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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1933, p. 4

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-rrwnur .AZ2rrM & CHRONe'; r r- iURSDAY. DECEMBMR 28.19331 PAGE FOUR ii.waa" ~ - ~ ----..'..~-'-- Mn. Charle R. Roma. sou of Mnr. sud Mm. Oco. A. Romi, vse lias -been vitb tise Royal Ban*X et Canada Iu New York for sevaral years. has heen transrerned te Moutreai as second assistant mnanager ln thc main Moteil 3uuk. Mir. Roma' mauy Wbitby rieuda yl l oin wlis the Gazette ýnd, Chronicle lu wishtig- hlm ýyery succs lu his promotion. Miss Josephine Long, et Ton- onttg witis ber mother, Mns. J. H. Long, for lb, Christmsas vaca- tion. Mns. Ray Eades, et Moutical. bas been vils Mrs. Ge0. M. RIce for the pasi uek. Miss M. Dobbyn. ot Ring St. Scheoi. Io holidayitig ai ber home iu Invood, Ont. Rer. A. Manseîl Irvin. B-A.. B.D..,vise bas charge et mission woris at goyrnmetit construc- lion campa near KRora, vas vilS bis fnruuly bere rer Christ- mas. Miss Laura Cook. et tise Ring St. Scbooi staff, laaspending thse Christmas vacation lu Bellevrlle. -Dr. Oco; H. Stevenson, Medi- cal superluleudeul et tise On. day for Newr York visere ho viii W Skattend thse aunual meeting eft tie ib W ek American Assocallon fon Re- searchs lu Psychiatry. Dr. Steren- I ~11.a. Ison vIii ai-so take s short boll- Inl YYU1L y day and e:-pecta îo b. gon&about FiIîE)iAN'%s BALIL FRIDAI Everything le lu readinesa fer tihe anntiai bail of the WbithY Firr Dcpartnnt to be hcid lu lb'. Town Hail nnu Fnîda! ven- li. A good orcheittra baî bêcti Pecur.<d and an excellent prograus of dancing witb novelty numbêls arranged. A feature will b. the fowli supp-er Lo be served at mid- i) g Ilit. CHEQUEF OlR THE WF.LFARE Tii'.Cltlzent% Dairy Limlited, Whiiîby. on Tueaday. hauded over o lthe srrotry of the Christmas Clî.er uni Welfarp Fuud a cheq- ue 'for $5 0 won hi, the Di>ry as finIt prizo for thbe-hast dispiay of 100 Poutid. of daIry butter. Thé% Datry haq handed orer, ibis; pnizA for the eond yrar lu suc- cet4oil. SUPPER FOR UNEMPLOTE (11[LDREN Thse loral offilera et tise Salva- tion Army on Wedtsesday even- ing last prorided a ver.y ;ubsian_ tiai supper -Ion thse ebtdreti et uneoeplOYed clittkis n. rithOe, ti Thse tables groaned under t15cm velgisI of gond Ibinieansd one ('an Oniv imagine how quickiy tise fond dissppeared before tise id- vante of liuugry chldrin'a ap- petit%,. WINNERS IN CONTEST AT ALLIN*S On S.vulrdiî,% niqht the contest whî<-h lia bren in progrels !or innie wveci< nt Alin's Driig Store canr-m a clos~e. snd tise Judges. add!:ilzt p ihe .otes c&t for o%.er N) b,%, ai i rle, ni2de t he foscw. iugz awards: Lois Sleightthoirn; 3Jrs. Marion -Maudiler; 4t'î, Iaîhîen Cerner; Sh. N%'lma James, 6th. Miidred OL)CEli;7th. Nonmu nei Sth. Janet SPratt: 9îh, Tereaa Cennor; lOthS iklen Lutner; I lîli Barbait J. Allison, i2th, Doris Rowe. floys-ist. Leslie lMocoe: 2nd, Siv Fooier; 3rd, Douilas Dm;r. The contest aîtracted mnucis ai-. leuliori, "sudlite iucky prize viii. tiers are beîîîg eongraîulated. CHRISTMAS CONCRERT AT 1 TUSE KINOZtt(AITwwqil Thre vwas an cgprelFston 01 ros happîncas on the lacesi of thse ClII- il ofet hie 'itdrgarieu dais of King Street Public