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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1934, p. 2

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111EWHITY GAZFE BÇ CHRONKLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1934 N'OW A Mon rnen t to F ith and piest years of their girîhooti it per- varies evtry memony of tai lime. it is n atin.crelv- tht- place wherc t-hvx- went ti, scltool-it is their 'coI. That personality howcver is ii ') nnenly acaientic. *Il neaches bark ta som e of-the: mosi Splendid thintis i n (anatiian ltistory., It is lhe syutbol of thte ostquest of a ,ai-agr uauntry by gracions anti iohi,- rivilizatitri. Ils builder lefi an îmmdrelible stanip-upon îil of bis ovnlife anti chat-acier and any hit~'ry hrcwver incompiete, whîch e(:t n ernF t tKelFt-w-m hils work, must Cf neccs!rtv be i îviîbs carter. Whlun from the comnfortable- se- -Clritv of our own lives in the On- tarir) cf tr-day w-e look hack a cen- tuiry to-those of our torefathers the spectaclr appears la be one of un- tmitting iufo.ur, lbardslîip andtil, -rt ini ihose dayg fomance was a constant vmsiîcr mn Upper Canada Sixty Yars - m Olitçtnnllîng girls,' dol iy Stu>d 1ents trmî.Ih itudian Nationali Railway on lthe - M NR. Uptown t' i B 4 Bo'-the Ticket Aient igratl ations. r. idi <) la n imop mnns bt* te maam wh ring t-s te (>narIl LaIe' eieg<s t eogrstl~Iîisfor .jubll"e Y~a. - 'la fît. II-Of any intitution. May il ea )llIgf te qdawýn or tm'w rra o!surcesand Mercantili Store Whitby 'b I '4 hs~ '4 le 4 I. 4 I. L Iw~ ar Castis,ý Now- 10 La.dies' - College t -as Counêtry _Homo luilt ini Perioci of.1858-1861 by Sherifi bert Reynold-Its BUty and Signifie le UnsurpasSCdin -That Pcrod-Purchas-, ýege for Girlsi îi 1874, Through Effort of ,and School Was Open.d That Year Baccalaureate--Servi'ce, OnSunday Nigh't. Nx in Whitby United >Chu-rc*h The celebration of" the Dia- mond Jubilee wIll - be fittingly opened on Sunday. night 'with the annual baccalaure4te, service to ber held in the Whitby United Churcli. This service has been heid, onci a. year thronghout the histery of the coliege andthis year, of course, has special signi- ficance. 1 With'cap and gown, the fifteta graduatft will march to the church from the coliege and on thoir arrilal at the house ot wor- shlD -wlli te.umhered Into geats specially reserved for them. These seats yull, as In the pasi, be- speclal ly marked. ýOther students of the coliege, logether 'with the members of Ibe faculty, wIll also attend in a ýbody and OCCUPY special seats. as the lires of many of its ctizens can téâtify. Nélson -Gilbert Reynolds, Esq., was boït'n in Kin~gston iit thcetar 1814 îin the midst of the war then ragiug hbetwccn the Unîted States and Canada, -Before hie attaîned bis twentY-firstî year lie had served in tht army -both ini England- and as -an pificer oÈ the S4th rejeument, o4-'the Hludson Bay Service,-been clecte te c parlianient as member fer the county of Hastings ,,and bicorne a,,houatbolde-r and- the head of a family-rathcr a remiarkable record ýin' whit we scornfully terni the "slow old. days." In the rebllion of 1837 lie raised and cq6nmanded a troop of horse ini the interests of the governflient but his loyalty ivas suspected - nd he wias ,fQrced to fice for hislife acro ss the border afier havig been scvcreiy w*oundtd in' thé strugglc. Ht laier surrendercd himself and was triedfor high treason, of which charge lie was hionourably acq.uitcd. 