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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1934, p. 4

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v ~EFOUR! CHURC14ES j L&DIIS K.T HI1s 1 ~~~i . 8vigitina I Mr. T. V&ileikj- We.X. -AI. Prinugle--- r1elativeS and frieflds in Ottawa, Hawksebury and Montreai. Dr. and Mrs. j. Cumniflgs and daughiter, Adele Marie, Of Whtt- h)y. Who have been balidayiflg lu Kinugston,. the guestB of Mca. CuinmtigS' nother, Mrs. D. J. millaul. arc spendi.fl a tew days in Belleville before returnittg home. Mrs. (Dr.), Mabe'., of Odessa, foruierly of WhiltbY. wbo waa tri town this week in attendafle at the Conference betng helfi at the OntaSCiii Ladies' ('ollege, rallc on imany old triends whll heue. # 0 0 ,NIr. R oss and famlily, Who hase been occupytiig the Jackson tîiuse cri Brock street !south, lias o leased the residence of NIrs. lied on ('reen strret sud will flj(vei-ii sliortly- Mrs. Reid ex- pcct et go W. Toronto for thc rlefternoOfl tea beld, on ?busdYattemnooui Rat at ftie oeofMrs. D. E. Carruthers. Dnd a Street W-est, undcr au- 1C5 o2Parias Guild, of AUl 8î gat5"Church waa vecy succOs- lut. Those wbo attended enjoyed tbo tes whlch was secvcd aon the ~sr. George A. Blow, witha va ty of friends t ram Ottawa enkoute tram a week's visit lu Toronto called on relatives sud frIendi liera on Saturday last. Miss Gwen Acliney, R.N., of Toronto. visited lissiveck îith Mi. and Mci. Walter Kennedy. Mrs. Lea Smith, who bas been qilite iii In Oshawa HoL4ptal for several weeks bas recovered su!- fitiently ta be brought tii lier hème bore. Thougli confineil ta lier bed ber condition is Muc'i improved.%Nitr Misses Dorothy and Vivian M'M. lHolden lias purchaged Rice returned homne on I'ridaN oporto e .W ak tasttrain mItîiSii orfl<r of Broc-k and Kcith Montesl r t~ etsand vvitI take possession Mr. snd Mrs. C. T. Frascr. wlî nni'ltIylier daughter, Miss have heen visiting wtl IMrs. t-.'ýnraIloden ailI join the staff A. Gaodgellow for' sev(t-al mWCCkS r 0f the Ontario Ladies' College ln Tetuctied ou VTiîrsday lad ta p1ino therhome iln Toronto.'N1r.R.P qcrkp an Mr. and MIes. \Vm. J. Bell, daugiltr of Saginaw. Mleh., have RInsle.annurie tb c vnage 1-1 on visititlg with Mr. Geo. Ster- ment of their daughiir. .Xiîdrcy l on Eegeflia, ta Orville JloUn Liw - * 0 top. son o!\Mc. ,Fd M Ç,().. M'IanIos and fsmily 4wton, NIa r '11 a r, tîarriagi buhia- ii1Ci ous t ho 11yde tai take place et Kiiîale Vla ted I(--o oi tet Clburciu, Sept. 1 '..* * * 0 0 0 Oin l-riaylast a vers' pleas- ant litfle affaîr took place at the buine of 'Mr. sud Mrs. .Jack Par- ic-,taskm ezt ho forni o! a gath- vring sf tUe members o! Mes. Iest's ible ('laFs to say fareweoll to thein teacher. who had lead t iueîîî us Bibile study for the lasd qix .-, Pa rs.The Misser, Worfolk prnved theinselves ideal hast- esscfuir th(, occasion and on half o! the rnass presented Mrc. Ilest with a beautiful baud bag aud usana- express'ofs o! ap- prcIat lot. - I * eadýy For Sehool Whlï You have h.em eujoying the achool vacatiU, w1 have been busy getin together a-large stock of PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOL .Text Bocks, .Work Books, Exercise Books, Loose Leaf Note Books, Peu., Peracils, Paints, Crayons and the. hundr.d and one items claimed as SchooI Supplies. FRIE A Gift to Public School students who buy school supplies to the value of 50c or more. Mn. and Mrz. A. Mihall<O and fâimily have been vîcîtîug 1reina titres lI tooperclto" -i, M es. T. NwnaN Musq tracc Nevrman andl M aster 1 (' asýt Szitlt, have been liolidayinz il, FOur Mslcio Isîs M;ýiss E. Pst tersoîî. w ho0 lias lan on a ibreaiveis'vacation 1lý Mumkoka bas rmttrnA l onie a4d bas re.