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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1935, p. 10

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i t1 THE WHMY GAZETFE & CH4RONICIZ TI-URSDAY, OCTOBER 31-P 1935 -- CBbi*net Mlni*sters of the Liberal A&dministration Sworn in at BON. NIACKIFNZTF RING l'irme Mnister flO. T A.CMID"I MOIS. ERXEST LAPOINTE minJeter 0! justice ]ROY. P. 3. A. CAII miaister et Public Wooeks BONU. C. A. 1 lmibte .etFinace B ON. IAN MACKNZID , BlON. W. 1. xZULER miN. FERKA» DRInq"UW Minutercet Natswom.1 ef1cc c suffi d Goee jm.48çrtaor Stal - Mlauster o e -1iiîcrli-u GENERAL MOTO TO JOIN IN BII MORE REGULJ New Quota Scheme je An- nounceci at Convention ta P'rovide Longer Em- ployment Perioci for Gen- eral Motoras Workers Theihgýhlighta of il),-t- o'n- session of the General Mohor8 zone and fieid organiat loti. i-Il in Otsa. hhls we.ek froin thv- .,randpolntcf te ecitentu cf Oshas- wa ad district generatly. wax th"i- groS-I stress s-whic-h sst e( (in ah appeal 10 thc w bolitfil-I and deaier organiratlon i î-lhring about a more upiforni and et- fete.odistributionoft tcare, eo that it s-aui-t lie Possible- to j.liv lthe employo(es or thi- iplat In Oishaamore- regular mnýrktn(g Itours ut-r a perîod o f t ni-lt c niontits. This agasstres-rac-'y ily1 A. Bros-n, t ie-prtldvetît ritii gereral nmanagt-r, in i h t jîn ttng romurkm, and ahi ) ýv NW Il Caras-ItIs. anal> it atl] catbi lion mtanager o! t ho î~ty in awn effectilve r-s-îat- - the problera ! of stirtta<iic ii-ai- i-r stoc-la. roni tthc-.-tnd1-- ~ tite peuple of Miata a, til waà te outmtîaglliig qýtir,---of the mornlng a-slp inre it re- tenlcd defInite plans on lti,-a!-, ufthle Comnpany and isIte lîediii- tic-o organitat l<îîIo makt' & (je- termine-t -f fort thL) lt--ad. longer and morrevertrol>-îla&nc-'- Plu)ytnelit for te workertlin tio - tuant. Mur. Caa rw 1Ilh ftr al -tated ho lthe electîries tinai tendance ah ite c-rnvt-nhlnGtiai I Iirotiurc-lng a nc-s- uixua plan for dealirst ath"lb- rlrlar v tnaultlcrslIon ws t 0i pr, tic .ALm tIimi..<rr oft1I-9bor HO.J. C. LlIAOTT 1936. Introdurinyr-t'u-r.w linos of Cheyr<iOt ruckl,. a tbhree- )RS DFjE4AFM S quartur ton trurit and e Iso-lon G EFwFORT FOR el nCnd n or o xs lInté tnitcd Statpiî-s a t<çped Tup 10 a tn o and a half-ton jobý R EM LO MEN , if. gave George- Garr or and hio î'ngIteertng staff crkdt for pro> duc-lng a Malple [caf truc-k spert- more cg a ,mîoymet <cr the th -ârn. to-- , nrea.se soit-s fcr ii h'b-noi t.of b Ih the deal- et, s an! lii" compariy. The plan t. 