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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1933, p. 7

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laiîî('hait-ch, Stunday, De'- 13110iciool 10 UaU s. ClftbsCr arasa;s, an cxceli>pnt stalff 0f hldaia.atlu rt-haibout 11.30 1tllah*rgospel 8Sert-tires untI * : aui 7 ii.ait.Spec-cl aappropri- tart jris afnr lte "%(,%vY"ir .\ia t aaa-a, aiaie t illa ed 5 t [I a lq, tiIr- la n rAi rord iaiiy int- \ionat, 98 ni ,t Young l'e-o- -e.0-var tp î ilIg Wrdveaîiuy, 7.210 pln . Mfenia t bnianght. Iliaiirrd ny. 7.3 0 jsm., prayer -if' 1Til", ollowrid V choir ptn-c jiiappy -New 'cûr Italal. I lic SaaivRtilollAraîy, Saanday sercre co'înaiulciod by ci plialo E. Watt ana- Lleui . M. 'Taolit. l-olineas meeting. Il aitu. --alvaton moeting. 7 pin. speciii.iWate.bnlglit serviré, -5anday Scisool. 10,10 andl 2.10. 1 %,cryhaody weicoaa. St. Andrewve Clurch, Presby- te riais. 11ev. H. Carmfclsael, MA., 10 Il.m--The ristrch scshool. Il amx.-Ptiblic worsbip and $er ix on. 7 P.m.-Evening nsorsbip sud lie, Maon. Hlely Communion W111 te c 1'- braat<d at tbe Moruing hour on lie irai Sunday of the nev yciir. M. John's Church. Port Whlt- h1. îlev. D. B. tLan-ford, rector. I~~~R - Vi' fBS' BOIWMÀrMtf nl. IAÀ à A SuI.mV il, fil. a.=. 3'a m a Ian. L. ua 10 &,nai) .ii. ' s MNM <'.lu 5a ma, t(X) ana. XII 1l a n- 4 pni. rni. 22 t p 4 4e , e t-lm, " ni. t, St s.a ara-4rî 4 i i - ni. rna - t a 74'1 an'- i l , 11 ia a1t1 p mn. aaal i ,~ Going &* Louve Lea'v t._--i-a Ai e'a.3Lin, i n. t , 1«1 e m. Sai. 7-tarm 7 im $ 4 1 a 1 ri ni tara ira 41,î rolli 4 41 a-a ia. 1 - a n rat li ni '7 4 p.ni 1 t i a taî rrn man a, mi' e.l aArtai \% ar- Ilth-m l b i w ac lrru SL5NDAY AND HOLIt-l-sY SC Goti.,Wet tseias Loave. a> m-va BewmaivW. O'tia,4wa Iilby %a n ati. 'a.i) &-aia 12 a ira rt la ,iiira a p, r- 1mît r- r m. 6. 1 1a). a l i tm. t 2e >.m GaCinsg La-t L.a- umv. Laave iI.îranti% wmItby Oet-ava et 25 a. ()'401 &.M. j, i)p ns.. a ln .m. i-r. liipn. 3S n. 1. 00 iP.rn . 4 . Myrtie M YITLE, Duc. 86.. a nil W.thsIalla êmnaýpare 'Trentonu. iNrs. ohan Leasb spal wto.kit iW ber #lIntr an 'roruinto rulatives. Mr-. Jacla iia.am VIaI -. parents ah Perts at Plegusea to report thai Mi hans nho hb son und, -loctar's canas for sovoral la iniproviDg no hbat lbe to roîcame bis dtitie s s loti ass on Tuesdai'. a %Ir. Firansk 1I3no.am ad a ;Inpnaasnt i wSprIesCe n-i !ls ga sîmigl i bilta the nvs trou on Tburaday ntig homo a car soins tisa a recllon asa hie 'asrmu Il vtas of hlm *le",' Da"eseas Sati atiealy as a tise radlator oft 100s ua n-as irvon by Mam. 8w las -w the trontsUtt10 terna aiselSISOd te 41d 'tise %slgi"»- ha wu tûho l t wkso abs DUt - hunu snd -th-.elt* 511 64 n-as teinpos'aril' fi -11> lotv o' eda- et a Tise Son ieon a quite busyon eIMIW tise ment, eosaow slsup4l 11Zsit very ddInut=*$8 bére earid I4la ' Sundiy aftcr Christmeas, ilie. 31s, -Captsian Hatrry GlusauL. ai thec"uril Arnsy, -ii take Ila.au---Mo.u.ng prayer. p rs --Etenlagprayer. Vl m pan- Wtich nicSi seer- Glpr ;h?'on ns-illaise gît'.an 111j. a t a a aI dai r 4h on **Tho1 Chi( a iA ia a !ai(Catada' ait an (,,enbaiëI.