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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Nov 1935, p. 4

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tPAGE FOUP THE-i W-ITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE. *11.11înrbAY. N6VÊMnPR21. 1933- r Wednesday. Nov. 271h. Nobie'a KinIgonr Road Weat. on FridnY, been nonderlaken in lBie slnd> 'St. Joh~n's. 'port Whitby - Nov. Furniture Sale. oouih of Wbitby 1Nov. 2-11,. from 3 te 6 o'ciack. etS.Adea vr'Soa 4h u ý~beforc Adeent - Il Junetlion Station. uerc iwo niecen, BMr. Douglas mornifle at 10:15 a clans wile.toi, inornolnç prayer and Litas>'; * * * ocr of Toronto, forinely JOH1N MclNTYltid M est In the chrcii. This canse 7 P.OO.eyellisgr>.r On Monday Elsworth and Leroy 'Toitl cvii.Mina May M.rh.d. and Mia Joli MItyre. a resident of Ili thb. pen tu mn and omonn cxt theA.Y.P.A. wiii hold an open vive otr leture, Adrenl r Pnest havi,.. Mornt Abert, for- Wbtby for oe time, passed and ,10 ail oithae who ma>' deitreniabor vincmnisga Arounni lb.Wrtd", t tbe On- inerty Mina Nuirai t oorbead, bath away on Saturda>', Noieniber 2. 0ten.IlabedKDYiitncolInthSda'ShlHit tario Ladien' Coifege. an l"rtday brides of tbis tait.wiilroceive litihis 741h year. He asvniavailvtatae advaniage vf tbe oppartoflîtY sillo Mr.Lantiord in charge. An eveningof aillea geot. otîliber. iiariiisa Towvoblah ndsovevena fforded by tim clanls for a more address entlîlci "The 3ew in the + + +. i peara aegobo andisi ater ,oeved iotensive etody ot the lait book World Pcroient - beanîifaily illoi,- 2trs. W. G. Lavis. President of HIGIIO SCHOOL COOa2ENCE- la Canzlioflon. andilinter caime tu of tb. Cbristians iviigion, A tratcd willn #114., canpiled by Dr. thie Women'o inaiute, and Mria. MENT WhilhY. i ulster, Margaret, lb. meeting for devîtion., prayer andi Sisuman CfElInernaionailafme. Frank Roberts, District J'rosi- Pians are compoeafor lbe ooly norvivor ef a famiîy ai 10. medtation ia beld evary Wednes- wseullhe-ahown. This la the subjecl dent, attend the convention onýI».meIllen Exolvrcises luco- 118iIn WhltbY. The loverai 100h day evenîfif lu lb. Manie. Thia of 1the mission aîady for Ihia year. Cintrai Ontario Wvneiiîl bah- v eili itti Wiiitby Higts Schooi pince on Nevember 4th. tramntar-f meeting la informai, open toa&Il. Ail re welcome. Confirmation 1in1ls in Toronto tfile vert. lv te betd Intiihebool aBeemhlY oy & Strosegera I"uverroil'or- il n le rYOU if pou wlsh. At the classes wiil bc hcld ni îte mccor3i eU ' larit,,n.Frlhdy evelli.g. Decen- lors, and Iterment rai umade Iliieveniog serviceeIn St. Aodrew's. on Friday utLIS 15p.m. lo? aduîts. Dr. C. F. Lavery, of Sunder- .erUi. enet speaker wil roveide Cemeter>'. ihe tolitc dteeussed wilieb.'What and en Tocsae> ai 7 p.ol, for lanîd. former saverno r of the Ibe lb. Rer. Marld Steineo ai1as Jean'estimate ai the caît juniors. Flouseofa Refuge.,vian a viilor le Si. 