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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1935, p. 7

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p --. is loscly ýbusinles, t hr-ee-ui.L il n, this i- wit th te lie Gover- ilot lu 1 * Tenlt (11 wotid 1) uisled 1) 'rIand a'. eî'surli'îg et-ii flit "- il id one catti At irais i ~ME I RLL Y r - SE OUSE ,r- . News And Reports From S- Brooklin Brookîtu. Oct. 31.-The msr- niage -was soIemn zed at tise Unit-, ed Church Manse on Ssturday. Octoher '26tis, o! Cora Lee, daugît- ter of Mc. sud Mca. R. Lee. of Balsaanto Ralph Wîdeman, eider son of Mr. Jus. Widemn, o! Concession 7, Whitby Tp. The ceremon>. wes pert'ormed by Rer. P. L. Jull, sud the couple vas, unattended. Followlug tise cens- mony lunchoon via serred at thse honte o! tise bride. Af.er a short honeyuaoosn tiey will ceaIde ou tise Wldenîian facm, Tise best wiahes o! tise comimunlty are ex- tended to Mbr n.sd Me.WIde- manr. Thse annual Mission Circle Rally 'vas held ou Tuesday ai Albert S!. Churcîx, Oshtawa, visen a nuntheri :rouî the BrookliluCm-ele sttend- ed. Those present wene. Mns. Il. L. .ull, Misses Ilessie Ganhuti. Anie Graudy, Alilce Arnold, Iteba Chrsistie, Carle Harnis. Evetyn Prouse, Soste Nuw br ay, asud Dorothy Louckyer-. Tise guest spea ker waq'a5 Ms Fu!iett c-f To- i outo. Secn-etncv foni NI isselti CIrcles fer tise lonttuion,. atd iser, address btoTag'li, ' ativ belpftil t-uggestluns for MI is;i on Cirs!.- wurk . Nlas Vpea Spangîs. reprý-- seutlng Nislsilon i Cns c-for PBa% of Quinîte (onfereTîce' lranis vasi prescrit, sadthe liai' tinîtg si-p lu ah ange o! Nlrb. S. MîNoitgomrucr. 'Secretary for (ssiu -!- ru- ,;s ' lise OStis;ti --c- iil. A ioril5 tiotir se li 1iîui ý i ii ssii -1 1.. an ee,,itîg - the seven o'clork. with tbe rector in Murphy; assisatpniMisS Mr. Edgar Heron. IsfOWls chrg.Hope, f lower commntec. mm .ing. NIr. aud '.%r§. Ralph WVhlte. of {e.-b IHope. Mrs. Albert Jeffrey. \\'r arc p1cse t back wiU1 îSewmarket, were. in Brookiln CL Is. .rncd. Lite prog-antcont- U5 onlce cr _\i,,s-.Grant an Sunday t Tiitrt for nrxI meeting. which wil! her %on., Iiid Nr ndNf NI >o rmbr7î. 7Iv. V bk.P rryani anll.v a r oKCUPsînr5 -r.Bradshaw waslu nToronta Nl ary 'N sckfrev and N sLx T -r sucr'.as ta On Mondav. îMr.pr\V. îhy -.acdt.ctr-hasthe Mr.su Ms. Trd liltio~ Miss Jese Johins. of Toronto. sold. lire Sc 'Tor ono called ou Brookllh sp;ernt the week-end st her hoînc Dont jOrg cTtht tu an frlendis one day tht. week. !here. dance in %-e~~it Hall titis After an Illness of sorne Hîble audv is being conducted in Fridav a S , - ::[r the lus- nths, borne with much patiencip Un ted Church by Rev. Mlr. Houer p.ces "of the Sofîbs!J1l zb~n Lillan Skinner. beloved wtfe of each Frldsy even:ng aI 8 o'clocal. Orchestra. ci 05"%tâ furniàit Les. Web>bec passed au-sy ou Wed- The subect'for dicuss;ou ils tI', the rmusij uesdsy lu Oshawa Hospital. She Te-achings of JCsus' «*SV f&ar îh1C M-,a-id NMr' B-- cAlptuc, wai the youngec daughter o! the a'tiendance lias bten ver>- eniall. V\\ anfdiarm' -<c4Reà1I - . Ictc Sun-, late %Ir and \Ir. %Vîn. Skinner arc n; cfor a larger uumnber f,.C - \17 à-' Mr3. J. E and had open*, hec girlhood days "a- s 1toese nsceîîngs, art siort, Bt-acoc,. ln