Sel luht Tlîursday afternoon. tiheoccasio beinor the annual Chistqma conert -Xien by the ltte folkis nedg tihe able directicm of Mitss g. DobW iî & large Christmnas troc li the =M.u cn laden wu ithjifs ma& thse Cista. mnas acenc tmore real "d tise china came "hen 14e ititvr* 44s1.i. buted h. ç. t~<fThse pro- graimme%%as as <olloms0 Totm,1 Crier". byl Mark 5St1Wud a grcup eofae"x by thse Kindrg hen clais, "'7ho squiler, "T«t t dle Penleâs%". "lwi c kaleasu Ponka'; son#, 071hi Cobhuste" li Melvin Anderson as thse cmit; -The Thrft Utile pigt-, a drmsa, George Deltnui udJcr et tfolery as the tires lîluttu ,rê cci elas thse Wolf, aMd Jeu.ew as the mohiser; punie by tise kus drxanten can 'ye, r irw 8uul. lInt ,"lcaous,-_1 SAr Thrce I;Idps asallq eituttu 'A L1ti01 SU.< by ôiPt, )farry Scgavaul. GeorgeDdw jack u t" "d 4admsu Whhicl; I4Ut*rok»g ltis Mn. and Mra. James Robb and famuly spcntV Christnias .itli t'le former-s parents, M r aid nir i{obb. Miss E. Burroughs, of WVoodsto:i' is villa Mn. James Twecd:c for th'- Christmas hoiidays. Rev. John Lindsay conuscîed Christmas services ln the I'r-sby- terian Ciiurches aI Madoc aîîd Twced on Sunday last. Mn . Jack J. Kjug spent Christmas ivilir1 i brother ln Allistoti. Me«iss Dotothy iiollidav .%ho hâý beeu rn Bermuda and Boston for the patifotntrei IriODflli. 15 %%lu her pareut. Mr. and Mn W \. A. liday. Byron St. North,. àud ex- peeha to nemain for a tir. MNI. and frs. \N. lHanînîrnd and ciiildnen, cf Toonrto. and MIr. arnd Mrs.. Ar-chie Stewart. of Lîndsav. apent Christmas, w iii Mrs. Wrii lceken. Mr. G. P. 1.yd, cf Nori..er-uOu- tanlo, spent Chnîsimas at the home Df Mr. Ja%. H. Nicholson. Misa Matile Pningic. cf Toronto, s'as viti Mn. and blrs. E. MI. Brown, oeen histma,. Mnr. RalîtlCar-riihacl, ec'\IMc. tiii Univrsity, Monîr-edi, ls 't nu 1bis parents, Rer. and Mr-. Car-nieS- sel,. for- the Christmas hol.day çl. 'Mn. Aiex. JefIr-ey. _Mr. Jack Hîah- chison, Mn. Prier Lavne snd MnI. Hen r-y tein, of .Qucen's LUvrsnity ,L M r. Douglas NMacL.arcen and Mnr. NemI McGillhrnay. of Tor-onto, ,......,~ierstyare at their respeelivc hiemes for Christmuas -holidays. Mn. E. V. Camp, of Atlanta, Ga-. %vas a guest ai Ithe home cf Mn.. aud ]NIs. Gco. A. Rosti oven iristmas. Mis Ruth North. ef Gaît, speni tihe Christmias liolidays with lben firUenta.Mn. and Mns. Il. North, Ssaic Lne Esat. Mi&lnHudson, Bye t ofondr-oth %vasswiH e e ntHuso, cf.Landours Huson.ihBeropntNts, r. audtMn Chita wek-end. Vn. and Mis. M.. B. Conoransd famiy vene vitis relatives aI .Vic' toria corners for- Clieituas. Miss Ida Lynde #peut Christmas lu Toronto, wvus neiativcs. Mn. W. Aynes spent Christmas week-end vitli lis brother lu Ton- ente.% MWlasMargaret IMelutyre, of Moirci, spent Chrilstmas witis lier metiier. Mmra J. D. licIntyre Mr. Roy Rall. of Waikenviile. Mn. sud lir&. Morley Hall and son, ut Rieismoud Hill, Mr. and lits. W. ). Ti"mlus and çblîdren, of Oshawa, Mn. sudUMis. Siscrweod Hall. cf Canuingion, and dMn., John Or-nis- tou of Brooklil, apeut Chntra %mitis Ut. a md ir.Richaf'r I-au »iund*s St. Vc.t. Ur. lmery Seulti lîvliand i ls f loçe - Sotiswel. eofTorcoato, apeast Cirusinms tili rn.sd lUr#. kr, R., Goldiing liasjusî reccived - i sIt ntofIet ýocdsIe Co4ai" Woltm Cuda