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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 4

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t - - t'<~ttt., "'t' t..t,~ "t' THE~ WHrTBY GAZE ~& CHRONICLE. THURSDÂY. TUNE 20.1 935 PI .a rI% 4 v r Miss Munilel Wllford bas vlaltIitg tem' gandmothpm, J. P. Yuie, WVhitby. Postimauter G. 13. Nhlfleld hal Ieen lu Belleville t-hlm week a-- teî'dng ite Postnastçrs ('ont-en- tie n. Mm. Frank Lowent- and Mma ià T. N;cLeati. of Toi l ottt si m'it - agt week-e.nd. at - u, homm n ' Nlr*,ýq A M c-lesei he u' South. i- andti Mi ýj f ta M ., r v -t'a n Th"'ntt t - mli i t h a ît ýp- - . Mh i a uj \#, .-,'p, [o MI1gslu tu. t . u- i;j e tt" Reu r s h nuir Cr 1)oc t - g t, -, r-ao -t o a r,.\s t -NIh ta:s':r .1- sstp \-ttitt f :- -t" . t -h nt, %'ci' J It .- - 'ta- lai-.p et-h. li-etg (-ft-- (- On tario - p3it.igh(t-u 't t lit-nuitat-rnt- t-'an - li tht e t "I 'tu M !t\-<cu T Nirituc' 1 \iu I < 1 1 f ttf sli as tuti Nîi c 1-u i ') ' It: lor. eit Chuna.- ut auduaet las#u 115-412 (las tfup " tiaulo Lit. .'is IcDotialîfe.l' t-ts-t-!- iV un pî.siendg heunîhiid W-ra- eIt Iuluetr Tan ttuinut-'e ré hit !1 og M hers"i leare fote!t il I S H'Cicri, ~asloeth- Trotoic (Mi-#- A il!h ttrkreit lieF ad asct- he r tctk u e ie itu. t' Rues t f roint V.'u-A -lit) a' ended thA \%WIlson-M Iravt-i mt-ed- ding in Oahalwa (i)n nfty astr.i iug, cern !Mr. and \trs iunail A. Wilsonl. Mi-M NIIson si Frèd NWatt'. NMigss Bîrâce IIson B R0 I VRIiiAY and ATI RDt "'THE BEST MAN WINS"V EDMUND LOWE JACK HOLT FLORENCE RICE AI)I)EI "1BABBITT", ALJIE MaMAHON GUY KIBBEE "MlýLS 0OF THE m ýY ROBSON VICýrOR JORY NTLEMEN ÀRET LmINDA NEWS been Misse', Mary anti Helen Wilson. %Ire. M r5. GC'ormack. Mr. Jack NW'il- son and Mru. R. Nicholson. r-,'-,i and Lerov Toi'. bun Jr -L. and Mrs. lI. C,4 -t- haN c bren on a t.-u7 h.t'-.aken ihcrnte many co.în* trc .--os ;ri lan4la and âa't t-sa tpn , he home. of MI- and Mia c f_ Harper.- on Th î'îîla «- lai' - r -'f nemhri-s of ' ri; P 'n Fa ttciltlin. th.tl'-" 1 7' -1 (hurcittttand ,'- ,,ta, %-s9 :;ihered coI; hit- àatt- r"~'.-'-l- -.-t t~rd.~Tt ,aan - - ~ - lete I--iit a -îi.'.,r& - .d t iurrit'e!tof a ttc t-'. l'f i-e i-i14nt-n - - -tlta t-t Mn' e u . ' t.l"r eAlitaes' t' it .t-i 'u etut- i?.' aI -' ako m:et-t , ..tt ctt. -a i s é t r z Ht - t 'de o' ' - 'os-. utt' I r- t.- te I ,s'u. T lit- '.\ t'. ' - - - et - - ' 't-us -.