'Phomas, a former papil ORA Mi. PItEEmlî-at oftciti.iensbip Ii Goda King. towny ihtiivei.,î.iliâtg an aid Of Wbilby Mig Sihool. Van. !The deatoccomed in Whiîîby an dom?" -Brh frienela. celepria.. monliîy tb.eludents la Prîda>', Nov. 15th, 1935. of Ors MI + h ~. talls ai leanizif and cai the atb- Predcrick. loranei>'ai aviof i NIUis. Morrison andd siugbler. tele riOlde viliihe presenteil dam- lord. in his 72nd. yar. The binerai The value oi the Bibit. the SMTEAtw:b, nw Margaret Aran, ai(fOs, score Iirg iiheevenlits..tuaitplace frons i ow& S fro0- mrid oday and the work o teI Wv.2th,15,tayon re. -week-end gorola n lb Mr. and ors FaneraI ParlomsonOcS uc iN1 pper Canada Bibi. Societal>'vii n' Mes, Malter H. OKennedy, Ilrocb OME(KERS ARE MOV Nov.0Il, b>' mator io t anyhell it- b ougbi eaotocnrs. adsr.msn mie in St. . Tbe Wilby Checear and Bc.Sa.lrd .Inlîrmment wsrnac lea liont..ai AlSit fetScnal ' .> + + dal Club are aolahiabed In Iheir Mount Pieuant Concîrru. Camp- lb. x a iu eramoAd.ent wse a t TIBIU1MM »RVENUEi Mr and Mue. ltM. tîitiumaii. vnwrounaitlte oust endi of the beilfard. morotig prnyer lbe rclor vIiiIIRAESl,5,0 Soa Ciy, Ioira, ipt t hoe et ,L.ute Rentauranit building. Ait praach on tbe subJoci. "Thy end cci, Ii-olttatiosaaulîl , monbers are aated tu attend Bat- Word la a Liamp." and atav eeu. Icrai.dthrtiller olttina la Mies Jeovie Tboîîiiîava. ii-ck St. arsay affamrsonr evenîsg, Nov. eaeng pt.ss lî aaser the question vilieh zorthepli Ontario jumpeil Ontario South.2 ci, la mgistor for the oew ssCoî ea- --lisWhe bPlrenant Ganomalon tBibile Dopa~leî0 as n nel 'b b on.Announcoment as ta check- iCongelon?" Thora wiii hie the oitiqub>' $1,160,000ductog the Nir. and NMm.Jobno0, Cbubb., r engsadmeionioga 1' ularceibUa.no Gorlph,îyave noedeva ior aniopeiione viii made. n i egular oeraoa ofthe Eoiy la1it l noontWs in comparso foGaetib.bae avrsrd i bib. emannotcre.OfViBO.Y communion et 8I sm. The Sua- ihO. lcos12-month par- nîî ae avupyiigth lOilondat' Scboo i viiiMuet aU S P.m. lod, Hon. Peer Heenan annaunc- hoan avare o apirge r 1 CSL CATR ETNG Alrg1ogw. io a pe Viatora are yery velcome etItsIII homeE oATnI METIN A arg cogreatin oa pal-services. Tlmber- out loîaliiad 150.00,- +. * +bTbe reguini- montly meetingi ont uathe baptitalCbarvb an Sun- 00fet ai Comprai vth 60.. Noble'. Farniiore Sair, out oi tbe Catie Chaîler AIomnae, day eveng iaI Os t heor the aar- The reetor ofiAit Sainte' Chorch 000,000 d4ornt t he correspond- of Wiibî' jsnellt ionsaitonWed- ml lietedu inheb.Colage draille-mon of -Four Ohaptero tram lb' Rev E. IlpiAdyr. L. Ti,., will lmg pervIndetfJoait pear. nseday. Nov. 22. h. Ing recua,. on Monday. Nov. 2îrd, Slory of a Glriea Lova Atiairs. ' .