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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1934, p. 10

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Graduating Cia..ti at Oathawa Hoapital 7raining'SchooI OIMIB F THE 1934 GRADVATING CIASS l>or 'Is.'u.v a group ~ i~ tzb's of flu te 114 graduating -lrl-su of thqe O--hawia (eneial Mos- taI 'Vraill;.Lr Srol), iwho rec'ulvi-il tfluc'iv <li>nlyc, fl8ampinm ancd prize.4 ntthie 0CVauditorium n lqnflcut 0ù41,t, '11w mcmberm in the cgroup are as follows: rient rim.-rtef o yrglt: F'r:tncès arvie. Britlion.3Mary Lhsnrfheath. Viiîridgr: fih'atricv Cr.%-)crnian, rylwnn hc';~lIe.l'XM ilt ,um-', %pc'rjyltcitlant of inurses; EliaIle l fod auleiî'luiglit. ýrtolklin; tt.ai c' (lork. Nws'imtle'. an<Iintr. Ic'ft if) riîiht: Ils'lc'n FecIe. ).a liaura Halberf. Thortitoit; NIarizieritc' Tcrr, 0'Oh. il UOSPI1AL ES ~R~DUAT[ )AY EY[N1N~ . A. Sorsoleil, Dcput3 Minister of Public WeI- fare, Deivered Impres-1 si-ve Address to Memnbers of Graduating Class a:r"ivaH n id t givsae PMme' a î~, 1iiiiîî. '-iîtlopngo ig 11# ru-o. toutîa rlii. ' hijs woui riv et l Ivîg i îît lî- wilviluiclt 1c4 ,îîid aijîl ýý i> t' i' ii lr eIf'i'.. In i'lîaiuîX i i 'alj - r ( 1 )Lat :F rilg ti r) n cxpc'tr th. nici. niicjpin.th" rc'"t'.-of.Rs 141h1 ~ îît tî î ihif o f tis flic' l - l r P,-~ 'f 1. .. lnr- ph t hI pjl is tit i <If ir h(% cil- of n_ d- -I i l 111% htllfitiit î it' f"rI li'r"tlltr -o Otî'i'iîît ijit hnra 411.' ui' 1 d-t l \ in'%Vil 1 t îr l v11ý Iug' lan hc t lis, fi foiW ilti ' t'bîî- -rI t î i'i t xirli. ~ rîln s Il,( at 1 r lac 'zon l-, j r- - ilt'Pî,1n. -dîîcation use c iditftîlitt", '~' Il il j ii tI l 1' - ilr'o- nail 1 ri-lfg ,i<iî %,- hcI ef,_ a ri, b j 1 t n' îîtr ' NI e l a tiIl '-lis'> #j Ii o' ril that - nothinI 0 lr ia fi l 1 1 i l 1 %' nr P'n Vt' Finn"i' oIl n-' fIf l for a cauiç g *jî'i lp"îîc a 'i h n ' " lu<%V ' 01 îl ' I1i. 1 bru Iip Iy lift-. Ii u pri, -sa 'tî hie anfit-iti , -:;I, ira 1 ;ltiru 1 ', : 1 a '2ý "-rp M rapt1001(Ild140with thf 'ap i l . .s fh u Iî-ît il i In$ î 1 '1 ( i- î r ii'. Andî prayc rs -'e lia( tunghidi' îw~ 'Ioîeîr a nrd F he- '- aha Ic) N hîit),i f, i 'lcî,Il. ;if l'Y v .fI rfn t ho swislircs of thp l-Itsp e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a ttrrrnfxic' '*n a ilrd, ith(, Bouialrutrd aili las ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tX Mt'ifitî. e 1riîgStaff.- thi 0tý haw a <';-"-;l lt-j'tDr. lJartir'y LPeIV1 oard '. -%lilug thue, ilcîa tcî ). Hart ley Lçiwii. Pres4idrnt oý RAI W. P.'l'an1o, (If Siraî-î" u ha Medicai Board. ln a -nc'ail reet I'nlted (t'hnrr', wr-lcicîuil drîiIît, nîr-afionoil t'iic> <-O)perat;lnu oîn dru-~~'îr n i l i- t lib \:i t';~f-".'"r e c~ thAiiî fîîr îîil- n' i- tfrid t'r e n .- anitt inPew r flulto ilsi' , i'. vI luhîlis,' lîî ng nu dne the i 9:>4 laý, OUg9ti î'fi k 'l u'al fi 1' it U init he n tiraining, aîl j u waý C i tliiî VIl AVX. t. tNI ' Il ai ou'î-ýrn uiurr" l hau be'n - -il( . m leîià il 11;1l~e it'n"'is, . Ir, fi i n "r'rf li, asba it, an -ax A. . ni j î -t a -e onI4f lb" ' ilîui u'ltl W(-lias îhes Puysi î~ri. \j' 'i l..It lii Idi t-Iti "a .1î afi l -îanic, tinie develop1 ptiî-uîtit+u rtif îî&' ' u] IsidI ihcller araetspr and the pe-r"o -- A. S""-l aIitîý fflihenurse. In - enderlng Mi. . 