~t - - r t t' - 't tht"" k " t-t-~- a 0F. Announcomonts THE ANNUAL PIC-NIC 0F THE Bftptist Sunday Schooi cull b. herltl on Saturday. June 29, stte SLreant of Barley Camy at Bow- i-oan% Il,- All niemberrs audj frtnid(s of the Sunday School aud <'hurcit are învt-d te corne and I \\ Nî)\\ LRsS çlARIlI:\FD t ea i. tawd for a-id dr- t- errdt~ ue~!b'cyc-'for A t5Rl2-TEA 1 S FtEING t'n y thte NWoirnrsg t s nt5 A titar' of tb ;,-l c i,--ltat- t-h. hont f, Il" . e nn ii -n3 'O R t7,dt d ilit T NP' UAI -1, of*'NC 1.THE h ýiuîndâsy - h,-11 - Tstt Pote'c -i e o - t. - ut T n.' T'a 11 Et 4'c- ~ '-7ri mat le 1'-t-,t.-1*ttt --u-,'e'-e" an totptt' ,- t' ut%" le 1!% at eu longer lt i tt e - etto t rate% te, g:it c' RANGE CAMPAIGN A SUCCESS tu - t - - tue. ' t t' - - - Me'- a' It.-.'e": - e - - - ~., - fit- -- t s- ee' - ta ]It 't--e Ti Th'titupsoru ai t-tut te t- i - Se- e- 'ct't' P J Retint Le- t-tee' t- M ss Netite 1-fa 'i - ct-t-uu:e' NI-s' [i .1 MI eheli Puatulai Mn 'ci -n'-ttrat- l'upcnnlendetu'i tif flapsu mn;- nt i lanr !glu e N ' Dat-id THkE VOTES! VOTES!l EASY WASHING MACHINE 1,979,700 Votes HOTPOINT SPECIAL CAMPAIGN STOVE 1,.998,000 Votes KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR Newest 1935 Model 5,180,800 Votes Bonus votes on grooms, Floor Mops a.nd Electrical Appliances W. A. HolIiday& Co. PHONE 25 1- Th"' Ieo iltîl., foc-r girie trrangs'd Jin t-ébic-ciutng oomn. ws wnme dalnly Pink slk laflela aid e it a nttsair clou, andi wctý "t wotk .-th long full Pink peutt tt-Oured %%,:th ltebri.des tca k o d'esprit ove rscýk iris, shotu p %à f 'tît. Jean "s".alrdnau. tt.eeve-s. and long .aahes tif pnk , îi ii izh1tîlite, h riýd t,' 1)n itit'q tt-î andi bloc Sarroe' bands of ptnk e-at- hi-t-etcii b> ' utle :e tnitt ni point d'esprit uchig fipielýilt S1Jiili-tatt lhA urcklines. Thte cidf.-brrni~ei IAlmr NMr and Nr4e WtlSon lteI mske bonnets wee i flnbhed w:! nam ( lier;np t1" Q uîos a- d1uhef mr- bauds ef pînk sud blue ilit-na î:aaue*,rnSztlf>%andti c heti- i-e- c-udbn- ln long sarroamrera oct-t ou-e 1cm ail 1,0 au home ati14,1 Pal- il-' side.The>' carrled art-tller mi- ---u- tc n ii o For i-aî-ellulrZ t-' laI hnllque-te of roses. crta bîu.lride -lÇt a hoiei-cutp t-l 1bat-tor buttons, sud ferge-mt- frot-k v'tih floral t-hltT--n r îmf-lut nota uei c-bh in ltk anti hufk r1l' lIng. will us-blt he t ui-, r#.-t-e- Mir rt-tan Salien c-asg roemFnu'-brearhbat. - aMrttilrc cent. bi-n o rîer (r1.. nd -r',t. r' AA's Md M rs John Atter thle ceremouy A recepttctn 11,13% r. n - mÇ0 ICIî rt I pl<i< was hld In the psrpou&g@, where 'r io.n Fd-)e!' l'und and De licrc 1t-he guesta. numberlfg about 1 Sc,. I du :::' r.n%. tsdaines Armsatronig and Kean- ecre receleî~d 1y Dr. and %Jrs jKi~C ~ .:.:vli r~ Temperante ln Sunday Scbooli MrTaviab. Mr. and M r. lmrr - ilc ~c~etIlI N ra o jn tome rY Wilson aud the bridai party. AIrt 'rîn ~ 1 LC . WellandHll i J. L McTavish wore a mout becomInc 611.