> + ot 4 i.m. Mine M. C. ItowOî viii vhIeb the solmiter, Nov H I- cetobrate tlb. fut an10esary of Mura. Aribir Rastel andutlvir an addrosson On "thtopiia.ttmrGen recing cii h ie Inrumbency on Sunday, De. daughtv. Avv, haiee riorit Mms.Vernon Rowe viii play' a eenings u00111 andIinc-lu dtiicDec Icmbr1 homoe alter opendiva Iwo mereta Piano ao. 11h. Lest 8Smday "Tie Tus ilil cc-t ler parents ln Meai t Tue ilu LoVe,' van diti-unaed i The Parieb Guild viii nolil a 'b " ' SUCCESSFUL DANCE NextIScindayer in oi liiitheTvptî'[ aber ian proparation for the n day crenisg fr Monrnt wbare gaiîîîy aoU îooefullydecoratcd wllh fotlowiag Elanday eercîv. Dec I1t)eeamher 6Ui, on Wedaesday Na- he salle lionii Wdedayn. tuhuae rd and biack nîrcanern upon lai. and DI&. îth. lî.îî,rlobip, I1 rember 221h. Gifla of arties for fontrne lac istoi. Ân5 -Iaiçlîi were sl-ung Ctîîve ainternuanod Marriage, ciiii ,,cosil - te haoaar ciii be rereiveil andi 1 1 1 1usd, webre tlre nul apulili a- forte occasion of the ftrot dance vith. Tha heauatiful iItoviiry ofi Ies.cr111 haenervesi. 'Then enoweî irai mtiîlbvw v ie blugueter. unît tbîo oroan. on Fridor evening Hnth lo the backgonfrîîîcili i-iciilcommence et 32 snack. W I T E R Mrs. i(Dr.i George Robertnon. tst. by te Young Mens Club. sermos. At thoe nvling arr-' + +4. + i-ariy couples &peti a Uligtfai vice tlent Oonday. "Thea DsaST heoeigBac itom lia tr ienhmanlae rrîcdrloa ith,îne e.fecte ba eni osaIbening ni te- Mm M4 lboorbead. - Mirai-ai evenîog dancing ta the arains of ands lor>' ef Zion,- viil iehopicD R Fori-, W111 -cviirepverfor Biii Coiia rchestra. T'Pbvevos'>t.1- Iresifroma a ntoin. W. A. ni All Saintsa' l bol.a __________ __________ muait onUdint reirestmenîa Revc . . 'aT'1011vîilpraacb ul day, Do r udIruppGifls t ________________________st-vcd ib te intermîlsuon Werc the Unitedi Churcii Suvday mary- roho r odersupis %cy mach praisedd n aoyesihy ing on the sabjert i e aîouvihii-lol kild ta go In the bale wil Coanfortble Carfs K Ibse pi-srie. emo Conversions." Mies Marao unh o nict gralafnity receeved. Thuior n charge of the dance Dawsnnofvithe.OLu- ,-.ahi sing. Everybady la5eleinm. Careful Drivera. v ert Nrgrrore Ciemance, FranktInnthbe vening, nec Fiiovowrili Rvcry. Howard Hîccl. t'ecy Price. Toit wiii Uive.thebeonad seriesa unda>' Nov. 24.--Mujor M. A. Caude Undei-ncod. Ste, ei lacon. of sermnsoenttc questionîi"Wbai lOHurd, ai Toronto, cr111lho la Just Cali Cowieaon a for B TRHEOAT cEK ansi Caig Hliailot. Tht patrons te Gvüd Lite l I teynaidai charge of the lavai Sain 1Br.an rs V o-,Er fonshwa________th try evies l .m nd 7 ~ Supersor Taxs Servsce WHITBY . PHONE 118 ere Me. an.d Mm. n ovend Mr. ie aua vltaandtti i-ynrio, ls.a oUUr.RCemcesU m.and avonîng service, aian a maie quar- p.m. Mandat' Nov. 26. Dovarcoomi FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mrs,.