'nthýilast,-cally ri-c-et cd by appIaud INI-'rl hbsdpc- tairatýil n ff --rç-u>sdesir,-, le-r~. he o -11vIymlenlt t-f Ils Anter oft lie Iiit liglita 0f t-hlm moi-aing's b-sion ws alte pregentati'uîtof!thse aew 1936 niiodel-' -rt1thb-- St andard aid Njait-r ,t-uc-t<art s-wlIhtbtett tnlany in vmn--b)-,1RPtM. .NtcIlit>r., aneilsi isales promoe- 1100 n iii.rTii- Stadard i w1h t1le-î c tite tuati au it- ft'- o-ýc no nt-11(4 cfirs( tics- fviiît ut . on 11ludiLg th t t--I.Ur- rot t - - erIlt'i -d Il yi nu Ilc- br:îtkt-., ian'!1ittî-9 tora<-poue ngtil,-t- -tfurtlitr ap, liar& li a 1-,t1-e h- IFr oi-it am10-o .i - ilt as dibi)laycci. and M r M, lot'-:,- c r ib hi Mbis -- f 1d Il a- t at. tnuit hhce tiC5 Clut-t r ei- i ut. hil-re laouti tc nO abî- -- <l t',te Iadera-hip (or h Ifc- idjît r,-In Canada 1lu t99) it:.-c1!tti g t c salue <t lu--o -nfri--oh %bh-les M1r NI1-Il t là,t 0tmtrs (>dt 00. o!t>It t1--fnd!rttont stî- vsi&inirà lhtii t,,'- ti - 1<.- ng s tc.pOd bý li. --I--h<-C'el Mo 'r Ia Co i, Gretti-iat - aI )t tri 4- et* J L.hitrkhoç-c tiaude spI-eu- i-t ta 1- -t - -'*t*ae for' let and N :-let T-U(ect i, I ai FRED -c.a PHONIE'94 l EST - WHMTY SA TURDA Y SPE CIAL S PRUNES-mFr.sh in from the South 3 Pound PRUNES. 28c 2 Pomds M.d. PRUNES25 1 Pound Extra Lue. PRUNES 2c 3 Pkas. NUJELL md Dieh &B fS 25. Frwh CARROTS 3 ne<~s 5 SQUASH- 2 fe HST'S ONRCI aliy adaptc-d tco thé'- ard usage of Canadian serti- .lie aýe-îî tress- ed lte far-t thâtAil Citevrolet truc-ls 'bis >iar art' cqulpped wlti a full Iloating aile. anl sitowed &n înteres,!tvg film dem- eotsratlng te w-at bencirIt& thiis Inutotilln ho truck ube". Enginee-ring l'robleuis George Garner. -bief engineer ut the comlpafly, gav<' an Intere-et- Ing presenhatton dt-uling s-it ne*- englnf>erinjg teature ,enxboedd-1 the 1936 c-arc. etnpha»atttng th,. ralue oethe laoe-artlun front s-bots, lthe a&H att-el turr'-t top and thte Fishir nu-draft tventila- lion, s exclusiv-e fen 1 rea 01 Gent-raIl Motore c-ara %J-. Garne- aiso gave Iaherecttng detlAI10ci borneettf he tist r -b U! 13 in gasoline res-earrt- m uhc-hils-ui1 permit ut gr<-ater-r, a-terltt derelope-d at h-i-s <-oEiç ti quihbou It- ivc ban---,o-in .-de- sign ot "ngineb A ief hall bý W ',iM oriue chiot iDepec-tî-. tans!. -< Ilt- procard great.tt (vIav 10 th, t 1931 beL-n on a ccoui cî! lh, higi quali it t fje G-t.:a LIý sosatun ca!lie <IvInt*o1 1 M HON.. C. ID. OWY. j Mnîtr cof Raîlwmyî sund (suai FfONOMIL INDEX SHOWS GiAIN OVER six MajorFactors cxcfr tribut. ta Changein Prices Thc ecenomie Index ntalantainec.l by te Dominion FBureau et Sta- listies recorded &a turîher gala lu lte thIird w-cek of Octuber. Th ï incrc45» over the precedIai se-cl w-s 1.