1 During zniddle life he held many municipal offices both in Belleville tand l1ater ini Whitby, where in 1834 h le was appointed Sheriff. t Trafalgar Castle was built by ;him as a privat reýidence during rthe period 1858-61. ýAccording te itht "Whitby Watchman" its mag- tnificence and its beauty -were un- surpasseti by any other building in the Dominion and when ont looks at the lovely proportions of the roims of thet nain building, the siately beauty of the hall and its staircase, the exquisite workman- sliîp of tht ceilings even iiow aftcr six .ty years of change, in tht' cyts of ail those who have fallta bc- neath ils speli the splendid old maision' remains incomparable. No elaborate description of tht size and number of the rowns or lengthy lisis of the enormous amounis of building, material used caln adequaiely descrîbe tht almost feudal dignity with which tht castît stooti out amung* tht rambling .homesteads andi shops of tht uitle town. It becamne the centrc of the finest social life of the cotinty. Many remarkable people. came under its hospitable roof, ýarong whom Prince -Arthur ivas perhaps tht niost distingyishiet. Upon this occasion there. werc festivities of ail kinds but tht great eveni for whichi Prince Arthur had graciously consenteti te bc prtsent was the laying of tht -first rail of tht Whit- by-Port Ferry Railroad. With suchi high hopes and -under such augusi patronage, diti tht "Push" set oui ini lîfe. lit 1874, hiowcvcr, the loveciy house ttln in tht becy-day of its youtiî passed inmb other hands and upon .iat day iii bistory as tht home of tht Reynolds f anily ceased andi tai of O.L.C. began. Drarnatic and interestingr is-ts 11f c hati been hefeîoforc its sutiden inetamorpîtosis fromn a privatebouse int a college bad in it elcinents scarcely less splendid. Its purchase did not oiy mark thià ..,hange -in tht life of tjit buildinef iî;elf but it rcprcscutted a triumph' for tht iervid Protestanîism of thet- Utle town and tht inauguratîin of ont of the firsi great educational insti- tutions tf tht Methiodist Church in C.anada. In %vriti ng Ibis sket ch it bhas been niccrâsary to deli-e back among !)Id books and papers -andi records andi calendars 'andi sucli like for lacis anti fables conceîing tht historv of th1 r school. Ont of tht miosi inter- iiflg glimpsc s of ils very begii9- The pulpit and choir loIt iWin be suitably decorated-wlth Doôw- ers by a committee of- Caitle Chapter, Whitby.- Tht sermon tb the graduattai ivili ho preached hy one Ut the mail onutstanding, mon lu the Uni- ted Chureh of Canada, Rev. R. P. ]lowits, D.D., L.L.D., Chanicellor-' Emeitus of Victoria 'University. Chancellor Bowles, It lh--teit, bas honored the college by consent- lng to preach' the Baccflaureate. sermon -on tise ubi1ee occasion.. Specini and appropriat tmusic will be rendered by tht choir. In honor of the occasion, tht congre-gation of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church harf cancel- led is evenIng, service and the minister and. members wilI at- tend the United Church service. are of amiazemenita îLte present generation ai O.L.C. 1kaw in tht w-anti did omnte tet iilaeatennis in a busiie! 'Tie dining-noom used le bc wlitre the Damestic Science Reoiis-nlovsitualeti, anti for ex- erciSe afier dutîmer one might do tht 'grand chali in lte main hall upstairs. Six girls and à' box steve occupieti Nin*e Main. People -entt to'bled by iamîpigbt niostiv. Anti twmce to churcli on Sndays. Mie carliesi calenttars warncd people flot bu give w-ay to thicir tiaugbuen's fanicieti requiremitents in dress and cahiedth ie Lad- l'i'ittciliai "A Fe- malec Educator;',' but PCC)Mc ivere remniidslcthen i asnow that IheY wvrre litre b sindy! 111 1876 lImetwas ont graduat, 'Muss Liîîie Gray, M.E.L. This year lhicrc- arc îbirty. 