-zioued ien 'V O N wbrk here. s-, I. 4 - le - ~51 t WHITBY ODLUM'S r-ftd 1511 &Ao' BRH95YTHEATRE txb r r Eloctuic Toà.y and %twrda"g Augusi 31, Spbmb«r 1 "GOEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALSP". RUIDY VALLEE,, JIMmy DuRANIIE, ALICE FAYE, CLIFF EDWARftS »Mwd«,. Tuaday, Wednmda, September ,4s, 5. I~ TILYAND CUS" ** c~ FIElOS, LSN SKIPWORTH4 BABY LEROY 5Md "Orient Express' HEATHR ANGLORMWAN OR TH-E WI-ITBY GAZE.TTE8i CHRONICLJE THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1934, WE,ýEK ta ls.erecting _a1 modern barn on lits property to replace the structure factng on Centre Street recently gutted by fire. The new barn will beo0f frame and metai construction. * 0 0 The regular meeting of the Tawn Council will ho hold next Monday eçening. when mucis Im- portant business wilI be taken Up. The regular rnonthly meeting or the VON. will ho held an Tuesday, Sept. 4tb, at 3 o'clack in the Lihrary. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Thompson and famîily, w~ho have been visiting thc former's mother, Me s. WV. H. Thomnpson, Centre Street, soutît, and otlher rclatives in town, ceturn- cd to iîbcirr linc in Englewood, N. J. M Ir. Thonmpson, en route froro a business trip to Lngland, joincd hi, famrily litre. Mr. J. J. Kiernan, bursar et the Ontario Hospital, .mnd Mrs. Kiernan and son have moved up town to 'Capanara.' the borne ot the late A. T. Lawler, on King qtreet. Dr. Fletcher. new super- intendent ot the Ontario Hos- pital, will move into the bouse vacated hy NIr. Keirnan on the Ilospital grounds. UN ITED CIÉVRCH CHOIR PICXIC A close. fast bali game between the Benedicts and the unsback- led ones was a feature of thc United Church choir picntc held at Frenchinan's Bay. The single people, under the steady pitcls- Ing of Gord. NlBride, batted out a 10-9 win in extra Innings. Prizes winners ln the sparts run off after supper, uinder 1're- sident Bell. included Dorici Li'k, Wanda floldring. Betty Ileaîd.i Mrs. Lick, Gardon NlcBride and ,lrs,. Anderson, Bennett Smith and Marlon Richardson. GOT INFORMATION ON RELIEF A dcputation frcm the Town Counlcil Nent 10 Toronto on Wcd- nesday r, seck froni Mr. J. A. El- lis, rclirf admninistrator for the De- partnment of Public \\'sclfare. in- formation rcgarding the ncw dirrct relief policY' recently announced by Hon. David Croît, ininister of pub- lic wclfare and municipal affairs. l'ie Council %%as flot surr on cer- tain points and reeeivrd from NMr. ail Il ic information required. The deputation, through Mayor iBowran, sil report to the Town Counicil at its meeting next Tues- 1 day nîglht. HELD EXHIBITION, RACE SATUBsDÀY Whitby Hamiag Pigeon Club held a race ta the Exhibition grounds. a distance o! 32 miles. ou Saturda>'. The birds 'were llb- erated at 2.10 (dayllght-savlng - tîme). sud arrived at their des- tination as !olows: N. P. Williams . . . 2.44.15 R. Hans.. ....... 2.44.15 R. Harriis......... 2.44.30 J. Dslhy.......... 2.47.05 rJ. Sturges........247.30 J. Dalby.......... 248-35 .1 t tJalhv ......... ..856 .1. Dalby .......... 2.4 9456 J J. Datby ........ .21.05O R. Harris......... 2.61.10 F. Rosettani . - -. . 2.51.40 1 R. Harris . ... . 