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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 2

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-r" il-lE wHrTBY CAZEMITE & ONICLE. MI IRSDAY, JUNE 209 1935 r" THE The WbitIby Gazette & Chroude olatarl4 bouata HAIL«deSWORI pubUlb eYNry Thur'd17 mans gb, TLIDO pubbI18hDW otapL81 etof LiSUmlted; 0C IL litady, PTflidlDt; À A. R. Aioway. vice-Ptul- 605%; Oraldofl M. Gko6f 011v, Dlrctor. AtiITWbrO la Canaîda $1.60 a ya.r lin tM.: 12.00 a ysar to subscribOfs la tbe Unted Statés or ether foreigli ceunt-Tlu. Tht date te whieh the subuctrlDOta paàivad la lakdieed onthe &dneuB J&. .RMTO.Ete duiem aae TelephoIOs: Bell. 23; 8Osid*Uee. $69 WHITBY, TIÃŽURSDAY, J'<NE 20, 193b. For the Mentally Afficted The visit to Whitby this week of me- beris cf the Neuro-Paychtatrie Associationl la a reminder of the fact that throihout this province today there are ma.ny men who are making a astudy uf the cause and cure -of mental afflictions, and who are iaboring long and weli te improve thé lot of those who are confined to institutions like the Ontario }Hospital at Whltby. Much prcigrest, has been made in recent years in tbe diagnosis, treatmerut and cure of varfout forme cfniuental ilinea by men 'of the type who were here on Wéd- ne8day and who are la charge of our men- tal institutionsi and much more wili be ac- complshed, w- e el sm-e, ait itrentific knowledge deveiops and inereaseà. Tho- door of hope In our mental Institutions Ir, wider today than ever before. The per- centage of those annuaily dlscharired &A cured or greatly iraproved is becoming higher. May the good work continue. Blots on Whitby's Landacape There should be some iaw enabling mu- nicipal councils te order the removal or te have rernoved old trame satieafcing or adjoinlng homes in the residentiai sec- tions. Whltby hia& far too many of the8e, particularly on the streets flot ini the ares comlngr under the town'a tire bylaw. It le poor encouragement for a property owner te spend hie money and keep hue place iookiuig nice on hi& ewn account, andi because et b'is se-nec cv'ic pride when a -- man is able te erect or maintain somne hard iooklid stable, chicken pen, oute4de -' toile-t or -other eye-sone which deprecites his propey'a& value. A lot la sald about bulbordsai lu r highways, a&"iwhilé w-have elw , advoie ta t tue-s should bo sbZ lsed as far- as possible, we would like, to se-ethé man with eyiOrs in front ef or adjoinlng hi& home get a break. The town's tire bylaw la fine 80 far as It goes, for It vil not permit the érection or the maintenance of a building of the character descnlbed, but the tire limita shouid either be extended te tike -in the whbie town -or sanie power shouid be iven Council te deai with adverse cou- dîtions Ia rother parts ot the town. -Outaide cof tarins ope-ated on an exten- nive "cae, whlch are ini thé town limita. there seettis te be very littho reason why a man sh4iuid be allowed Inl good residen- Mla districts to mairitain buildings te ke-ep cittie and, horses, or evon a buneh ci old aloied that constitute a blot on thé la"&. cape of tic -town. There are aise far ten many outside- toilits in the. Town ef Whltby - A4 Reetricted Arec for Catti. Thé I¶ýp&rtme-nt of Agriculture ut Ot- t.awa are shortiy ho circulate -a petities amon& tbhe cattle owuera oet OMrl County vith a vie-w teo btalning tiet- opinion o4 the propoW