lu #rate ud tr4 re f this cool vet con- v i'lt yqq c tI-lt" od h thers, il a4awt« et m4 l04ea"WOtto». *ele X 'tis t».lMf «eté or neim Free Moin Fictures For Public Sebool Clildr. of WIIItY Royal Theatre, Fr1, Dec, 29 W. .xtcnd h«rfwue 1 for a very Hamp am dProaperous New Year. As E. Sturgess "iHomeof 5 Cood Bread" Phose "50 whiî 10 Coiaid", a stiry toid by Frèî Peel; "The Rhythm Band", undor thse di rection of 14re, John ptry incltid- ed tihe follorwing nuaibers - 'Diddle, diddlc dutnipliug", 0Jingle "cli?. Ltondon Brd *. Tie C;ooked Mau'. Those in the band wtre:- Marionu Whitfieid, marlou lrwin, D)orij Baker, Eîleen Builer, Jeali liurucas, Fred Hatchq BilY Hatch, ,tuari Roblin, Alex. Piudar, Ernest Bowuxan, John Perry and John IriTeleaders of tbe &ud,- Mation Irwmn, John Irwin sud John Ptrry. CHiOST)M pAUSAIiT AT ST. ANDREW'8 The Christmas Tre. and enter- talamnent gi et. Audrewus Chnreh ach0<>l proved te be a veryeD>0Yý able eue. Thse eburcii bal was aR bower of beautY teteonOld wlth 0,rergreen and other Cbrietmai decortlODIa ' sVéry effective ar. rangement as a settîni for the rageaut that followed. Thse pro- gramme uas lu tire sectious. rtit thé primary departmeflt apý peared lu several carois aud songe and thon escis clias lu turi. i endered exercîsea. Evelyn Atiîn- son prorided s plano solo and Janet Spratt a récitation. A~ pag- eant by the upper seisool. l«Queen Chrlstme,". requlred twenty-oDe seisolars fer thse varions cbarac- tera, soies aud choruses ecciirring during the rendertng et the theme. Thse costumes weM col- ourtul and added grtly te th-% total offeet. Tho uhois program rerealed great care sud pains on the Part et istaff and cemmittoca ln charge. Thse cést usa: King Cbrlstmas. Inn Davey; Quoeu .Cbriatmas, Elle Mtuir; steward. 1Wsrd Irwin; horald, Don 011- 1christ. courtiers, Orvîlle Atisin- sou80. Kennetis Johuston. 01f t of Love, Margaret Sleep, Jeau Math- ison. Spirit et Love, Betty Wil- 1der; Thse 3Ble. iien Mowat, Ielen Parks sud Gertrude Char- et(rs; IÀ11ht. Don Gordon; Decor allous. Atys Glîleaiple; Snow, ElI- zatethid owai; Gitt», Myrna Con- . 'or snd iMary mathiscu; Fast. 0Ja.ck RaId; Chrisîmas Trie, Mdur. ray Conl.y; Sauta Clans. DIL-id iMowat; Pagea, Maxwell Atkinson sud Jackson sleep. Tise sololats ver. jean Matai- sou, Kay Reard. ElizabEth V.o. leat -A chorus cemposed et. Der. . ic. *Gordon,. Mary Andersou. ý'ignes Audea sou. Isabel Counor, .Baba Muir; Janet Smltb, Gwen i eebles, Annie Swezuit, Audre> Coniey, Olive ConleY, Doroth> Conley. Liaie oGlIespte sang the 1Chi-niuas Candis songt lih Ug .eOcisea nud asssited In tise carols. .Mli Isabel DavoeY offclated ai thée Piano ibrOugisout tise pagrat and Mies s ay Rerd accemano .thée ezerciasagrf-tse pimary 1 AT UX1TED 8UNDAY SCSOOL An .xca.iect Chrstas entar- taianenî vas provided by ihe Sunday Sehoel&choléas«cfthe Uniied Cisurcison Tiursd&y even- lut lait te Suuday Sehool roome ueiug crowdod for thése Ocesion. tA aPOCial festur. wa"tisebeau. 