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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1934, p. 6

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IEN THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 79 1934 THS EERUCWITY.. LODGES SOCIETIES l H1S WE N H IT J. Wlhuiay, of Hlia hrnbe fOinccelebratung hiàs, orn tc ni i 'c:îh Mrs. MNtrc,)rnbe Sr., her st- havebeenthegui.!' i mîî--u4th irthday. A\ v-ry fn-' Mrs. W. A. -1lii4 viv '~able tint- %v dSspenct toirether ai- * r Holi al ai-r bet tl14l1 0is () niee's field day of aln 'ai tC cnuiit of s)î4»'IlhIii-May 21t!' - j M is N iii 't;cç, if T-rno sîuecnt ili wctck-ciuU witit uit-r grandi- un -du er, Mn.t, .Pic Mi I.1'u< I n-y l-IecmnSat- nii~~u t-~ '- î"tl,-u t t'îc i' pttlu i 2' f'k Iruu >!t;u il du t ri C FI A, plu' jui-ne u,0.41.11., tii'. \\4i424 rî u t îçhoe It)cciru n u ii n c ail icei-ail i lc is w-il. T 'u t ti-ii 'î fiut rr uul tait.' place, aid delc- gati ý tou nîu 'aMtir) lh -t. .oiunuînï,ii l'n-it Pe-urvi i-i 14:4u 1<1 leîiliuur' li ae bc tiî I . r t 4'-u-i- i -ti'la' an'! - W . . ' -' pli . W -ii il tt- euý rIir 4,1- îuiidler n-f jîînu. * * * I laa clthe a,-'ru', - il ilnti r Lad 1 tltesta'~ic s C es - ,c t fui t u -(ei Lad is' t., i M, I i.lJi decon, Mno- l.es.-.. B' nI niens FCx'i *** il', biu st ,la', h il i t 1n pas 1îv c,. li i C iin Cr aid IîianeL Stengn, V, IX, -e t-a NS.,~ ~ ~ 14PI h~st u ut neai- dilg a i'oulu 'v, tilt liu 1iu r. Liud M n'S.. .t. îullu1ver, l,neii, a (ti lii r1t-. * , * r pa éit, - 'ilf of ti sit., -urxxcul ludii;ï-cb *i'rotiun (, ,day ltu s i-cut- i with111,Clien ul cu l r il o ;ir î 0! sttt- estl sad îrlut), ICanté-, ji'uiu ith u is sotriuPceulli. iE. a 1l.i-h î i W1r xanuitiati si- l P. J), gthrir .'a iciday ùvv--, At iht tH-i, ufiix'glit uit, &mn crclliit hravler mîtu DbIlbya vWbitiv A 1)Yciiu * thé Ir Moula3- C urchàsivii s anight l rotugli flc hon r. Je. W -- îmn doiad v- tlT 14'.A'oi- the l3atlsi. Curltr'a will a itin nlvuua r P'ofi11e(to v l. Mo aniC. . Iî-. u tue voolîug d-luaoie i i niuumbecv arcthf aiî'uiu-14 ldge on Suî a tt-iîuliig li lueut * a tutlittlie soni. î:.-uFr ffiilut ilr _vî~ foni-Nex- '5 t iI - f -tii a l ic F i-rt filur, ' sali- '-" fnr IluiOn it ilu h4)iîdoleJa n- asvii i lti tc îuuu ru-lut a, 's,l. nud Mrs. utu(4i ii .- 1 ) 1 44 "t for 'i5o l>v 'r - 7 11 ": t iti l uc-lfre len lî'-':tiu iZ- 114 1arl" f1t lue Pr:' ilia uî Trac- "'t Gowuils'a'lit iiu-iii in iday. t4i lirr 144110 in Moit --Janieiro. Mr:u'u. and ---. Muit' annnueItrl-ah vCr luit îîd-uiînt,15-ocm- 1'Porri- a!>i for talullu 'aFttintrfreaii mcfii'- fia r-i- 'e 4Iii 1 y Mr 'sic atai Mn, W liani lingrat mii.