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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 6

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ý"L. J, PACZE six Wome»I's Association Meet- ing I-eld at the Horne of O. H. Lane N'auU~IUUtEUu.U~ WE 5HALL HAVE RAIN Do.o't G.t Vour Fet Wst Try forw SHGE EP!AIRS, Y1-1ME KMNDOF THRUSED b lE ST 8RO~ 8Mois ik. THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1935m Business Cards MED1CAL DR. RK T. MacLAREN Ph> slianand Surgeon flestdanve and Office Cor Brock and Mary Sîs.., W h iby. D~R. FREDERICK A. CUDDY PHYSIL1A % Cor. Dutida, a.nd Euclid SI. Telephone sa INSURANCE LW. DUDLEY National Lfe Insunc C. Firr, %uuîoobUe, AçciddDt and sickness. ilhone 66 UNDERTAKING W. c- TOWN Funirat 1fr- for and frmbalmer ,4mhultiDcO ervice 'houén 4liWhltb> PHAIR'S. s m PT l 1 IIoJure ' 1he W. .. cctîlblercid ai I: O. 12 btt d Ihr M Il Ir t m fi c alh oil a tenr1 . ti c t Sf.N t t l t' n r, d NI er n. sI r* 1Ir%% d I. rradiiij; h.,, N r NI rs ,Il-,h, a Ni ta' arl i î g bk. i il t -.4 \\ tr ol- A-ie 't r. t r j'tt a <1.4 ' ic. ' . r dr I r l' J a - d r t - aM l d ài lnà A r.N I - r1 Ie ai r 1 ' , - A 1 1 1 '. ( ! j ' 1 'ý'î n and f rit, r:"5'( N\ '1.O"d 1rt r R al-' îti r r(rJ- ' %Arr 4 U Il d a u e I à n-' Ir s. r l a i ' 1ri (r her u rln NIler IlOi f i r1t1 .<r r à & r atri. hieî L jrI.,,t 1' t \' r' ar ' MeK Icr t\\ orir 'er. tnd a<r'\ ofIr e.rt:a Mrisar id \t r*a îruî ster '~td. )'~, 1 1 r ouril, t: i n Kirs Perorr e orfbraamiai n"nrr' i ( .ccl li-ate ri n d re g'r n d. ' Miii htIra.or oth\ .jr -anl l'bl --rerii Ctriess m~ it i itmriott rtrer 'Jr- r dayev nnge Nt Mc. and c i.l Carots q f Ku ai S h. da%. hitine Dotîr n h>li Cake~ieter J-itos h là" s Nr. . rr er i i ur -'1 r sio Thelr lebcaews t rftt bouffe rait 8 rî t' o-rrt 'n hi *t d th <IfCô r He N tt .d . tie'umir ti Ir'r ..re a l'neL, >Alun e, -a 0 ett la b- ft t'a.tit a LIN t)b6ag&tmb &ta. &U* ogitfi mecaeî. Cong'asaalouabe - l4 *the i** *t. * i~. 1 %t~as ltut8 ,.tn .. ~I~ w. Dpi 11fl1 CIDIQ M. end Mr&. C. L. Frallck ani friend, NIr. Gien Hood, o u-'2fs Ld oko oron t. OL4JUU Ifti) amily, Miss Leona Prentice. %Ir. day. ýspent tfhe week-end aili er par- Anson and Donald Gerrow attend-I Mliss M. Tweedie, of Toronto. la cflts, Nr. and Mrs. J. Buyks. visiting ber slater. MNrs. R. car- Thte llay whiicit aas given in the !ed the graduation part>' ln Oah-' ter, foi- a few aveeks. 'Headi church las! avweel< hy the' awa last week, otf t hir coiisi.. __________________'sng peoplrt rtf Ennlskillen. aa R[ORRANI1[ ILll p ________and____ MlitteOra Gerrow. who fLas finish-la Yre nîdafdT rn uch ed :alnIng for a nurse. SCURW~ejae yal Mato Deara ppontede iTl,,, wa.s'a large number at- MitnDeaaApo e fi ogauaeadm* é, Te ttending the field day tUhig manaer nd ifiin srr"s I berchoen ork Te ted and laet wcek. But ot tetamq dld not Mange an ilin sWess n er ch osey n haof hrinz borne the honors as they Fralick, Captain lte ,drrtanlng o ayun hear vriedlYdo Toronto. avio came wîth a number '.TIr.J. Nlinero,. \llItFs otsa nd _ CÛ n 'Th iîe ;of triends lu a truck on Sutidav lT'\it 1nor, Nr. Ray and Rlaph haer-ranizrd hi sofîbell ith prepared lunches. rradv fo. TxiieviNlI illn(,r and NIr. Sydnev Chandler team and ha-l r r Nli'1Li.nt(,-ia pileaiant lime on our lov(iv k- spent sunday with lite former's ft * daugliter. Nrs, C. Heayn. and Nr. ira. ag nanqgcr and \;NI s Iiil ; s land. and onl thé% shore (of -N! He A t a rne-Aie Frtr '('aPtaiili s 'e tn.n 1-. C.rie i'ng sAlbertC A fchîiOu %a U asi ln~.Ir, Nîr. &r.d NMca. Gioser and Nîr. ~ V i @ i .lfr', a r.k -1 leo1-%and %Mrg. 