1i UNI0asylet *'W1ýy thse Chimea Rang" presented by Misa Me- .Quays casi. Tise play rvldly rilIbitrales tise aplti t Cbitmab .and ail tise YOuti actera teck their parts vus symputhy sud J kil .Thse #Prlmar- cbsaabroUgis 1a cr01. Thse Jo0int lassesOf :Margaret Correil &Bd Elenor Cornu" Pnenetd s drill sud .Kladelîne Mihaiko& citas a chorus ;sad cuber items vere as iolowe. tMr. Donnellyg cliii, Aukuad squad Drill; Mr. Keouns eCI&&&. short P!ay. aise enuti s"g duet; Mms. Fther&glWs Clame "Chorus: Mdis* AsUeys CI&"*.Mill" "t&rY band; aMro. #&M gp. ep lias. Chorus; )m a.r01*làIada e la. s Il I. l'es "v. Uts -'a v i Brownandf Ward Liveny Stables ou Sirneee Street, Souths of the four- cerner-s. Alter sever-al year-s tire partuens bought out aucîhen busi- ness sud moved to a location orn S*rncoc Street Northi. Sonne year% luter, Mr. Br-own r-an a livr-y binsi- iress of his ossu sud lu later- yrai was associated witli r-al est&*. Tise deceased was an attendant of the Simce Street Methodst -anmi United Chunch, Oshaa, a.nd;i nimmer cf the Simncoc Street Bro- ther-houd. Rer. E. HAr-ston, a (crin- er paston. sud Rcy. W. R. Tautoîn wiil bc in charge cfthie fîucerai ser- vice, which la beng hcld ut the family residence, 26 Church Street, Thursday aftennoon aut2.30 o'eloek. Besidea h,'s scr-owing irif e. there ; a re left tô mounu hic les,, threc master aud tva bnothers; Miss Delita cf Pictru. Mis agg'.c and Mrs. P. Taylor, ef 10 Coîbornc Str-eet EFast, Oshawa. Richard M.. of Base Line, Pickering, sud WltgR., cf %Whitby. -Deati, LYNDE-On Tncsday. Dec. 21th. 1933, ut her late residee, 93 Winncst Itvr., Toronto, alter a I'tnering iliness, Rlizaiseth WVil- seon, deaiy -beioved mile cf J. T. Lynde. Funermi private (to-day) resldeneé t 6f- enrc#u. A. W.; Lynde, Centre Street North. cen Woduesday oenlne t ti iscid IR Maste T*eo. ThIsn.x stahlattOs emren yvas lu charte et VW. &0. W. M. Jenuyn, às. <laled b b Pai Maters ftas Lodp, FOllowin tisbe Installation Au e0 Yabte banquet vas bled. Tb*,- = ea fr tui.en"Qing year 18uitaIl Ou Wtdbfsday vng vrtesuasollova: W N '-'. L. Pyloitte. -St.4fwik iRoblumea. J. W-.C. S.Brogliton. 1). et C(L-W. P. 4b"«de. Ssfftary-.4. W. latpsun, Ifrliturir--W. W. .drlgl. - S.D-.A. ea"utis L #...4 . et ligouaffAN. Dec I M. Lot'9. Give the Little feilow a BIG HANDI Announcemnents sotcea undor tsAs baa ar#. cbarged for nt tihe rate of 0». Mud onehait cents V Wrd , wltb a miimhum chaffl f 25 cents. A charge te ma&e for motces of metiage cfau organ. Asatlons at wblcb au ad- Mflin"Ohtee la -cbared or a collection takon. NEW AND USED RADIOS AT Interestini prlcés-A. 9. Stan. jfVERYONE 18 UAOED TO AT- tend Dr. J1. W. S. McCuIiougbb Iilustrated lecture ou «a oa.ý Cancer" giren lu the Couhi- cil Chamber, Tuesday. Jan. Sud. at 3 P.m. P. J. SULLIVAN, LICENSED Slumber anidt,.nsmiîh, Brocit treet North. Phone 117W%,--Whit- by. TH1E ANNUAL BALL AND SUF- per et the Whltby Pire Brigade wlll be heid Ir. thé Town Hall ou Frlday eveniug. Dec. 290b. Good orchestra and Foui SiiP- par. Don't tatilte b. tier. DR. J. W. S. MeCUILOUGH, Chief Insvpector of Heaitli for Ontario, speaks te the Rotary Club at noon and te a Public meeting lu the Councîl Cham- ber at 3 p.m., ou Tuesday. Jan. Sud. ou 'War on Cani- cer". Thse address la illustrated by maaing pictures. Everyone la invited te hear thla emineri" physcian speais ou thîs Ye.*% vital subject. WEST "NrE FAMILY GROCER" Phone. 