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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1935, p. 4

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i .jMI__- AE*F OAM** U WI PR LODCES SOCIETIES CHURCHES Rev. S. ToIl vau In ]Brantford on Sunday lat preaching at the 1-Oth anniversary oft %VellIqtctný Street Church In that citY, o!, Nwhich he le; a fnDrnîer pas.or. Mru. R. Carinichael. of St.- An- *drew's Masse, la spending a f -,W '-eelcs visiting ln .%Iontreal ant other 'points ln Quebecr. Mr. Eidred l'hair, of Tornýn ,Wag in town vlsitittg friendi o -i Tuesday. Mra. E. S- Herrnoti as retu-n- *ta ber homo in Toronitt after Y i Iting with lier siaten. \V r. C. A GoodfIllow. M r. an d Mnris arrell tr~t end cbiildren, anilr. Ktacîn o! Torontoi, wcre m-eok-#' '.1 girivt; o! Mn. and Mrs. Arthur iait> MiessMont -otîr,, - '-(ifWindsor siated for a fo- davsw I M -A. Gîbsoit. + .te - Mn. Robert Nî. ' -iu Bursar at OritarnaIe-i' -e tangttlshene,'m w h Mn- 'il7, e spenttthe w-ek-etid trit "7- The rnegular mariuifli r- -'ut of the V.fiN x.ile audlt.orlum o! the l! u on M Ont, a n On t day D Aug Med Tho TI hy hoIdr -15ti val talc th is pro the -IH NEWS- r.EmnerY sOutbvell. M-3. * rlorc-nc.a ;Outhweil and MISs Mar- gare-t lark Wîi"Ofl. contralto go- luist eof Toronta. were Titanka-: gislln-g see<-end guç'5tI with Mn. and Mrs. An.hUr HolUidfly. The many frient!t o! Mr. John li-twtl nrnc t,* ilears of be'- ser or îfne ii >ilîr hume herc. The W'bV - Club vilI. hre-d xh'pir anuiaI banquet In the \tsrcTentpis' Lro k strpet. on i-rtday, NS'y. 5Ph, f-.fowed by a danrp. (--I)tp rexen!R'uoSS v% ii b, n t. tn ti thr U t-Ir - f cýthe suri- A "-V , .'. rî -rita vetiing ~ .'-e-' zit rpt. An . n . Via tti>rit" 'r-plata 'luis, n- tsini'et t was <1a n-i -resb- t,7Ci (z u n r Pmh.- c n- wa'î ati f'i' fita, tI-n cf t k tf'b tia n iati f al an tri tn'- 7 lt">%!,Ygati for1thcr n xt n"e 1-0r . E% e-r y \1ern ber Bttg a NMari --as% adopt't Tit, îT en w ilIi,-.again tcrn Tuesday eie-.ir \ti .'r2hr 'Ih a? .og-.. 0F THE Week-End Spocial AT Wlon sMeat *ls Marke IN FRESH HOME ICILLD Boof, Voal, Lamb and -Poi PHONE 169 ROUI» ROAST PRIME RIB lb. 1 8C BLADE ROAST' lb. 13 c RUMP ROAST Square Sid& lb. 14c Round Side lb. 1 6c Frehy Ninced HAMBURG lb 1lOC 3 ibis. 25 c McINTOSH &40W API'LES, 25c Bauke PHONE 169 WmEIK - Deaths Alter a lengthy ilineas borne I llcheerfUlf1lesa and coura1ge. death on Wednesday. October 23r4, at the Qabava General HaSîuj. ended telifeo0f Lit- iIB May SkinneOr, beloved wife of Xr. Leo MWebber. veliknovs tWhitby Tc.wnSqhip farmer. Dece s--as the daughter of thoj late james Skinner and Mns. sk1nner,. eiv pioseer fa.rm set- t tiens in this 'district. For a time after ber fathtrs retirement she ils-ad in Broklilf. but '11h ber hutbaiid site bail resided on the fart on the third concession for the pa3t jçs re-ars. Mns. Webber v u arnembitt' of Whitby Unitèed RY Church. an-Il whilo In Brotokls wasactlive 1 inte vork of the l- ch.jrc titer. Site vas a vomnan wmho n-tad,- ;ri rebtaqned a vidt cirrit! !