- 4utu-n ît- iiecut 'tozutlia, luîliui- ni andi wonien nf ail nntIt)uiIuilieu- andtî nî iev'ur-endi îuî uI"P lue f wliio-hnly Ihose Nlio ia vo i'iu ilif-r n iw a nytlîîng c.iuu t i iir 4Rah i maltthe tripl ru- hv inuetor utnil sýaw tsnow fI Ihr lelush oni lii i-w-t-out 75 nle ndu hof ltt- ity o! Northu Bay'. hieý ant irMs. Poinuîehwere Impress- itî w-itlîtîîo great, ualiral bFaitty ofl ih l u tiry, mnd i -tih Ihe-sua- blti 'of su-h ctibs as TimuminF andtiNorthIiBas-, .41, Mn'-, iTou'- Ar-- ni rf Anxi ahi s o ni44icutc ai lieîdabolit f orts' Ail's filii \ luths' -andthU'la'sa ai 15 iîsi'-llauc'cIit SNvWcr in hIi'ior oh Nus, lara'e place\4 t Il Whibv Nl~. ui-ti..i- "~ i -ci îu-t iîc cIý h ii ides(oucit. 'utt is-e.tre' - 1'-"l 1<)- ii -J v h -u',çw- Ai at thîe hueeof ')r At in, B ciii,1 SIî1teel.on i t 'ii ua- ar- Ic, i iqi~ lii u3 t" ~ . uit i C "'tt 'i-4uO ltc iid t 'it ! ra ';I ci i 1.- v 1 . uS a iluîl flcn-iei t .tc inu-I--------I 4 ' i lu K-il i r t-t S,t- sMn. "a1Id Nf nc . W'o'I 14d:Ce "C! q 44 l, lu tek '- Ah tu, I e,~ 1-te 'i-tti s r niV ilu . mu'c '-1 i- c i -1, tii tb :uî-iisu mufa vueusinsmj 0r'0' a-di ns IiI -4.itier , aid Mcs 1 î1iit-utt "it tt-t; id -M , D a i Io. fu ' \4.- -t ' i 4s ii - nd lulimi i s , p " rY tae-r. I dr ' ucu' î' e ~ ar k3 C L.u< a- ss t ' '2~ 'Nas a t: 21 IROCK 1IHNEATA WHJTBY- PHONE 118 THURS., FR1.,. SAT.. JUNE,7, 8,9. A Grand Jamboree of Laughter, Song and Youth. HÂIROLD TEEN" HA!. LE ROY, ROCHELLE HUDSON, GUY KIBBEE. 'DANGEROUS OCCUPATIONS"y with Lowell Thomas. MON., TUE., WED., JUNE 11, 12,13. KÂ&Y FRANCIS in ho flouse 'on 5Gth -Street" I.CARDO CORTEZ, GENE RAYMOND, JOHN HALLIDAY. iDY CLYDE and SHIRLEY TEMPL.,E )ORA'S DUNKING DOUGHNUTS"9 iry Matinte 1.30 Evenmgs, 7 - 9 All Shows Da%*ight SBviflg Timbe Announcements N ote8m uder this headtng are cbarged f or et the rate eft eeBdandeehait cents a.ct* word-, wlth a minimum charge of 25 cents. A charge la made for notices ot meetings -et ail organ- Izations atý whicb an ad. mlssloh tfee Is charged or a collection takren. P. J---SUJLLI VAN, LICENSED plumber and tinsmith, Brock Street North. Phone 117W', Whit- lJy. EXPERT PAINTINCT AND paper hanging Estimates givex. Apply to M. Brown. rhonf, M'. Pl A 1 N T I N G, DEGORATING, rough plasterinz., wall glazing, tiffanvy hWndlng, içali 'papePr remjov'-d- by a. nc'w ixntlod iiachinIe, no water, iii.) mosz. for',as l0w as *-2.0k> per roo. Wýc'hang and stupply paper for as tow as $5.00 per rom. Freè estimates. C h arl1c,ý, A. Bradley, phuno 59,' Wilby; Osha wa, - 1 fi8 3. LRE' LAVAL MII.K CÇOOLEII$1 tf"r- farm l'se. -See uo! ,-fthese mn-,operation before pure]-has- ing. Als o miikingmgnaclilîmý. and separatorz. G. Rteid, 66 