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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1934, p. 9

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THE WHITBY GA-,lTE k CHRONI'CLE, THURSDAy, JUNE 7, 1934 'arents, ofQuintupl ets Dazed byý Fame flCOtM~ion a~a PRNSJîin young marrled roupie lu ordlnary clrcumistances. OvIliia(ri-lit) and Elzire (left) sî'tyductur gave DIr. A. IL J lonne of ('orbicwi. Ont.. nyer puspecteil t bt (ey ivere to be the instr'umente of flie remankabie quin. Iia1foe skIl . to rare tfor the tupie b1rthla t ha, - furni4ied a mediceai and popular sensation. Their bix preylous chlidren bad ail IJionur ~ ~ ~ ,"re ..itî'r.I wubort sisngly. ?'OIZTII PATY, Ont, Iunie t Afttr .walting hiîrro 2,flous llavfi> Secn ttwoi-a n Dionnfo qintuîpiohiý. They "vare tiny, iwrinkled, roýd, but recry n<l.0 J. prfect-, Iv normal. Cov- erc-il to fleir ciiii with Alf t w o o 1en hlain k tI hîy look i 4e re jli phioto gra pli oýr 6OVnîisiro CIo e lanild , a nd fleirn -Allyn 1 arrlved at tfli ramsrbackie old trame bouse, 1fr. A.- R. Dafoe klndiy, but firimly, reftueed to let groshadairady Amessted a( the bfirtb cf ¶hr<ee 0f (lie <.1>1- dren before Dr. Dafoe arryed. REMEN'S PICNIC PICKERING on MQNDAY, JULY 2 Memorial Park- C.1i0;1i11n1îbian iParade i'rogrînin.t <of Sports DAN, IN lil EII I.NCUI3ATOR-rnder the glass top Offian Old-fashioned Incubator sent theni froîn i iiago, lire Of tihe famusDiouequItspIets art- scen above taking their case. Pespite sligUîtak cf <~iail f 11< oft his unusual brood are bellcved by DIr, Dsfoe te have an eren chance te survive if tliey Cali weather the first three weeks. anyone see the Infants then. He promlscd, thougli, tisat If we wouid wait a day, we could get just a short peek at the fans- ous Infants.' Af ter waiting on the. ponds whiie theio«cor naile ire eovery- thIng was all right. lie ushered us Into thse plin boarded bedroons where thse pretty 2 5-ycar-old me- ther is lying. She !ipeaks qnly French,- but 8he waved us a fnicndly greetlng and, îoiuted te ber "new" 'family. 1 wa.; ailowed te look through thse, lass5ntt he threo t1îest ba- hies whichi are ln tise incubator. To show us thse othen two, Nurse Yvonne Lau-ous carefully lifted back two wooien blankcîs< co ver- Ing the ciotises basket for Just a second and Ilion quickly puiled thse blaîîket.: back again. 'Wt're doiug our very best," Di'. Uafon tuld moP, "to kPep thr-ýc_ girls froint atching pnounienla ' That's wlîy mmallow few people te 1t00kl at tlîem."0 N i the photographier Ftood rcacly, thme rPi heroine of tho <'vont. Mr!s. EIziro Lionne. talked appari-ntly n' 'rc no .t li ciroe pprklcil as- sue pin cd te thet tùy Pink blanket. sever- al outfîtscf Ibab lcth-.sand evecn threc rahblt',;' foot tisaI haveý been sent to.her by Interested Ontario pleoptle. "W.'no~ nohinz,"sh 'had( tho îii~o in~rpe-t e.< *(-ver- one liàs 'Ocn $0 kirîd. Iii surn, we wtill be far hottrr off with 1!> cisildr n' than wc wpirç wits iv. tOntî ln thAit hg aro kiteisen, n huge black Irn a oa kotie, hoil eConsltant. Vien a ht1tie of the Iwatorr i, tîî'ed. th(% hired girl quickly polir. ln moîre and- puts' -lui3 z, 'i Y-f. f --x»~- I EEDING-Admnisterlng mllk to Psuch mites of hunsanity witi, an cye-dropper requlres careful skIIl, -but Dr. A. IR. Dafoo and hi!, iut.ty and i4rong. more wood on tise fine. On another part of thicý stove, a çidouhie-boilrr alwayýS i's in ulse, s bnnrilizing thse tiny çoye-droppers i~t~which tise, nurs-- foeds tise, babes their bi-isourly ratione and otè aise nýtnu1tntS n4cded in their M'lien the nurszes and dortor finally a1ýk<ed uis to lave, Dr. D-a- fosi saici. '*Don't tell anyone ln tise wlinle dominion that you 8.aw tîi'ý tablies. or we'll ho awamp)ed with Then we went ou*. to the0 barn'- aLc'ejJtheIjVJJU'netw quîizIuJI..Is yard to bave a tail:- with the. fat- er. We tound birr. -,1!1lin a dazo over The sui]doin iicaseinis faînilv. Vhtn lie talk'i aboli, lI'L i-hîldren. he caill thpm thec familv