%V.G. Augunîno- tette ai Mesure Bell, Sioritlà Dr Band, oi Toronto ciii pal on a andi Ciemenco. musical pmagmaan ib te Sl-ation Tv. Showa i7 and i CONCERT TO HIOLP BLINID-Ai-ny Hait. Thuoyda>'. Na-.ova a,.12 h Wnn ottt ibt I. 28de brbOea t .. ao v> a-, COM P R I Onaio uesDistri cara sponsoring a ment of Betia.ptit wcvii lu, a o f iToronato viii glve hie uniqune Phone 46 WlbY concert. whivh wdl liho gîen in ,Iemed nt the oornisug service musical prgrsm ,ii00 le t he Wii.by U.nited Chuiret on an Sunday. A oacieaile, - p i. au in A Chaitt of Music andsi ong 0:00 p.m. Herbert C. Tei.t____________ formulor>arganlot ut King Street Unitesi Chnmcb. Oshawa, Ont., iti rendes' pipe-argon, piano and vo- cal numbera, andsill ho aeieted S M S N S > ~ i : by locailtalent. Ur. Treneer viliiS M S N S S O aleu deliver a hi-liefaidmeen tiquai- - Ing viti, the vork Ia ts helog Î (uniled on foc appi-simatoiy OF liii.>' hind pernono o ho rollden lbe Coust' of Ontasrio. No ai- - ~~~~mission charge wiii bc made bat P OV N E FC E C a olaring viii b. ecle res - R V E F C N Y Sc~cIugiagtha mogan.The "Richelieu" Junior Fire Box-Heavy Cast test fisan. W IT WOETf-Linings, New Pateunted Spiral Grates. R 1 tue Nocenbcc meeting oci1the onriu stolule croc tetU onse hrîuty aiernaon wîîî, ment>' la- OVEN-New Azch Top, Non Warp, duepstru no ansmeresi the rol aunN wD o Lek 'inolte lý;1 eil v i i vartlous Ttanksgiving blustiîî,The inuu ts c aburancaaCOOKING TOP - Higly polbd Illesacre îry. flaiebusinoeses u , Steel finilsha Four 9 in. Coyet. W lu vovducîrued bm hePresîdeni, Mrs. E -avisIl u as decidedta b olU a. BASE,-Modem Pillar Type Legs witls PAT C~~~~peu i t tlng December 411 0LoelngDcic otuee For j 'RI Nirar tie deirgdies' report. A flon.LvligDeiefrUeinFor DE RIL O ES e cnuul4 e Iras s lt don . ea-AiIlilustrated, standard finish ..$6500 a îoond asd Mes. Cavfocth. Mins là OTHERS Powrelcis apponnled goncenerci- Wîthout Reservoil .....$M5 te Peacr Coiomiîlcc. Mra. 'Town, - -Sur y........4,0 hi cancenru lv-rl-eath, ecosi a short SunOl 4.0 1b anrtie by Dr. W. C. Cameii, of MON. - TUES.. nTyDj Kingston. Mm,. Ashton coacener .Second Sow as B.» 0 lsofa araye doUThanksgrîngfW . E c R Di mccc fiera by Mm. Lyadc and aci i vocal selecion b>' Mrs. W. Heard RepresentativeThe Rob ipo o,-11BOkS . Poe8W aller nbct Sfi-. Ashton, and bar OLSipo o,- i O~ L -Poo8 rovuv,îuee aeraed I tesvhich cloordV a ver n eesting meeting.F T,~ ..*" 'h, Wamsa ', moeeting oltho 100% TÂLKING ONE DAY ONLY ' Women's ~Chriotian Tamupemanve OCKMilliomayu .< ~Union va. bellai lb.the m. f BMA.4niI M79 .. P Mis, N. Harper on 'Pusat'aller- 1 TIE.ATR -1l1 'oî oiulrc A. - i EV.7O .f roeo thie veeki. McaFenk, WHITBY Thur. Neit, Nov. 28 T Stapies pmesising. Thore asa u goosi attendance o ainenrsand aremal visitons. The me, icg T e T u t f J h e £ * opesiesi ith the osuai darouonal T o oh .e exrcise,. Reports of aeceetary ansi treaoucer veme reaidth. 