îcOf '.alwai-s chCerful. O! kindly nature and consideratc of ctherl. X!11ione vho loTed ber Th P f 7à nl service, whlcb wsL, prisaI> smas bald on Satur. day at~r'nat thm borpne i hrbrOther tn-IaW. \1r. R. K Wc%*bher. lot :-. concession 4 Wbttby Ttwnr-!0ýp The scrit s'i nodu ltiiby fles. S. I. Taîl o! Whlt'. astt ed 'h y R e -. P. L JUIl, of!Ili'.'k2tinti nternien '«asi matie 'nu novrestde Cerne tery. Tho' b(earers were Gtorg Sil N-ih 0flîhRa J-? fa bloorr. lia- XýL ski-tncr and Not n%&,, #î. . ,of Tyrane, otar aîw s ly MWtt,1-'r. Co0 l ibu s ani ILorne Ni -P.î' kX 1I>fc Psa i e 'tri1a l1xir boshant. I . o Webhr, two bro0th ers. Fe *of Pr->ctor. M!îtn az d Ro or, et Loqik ngelei Caîîr.aandi a riphcw. Anthit a. X,-or, ri .o! To.,ent1a. THKS- 'I Pt $R1KINFE ThetniaIleas l.-'k1ino dauith- I." r ie 'attýces t.andi r5 F-kirt-c passetiaway on Su rinda. an rrh e.aon Centre itreex N-r . Itii" ag'utf 3z years 11enb luliencame as n -happy reltet f 1r bh" hati been in falifo h.'alIt r matis' >ers an'I orat-i-t -tght rno(ntita ber con- diabtioi dbee'n qurte sitkaus. In tIi Y sýkinch-'me nfatilier and mI WUII15Y j Announcoments GET ABOARD THE DIXIE PIC- flic car with Whitby Minstrels on Nov. Io0and 21. and help' the Christmasa Cheer and Wel- tare Fund. PRINTED GREETING CARDS nov on display. i-ery attractive> desitna. at unusualiy mcvder- &te priceal. May Wo show you our sample books? Mundv- i Goodfeilow Pristing Co., Dun- das St.. Wbttby. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER. BAP- tiat Church. on Friday. Nov. r lat. Supper trom 5.30 until &I ai re ered. Good progrlim. Admiasion 60 cents and .5 e cents. ,%WE ARE NOW SHOW ING OU R may lis aof Chritmas Greet- S Ing Carda. Priries as low as $100 per do. W. invite yotj ta rail ad "ethm. Mundv. S Goodfellow Printing Co., Dun- du dSt. W. MARY ARTON. DESI;NING * and dreasmikin. busines andi * sp-trt froka. a speria ',! I i1 Prock St. North. hîy WHITIY i NSTRELS ANi maer Show fr ChrhA nia' e- C?r ~andi Wflare fun. 0, W hiîb'c T own H all. W e*dner .iv d Thutursda¾ ovnir20 Anti - :1, Plan opens ait 0,1 "' 1- I)rnj t ore, Novnt er d ser!ve t bc dates fer a go ht Rachel Ann M acLean ov- r ,toi !'eans ago. anti aftern narriatre tkiok up fanming at îc Tionlth o! Oshawa. xihenrî thi. isN% eifor %ix yaaa. raovint t t -Kinsata ahere ha conti1nr1tcé,i farng for 13 years. Friîm th.'r, lie xnosad ta a nm on h- fuIt convesiocn of W hitby. ani i, 19ng moveti to shat ta kniwnài Stars Fmij us% caut of! Wht t Townt. Mr. Corner retIneti!rt'nr farniing In 1917. anti cameut live mn Witbs. le teck u'i s',--k with Ihn Illatrh MNaniifacltirinz t'c.mpany. mtintg nem tii" th-ln -duiniai field abouit 19ZÇ lit, bai & Ince lis-oc a retireti life alto..' ;ONAL SOCIAL Squibb's DntlCream 3 tu bes 25c size .50cr Admiracion MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FRF.EZ Olive 0OR Shampoo Treat- AL H L ment la Go@E. LO L P ro v e 't f y u W f 2 U F u S tren th in S ea ed value forro i 15C iS$1. 