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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1934, p. 5

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'TFEWHMTY CGAZETIE ONI VE L JONAL' Rm oky fur.Tie LaniOi th ali -t any n f blic g a f - ' i ýn tfc anmey n P34, n.-,7 1 ldq f h I h .11 19 1 , a lt-llin o th !ESTI ,ais 2 for 27c 5 ..for 23c, .5 for 23c 5 f or 23c *5 for 23c 2 bars'l19c We Deliver C*E îg. Ambulance tnce is prefer- )ay and night inced. oHospital, $5 SERVICE TAXI' NOW HOWING ~CX dw - PACkETTE RO~LL seal-B rite trarnish Prof FITTE6 WITH COMMUNITY PLATE A new creatiÛon in Slverwar. hoders ... deluxe, durable, distinctivelr syed ... and specially coi structed ta- pre. vent tarnishkng. Core ne and sec the ne'* Packette Roil fitted with a çornplfrte service of Com UnD4 Plate. Sertice for 6; teib HoUlew Rgaudl DeLuxe StasnIss Kives. . $3375 BAS'$ETT'S PHONEjWHITBY 171 0 yI~A 1650 H0LDÎFINAL O i rnîfirre hcaiîh and long bc spared to usa- dertake other work for the Mas- ter wihom he had se faithfully serv- cd whulc in Whitby. The large ongregation, ut the rc- quest of Rev. Mr. Adyc offered up asclient prayer for Capt. Best that lie might bc ble.ssed as hc left the scenecof his libers heri. Exioyed àMinlstrY Deeply touched, Capt. Best thanked Rev. Mr. Adyre for his VtrY kind refereuîces te hlm. He sa.id* that hc had cnjoycd bis. ministry, of >ix and a haîf ycana in Whitby, par- ticulariy the vommunity services tluat had becu held during lime past two summers, at which s'a fine a spirit cf Christian fcilowship had prevailcd. He added that if he had duning his stay ini Whitby beee of asiy service to any persan he wish- cd it ta be understood that he hsd pcrforrned this service.lu the narne cf Christ whmo he had learned te icvc ah the age clt 16 and hîad since servcd. finding Hirn unfailing ah al tîrnes. Eoldnss For Christ The final message cf the cern- muni> escries was dclivered by the Rcv. 5. L. Toîl, B.A., B.D., the mùin- îshcr cf the United Churcli, wio stressed the fact thiat fellowcrs cf C.hrist must ever be boid in Hie service, muet bc r.eady ta figlut for ihe pninciples for whlciî Christ steod. Toc iny people wanted te be Clîristians withouh raking the sacrifices dcmanded cf thern as thcy hiad been demandcd f rom and juer- f ormed by Christ. Rev. Mr. Toil alsc pointed eut that in the case of the lame -mian who had been healed at the beautiful gate cf the Temple by Peter and John, a miracle that could net be disputed b> the nuIts cf the people when thcy broulght Paul and Sulas befere themn ta seek and explanatien ef their faith, se it was today. The spiritua.lIy"hcal- cd tcday was the best example of the power and cftcctivenesi of Cliurst. There were toc man> mpir- itually lame people in the werld te- day, even lnu-the chureh, and enly. through Christ could they bc heal- cd. The mu.sic was ln charge ef a joint choir cf the Baptist and Al Sainits' churches. GRADUATION Ai ONTARIO HOSPITAL JUIN i~IIIV ULt) (Continued f romt page 1) * wcrk of the Hospital and the con- tribeuimon made te il hy ils nurses. Occasion Traken To Bid lie, was assustcd by - Mn. Stevensclit Farewell nd Godspeed uifiecof tice