- nol at 3 pin., to N a' lch ai! &(a ; a I ted, Il i. - -Il (i svcû-r licys' Bible Itîaei(la,Jan.2nd-.30 :t. --A r n ai au eting o! Men's Araoe- rlratsr a folIo- ai at 7,30 by an Il--na addrua-aa by (aasaii taS u ua ..lIo nec e,11 tisa i 'rcA (eta" I"-ifltt- " Irn w ili a l : a1 iri- i ln- lay. 7 "A li um-Defer- r-~ ~ ~ tc I its ia : andi eftertaila- The Vsiîed Cliurct-h 1-nlsttr, I lev. A. L. Iitîtliard, I13.) Smtîiay, l)erc 31 --il am., a mrr aa ohIp Fpe-c!nl preaeh. a-, Nir. lt'aa a Tri ' t i-a'. jrll Lîxna naacIg1 Co'Lejga,. Toronto w-ha %%I!ii &Peaik (e . " , , rr-i" c.ax tacriciaci-! fl iraeû11 .1 Iiia-Altsarnon n orship ai Aimnrds, ront-dated by tise min- lowrut ,thse nihigter préachiig on ".Xro- You Afralal or 19347-- A Ne-w 'ars Ev-e service. Fiday, s pn.-Tbe prepara, tory sqervît-o for tise sacransent on Siindsuy îîsrnlng. Jans. 7111. N'13.-Aý reepltion service for tin- m emtaeanad lte aram@e' Of thP lIasad'n SaIrpen wMll hOob. sa-rvtcl thr- fir?. S-unday an the. saaedwhen il ventlo t l diteis usari rooklu. Mmr. fBattie . s. -.&insleaspeud- Ini thé Chnitmas egmon with w iFT11car son in Toron to. 193 -Ma..mRuik,< A 1~là~l mlEWHITBY GAZETTE &tChROkIIC' EuPM.AYECEMBER -28, 1933 T*IIî .S'Wfl ta the ho-rd caI that's SUPERY. CLEANED ta put mort heat irito evcry ton. Colder and a colder wcather ia coming down the roid - btter order NOW. III' -Te Life of Paul ,"MU«S TACEt" ON TEE WUND)A! aCuoot. LESSN (The.Iutraatlonal Uniform les- son ou tihe ibove îcpic for U)cc. 31 ia Phîi.ppsasiîs .:1-14. the Golden Tcxi be.nRt Il T.muthy. 4 J.,'I hava tcusi the igoad fight. 1 haire finish- id my course, I havi kept tise faith.") A. CANNING Phoneo-a or thetIlet.4tacame: -'Ilby sel nm ans 1 May attain untoý thero surre-tlan trcni the de!kd." Iii Christ peul also found bis great- ett Inspiration ta peaUSs e b il and plan (ld ad lfor 'bis lits: Tha'bt Iznay riprebend tba, for- whicis r vas appreisendad 117 Christ Jeitua." O01n-bat gr- ste? riches eau one dreain thin ti'., Pauil fnds t» bis eredît on th1e lirofit aide of blis piritual led' ter? The Proposa of thse Christiani Btut hcwci-er grrat inay te Pou'a nrerert profit as s ChrIsi tia, hli arlt<Ola udt static, bu* an ev-or t o.gAiO. glawint religion rf rrr"'te~,, aer press- ln& onvorI 1ao mo-e glcriaua s pmrnc S anad sarbie- mnta: ' cauld r.ct rieif yîta bave S &P grelicli'v -';ut 'one tbing I do, for, re- ithe Ibinîs vlcarce 1 beitr-' nnd stretchlng forvari to tpi"i :'gs visicis are bt-fore. 1 ptrt. ,ovtprd thse gcal unto thei pt-l'e . nh'rh crlllng or Und !n C. r No bitter motto ertDiar t- roI eau t4 sug. ceted f.- r vgr itvo ii'rnd atth" The Colden Text 4Tï~alÇl~C~cj rî~ i5s1cd -Asthliiuua Iuk ehaisaaSze ssicat tb .l a c.ià'nizby thi B.,s âns. asîinheetan, i Frunh of l- i ' appoltunets -on 5l5day. proPhea:, ~t:.c , o ican i people 1 ilC iate-ei te 'se ra ir *Prîday iJî aheOta t b.cora the front al\'a ahs ci Lie ta vorahirs ut' t-,d dthc e n ser is Prlai. congrogtion101bae. nas r&tiser A cu dtt- smi.sr. ilto-e sakssg ln7 li I" ia'ho Idauy niah 1hhparente &I tlibut Chosn-ho ad dbrave tit.:.s-.alparts ic t aobt. 0.