Brooklnwhere ah@ b.d mLuv <>1 much Cýrea1Ir ftre. friends. The fuueral ashed Mr>. iChois. ofinId.an f ou Saturday from theb.home of Mr axeau a.dou Mes Là Greenwood 1 Keiît Wbber uthmIntrmfnt à aSt%,ck C'oseld eDewtry, Rer. 5.Toai o! Whlthy aualIsted by Rer, . r.t. Juilio!flîrookluisshd charge oi the secrvi-e. Tise stuc-e s-ra- Palisy ut Mn Leo. NWebbrs msny frteuds In this communlUs- lu ex- iended lu bita lu bu aid beress-e-- ment. Tise Tîp Top Tallc-n s pcill repreeenTaTui%. wti be etiNMac- lb!! A Sic-n..on T*Iuesda%. S o % 1 2th 1-Ae' ,rings t' Ui brin a spec- lai disptss' -f nr>df-I garment, aund su!'t engthu iTp Tqp Tailon ITn Canada Thé' quait àlin- Sîs, seottn. Tise um-ariues sf t bei'-u>-' ansdIthe#, î i"rs o-f t hein te sn)rinR are ailirt - tý " f ' s\ -s : 5, 1s 'tf.- 1."-. : t n#allonx frornt finr(,ssat'lt NI , ' -S..-s asess s aî tsi 010 sa is-sts - V -i". Myrtie Station Mi'k0ý'Ii ST'i.%Tu\ UhU)ý '* Th c r c 1 ilbc uo ch-jrch sr 1-- tse nl dat t C ~ td b. t-e ~ ~ ~~ - Tàrt as--u~- '~ 5 . >.. i O T. To d's Gfl?.ENWOOD. OS" 3l---Rer I-I. Mut.ts~t'. seas lu Nisuehester Sssudav af-i.rt-i5sc-u cri evenin, preacistng s: the st.r.:rcsscy Cen- r Pi-9-. Tise MtsF r U5 ntat thse hoIre o! >!-tes 'V:.7Kare1 u Zonais Gis. r.Sstuni'.îs-afiecucti-s Ti,.-v, i%-- -- . At-,raTion n-ot ik the c- .-.,a-- Iedneqdsv crs-be.7-se.on :..,- % t G "'i e and Lte- n t-s 'cndc -tise Lot-a. Tu f cs d a Ses-ens: f- tn tise VS'on cçrs-le u ie. rde d Ti' ,,re( , - i rsun Rai1y 5sa tac ut s..-dss s--r Tise î':.h.tssPartyPt., - ESaff Gazette Co rrespon deènt Tea at ts Bet familles. Nîlas Ro-scua Udgett rie- turned wîTh thein for a short, A hb r se-vrslday lat wek lthhe' Asbburn. Oct. 31.- Misa \Mild. anut.a ders. C. t chardeon berred }t&ntli spent the week-end Mun.%. Cud Mrs Hosar-with ber parents at Ma.nilla dale aud tsou, Douglaq. sud Mi" Anntuel yonng Opeo.es ralty for Elleen 13e!! spr.en-. several days I t.he Presby-ery of Undsay wt!l be la-Bt xPek wtU frieuds snd rths- he!d lu Wlek 1Presbyîertan Churcb tIves st Ilracebridge. Ori.Iua anj on Fridmy evenlu;. Not-enher St. Barrie. et 7,30 put.. uiIh Rer, IB. 9. Mr. and MsIl NWhreýer sud la!ck. of Campbeliford. asi specîs! childien, of Oh spuent Thurqs sPûAker. plan 10 attend thli day ta-st lxeek wttia>Mr. and M-ir,'a 1 Y' Alinl Hiker Rer . m.Rire sud NIrs Rice. MVe are sorry To report MNr of Rits-Ille. spent Isit wêek %Vmý Gibirri ou *.ihe sýk lIst- tsho .-e cf Mr. and NiN.GV Nils Marlon :1Curiis. Mr. Ch%,as% Weýc fllakeley. anid frier,l«. cof Triroctnîr ,FakSuhradsn o SÙndyed ith Ir. om Ws; onaïd. of Howtck. Q Ue . arr sud tStfllY. stI!înc wltbh hèrpartet. MNI M'i loFcren,-(e Nîowhtsrir 'r asd Mns. A. Surumerhas-es. ih woken viS s Mw rn. as.d Mrs, A, Rn", auJ Dogls f hrcindcui i I. - .. - ... tsu5 .l - 14. a - aurâ i s r$Cs areuce lic.IdLt- - , I l'fr %;I Mc tud M 1' is-'c-r er - cia" if I.s. e' i fc- TT--aT- WrsM.ii c c t s rt-uma hsC,'riî 1%.atie' 'te W NIs Mi&toqardJO$.ti cc ris Mr d lu Caltaîîde'î for i h.' se c-k-cTlitl i t i t--at P a - s ý. -n 'i'cc' en~ - c- Uîseî. xr. .stO c M isslio a ~ - i- Snda- 'ià.- o duo'n- y eh Mc.Js Blt sud gaW tise !aiTuil.s ituiiutîeui Ille' The u nI. liaý-' s hast .tlOsr. ii n tr.- C~ en.inu*the s .-nwoc 1. ih et b ieCucrbonta uToo strl- ctlro's. s utîdar 5 s T. 