uperiuteudeuh. Truce who receivcd thré duplomas wcre: To Cipt. Best Alida Adam, Sandwich ; ilida i - Bailey, E'rcoklin ; Rets M. Conne n, '11 l iiciVClli scrvice lu the Bap- Bowmnanvillc; Vers Jean Davidscul, lit t tlrdrclu la Suna. u. ôi Brantford; Iladchie Dracup, Belle-c hi ouglît ho 4 lSc Hic conu- vth ille ; Laura Grace Dundas, Feneicut iîniinihv servicej tha: lîaNc been licld Falls; Marlon Gertrude Doble, Sun-s >ulîda1y eveninýs duriuîg July sud derlauud; Caroline Blanche Hamil- .\llgtst bctwceil the Presbyterian, heu. Bowmanville; M4arlou Grace Ui'ntcd, Baptistl aund Anglican cliur- Hyland. Enterprise; Marion Leg- ,he, of the tw'u hie hcwn cf go1t, Bowmnauville; Jessie Moehk- i îh1)N is trujiîitc n]I his re- uman, Toronto-, Laura MeOuccu, sDct accordîi t J Rev. E. Raîplu Kigston; -Rita Laura Niccly,à \dyc. rechor . Ail Sai'its' Angli- Stouffvilic; Violet May Parliarnut,a rau LChurcli wirj as president of th c Baverton; Ircume Elizabeth Regan, Wiwtby IMunistcrIal Association Torcnto-, Sybîl Rose. Toronto; Ena spokclc ahe tiose of the Sunday Frances Sandford. Eldorado;, Vera c'Vtiliilg 51s7tr , ani rrferrrd ho the Margaret Saudfrird. Eldorado; Adc- succcss of tlîi içrs Ices froni thc unr' Stunrcuî, Whithy ; Etina Clairt statidp -it eW spirit ual feiiowsliii Stock. Toronto; Florence Ireute vild th l prom oh ei ef goodwlll Watts. V'atrrford. ormong the vsurilîs de n"ntahulotis of CI*&& of 1935 ic wt e at.S Jess e NMay Broughton. Mount Farewell oCp.Ba Forri; Mary Geraldine Byer, As this %wai the filial service cf Stouiff vil Gladys Finnegfln, nii ii colnivrgatiou1tat -,viiicil Fruuictorui; Audrey Alice Fleisch- Rev. T. F. l3ist, înuiister of the C r, sîoufvillIe; Rutlh Luçille liai- Biajlu.isu ('hîurclî,vili bc present. as raout. Oshawa: Rebecea Elcasmon r IN reav'uîg terril iortiN., ke%. Ke11%, Trenton ; Elesuor Muir Mr. Ahi c he~ocs to *rcfrrho Morrison. WVcshon, J ean Mot- i:lw f.îî hihti artd sîu.ci fu ii îry rilioh, Oshawa ; Annie Floenice I l hli~hl 'hrîîîîhCr iis pirit W~hitr, Unienville ; lues Beattice i iîlriiîrîz <inatlîrý and i \alime, Cambourne; Gladys May i Iri ih i leZg l for lie catie cf Young. L.ansing.- <i is nIr'.h ýt n ailt0h111nZ5 pcr- 0f the tlîirty-four gradute, t') 111l 1h \ t hrrnswelfarr atid. twenty-oc-are cf thse 1934 Isas 'îrîî!îc.. s~ nrnhrrrff lire whr.havee cmpletedth ie thiet-yit M 'nsmc ~u .\rî ' n Scaiingtralulur: period, andth ie balance of i ~ N i r s sut taditic1935 clai, JIn conntttl w ith ~l ~ I îohahîfelow. tite latter. it il peintet out uat iiis SA ~i i'i let.and -sea ile the final claie et nndecrgitt îîcîîlr ' hiMii stiaiAsçocia- to graduate i coitilCtion tb te "il rnhtli association huspital for tome time, 10 55Wste. Y. lii \r, Adye expressei dents hameiem bena taies celer the r~ ~ ~ ~~l P thCh etwould pas1 Ivo yetrs Tt vas thogstiad- ii bc rc t O d hois usual god visable t tehe cgradualloexac- AllIn's Drus SO 'DUT SUFFI HIGH SCHOOL socmS MAI PUBLiC 1SCIOOL BOOKS Ram READE*5S CR^ TET-OKIS nR NOTERK It SCRIMB$.Pm coey 9OOK5 E DRAWI NG DOOKPE LOW0EIL.EAPFSBOIS Mlr LOJSE ngv .U lU MUCIAG Wath f« CW Wbd T~ REALLMS lICE HIARDWARE FREE -VOTINO CONTEST, SEPTI 1 ST TO OCT 27m' FIRST PRIZE-l Genersi Electric AU Wave Console Radio. SECOND PRIZE-97 .iece Set of FineDihs coNDmONS 0 F CONTEST Each person making a purchaie at our store duiiu the time of this will receive a vote for every cent they spend. Most nwiibcr of votes& GET YOUR NAM£ ON T4F IST NIJW W.kIy Specials -frqm Sept.