-7 p.c. Four -f the asxma- jor facr*.o *e-d lnthett compila- iton serie arit bger -tels ln tbý s-ok undi-r roveit-s A allt r-e- cessi on sawab cs-n tla whteaaeý priea,ad batik <elerîntedodia- *d ne-arly 9 ",.r Thce rvery ta' bond prî-els aais th" mosl eons1rue- lire influence Ili rsising tic occinotair indel. Tie c <onoirat- - odeS. tcas4kion six aigntficant tatuxrs and ex- praaied ase a pof-eag ut t- arc-rage for l19:îs-an Compara- illsl acady dut-to. lte tI rgi tt tionthtofuthte yrea- Tii- flurtua- tiens Swàee *il b -nattes- li=ti &bot lthe IÛ0 1 line- itnI' duo te the dernýlnt4 ond praco. the Index 4dr<:n-1rdt¶icr sh*FPI la Septemblrr. Inn rrcovery Un ticeaoc-ond and iiird weeks 0i par-, 0 tt edc l te ieprc-rad- tA4 touee rI.. MUORE WORK[RS WtiletIbo<tzinaIndex iWl- -SECURLO JOBS odoee14. 04avi ofpI tat 1#*eu te ~~mou etzetiStW41stiis R.pIls pe. 32,040WodcrsGivm t tfou ,--- amaie * Emplsomeekat tttlcr pm«» lsi te rm ta 5et,14 ) : 6 14 -e eiea C" s-r. I1$i, ne -r4aet SIte 41« &Ud Ot 1. îLe têt-4s t It5-susa SWSa -ma.-vl 711 "qa oif bar mtuttit it-1* ' acýfet4 f.Ttq t cl îâk5 '7-eb#~&U%~ S t & e-r I -t 5 a 5 f 4 A e * s r e ls'f 0 tg Ja i " t be m T». toatia-t1*" -raf stdi18 -e- rcri ab sfl tr*at bas beesucm- iaeîî «~i mtir cit t i te le-t frarisa - la t t iaclStP A h.-pebbss. Il bw4 I"àu-o b.41S' $ tt wUié bff I 06 fflu »T ai* 8 4 *tcu-Pe' t n-ie 4 1C4 ite tSLA.« ecuasi . $bit i .' mb-ei * t3ý 1» ucIo mm «41.I ~ 114-~~ vas~0 mn pomesarui m twreptltoaM u *. w UraSYS ~~ b o-u -U~.xe* a* _J IMW M sBia mia a- ésa s -mm ISsu 'aope, MON. C'- G. POWBU Mîniter of Natioal Mea*" BON. J. L . ILILET Minicit-r et Naîlonai RevenueI mOic. J. G. GARONEU Minfitrr of AgvultuvS IROIX. R. DAYmITRA» mifcilIsa'Wlthout Porttolloi bc Rev. orman ô! OSHAWA HOSPITAL rityo taa C M Ad cfuthe lGE W A ERl7 rtath'!lng on tmsubjWt.*Chrie- ut BidigA \ew r - LANNED BY HYDRO0 IN ' ON APPRQVFY LS! - bn (Iavwn yut0m AT (LNFERF Quinto Yaling l'uopub oner ~F tnc-e. wIll preeldo nt ait the ses- % TH F R P W R U AT CO RL ousi and condurtt he busine o f___________________ the c-caveaU-on. Othr tspeakeru.j ilntliado Bev James Semp1le. B.A.. Development of 392,000 of the, projeet wouild bu appr=1xl4 85~ 8T IB_ t»Ti.11.prraideat ot the pWr W UdMtl heemllpdlaI amgStadmd of Efbie" c y 3of Quinte Co'nfercari'. wtio Horse Poe Wuiimeltr, licpdir. and Methde of Tret- %atildaliver ho homolidâr Ia<"' Bring Additional Rey-itional:u Iofwawt £ - Satuday muraa;,delier b.:Great Lake ayatem would ýreuul menht Aiuuied ntesugat thb, Sunday mc rnlng! .1ervle and 1indu c-t tie new o- ciii., to Province-Raise l u th o raislng