srdotahlshment of what la )ýnown as a resta-cted ameafor cattie, The' approval of twothirda ofthVe cattie Owiýers et the eouaty viiile nmou> mary befeke- the depeatet ii estabUial the are& Under this ne-w plan. ev«.y bouit lnthe province vl be giVU t hé bovine tu»muloisatest aM compubahtti wMi be aaded the- owM n aCases bff ttu tetUrna eut pohltle. Ne o mMs «t cattie roa he- cowtys bordera rAI .lbe aU salhe Ohmctte bave fia-st- pàaédth T. B. test. The ho e tubercuklsecondtinbau Iately rathernute in te*am aanun gTormito. C%@ « -t*o dg*we a .Ci' egmn toadverlm a a1» Yom »0 the actht teMUlthy md -casteT. 13.Inste- oms. Otbe dit*- l lui e l c hty mue isfam. Mpevu O.lê b"e te Pm u tie thè bsdcon ev ter14fIes mi UI suifer 0*0 km «0flate, uMsUo r establieh the so called restricted areas un the Consent of two-thirds of the cattle owners within the proposed ares. A maxi- mum ailwance of $100 will be glveii for thoroughbreds and $40 for non-thorouih hre catte. The tests are taken as soon as possible after the establishmenit of the area. lTe followIng year another giflerai test will be made and the frequency with which further tests are to be made is determifled by the relts of this second test. In the case of cattie bought at the stock yards, andi brought into the area for fattening as i,% done by many farmers in the district, the cattie muât be tested at the yards or à. permit may be obt-ained 'to hâve the tests mate at homne provided the animais are kept separate fromn the rest of the herd. The new plan is one which deserves the support of every cattie owrier and dealer in the rounty, and the n-ecersary two- thirds approval should be o*otained w-th- out trouble. Put Out Thot Camp Fire The Current effort beîlgng adr to Cdu- cate the public in the importance and technique ot building and disr>osing nt camnp fires wili strike a gympathetir note among many citizenst. It i.q a good wcrk. The automobile has trant;formed many a city-dweiler into a camper. Covern- menu. realiting this, have buit roads that Up scenic wonderlands atnd a-rgiiI fore-st3. Forest serv-ices have cleared trails for the hikers. Tcaday, aA nt no limie tac- fore, the natural resqourcea for recreatton are open to the people's u.se and abuse. The boy in a w-eil-organiT-ed camp is ne;t the chiet offender. He ix tatight tiow to build and rare for tires. Enemy No. 1 of the foredM is the thoughtiess aduit who haves his camp fire gmoidering. ready to be apread by a guet oft wind, or careiea.cl: flips a cigarette or cigar liaIt a.sidi'. Payrng A Hig'h Price more titan $570,000 bas been apent in Royal Commnissions since the present gev- ernment camne- n office at Ott.awa, thbe lirgest single expenditure having been $217,!r1 on the Price SpmIsed and ma"s Buyln he-ain. Thm b ave been cm=iii- dlone by thÃŽj tpartment et 'flide andi ee. thé Secretary et State, Finne De-artmnt, Interior Depart- munt, Justice Department, Labor D)epart- ment, Marine Departie-nt and the Nation- al De-tence Departme-nt. What we have ee- cured fer a&U this effort and I al this ex- penditure buasnet be-en comput-ed in ternis ef dollarsnd cents. The- one deffnite thlng which la known ta that we-have paltiout 8670,000 anti ais that the fîni! coste- ef &Ume Investigat ions have net yet M'e asem to lie living in an ageofetIn- vuatigations. Any person c-an demanti one. ant whec the. demand be-cornes insittenït the 'gevernnent of the day is ai Omet