liend W., OshaWa. Phione if)04. i'ITONE 212 ANI) 'W'. J. 1iK- il i t hI fî'C,'i, vont1. a' W I-ntnuf, '-1n sha muueîî antid cuit I xnlin-- ciasas, hape; lias Ocouul u lt-e biuness for ove-t forty yeuur- itu Wlillîy-, anidons wnilitai A LNI(,iL -L 'iûl WNI\sILL Bi' - g is'ciubY tlu& inti ului - vi iic 1P.i i.A. ClubIn ;î 1h 5.4 lx-; t1n1l1 Nci 14 piu, Admisusion, 1 lb. (-4 prodoce. Glonds aucioîed off 241 l'Ia5c cf prognaun. I lent- wili c, a :ale oh catudy. C4','2t-nuis, setie tanuks anîd drains. W. . \'urd. llickiry Stretet. 5iC T E Y.W. ASSOCIATIO,-N 0F Si1. Andnew's Chtunchu, viii hFolcl a Clardi l t vua int in rtlu' <>1 NIs. insu ti Tiesda-, Jue, 2Oitii, fronim 3.30) t-i7YoMaIck. Admissiotn 25c. 1ANMOW FRS. SHARPENED uîtd repaired, calicd for and de- livercd. "ai,;oseccxîl iîaiîd fixunni- titre hought anti svîjd. 'ilicst prit-es pail. . Roachi, Coibonne s t. E. LAVERYS 1h(I.HWAY CAFE, -Duxîdts .;trect '.vst. Ful tcorse iicaîs, -mulcIhs, ir'e crearn, cigar- ettes, caiîiv, t-cbacco.- pvilar place anduliasa 'e> iiiuudlu bc su suiice. 'J'lie swinîmîxmlg s42soli i s iiiîîclh c unît-rthis yî ar t îaîî la t._ FORMER WHITBY MAN 1 *PASSES.i The demtît cuuii ax q: p,,, J xuda, Max- .2'tlî, (-4 lJ'bt-rL .\nhîx avage, onclyu\\lt Statcu. -. i 1v ye~ ars, scr'uccý Ili îu d -'ln 4It~ Si. t!tar:c. Lonîdonu ~j, .1.1 týicr i ta: ,.> 1. îu', c Stacs-wuîietjurcliec c'îîî- ttlui11t2 avne i tuclaîgest C0I'j4s ini Ilý r --mnu. il. ud ch tui tlie chict coi p imiNCw Yrk, anud lyln. Baltimocre. snd othCrsý. ha c t~ion yc2 van a btcii a - 4-41' ~inIGiile il \I;Iler. 'huei 444 r , u cre a mnîîr o f p--: BROWNIE BITS C oli t i ibuu ~-,cGn,,-, suivn iarix- the:r 44uH 'ix: I1lenî Keani, S ix Leadci-, l 'cigg y IiM' \ :na W4 ,n i .iiIth Fearcn._â "Cit-_.. e u. 'i.i bv 1 . 41% 44t41' l1'c-.11ùnri P1' Lar a n w c \cti a" 4r i - J.n ;e 4a h ab-u i Tet.e 1îc Fa,'.- 4s ad E1~c oîpur dii'. C41 '* ~t .. i fl1 - a r - n i s 0 ~ ~~~l Stnd r te n a i t :ti rio4 id ExN-.V.r va e 'a-Itn'it sk: ' -ne ;n ar',- made pla- :e- a<a- Lmtc r n ' à h th-vC, 7i, X mie:nee"" *ne nfe ac eû nt,--I c V' - r-« nigade1-van' ir p' ..t co ; 'ex.nâ rnee T;ng 237ne tl.r. " h" c . c Ota' the Btruwn Te fin' 'oýdb ANEXENIE VISIT %UTO thi LC.WIf cIITBYs 10 an cost. pemas lmefine îm$10 ad b comtifar being drunk îv a ul place, whiîe a wonian with 1dm was assessed $19 and costs for driving wîthout a permiJ. The- townt trea- sury got ail the fines and fees. YACHT CLUB GARDEN PARTY Mauy people -frorn Whitby, Oshawa, Toronto andother points spent a delightful afternoon at 'Inverlyn,", the beaiitfil home o! M.kr. and Mrs. Y.1H. -M. Jrwifl, Whitby, on Wednesday last on th.'