(i 1t i l ocaâ îit r i !lamrel rosie chiffon gown. a bI.aek Y1' tile-( -iuî1mtrr. a Muair- Mesdamtes Mowle-sy. Iatlaw h»l. elt.b bowers a mtoet ral ic%%' hot î'.ter litaer5 KrInan sd Pitair. ber gown sud icontrstinug. sbow- preu-Mrs. P. Crabure&.' lut usder the brie., and wotf a lu WhIttyPolice court os wrs. bom e o g@w f l'uesday aftoîiP.î,vn 1 ibitle. vttb a itttetIgt youths. Ralph lhaLrid.atz an.ilsd core a eorito et Rwc4t- and Arthur Virgt"n, age ,w-' e; âheart rome, The rooms werdet-1 'ound gitilty 1W Police %lacis- lective with ronses sand sprint inte F'rank 8- Ebbs etof-reaking MWlIAfO-MeTAI'lsa fowe-'s. wche îte bride'* ,to into s gar-ase. owned bv NM tii m nosiired snd clIii. peoulet._________ Fakery (,n the nîgi of 1 hu.:- flam and palms totmed au effet- lav. June 6th. !Bot%werc CtIt* ihe e.tixtnfor a ,-eddînt cor.- a lecture by lits %VOrgîî '%%Io moty il sor colêrk )onday pointed out the srouI<-it evenit gin Ktne Stre.t VUulled tt.-îr offtie anSldd e ln,>,, _~uh. Oahaaâ. cheu EdIti heir parents beinr, reqi, -d 10 Lorn, licTairith sud >-Mm. 3ijcTa-M o v,e a utond forer 9 ¶ hO- lithKirr, Stree't Fsut, as mar- tixtiur Ifrornu,e ya.tb. '.tr&a i fl ftoM rGordou Cratmoetd ,aîanuî the' bo i a a 1* l' Wilsou enof Ur. sud %tri Har- 'intalit.'Jhnlads î<tâ tb % h>*01 .'i r,) t ~ v ~ TR E unatbi ohn onu' st r D Wison,. Connaiasbt Stree. me.re loutug il[forl, te. (', %%sLi-ucMçavsh fther 01 Ibhe insld.' te &£race and i t'. ' -r!dc, otlliate>l aa.Istad by Dr J lkY10 et T oitte. Mfisa 14AHcteidcu u's aI i teir STREET DANCE AND> aid Na Bi. >tiesg-0 t ¶ if;iate, rim b ietgC A R I -Là arc iM td ofth. flte hrl n\~'lucttn j u!i P- - Y * ef tte b"Ide *,ks pr*ited&d ,o 1'i.t ta zt 1ir >seL t a<-,, mtyth tt.m-W ed., i'dfle ~ ~ h ertn- nac tIwot lMtte sliue-girls, Leote u c et,t, rir- YZ ir i <ta a ~~~ 'a4. Nets la!, Nrti &ka maa a t'r.let il~~ S ~ h1t1<an aItêis.rof lue bride suad 5I&s 1WJ*V teste~~~ W -of. t!~ii atd~ It e~ le g a r. s. GPN>PpZ..tf G îk , frTt ' 1,b atl rfestro n aU -GJ OT>IER COURT CASES Ir**. . ca setais et-6. 3jptr>A~~ tir îtm-..bitis oe, et ie e 1t a nC el cbît* ~~~~rd~ -i r t - i ý '4***e55 e .-a 4dmi PRlZL.