and' mhc' -'cXi" farniily Atter spendînq a day wit}s pro- mioters fror tise Wonid'- Fair, who hope to exhiit tho hbýý'ie-zin Chicago th*,,snnior. t*,à1- yoar-old fatho1r didn't know whîi2CýJ way to turn. "*Tbey offered me $54,OOP,*" lie told me,--"*but tise docton týa"s il,. mna'y mean ThWdsý,itjjcf at léas onie. child. "at am n i d,,*> c. c.eBaL oe- o Tbleust For nasSgmvior;..The Starling, An Unhonored MV YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? e t t -s&M And Unwanted Nuisance Emnteana.Iioé I il ondi~ç Etin yoe eMut* idC..moC.V/ e came -don cn4t1,» ~o med . C & . TokTabicis, ende once. Tbey wl the 4% stem and e i reli"e syeu qukkêiymmd penUamUtly, tMproveappeule, n and grneral beMth. D4p& . B #blfty, Wokms, 3 J KIaI lpp oeffl belk he7e end fut MOQ& » fr, Sib tmmd CZe, Ou FI a* ienE.s Cb boe e . TAIIL lwdmedWkT Mbsur .1M <o îeoewuul mdvheme. h. t'ader Wedote.SLL' H8.5 Stanhings are a. apeeles aI biraF, ',nwanted and unhonored In this 1,rovince. Their presence In ibis ,outryîde became a matter of 'fart about a de.cde ago. Their nofanlous practice of moestaîlor, eexPecIaIl- tn orchandiets and gar- diF-nf rý-. ook no marked, cogniz- ance for a -wiie. but a! tseit' po- ulath>m!ýî iirroamed two-fold. threc- ld r-fold. s<coffing at tise urge 'fir birthy contraI, the patience cf Mali knows no bounds naw. Starlings, detrlbed by ornitis- j lgists air a crisa-eros between It Ceo'w aud a raven. arene rftpec- bers et gardens. WIth tise vehe- nient jerking of their beaks and stronzly entrenched en wiry legs, tise birds pluek leaves off ahrubs and Plants of tender grovth In half. stealin- wbate'rer cornes ln ,their ,Ighit at wiII, iaugbîng attise lhaine of van4al"a,. Jfated and detestcd by marn, despised att7unbetniendiod ob; robins, Ostawas*43 *ost bC!oved cltizens of thse air. and unadmined Nnd feared hy busy scavengers of the gtreits uid 'yways, SPa"rows, the,,ese 'a!-llngr; .vincp 'he-or de!!- beratiens iiihonî-plannîng. eu are bt-ing bhulit in alCovc;ý nfij wherever h'io-ý anc proculrablo 1 around iîeuFes. They lyt o rSwamps *îv et matërial wih whieh to -,,rqnizdwork; , i ýy dant (o gardons fon leaves Ite ia«'- downines« in tise nesta; tisev sally forth, bter and thîther. feýr twigs to foras au ericagîng bul- waniK for tiseir love-nests. Once thein homts are esaai,. - ed and thse nearng of the youllg J a thing of Important duty, ;ard- eners begin to lament at tise inre- Prabie Ioss oI prieeles sud 111e- plants; bouuwvu utter an uni- versai <chorus et plaInt and val Over the unstgbtly mess, no creat- ed, ln close Proximity to neats: town and city authorities, ac- cording to pres reports here and there, delve Into ways and- means for methods of destruction. The happy refrain of cawing and tihe holding ot tea or council ln tree-tops is an answer to our direful machination and cunning-, ness to get rid of theni. Thisweek a man la town hap- pend t ee througb a window a bold starling pulllng away a grern 'Pepper plant by rooýt and ail. and hauling thse cargo Iu its beak. His patience was abused beyond nieaizure. He went out for a lad- der. T',king a potato burlap, the indignant citizen went uD the lad- der, knowing the presenco of the nest. having been ln thse dark as to the ways of lIvin.- among thse cold-blooded birds, plugging thec bol1c vwiîh the sack. Having fInish- ed hlp Joib of vengeance. dev oid of pity or ýsympathy for t.he fluturo brightness of tamily-raising, he put the ladder away. From a point of vantage, th~ mian watclsed the starllngs; wheli they returnect from breakfast. T hey e vidently became -surprlsed at the futility of reaching the scene of- their love Idylls. Later on the birds gave up anid flew to a tree-top and seemily beld a council. The satlsfied gardener went his way to his place of work. mneditating on the next manoeu- vre of those birds having held a congultation ln that tree.