'arrond. of poutîac. threiulaiin iblcptralefor Pr' r: ý-. G I" n. . . î ' fi MI(i b . visited their rosns,. Nîr. And mrepopeame Set- Ha MsM Wo. intr%-, i 1 ~îtmg b oknow wbat it&I jNlis 1 F'ralick. l1Not. The en- i.î-na liis MNarif a fk-v da%' laPi wépk cne1ase 1bPrtPrc1 lIr-.rv ~ NIar ilr fr l' ~î-'. ~ Taxi service means s3. ~ereaniaiftsnx a '-' Torrtttr NaIrdMr W Si% e m. Ir:.a Ir asth t ioe a4 îh mr.r p and- U4-'!'ar-e*,, """ -i1aa"S .t an! tz ta" ~i T'. ir %ufg folk% are p7-c-ertre r ;q n d UI-r~t -~ tbi a t losNas . ra odcr ur hw.apa "t t'" o Y !'i' ~ r ' t.- r :r~'SeoolHoue n r':.se--IedrLe-rm.ne ;i tir i r -ý' 'a -dr) t~~ tr(1*. t i% ds ç -n:c-7' h e- 'l Dp-'r'i' Fr.-.' Mrm. F rar Nrv ¾'lf m r ;mte4 __ LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Funeral and Ambulance Service Brocck St. South Day and Night- Phont 36 A. A. ROBINSON P'uner*l 1r~t. and Furuiture Drmhif eTr rhone'%o 4I~Q BrookIl. Ont. __LEGAL - BR~OWNING & RARE liarripkiera. toi tr, !iaf %I(>uey f0 Ao O1ffice. lir'à. 8< Nort Te ephono 3Q2ý WEaitby, Untario W. H. KENNEDY flarristn vl' fttur in iie Supreme ( ouri Vu%(ta,7 (anvr-> ancr, etc. WhitIv" . Out. R. DONALD RUDDY Barrisier, Molir<-tur, %Ot" ro ,biAc Offi tea he court Rouge. fgom. erly occupied hy A, E*. Cbrtatiaui Mouey mn loA». Phone fl89Whiîb, DUNCAN'B. McINTYR[ Office 1ro<tk st. South Oppositr Rt>lI Telepho.. (>fff. l'bon,% 4n Wbftbl HALL & HENY NOTAR!E.- PUBLIC 1~a ieOffires. Et!s R rock s.St S. bîi' sttd :2 KInx Si.E. Ohawa. Telephome. Othawa. 1838 Wbltby. M8 MONUMENT N.-W. 1TAFYOR Doein Luimported s"d Ca.adit Graaftes Flemiclan woik et medrate Embu,. ftosd West, M*hitbi D O . BRYAN Central Taxi Service DwON i. Sada" Phoû. 384 for Day ubd Nlgbt Service CEMETERE CR0 VESIDE CEMETERY W. Nl. JONES. Maton Brookitanet&#"o VETERINARY DR. J. N. PRRY \ "etrùmary 5a~o 91 Simcoe St. 1Nort 1 Osliwa. Oni Telephone 166b9 IY'ASTBÎJAvice in Van Tiemian's Land 17,1 Misa Dorotity Wilson. '.IA.. the years a.go. R1e as flot ol>niiimi- well-known preacher o-f England. lister, but also magistrate and for is on a viait to Australla. At ai 14 years pertormed bis duties ýo large assrmhlv In Pitt St. Congre-' succers!ulty that he 1%il iii a gational thIurcit. Sydney, s iite tniLered as a -goud feliow.', spoke n, 'Women and the inis-- try.- Misr. t;. A. Roseby, B.A., pre-, sidet o f thte CongregatioIiSl Wo- mnen*s As3ocjatjo-n, occupic-d th-.) r air. ni,% W. p. Nicholson. the .'angei:.t jg nt prcsent holding A i tslon, tn various places In Ne" c at South Wals hien Genera) Bort!i L as ln Australia thirty OK years he plaiited a kurrajon,; tre .e Ilt tont nt lite Salvatiofi Ar- 0f the Highest Quality. ni% t.' M jfqaiKalgoorlie. HIk; dailgh, . mis Ev-nngelne, Bootht. Summner Prices now in '%ho) i-n cthe genprai.itai; just pln-:another tre-ent promîn- efect. Buy Now. rw etthe grounds. The ______ Strl' Prp.bvtreret't Chulàrrh. N%'. W. ih hoe deniI- ih' " rilitructIions frontl ; 'i ncil. the site belng r- R o d a g -,,jprovide spaecin mlirha fibert Knrpw n,"'r Port W hitby 1 the first rel1iiiçs '5- BY Brandon Wa1sh. nuso~u t M MY ~6~ "0 e(llm 5LA 1M e Iqui ~ri t YO tati. -IUw MS WhbeMY ~AD 'M 0 ONIg4ff c8t 4^,TCm her mtooM^ý r i 2; a- 54 - rit I s -4 r i s 'i 'i Se N Ni A1aô FI t. r h ~ i-m ~ ..-~ :4 ~ - il r 0:r RAGI M-r's. Eh day iue Luke. Ma.ny tendanct vice Bt Prince Mr- 1 from G end. Mr. and Mr ronto c T-ha: a ball day Sel Park, ( Lloyd 1 Mr. mnd Sunday, Mm. t& Goot oral avi M r. A - mis" eind wil Tonto;, ber hoi edly. *q haî fat mud,",. Wad tii bead 111 C Aw Yè4&6< AbtLOV T Lt4 ÀO J e Q id t 15 o \ t ~ O f 4 I ~ t

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