~ i-mat Snr1n-,11d thé *omacâ vre n-eh repaie A. Sai.h, L.. parrow 11IL Weltusy; - thA olUttca- r a tteM31ndelfor tlI efl.tora sas bo gave a \.sMin. F. Peitr'. E. Law# CI 15 gm h Brooldlcsj lol maii uait OUbe-Ptttlt on the toit, Lcorkv.o..-; Slick-Iert.' E. l-IayektI PlCe-d aia: u, Ol.cailiiworere-"Tisere n-as no recm a tsi lia" .** Baiou . L siarrtî; &ngcl4 . tatirn efi 1,, . -1 s maion railsr par 1. lîysui . .Sea sr 11,1W "w - '.tatuan Agr.cultnsal slutitlîirain 114à oc of ... ~artsS 5 1 iChtia-, 1. l":ioe pnA P, -e0 Dowvmore uin casanatly pu-sta.thcir stud-es Un-i t.iiy, W, Meartei ast aima titi-a-c: n bonît'.derrd-ff-cU1ies. Ow.na a' an eut-1LiIi sa îsc.R nsw a erdf' l !. adar.bicaIt of pliueanal Inceatl'amin- m.s-U .doxs. ta. V icy . ' '011 Ca riat La.--t-côturco moda sur. fi-il1 à0.-aAgi.cultur-Ial egc Iads )Ilâ :ý:tt tor - ns nte bc c:os.d uAuguast i lat oean- a. tai- Nn'astr, J.- - affflill 1 4r~ nr -i. hi lt-heir pcea r-tau&bitencetîs ta Icthde danger n-ta iie.a Ieirfariet ~ aSsefor thet tgse tring. (Jthu itemns ot' lt prsram n-si- 'tau l'fl.a -" î4 f it m i aPitilcaconsol radio 'ris. zyv WILL .UMvrV. ýen t.. ..ae, V.tSti i.ao a br i-de aunai groom oft tony y-ocra (Bruanstford E~.a.tot) ~ <C55 t ~ld>5 aa~ bîas Ivra Ma-r're' t athé instsa. Co. . GrattaiS Ot.ery. n-Il klsswn 90.4 r. bicd.7tnr.canai-e s tI.ý tiînibtmis y lthe 11ev. j. p,. Me. nen-spaper tmaisandl Ottasuta cares-.>as8 .-osst.~ucalt C"aurernand rmoved c-ase is.fit:y adTtat sAtYs "Sir ~sUlf i Lta-r. irm sthei huit Uîriasnizi ti"., CHEDULE acre fsirrai. ns 111<11 îuey restî-'o. ll'i, i 55 thi ftîetratoi AI &-.acV.Uý '..uant vOt *s0 Arriva 1 ly att-r uiey t q~aî ,etu«> 4 in suthe âeIt ofiCom- b-c in C-liços t1ie AC>lai'._ttSMthl Hoopial 'mîudl'i fnrae Ioa lb - mo!cfthe--., meut.tmandl 'Rpiuîht o*. Arthusr l~atitu caIl -* nL-tt55 'ccoe 6B ahi n thse oaid' odge farm nisti et >Me8cn thç greau'sut parlaamenîtary C.Cl7 for 1,JA- 2.sPM hilhm is-Y non- haie oa-..r trae bater S'net ccnïcdt.-ation. . lCry at tialvt.k< .C tisivetisshes gens, Dr. Georre of (cSt<'1.Va-. se..-assaicyIS Ariv .fntlssv. Arrw. Phusi.. or îPort Utauvluia P>Ory sal .ali'liof Oit.A.F ,To- la Canada. twoe mubrsof thse' ~iu-t 1<111s- rna &ihl thrt rfiih$.a.i er-clled eaîam-r betile fàmily. thse t'-Mm M.Wss l.as. - Wc>uiu!ey -.g helaw't m," " 4.0 put. csjli anlhws in -hemre s anl tii-s 1ii.r>- X i st )MLakw%àe4 A In fb t tnt-ad 8s-e-oaand 'roP niuy Oft . aeti mouilcrbtl e st a-.ae.t- k>.. IrChustoa 12-004-0. rna mony mouere Udizian.aboi-a «ç*s.of Oeur »d oi Ealter i .1Sieîy J5a>ee- i. - -j e-arle,. telpc'itsIIvrboss. jCL "It viai tsi best y«at" vas tb#îCsr-o Craa ~~- i mas trot succ na-en t ttat w4'601. J.Woao-,ttA14 - .