4or:soIe11 ls conrîîatuîlations to tho grouT Mir. Zor l)iki: saW it] th-ni' t < un i f yotng ladies, hie felt confideni had t- I n los.' I a lîî * a1 it irev uilîd fil! a htgh pitte taeure m'I i ,' a i l4jifsiî ' ciiosen pr'otc"psiouîi. rt fit-g,îlî,- \t ' 1f'Tri he' Pret.sratioî of lbý ung pI ' n- l" i. rrî..-îVl", i' " M rl.S1 i. - rc'-u i a Ifcirt i admit ibi ai n ,e"fXn'wtirrin"Ir. Smorte. in wiiicii he ex- ze tii h llvi- .au id tnlii.Nti fIc-i nciî'uî cinhratilatiOllt- Mto îî fer p 'op<cî 'cii'. idoarFarre c ry'- tlv lvit nni'eFp and t a ;k Pd NI r ;l)zd, l. îg tî-~pîi w cu' ulî'lIt- liarad tori '<tchî'nù' t l le h itt i. tufai fl mTmi, bu' rira! l iCnuionîpîcu' fui' ý-hIth lh ujgW , it: 'fit lI.îtxoîjiiaid it -as bnpso1 t hrIx -would fi ni( wuse 1h Cit uiTnrz'df"u'liîun i at 'rtthr'ir nuraluir pvrofe5p<îIo- îdun~ a'riî-1fi n ni T. K. Uî'eigliiîu, on iheýhiul? o) îurFfo ui llit' "'-' " -1 f fi lsi H spltnîi Board, tîliki-ithei iri il ailu'rati ' im i.' , h i Isuzni N i h i r K r!t i y~h iseov alc al ult 1', - a (I t l f i, prizoý and ç rîi<a ,r! *I pý for S~' wtuij ni \' t' iiavd itot 't thc ait rý:ea nit Isî:Is ne i- i.rautetr"l itiu-1'. 7 'b' lsi1)ia-tPies re nc' >ppc' -cai'N-u ri'd,-htig it f Tht' t'hairrnan. Mr. Sch414~l. i- îî or îil '.-t r'-pu ir-r ', %j1jerd for t hIe prr-n a i ion I<'f u ifut ant s w-a~ini on -'-- iJ. D. StmiroN - il otarsiIII, fùr rn it Part cf i P' I lu i 11P iii' s Ajh ral] prctfiîienes' icka w "ardoit ti "Theproa'nî tc-a loi woiidMiý-Q 'Eliza l. Dc1..,and Pre-nîc' it f-jua;Il .-b- rtI tm wa u-'-wMineruo h' XAr- e ~ ~ ~ ~ ;!c tlij n evî'c' l mz' V hi ja 'rhip or ilprc-îlc'f r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,ý ýr-i'i.'~'--t . tiiti paramti-ai work. and- M c ~ i-in ' ' n uî-r.t- -îX Iij-X îx h. w i l <fthé i-.nîrlî~ nttî n~ ' ~' îd Jl III trz, t4tharl-s Rî'son ihirhl irt~sfkuji' ' ii- f' "-for' tiiûflrncy li ohsýtin.t'u'n r-Il tn' ~ .-.r r nli. -tlrîA- i<î c-ýt f wî". -- r rre. tilt w'- un ~-tz n n :Ttiî~ -- f- ' hiMr, . schçiu Ii' -la t at " - b if t a t, e .t a~-n wn i-hr 'j 1, V,- ~ ~ -t- - -'!u t' itn" , Xru'uz'o, fo'r. u - ~ ~ ~ w. wl:îa 'i' a'-T.\ut -Iî o I utgu u. - 'i t "' ' 'Xi .- 'ti ndi-t i - fr' i - iÊt-arixh. lii'-nil t' ta l"u mark-Rtin1 ,t ni atefr t'a -i-'! r - Dr. (Crint tB1rr'. rizo for high- il pîvi ý n î,itfiatrir- walz it l'î'd it .~e~1n priz- 'tf.c p ofiî',tîcý i n practical ïtv'n . a aardî'îi tb 'Xli., aliiî<> hî <~n r i y Mis, pnit fi. 4lt an O"rat£;Vil t rnl"iperi o s Jimior Vrai,'Pri zes ~îp"irf'n"ît ..prize for pro- fi. l v' in pî'a v'tica 1 n u rs in g, -iç.r aund jr"bîtc Y Mîîïs ac: Ngit vxi~ursprize for '. lemarcî i"'E'cl N 'it'ifi- TIî' î*nî"r()f tjîî3graduatin-g ;)v Arnîuîr. >lî a' El!za Dick. I-yndfo rl uj t4.,\jiuîl îîn jIiglîî Broîi.l'iii i îan I )îîîîiî ea t h. Ux. H '. cntl'l"î îi .. i >l a w a; ra ri Val la ci-, <4 Il il -,vii R ay3e3 <'7la rlç, N ýw(i '; 1 i ar ru eri t n Terrv-, Osliawîi 1,l"a îrii'r'('rydrerman. B0%wii1 IIjjlr' ri cisH D r vcy. liriglit.roi. Mr . FIî. 