'i:- t u s.- t' tst' s sî! '-i l- ' s. '-- eSu-c srr : oseîlxi is ud,> -jr lnÇci ' t-e.aiT. lt s'îT.u l c-i'h M xi -e I AhT (inr. b.a Nllehl 1". 1ie;r-lHisl-1;e1ted ('a n.c Glu i r xsvtaga teaciser andI pîtîilaspjanl'îria cwork theIti nitetI Ctiurc!î ais I al iziu r ~res drii sMr. liarry 1iTld.j a Ico It 0T-4u atir. tsI WN ht11 -s'-on lat> cd se t tc- [i i-- ksec ,-;Siulsà '-te-s Io tuake ailt who sttenidd s .t lte last fews- are fhi 'ofo h' s .s 1ci-ss; ouîîsîc tr' J'- s' Mn - u.N a u ttcnu ls),n %s Ms V r issS conte. Cotîte-ats se--r t . Utc- nutr hlm wili lIose of ! c-st'sliit . s jesiC. a -rs kok tr s-e' i ' . stcn t'tr. J V -%a . tti-.-mascr Ms u l Mue uet a t ut tise e-seulîîg.uand cauneîld ii' t . a'% e s fouud tli bts place at thse-4 t sa r i U4 C c r c à11 oru isai 11CA - 'c- à s-ss~n sgitcai(Ill~a.ecr Iy iIve uCae oî fu for alt. panltsuarly tish l e sr ht î,ss-rs a nsd eoîr-(Ye ;ei~--Iresu!t. sc'-r ucis a s0- s ' . NI'r S - ic Si ~ht - itnlt -ntscIn .1t.1,sa NIla.si.t i-e-e n. C! laZcmt . o-f edltIng a newsptapen. wis u TSÇ' n slghi@ f ctts hr' HA t' us 'S! S r tittc I.arte tae the' -it' et s.It--hîrsJ e- - tti-t' - -ssi-.--tscs fcu is ee-nd vMiM s uewa of strikitig Il w -T san ci- In l hll% S int 'c-ar H rteavie t i..i srssc-1oIBile & t 'r) MV- r - t .td d icr-Na - tle d c-t tý ise h-) sf, nd en d P ro le--ced tlrtruugii tisc, contasInlt y ru-nu 111 ;oes .1h9 seIfe. oel0t --,sdu sc gieu vt. L% çcas r W-ro s c-- r ese c- n ,l tur h ri- s-'.iftsu,'- ici - ru Mc. a Mn,.A.J ero, ! svlde facilîltes o! the a ppulutecl -daught-er. n. W' alttec Stèeesoa, Nir -iocr, Mr$iL. Look sud Ma', . J r. 1- 'i-sl- - - i- u rPb àg nc- 14p--- 1stsiiît Maailasnu tie ee-edilU etltors. 1'nlzeas %eeAdonated for ou tKiasle'and une son, Frasnku of P&5C'> ta-' Ia > a.dzgso!ih ndiul-1 Mt.' Mc sudpen« thn Melue. costmes anI seni'suMIs Ms' -Calgîar.Tisefltners! 'III ho hrk ild X I neetmng o ai aîtic- mer 1et ob:of Tor. vtîîte-c-r>-oe ui- ld *!,os.ts' A uaes aelg !ts Joues sud Mr. Douglas Jaclusolt on Frida>-. Nos-,tint 2 30 *fro" i cd altc hmnt Mr&. iludjz's- N r n ei- ss ome goose betug von s> r.m W hiles ýYoug People'* Sovtety ylb for lHallosse-en custoctîes.and lits hohme lunlinooklIlu vttu Inter- s a Sau!>VveIl ;utîendtd. Mcý i î > -t'.k-n iigis scorlug ai a n-c-nt - btuhit luthe baseuseut on Tuesday MisaR Ielis Iîîrie.lt aud NIr Nark ment a,. Grave Slde cmtes. lilireyhad .iaarjge cithe uletunr,. ,ersMs. it .uo! T rnto UI ac iecîa-ie - i seug ovembe: Sbb. At 9D. Lockyer for nc'presetîtatls- o- %I1 SuesEdRa sud LIU uReesOn. slsîiopeus'Ilt w ty rnîi Nl.i> ; qeei.stv apcsnitithe w-eek-e-nd vîth rna asetilsâi-sM"Genssoh tTr tiame -snidwi-hes. pupn pcîn MfSus ("raesP:erson sud MnirGor- TSf \Va> My ,as-tour Leads Me.' bis antecsd brothert r.u ad spMe.tByitngios-s., p n s ehe. o! Tton-l nn co rlrvildahar>,don fleeun c-f TisnnIons r u~ssdby pra>-er and ible r-c- tir. -Milien of Tornstic #c.spMreutcullrst 42a setth ek-u hsbu cutIcofce îrosîles a carTand cisuidren. o! Toron!.a. Sun- parents, Mr. sud Mus.Fs-id Sts luancît. ~~~~ttc-ns sPeut Sundsy w.1hMr I. and illé sud devottoîiaileuflet.Minutes seek s-tb hi* nie-ce frs. iM. N. y ,iStelalcaIsnîi.