- J- - , ~ - - -v " ' i THE WHITBYGAZEITE a8 CHRONICLE.,THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1934ý, Oazet and CJironiclo Picora Pgeo Current' A PAGE 0F INTER&STING PICTURES OFHIGHLIGMTS IN A WEEKL Y RE VIE W 0F WORLD NEWS Evonà ts A, Tail- Drum Major A Husndred Yeara of Progreas# Manager Cochrane Takes a Holiday 'l H E ADIAIii,1]l<M)I<iU ID Tf) ý.IILUEIt-JA( bT EaLrl Beat t> iulmirnl of the Fleet, %tops for a chat wth a druin major, the <oulest mon An the Nary. as be arrives formafly t open the rortsmouth Navy W'eek Meebration. A CogtIy Divorce Settiement lir*. ue! Lynchî leva i boge# lSt-y.r-ohd bebte t e. .a O [000 chanig tmre fortune. ha*. erttet&»amuci spft.IaIio. Ilireegi ier Ihno divorefroua Job% lU. liusgrr, >luqmg ra$oec,a thu'osgh lier uriexpe-rd marrtag m mwlu.. #84sf. ame wpasuela t lajl lIe r. lier divrce ppie" y tae<Sussaî villa eger Anqtq4e *1S00.00,as0gtug o rf-ortma.Wb" xm i...nisugo r rcf o Oriental Coemony W Neto York -i Only a Noon-Day Re.t DOC DA"!' KOR' WM T Mr AIl AW" lx Tm MSAmC tue dayw. aMc e«"iea. #Mo u mOfouevwys lo40 tcu c40 et mtPPWm MOMgr*104 tot ~0 ""tla OI uesiet au... iwb Mhgw bOis, M Mdfur 44S la<o m It O i bregIb Md aI fU. am tu te .Aro*b.-ut e imoue a-mouaIste w.o.4 me -eu s fP~wutui s-to. « t.' ter <ho. d~ skme ce MM.eoU <oreom fa U01 auhouui*flug 4 t« a «1k1; hgt OMM * <b. I gomeau fl * sb &. De dot dé" mako i.uUri 0. b 1 The paying prices to country ahippers for Grade A large ecul on An1gusi 24, 1934. compared wlfli 1933 and 1932 were. Mon- Ireal. (1934) 1:-23 cents, (1933) (1934) 20 Cents. (1933) 18 "-ents. <19321 20-:1 rents. Win- sipe;,<13 15, (1933) 10-1?. 1193:>)!Vantouver, < 1334>ý 24-2b cent». (193V1 21-.2 mou. (193!) 19 cents. JitiGLBLAwD'S EROYAL FNU %ickey <'ocbra" 'geta au eewnbiggoi booet nt &Ulag hi is happy household than h. dosout 0o la.shing Ithe Ttgrrs toa penant. Iloeethe letroit strtegiat 114 shows wlfth Mrts.Cochrane,. joanI andi Gordon MStnley orlarane, Jr.. S, who afina te foliow la te fontateps of hie - IIluà fir1ous fatitei The Cedwane' home Is nt Cyxwyd, outalde of PhuIade]phlâ, but they «0 nspedlng the sûimme la Dtroit-ii4 wbat a manert -M - M. mage Follows Divorce Decree L ong on 04e St reet, Ni th ClaI judo In - in Tbs Osbai dome finer brold *and f vas the --tabli i upon <bornE intei os~ 'ar1 besd At, te r ils .clues ],4Iup * vsl wlu1a - 91 L - 1< -M i 1< MJSS0&?»(><0~1" OrEN JBoUives AILY rwa@xkplUyt mi",AmatolMade cf LOan n oiuG, h%ai houoss k*peu. lut »me h ab* h.wu evici*to rmthe, large hom wbtcl fO&M tSW O se and ima, )8(nt rlght),0 have set p bouM>' booa. a »a* benrIt uleeping la doorwiays when At s. Ms M 1 o u Icat It aèoco eprvido lber- housekeeper anid isut. wud W..1100A&ry Jaut Obrupe pw butMlp. sM M4 Umm 4buSIfr ubosIhs"*,On rw 0.étI m Rth tom d. ew~t m*k purtbm <*Pb* o L a. diaMa lhe m St bs-s fls# ib Ue a PM .dat <b em *vil Mma ?.l'eu" ftem te mmd. 1 bK..*4wêr a ~ 1. PI t 54 4 p ~ it I ------- -------- Uèmwow -- L mrý»A» bij t