plâced between two ires, If il decidt- upen the ie nvestigation then ht muai farcte thei paymenit oet ti11. If ah d"eiettht the-re uhali lie ne inveetinttao then st must stand for the critician t"aIt de- *Air- te omer-up "Bornuthnwhkch hi Pmo bte t up seret Cha-ltian la its billet we are -pyingtoc prut tas Iuveat AM s URoyal commit. Mm. bM beuetue axpendihure la due te the. bblc castavm t t te tm son St- suspect « bue" outrigit that some Pet. m buam-el out <of Ine te tat. e -un ting wbhh ti'inetbe-long te hhr- Stuattord Bwoo-uem-ld. no .Nntop*r a" alaoI modem ife La eb& diffest t.dey ftm wtuiat Ir" àadde m »,To4v, a tmt dui et beyt.g le dome ~vutb MW ThLî int tun musatbot oppouesuhU fM 1Uft5 1, avtwn to t4 bIMw ',Mevelut <trI W a i bwm bi *b ta te ia ~ b à. fa 1«bar I m U POINT 0F VIE W, * Livutck As -n.To Iniclude Ontario 1iSLi aged SS years. and his wt e' FARLM.'LL.DE VINEGAR vingear 1-ermentation proper, I& Jane. died December 27, 100, caused by vinegar bacterla,. he County *l rhe descendants of Andro uilityc-a le ppardfrom a quite distincet, a.nd for their besî KitriIdearendas fows: joi 1%retý fraw products. provid- actioni require different condi. 1 Kitrik ar asfolows:joll tey c'tltaiflferînntable su- tiOns as Ifltimated In the conteit Srs ofM tig to 'County beore thec end -of JunD a Kittrlck. b).,n November îý,ljar in suffu(-ieni quantity. Accord- of thS bulletinl. A retalization of WedofM tit t e o leia, ws19s 180 ilim citrc. ng to th, bulletin ch -vinegar the twofold nature of the process HIJ eat Which Plansz Towdy.o t 1,shr a p îe al e2,4; 4illamElciteth h. Ornîrakîn,ý onrithe farm u Jut iBiêd wlll do macth towardsensurtng _Srugog onhpHl.FiéHlJn Z, S2 lrb- MeKi- I' hvihe HnmaDepartmenit of success In preparing home-made Outlined t Famiers rickérinz. i trick, horn Mlarch 12ý. 1 S 44. voi r'ricilu-. Ottawa. tlle, Juire of vine.gar. Thursday. Jtitir 2 ' p m-,PpVYnie' pos.erries, or other -- Brookl n. Towrsabtp Hali. Colum d W. Stillwell; 'Mary .15Of, M fruit. c-r (,i-v may hc tiged 8as tion nieetirkx held at Sunderlanfd 1Fridav. Junp 21 s p m - narried MVllîsnri tsajnros Whlotvs - :1f, oarcr.. InSI-lie. been i-ery largç'ly cured by Ž- on June lfth nmade up of CoufltY Brougha. , To-n nship I l '%Ic;MKlttrick. born NMAi- 17. r: s '. 1t, iýof the utmosiau- man preparatboos for war."-Mr- Ulvestok lmrrovemiflt A$ssocia- Clarenioflt, Cornmtunity Q12 arâh Ano MrKtttrick. -a ; a e' ear in mid that lso ('htirchill. tion Dire-tôrtt.Coufltp A tIs Dr y %Mo n das..Yn e2 t i-rh t. Ij5, 11 If,- ' utwo disincIt ags In Agricultural CouDeiliM era ber!q. Nbridge. T Ha] ' <r' S 'd Jîsnv. "-.î 'ai. rprsftlg -forfrcanite r]- Reeves. it was deidm to lîirirli h te onqr4tvn .r ' each force of Euirope A s ifftirdiv n, 'a ampaign t avbOna i C ifi-- g fct i-è%r fm ly l;N: - i ) i -t sri. Thb' lir*l 1gf ai aeoir@vg ti incltidpd la the isroisoaed n-Mnhs"-T -»- Ht j E Ptnrv. ' " ]-- "U frt'oaio 1 if-Colonel Wft*dgewsood. M IL s risted area o \eeai-to co<sa r~2 -n Vhitby. r- ~- rnh'oytoS if borlne tuberttnlolls whlrhl i- Z'Pllvr -'s -a. eh The re>-tniof l 151t e ranomuqwy ffid lu d e 8 grO u P O f O uw i-cs dJ - .Iz, , d'fi, Unr(i" T h- A t an ce -- i iv red In o alcoh ol o R e'a rch il a w svo in m d ,) P r tV(.4, t * - "- atIloni r eDîtg. The iî -a o aegîg1 - ,cet rd rono a-; sîmot doulxhe ibt oxe'.li enp dtrt li ti on lu wat t elt tixat thé firsi andi T]îurday. tiie : 'i n n.bIn931; It