- To Sept. S- th canada Varniih Co. speciai Prie-e, Qusit 75c BON AMI Cake or Ti, Special l2c DUST PANS AUl Rinde Extra Specia 2Oc specialPriee 45ç-55c 65c ZINC RINGS 17c For and Steve pipe ENAMEL Specil iPrice 15C JELLY JARS scrcw Tops Specil Prie-e.Dosen 79c WATCH OUR -WINDOWS Many Other Specials. Corne in Se Our Stoves and Refrigerators. STEEL WOOL -mcd., Finbe er cent-a Speclai Pt-ko 8c 0k! Dutcb CLEANSER SPecial Prie, 2 for 19C Electric Light BULBS 60 Watt Extra Prier, Eaeh 15C WATCH FOR NEXT WEEK9S SPEC1AL SHEET cissi connection with bat il classes aL the oee hnue this year as3 ain cconorny aund cosiveni.uit niea-1 Given SpecalPrîme Auctîter fcature of tihe cseus.uig uras tîte preseushatuon cf specual pruzes sud awards to nurses w'ho lias-e distiuguushied thcmselr-es lu the dîeIds cf general proflcieucy, gen- cral nur>ang, ductctues. obstetriis, psychiatry sud psychiatrie nursinug, miedicine andi medical nuursing sud surgery sud surgical nuraing. These primes arc provideti b> the Hospital anti members et the staff, anti are awarded înnually. Tht-et different awa-ts went to Miss Edua Stock, ot tie 1934 class, andti un ta Miss Eleanor Monnison, cf-the 1935 cdis: of sqndergratuatms The venions awardsti udre winners are as follows- S 1Cla fIe t 84 General proficncy'-Pretnted by the Board of Vîsiters-Eda Stock. Second higist In generl Pro- ficiency-Presented by tise Hospital -Rets, Nicci>. General Nunrg - Preseistti b> Miss N. D. Fidier, snpenzttndt of.-.urset-Edua Stock Diceties - Pnesnted b>' Miss Freda Rusie, dicittia-Alida Ad- Obstetn.uci, Presenteti b>'tise lies pital-gidua Stockr -G«e reloîcîency, preeteti li Dr. G. H. Steveasonmedicil cp. Crintendent-Ielc lnlton. second. in Geseal Proflciey, ?Nescated b>'1 tise lnunssmget«i staff - Audit> Fie-iselse. Psychiatry atiPsychiairie Nun. ing-Preessed by Dr. Sena Elilaei Iornlson. Medieeamt! edko esiurint - Preacmted b>' Dr. Waitns,.Eleam l Surger>'anti Sut-ssi I Nnsw$: - Prescote-ti > tDr..John WÇbster - Tht gradation rzrcim comsed 'sus thse ProctesioaI. *0 Casada turlng tise slng cf4cViA" thte gtfiusittoou tuer pla e te if venand ti et mmurs-sce titi a:i 'ou#4 lieui4sccs In thse fro is of usehll. Ticié-eaucs asofferatib) 0 fst. 'aCleUrcisPOOt Wkklî ebkJeutivDr.1&e addss e lis *bkb tiaae dW4ma tln o h il w *à L » potr, q . u hbaht e tin tdsà«c os ~ ~ ~ ~ X ,ýàtl. ais Pesa n * ge wn -l'e - i tO"» mi, Wu ho, %wlho spoke cf the importance ci the <reat fleed-gates ef Hie g mental h3-guenc, cf Ille great de- and paver. %eiepruents that had takrn place in Iu the epening session the paît few years un the field cf -Poke Mfthe develcpment ci psychiatrie rescarch with their bcii. uisionary spir'it tu worn .fit ho îhousauuds (f mentaily sick, chi-Idren. Gcd wanted tLime and the great service bcing rendcr- îles te be miasicuaries. Them' cd by the me-dical and nursinîg staffs ed Hlm, yet He stili continue cf