2.51.40 SCHOOLS OPEN ON TUESDAY Ev'rr'tiuîg s in ccadiness for the rt-ep-uutuug cf the scisools in Whit- ha- ric\at Tucsday morning. During tlur ,tiiincr vacation the Board of Elîaînlias had necessarv ce-) tsars ausd improvements madie ta tr - assious %eltools Principals arc i ln~for a large registration in l scliools. Ont. Ladies I Collège, Upper Schoôl Resu it Helen Carscallial,'Algebra Sud, Ccom. lot. Latin Auth. 3rd. Lat- in Camp. Srd, l-rtnch Autis. C, French Camp., 3rd. Marjorie Dawson, Eng. Comp. Dorto Clan Eng. Lit. C. Milidogrdo Qoodtelîew. Eg Comp. Sumd, Bat. Lit. C, Tri&. lot. Elizabeth Harrison, Est. Comp. 3md.- 1 Onaca 1111. lied. MLa. . Geem. 3rd, Tris, lit. Latin AUtis. Ird. Comp. Sud. Lucy 30ou# ntn. Camp. 0. EiIefsu oisumou. Eng. Coups C. Enjr. Utt C. Mod. HIst. 2'5 Trtg. losutLtn fini-. C, lr Autis. C, Ifr. Comp. tud. margaret KettisBug. Coup, O Ut. Lit." C. En'a tin;. Algebra C. Ofnn. C,, Pr. Cemp. 3r4. BOtan> art, ZoelogY Ird.- - eau içkrtir. led Nai .lad. ?iig. lSdi .Lattin Âth. aS Latta CoMp. tu&, Fr. Autis. C. Germai coup. C. Constance Micmmose, E coep. C 'WîeaWieiolson. En;g. Coup. C. EU&Lit. C. 74e4. INiaI.C,, Ueo,. lut, Tr'lg. lut. Latin Âstis laLatin Comp. SmI. pr. A&is. 'Sud.Fr. Cup. rd. hlelen Parsoutnsn. Coup. t r *45p. C., ent I, lot. Marle Wafd. 41t 20d. WL cOup. ýC. UNM _____I FRES-H "S1even Day. Witheut Fish. Have you had your Sea Foodt and nutntiiou i-Mi FIS-H jakes one Weak"l today? a value. Rich in minerais FRESH LAKE TROUT WHITEFIH CHOICE HALIBUT RED SALMON FRESH FILLETS Phone 189 W. Deliver WHITBY FISH MARKET BROCK STREET WEST W. Also Speciaize I Fish and Chips. Whitby Church News E And V iews Tho regular Sunday servicesi wlll b. resumod la tbe Presbyter-1 tan and United Churehes on Stîn-1 day next. 11ev. Dr. Harvey Carmicbsel. mînister o! St. Andrew's' Presby- tecian Churcli, will return train hts vacation this week and or.- eupy bis pulpit at bath servic.es here on Sunday, and ta the af- ternoon at Pickering. * 0 0 Soverai membera o! the Wo- men's Mtssionary Society, af Whlthy 'United Church were ln attendance this week at the Mis- sionary Sehool for Leaders held at the Ontario Ladies' Colloge ta conjunction with the Rural Welfaro Conterance. Rov. T. F. Beat, utister of the Bapttst Churcli for six andi a bal! years, will preach lits tard- well sermons on Sonda>' fait, Imm lie la leaving shorti>' for Tarois- ta. A farewell gathering for thse belaved pastor ta being held hy the congrogation on Frida>' evon- ing. It la understood that the coniçegation bas man>' applica- tions frons outside ministers wiso would like to coite ta Whitby. 0 0 * Rev. S. L. Toîl, B.A., B.D.. wili occupy hi&a pulpIt ln the United Churcli on Sunday at'both services. and at Almonds ln the atternoon. The date of the form- al Induction into the charge lis flot yet been named. Thse Suu- day marning theme wtll lie "Eacîs hie Bit." Wtth thse end of the ummer holidays. -various organfsationt, ot the churches will be meetin,, ta plan for the fail and winter montha. The Gazette and Chron- Ici. Invites the co-eperation Of aIl ln seeuring reliable Informa- tion wlth respect ta election of officera, new programa, and oth- or churcli news. COp>' Must be ln aur banda not liter tisas Wednes- day of each week. 0 0 Mr. Nomman c. S. Goldring wil ho la char-georo ail services at St. Jehn's Cisurcli, Port Whlt- b>'. on Sunday next. On Wednes- day, September ths, tise A.Y.P.A. will hold an aftern.oon tea at tise hiome of Mr&. -R. Golclring. * 0 0 Rev. E. Ralpia Adye, tis e mor will be ta charge of ail services la AIl Saints' CisurCli on Bunday. Tisqme Vitlie éHoly Cemmunion at eight o'elock, tissa again at 11, vison the uermson theme vil! be "Tisey tisat are Chisit,&.,, Sun. day achiseil at tisree olciock, and at 7 eveclng prayer aud sermon, r subJect. 