ý occasio-i o! thi" garden party given by the Wlijtli)- Yach-jt (l About three hiiiidi-ed people i', aIl -ate-ndedl. The rztiestýi were rrceive-t on thc% lawn hby Mr,. F. H. NI. Irwin. Mrv. J..IL Perry- and MNrci G. N. Irwin. 'rea 'w-%a Esprved and the gguPst4i Spefit '11 enjoyable tinp u-trolling about thue well kept liwnt. andi adîhir- it the beautiful finwer gardens. Lady,' members of the Club sers'- cd the tea, assisted by junior nnînibrs. Dunlng the, afternoon severai bouquet .- f tîîipq w-en- preîtènted to t e fortunate hoid- Prs of Mite lu kev nuambers given out as file guosts arrlved. Tlu' O)shawa Yacht Chib'--as -eh vi-p -caet-tiitl, many n1ueuîhen.' o!ftu-i, organizaioît being prpFpnt. 'Nt substanil suni w-as nealizPut to h.' devoied lu the s()lil 1' th. ('lith wluiu'h has aln.'adv ii c)r- on u-o!flti$- livrorgîîîizatî in- o! liii tnwiaid pronaîmseFzin i'f-1 fprd-miut-lu beneflcial ruit-doon 'n-- creatioit. Amnoîg iliosi- uucîllcd dulrng the afternoon werc': 1 Troni Oshawa--M-. G. D. Con- ant anti Rotrer Conani. Mr. .r Burns aîud dauglutex-s, "~ <'aswiî,'sca. 4"app-(li. 'sIc;, "uiiu. -IeAlan MI Iuu- l' -. A'rmuston-, Mer. Cr(eightuîu Mis; Hoiuu.s i-. Dr. Mille'r. Mn\ r, uli.M.and 2ihrs. W., lhet --.BillHuart, Miss Hannix., Miss '.1 i Millman, Mr. George W. Mc- Laughlin, MNiss Gladys Morris, Mrf. Nlundy, Mr. W. E. N. Sin- clair, Miss Minerva Sinclair, Mrs. D. Tod. From .Dunbarton - 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 'Moore. Proua Whitby-Mý%iss Galbraith, Misslitchell, Miss Harper. Mlxaý Emily Macdonald, M.\iss MýcKay, Miss Janet McKay, Miss Mary Macdonald, MeIs. Odlum, Miss. Odlurn, Mrs. liassett, Miss Alîtun, Miss Baker, ýMi-s Gi;lluird, -it-. Bascom, Miss Allison, Mrs". E. *M. Bruanti, Mr. and Mrs. MeAriti,t iMr. mand NMrs. Adye, Mr. andM. Art-h ball, Nr. and Mrs. A-stey t- andt .5mu, Dr. and Mn". Bitai on,1 Nli*. and -MnIs. Rit-lards, Mn. andi Nlr. Clifford Browîu, Nli*.aiud Mxh,. Cho-w'n, 'Mn. andI Ars. F. L;. Cu'Ilimî, Dr. anmi MuN. ontgouni- ery, M nad Ms W. Tluump- ,7 ()n, NIe. and Mrs. D. Wilson, 7%n. ,uud MJrs. insole, Mr. and Mr.s. Norimatit Irwin, Mr. and Mis. Arnold, Mliss M. Arnold, Mes. tMihaîka, Miss Mibialko, Mirs. George Rit-e, Jr., MXrs. L. Rte M\rs. A. NW. Richards.on, Mrs. '\'. J; . RIichards~on, Miss Heleunr. Richuardsoni. Mm-s. ,eorge Eusu.i Mli-, Manjorie Ross, MN. Seuneuti, .311(1011n, Nu.\ nu rait,, Mu-'-., Nù-~ilinuy.Miss .Mary Snitlî, \lîs. 1.'sVhhi Nrs.S Nit . I xwult, Misses S t era rt. Mis r1mmpttuiu;on, Mns. Wells,, Miss )1r. uikFrî4rt , M.George'li- Fsole <b'canlîton), Dr. C. I-.hNle- Gillivray, Miss Blirwasli, Dr. Milîti, Miss Annis, Mrs.