-.fi.gu »W il' ie citarée4 e Yb*îlots' "!"5tl dil h~ýq a t- "-t ttS -11 1. Gtf t0it ltl*i 44- mv wu b. umod, fier 1 s-u aessI t' taie ed v -14-s t edwM M»"b n ad'odiî , 14t5i j 5 .t n , a h>t 1t.ebe 1 iCESAE ln- Ili# -lice--s t feeaq.t't bex *t$-1c m AmI a r t* - -- .st i*-55 i *4 'i* CO I hmIIUV4'Yt. r* etv&4 i-c ta 1%t ek sa 4 is;lau gie t t t * w s" V 9mith. :d cc* a"'su Dicors B4s eyferPi týrf~1 proroil à mvt Li . ý pc4Olf<et*rilA ffl elt b lit I 'ou th* tard* ttî .' ti..ib la wi¶s$5I44 l* 1'r w e U I l t t es t o e 't h B u "to r o u t 4s e * àt e * -v taler c tb the *0#* 'Wî.&fS*t I bo ~A' efof"llMt# lots î# bu u#4~kat* s Ol6be lAttr *D'i daîe4 "a heo At 0asi* plusu' #e# th** todhe c.cî oas r îw, - *M moi. A39oertyr tie est ý -b*O 1I- ca b gtlseaao.b.kv.asef*rB b. 001k Ia ,tffl " 1i-.ftdi--, IN Chur PURSONAL rch News And Views The anîveraary of St. John's Church, Port Whitby. le te be oit' served on Sunday. June 30th. Thie speciai prcacher at the. morning- service on that day ciilb. V@n- Archdeacon George Warren, D.D.. andtinbthe es'eulug, the rector. F'oribor annufncementa cUll b. mussiendxt ek M'em)ning Prayer wdli ho beld aa St. John'q, Port Wbitby. at eiéet' o*'Iock npt SuncThy morning. and Evenîng T'rayer at seveitoitn Th-. Sacrantent of the ipird' Suçeper aili he observed atSthe>1 t utoming s.'rt-'e ne St. Andr2,*'m Preshyterîsîn 'burch oit Sunda>y dJi-ne 3A. Thoere -1l1 also ho a p-re. týp-,"*on of infAnt-s for baptîim Andreas% Chîtrch lias heen plin- ncd for %,ved(nltda ' . .ulv 3. ai Lynwood Park. The MNens ('lur bat-e chnrge oftheboprnognam. Ir ro-ort-, m Ion cit lthe. eartrsand nmt-ce i-ifti-fth" Sindai' Serboi. The Presb"trlan Cburch Ir Canadm ls taiis t-ar celebratîn; its PitmoontiJuilîee lu Jue e 1S77. ,forirarsni'teeofPreshi- tterai:l:srnihc'n exîilng ln Cana. da iiîiîtei *,,)foirn eue body. Th( local chuîrcb. -St. Ad lcsi niutrklnz uhils event hi-a acriei of c--c- cr-uering in he meli sag*'ase Iote seven cturchea it .Nsia Ntxt Sunday the mssagi 10Iý ih. etairt-h in Pergamus -I' T!t' SaLraznpnt cf the Lords -pt-tr 1 ll headnibnlsterPd ai sevc Iun îter. c--Ielithte Unlteds t-., I lt-té, ' Paul sa Nielou o! tb3 Crusý5' 'Tht' e.v-nng aubjecl cull 1,'o A FEtiti tieggêr FbodJesust." Births 2IEl-UMAN- -At Audliey on s'un dit-v Jont' 151h. 1935. ta NIr. anti Mn. Wm. Merriman, a eront i èntetnlêýTUDEI QELITuI A buffet supper 'W"a arrird chou the bn-de cnt t!ie bniri1-dAil rake andti laats cert proposed.IL Presidiug a! the tea sud ecîlce J AIL î~IN IIUNTI urnç e e srs. A. Smithsud Mme. W.H. Carroîbori, of flowman- vi1le. atd latam Mn. T. 11, Et-'e- CDOUR TIIRSOAY eon and Ni-e. A. D). lobb. Mr%. E.j hiarsicu andi Mm.Thompsoli rt the, 4Soa. lTm* is.IatBte cors e ~ ~ < o! 1vMnre. 