dark for nine tintesoMt of ten publiclty ia not advisabl.. Anti we have every reas o believe titat efforts wili continue to b. macle both by the Coun- cil aud Chamber of Commerce to socur Industries for the town, but witit condi- tions as they are now, and vitit the polie> considered bad, the town cannot be ex- pected ta fipance thent. Rural People Will Shop in WhitbY If there w-as oue thing more tisait an- other that the Christmas Fair heMd on Saturday demonstrated, It was that givexi an attractive prW is ian d reasonable În- ducements thse rural people will corne to W'hitby ta buy and seil. The crowd in the Town Hall at three o'clock in thse sfter. noon demoutrated this fact vey dearly. People came from many places, the ex- Iilbits-'were of -the highest order, and there were no leus than 250 entries in ail ,classes. Practîcpsliy everythîng in the poul. try and home made cookinsg hue found ready buyere and there can be ne doubt that much of the prize money paid out to exhibitors found Its way Into thse stores of Whitby. During the afternc'op stores seemed ta be busy, and while some mer. chants wihl say that so fur as they wer. concerned the Fair mearit nothlng te them, one hates to think of what business would have been like ini towii the last businessi day before Christmas, with cities easy of access te the eastatnd west ni the towu, If /the Fiir had not been held. W. H. Moore, M.P., for this riding, who was a visitor at the Faiî, remarked to a prominent busIneasi\,mari that soute such fair or market like t}bat of Saturday should be held regularly in Whitby as a means cf attracting rural trade to Whltby. Mr. Moore believes that the cultivation of rural trade wilU hel-i business ira Whitby and that by brlnging buyers an& sellers to-<'e4her at regular intervals mueh along titis Une can b. accompliahed. A month or two 850, Russell T. Kelly, well known advertlsing man, addressing a Chamber of Commierce luncheon, handed eut the same advice. The Gazette sud Chronicle is firmi> of the opinion that for 1934 the question of some kind of a market for Whitby ehould be given theiserlous consideration of eit4«e thse CobumIU or Chamber of Commoer both. 0w or n««, wlth cepetition fron outil dbusiness Iium ~keener tian aven- go= to iproi0e liu>*Izess and tito mmnomsWb.eue of the wayS iIt Moe.nb.d=&., If business 18 bad and gettlng worte, wIy Bit,~ we here until we- die a commercIal Pc3, More Attention 't. Deaila ;4EWuSPAPERMNOF ONTARO CENTRES ENJOY RIDE IN NEW McLAUGkILIN aBUICK Reprmsntat.iVes of the Iead.n i the aascmbly plant. and saw the dail, news,,,papers and automnobrie! whiole procc," ci assem8ly of tt trade jrýurn&l, of Ontario were the car f rwu SM , 10tfin.sli, SpeIal in- tu? sti ln Oshawa Thursday alter- te- est beizig -lown ini the assembly noen and eveninct of the -Ger.tra of the new -indivA4uat aprirnxs for Motors of Ca-iatla. and %vert r.otr the front wheels, a dcv;cso whch an.ly enterta'ned royalty by their J reasss much, as the newspaermen hasts, but aiso had the cpaortui*tv ausd. ln rdipu casufçri. As the of scem g, riding in and drivug tht nrw cars ca=e off thetiunt. the new 1934 model McLa=u in-8s'ck members of tht party cfimbed into C". Thî- ln Itscif was a thrill. for t hem, and ws*, taleco for a drive, it was th* compes sof opinion oléj su that they could test the new car tha vUists that the riw c ar staxtd t lu ttisai nstraton. a »w «rain autombIe ridingc ocm A Ros Tua% fort --d safet. oW:flKto The mcride vas sarmal test Aitr Tbe "atv of ttn&ew,'arlin ere for Ibis priv'c'e iucUdrd the tel.. miow«tH . KILIL eoubc, Sxsthin' ulin5paV4eri. 1 !flOtWarfen I. Ifast$rP"', C1a,-, M'torfst &--d T«"oto VAU I sd Rmnmt.- U. MT. aHo,iag, itamilton HersWI: R-V V. Gev, the Globte. Toroittb: Jams P?