19gaion DRUGGISTand STATIONER PHONE 184 - WHITBY vory kindly etfere& ta bnlp bim I n The Police iMagtrate Ebbs, liads- C u thad been fortunate In is pt life osa that bis frienda wern -prf pared to com@e a long distâ rv- Mu N rpby of Camnpbell- te s¶eak sn highly of hlm. lii, iii i.~ h. dorýk at th trouble had deveioped thr, triti- t o u rt Tueslay a(- Utes whlch had been palid to hlm. t cru u ani pleaded guiity t0 lHi& %orahip saad that lie woull tiing t car h.'ionging to Lawr- take the plight of the boi>s Agg (ifo Whl*tii1v, ram the mothèrr mb o consideration, ani 1 .111. i r1,îr of t lie store ' with- would tIpose a fine of $10o lu r; h1ilie fN ntr q cause3nt, on Sat- !, nd to ts 4r ten 'ay a in Jmil. M il Itit. A charge <>f wornhip expressed the hope tha le o t'ic car w as firot read the boy would realizet that he I., ilii,'ne-4tiqcd hxîî (rown Attor- had been leniently dealt wtth. 1) . Cainint annottnced The boy was bound over fUr hoi N% i i.hp i t i w ithdraw this one year te keep the peace ani rarce l iii;lbstttuitf. It for the was placed under the caro or 1,11 r g,. ch taknown iMr. Carr. xs tt"i v rinjz sectIon of the Ait N i'iph, nppears. hnd loft CAlUD OF THANRS ,thanter on Yrlidav -in go ta To- Nîrs. Erskine and family wouid ti t 'bt h a d h oa r d h o lik m e t e x te nd t e th e m a i % o 1 ili wli j l. sn t en h f. got friend s and m en ihers of chur elh aý \S lt!..h,, tok ithe A x gcar and laonorganizatIons, thanks tti tir ,, t thoi dty and the',n and appreciation for their kirit 1. -f THE WHITBY GAZE1ITE & CHRONICLEJTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 31", 1935 IN E It Is sorftcthin tho t-ino. HER GePntienrînbî- I for .. . . LAD Highîland ibrog ibnîpe aýnd îs' SUPER~ We preseni colli0 DE Monday, Nri..-. + ir. A +htpt!,c NI r a- rank- tC ilin5 who hac'1)P lt l. ift ' . o tb um.rbor cf sh -t - "-a"aixta cali t n r -- - t- t 1,. -l4, Ku s tt,-(,a. alt..-- w:th th - e IIlnal Cnart î n t -%â-a kerf.ri a-l tpd %vith NMr.andi MT . N - -V i bj_~ )mpsan,Bi-t.r'-trt- t.ti"ians -. + +c -iIe I1Baiiir 'he Youn-nz - ath Ch -'~'h-î' -d- . ue Tua are -makttig plants !f r '"h ot' Ftl. ct at i t'antif ýt dance (t! t.' Fa-Ul fh ib h 'i t' j'-'n t- a btnist u d on FrlIaY ecetlti,- N- #..1)1)q,,i l#, ' »" tr.jiý_ Asoia h. - Ni-, ani jNI s C(ainq havc ~. .. nîîî-fi' ida ni W hi!by who )ro- Ithe annual Iifa -crt Ie' i Pî t t h. t i (ilg par, u rç. and whol i at I'ho Ontario tLadie' C ýf- t 'ti .., r-tr-î ". ta Il - :s place on I ridt. <set u t ( t ~s tvek.An <icelit!enall i ftt 4+.+' + gram bas IC r l«cnp at 1)p.ari hi tht'mrgthi eli' lFacuity and studsnt!' t'ifi m-rnnfck ri 'h4,e *'eral ai I ti't % lidertakings oftheti W ýhttby lZutary (lu b, t he Rotary An".m ies t-! the mon-bers o! lte Ctub. helti a t-ery deligblfttl ftoo D ut>'-heunRtIatthe fOntario *~ O * I.