> hn Tie uîdlîgtuluplceaitie Ins W'nu. Jarkson. titrc resad sud adc>t,Plc ollowed bs- ' ;.4 sd c.J M îlI. ise sMitsMarlou Spoee, o! Toron- I nîted i h-tîn. luManiceoToi Si'.sus- Mn. Cordon rgc- cf Iielles-tIIerolloti -i!Ms ug aice s-d. also ealle-d upon the C'usv farilY. ta. spent tise week-end etb day isîs les. ~ ~. .~ ~fl!-u5- peu tise week-end and Itotidas-Il,, il .~tAfri-a. sud s duet vas m-tr- Qisum'utoabre.bbr clay.wJtti P. l. jul om(,at- ise honte c-fMca A. B. MeDuff tIi-ted tsy Mr&.-LE-os sud Mc&. Ha- Q il si-e robhn a-h m ing, ut Mise Ia(iletliriQ- Iiitglît. eider ut Mrs Cox of Turouto. vio baiîCSOt.Àtore Like îthe Maîter,.' ReN. Utctersded te lrsat t put one by 'th-, Tise ssuirrmy set-viceslu duugliter i-f Mn. sud M rs *.bectet "-1y Itl la sîowîv înproviug V..l. k4sey theu addmessed-tiae W. MNI. -CIrcle GIrls, eud Mission Basris'Cburcb on Siasday lat llligttto Sic. -las. Stredsiiek, of Scfrr ay.lispn-ise etng<mtt- uîc f ni. UIC ct ,.-- es-e uiu.ttt, Ibo Gce-nvood cburcb iivers- veil sended, vbsssRer, . llsbawa. lTho bride voro a gown Nr ar od aipuhsr c-nf > lesbci01Idà 'I'.OI,3ý--Sri&l otboucrp.vmsrw a lte pcopecty of tise JaeéMIoi.isal -E%,ty lfailipersan hot-u in the 'la United Churcla ui-an mday, î ont Suîday croulan sd report lb C. Robfleu. et LIWd1 fid1ton nov accu pied bY Mr. sud Mcc. ssocld vas bat-n tiIndia. viserc Z2ï> Nov. isrd, alt 2 30 put,, sais t-huJe, iued.peale v u4ru idbl. sud ~ ~ ~ ~ L bri-su-ea-I-,sdVernon. lânguagea arc Bloken. Only 13 It"- Josepsh Du> uchag.; Ms l eikr s.at us u emn.OuTedysu ga i oeadwgnts- w bar a, .Wiîmnott. Mm-s. sud Miss#Iresl. n.,ta teus ~sp u .rsyci e-iis os's udssiSt-Mns. Iritto-suo! Smith's FalinWm a atiaousand Caos vnite, .sbhatb sehoci At 1I 30 p.us..ppe izt-uIl lsy ht-r ilugre'n MiiilMtit% sud tire. Nortiseyc-f Oshawa voe tile>5don t tîauk t i rccbsars- as long Mc. and M"-. r. %V. Lacs- ver-o sud Mn. Rîsu, ii" of TeronLh;estbnianet lu tb cburth gueare!. telSlrdwic 0.ci liubgi-ceait" tMhtelutt.iaru b-C -rlhid.Lau;-M.w&MlMr*anvase os angaiblsb eesa , s ucdmsu-d . msseay<s ctr tatbia.Tie -n-mul vddlng on Sattirday.lhc great liaritciof!ci;ste- inter. 'Sfl4j5,- stK; MiT.- and Muse. Harris su1, yeda ieu7plisMsai stag. was attemudeit Is>-hua trotîsi- i- Cnt 0 schl-..e arfetsel ttAs-cCnlafart epe Mm CaofaUosamtvshe.1'btd eest M.'T Bate a! Il.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fi Sisiwîk Iiiswu n als vici starte atuiardal ansd -thtlot of vonten ia, ver har&t-4 ait 5tbhabolo tif ber dsfub-.'« or! Bevlrille. tludaye-d -liS rereîîîuny vsvtslT-iit'isa-s-c-il ( AtNos'. 2 l'ansd etdsâsa I ,Ttey arc lscld in ituf et-ocauj' haen-1. r'MIS.J. W XistLb5.l. ter1.* trlHooker sud fanai»'. is f St bits' salut., 15.->thliait- lu tsf-1t>!,Ile s;elas brrilkîlc- dose-a îtar hom u i * ibadc wl o!-i"" t Imug~ ~~~~~~~l afus nI srssotuoO ureastuc! ssk for a sale' bIil <tlaatcinî adUilîtg . missPheiix Joueis là ou s brie! oMtbttsel o be o i CJO.Ot 1-u u o.rîls, before TtsTthitî-r si-t tah ,sci usifeîs î ig it> [ eW %'1 1vith ber oousla, MmIi- red ufrawleee a adI -is .Io d ddSgbteu, M30 imn Oshcawa. tf-r- Tn-I iiseLlt 'ed laucitheyu- l. tri Igsstsl c-ocsdsîvssi 4 A.Shand8opgIcr à wte euaih rpdly. >&Ae4Rsi et 8d!MgsT& sh nte hrc.Rv.P loua te meectingadaa ass- xmm.sdltMii. Il. )rFu&truatij&le» boud k ofMadm