-.mars11, Mrs. Chnristian, ;Mrs. Cormacki, MIe. Cuddy, Dr. C'uddy. :'1 ('îduly, M\rq. Fowlerl ,Nlr.HI. Il.1 Nlrz'.Me. Clive lilth, Mu-s. Mn-ll ati'h, Mrs. HolIiday, nr. D. Holli&ay, Miss Donnellyý, M..Hutchison, Mrs. A. M. Ir- win, Miss MQa, e.J. King, Me.Theo. King, Dr. Macdoutgall. Mrs. Laird, 'Miss Betty Lawlor, k 0 KELVI NAT-OR -KELVI NATO R'S 2Oth Anniversary Year -Moclels give finer* Refriger- ation at lower cost, Before You Buy Any Refrigerator See the-New KELVINATOR. Priced frorn EASY TERMS W.A.HO0LLIDAY&CO.' Kelvinator Distributors I Phone 25 -Brovk St. South PHONE 79 TEA& WEEK ECG AND BOULION CUP TEA PLATE BREAD AND BUT1TER PLATE TUMBLER M-iss Hilda Long, Miss Maclaren, MIrs. P. Mathison.. Miss M. Mc- Arthur, Miss Marjorîe-Ruddy, Miss Hildegarde Goodfellow, Miss O. King. Miss MeIClellan. From Toreuot-Mrs. Doxisce, Miss Benedict, Dr. anti Miss Fotherlngbam. Dr. and M.Nrs. Clutterbuck, Dr. and MeIs, Smith. Misses Brown, Mn. A.. Peacoek. Miss Ciaxble, Mrs. N. MCGillr- ray. De aths MRS. JEAN C. MILLS Mrs. .Icai C. NiilisI.8, sacc-ident ou Manitoba loui oc.n- iilutwei- t y ycars, died ai \Viiircg oIM-- day, June 4th. She aras bor'ii t: hibOnt., and farntnd wtth- husband in that Iocality fu4r mnvs yeaca before corning to Mau lai,--i - 1913. M\rs. Muaitlaiid Martin, \\iuitî by-Oni., i.. a dauightcr andîl Mur-1 r~ "C. Milla, Ban xîcOnt.. is .îa ýouI. 1îuu Robrrt Chishini, of Mxixli, i.. a bnotiucr, Decc sculis kîcîwuu to îti:ny in XXiutîv \vh er- ..1< ;<î lier daugliter, Mc. It4.utlt ROBERT Mc.'NTYRE oi 'Fliii 'Mav Yay SI3,,,t of obeui NiclîIync,_ a 1-'riler attenadanti ai' tlii 0)'tari, -! HrsîuîaI lut-ne fon -ev-i t-rai veana, anîd a rcsideuuî cf Xw'iti lix uni a fews-nli>xitlis ago arîci hc Nvas rcn'\ c bTornctt-. >owintgý to î) il t-auJ. Tlitenerai w-as hehui - fnoni tt- hv1(n12- of hÇIit-lle. (.61 tunda\x. jnuîc 2îu:k lauldue c nnaiu': ivenu.'brouglîl t-- Wîuiîby, b)- ni-Aur, for inlermeit lin St. John's Bayv ..uc t 1v )u-cecileas-es lus wi- dov- aîîd uî- -,ii n1. Rt v. 1). B. Lanug- ford condueied true serv.icc ai 1h grave wicil was -ttiicddby a large iuîxuuabî r cf fniexids. MRS. T. G. DEVEREL t Afttr an Iinets or many years, borne with great Christian cour- aîge anti cheerfuiîuess, Pidie Rate Morley, widnw o! the late Thom-, as G. Devere-Il, passeti away ont Mondas' at lier home on Brocit Street Northt. The laie Mrs. Devereil liail iueen a resident of Whitby ail lber inarried Mie. *ier littibanri. tii. laie T. G. Devereli, w-ho pat-seti awny six ypars a-go. was a weli - knowîx contrat-ton. Whihy Baptisi CIuoreli lias loSi. a. siaunch iiiaber anti a very.active workee ithe passing, o! Mevts. Devenell. She was Inter- esteti ln es'îry departmeîî o! the church. andi hat helti