'layNfiru end 'tif i r r)f' Th anrikqgi vi r g witb Mr. Rieg. Gec"n, accomnpan.' limi. werc' wpi] rtcc'ived TluyberF unî thîe prograîn. ~ON$RVAIDYIN Mns. C. O. Northover, To- gronto, and Dr-. G. L. i Bird, Oshawva, Speakers e ~ wt-' "t-.y'ore thr' Co;iîicr'ra- an-,- Lpo.rtart-1 b i;'d lt nle inarere.is of the f'oirer'aîi'e cari- d!dati ,Erni- e t J., u) l-itake I plae ln the o 'IX' gth ip Hall in ralk.itfor Oji2it u"lu, -tandar time cia nida v itiehir cf t ihi w e ïc» 'k w1iic'n u hr. rr-cia1 i -takrr for the ocra'-iutn xWl]]biMr.(C. 0. N\rtrhrivePr ru",» Tjinto. 'slo i. t imoat, prcumin-r.' h i b i:î-îjji oif th*- gîc- i <f 1lite Empire an eat imilar orzrizaîîon't among -Iwhoi-e e nior-lîtp rbse ts reno- nized as an oufahaniii spe«ker n f Other ,pfakrrsr who wi' 'take the ibaffertii on Friday wlll bcu -iDr. trcî I , 'Il off 0,S ba i.a, u who ja '.t rrtnonuîtl as a licadlir in all wor.ý for tht lîcrie;fit - 0f he C ntnt.-for s<im -timae, -'and ot ion srupporters of thi-> CP-tm Thf_-"HIc-irial candidateirIn sup- ront of ii ho Ifenry CG.ernmùet Enuit- Mark.- -tf Oshawa, 'sill aizo r ak , r' ppolttrturiiy o-f addro-týz îrtg [t' - 0 T-c:Vuns . î ill !:î e first opportunity' crr-ated for MnI. Marks to addnes5q the vo*ens inî «wnv itrai pinilimuz *tib-dj'vjioý 1 41tboug1hi tu'inL- the If-et f - -, u'-7t-eks îl' bas met thorusanr!s un i rt'~~]' ad ad d- j. ruiraici'15y iMis ,rîeiht-formzird .'i.M ;wa c-un FScugo;- e 1ir(i antd uhr rirailliu u' >divisions titi s. eraI day'î <of Ihastwk ant or ng p a utv on the a-nunnffrîn ihat prtrnal u'tt *" î ýe'-"r'-voter u.t. - t t i i nIn tr-i sre 5Ut.-j on-- . a Pnuseco -by. I -t- ,M- :-jarc' ccinm:.uL:rv u,- %-ve' hen sh.ppcd - i--tri another, mrust --r-. tthe u.c!es cf t A ;,.unaeu nrth-, tý1- irý -tiVi"îs tt Ii ear mwty a t1 ic nft ' à yevar. nami-'h' w>', ; ,;î -. - If ~ ALL'S WELLTe Captain's at th-e »When-storms are raging its a comforting thought that an experienced captain, a man of courage and resourcefulness, issafeguardîng the lives of the passengers. Now with the.storm of economic hardship and depression passing and Ontario business safely hé'aded towards'the harbor of better times, it is being suggestcd tw the people of Ontario that they transfer Ontario's resources from- the capable -hands which piloted them safely through ùae the financial crises in thic ivorld'i history. I1t is, becing suggested to the province thiati remove' fr'orn the experien'iecd hands, of th administratîon the tr'ustceship-of itsarc forests, its mines and :-ts va;-icd i nd u,, trhus. The voters are being given a- suggestion' s9hould tfansfer their billions of diollars of as ONTARIO, CANNOT AFFORD-' TO EXPDE The province nceds the constructive, courageous pro gramt to1 the Conservative Governrnent is pied ged. S* ig nd: THE LIBERALO~CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA-TION 0F I MA' Cons-ervative CandidaeFr0naf Is a -supporter of, the Coverniment of Premier George.' S. Henry.-TFie Captain who has brought Ontarîo seafely through th2 t f.ims, Covernment's constructive program. YOU CA&NNOT oie- or A&FFORD TO EXI mie _FOURTEN - ERNIE ý..7 rolild give ,ýxrorp-s- THE - WHITBY. CAZME & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. IUNE 7- 1934

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