-id et thé a r<si Semi' -- P cko n onJ. ~ Mi- JO* Joa iîirrA'i-r<"'aî lh.eo-iltteo. c$W: ' CWW %flma.D. Leu'-y. ?tr.E, C. C'a,*. ;ie"I. %.)e itial'r.Tora'lf t and Mr. Moyen CKIU. *. ? 6 - Il. C , fr-I Lls1"s-a* i j n-ri;ed niaittsa.fgs a- e'fiOC.14Jecis &ce. 3y',l$ Mvs-sDoaiu" Y.. <ittl'X eut lu.t efforts ver. c'onahenti iusq Vo a4 wvh *sa4fixas. la -'t- Ct'rU id ether ce a teu- h!ld -ai ii a sseSusl peesonttîlsa .1 le L Sq*.a;,Ctoahb. C. UWtte ied ii 'romirl-eor suui'o narons. si th* anltA i d sool t»-. t t. 10- ...Gi !ueoek. ne'<g-. Tisas uperiýttod*tîUr. tenu M5-Ut 51114itatwr01ci iemhDow" 01ai T I.0 utrkt Ir. KIr4i-J.gn'hma sst.siua We the chairm*n nsd te p-stfn-". uiI - - iaosthé haav!Iy lidened Vhrhtsa was able troc via etu-itulty Odemi *fs'4by *9~ tri'l'h.'LU'. of. *ho, s r4, ber MisMilt-l ,i'anter .0 Alle sloe tak- 1s10'is -itluprissfol' btutgai- Chnit- ten a i tsehea-o t ug?0gt -hi n-bsn yuar. Ura. uildtlas atto SUia Dm - iii éd b l *tilwtb r-jM t# a»- Mmeai <11 OLraa tihiM-bst lhsasif 0f sIlo thé ina aud tbsy war# *eu- i- Uny Rh Yoy ploiter., q.." % 'isul PMI ýmasilug Jack 7%0m",4«so. D»nag t" oLib -. itiser, et presa-sird Uri oort a « 1-" 4,arld ýft Xy, *thq otUti llihb«. fl ~ for ttr aaaalec r a so t w» Ung4oi. ht ai 1 #M rnuss su a abcu tla- 4osa *m#*N oe b.hèr minloof ietip and tth- 5 an b- t duio %p " bw lton e FACE SmVEN' «WWqw 40 ý.m - - - _-_ - - - - - - - ---- - - --- - - - - - - lm - w w l The Gazette and. Chronicle' Forîf Yom dot wMDblmag ovM the town of WMîtby Mid disbi14 in 34 - a ly DILALVIN LBELL NEW YEAR'S DAY auld coin. sonslit il ans autobiugrapby uinthe sainc surt oai nr.cnîery ai uur spir- ituai accounîs andl resources as v-c are accustumed ta moite in our ina- tir.ai affaiasai thîs season. What would our spiritual balance shert Ioulalkî? Paul glirca us such a spiritual audit af h., Ilit in titis les- son. It sanusut -bcgraphyil thse isu of a prufil and loissim. liment replets with suc h boolalripinu ex press*rns as "%\ at thintg wtr can". these have i courited los'. "I count all thin g s la ba los". 0îthst Inv train Chrt-it'. The PerrtSoete.Chriattan Tise business of beint a Chria tan requires caution. W. MU, bev-aro wbose 'gooda" we Uuka ln. Ba Paul varbis l&isi-ipla'- friands: Btasrao oftha dotsb.- vareocf the eyii voricersf. ieware of the coue'sion." The#& spirItual i-edders of a type of relirtan whIrh overenipbapised cerator- lttu had dogged Paul'e 'tet w-ierever ho wenl. aud vere nov trwa' li-g tise Phtippanns. l'a;l onec carried a hC3vy stock of iheir coada sud "counted tisen galn' tai hlm, but nov '*Cnunteui thtVtl rail once coucted asatt batil no w connu liab!l hies' T1l, e y were bit prîde of rare angi l Piu c "cir-uielited the elghil ta!. cf the stoeck of liraît. af tise iribe o!f enjamîn. s, llebrew et tise Hebrews.aits to,,di'ng tise law. a I>laariiree a,' tourblrsgréal, ît-crcr-aî'lng tis( ch',rch, us uouchlug the rni'bt- eousentswblch la luIbmthe at four rab'rtne!efs "Butî b. nrota &fiar he found Christ: -Hon-biai visaithibni vire ga!n ta mse. tises. hav.e I coinuted lots for Christ. Tes. ve-liy and 1 cri 'ai ail thîtaga en le lots for tbe exm- ret'ena'y o! the kuiowltdrfe a! Christ Je-us mv Lord: fer viscu i stiffered.thelslaos cfaIl th<nga. auad do cotant thein but refuse. that 1 say gain Christ.