higli ofnfce" in various organizatioqçs. Slîe was a.onc> lime president ot the La- ài es' Aid. of the B.Y.P.U. and o! th Mission Cireur'- and alie taughî ln the Sun day achool. .A4 kixudly, Churistian woman, beloveti bva&l who knew -hon, Mrs. ,De-verell's friends were leglOn. Sbe lîad been an ins'alid for many years. had suffeneti greatly-, and death t!) ber may 11e said to have boen à bappy- Captain Best of the Baptisi Chutrcb, conducted the. funeral service at t4he home en MSWecines- day afierno 1on and It was IVery largeiy attended. Rèe made refer- ence to ber beautiful Christian character, li<er zeal for the cburch andi ber Interest lna all iat was gooti. Intermhent was made iau thn 'Union Cemetery, Roe'. Ws Dean. Toronuto. a- tnlond o! tue family, aiisiýtJng at thc graveside service. The immediate relatives sur- N ivinîg areC wo 5sous. Ernes a n d Robert. andl onue daughter, Bessie, ail o! Wýhliriw-. Births floral tribu slliwnlher be neavenier CAI] rn. Wni wiblh to 'i niglîzIbon-s 1MiV cxf bercav ulnec o ns the> Ontari giving wo' men a!ILa w elcornp. -The mai tion o! a lange bnllI ne%. TIienu flxcas'at ion - - - or. The ,bi j u la, I Nir.and Nir, ftd sOK andTe up -Ai WEE ENDSPE PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES, COL'GATE'S LILAC OILET SOAP .......... ....... COLGATE'S COLEO TOIIJET SOAP ..................... COLGKrE'S PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP ..........1............. COLGATE'S LAVEN~DER TOILET SOAP ............ .............. FRESH TOMATOES-' Oxade, Lemonade and Orans ade. i package màIm 3 pkgs. for Fe.C WU THE FAMILY GRO, -Phone 94 ,FR Ail Tii.. 1 lcmctica l *Scam less I *Setentpoint + Vt Steel. C WA&LTER A* PHONE 271 BROCK AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE-ý' REFRIGERAT( $179 $ on Your Dual-oautomatic R A N cprorîunitv "e acier expecîec! obcbe uble_#o -offer vou. A genuine XetLrhouse DuaUcauto- mnw& Refrigerae AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN IIIS'TORY. Yeur chance to save $40.C10 on cte urchaîr of a btrand ne"' 1934 modei Westinghowse Refrigetiator wîrh the advanuced X'eqînglounse features ... thc ONLX' DuaI-.attomatsc, Hermetically Sealed Refrite raton on the market. Built for a lifetime. Guaranteed by Westînghouse, an electrical crgani:ýation world-lcuowri fort qualic'r, dependabiiîy and engineering e xcellence- Act at once, w hile this iow price laîts!. . OULY' $17, Your choice of: -1 CUP AND SAUCER 1 COFFEE CUP AND SAUCER 1 -EACH, PEPPER AND -SAIT CEREAL DISH with eachPound of AGG BROS. English Breakfast Tea .59c b GZuuartd as good asamiT.màat 7Oc a Ib. TERMS ARRANCED

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