pfflA. Ploy tssl ou Tuecau>. enmiig te trsuu. Il, A -pastor, Suuday , ositter. a adin uibUr n Ia.I aatt n «MTs . atts.A e çsra frointOshsawa Ho'spîital prosenttode r -1l n.Wud"-Ibolsa ecisel by toe f a&d tsia0y =1peat MTtsauksgîvuPortag m . .ai tsbs àboe o! Ms-. Ha sofài-eu, 01515s. *eut i-hi put tcvs ! etPesi Miss Madelîno 1-lght vîrh an ~a m M,,*uonîn;wcsil T i. i ar4sd t-tends, t Iso 5 Dt~Lavis.eti.Js-svliuag4T.ase reabîr, 1sr. sa"d Mia. 0. Jffi-e ,CIl u t-ellaueotis sltower o!tlieutilli 1'issor yul p ethý -p m..ar* u 'embe-r w ,,&,>, Mr1 vll Ma, y4i vlIb &ý wi&. sudt gifla. -Omn edosday vealng li ho, u rl Te- oî ,.thAo-nt. tsa s r -allgf-ou.a so,î c bUr.e et M$49ud#eMua. Qeorgeb tome -s'as filled tu capatrity wltilîC rd ,ay Sp nu Ynuuug Peopîsa Ur.&04 rsK MariaH&s SnIlteplthsson spauti t uer mari>. lrooklu frieuda ln au-n.eaPeople**' tb>eRes- P autuminan atlir* < tfIlgcy illt r5nd i y r lu huero!Mu idM» <4bs25d? viber ttrIsmi,)M4ss M eottier utlscellanco-ueshaoyer, vison .iutt:Thursday. 3 0 pi mn rild- Our -aa îaaps-usvpa4s 4 >.getlg fb o ~s-ît. s&!,o-% lu moo b*»inuas rrlf-fgsl ,CaneOM. udMi saseu>,e tat nuds.y. 11, i> a'c-seeuL, a ~y 01 p aiIrrtîal tsuiO@ula 5t»kmi M tUai belit. YoUag s»udM 1. ugt or5lt auO H-arris and StM isdua Harris tl flitR. .1.* Jul attendet!a'tmcie u% set Su- as lMs5le- tu e suppy bav iie *gittai . tti @t Mii, Osal, hf O4aduhecMýM.ad unwrappiug bise ;lf!.. A short ri t.Cuenitu"ce t al aedon u *UA, pc tteêd<xi-bt! MM ia . !c'a"-#le ouaaîvr ts qou e &l e.J. W-r# Le944W tu# bis «eea;usnd ai M-. 5sietll. aicogreut wax i gvet. conohInf; Fat<asIneds !lbsus aeeli t-i t!std ias, *Wlt $&loino. i.I~~sp-a ,~<- a.sd i.À aty -i<i- -s! il readlag b>. Mise Ol-et-; sousj tl e av esan stdres , tit T A tl tels, $ ".NI inlî.b 1111110 011Mc Atsu'ftv tsviilire-uta. Mas, AAdts-ou ta> Miss Jean Scott. and number%' - luiraI Cburcis as h ita C.. .. fadfl.sU r,4,1A r t a~yvA"b, l a r bor se ieI04ifi, d 't..s aold -liapedv-. idam'lu ])ya> ajunior orchestre. vltîiMth swW i Sy* or't- * COtasoiuz5iat1t5 eca s.a-iMi.. Id1ls->Mtl -At tl e»~i -leco ousvibî; is Nrer 'oty, gav.' au excellent adt!r-ss £ s -4"u î Ma. r-see asse-Â&issr Cook, gultar, aud M-r. Dut it îo iu&n -ol ta uecnt~aea4Wbith i W W'u ré - Ms. Watt,, assbc- eM Ur.1. au Q t ttsi5 .Arksey, guitar. Agalu on us- -tlted Claurceh nSunuday 5- .utims. theit t *,stNa ay ~'rr~ss e- vssvl 'd- îer la ss. C-P day nitt bise home o! Mca îuIg 4,. ils i-.et.IM s-rlaè' Nortjîey. In Oshsawa. a grouap o! The. mena bers tofbise Touli lissb4 ruqaeUt, BMc. 't&.ss 1 ,M@es u-sU.- .Cose a5tj - misseljigst'a Osisawa fienda met Ipeople$ es-gumade '.isec a.u' Ms»V,,... Mas-Its-. .cd as-s- * *M1îtc, u- w s-oks viib baw pareils,4i and~ preseutet!lier vîtis ma0!'"nuai riait 10 tise Tout,# r v'â ê esim~ciaie hfb4bcs-4 Or. ei l- th* vst taivsryaec-k,.itéM-lsk si b- 'eattlgiiTsehs .5.l.sge0 is lIls sIsd o4sp ils*s<-'fî is s u r-. tes -i is o! ail go wltS hon casmise leaveta hcbo uaa> rsl;ai M' in I. usrh, hascil ~ai br*- furs, Ms-si i. Ai& ;u, 54 WE fo r lier. ne v o nt, lu O s ise v . j e rs ro yalty- en :erta l ue d e t a " la - ss gh es. ta f >o 's fs. Us te 51 t- t o u i h eý,E pO MMe-i in - . . esos Mu. John Lockyer. Mr, Siauiev los-e'ea Party-. r« » eiart u-tis uretaie ib. 