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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1934, p. 5

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s'.' f T14E WHITBY GAZETEF & CI-RONICLEe THURSDAY, JUNE 7,,1934 IReports from The. -Gazette CorresD< ýOK] OOKLIN. Juns 4.-Mr. and Gordon Wieand eblîdren, bawa, ;-nl lir. RalDh -Whité, sons, of t-,ewmarket, were .Mrs. Du: White, onSunday. nis Margaret Bl'igbt. of Tor- was at'home for thet *eck- *and MmIr. F. Dlsncv- and 3, of M.Zion. Seeit Stnday Broolclin tricrlds. i. V. Vipiond and daughten, 1are v-icslting witl M rs. J. 8 rite u u cofirmation 'ill ninistevsed hy the Bischqp etf to In St. Thornas Anglican *%I(o);i(nlay, fJune Il th, atý An Acril lInvitation tis ded topall te fittnid thi's er- e anînuel gardon tîo.under sisj(PJ C)tt the Wornien's Auix. etf~ Thotnaiq Church, wil 'Id on- hir lawn ot Dr. Jobru-- e»m humn aç Ini fonr ýr yers Stlr3 midâle nt June. atch lé date.- mg Nltitc!1, l.wr fbas een NI r. W. a ndà'Nt . E. Short- for seule %tlnfie. bas r*turu- her home lu Boqton for a çeako.4frii. Grills. cf Toron- r!ýtb th innow for iii time. ri . . Il. 4artln and childrr., ronito' 'were vlsitorg with a d M,4rm. MI, F. Batty, last ,iu k h lrsf Isq wecek. wa- *wltli Mrm'. r.id Niri. Ted P'armer, of Ipenny, wprn wIfh MnI. and ,F'. Luko forflic hollday. su~ ~~o Me itr ?Toronto, Is Mrs. W. Arnold. s Oiv Titonpsn, of Par- lmat. honte for n few dsaYP. isu Niddeny, of Enfiel,.d, 15 vljs- w1lh Mirs. E. 1acoe. r.auld M rm. J. Davey, ot To- . are î'igltlng wltlî N. aud V.Nan HarrIls, utfMontrç'al, tthe wpek-end with 31r, and Nbrnm -White.- - rs. W. Ruddy sud %Mn? M. y, of Toronto. aud Mrs, W. hlan, -tofirau-geville, were t vismitons wîth Mnr. Job s. Jaimes Porfeous Wqent Fî-. ast at the ioumeut Mlsis Tay- in WVhlt':y. IBLRN Jîue 5.--SCric ýrs <hurcli Owz,,$uixdm. lOtit, 'avt lia.p'i,,. wyfhî the *ov.».A.i1eg5uii eSahb'a1fli'Shool at lO a. ltearfy inittion- fisêxfeud- and M rz. 0. W. Weif. *Marie îid Daris XWeat, lris. Henm'y floble .,p en t psday iSst milili Mr. and A. M. elis t OrangemIlle. tAima ONelli speni. the Pnd at iflir himur if M! r. aIs joliî iobsoiî, ut luth- - Çbis... Sjack andmc son, are pedît ibm' mîel ler pakrents,, Mr. nd Mrs. , penir,, ot 'hItî . ls ]enR î a nd Cett y of ,W'hiltb, spenit the nd witliîtlhin parent-.. Mn. ter 'ldy Fessadi-. unt iin. sppit the wPek-end h is graudmuothler,Mr.. M.Pnt sm tr elh aund Mns. A Mt's.' one day iast week. and NIrs. G. W. West,.-Mr. ,r Mmr. and M rs red n.' Misss Ginys aud 1Vn in md 1is N. Aîi-'m (mimmg the nuiubri- %whîk ut- thIl(- ATtnuta 1 I Isf l ýss Bible Cla,% - sr in1 gr on Sunday. afttunmon. Margaret ~'sbr peut ti ,nd 'with- Miss Dorfis Jak- 1Brookln. 'Mary Kerr'. cf the Toron- Iýai Hompital Stfaftspeut sday ast .with ber 'par- 1r. and Mrs. W. A. Kcrr.- Jas. Parrnotf; Mrs. J- Joncs n. Atlan, of Toronto, eral-1 relatives lhome .oit Suîday.ý kS4 to see'.M Iss'.%la ry able to be oùu again..' yrde Station S,,ýATION,,unc 4 enfAsbociatictn are plan- ra atnen tea n lionon Cmadmohe~" u ~nîmu iVIhI. bce giviîig the ragnani *fttrnocun of Tumsday, June the liomne'of Mrs. Oliver AIl tIi ladies anc ititcd.- ud. ha.ie a vord lime. L'hnmasSmhfOsaa t'ft *end ing ttut pait %wek >daugzlifr, 14f s. jas. Coop-1 1- rs. ami I3allafd and 'f U'icat, %verre l" il dam' -Mfr. anld Mrs. Leo»ard raai~4 Maffi~N Ou-., has been t~ek or tw;i alt sd r ory fo rn. im lcsIy' :11. rkrms"!'s 25t ,Tuîesdî1- u e oi Mrs. Jck tIhe businets se's- s tiainty lunilcoi .