h ib . i 11, 'roo-' -o ceiwhat n Fia~ epond-o mogu importînt. step wouî,d he ICI tiorrv rtlir I-U' H Sun 1 r-rond Sat urdav -n 1 a - oi--hrt.tF Kitpl ýfind wîya ad mng ef <~mAkin l'rand, Tow-n H,11-,1 h s-b o Cats .Kulrt 'raitle o-n Ts fanilliar ra' i i t ic ridaý. ' I- til F, ~ p plan. RAnri.TOa'pli- bc'rnmeç g4'.rrs:r ,Ir-- lo -" 1""1nIil"' d~~~j hatr~ allr s' rq atmi-~l:*. uy the Bond# oàf gour' own Prviic thfb "-mm ostegorv as tbs'Ap a' "' Oan" i. prosornt utider Ill * Accrsditpl A n ini m11 r",-% s1-oed Ilprd plan-n sd are fcnt re<MIlt- cir ,1'e'a' f t ! "id o'" rfnmpomaitfm on re-aclore ît ] !s h-"r'--mP 1 '1 fail th.til the t--triird aeA Iaif;!' 'It tM r s ' ripa' '- if " miit np-.t -with gençtral i t ir I e 719 1Aa '- :'~e , , n ordor thA. - vrrci-C ri- e r " ',r 1 e- Cl-i'i ha out is' a have tho pr t " l vs -( h' ý u 2 - tunitv ro! hsarlflg a first-hari n in155 ' a a r p'a"jtifl. a iseri" of 1R m 'Urr',S! v "H - --- f-- ' , Improvement in Crops Noted T-hroughout County of Ontario Recent Raina Give More, Hopeful Outlook for an Abundant Yield; Apples ShouId b. Fair Crop DESCE~NDAINTS 0f PIONEER SMET[R lt"-s r% n lau s li at The rPrm.icc of <Ontario, one Of tIti, iche-st a OfaS t as @4»l'n tho-cworid. îmith ireuît pe'r calita rea-ources oft-if 0, mineral- bearing roçk4- iu, la.ke anti rivr,, home, farmiteadi, factoriecilLice-, titcand ll~agem, now cornest tit b ire- hasuldens- t he lw-tîple - wi tbhthe @sounderî-t securities that. c»-lbe oIk-ed - dt borihî <4 your oirn Pro'incs. THE TREASURER 0OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO $20,0090 PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 2¾/% and 3% Debeuture. adatet lune 15, 19$5, due lune 151 1987. tg M rturtt, dtedjus. 15# 1984 due Inn.16, U40*e Coupons Jamse- Ifanfte.mbor 13. Dc"sWItveD.bentw« r*gioerobIe es ta principeS eaSY. Prlndpal an ntmeees payable In lawtul money Obfanad ata the. C»anaBank ot Commerce in thé Ctis of Torotto -Monta-cal, Ottawa, lle, Vancouver, Hilifax andi St. John, Cantada. or ai sny Province of Ontarilo Savidgs Office, at the. boldet'a option. D>EHOMINATIO141 $20; 8$500; and $ 1,000o Thm. De-be-turm-are A direct obligation ofthte Podtnee of On tari, atibhodmd by &et of the Leghaature of th* I'roco<et andi an a scharge as t. principal »a dInteresi upon tii Cto1daotdsed Revenue. Feandte uProvince, andiar en oti usuder atsthvrity oftattle tofnt*ulo#- 23 Gmoge VIChapter 35O Ia1Opielancdtlissase. Lma aMd Dala) 2% ' Dénituttst 4mae 1 m3T mintddhng *(% tîudtyt -% D.bouurce 19 i40--M @YI.Idi*mg 8% te matevlty. -WHISU TO PUftCIASI ROMPS Apgici~tw thetir bov hak" wu eittli ouidb y rtl" et t.Pitwiwo. ti a bw #wu vsgs9fe .WM twb 4e Field erops and 1faT-M rouîdu- , UL lIonx in generai lhav-ee phta ll 1ci ILJ KLLNU Improi-Ctnt lt is iccti-rto et Ountarilo durnug the last weoîk or-- - two. accordlng L thwe b kly ne- MKtrc-yr eUir por-t of th@ Ontario Dpart:ut-tlit citckBesR-no of AZTirlture. Thtsft'ae Held at Stanley Park, t rowiing vwîtlue-r '-1h uampie- moistturr. bas ha'à a very buc-Ev-u, Ont. fis-bal Peft. tandthebc report - tesys. ail field exops are main,, 1Of tntrri'btr ian s ppsln Pitt-ilontI growib. lIncee- section ib Itit rs h rtlik east of Oshawa simpleE of ryo e rx.