'stai -s rre& li - es LockyeSr,- tnd Miss Mîrgare! Loci. xt yer, wore ln Newtonhrooak for tise'r M*Pma g~,~ s 9 lils Otrb#ila" eu04 lS.lP0 week-end. Mo&ft#ès a seis~~au~. Ms ..? ~g~ trsa. MIs Alce rnat! Mi. Brna.> M a n c h e s te r I es-e is. a _1Vt ft d.i t isa sts; e W ***-- *hb s-Ulm . a#. er s-a MiAiCa!> ce ItArn o i,f o tient bn5i t) t-ttit1 bdImTé<srsut<-. M&m. *ML-es-.tt Mli vis369i"watm s-&»$" a"M!V X I GarbubI. Mr. 'Jean Scott, Mis ta\t 4300y. *. : st~t 4isu~sie wiffl " "« *O* er M rd. *.v. R e lia C lrar lu e sn d l 4s %l a»M eý C - i tbsi 1 ~ - ek ' s ~ s s s - i xtés M -iP*& tsefts4 d a s- v # * #m-i f . l & % t ' - a t - t i a t s i M s -« % 4 0 Nt.,ius t - e i et S - e s - i.rs - i - s - k8 i ao u d S* l i u - c d I a meetings o! the 'Y011111 epi uNmatr , a.L*â< uts 'e m.a @s8ii 4 .-ý coîstereaceofo!tise Bay o! QIniue5Miss Martarc -t 5i rre u't Mn s-St was-. WXr, a a'&W&#Xp eatai aiv* m msicaL elsi, eeA Confersuce ovrth ie week-elid. sbatik, calldtri Mî» i tet t t 4btf ettae a«W V45J5@51>9 I T ta4 Miss M r. f M&dotaid I b c -owb-*tIeml *r Tlie antitual Th'nmlis "-1 wdj.M e4Msa~bss.~.sea t4& -i'.4«4 ami, ï4v*" ner-aid entertatr'nOsbas thes Sic Jals i N.IattCiSit tafiSM&,ito s~ i < 4u,,~-ss s- .Vs-. 00"! usual great sesth 8010 Soi soI- L 1t it clt ec 4 ..Mm I4vitM>1 114%I arettna ai t tib bt et, îîuidr-ed guesta had dinuler. ani ag--crge.t a~î ~ ~.--. 1, good sumasu uminsi for us the&,%ti sali' ac ert <ni s Louer-i 't a"f- e00 Mess $l fia044"0-. pl'Gptlh. ierW. Jotiaston. I Uurch a kir, In 1sIýç'~Cls cr '.iii ~l 4~ 'O 0 ~>T ~ ~ o! Egligion United Cisurcis, gate IRer. Moatus.ci >al aws4',.U5 r, #0e s4 M-s. u W» < e-w a1t> ,- X" a Tsl ou bIs t-iest bt-ip -en-esthostist l ansi e¶iutttatie-*64' - h i4 ss-4 s- < 1 î B agti. iller0n u1 Io s-e futieh j'ales, tise Contuisud 'ttesoun r tH!-L:ta s ~s< _ s-ai tht - vh*ous 1.#1 1th b e if4bu 1jlsU whca *-tti l tites-et for e&Il. vitla tisai tf ts sthe 1eoiils 11 tj a i 4* 4-- l'h..~~~~~~~~ MakAf taiqtr*".ja stest 'lb. brobdutof SMa -n >'qs 4_44 . ~ aw~ rhe trltt= flléqu&r*t'@-' s%-- hý. - -- - -__--- ---.--.-à bubol and Mua. 'rordiff, Mil. l>ii#lli, nom "hn Ml?'f y 1"-s v -s (.>< i tç5r ~ sewIos e t10It le th iae it u statlleulctto u:ed Qat-tssImmes i 1501sa àm5 i b1 proeed lmS»k l or-ii s1,u ss- s aîsa os "e.is i progres tb '-tetouo Mus. *.Dryd5l u Ms . -m Clmiee et b M 5#* xMs*4>+*iras &,st s anSauUr and0L530.. l'in sutfllia. . of - j>m 's j8Qý ad u elm 1M 4 , "00 e etl fangs. e.v Ms #**Mot,*4IM4 Farlsis a i Ms.Ks-*L4@hi Y MI wlu bt. mdMai d r s Kt bîr 'tbe- luidy 1 ls- Or.tCr-stCii* s4 1uunaM4- I <t w3.,5t a dialo'gUe. -WhIIdIProMIsLe Ne ia av¶t Veb-4d of gllfll**h*Itut Tb* i'b- W s- .L nt ee-e. si ary progiit IU- ê iC5t5 Ms-.GssW bbuv#s . ws ,,o! Jesa b)Ott. - am Pub 1»trUTp i ' bu bI *mw lbi a& Mu. R s% 4-5bhs* Tm ommm4r cî* et au i(1080 V<vii~~1 là O is- Ptb xgiww msss ei'eu Staff ID9 Day with her parents,.NMr. end tMoyc.aud Doris MOGee snd a Mns. W. Clark. at Marîposa. I tt s4hxtette of girls gave a vocal was a fantlly reiunlon lu bouor o! number. M.Nr. and *Mrs. Clark, 35th anul- Owing to the, anniversary serv- ver"ai7of their weddlng. lices at Prospect nextBsabbath, af- The snniversary services at lthe ternoon and es'enlug. the