the mental hospitais. Dr. Far- uee tbem even ln exile. i rar, ie closuuîg, gave te the graduat- -shows the, se do the pret! ingnusessoneexcellent ad -yyet stIli the. Israelihes n'erea tinely advicc ho help theni as the-y n.halteCrsinc go forth frern the hospital. He alue fail Hum? This le a chail uried thern te kcep ever before ho us. themu the high ideals of the protes- Mrs. 3. R. MacCrimmen sion. an inteneerting demcnstratioi OthérAddflfflcliart ef the vork cf tho Felloving thc prepentatien of d -W.M.S..iroui the.Dominion'1 plom s ad pins tw t>e rduatcs ad vu hbtriCtornc b> Dr. MeOhice nrsat" d JdPrsyell drcssswtre gae~Jv ie, KVn -Î& uin a Bowman, %vief =n th* "uB îl'Ilne Book**. v witset 1 iiat *#r et * ati~l .8,bivi18 f --A col br, thud. i boe a ou10 Tvies, ciaïimai ofethte Baud ot *ellemamdclsd,~ Visitea W1IO~ ~«7 limes, aid Mr&. W. J. lisepi 'ile eCOuieiis te tuileon ttedos» 'Vi fle ur-k ef vWon bclng donc atihe hospitil as B3and& and th* <teat pari lit liait oierve it on Iles vîsits te mar play lu tralalas thie thse Kospital. andi Dr. 1. M. Forster, mladsaon taluaylu, supis'Indint et thse Spital het twon as î.eplng ti* Young for seen' yeurs. vue recalleti the theri tu touc i viiithe vor] early >'cars of the Hospital, and ef 341" W. Tbounas continuoi the 'sorkdentby the pioncera lu study ons the Klagdem er 0e thse causeof mental hialtit in On- ferlng agala te tic fout vié tarie. addinx a word af praise for the iiagdoui ield by tie Hel the succets aelievcd by Pir. G. H. '_(1) TIsocratie. (2) proci Stevenson viile ini charge ofthtie (S) apetahyptie. (4) poliUe H-opital at Wliiîby. W. L. N. Sini- doait vus ths mase et clair, KC., M.?.. 'stuc v amaoid.. Lie lapUtisi.tiebapUiis et ably aisent fronstlise gatheriag. dÎd. snd ENitemr'tAtIe lulie W met forget to e" ûtdh congratula- mess. tiens sud ual viahe t me oly te 'hrie,.ld been me preluli tise grsduites but tise Hospital andto fra John for 100 veils.iM clmtafo thse tgod wok be*ng ae- not ree.ived &a a prophetb cmnptiised in Whiby. lailueutal lasses but b>' the 1114essefles . mon, people ho vas. T'rie l *Tise NationalAuttucbubt the11,5 laethe vîldetusas vas1 r nisi Part 0et île'prOguaus Io ateatntst.130 e vaI mb tho close. alter wviieisthteseurses heM drucss t býborIns.Oeba4t! & re-ception on tise laves whert tise>' <OMtht* patb alooa wvIcb *er Metm- aMti arnilv rwrtuat s Pkt vuas1ie4i"g lm. by irindf Th ruionarygrau.Jeep' conception et t»liti aûv 4»«sd, h astousss*VA atin- d orchiai t.iey vaited wq fa t u bu r or tfe*kew t i P ecraslsed lod et m renSutes m atinsa <ce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ay anlu e u. h romsvn bad to ftc Hespal (><isilhi.be mode bree". Jeus I e tremel, sluslut'O te ne teFne.Addren îeBo 1 * - 1*tom* 4W01W 00 iM«< e lre W. L OMS"ti. &iILs er-tise4*' Vs.0 *MO*> ke «ce wflp.s14 b* W. K l Wpoumés »~Mda "0» cotfl vo" Idt »Wa ibE t* ,e Ms*b a 1 t ae Wte Wd ,m o*ay g «Me »»,«Il Si i 5eS et 11 t .e*g qva 5OI1~t5 5~s I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h tatjut0< ue 5 e. ft a mmeulprl os M , ilvs 11as " a W »ut .