# Tia ddPaul d*fîstà tie tisig whlcb once wüe.blis mont Prlied Th isa Profo thse Chriatiau Christ vas bis rîeet trehsure -Ow btatse tbrcusgh falt In uhia' ho wsais aaeured of battus crodIt..6 vrlth th- varrigiteuiros f Qed, tise ivbtasusrsa w Ioh1 of Uad bi faltis". Purtberuacr. Ch iiat id hecmo tise power of s tien-Il(-% ln Paul hais ta aserte se- tively sud ta sulTir pee.trlv* ly "Thot Isnair lauow it, sund Ibis ttawer of bistr-ourrer(lon, san? the ftilorthip oetbil.suYarn¶5". Hlm profit lai' net onu' in tbé thIaga 01oh is Ilitbut lu tie hors In Whitby Churches l Ire. AI ly Nt thoe j- - 1~ t'ri. IL. wilt-i55. UZiArIa - 0.4 Mr. sud mm .J. A. 5w0@tmti on wt Mridi. 00100 MiMi ilffl btitr sp-ut Ssi daLth> rtr~i1s put5sd» t. 1 tr..E SOl&Uid tomili,- vlttWd3rt. John ilu aud taula ou udi. * Mrt. oad Mrs. e. & PnyMfih. EI osbam a*nd r. Vn*4 flow vhuated la oot ÎÏO d«Iv 18*w*lt 4,34f.4 Mdii.. C. k8=0 h 'tt- OUB r I&U lait a i wthbtscou.- onWSr.udilMm o. Jffli'I4 litlaovia - Etorde. mito. "Zz U r lttsaVI* b«s osi o i ýtf tobe 'p iii.t Ol4 a e* Mr. Z1..uun swi. *aio ont apte.. Umm ou*d B SOtr ?sptflS-*éVm *T et r W, e A'dvertai*ng! 18,News a1hsa.-c4 by ha aecïcuaq, b, ,as4 ~ ~ p.( a0tl O~lii~,5O bu C -b btit oi ».>4 weic.-,,.»u., DItS. îrV15%Vîîî;b. W, . t. ~.et..urs, o o. . M iug . ~* s.>.~. . . . u.. ruz. r. ..a.età. b ILrctary, UjRo.E t j oncs. ^n înterttng ragram Was pro- IV .0ed by tit 't..sva14 rCoye ter-an SUlIIuay ~at aiIc an- fsiui Chi.stiLL.. en.t a.îatakLut.Cui .bugo4 càlufl.5Cs by talc scàit.ol; 4j ..%O t S>Âi lns DY tie sa.is~ i rcl- tat.o.is by zr.àu.iine k'atiîer, à\tar .4artàn, liari-ey bark:r, INbora 'j.8gîey, Jsvr ic almer; $(»c4 G.ac.e ¶0W. EVE TRUCKS AREI EKING STIR nte ; piano solo, J&AC ue >acr: flou'tthlU&Lk eueoft tis DOseuw-a..4tu-flI n.4dtraias ilaerug D es orothy I.ad-tY. khecumonater om the hlgbwaY. lt's Juat anethu umtridelgn.daou ..nnin ; d.algue, jack PAJnier.i la a 1500.gaIion oUltruck, but lt oma be isard 1o ouvel miii,- bei Ji<n Fowl<sr, and a humviroua play-' «Sine la in the rouaar sail&Uheo costrlaare air. op«rated-brakeea ' "Christnas Prestiits' by N.stei. ugley, M. Ilurns. M. Cabeet, D. *.:au.ley, Li, barkcr. H-. Mar-tin, C. îunru, 13. Baith. Santa was his Cangâlan National Railways Muste-cea with dninking. lay# suaI jolly sc.f and d&pnsed gifts carnings vere up ta $2.817.:54 George ershwirs. the composer. and candy front the tt iled ram $3.710,847. an lacrIaset- 01 What lie alloulai have Wd is that tree. Rev. H. 'Carmichiel was $106.907. Canadian Pacifie Ril- yau have tea ndul.gê In drsnkinc in chsa4rm~ax. f w'ay oenints adianceal ta $à-- araier to stand for certain musi.