5 . teorer's report asv wng a fairAI baance on bond. As Ia fomer ____________ >'eoa. , esiet and snt ns vi hae snt a message of gaod choeur or aI Chrsitmas cfime by theaunin. at n Miae Mahal Hrrisgave an in- Condemndt okill hlman t.omatlng tait on mbat nlghtî tie nicail the nte caliesia aterai oatliot os pe-__________________________ sent day conditions, i.be tend- îcalfoid ilcthcnese e L ency seemiog l, o 10 oa ioverlng rR them eal i toachbsag on lite In public. soi-al ans hhome crite, Ni-e Roe,- ___________ Montgomery gveea very pleaaaog ADDED tlk on somte of our favoritecS bymen'. tlr ai.homs. tou- dit- lD MAN feon atonlbie nd 4 choi hep V&I AC fG d PRINTE» b1tIEETING CARDS no-r os duspiat. vert' attractive design%, aI uneinally moder- ate Prices. Mî'Zay 511ev yoa Dur samle hookul? Itundy- Gcnutfeilov Priatîis Ce., Don. las et., Whltht'. MARY BAIITON, DEBIOtOING and dlmeeamatnsi, businss ansi sport fiecs, a apontait>'. 158 Broot St. North, Whdtht'. TUE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SA. aar muler the auspices cf the S.C.M.. vîli he oi au atha Osa- tario Lalas*College on Sator. day aitorsaos, Daceanher 7, iran 3tO 5.30. 'Phare viii h. Japisena articlas for sale. WB ARE 140W SHOWING UR men nt' oas IchniatasiaGret- ing Carda. Paulcas as loy nis $1.00 par dsic. Wa mnvilayou In ciii and se.Otans. Masndy>' GoodielBoePmintisg Co., Dan. danS L W. WM1TBY BOWLING AND> Taennis Chah ara holding a bridge on Tuesat, Daomhem 101h. Ptease resarve Ibis data. Admiasion, 50 cenla. REBP 1IN MINI> ST. AI4DRCWs suppos' andi concert la Whithy Tovn alI.l, on rdu', No-r. 201h. Oupper son- rosiirn5.30 o'cloct ouoll aIlare servad, foilovel by a apteandll pro- gramme giron b>' the choir, asalitesi hy Mrs. T. L. Rova. aoinist cf Tomonto, dorment' of Whltby. Adultea6Sc oldresi 2 bc. TUE W, M. S. OF UNIITED Chumch. are holing a sale oi home coekisg, andi aflamnoon tea on Oatnnday, Nov. 10h fi-rn 3-6 o1clock. Everor'na vaicome. PRIDAY, DEC. OTH, ANNUrAL huiser ansi Oa. of AilSaints' Chas'ch un ConecB Chailaer, modem aspices, oi perlob Gondi Christmas ansi bridge ncvellioa, children'a attrac. tions, home costing, vhite alaphant and nommag. toath viii ho an Innovation. MADAME MA3I, PALPIIT,223 Nasses St., Oshava. phane 1829P, Oshava. SATURD6ANO, 23RG, THE Mom. Longue cf the Sairatioa Ammy ane holing à sale or wOrk, danet'9g0o6, etc., ian Mmi. Bandlasatore, Dunnas St. W. 'Ph.sal il. viihao Penaa i 04w 'lnudtgdm the aitarnoon e- Mnî.Major Riches, of To- roanto. The proces o f tha salaevuil gco gohelp tbe local Saleation Army. Gel pane Chrmistmaa giflas homo. bIONDAY, NOVEM-BER 2ITH, Do-rs'trt Basai, of Toronto, cviii Put on a mussialpcogramn ln latio Army Hall. silrer collection. MIAJOR TOMUIIRQUHART. 