àdtes'tuii"." tition'iay last. R O C ?its '.1-.R. Mtnrtgufiery. wi!e of MUtht' Rotary Club l'maatdastt-.'ri- B THETRE K sîdeti ably ot.'r the gatherntiand nom" '.ery ftie auggeslaxiafor W! -.BY, PHONE liS xtetil vork mn thie tovn vere- ____________________ bnuugbt forvard. Tho githening. lit mlght ho soteti. repre"nted Thurs. Fri. - S&Lt. l 1pr cent. oft he virea, of fli Two gkows.. nt 7 and 9 Iltarias-. sI i ws a rery sur Saqmnday Matin.. ati1.30 cessful affair. DurnKthe. lun- cheon- thaeLadiés prosented _Mra i1 Montgaomtery s'th iialft ot lasve- 1 - y rosea. and Mr%.1p. N. Spn&titl h, rendered snime deligbtiui solos H0W I14 ýTPAIICI I 1 Am ng the t iet,îns 'ss NIme. tri IlAN1[ I l Oti Charles Iluchatsan. ut Toronto, JIMM AN PA AGINt wl!e af a former J'at Distrt tt Govewrnor. There a-ors the viitars front Lindsay an1 Iwo front Tarant . Other meetings 1bav a ees pianned. SAI.t MIN1 1NTERTA1! FA) ---- More, than foty menther-. of - ~Casile ('apter of Ontario ais -- -Coilege Alunitl eroe eterlained *W, A', o-n Mondiy orening in (>bva. Urbhen Mrs- R leuO Gray rclc'si>- iM-y loased ber bhume for te cOrbe-- îber M"Utns, the preaident. Miss Dryden, and Mi. D IM To!a». - mtaed tita hoatesIneta eiytt. Foliowinr, a short huais-cas c- - alSH INi;Pon. an asjoyable prograntvs t'1iren. Mirea iu-tsîr tLacl - es'cfTorotiXo ang tIWO C G E *OS : N 'lgr ou îbnntralta. Kllffl tdents o! theCI. 'alags. mnMs- W. A. Hare runtrltutea svoariali Mon. - Tues. - Wed. gnou p M mi Ve-nnPjstve 0 Second Show ai 8.30 j vcacy aî uiasi rrn. Yatlel Ibo - irusing conita-t. e**=t acre set-ted. Mra Tati anti Me.. haePoutnsg cotte. Thi. tiintzg Wha or y U< -- o ibt a>-k lattueiii'A ?t Tr ihis rovionts and laasta ace en atOlo-êf& ii Y001I ahouti gos lins.Wo'od. TIse #'ontM gr, t luded 511h i vo,,otf ha~ suoreti by MlisiMaxwell 1)«esft v-caponest tti iuea M Mcaid M iToronto-,friWS Oa-b4aa. Mc. William Kart. MWO t* tâ Tay- m beo. MI sa Mme Sîse. Mn' , Tod. Mm-a.L.C Wood ~4aoti uy W~WW other'a trouaWhitbl. PRUN-i;~TONTOSAUI. r> i THO*043ýiKk 8O tý t BILL Twefioaagau~ccia>~ wci.AM 1'W bt" ~* miMoreove jperformé jjof colorf was P081 eer st UIBEI XEA -ORDi.R EARLY flt o ly Lotsl îîh'utadvnccn~t~< 0unz mte who b.d Wc.ten a a ther cbst hc offiCe. ur> the Ladxltr 01 c4itona.i uark t.e- e'ren m ts tieotge Fie<httr. plant buWrin- cau"c Ã"cv4 Is>eChsnagd'rfu. t-brOu;î -tîdent. delktgnatr'i as Itc*tliSttr ente forget 11-r 4 the.(elam4. oL. i atiah- t aIlingupon Ed Roach, "atw Sead able <C', > a% à roredr ait emas' reader ci the c0mF1&vani. % c.a*ch needia tej ~iraicv a sti ai aformIn ef S5.1 for eburt ______________________ av and usde t'ilaudir,&, rt.rrtî * thea the end of a dafll-tîrdlti i? sfcrit a pertud C-i'X tcarl lice 0 w re 1Ilé I uy much ic-, 1 ai," g.11144 11111 L O O K . b m. a;'4<. mu go I lês4- t o 't-n " m ce.wt L O O K ! 1 !Ot '~" ..to? of Lul O O tbusetix t ci j'Iota>ý Kvs uea" br a&en ra4n "rv ~~ <ý )Okasz2mdt ~' ry. vOf F R EE ;,mFZt nmsae êe4 lit atbas P hotograpi i*cn4.mt txdn"*, à &" qal p", m r.