1Bctwetmithetwtio exbrremt lre stretches a long, iomm;-ine of wvonien who lived in tht eoc ltai wve îow eau ours, w-ho lovedtihie orchard iii te spring anti te white punuby cf te winter fieldis; upoi wiose lit-es lte olti house casl a spehi w-hici can mever bc rternà,ec se titat thîey cannai recail ils beauty witlmout rcjoieing. Titere is anm aid feudai custont cailed iziig wherel,tb th mon- are-lt delivere-ltip tm b s barons tht tilles la bite lands lie hitid in fief 6"taî titet andi tthimî lieirs forci-en." Tht bond w-as a piece of-tburt cul fr' 'mn bbhe IFond iboumt t,-)bc given hy 1tuler to subjeci. lb \vas a double contracb for it -bouindth e 1w-e 0- getiher beiicatli an ',atit of elernal fcalîv. \Viîoevcr gars ouIt ram, O. L. - las taken 'hieî7ing" oaI Iheîr AIhia Mater. I<nrCs-r aller, part of al ltati s gocil andI noble hbeloigs to ber and ine 1 t m sitelLas laid îîP4n them îh -gn o! htr love anti Ïr'o6d'sess W114ib ean res-er cease te influence 1hui 'rivcs t.wird aIl that*is lovely anti trmme. Goose is a traie-niame conimnonly arpiie t 10 urum w-bcats in generai': aibhougli tht whlitzrown untier this namne appears ta lbe practicalîy identiral ilm the î-ariety' krown as Arn au tka. In Canadalte distiilery inninstni- pro-ides the larg-st intistrial et- ,(ct for surplus rv. Smal amounts a re useti for h-mrnufoodi praducîs vhîblte a considenable proportion is, YIIUN6 FFEO!LE ARE tRey, P. L Jul, B&A. Gave Fine -Addrcas et Oshwa Preachîîng b a large congrega- lion. in Kiug Street Uniteti Chunch 'Orshawy, on Sunday,« Rev. F. . Jui, B.A., of Brookian, gave an iin- spiraliô, nai atidress in which lie drew to the attention of tht young' peopleý their inevitabie cdestiny atm being lecaders in the mmcxi genera- lion, and advjsed thteIoder people that il ivas their duby, ta assîst in sbapiîg' tht amùbitiotis oi tht Young- er people that their leatienshlp say makt of-the world a belter place ini whiclî 10 live. Takiug as bis lext, Mark:9; 35, "Jesus calleti a lîtile chilti anti set Itint inithe midit of them," lte mimislersaiti that Christ warîedti t comvty ta lte crowti about Him taI it the heant of a chilt w-as the Kingdomý of Goti. Il w-as signifi- tan t, tee, thal Ht cheose young men t bcbe is disciples. "Amîy hope w-e may have for ta- monroîv lies in tht litants and îmis cf'lte youtmg people -of -ta- day," Rc!V. lr. juil ciaimeti, anti asketi tht older people-parerits, Snnday Schoei teachers, ichool teacîtrs-l-o realize tLe stragetic pesition of duty tiîey bold ini rela- tion te bthetltousantis cf boys andt girls w-La cvery >veck in tht prov- ince of Ontario become ef age. To the Young people he said tho kingdom o! botter thlngs ie- pends on you as you take yoîîr places ln industryAn- la cence, lu commerce, Iu chîtrehes, ichools, governments and la soclety, andi declareti that ail these challeng- ed them to be pnepared. Ile warned them of tht dangers of cock-surness, o!f eansomenss gand aimiessntîs, and decried te transiet spirit which- items so, prevaient owing 10-- econontie conditions. He thought tht -wonld w-ouid not bc too badl.y off If thcyo w-tnt no funther mechn'c ali!N,1provements for thése _t fit ty- yeams, and advocated that enengles ho bent la produce con- ditions - whereby more people could cnjoy tht products o! ln- dustry and science. Ht thought that toa mueli stress had been given la tething people to ho preparedti bdie In- stead o! preachiag--the, need of Christ and getting Ytftdy to lve, and. based the assertion on tce fact that lb vas a Young man's dreans that the Kimagdom o!fCati shoulti corne to earth, andi this Young man dared to dît on tihe cross that His'drcam mîght tome truc. During thé, service the choir sang a beautiful -anthem, l'Great la Thy Mercy, Lord," ia whlch the solo part was sang by l4ss lt-cnt WInters. Donald. Alîman also sang Very effectively as a solo "Beautîlul hIe o! Some-. where." Mns. Robert Halden preshded at tht organ. PRFJSBYl ltERIANS19, Contract Aw.arded Io use every means in his koiver .