194 Whitby NEW- YEAR This is our wish for you ail in 1934. We thank you for your patronage dur- iîig the year. Wc hope ini 1934 to menit a coxitinuance. You will aiso fihd Wilson's Meat Mar- ket a good and econornic*l place te deal. HERB WILSON Phone 169 whitby ltter imcetingr. Motigo lvascar- ilarge group of the tuale specles as nled uu"tsrsimOuItece-*u le f-- istref- ôsov.- -Uert - â4a~.eet samie olstens fer 1934. Committe îtraaer "'th!$ wms the ttne, ti cempcOaed là, Mr$.1J. Mllet, pacal laugis.'l A group -of ts on peu- dont; 1frt. T.' Norten, recerdlug pin presented a short ëIlay, "-he âterettry; 1fr.Casaiesud Miss»i>lau That Faiied," these p4aecrs 15 Duncan vere appeinued 10 ah- îug-4 Hugh Milier, John Knuox. range proçrauts for 1934. Letter, Misss (*szinoss, Baker., Durni and vas road hy l'ira. Philip recel, od j£Uncan. As s ciesiug number, 8 (rom the vosi, ibanking ber for, t oung d1&s enaçted 2 hyninl gîft sent. Next meeing W bU boit Pamntine vii- drew (bris nincis at the home et Mn.. Brown. Jaun. commeudation lm=nstise audience. 18. M s hUtraîner' Mn; O'annon Little Wiiuis McWiirttr b-ad a bdMi. Z, alolsistng irthe very bsd -fail 'ti day rectati. hyMns aoitly and Mis, lîarVey at i-ld to e t. nto a dentiot, lber the piano, Mr. J4lus ICiox gare reeti -selugiunrd.-in interesting aud encourantng ne- Tiie annuItaiSundaySchsol cen.' port saoee&ry cf the ,Sunday cent and Chr.sîuiaa uIr-cc cf St, Scisooi for 19.31_34n. Warren Wil- John'$ U, . C.vas 5*1<1inu-the tevu 8094 supcsnntentt ske4 for au 4&li Weduosday çreuhîg, Dec. Ztis, cprees90o f appreciatien fIronathie Aud vua agrand saucesa. Tise vry sacK4col Ion:the orir-oft?4r. and bad day, hemvy enowlIl, sud bac! Mr s. -Harvey, 1r. )4cWisnter and roa4s. selemed te isavt n. eflatit oiSons uhor hslPe.d seénatenlaliy in on tise ehgldress or parents. Huan Msldng< tiis .su a spilendid <t'eu. asceaufenîaMyv filled: it V huua eutertak=tstî - - monve mueS praise sud may lisey long continue thoîr heiptul enter- prise. Tise Reyens vus te thssui aIl lsee vise&sekîudly aîded tbem lu obtaInnsgà store. paint. teys sud etisr or casary teels. il veas scoid. shlveny rmeeting vo SU Baturday nigisi. Gamnes we.e played. beo numereus te 1.îentioti. Tise usuai sleny of Rau kina, eniitled '*llvklnti Pumaplees Pump'"visicis brougisi a round et applause. as gIron. As tise meeting closed tise Tneep preaentcd Hugh is vi îaChtsîmau ift as a recoguition ef bit un- dtring efforts as leader 09 tisa -icout Trgep. If thse .%.utber la kind te us uist Saturday nigSbt, v6 viii ao* cur-scives at a sleigis.rIde par-ty. Sc brnug aiong your abusah. iRkîls. toboggans. bobaleâs sud Yoursolvueansd vo'Itmaks.à a l- Iy limeo of IL. Wo isuhalave a me'lin roat sud cocos, se dont misa if, viatever yeu de, ton it In't ottu Fouyen uSet a Iree fed. Tise Guides, Roener, Scoute sud Cuba loin lanto visis yeu ai tise happinesa, pmoperlty &Pd bealti la tise Newv Tean. GAVE SUPPU RTO CHlLDRE?4 A dekiful Chistumas dinner vas ircute the eilidren of uuer. pioycd -parents on Wedneadav labt rthse Council Camiihr b yTIe' Sai- ratico Army. Alter thed..ner Santa Claus pald a vitit to cach ~uiiQu, ilîcuMajor Riches, tUicl». iiunal Commander -i>1'1iCS.i tion Ânmy for tise Toronto Baut aitin sd Mr. ]Bruwning Of Whitby wvise ye gucts at thée dinuerepeke -te tis ecîldren. The est for thse