~ictcîs'ehac bc-, LIN NEWS Mrs F. Johins and Mrs. Spen- cer iisîted larat riday with Mr. and '.Nrs J. El.Ormiston luInWhit- Splendid sermons were deliv- ered aU, the Sunday Schç_ol anni- versery services In the, United Church on Sunday by-Dr. R. L. MNcTavIsh. o! King Street United Churcb, Oshawa, In the mornton. and Rev. -W. J. H. Smytb, of!]Port APerny, ln the evenlng. A junior choir etf orty voices led the mu- sical service ln the morning, ren- dering th-ree special numbers lu very credItable manner. The ciîurcle was beautifully decorated witlr fiowers for the day. Rev. P. L. JuIl preached et King Street 'nltod Church. 0mb- awa , on Sunday mornlng,- and at anniversary servirps at Pinedale n thle evening. -The United Churcli-Rev. P. L. .Tull. B.A, pastor. .9uniday, June l0tît: 10 a.m.. Sunday School; 11 a.in., uiorning worshlp; '7 p.nî..I evening service. The pastor willl prfýaclî at both services. The Women's Institute met ln their May meeting on Wednesday at the home oft Mrs. RatclItte. The munsical programme was given by Misses Rutli Juil and Mise Rose Boyd- in a piano duet, and Mfis Merle Joues ln two violin solos. A. very l)eautifnl readlng was gi- y-en by Milse Bessie Garbutt. Mrs. Iler-on conducted a contest, and thle subJect ut "Laws for womeu anîd children", was ably dealt wl hy1 Mrs. Dr. John Moore. Since God Îave the ten 'Co mand- inents te 3Moses, muan has been govemned hy iaws. Tien came the uew commandruent, "Thou shaît love the Lord tby God and thy neiglibor as thyself". Love is the tulfillng of the law. BROOKLIN SPORT NEWS Brooklin Girls have woan ail of flicir exhibition softball games this vaTThcy'made it four wins whlen th(-y deftated Clareniont Girls ini (lareniont last Thurrday niglît. They should go far in th-tir Icaguç this vcar and Les Leach 15 f0* be congratulatrd on his coaching. The nfficiai schtdÛle wil l e iruade olit son)i.- Watch for if next week. . 11-c local foothal> tcaru lcft no- thint' fi chlinrc when fhey defe'at- ced Irhcc Albert in Brooklin last' Sattirday. The score was 3-0. Brooklîl have a good football featn ths ycar. ThlecLacrosse train isiplaying Zion on Thursday nfight. These tennsisrce mll matchlcd and a good exlîjbi.floîî gajnc should resuit. tmicen \Viîîby and Reacli town.siiips wc st of the C.N.R. fracks, They propose 'ta 'cut ouftf rees and wid- eni tcroA. This îndecd wili bc of greât beneit bu flic car traffie, as this s *e4ingerous pîcce of rond anîd close' to, - danecrous railwav Crossiiîg. Tlic basebali season h slîcre a.-ain. "flicfIîrst league ,kaill of the scasoil ,q fa be playcd on Thursday.of thiib 'N'eck whemî Bhackstock conies tý, MIyrtlc. FiMbuimîg is flic -sclicdiilc for lte scaso:i. 7-Blackýtock at ?.irtlc. 8-M.Nanicherier ait Scug0g. 1.-Port l'rrry at Blackstock. <l4.-Scugog atý Myntle. .-I3lacksçtock at Manchester, 22-Mv rti af Port Penny. 29-MNalclicstrr att Myrtle. 31-oîPcrry at Scugoè;. >-Port Perry at Mýatîclicstcr. 7'-BhackL-toCk nt Scuigog. -9--Scîîgc'gat lManscliester. Il--myrti l at Blackstock. (O-BIackst.c- 'n t Port Penn-. 21-Myrtlr ai Scugog. 2'-Pot Perrv at Mtvrtlr. 27--anclic5ý.r au Blackstock. .-Xmgust a-cizIZ tPort Penny, 9 Sc l-z,,az-t Blacksfock. -IO-)Mamîcîmetrn at port Pemnv. Audley AL'DLEY, 'AJ¶ne .