îsqvaga<b * N » M 04tu a m « lut ofeM1 R* #$a a m m= --.M M u o PAGE Fil 30, 1934 ~sd etreae a.Ta*. plue«tov»ev, Mr. aid wm ibetens. -of eteats,11eusIso ,iato. i. Tek t a tToroW. s uo OIIU.S.A., 115vbiIUig the i'W&i~l urlbl drt; iepeutvesi. Ve lS R f .SN'.?e#c5 ls hallU i leib"-luseoi ILd,-wïwt smem tt.esM, t ae ma"'swt es >1WOrm etJoIlust Idd et ete« « ces« 1a tisW 1W SUS- u iobsmtllt ta i prfis.Ns,14r a. 4>1 tns ?àdhflt isai YIswttag d401«9 v > Mtms wa m 54 , o5 t ,W *thsit e 3" is - ~ b * bWeSr - -ý,e$ yoars , n the ork th e. toid aBBm e beautiful atery of eliccor and a d bospitais anld the. greapirit of lnDRL R.T., pcARE wor. She brought a very vivid TH GAZETTE & ysceanSrg. picture to the minds of ber lis- edeean HC teners. CIIRONICLEC, RSiden d Mary1S. Mrs. C. R. Carscallen outllned Co. roe d ar S. plans for he atudy of the C.G.. 11/,c P « w ord, m in ni m i F T. bock.,'India on the. March", 253 centsDE ICICAaChD. Illustrating these by referonce te %.PHY9IOJAN xnap and aise a cb.aracteristlc NO CLASSFID <e ud.ad~ 3 i cbnrt drawn on the blaclcboard.co.D d adz uo& Extracts from the book proved ADVERTBEumEN1 WIL Tepbo.i 60 mot InterestInz aheving It cuid BE__________________ net tatilte be an attractive eub-.i ject fer C.G.I.T. girls. fler ut- Thé Gaze -tte td Chrouielt Dr. W. D. Forsyui, V.. lino muet proveonioat helpful te viii Bot b. reponsIble for10f Thoruton'à Corners, apecie. the girls n their study cf the orr r ocurr ing l n t elphon- hi m aes. J» y.ar «ate ncrl a e. bok. err aer ie et.o uaT-p o & w 0 Miss Canmpbeillveteran mie- . d.tlmus ra . io.Ohv 8 slonary frcm Indore, India. suli oCpy Dot cir.f'itli or Fies moderato thrilled ber listeners vith the etby vylten. Mitakie00 etry cf a onderful puring ut turis ren these UOUTftà LEG AL cf the spirit arnong the. yeung art_____________________________ girls of an erpbanage, ln Indin. arvhlyt delsirsk Many f them though baptied W . IL KENNE Y, were still under the dominion of sin. For seven and a balf menthe Barvi-- SIUt a h u the misalonaries igonised ln For R&mt Cou.% Noer? Comeyame,. et& prayer fer the seuls cf these Whitby, Ont young people every day. sure that FOR RENT - SIX ROOMED Office-Brock Street North. ont God xvould anaver their prayers house on Centre Street South, ail dcci eiortb Hewis Butcher Shop the moment they vers ready to conveniences, garden, garage, chick- rec ive His blesing. And he>' en bouse, qetc. APPIY Mis. R. R O A D R M wers not diaappointed. A stronit Vanstone. Green St.. Telephone S32 .D NA DR D Y conviction of sin took bold on thei. 3slter. SoIicit~r. r4otary 1J'le hearts of the. girls and ther cried FOR RENT - FIVE ROOMEID Officteat the Court i-use. formner- for forgiveness. God sent the houas. pantry. cellar. gardon, lien ly occupied by X . E.Christian. Cornforter and they became glor- bouse on iXltt St. s. possession Money te ban. iousiy happy and ealer th serve at once. Âppiy Mra. W. Craw- Plhont -M Wbitby Hirn. Tbeir ilvea vere devoted te forth, telephone 90D. _______________ H ie serv çe and to-day they are i o z T i o u E F R R N . B O N 4 4 K C among te bet workerg ln its IF O ent-HOS. wFOR REnt A .BO NNKC vineyard. Bil conveniencesr, vithluPu one "This," eaid Miss Camnpbell, ",gblock cf Town Hall. Fer particu- (Baresi rleak trNrth ulc what the