of the. î.v.eet 1 &1-1 OnSuda flrnonl. evio!GratLke el Grelat Lakes and tntercoflflCt- Tii. ~~~~ ~Lee ofav QGreat plalLakUHoer. rlc-11 c i gchan l landi Of tlt0 St. LawrO Th@ &h&w r#Dora lispltl Ry. Brt Hwar. Prncial o j nce River. Lt han bora esttmiate ha* &aproe place nthe ixt %lrat on lie subjeli. ll ea. Toronto,. Oct. 30-A twelve- ' that a defhitdabI addition o0o» oratppvl hsî ul t tnilPlk nth ubet,-boI o-ysarid proPfflition tedivert the Inch in dopth te Laes .Huiron ferrure briag beld ldyatSn Drn tesayproste391.000 additional brsepower 000 a year te the sbipplu5 înt.r-[ rrsceo by tIboAmnerlc-sutC,- ol- g peoplewil isue O for Ontario. w-a, brought ho the est*. Mr. Lyon sald. logeo u rg-oonJ. This plate. tho uJJcc-t»sa. '»>cloulent 'of otfore.la~lst aigu by T. Stewart "The maJor bene-fit, or sucli aC heeita onhobigectposube LtvCîrlng *' undeI Lyon, pover commissiorn chair. lncreaaed icrel,- Mr. Lcpot. stAudard as te *orUC and tueub teldOIPershp of o &rt)D-1TDmr*alimuThisproject -va&s, aLpro- ao ut, 'wotild bc te the lTO1 0-C od. e adiaatuloi nd tl, PBtIIdIrbpea u 1 M -d ea tr4et, £114 coai trnxrmpert conrpy :men. ad eisues te papl 0(Chrtstian -rnoic -Ordor". Ttrwotitd coneettho ew;tersfi >!the the United ELtts. Calladian ' fi OC»hawm sud dIstrit et the. vMiy"Yeth and Ilarrîfige". lier. oy LaIts Nipgen by itme coiitrtitottent. but to a Yvoryxnuch léae tctthat 1; ebtaab*e lu ho*PIIs11ýW tikard. Co~lborné; "Promet. et a newtake. a dam and àfi d- degroo. This diversion would sa facllItlee. as, tho erganlttOu ut;Chriitan eioa.". Rev. version eheannel. reanlt la an inereaeofet1A4 tnchu, malotains very srtrtit aire"tutc l;Ralph SqiWr#rr. Smlhbfloid; and D.veprnent oft tic392.000 Il la nMontrent barbor lit 10w for **nartete Aime-auti b4 bctc etf Out t'nitod hr epwer. il us claimed. vould istage' in opeang the ceo.e te,-:Cfurch Young l't-oplo*>. Stophea Ibrins ilauanaddîricnairevenue of "Tiiore ia a total fall fron.ntbeo da-lt.George ('rIte. 'If ctov-.- G. séyweliI. Queue. $1.100.000 annuatly te the prov- Ogoki divide te Montréal barbeî teInd. cbsirmntof Io eboar-d 01,Thli b<-Ing lte frUetli seul- lace. andwooaid Aise taise the. lev- of approxlutately 1,040 feet," X retntor itheAmortran college Vro-ry of Young Peopîos %Con- îci of the grçat lakes te prend. Lyea ead, 'whui, the, urne tait. et i~rscon. sa-d "Oro eut orenolwot-ek. ey-eucg people inereas.d annu^l profit» of! hfait « (4coure, oxtst tt-unde~peci îoverw 1Ilgtrsotit ««".t' u ho boa- a"5titàlYai cebtlii l th a mIllion dollars to the abippi c'ondîilcAsfront Waboose Rapidi plwae ts of th, vate-d 5tIe au '&b rd 'dep!,tlg