às pevent cytj:. e heoiI io f h ropofmninterested in the projeci juta inIecdiate ac- îuon. The money iwas raiseti anti a tCk ompany iormed- 'vho pur- cliased tht Casîle, organized ;L board of Dîrcturs. with jaincs Holden, a resident of thetîoiî 2 cqually interested wiih Mr. Sander- son, as its. first President, andi thte College was siarted upon the long1 road of itsls hIe, The olti book lu which the re-~ cords of those. first meetings arc kept is almosi falliniz b ,pittes. Mam-of tht men whose nantes arc wzitten therein are longz since dead, yet despitt tht clerkiv style- in ". hich_ tht by-laws, motions and re- ::îarks art couched, ta read îhem ;:i la reacli back îmb ijie past and to:uch the livcs of their autbors. Ont feels that Ibis n%çant more to them Ibmn a ment business enter- prise. T0 many mi waà a malter ci gecat personal pride and interesi. On. S;eptember 3rd, 1874, accordîig ýci the minutes, James Hoiden, 1 >'sid(nt. and -John Rict, Secre- xcv,~ re authonizeti by the Board lu, ,retscrit an address of welcomc 1 *V Lord and. Lady Dufferin, who rame on thit day to, inspect tht cuile;ge before Î*s formai opening. I waS a great event in the life of the commuity, there vert ever- green arches and brais bandis. and so with good f niends and gêû wîsh- es O.L.C began a Ief which bas continnued for fi1 ty 'years in unîn- tcrrupted lionour and good fortune. Here, and there ins the grav-e dig- nîy of tht minutes appear ini spite of theurve human touches con- cening lte ife oithe scitool whicis are both inberetîig and aumsing. -5 In n place sandwiched betweea SOSIe iMPe'rîaJst MOtÎons Joshua For1 Erection of tihe Upper Storey Work oi completing thet new superstructure ot Knox Preshyter- ;an Chîrch, Simeatc St. N., Oshawa, comimencedti oday by the contraât- ors, Bathe anti McLellan. w-ho wvere iawvarded tht cantract lait Friday. Incomversatin wiih ntembers of the buldîR crnmtte ofthecon- rga Itni was leanne t hat the <lecision 10 complete tht buildinîg at the present hem b as been founti imperalive owing la tht present quarters in tht basement beîng tac, small ta accomodate the gnowing congregatia«, Trhe plans for the superstructure, which werc.prepartd by C,(. Sien- lhanse, larchitecî, cals- fan an tn- largement os-en tht original plans, 1 ntd an extension w-ili be matit ai ! tht east end anti when completed itJie church will be .10'x 75 tee:.' Tht building wili bc of red brick finish- cd wiîh white artificiai stue anti windows of cathedrai glass.- Tht entrante willJ bc at tht ce-- tre aven w-hich a tower finisheti wiîh a tunnel effect wili give thet building an imposiug appearance. At ecti side there w-tii be transepts about 10Jx20 icet. Tht inteniç,r--wîi be of a travatînt finish mnarketi off in ailblar block eff ect and will he in quiet color tomes. in additio>n to the regular pews in tht auditorium ihere w-iil be a gaiicry at the West ceti which w-iil accomodate upwards cf 125 people anti the seathng capa- city whcn citmpleted I yulprovide for 'appr6xumnately 500 people. The florswill be of Izardwood w-hile the înf erior Wood tnirn wili be 'oi fir. Tise work undertaken todzy vas tearing tiown -part cf tht cid 'brick worlc anti it i xptcttd that opera- tions -wili be hastened vhfds will permit of the corner stone being laid tome lime befonre the end. of tht present ,mo th. Bath. andi McLeilan wiut bandite ail construction work w-îth thte- ception of the elecîr-ical installaton; 1cr, vhich separat tenders wert asketi and 9ie conîraet for titis vii be awa-dcd this aiternoon. Whii.