'Nehemiah Prayz.P la lu anDoU.ced by tise retr tisai InstructionVitiîcomemnsce ons WedaesdaY D«4tSepteniler Sti, for confirmation, ýchildren's cim at 4.11 p.m., snd adulte -at B. Utt celai vatiser tissusclasles VwiII b. bell la tise chat o! thse Rer. 'T. P. lest, ag te Bapttis Cbur1iout suBnda.>'meranaL will upeon *Tise Red Wand.*, ONTARJO ~L I I Ca8egiate~Mu.ac 1~. and will conduet the ordinance of the Lard's supper. In the evenlug, the final sermon o! lite pastoritte bore. bis suhject will bho"Tbe Brigbter Sides of a Minister's Ll!e."' On Friday thece wtll heaa social evenlng at the church. v 0 Regular servjie of the Salvatton Arniy will he condueted on $un- day hy Captaiti R. M. Pilfrey and Lieutenant R. J. Cummîngs, oahi- cens lu charuze. COMING F. E. LUNE', 1Evesiglît Specialist for glasses ai Allins I)rug Store, Whitby, Tucsday, Sept. 18. VOTING CONTEST AT THE RICE HARDWARE An intrreçsling Frec Voting con- eSt is announced this wcek on page 5 bv the Ricc Hardsvarc. Eacli per- son rnaking a purcliase at tuie store istcteen September Fet and October 7tli avili rccive a 'Iefor ecry cent tiîey spend. The first prize is -ar General Electrie AIl Wave Console Radio and the second a 97-piece set of fine dishes. In adc-ion Man- ager Clarence Rice announces that there wiII he 'vecklv specials on al huecs in the store ducing the time of the eantest. The windows will be well worth -watchihg. SAVE COAÀL' PUT IN YOUJR WMINTRS COAL THIS MONTII lest the '-ia. lnprie.. b>' prchasig yens wtntes a sal nov. les, thse kit w&Y te luseur your 'confort againai tise firat drop in tes- perature, tee!1 READING ANTHRACITE COAL Duatiesta l Even Burnin Leu. Adm. PHONE 18 O. . ANIN WHUTBY Aiouncements hsotires mader this beading ers cbarged fov et the rate of oe end nGOe hait Ceuwa ibr wOrd, wlth-a minimum charge of 25 cents. A charge la made for notice, of meeting. of *Il organ- IZations at whlcb an ad. mlaalou t«e la charged or a colleftion taken.1 P. J. SULLI VAN, LICENSED plumber and tinsmaith, Brock Street North. Phone 117W, Whit. by.f P A I N T 1 N G. DEC0RATING, rougli plautering, wall giazing, tiffany blending, Wall papert removed by a new method machine, no water, no mnusa, for as 10w as $2.00 ver room. We hang and supplY PaDer for as low as $6.00 per room. Free estimates. Charles A. Bradley, plions 69, Whitby; Oshawa, 1083. GEO. HAMERS, TINSMITH, shoot metal work, etc. Furnaces repaired and rebuilt. lave yours doue now. Telephone 487, rear of Royal Bank. DO YOU NEF4) GLASSES? J. H. Stephenson, R.0., of Toronto, Ieading Optician and Eye Sight Speciallist for twenty- five years will he at Bassett'a Jeweiry Store, every second and fourtli Friday. Eys exam- inationfrom 1 to 6 p.m. Make your appointment early at Bas- sett's, Whttby. Phone 171. W. E. MBRIDE, RlMPRFUEN- tative The Robert Simpson Co, Radios, Washing Machines, Sewing Machines, Stovez. Sul ont G10w 011 Burners, Electrie Retrigerators, Eloctrie MiIk- ers. Catalogue Purniture and House Furyisahings, Show Room, Coiborne St. W., Whtt- by. Phono 470. SEE F. L~. feEÇROFT FOR shinglos. Phono 12. A. j. WORFOLK. PLUMBING and Heattng. Repair work a spectilty. Alt orders promPtly attended to. phone 282. Whit- by. THE HORSi PRICE CYCLE Wliea thse urchaaing power o! any ktnd of liveatock ta cal- cualted for a longf' sertes of aeurs, It lu found that there are fairl>' definîte recisrrlng cyclen of purcbaslng power, vitis a rea- sonablo degreof etperlodtty. tht le. in lengtiscf timint froin peais te peak -or trougis te trougli of thi'wve. Accordiag te Pro- fessor B. C. Hope of thesUnimver- sit>' o! Saskcatchsewan, thse de- dline Ia herse