11,Mé ltta b rOm Whi:hfat j I*'s'o. of Voit-loun aFa. i«sNit*"tha' ibhie cas thie flui ctpter Dorotsby Young. lBroudt Wamd. fasr"o tImh hnh Ra onuike. Manjory L~Oc eisc ,in&h buh nd ud Drothy Stti th. -tuai thp roui crlminale bad nuit their proper ftle. &Pd Ibit ho toulti conusttr inià Pte& for su,- ponder.d sentence,. for Kouegas. viwbati dbenfoffibardy ritber tItaun ~us. Hà ieHlououe- plaine4 to iho prisouer Ibrouil îuterpreter William icel ihat hoe istermiltbi iosetdc r Reveral y-ours. lie vas, h. st.ited, inc lius", 10b. Is-utêtt. but Il 'Vas the d-ity of rthe court uô lea1 lAc ci-imni f Ucb st% *-toul DANCE nature tn go unptiibed. tnd a f litew of cii**Id8 M i V A L Meiruti tab#d bau ar- oietd fb th Glph isto s a- li.r0s a ffbUorefous 10 tait t bepo f tb htcfaih vud &a indOftba. *bd otla ttsês a4 lu'ttsst«. l".1»OW tb fft t 1t ib og*Irst 41% 1 sud î 7nsispTClub Y" rM", Ja l prèsim hpth.dme. UI CET TIEN 10W! Q(fitM uelpAtI AM * River WlSfKAK - JUk'sAa "" ""-- sMM « ttu 4"-s. d"L 14tf * , - t ci. MERCANTILE DEPTI STORE~ W hite Shoes A, B, C, D Wicths-Ties and T-Strap. W. made à special buy in White Sho'es thia weeek and we t are psssngtitis apectai to you. Special Bonus Votes STO HEMP YOUR CONTESTANT S - - - - - - - - - i jSUITS 1Do not forget the Suit Special for ýMeu. Titis mean sa i j rosi boo3t in votes. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE' iPhone 468 Brock St. Southt ADVERTISEMENTS MHE GAZETTE & CHRONICLE pg5 Cuita Cssh.ur 26 m0 CLashi.D ADVERTISEMS WILL 1% BE CHARGED. il/uc For Rent l'OP 1RE-NT--A LARGE GAR- taizt-foer rptn. reasoncîble Apt-si> Il. Il. Atîti-rn,. len-y St«rree, t OVS ON CENTRE STREET. Ail ronve'nienteR. xtewly painteti and de'ttratt-t. Aprtiy A. W. dat-- inn, ltct-ai EstutruDe-aler, Breck St-. 1,. - Whiiby. ThéoGazettesad Chronlela Wanted- viii mot ha responlible for --_______ srrorm oocurrlug ln teiephon- DONIESTIC HEIY WANTED-RE- od sdvertlsements, or a& a r. liablo G*'neral, must be good cook. suit et copy DOL çarefutly or Apply 'Mis. C. F. Jordan, Brooklin, lgibty writteiL K1stsites o. jOntario. euru rm thoe.Sources 1WANTEI>-4;rRb FO 11 GEN- sz.