fôrty year, tréc. 1Mr. Lyon la apeaklus 1,the downth e OsZOldand Aibsiyt Rt, canada tact year. belutai- ta nhuart :t Pr lt hc-h wIll 1ho gU4 Souerd Dl Trade Club tact utgbt. vers ho James Bar. le»a han oune dorado sseý Whou Ou iSaur4a*rr-nulta. Durin; fbelc id fiat ho wutd seek théc C0*980) Headi Foft eue OI( uttonIr el c~ t I .eho*-t -cc et liteOf or(110 l inal oaperation et the. Markenalb ltg ,,of tils total ot 1.040 t tl *pt&l soanlty t, Tu is a,,,- 'Ccforortre dobaîe t I e botd a 4 m 1iln 1 & t r ilion et Ottawa lu lae#*tlrnatod tht about 980_ tet, *ber stionded lth.e i-actcln~ -' tmed cd V-btgng lit-9reeal oâshe. would be capable 01et *eOmi a1 ire ~ ~ ~ vil onbaîal.wbre'e î t)e u *oSor'**Do ie w- H.pridlt#îd ltat tbe Initial eet 4,velopment. 1Cgvo4 anblatory Irnttive.-il, o *air a t ('an-dcolta th* l -Pie oc-eutilecodtloa. u-tltah (tt*wotbe a Uuiuâ D. ChIi "Iboiera III lIue ite ~ ~ - Mr. and Mvc. Merlin Repburn CIVN FIFTZEN YEAR$ le a, Pr.Cbld -ldot elotht sa a ee e n .he lte àlzsd tenlly. vwatod euh 1Mr. and r: te a gIo. oodol tWOne*Iet uf **@t- .nyd Dot tu X re Mer-in Poeoutn onady. Jack Bannen Was fournd 'ulty.ý Usi e muadttlîu. sud Lbo rge- atserCnd"Conigratulationse'te Mr. u&ad a odn n. neitga et dIseuse eeîtrel,.i 5*. a ae»e"îv a fr.of etU.Mr*, >avD414 yc, W eMisé Mary hdapu n re obv t 1 ttâ~ e ethe <tbLit oI<Ultgl ab ti be conveeîi t !.mber4 to lr rectt mar- kdapn 4daie ob .1 î im s nitee u b* Ii êbeab o~<o -ae-Johnt S. Labàttý milIlonaireLot.ý i #CM$Wb*a îîpr-crneltai.a'o lit-oeu 8udo- v 0AI0 lugdt a _6i1- Our vil w as clîvoeU lestdes -brever. on Aug- 14,l.104 -~ ~ ~~~~~O6 g*4aIOACtCI<f o " t draena 0#111.d'The-CItb 0f ulabi by belle. ,hi#Uu &ud gin JsieC .MFI'4 r *a. Tbu t avutaë- b~% t~- i ae l ua i cîlam. ai a frmrLabatt k1df%àp t ~ es»o~î ~e.s- ~ u. t.' e«a»&l'o1$a Sc>fretf00«80c Ise Marjmvy MeC*Ilocb. To- iiupoed a flfteon-7urse * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl 51II . - a-t alaebfiloebo. aetlb.e b-t.eu-dWitthou i-dMelnci, CýoV1ncto br- .smm ssr»Ot t % l Pb'a' ______ jMr. aMd MueH. MOr1ob, uu lcv, ta l aIbsav* 11at I alsa, f 6"ou aadit o- I *ps.l m etoib.m, preparcd&#otbt Joly rporte.,estý»&ý' - ~tsll4tatl~ut 1-1UOEI«,u r ummajoer 87tâ:, '01iln Re. ~~AtWyr#. The ee1nce ti 4ais406 t* lba 15* 154 et-' t bave <b ttet tcrvttice. but ua u = en tly. ~~~->M raa abiêa Ml8*tl~ai f glu, y . 1 1 L I. d - J _ *OMI ^miv ao1r* c 1 *X m e Ici CA-CA 'MI ~ Oê81 b LgW* .upt~ 1 b nid, aLb.~.h..k. . OMM Fe"~ *.~V~boa »F*MrUIî ht Coêum 4"mt 'D.~W I À,& 4 V ~C imt m ààs -~-u-~-F- ~ t 1 E P ItN XR t - 1

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