regular Focst Clatirch on Sunday were weIll reachlng service hers la cancel- .'sttended, but Jack Frost dtd uotiid for the day. Sabbath achool lftve any choies floyers s0,tise, will be at the. usual boua', à quar- decorated wîth bouse Plants and ter to two. Vegetabies wblcb look.d vecy Mise Ruby Moore. of Sugrave, nie&. The messages dellrred by vslted relatives bere Or the Roy. Simpson, of! Eckîlu. made week-end. a deep Impression. The choir sang The, church board h6ld a spec- some beautifui selectcsns. W sal meeting on Mondu.y ulght and vwere fas'ored lu th e eening with srranged to have the annual Free- ta solo b- r Mc. F. Joblin. 1WIII oftering services on Sunday. tS'ovember 24, when tbresUm of SCUOG Oct 31.-âsi ue.-One isuidred aud twenty-fis'* dol- day %Ir. T. Redman receti-el î- îîh skdfrfe d word tisati l ites, Miss Rogers 15e other exenask er fi.ulcan, the eldeat daughter of bis *lster: -______________o__h__curch Lydia. bad passed eay ln hérý 26*.b ye.ar at ber home in KI'ug- ston. Sbe le«,res 10moucu thel R ga lems,.lber motber. one sdater, analRga t-o brotisere, beaides ber t wo i '.5TGLAN, Oct. &U.adM unclem. Mr. E. Redmnan ai Pieker- 1 - ,c &-r u n In-c aud Mr. nedrnan ere on the XA. JG(roser.mEart Squekch, and llad. Deepwi- synipathis es-; Mci. Neaîlerrnogg, motored s.o Col- tended tb the bernved famlily. borne on Wcdnesday. Mmra Weath- Showeri are the order o! thse erhogg. rensauaed at her home there dtsy around itre. Thoeo as one aller spendiug several weeka with laet Tiaesdty. erenint. Oetnher 22- iricnds amd relatives here. while thero wa-li a shower of mti> *Mr. ThiiosStaiaton, of llinois, los-ely useful gifta Ins1de. Tberv' ha: been vasiting li saister, Mci. sec-TO thowers o! rein outslde buW*ROY Moon1. it .td not %poil tie nerry tinte NIr. and Mca. Collis snd daug h- ýitsîdi.&athere rere a&bout lu. ter.Shirley of Toronto, Mr. snd Tilgihours aud trieuds fronti Port 1Mri, MeLonald and daughter, Mur- l'frry. C'ilklitke ainI Shirley. at tel of Bowananville, Nrere recent te lac-nie cof Mn. sud Nîrs 0. Jet- Sursdav iuest3 of Mc. antd Mrs. fréy wi:ls Mns .1J.Dertara. as-, J. -attîIner. %alstlug for Mr. aud Mr, H. Long. Mîr. and Mca. Gmo Lukc, visiîed SSticrtly after thpy arrived thoer wîti NMr. sud Murs. W. J. May at vvere etaTedInluthe contre co! tise (ý-..iduood. recently. rooani uuir r wite bell fttled eCturchlt ervicc has becu wlth. îith c-<ufpttî 'hirh t ulsuwsrddrawin here -on Sunday owusg 10 s-h'-- ti aTiscel-t c-tos. ns ian hetiraniinveccýay services. ý,o., t'*tniàn wss aeskeoifor a, Un S[\hl oNernmber .3rd, churcs anSd po ç- ! itube.rts par- %crtc ssii! .bt an the imorflflg St cit% jnil fnteui. luFnclaud sçha jjIs ls it % illbc aunts-ersary sec- voul.d eujcy tscdtslg tîre Then svîset at 1Prot"ect. Zr's, o..n, Cui-a -1lIards-I'îs Mr. andI Ms, .Nocrman Hambiy is -î;r etco-tisa a sk t o fc eu tid soun(Grd -a nid Doris Bry(nt, 2n' 1% uSr and Z-s's îtili 1d 1" etSu itdas- in Toronto. mud 4dititrîmd tisent rs t urtittauî Mr. Normn îHugslson la bc- T044 lthe us ansd Rhymuss ot atonpanyaug Mir. G. J. Wolfe aud lise donore. Mu*lc slarted up, others oi Tor.onto on a 'huuuing vlda ail keepînit stop tilt mld- trip in the Nerthiern Country. ulihi vison a loyly luanch o! Mr. andI Mc,. Brown