Church neede to-ay- &lae pply j. E. Wiille., Centre (Opposite Rico'@ HardWare) a grent revival. Nothing elimecau Street. Whitby. Tei"m s394 Witby, 0)iteri. save the wcrld. Ail over the eartb O IN IZROE there les agroat cry and a longing FoRuelnT - Fconiti o. D for a renewing ofLthe spitrit. God hoaiter good onnd. iBtDU CAppBi? , lg ready and It will ceewen Waler . Knney. arrste. D NCA D. M OU"mau wc gr,,,%wIlling le «Ive Jesue fui" Opposite Bell Telephon. Office. Mre C.R. rew. poientofW ANTED-BOARDERS WÂN'r- plnrt.4 &ntb te Dominion Board on Wednes-ecomfCnral. home, a ttccnisnNC day and ahthe, evening meeting IuncaCeti.ÂpyGetefqLR& i~ he chape . and brouglit t te Lo.office. workers.- an inspiring mesage. WÂNTED - TWQ OR TRREE L W. mIUD.E emhaizi ng thio tact that betors reems, beated. centrai. partly Rpeetn to w ompn eeld ho, of any use furnîhd for tvo fadulte. Grund MumI Lute InsemosC. i n the work nt furthering the fleor if possible. .AvPpY Gazettu &ac oingom cf Gd. uer. muet b. rofice , Automomiet Aedtlmt i the asurance of Hie dwelling-ofie eb place ln tbéir bearts. They mupt WANTED-ANlY PERSON WILL- Fiai.00 be, brcught te realize the effici- îng te take W? 81.200 mertgage Dinduest. W. Whitb, - ency of prayer. Tbey muet listen for three yeare on a veli kept te Hig voice. H. vilI undertake prcperty vith 2 lots. Write Bo-X UNDETAKING grace for us even viien vs, have lest 10 Gazette office. the power cf prayer. site Thinc cf God among us. «'Wben WANTED-SINGLE OR -ýDOUJ- W. C. TOWN dtho 1 awake 1 arn stili vith Tbee." hie portable garage, Muet be ln vn.aeapfrectar aad £.baln iand Hie love wili neyer lit us go. goed condition, and cbeap. Cash ýAlbulance SeMICe srnel- But w e an nover b e oiish. demi. ApplY GaZeDtte Office, Whit- Phone 410 . e whitby efail. W. muet stretch eut cur 'bande by. ed to ho others. We have a Cemforte? Daniel by the death cf Jos. W. mIuet ForSeS..A A. ROBINON phets. net keep tbis possession teoOur- lp Dw M~.ad Ilsur want- selves. Lot us neyer rest boldl1ng HORSZC FOR SALE-)ARO;Dller hurc'i up the Cross et Christ titi the go.4 voiler. APPIY te 3e. Ambulan' Service lenge whoeored le brought te the Btraub, Jevith Camp, 1 1*4 Millu Phone W B~~ rook1lin.Ont. feet cf Jesus. forth of Plekerig VIllg. _______________ gavô O AUCPN 71FD O U E T on by FRRL-CR l o) wbel ~ ~ remo t 4?. r. sier«salit cabbage. ord %,Cr m .t tomatoU u bSb0a l. UYV1UO 1<W. STMVOID raci -CLÂREMONT. \ut. .-i Delra bak-sace on the boVlli an* ' a v $M ,-T TTIUOMYIV ' itg hu ola moderaIt cn ou yrI~~.igi sst ve rm mode bFfrugaaksmio,îl leden houin ourtti laud-toul-tMdbotter. VY< entral.Box 2 7 KIUViOS d Weit Whitb». s0M ainent vlm bheu.iiTh e wm at t plaes.Neviretfin,' iet!.FAIlIFOR SALZ,:.12TY Ac-' CM TIE ville, sond: ClaeL.t«' reî ur;V.t, &t7, cou. i, Reaeb Tvî'.. theY Alent ot. À M 'Wtb barx 84 by 50. tbe t t T OU1i*et.Sctcon'$sviitaed 3 0 by 4 0, good 'Weil, aIes G OIV MESID » î ifea bo ld bMeron Wedneeday D ' 55nit5 srli boglarn e. e. Swis 'k i stna. t t 'rt 1tournaMen tr. roiertr efthé tic tate ut b;ebii - e u. starnda b frd tiié. Ttroh dt te Ital .Valentîn.. For parîlcu -_______ 1 1 I t

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