pxices, eontrary- te general opinion, wva net dite to tacrease la tise urne of tract- cri'. but rathor te tise relatlvely hîgis prie for horses prevailiIg frem 1910 te 1915. Tise tract- or bas net ellmlnated the price cycle o! herses, It bias only mod t fted Mt.Tise reont 1eV perlod of thse borne cycle bas boss -ratiser longer tisa nattai because tise country vas becoming sdJustod te a permanently sinalIer auirs- ber, ef herien. Tise herse cycle bas detlnltely turned. Goodwork horses are again beconstng scArCe sand It wiUl be tmre ye.%t lister. breeders con Xkeptp viths tise demand. 'IrmeditoÏï ' a uittle more ntoi eorIom itstise andA- Of fatruies, a sisrp 1»riselate be exPeeted la herne prie&s. W t isSu generai coimmedity -p ric< tseî sisould coiue to rueWi*,- b-omme prices viii rl is ater. The pu>r. 4hasing power et 1bm0« isoul4i continue tOe it W aboutltisa yesr 19877-' The -retum , 'et it tractors te moretgenerl use for- M14 d 'vrk vil not obsuge Ibisi Canada dIni;Jtuly-Iuiufde4 5.8ei5lcars for sale, la Canada. and &119 -fer expert, a total .oe 1114 nulte as ý cerad vlt3 4,540 la ly y iear agio. For thse year té date a total-et s.Uft. car 'vwere Mael.i a ads crn pareil vilh 4418IAs ia penlod -of1933, 414Î1taa »3lý 10,80e la'19,1 and LADIES' COLLEG Co Au-iâk S w:84Ari> ad Rudah smmoos JUNIR ANi>9WO-1It"HOLS DAY -S7 White Fox Fur Good for Evening White fox fur ta worntln the evoning. It was one of the new tashions at the hall after the niidnigbt race at Longchamp, whicb onded the season wtth sucli brIlliance. A new fox, whicl Isluà mixture of beige and white, le also worn. and for the attemnoon there la hrown fox .mith, white Ail theso fox furs are twisted and workod In complicated ways ta make shoulder wraps, collars. and sleeves. The short sbouia-er wrap ln al turs *oems to ho a fashion whieli wlll kemaIn. Nutria, sable, mink, ermitie. grey equirrel, are among the firs whieli are fashionable. SOCIAL TRA VIL PIRSONAL -~ I ~ ~ I I FRED ce. WEST "THE FAMILY GROCER" Soap Special Princess Soap Chips ...............2 for 27c Colgate's Coleo..............................5 for 23c Colgate's% Palmolive .....................5 for 23c Colgate's Lavender .......................5 fer 23c Colgate's Lilac .................. -i........5 for 23c Colgate's Long Castile .........2 bars 19c Fe.-Ce WEST.. Juat Phone -.94 W. De1iver A&MBULANCEý LSERVICE W. inYtee.nqWry ftom diou-réquirig Amýbulance S"Sic. Our Umousune-type Ambulance is prefer- .1>1. becauseof its greater comfort Day and niýht $"eri. Attendants thoroughly experienced. Osawa ospital $2, Any Toronto Hospia,$ FUNERL AND AMBULANE SIERVIC PHO 3 Thon there lis monkeY fur, The liking* for this among the Pari- siennes le worth noting. Diirin;7 the aummerlîIf you went to any party where there were real Fati- bourg St. Germain ^people, yoli always found monkey fur. It trlmmed thoe leeves of blaek summer wr4ps, It made a tringe to a cape, It formed a coîlar. In tIiîý evening it made a tringe to an evenIng wrap, It trimmed litile shoulder capes arid was eveil The production of ereamery butter ln Canada ln July. 1934, amounting ta 35,146.278 pounds.' ahowed an. Increaso o! 3.307,Gý13 pounds compared jflh July I~1 the provinces contrlbuting to Increase betng Quobec, Ontarin, Manitoha, Saskatchewan, Ai- herta and Britisb Columbia.- i i le i h d: ' Sc fil B -Oc T tist brai Sum Aui Uni Wb sci star u ind the the Re, he Mi tof of fo 'ch 'lai pe shi nit HAS THLME,3EViCES t HOT.WATI CARS -HEATINC RADIO CAREFUI WINPVIU 1 11 r PM ý'MUNt 1 54 1

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