and thrce ssudvîtcsos. cake sud coffe. vasi thildren of Ashburn. have suoved serredon t10 Mc. Ctarie&s-Luke a frrn On Wduesey eeuîn ~ teit of the village, where Mc. Onxt.fl e tre us ud neisabo tl Bro wn- wtili etac 9 foremn. est b.e outne ao d Mc. s u r igt A rn1 those '(rom here, who sI- m st at the h nm o ? .a-d r* ieasdcd the Greeaîbank Fow l Supper A su b l s esett vsJi 4 rryI_8Q vere Misses Laurene aud M arger- and t wis tho evey coforlic Millr, Dou-ohy BihJn lu tiseir uew home lu Port Perry iCIrtwright. Ne:,QatBilt wbere they are movins th(& weo. tcaWrson ant Bright- Mtr. and Mc.. Sweetman have bothNrtnWisnalrec i1r lassas life long vouidenîs o! th.&! '\"r' and Mri. Lloyd Miller-. talsuid. Mr, snd MtI..Wmi. Ma>s sud The g1fla to thse couple wol1sons o snud Bert, of Goo6dweod.- au eleetrie bridge lamp and toast- NIr. ad Mma J.'K. Kslliwagton and or. MJis"Mariis'. playmates VIII amilîr-sp-eut Sunday witfi M. snd aise MIss ber sud hop*e bs i Mr. Geo.Luuce. oete toinebaek to riait ber *14 Mr. sud Mr#. !rwa Ormiaton, frieuda. spen. Thauksgving _Day with xM . .aton. of Sswàre suelafrieada ln Torouto.', bW sittrIu.law. Mca. N. Croates' Mr. snd -Mms5W.. Amy, lit ai. on Firanc,&. <s1Ch&rlatea. Snd,,Mm ~Ge&a 1BrgW j- f 4 fflued their uels Ma'. M. De- dj iIeawtrr1t,.a ma= on Monday. gr, sud Mms.C. Reader &54 j t andMrs.-Cartwrtght #so-)r. tsualy vere Sunday guesis of bis D'il o!0 Toand-, wes- hUda* breller ?4r. aud is. R. Reader. #Usits Of Mr-an >r-?sstc Mr'. Brume-ASiatOn. sud Mr. twltMum.D&,f ttrd Pelti.. of fusillen, vialted with îhtim fOr à fëw daYs, Mr. &34ud * Mi. o ffry o gu. Plans artueringsueade for aBl d".Iowe'co mfsquerade la UIChi fl ,on W* art sorsr-to bear Mu. Ralpa TbursdsY evenlUg. !he seoo MUsser bas blood poisoululu u inbU s diil n sant PrerfnW «t--a-a 1551 tunt snd sc anInrting t tu e -" o bandd. Myrtie MyRT.»O1 0.M . O.W. Normain ougbseu ha*e boses .OYtbg a isasst stp la tieilda Of lChe soutien tot-yfor tia pst ev daia ms.(Rer.> iossi' bas beau boliios gvîbi ber astr ai 0u4iph. Me John* sitl. vbobai oea visiutu; bs-a'*sn, Mu. lH.Roy-. Inigit fs-r the ps- t lysvesa. 5040usd 1 br ums-tusaUisMI su., ounsisi'. Mr. Dusse itai s-sibis tagbte-,1Ms. ougaluny, o« lr, sud MJ. A. CarmiULesl îi,.lsblue fuis4s e Ot lIas ms-s it w A I% luTroa. Xi-. JOb- C. LaVess -si cWu « *y#i y "mast les-m ms b-s- *uas Osa-s Lpte 04s- Wedmb sv.*%à&es !-Mon Plbes- foi. W-siî WhFfat OthOrn Say EWuR m AVWIGIO*?4 To tb. hio! utThe 0Osses ai,-Thé ProposasIo-10erlp' #O.. 400,000 b.p. ot byý4rcbi divsntluag tise waters et ec O801, riveor la Mortiers Ontario to' 8ev ilutgis leke Nipigonand lieue Lake Pvloor aiet MATtaro _b- s- et «lito, James 8w' su s-U. ms-liy ils- Anc otbà*-igou Ca-s- ad&. lsy tIl-c ydre Comdtuto ilstrl o. &asuasobla-),-»"v- er la -plu# s 0!thii- Siargs1%sd for- Iii tise Prgusou si-t Xciii gOvartis-oto, ansd nov ulep -4$', *- by ils RePisuru dmlulata. ta*t *or', "'&t -is- il "msl u<g pe-alosis a osama" s-t10 s-ON"Rs ti ru; trr-s-IlWes,, Ms-. A>. lu j- pha~si. Mas 1.4j THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHROICLJ !5 SDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 r rrI4jQsI 15 I I. -i t 1- - T - -I À-I 1- 1- 4 -%wý PAGE

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