- jack mcGraw sand Milford Nash 277-000 tram $2,241-00 An In- Chatham New#, both pleuded gui.ty when îhey &p- ertame of *35,000. peared in, lacai ponceî court ta an- i he ccntrast betwean the %way swver ta a charge et stcai.ng a mo- BOOS'IN« CANADA& FXOD Canadiasi and Amner:cat courts ar-e tor car irotn in front of Orchard PRODVCTS cnuti soco h i etn inn. RouRc Hills, on Dzceîiber 9, During the annual exhibition odîelsan fthbgraas and ýwerec atch senteneed ta ant ai Edinburgb, L8catland, àtac wihv crirnsuals av-aid Canada andl use s'car in the Reforniaîary, the sen- monfli, 14,:35 S&mp!es or Cana- tiais coutrty as an 1casy hunting tencc to ruta concurrenîly w.iil adian food product., wera .asâ to groutnds,--Detrcsit Fiee Press. picviaus sentence reccivcd ina S or- the plblic frouithse Conadian onto polkc court for a s.nuiar af i- overntuent stand. exclusivo of To encourage cnb stmnent i the fence. %,us. îa),àor apiica;cd on thse large numter balai 'by tisa Army, films of regialar soidicri St the saiane c.harge but 'vas muîaanded Cn-t"n fir 'a cxlbtin a t thea drill are be:ng thcawn. S sfo fur a %veek. on the rvquest ci tise exblbîîois.. The Canadla n kovern- tc alar-n prospective recruits. a Ccunty Lrown Attorney, A. Hall. nitnt'vland exhibiited In-rf0 u clever device scftaits a hergeant- NIT. anad M-as. J. iJ.>,ver and dtvtrtaastl hrands of vartaus Cana- major's rciar toa s pleaîiMP rog etan- yç%;ng das4lter, arc s:actadrg tht diara toodâtufi.. Huanorist (London),, aioJ.1t.y wan james anas Mrs. An- drew. Mns. J. Murkar was in Port Ekin this '.veck. attending the funeral ci i ber brotlicr, James t..lai.c. Mr&s. Straciian, ai 1o.erch, wua the weekc-endi guest af her neice. Mr%. X . 0.ruaiirer. NIsibuinýci *ad çnt the r week-ecnd *lUa Mr. and Mrs. G.. M* -c an Mir. and Mn:. A. E. Stork andl daugliter visitcd 'vathi riends in la-. aMn. .Pcel of Part Pcrry. spent a4 ast weîl wth her cousin,.' >4rs. A Bayes andl tomaly. - jMr. andl MMs Arthaur IBO"$s wer in Oshawa on Wednesday. attend' nX~ the golden wcddinst ce'ebration %Vc are pleaseal ta repart that Mris. 0. Fieldl andl Mms.C.Hulcis. 'Oshawa Hoos-stal, arc bath malni M is (Dr.) Da:). cof Dunharton r vt vis&ted with Mma. Fawkes snd Mi43 IFawkes on W4ditsdiy. cumm. à 10 e 1- I ,REAM1INID tavard yS., wiiea pou mfftl *an tbe agtuSt &erodyuamili me. TMo r er Uquid chemicala s. w vIl. The. horn, cluteh, gears «d em tii Gen., Johnsoni would b. mnuch mui-c "uPrcàsvo If he mbowed le" tendcncy ta substitutce etphsjlg or fact.-Detroit Free Press. 'WVhatt no Christmas ts lbt seI?*' stormc4 a custainer dowii gt the corncr last n.ght. "Vhsî kincf of a druiz store is this?"-Detroit News. Lincr Csrneronla with 22.00Ou.O of whisky &board sttamtd Intô New York harbor ta thec music of a pipe band. That'a a lot of ?cotch-To- ranto TelîgRam. An item f rom the studios teêlt about a writer whosc scenarlo waý so bâd that they !had ta rewrite it befôre, throwving lt-in ta the waste- ba.sket -Boston Transcript. r---7--- is riess 1 TimueLay 4;-«ibe.fuea eoed fiIhat, i ht-va iIlad 1 --.i a.-e k-rt thei.*lts 00

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