- no details as te tuht of construction w-as available, il is estirnatti bitItht btiit vibe valueti aI upward4 of $35M00. It is hopedti t have lte edifice ready for U_*e ,fr eentd of Auzust esis-n defylng that law. Apnil 30 w la te bame. vssa thepreducrs r p anfr Sales of hogs te stock yards and Petiod' lait OURBEST W TO THE COLI On the sixtiethi anniversar of thei of the. Ontarlo Ladies' Coilege i. obs.rved, nezt weelc, w. are pleai aur congratulations and gocd wish, College continue to b. an asset to the. commumitv at large. 'Richardson'& Jac I REAL ESTATE INSURA - - - - - - - - - COGGRATU1Al Ontario -Ladies--- Undorwood, Elliott, LIMITED Bran clu-siiiail Prinicipal Ciuies -- Makers in Cantada'of: DNDERWOOD- TYPE - - - - - - - - - Complim en ts. Heintzman& PIANO MANUFACTL AUl pianos used -ini thse Ontario Ladie Wbitby, are GRAND and UPRIGH1 made hy HEINTZMAN. Richardison is authorized by tht Board to purchase a cow for the institution. They item als o li ave had domeitic- troubles.- -Tlcy changeti sIew,%rds about twice a year. From ils inauguration lte staff of tht ichool was headeti by tht lleverend J. J. Hart, assisieti by Lis ivife. For forty years their lives w-tnt cite with the grow-thcof lihe school andi hoth left an iidelibiec impmcis of Iheir goodness and beauiy of character upon ils terni of spirit. In 1915, after a life-tirne spent in faithful service on behiaîf of tht Coilege Dr. Hart retireti anti wvas succeedcd by Reverenti F. Li Farewell. lime growth of tht building itsolf is an indication of te progress anti prospenitv -ofthte scitool. It lias developed graciuusly andi beauti- fuily. Not a juttinlg-onîliene anti an abt)umemit there, but mn. pru-por- lion anti dignity il lias expanidet inb ils presextt form. ln 1878 Dr. Egeroît Ryerson laid the corner sione of Ryersomî Hall, att addition at lte wcsitend cf lte building anti in 1887 an encloseti passagç comnectetilte original tasi- cvii wing 'wittli te cottage, tlite resi- dence of Dr. andi Mvs. Have. Fin- alyv in 1895 tht tasieri wingig as complttely Iransformet i into wiiat is uow Frances Hll. T'lite rcclioi of ibis buildiÎng w-as matit possible by tLe gcmerosity oft Mrs. Lillian, Franices Niassey Treble, aftir whomIf il svas calîcti. Perhap.s thteniost important eveut until Ihis Jubilet Year in bbc, later bistony of lte schooi occurreti wimen Lord anti Lady Aberdieen andti Ieir daughtr, Lady Mariat C ordon, tsýâblished for us tbN lov-tvi' custom et te lvay-Qneeît. O f a,! tht hap- py days fit thte3car tii,;usthe ont whiclt ýve remtember mi-it dr-a-l'e. The 24tietfMay-, tht birthday cf a zooti anti noble womnam Las î>c- camne alimost -sacred imnte Ccs of O.L.C. people. AIl that is gooti anti lovely iii the lite of rur co-m- nmumty is typifieti in tht eprrson cf aîmr May-Queen. She is tht svm- 1)01 of the deepe.qi desir-c,,f the litant Cf every girl te, bc a go(nd. i vue wvoman. Tintes andi cust-)i nîs -anzc. 13ronsin:, through olti caletidars ("ne discov-ers somne tîings wbicltF ,To us it isa great pleasuret our congratulations and wishes on this Diamond Jubil casion. \NVe trust that as the year s and go, the College will achE even greater: measure of si than it fias in -the. past. We join heartily with thos( mark this jubilee occasion. The CANADA COMPANY Hentman. Tfflnto To th e Principal and Dir of the Ontario -.Ladies tîr riltion f Itle (t tht jaatial el tb l ie criff <' n l ,in t' l fiç Uwv turlai- a4 the ticmriicltof tony ç ~rttlin-or't 'ho n- vi tht fitiîh à' tc i ICle vtIl rigratulato n Goo-dWishe to thée- brio-Ladie Collège. WH[TBY yeans have passed ince tht Collet'* Sopened ils doors ,icetwilh Principal and Dir et or* in tdi mchieved and-we trust that the Coller bc future cnjoy an even greeter mnea .urc of prosperity. ýgratulations artc xtended to the grac and to all students of Jubile. Year. & LOVEL aDruggias ImmOsl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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