-The Club lhe home otf Mr. aud Mrs. Bush Itt Greenwood, There may ?,e a bail gainte arrauged the came ci ,entn-.' Wvaluer Mercer s.pent the week- end on a flshingt trp for 9peckied troat lu Nonîheru Outarbo. Wai- ter generaliy bas gond luck as he hax the tisýhcmuman*s ksack. - John Fidier sud tamiîly ot To- route. icalle4ýou fIonds hors on 'the J<lug'j .biruhday. Hall games have been tasIt and Many durng, the season se far' and the JOC91 teams are haviug hetter luck aud, are to be con- &i'afulat cd apon their good Play- lng.- The schoOl ha. aIso been able to put a junior tea.m ln the fielId. .1. creat deal et coru lu beiug put lu by the fanmuers lu autici- pation 'of' a hay shertage. The dry weaf hem- Is holding bath the 5nowthý sudd3'Ot erops -are looklng geod eonslderhmg -the, jack et mcisfure- Gîreenwood - WL.mects Ibis Tbinsdsy nt- ter"noon af the'- homeetMrs. U*dlPb -towbray. 3lrs. W. W. Gee was lu Toron- to ever the weekýend ow-ing to the Ilmea of ber muother. -A.-$outt*îseiî leftIMhstweek for Ma ripcos -'wbere he wlli hb sta- tion agent for a time. Aundrew sud Mr s. Pegg and Lloyd l'egg and d augbter, Don- teu. w-ere lu Toron teo onSuuday w ifh'fid. -Thse Wm soIton are piaiun- for. a garden lpuery cari7 lui July. Doün W. and Mîrà. Audfew;s ad iss Doris Brown, ef Toronto, vsent Suuday with John 'Brown and family. ýFred Lawrence ana famtly, of Toronto, called on * F. W. and Mrs. Gibson on Sunday. Wm. and 141ru. Hoduon aud littie daughter Ruth, of Toron- to, called on W. W. Gee and family on Sunday. Amon ds ALMONDS,' June 5.-School chiîdren enJoyed the holiday ou Mouday when mauy lhappy pic- utes were held and ai good Caany enjoyed a swlni ln the old pond once again. Mnr. Maysol Andersou aud daughter, Margaret, speut the week-end with her sister and rElatives et Warkwortb. MiNlss Kate McQuay Isln i Lock- wood Clinie, Toronto, whene she. had an openation for appeudicitis. Iler many -fniends hope Lzhe may have a. speedy recovery. Almonds Sunday School at- tended United Church anulver- sary services on 8unday atter- Mr. sud Mrs. Harold Snow snd childnen, et Toronto, were riait- orb at home of Mr. sud Mrs. T. Mlýoreombe on- Sunday. Miss Lois Balsdon, Miss Ruth V'nnborne and Mn. W. H. Bals- don attended aflniversary Ber- vices at ZMon on Suday evenng. Kin-sale KINSALE, June 4-The Mission Band will înect in the Hall titis Sat- urday at 2.30 p.rn. AIL childrcul zirc welconie. 'flic Kinisale Woînien's Associa- Lion %viii visit the Mt. Zion As&o- ciatiuii on the a1tcrîîoosi of Wed- nesday, Ju-ic l3th. AIL ladies of the congregationi arc cordially invited. Tl'îe ladies of fthc Women's lusti- tufe mwho miet at the schooi house labt Tiursdaiy aiterniootn wc'rc amip- lv'-adby tlic.ir efftorts tu attend. 1 lie short IprOgr.îîi l1uiJon by the Iiow;%i-ng children Was thonjuglîly enjoyed. Readings by Marlon Hlol- iday, Bob Gibson, and BIlle Gib- soni, recitaflons by jack l-1oker arid Vernon Gabson, a quitan scicction hy Alan Holiday, a vocal duet by Mâarioxi Mudie and Velum Crawford and a danct by Marion Mudie. This was followed witlî a contest, and outside gaines, after whiclî thtl ladies erved a suluiptuous lunch. Miîss Margaret Mudie was brouglit honme front the-O.L.C. with ani attaçk of appendicitis but af fimnc of writiîîg is somewhat iru- i rovcd. Mr.