~~~ ~~ w li tdartrsrs. eral thotsework. plain cool<lng, i mali fainily. gond wages. Apply .rticesf a! Bx 40 Gazette Office. I3OARDERS WANTED - FR1- vate party would Ilke Z men M'R SALE -,SI6I> BUCK- bourdors. -Ail home privileges. wbeat tpr s- e. L* EUDM83,fl. pply Brook Street, bungalow. e Poat.a-Sw $l». stcross the road Iront S. Trocsê YOIt SALE - CHEArP oP il_ ________ gulek tale, elocttic raunittte. lu- citiding over. (Tudhope). Telo- TEYDIIfR8 WAX<TEfl phone 460 Wbltby. Bulk or separate tenders wanted for carpentry wor<, F'OR SALEî-IIOLSTEINýl BULL, plasterring, plumbing. sheet 3 Yoars old. rogluteredI. bull calt. inetal work, palntliig .an glaz- Hoistét (wltb paDMt). twOlItY lng. on the Wlitby Higli Echool. sheep sud Iamba, Maaaeoy-Harris Ail toudEérs muet ho sealed and inowrr ssyHrl binder, put ln the iýrrotary's baudz by Prost & Wood bluder. Phone à> p.M. on Frlday, June 28th. 106 rinx 6. Geo. Dunbar. Whlt- Speecicattons may bo obtain- by. Pd f rom the Secretary. or fron the archltect. C. C. Stenhouse. FOR SALE OR REn.T-FRýAMY. 12 tý slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. The boulte. ii rootus. bithway. ail lowest or any -tender Dot neCes-t convoulOGces. doublo garastene j atrilvaccelpted. or more atrm of land if dealrnd. 1Wlhltby Board of Eduction. l'or parttkulart phone 195 ring DR. C. F. Mr<IILLIVRAY, 4, Whitby. Secretary. THEY AMM GOD UNTI JAN. 1,.1936 DOUMBLBNS VOTES on .&H hudm..book dfS ,futue datas GEORGE HÂMURS' VO'TES-'ý For I'oùr Faorlite Conteaa, ~ ~ uly t~ umlà amiM %Ppoo i ~,~: - i. - LOOCES SOÇIETIES CHURCHES -t t j WEEK WHITBY li il 'a t Lt I s-- i et te - t - t - Yi. WiI0 i . u ri 'r- le ft c tientals ,Theri 'tHt-t (l e il a 'Te June mneeJng etfite Vc'- meus IIntatutc advertiaecl îo b. held at ties home etf lrs.J. H Parti', Centrei street tittth. Ioda". (Fritisy), Jio n 21st-. hata been popipoued util F'rldîs; Jatte 2'< at 3 -o'ctoelw, owing t-o ce&h'a-r coutgitlOiis. TheBrooktinu hrsnxbl 'till ho gucoits. h lahopedti ter wiii ho- ' a lrge rt-ttendance of inenibers andi frittntitlR. A gond pro- gram Ila bccug pmepart-d Milse.Marioîn R!' sv, y'tmg ciaîgit- tar of Mr. and Mrb ' tg oeEý Rit-e. Palave stsrpl, und Isuiil i "esaW'linlrred cl utt, A l't-M . -cas succ<-msttci tii pa'.lng etît houoeathe ltreu e liano exambuatit at tiC - t outo coin sprvatot> t$iltti'i'i hl e- cenl t t0.1C5 Y tp~t 1-' t - e - r t t- t I k I - et t t t 1~' B a KI" 0 Coit [61b. ce Ino -oact t-t ii -Illoe -on ttt gi i houg-ht C1t-clt-bIel ,ion bc.fqx ivsait amjh w-as eead er& thoug fession C( tt-t the t tnânv le t---snot terne ben, rertchiat e buis cxpr cases. Il m'Cntal ili per cv M athers donc b'c brin-, abc f -TO--- UTatY "B' ARI FRM a MARC t AT< te-e AP 4ewçe . lýl ýý« i e_ ý 1 ý 7 - - j 7 17, - , ""Mun", IAF lT Av oei mréffl- IL I5ý 1 P,&r.p ent m r llis

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