ý MUtas,,LondmAu Mertiser, B: UUtL&b. 8O'4YcutStar: Oe4or. Loud tioi, prts; C . Gmn,auy. Tbouu' St. -r- ., ýmd. Tooato T*eran; T. x. Mtu lt. CswysEPlWl& Ui&ed 7ttOn - ioat suta t at ie Iote on SUfet4, ktd Unb*ut te tii" aud:;tor-:uu. Tuu ide W melatuon ln umot dcdma-' stratuig that the clevu emtde fer the new spriný*tltigdv*ce vire tmt cx-zgetrated. O.'er bumm n&ss hateî) theti cr *av 0- a smodihr.es tlirt bchtno ptchintr snd tossin Il 04. çýondug stes Bond Street, thtecar was driven -'ýlh one whtil en ithe sa-qv,,tics --À th thter ai lte ,td. 0-d eue hIivs re test <t! tot pwro e 9y iweth, u-ks. re u 1 at1i te rrseit oy f &il Yb h -~a.rtn vert,, I'atiICIangea Ad at th.e 4 The psit$=Neled a st tnr 1 ah. ~ ~ W T.e Gnaa p t iL Aoerlcaa Mman tes (rom and ta"t) singir voosi çs ~wtthoat prlvate bath. $4 and 34.50 par --ty; double. ;7 and S. Sinlem l onwitb prt'ate bath, $S ce 10.50 a daj-4dsble n qo tu. CAI4ADIAN MONEY ACCEPTED AT PUR THE ROYCROFT INN Luat Aurors 08Il ile.t rom Bufflo). New York gliw bouad IL MOet 1933, F. W. N'allos, John llatley sud F. A. Dllit. the gatheriag, cxpressing thecCon- Tva candidates aret u te field fi'icnce w'lnch is <cIt thr-ougihout thre cor the vacancy on thse utilittîca wht'lc oi the Gýtscral Motors or. commls'slon, tht proent Chair- ganueaàtioit *ver tht lrO5pccts for tman. T. H. Knlgbt, belug OPPOSOti thte rccce>ion (cf tht r.ew MicLaugh- by William BroCk. lin-Buick. Mr. Corpe cxprtastd Kaon interest le boing taken thaxiks ta the neiw,saper-meti for lu thse elucti ncamp&slgn Par- ccriing, te OsawNa for thi, pie- t1cularly lu the conteat for tht view el tht ew Mclauhnau c mayorslty aud the rteF*sblP And andi D"enteil eath Ruest , t adeputy-reeveahip. sud a large meaagrarnw atay. * tnout et ulectorsA t th* Poili$ O)n behaif of the nec'spaper la anuttelatcd. guests, M. . Mentyr. te d rdl cthe Q4tiw" Daly Titf np, EMx. ER IN t'ressed thanki te iCrp i R tne Manageent aoftimcral itiotors ts.lity extendeti. KII urms CANADA, REAWES IN:ETION ATliliIRFIUE Im mân tti.belu j.tscu~ta çamuue c brstvdstr mauvItie tacetsau elec'ulen for ail mo 'lotf ptb tht excep. ,,ayortttJr, 0S m *Cb Mayot 'Uro !,r' t a$ts4d srv.4ce, 'hr te t s 'se aslu th* ÎekI . a. sts'liiý. îorr!Ots4m or of t= :u «cnuc't. sÏ4 W, IP. -Nard. -fanusar -ma&lastkt # txrUitOu.the tizitth ootUttYfi repo y 1 d 4:n0s AprIl - I'sIo sain vas trissa845.7, flPersou eunl0Y#4 00 Nonuuber 1 to gso.»4c6 oit Deocttt'1. Ekict'. lutg titis mprovefttIt tii. Inu le, t ht lo int o it a iur tm hi0o tat.. frisi OU. to 91.*.. Tua Wrthe bIgtesit igure la two yealU 1h15 wiat t Iiiruv-vos 1,arI- eularl;1IuterWtIuI heoëco Iet me vbfchbibtito bas invartabui Obarttfr134 tIse ttuation id ûlb. fis tt. thea. laM sit a*th*o I E. t oe.~. et --im i - I oui Ion ter the Gal Hii end~ tre the litel . 1 'n the day ber. 1",1 bt dayx o mat opp Coni a le 9grai thq te t tai (Loft) A. Leyteft-Prtsthlubit modern New York "Wad .(Contr) Dooign of Leydon-Proet for à comptotoly a.r.dvnamlo soda.(ftight) This htstory. ethVe Bttmeblie's devolopment, trom theolad fiacre tg the modtiern streamllso, as aetoheti by LeydeusProt important cbagtla automobile dergn af tit sera'futureare forecait by A. Leyden-Froat famus Indus- trial engineer.4eslgner. Aerodyamie scienceas aonti e tcauslinng are supersedlng the 'primitive auto deslgning vheh vwu based an the aid horaeand-earrtaao traditon. Future deuign là te béis etirely funtlns-Ie.-OllleCyraiber than preeedeflt vi)Me. WII.h the application a of dnrl slîc auto- mobiiste viii eelencoettIncresses ln eeonomy, eomfart and safety. Mr. Leyden-Proiat déclares. lT@ i.vw science te slready betng reflect.d in cars with rounded noces, vwide frents, tapering rearu, roomter li: torlers, anti al-ln'oe-plece steel Construction. 1 ý

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