-L. Heard, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heard a-id son, John, of 0mb- ava, spent Thunsday last with flic fofimer's dangliter, Mrs. Alberf Parkin. Mrs. , eg. Woodward and child- rciî -slent Friday witli Mns. Fred Woodward at Greenwood. Miss Madelii Crawford is sîending thlis wcck witlî relatives in ()mhawa. r. and IMrs. Wilfred Bates,, of Toronto, spent flic week-end with Mi. Jo11n1Mîidie and family. Mr. and Ms. 1R. Hadley, of Tor- mite, spcit-thc îvcek,-cnd anîd bol- Idai- with Roy V. Mowbray and Mr. and Mis. V. Parkin spent Saturday wiîlî rclatiý-es ln Toronto. .Mn. and Mns. Frank Tripp, of- Toronto, calIed on Mrs. F. Harbron recto tly. Mr. Lloyd Moodie. of Oshawa, Sundayed mi-th Kinsalje friendr». A nuthuber of our youngz pcople tc'ok in tîhe bat,,ebali match bctween Audley and Pickering last Friday night. The Governrnent ini 1884, but the ye 4.id expansion 'of th hegin unltîl about filiding of the drea maoth in !5ipîneitsc froixFrance inecessI inc of tegisiation in (;»oN-rnincnt power1 products critering( take steps f0 preven inisect pests airead, the Domninion. 1 UYIISiCAL Li ,buequippe" dot mtSi amr I»cmý-r. Vu"àa Test. comli end huai Uadfrt *0 Par - slem **Peilessd hsaihMM ain diseusesrespoed t cal Cuitea setoua resuit, are miraculoe&a rates-as» * the. v« esytorn- flauteai service u asap.ai lifetsme scb-C NO O»&IGAý chi Halti eilt emevU% New of Canada first ia entonîologist eal devclopruent le work did not 1909 irhem the Base Lino eat B3ASELUNE WESTI, June S.- Mr. George 1Reynolds, of Onilla, paid a visit-te hls son-in-law, M4r. Roy Stittivant, on the King's birthday. Itirs. John Walker, of Dunbar- ton, was a visiter at.M4r. J. You- rex' home on Monday.- Mrs. T. Greenaway, of Tor- onto, la staying at their sum- mer cottage -near Junction -Sta- tion. Big crowds vislted at the Park Sunday toesccape the heat wave. Miss MarJorie Arnott, Mr. Ben-_ nie Sbires,- Mr. Dyres aud Mis Dollard, alilof Toronto, viuited wlth Miss Jean 1lban, Suuday. The Sun Club held a busiueis mneeting]Raut Wedniesday night, there was a good attendance of members. Mr.. Wm. BuisE was elected président. Tbey dscided to continue their .,Case of the Marsb--for another- year. There, was a gôed social time spent byý the membere after business was transacted. Crops, 'pastures and ail vege- tation la sufferng for more ramn. .When 3fr. Warren takes pos- session ot Lake Vlew Farm it mneaus seven more residents will benefit, merchants, telephone aud electrIcIty businesses. Prospect PROSPECT, Juno S.-The Wo- men "i Association met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Smith on Tbursday atternoon with a large atteudâuce. The president, Mrs. Barber, conductedl the meeting. Arrangements were made ton au Ice Cream Social te be h'eld on tihe evening ot June '22ud, at tue homeof tMr. aud 14frs. Barber. Miss Archard klndly offered ber home for the Junemeeting. Af- ter the 'closiug exercises 'a bounti- fui supper was servcd lu thae din- ing room. M.%.r.sud Mrs. Barber spenit.taieC week-end -wif h friends at Strat- f ord. W'e exteud '<Congratulati or 5; to Mr. and Mis. Dearboru un tiV2ý birth ot a danîliter. The Adult Blible Clasa heid Vrayer service at the home ot nr. and 'Mrs. S. Webster ou Mon- day evenlng. Mr. King of Oillia gave an lnspting addresa on Suuday af- ternoon la the Intereatsetofthc Ontario Temperane. Federation. Qulte a number attended the faneraI of the late Arthur Savage et -Port Penny hait week. -We extend our sympathy te the ber- eaved famiiy. Miss Jean McClintock, o! Guelphi MacDonald Hall, speut a few deys lest week wltb her parents. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Cookc, visiteli tndis jia IÀndsay ne- çently. Mns. Richard Cowan lu spend- !ng IL Week wltb fnieuda at C oodwood. Merlin, U1rneut sud Evelyn Gllroy, Fred sud Jack Stevens attended the Toronto Kiwanls Club - - enfertabumient, beld ut Sundterland on 'rhursday-ç May 31sf. ANOR[IY fiLEN AT DARMIONY N[FTINfi CCTF. Candiate Given Goo Reepton at First Mee*n îîMzd browii tail The growiiîg intcrest in the C.c. Df musrmv stock F. mlovement iras eî'idenccd by te i19t0, fic pass-e well aftcniéed meeting heid in Han- 190.giin t emony schîoôl bouse on- Monday bu insptct plant night. W-heu fthe C.C.F. canîdidate, ..aiadaL, and f0 Andnew Glen, appcaned on a public if the spread ?f platforuî foi- thteflrst time since his ly prvalet innomimatiomn.-Inis address he-dealt - wibh the, probhcmns that arc facisig tht farmer anmd read Ifis ciection -address, whmjch wili bc published ait a later date. AMn. Harny Harel acfed as chair- CULTURE maii cf the meeting. Otimer mem- bers of the organisatio>n who spoke were C H. Mifilard, who spokce on industrial problerus sud Mri. Gîcu. £W YOlE iife of -the candidate, spolce to flic w omein in the regard te the part thry slmould take in the bomne andj exercisiug tlmeir franchise to betten conditions thnough the party them- were supporting. Tfie speakers wc-re -enfhu'iastic in their Op'timum aïl-d said they hîad every hope tht M4r. Glen woiuld be eiected. PERSONAuL -MENTION Iaad.et ~ Aronz the persommals. Professor ~ ~ Paul Shoneçr of flic University of puratasa. Chicago,. who. dîed a few weeks à=o. Ieï r,ftteaa is neferred to as "the worid's freat- M "iu est Greek schoiar.7 He baî oc- S cupied fhe chair for forty-two Malt. pl7j ycars and very recent lv gav-e aui le uas css address in the chapel which was -a >noble expression cf the abidir.e maInes4 and the higbest lovalties of life" Fromn St. Paul. Minnesota. cornes the newe cof a Rreat-gtrand- daughteri of John Wesley. Mrs. 3Mars' Biiig and ber husband Rev. Tr. Bilinr wcut to the States froM Ensnland in 1886., She bas jimit died at the aize of cighty-ouc. A uoted visitor. Rev, IL LE.Ambrey Secre- - tari. of t he Raptist Union in Eng- land, wiil1 arrive sîsently in Amemica. Mr .u.,. MXost of bis relatives are now onm FA titis side of the A-thantic. andi he noN. still alse idcým-cygreetinRs ote e .t. esaoti.. Conv-entions of bis, denoiination. plagle ~He. h :tsciîolarlv sDcaker- Drs. Fos- dirir. Beptist, and Dr. W. P. Mer- mi receive valu- rnu, PredîsN-tenjan. leadimw mimijtens ' n 'New YOrL-. I-ate -ntis< t'4e lm Iv ronz th". oid îin fakinz part in lishi, l ne. f m asf wanf. Tiseonly part fb-- wiil taîae if another %farts W-iI be PI~ERN~MAN- n'SFOUNO Du Death of James Doyle, theil However,,Is Declared Due dec to Natural Causes - Pickering, June 6. - James Doyle, aged 65, Single, *Ças found erty dead lu bed, Iu bis tbree-roomed ha d cottage. abree miles north-west ot on7 Pickering et noon, Ou Tuesday, ly p by' a neighbotr, E. Scarlett, wlio onto had noticed ne aciivit y arouind the Kee] p'labe for several days, and--bad lice gene te investigate. The deor was on F G W. have on hand a large thing for Spring and Sunù* Per Léa NMINA PHONE 34 I l FACTS -ABOUT HYDRO -No. 4 of a series of Electric Association, rcpresenting the, Mitiic-Ypalities offlciat announcements by th who own -thé Hydr 0-Electric e, - Jr .W. How 1Hydro helps-Rual Or ELECTRICAL service in the rural municipâlities of Ontario, as provided u adiitato -fthe Hydro-Electric Power Commission, is unsurpassed comparable.area and circurnstances. About 3 65 Township nM'unicipalities have contracted with the Commission to supp -'from the extensive transmission networks serving the urban municipal ities. -Rural power districts generally incl ude parts of several townships