<-u,-%iiiisroti helci ai Eula. ont- as aîl as ix te--t itea ti-bs on Sâtrdav Inl.s-t en d-îrc'td and i Sx fist seren lochelies ani !Adon IKtrtKmIn be-n pleketi from the fie-d&. rTbe at fAdr IKtri in #tand oft & b ai- as t uiD t ut the >f- can d t M fi0f l' c , a ltria to o h é iginnlng f lteh e arsob. but IR bas a ti ther forâs th e d tifi t hlckened p4 p andti iereviliibe nuaInber of 1S sfor litei-sa- à tond i uOP. Ile b-rchzrd arei ce-ent of ItA kinti. Thpit'eaborato- tO tbeeast. lth e ftt oUer-'ty Var- -prograun. crrie-d onît durtng the- leties of apple-s la igod. butr day. was la the capable hauius ot apties.,liovever, a"re rePorted ta I.. V. Disne'y, of Oshawa. spere- 4porttr- y, andti ho go-ugetbrr tront la the. report on Ointarilo every stantipotint 'was a&H tiat, COUtl aa pssIaInot-e temadt. -ee-d be destreti. et thi. tact that 1111o ra/vv 1I P*u 4w tt 4àrkt ei seatete ~4~ti ettits bMr. M4ir.>'. »e e-ï it. ",r 04 Portmtôt lMr#>' L., SDisney aid tamlly a04 couuttlt . adti Ist. & S. lltsassy ga la thc demonstratioli of t t 101- famili. of Oshiaa;theb MR$at-art ÃŽ pre-ved metheti ef wax t essIuit amîly of Tatnin: n;Parr" Wilson 'ot poultry. beld lattufse ults-Y ittaui.<reno;r- J- Far-m of PceI Brother..port i ti tly eiy.ori reni.d T i i v l s w b e h 1 , 1 e r s l a îo o d wu Swelcomed 1ity frn-1au rs-soi I erer thedittrict, as in r-are- a Mii . 3.FDiytiey. Itis onlft, ' -pu t turtiier stimulus bt te slre-aty vîvîing- malrb of theisMrKtttrlcIi i pr-emtiulaIer-eps bir-itai--re ob fa'lI!. %tson titesprise for thé lti- se« &U i ove* tht. part 01 lte IL-t Eember on ihe #rîiiunti. provîtîcO.The- atwris Included itàoîtt. -, Ou0. of the dra-alsanke me-- ri-bt.plis-ling. bctitg. aIn- J iea0d utefIIttdeptraît t f ig-' cnng,, dans-usg. tac-#«for yeung î ricullure- report for i arsOui-antd OluI ug-'nt'w&r andi lait. but taio ilthebbc reat prei-aiet01 ntI g1,lois of e-si.. M4esbe-na' l ertMus wbi-rit lîies tisof o!the sclati oft s~ t upper t:- m er -e ti a$sad a $ lb o ts d î r'es t m e C th M in th e v e r y p li- -a nt s u r- - damage-- ' eraI aupeten-lusaute-re m o lati, nwhl-b tritaute, as tnaaate 'ho f.pieute-e-n Yb r ta v u exr b u -*u . m-tbr- of ltt* c an vWho setlffl i Th-r- s ovanelia tor-n4- laift uîya thi 4esPtto utMf- - a-hait of Iow alibi rate*î -ma ieii$ *-uhle-e eitUyCarrie tei, dut-att-e telephte e ra %ow tutIt -rg a s-ertib u'blto bartoe. alibi rîtes beloin at ' p titu- Metnb#ra if tth e c ei'îit or n O tse-ad et 8 10. ueassli fiad i s t i m o t tre îr ttii- t a lt d î t- mar -e , rs--s t . M r*. f or aher Itod "-Se voittilk-i é, M lIr.i E1e1i.Ã"agviU eýqutpeiti er- douse*ss iteiîr îtijlàrY <,luin.e bel, "Pttae rliet ytieaii 01?5sahvt1eSWUt t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ XI c'hE-ai . ia Lirtlt kau& b*a»» * lii, '-Ramas n,. to4iyb I-' -î cg'. it C o tu"fa ot a tie* ~P5 ta bEi tut~-rinb<«! Vq4*s4-.výIth -e Psem-'. Year1u "7~v *y a4tos Iota duta cofe l '8M0%itrir-t ti(Wos A 041.Sek~ va te in ftAP m Y -el-p EDITORIAL Iwy jlui k t' a ut ¶ rn Àm durn -for lKi ,Cfor ever Idmih, ýý w ww ýý ý qw w à 1 à 1 p 1 1 % Df>I TI g FI (à .ý Z, ý ,uj4.ý - . - . . offlp rà .The Pr, le creat Iengtiîai SINCE From jearn tluai c r o wping with oil. a re spot Iflonev or fnrA and more aitf- face, lhan wonian d her coiff i filla, t s'nl -thq on] for isefut necos sa ry Tfleans sh needrd 'r a reputat # pe c.a list .exorcisei more ahi beaîtivm Pt. The5 streani Ir Shamp the haWr Iiquid; n bed on t used or a to ccver ing fromi er b o nl ,of the ho Here h that is1 glory. It ing of sl fore Ion

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