dinuer vert voatabies. Do min'ie. IStoPre Stores aud )Ir. Reld, eofIr-'ckrlng;, gaudies freUx Mr. r. - Btuacu, Pickerngx; oranges trou s %* it*re sud Utise R.d Wbile; mIbs freou 1r. A48 andTihe Tuec% hbop; butter t&Mutisa Pstasn d suBileseutDalaies bremd frein Wetou*s Ialcety and Pies trou Mr. MUtis ud Babys- to Army membrs. Obituary WARNU L »ROW Dusth aevera 0o"e0oS Osaw's Jus1 tes uthte pkoper daynou Ckvlstom Day. vwlstic DamuoS iAt«Mr LIBroM, ueR.»tow seuet tii. pautisse 'àeçaý 1>8 ama Wama r 8ov un. 04Ïb tue teM. and MUn. Ait mot ti01Atyv UmbY#IW cus ow bitblred at Nefoasule su lt-Il raiw s a- fiee in'Zuglsud for 2d. sa y, but- a deposit et.3s 4 for mepss aund 6'. 6&for womeq't yul be charxcd smt4d tti<>' -artVtiflIO& ~~~1933~ -~ :;~î Townof WIiBy1I f A i~II , <~ ~1 Undur Auspieu of ROIARYCUIR 0F WI4TB Emael.nt program witla fgrtwe faim "My Pal te.Kinbg" (Toms Mlx Pictu) Ale» 'lWimoesCru.. & S 2p.M.~PUIw S 09 rook su& Dvusda sSehoola 345 pan,-lClxg St. mmd S.poeaiod olPupls dlren ooy-No o m*to for pamtL Rotilnwill provide .upervisioa. MThi s ti" CLrMtDI. W.. Gift of tb. RoWxr Club t. the. chilwm of Whity. i ha fo ae pil la, w, th PE *r of tii se tii te fi A ec st ti hi B 01 Z9 a, i A t' p P' q t i z z t t c i ~i ; -t .1 -4 -1 'I -.1 -iiI *1 i ----i -.1 t w, of te occasion. The profframuit vvas as loliowV; Chair-man's address, -InsPector R. A. H-icchisozi; recitation aud chorus T1he Son&, the Star and the Sîory', by girls f rom lliss.Cooks neei; a drill by g;is (rom Miss Bakers rooni; dialogue. 17eddy Bear", by pupls (roui 4iss M iddletons noom. pii.po solo by Peter Cok; dialffle. "*A Letter te Sauts Câus", Pcgg",Y Insole and John Chowu froin-Miss Baker's rooni; chiorus, "Ring. Ring. Ring", pupils f rou isls Odlum's recru; dialogue, '*Gcttiugi Ready for- ChrIstmas". boys from M:s.Baker's and Mà%iss Mliddleton's nois: guitar solo b-' CasIleSmnith; dialogue, '.Mistressi Mar-y's Garden". pupils f roui Mfiss Bak&rs aud Miss Mid- dleton's noonis; piano solo by Gwep Mîhalco; chorus, «"Henaida c f Gior-y' pupils f romt Miss Coci's rooni; dialogue. "A Christmas Shoclidng", pupils (roui Miss Middle. -ton's rooni: chonu!, 'A Christmias Song", punol1 Miss Bitker'. recru: diilceue. "A S-tr-eke ln Santa Claus La.snd'. pu'nils f rom Miss Cook's roc.m; piano solo, ht' Doris jobn- %on; vlav «'Malce Beieve". pulnils fr-cr %'4% Odin's rro-, n:Piano sole b- Maruaret St--brd: ehorur. "Ail 'rhroneh htise !'Jgh'é .ou'.ls froin R. A. Seuuiett' rooni dia. oue: The Tram,, BarI-crs". bv bora f roui 1ý A. Spn'aetlts rc.mn: a ciirnt's. "Oh thse !i<rry. >f'rr Belis". by girls freinR. A. Sen. Scout News WELCOME 1934, a.nd may you bring to our loyal friendk A p customera al the Cheer and Good Luck that that big glas, of yours can hold 1 FRED- C. 1 -MXmy eluldt'cn vori m.-b-ap. Pr ou Chiltuxas norulg syitis* Rover scoute vise duroted thuf v vstuble lime lu nial êroid9 tels, vieS vere delivared te afeedY feuilUls u»or nrWilby. r« tisel8s9«MtilvoiStbY e- cbîi4reux' part of iliq pro«ram wau gie mm bodcast, ali te child- ion stated <onliii plailtn.Lloyd Hitkssa vaau« uner oStat *on ,*XUAS'.the <hîtdrtn carrying out th.b* nrs ,h f~ii< 0 pneiela *Nswu fl .> b a " l 1

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