-top. As an appendîx is an undesir- able part of inan'.g human organ- ism., so are -tarling an unwanted part of nature. CENT A MILE!l ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS -gIN WESTERN CANADA C3oinTg DateFr: Dally June 10 to 3C> Returu Limit: 4ý Da-ys TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PRILEIGES On payment of a sllght addition. ai passage tare charge for eaeh person touriat sleeping car ai-~ commodation may be secured nt regular rates. Stopovers -graTlted at Port Ar- thur, Ont., and ýall stations West thereof. Full particulars from any a&gent Canadian Pacific N Pieckering News ÉICKERIbtG, June 4-Mr. a.nd gMs. E.,Graiger, of Toronto, wcre russ fM. and, Mrs. A.' Boyes on Sunday. Chester and M.\rs. Butt and young iaughter visited wîth fnîends in Oakwood -on Sunday. George and Mrs. Law, of Tor- onto, wcrc week-end visitors with the Misses Law. Mrs. R. Douglas and son, of Tor- Onto, visited with the M\issès Bunit- izg on Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Lapp, of Littie Britain visited witliiber niece, Mrs. J Smsith on Sunday. Miss Joan Muir, of Toronto, has becn visiting I- M. and- Mrs. Mon- Iey Élis weck. Mrs. F. Wiman, of Peterboroughi, and Miss Dorothy Wiman, of Cour- tice, wcnc week-end visitors wvith _Mrs. A. Burneil and son, Russell. F. F. Balsdon and family. oi Bur- focrd, A. H. Clark arnd farnily and Mnl. and MNrs. S. Charlton, of Lake- field, Mrs. 0.' Cooper and Miss Phyllis Cooper, of Toronto, Wecre Suinday visitors with W. . and Mrs. Clark. The aannuil I.O.O.F. service in the United Chiurchi on Sunday eve- nling1 was 'ivcll attcndcd by the brethrcn -ofîhe local io-dge. Mrs. G. W. Iarker. entertained a suimber of ladfies at bridge on1 Thiursday aftcrnoconi. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hall -visitcd vit1h fr>n-id. iii TorontQo on Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Nlurkar xvas ap)point.- cd presidetît oi thclie:>ckerîizg XXX- îîiens Itîstittute at the annuai miert- ing of tlhc branch, which wvas hicld at tlic i0 onmo! Mrs. J. Munkar. Othier officers inclidcd, let Vice- I're,;ident, M'%iss A. E. Richardsoni: 2nd, Vicc-President, Mrs. R. H. Cr-,lnk: Sect.-Treasurcr, ',\rs. A. WV. MNitchell: Fiower consmittce, Mrs. N. Banks, M\rn, Ç. Law; Wclfarc Coni., Mi s. C. A. Strrritt, MNrs. E. Andrew; Mý\usic- Crni., Mrs. F. T. Jluntilig, "Mrs. W. C. Mi\urkai', Mrs. D. Cailagliani; Diretors, Mrs. Cart- wvri.-ht, Ilr. . A. Newnîa-i, Mrs. \V. 1. Br a v, Mrs. W. J. Clark, 'Mrs. ,1. Mccllin, . M1r s. N. Baiiks5, 1M1rs. Ci. Law, 'i3 J. Drapcr, M1\rp. A. Cý Dinv-nd. 'Mr. E. Andrcw., Mrfs. Il. H. r, r. J. Antirrvý, Mrs. R. P.1îrniý. t-s. C. A. Sterriit, 'Mr s. E.J. Wasliî, M -E. C. joncrs; DititDirrtor, Mrs. R. Il. Cronk. Dominion Cov't To Stop. Relief Ottawa, June 4.----Atter Juise 15 Jr Is expected thse provinces will be able to take rare of direct relief wlthin thpir bo rders. Honi. W. A. Gordon. - ministér of labor-, mos adtho ed. is roincialgeomern lias adhied aI rincialggten-s covering direct relie contribi- tions from the Dominion wIII be OýREAT 'FresI, irom extended ln their prtnuti that date. Premier Henry, of Otro lias since announeced tlittt [ho, Province will conltinuel( its pty- inents after that date. It is bhope~d that duin-ýg thr summer monthsi t t 1ast tUicpro- vIices and nincipalies h LAWN MOWERS S. ALL PA FARM MOW K] SFH HEATERS, ELEC REPAIRED. CALL-F0- RUSSEI Centre St. Soi k. LEADINO CITY Pi AND BARGAIN-ý TheGazelte and Chronicle is very pIeawe announoe that it j; now, able to cffer its reà their choice of The Toronto- Globe or Toronto Mail and Empire in combinîation The Gazette and Chroni cIe'at -the amazingly price of -$5.30 for the two newspspers. PI. remember this offer may be withdrawn at time. Therefore, we advise prompt actior YOUR CHOICE 0F The. Toronto Mail & Empire or The- Toronto Globe Thé Gazette and- Chroile Regular Velue BOTH FOR- ONE YEAR I FOR ONLY!I 5Y Mail Akleh-iri in c This Off er Co For a Limited &s'vn &acunce4b or ïU& muvuu a fnd OGAZETTE

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