~'tO Kay Studio ; atrt a. micn cda* soai Knwirk. Ctu 18?. aa46 BULL'S DRY GOODS PUCES MIT WLL MMEMTA USTR aiBI I AT A IELL'S ~ u~OLu& oe ..04 Vd '~ i~ u. woM~ c~ arn m~ mêm, e miev. =obi w-cnt.~lit ii a ar l5 t s. hm home. Quiet. una âsbuîlîig àn t t Cru !ctxrd i ire nu or otily thceo veeks &o 1f indy n on r auàw.s - ostt The car w-an nîo ýn pised ave! &fier a l a ndi fmscrably Ïsoa-n in tovri i- -- ' let.- r Ip, it wîs îod aiy brie! Ilite-al.an di district. Iith cin teThemma [)eaa na r-1 bora~~~ ii ote-i u ,)eceuesd la survive-i itthbts ('harn!tý'1- o tiene aa given 1h ber parts ta W'ii- v'otr. r,~ u "-<~ttta!<fblt i-ntO1b %mnia , a nd i tht-es ti uthter s. NI r %, fort mer n ist on R le y r.n, on- ~'i htBnerta ~ Harlo wr. W h lby. %M ra. Jo ln bin ,to utof Ne'castle; i $ I lig rth ertintt &Yolook IAskew. Oshawa. andi Mr%, N o'.- - Shoc!principal. E. IH. Gnog. -1 tIlnta' Anglicant Chu-ch, t ton Joynt. of WhIliby. misa ta-wntin by Il N.(['arr. .. for >ie a amxaer halaistera. Mra. John Tuttio andi Nonthumborland, ail o! whom bhew&% &rnýý'be- S*ýMra. F. IC. Hftkisg. o! Oshawa. -sAldti lui the tboy vas a mocde]. rare lbent wvitlcb qut» andi thr, brothars. John Corner. hoeat mn ererylt'hn. gooti to i 1 0V 4 Ç P M 'D li r -o kla cuid R Ichard an ' is alon at bo mne, a v otIk r l a r~-i ~ p-etra s tv@ s # (3 cg .a01Port Pore-y. ,Ihé% Youug lC51 s S elty of by bite à.YJ.A. but 1Tho ftaner.i vis helti tram ils cbunb. anti oniewho at ircli tsrg-nLtotsmAti.: h. rtsbsly retIderis on Wenoî- nesen biton initr-oube boare. 11s -nO c.ntxi i er home - day attiemnoox n tiuda-as coduri' frisais coild ot undarstaxid i âIi h ie l t ah e 414 f501 4 hb' Rer. >1. E', r-ae n, o!rt e wi h e '. had ranm mttet i eho crim e ncurtî but vas &a calta- î aptit C huign Ir. întoenrnm t urs bu wî h h o h ati pleatieti guily. t'tt'r Irugi ber matie mn Gnov-aaide(Cetery. ie livrs wIlh tris nothor and a. bssjra4r an di sales belt hie b ar ra- W J H . R îicari ,b.i . i te r un a tanin bis counsel ,h atsncia-i. ie- Chas. lIcCila. George Aluin, ropresoateti. asking for allapetil- tiare ha-r long pet-mtio0Wlliam H i. Thanipson. Wlliat.u cr sertlenro. for hlm. Ho là Ia and km-' anti tender tW ilktîaon ant R obert iÇoble -grxtiithear mt urbes f ace If t-' het-rs tnd hband mtat, moric the . nsy beautifut bi -jltuuo il! are id %U 'irl n lier bot1se floral tribuat«e vas a wnosth cowi'lletl witb. -at, tirrierasi .arre u-a.a rm ba iti04assortats at the Cross Attorney Canant. wvile ru-siaferiotiStib ilite lfe.. Cmai.-reaîiing inoi he chat-acter tonte~ o!l*ra ttto -i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -evide t roC lyrisen Iai lhe youla hte trr EitRalpit Ad , LU.4)v IIOWLKuits ati f o! t<d chanatrter. as-i hat fAil itùlM'às Citrrcit. oS-, ENTEI T AIN%la) tnb bli lentl sre te-llai than- ate t itit met t3! as mair ',- .rt tia. Pitibeti out liaI lte rbo-t-ni.'ic T b*e W l by lady b taîsl r u r c .ftxr . ' as a e rnso a o ne. a ndi a-. .aaier ~ Ag. ,K Omit h*11x gue.sts f )Mss Jo hno sieig it' tira iIiu Iho oult I lk. te s»A ~ n-~.s~We'as. Cadtib0InM. aber home ot Turs-sby tek i.ra n auprd e ttgitt. Whlb ati*VOIlgheniIi-.clo*iing of the- neaitdr!ottsk ta tiis~ W~SPOI iDptalng rl4 e li sb fnout taebains punlah- se.il tWb isic. y sr Wiî ýflt5'lb ia:rtt as ay. Ta i1« hlm go 1011-t., a1i Mca. Robs-rt h. loa-kîrdaItbneeitonlirafmat axiti 13ri raîia-. t'Ite. *nîbt' 34MS Roerts trh te,t cimttttg lts sainerins..n Wit.lrh>. seclm *rerie, tIer roietoMe- hc 'saitnpeast a on iely. e bet f o a dle*'-- da 'onarrunt of the moblitY JA1 M1> C(>hIM cle1.isk> Jai*d W.4Ma. J'li0mtop, &a ftii bes t'. Utghit ZP.O( ý,Tfk &U4 ea' kmwI "otAll lb Crvua 'e otat s-,ked liai haleveOC ori- Iomu 1# tmels taiS*S t dl> f*Mm-a. lHtop. bo saîali. log-t thét court milîlImpfse. is- teliCPuie-#0! 'Of Ilta tpo**t'1ly s3ib'pflse. vry thés boy t. t'O Pwd usd4e Ito Urte.r'a . -' pomA« it.1157tbcike h. ni.nibec. uper datiasoaiMr. Ccli' sho bcd tu btii..aeciteau II À r o9m s* '.tom e-tb *x 'et bati c* «Or« .>T*4' goiam Mr. S1Jbimolm tee xr.Ka- c*nm' ** 0» r 1om YDAY APPKAL ...........1 ....... 0 R * m .tLn.ta & i , . t ttt -be hMesnaion t 1- 121 ln tItis. their second sad bereare- monts. Mn. Leo. Webber wishtsa o thak tnienda rtnd nelgbons for lb.o floral trihutesanmd many other kinti xpressions o! sympathy ex.- tended i hm turing liia ecent saci bermeent, also tbe nurses at the Osîtikaa iopltl for t heir kiannandi patiettco turIi Mn. obbcr's 1llnosa thex'e. Mss. John Gardon and <on, .1. A.. an-d famîly. sish ta thnnk- Ilicir iieighbomg anti filendiq for tise many expresions o! sympa- iIl'>. shown theot turlirgthe I- nems asnd death of Mr. Geo. Roib- i t-taon. Nursea veil recommiended dav. nlight or bourly service Inclwl- Ins confinemients - prompt re- upona. tearilsa tva dollars dail.'. phone Sunnybi'vok Private Hos. pital. Whitby. 350 Whitby. . Birthg HLI.,RD - In -Osh.awa General ouptl. on October 23, 1935. te Mr. and Mrs. Cyrîl Heard ( uçe NiagRasa), a son., vNi?'ýD-At Oahawa Hoapital, on Wdnesdîy. Oct. 30th. ta Mr. and M-,a. M. Vipond. Brook. fn. a; ton. New Zratand bas an aviation jstolh AMnca, bas an elephant ~peciaIs àat 'ys:7 wHrrurSe TO $100 STORE ...-.......... ..................-... 20t ca"AN Am d SucuaI DOWL 'l .-,,,,---. .... .....-.. 2 *.'.WOUU~ ?~W.u35c- la~ sors Law. $ION Will equa radio usil -SPECIAL- HAM ROAST PORK 5 lb. Cuts IL 19c BUTE ROAST Trimmed lb. 1 7c SAUSAGE Large Unk 2 lbs. 2 5 SHOULDER PORK Sbanlc Off lb. 1 5c SHORTENING 2 ibs. 25 c j' j N t tt~t t s'.' ir .1 i~t %A Oum ýl 1 summum ZmW-e==ý7- SILV L A Faces Fou; Sheep Fi Accused Pleade ty on Four Youth Corr Trial at Wf Court 21.! o-ut ' ftîî çj ~r- - i ti lkrîldx cf0Wilb i;c d 11a ; :-.-D c ll d d (1 rt1 'u -t; Lu tht c- I C0c l ttrt'P lt1r j ur 0 i l . Th t ao. y \\ t ilTo laIhafrnÉ: arM.t ieipfroni lî~ !,lm h; roma Iriank tI Aq pfariirs ic ofpa lik-rtc tlgdlitifi len on or aWlst thi ber. jî)*ýjo. alnti ta cuscd t-a l010 Vain 1 MOTOR DOIVE Lm ru lu m a VL 1

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