to give the m( omical distribution1 costs. They, are operated by the Commission as agent'for the Te -Rural consu7mers receive special advantages flot conferred upon urban consurn Provincial Government helps in, three ways: it pays haîf the capital costs of rur bution limesand equipment; it makes lbans for the purchase of wiring and q and, by-its guarantee, it lias enabled the Commission to -establs}u rcduccd ai service charges. Rural hamlet service corresponds to urban domestic service. Farm Hydro sehrvice both ighting and power and thus is a combînation of urban domestic -service ar service. Here are some uses for Hydro service on farms., In the Homse LIGHTING COOKING Cu.EAM SUtALATrr CHiURN1qNG FEiED CHopPJNG LiGHiTiýNG BARNS WA5HNG EFRGERA7ON 1 P.MPINGWTE IRtONIG VACUJUM CLEANInO GOOýLING Mu..K On account of the fact that electric service in the rural home is now.soç wide can be considered a necessity, a five-ye-ar contract with'the consumer us aVa districts'where the townships concerned s0 approve. NG 5KW-ING - WOItKSJ 1-IoT Bu. .&The service charge incorporated in rural rates is desigued te, meet -ehe capital sud operating costs of rural distribution fines sud cquipment required -to deliver the power te the rural consumer. To rcach cacit rural consumer there is required tweuty to fif ty times greater kength of distribution line than to serve cacit urban consumer, with a corresponding increase in expense. Neverthelcss, Goverument aid and econ- omiùcal operatien ruake it possible to supply farm service in Ontario, combining hoasehold use' and three horsepower of- agricultural power, steven less monthly cost to'ýthe farmer titan the Iow charges ia any Ontanio towns for a comparable domestic service plus a three-horsepower power service. Co-operation pays. lIn districts where farmners nuake fuail use of service, raltes go de-wn. More thàn 40 per cent. cf rural consumers Pa y lsth an tht go' guamantzed maximum service chirget. Energy charges ire also Iow. Morê than 65 of all'rural consument pay a hirst consumpti per.kilowatt-heur of 3.6 cents net or- ion rate applios ouly on from 30 te 42 kilo,% (hamiet and ordinary farm services). tional energy consanted, the rate te auy:i sumner docs not exced 1.8 cents net per heur, and thoasands obtain I t for 1,.35 cen kilowatt-heur. A hew folhow-on emergy rate of 0.67 ceni kihowatt-hour has recently boen approycd usons Mrýaking lîberal use of the service. lower 'fo1low-on rate tItan is availàble ini î cîry. town or village for domestic service. 1923 11928 1933 Muzs on RUI.AL Ptnumy TLatz 1,050 -4,100 91,175 - Co.sti«us. 7,790 Hydro service brings to the citizens of the Township ýiunicipalities the com life. No other material agency can contribute so muc'h ta the main=arenaa of living which makesu life ini rural districts more attractive. A service th; its business under the difwult conditions prvIlngsne 1928 -hms provcd QNTARIO -MuNIcI.PAL -ELEcTRIAssoc Pùz Lo4u, 1,700r 16,980 322370 cAPiTAL Gemra lxvzarioexT Ac- $1,328,ý000 $A $7,298,-000 $3,1 PULTBLIc1TY GOMbrmITE: Clwirw, Controiler James Simpson, Tronto Fnmnk L Mamon, Oshswa T.V'. * &e Ibs mrvstwestat <ment and watcb J> utx MARRIED ON SATURDAY MISS S bREIIA1 hAll AIR LEE Daughter otf-r. and ilrs C. R.tee, nhofie narniage te n George A.MGllv~ son o! Dr. Charles McGillivray ot Whitby, touk place on Saturday last. Ten Years of Pro gress in Rural Hydro the Farm Fmok M23on,'Oshawa respt

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