0F Toroonto. Win giva hie unique musialiprogramme entîtiosi "l10.000 mlls la a Chariot of Musie andi Sous,', taatuing mas angeandsinovai lmatra- monta, ln the Beboation Arut' Mall, 315 Srsct Street South. on Thnnsday. Norember 201hà. at 8 p.m, 'Phe Major la vida- It' kova hrengotCanada 1 as the "Musical Wtzad". 'Pick- et. vHi be os sale net 1o aacb. Den't mina Ohm treai lVew Booka at Wh itby L ibra ry -Os the shelre, af the Wbiîby Public librar>' Ibere htoereccnîiy en. piacei tht fnllawnag popular sotks of the day; Fiction "Par Gocdnss Sate" - Caroline We lis. "Tht l-on-Ncervd M arerict"- thares H. Snon. 'Tht Gardea Sunrder Ca'-S. S. 'as Dinte. 'Green s esco-M aurtce Walsh. "The Unîcosesed i tng'-Baroa.. asorcge "Sht Fel Amosg Tbieveca"Does. md Vates. P h. Shlsing Csusi" - Margaret cier. "Qoiyit of ttc Yard" - Poul rrosat "Ph. Si-ange Proposai' - Grace lisaganHil. "Shiaisg Wiandova' - Kathies ".Chivalr>e" - Rafaci Sabtinlo. "Sprng Cane on Forevcr».Beas bds'ach. t:Gone Rambling'-Cecii Roberts. Vaity pFim' - William 'Ptack. 'oiin-SatYounag. "Ph.Poisonci Mountain'-Mark binsiag. "Anctor Mas't - Fîony Heasiip 'PeCrirnion Sigii"-H. A. CoU>'. "Wherc Thee Ronde MeeS" - tel M. Dell. "Sole Deatlt"-SOephee hieKesana. "The Insolence af Youth"ý-R. W. "1ot'Canoas"-Diana Patrick. "ScrMs-Jin Sutherlandi. 't'he Battie of Saingbail Si.ý-- OppCnheim. tinrht' nnd Jon"-Maurice Sar- t'. '.HMr. Stasadfasi-Josa Buchîn. 'Grecsmantit"ý-Johs Suchan. *T'he Golden Road la Eeg. Lit ut' Cruse. 'sociat Credit"--C H. Dougias. 'Roenitht Coicd Fie"-MIary ieetes. 'Second Plays*'-A A Miones. j Saýàturday Spocials WHJTBY'S Se to $1.00 STORL PRIMROSE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, .. 19C Per lb ................................. HOUSE SLIPPERS, aDl sses .nd colora ....................... 49c BATH TOWELS, Size 4 x 23. Regular 25c.................. 19C FÀNCY CHINA CUPI AND SAUCERS, i comple............................................lVC Corne ini and see. oir Chrialma Cards now eni diaplay. LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES. Ail sile..................................8c- West's Orocery For Christmas Cake and PUDDING Now le thes Lrne t. buy Fruits, Nutsansd Peela for yow Chiristmaa Cake and Pudding - Order Now. Stock il comploe. SPECIALS PUFFED WHEAT........... 2 for 21c ORANGES,.....................doz. 29C Cd'l ÂKEtS' ... ......3 for2,3-c Leylsxod's Vinegar.- Malt - Cider.- White Wine. FRED C. WEST PHONE 94 WITBY 'First Pla'i A. A. Muihso "Ceack Up"-Dana Borbeal. "Steaege Sic eh' A. idiiv Sbaaîy Ann--Grace Moan. Oaler. *'The Wushing-Suont Shies' -T. "Heu -Hale "I fC eto'-riii ugs. "First Aid iý-e verbodt' A " Air Trcaîure Huai"-Jai. Goldsmihi rnillg. "Reindec teckt' -Allen hI.., Suî ifrt r-u-Msrv Evans, t si-voitk. 'CamPltîuihu ofaiF. Sheuouav -Sir Choute i Robarts. Muet Oteon, sWhen a man falls 'Gsi- Caviiiau tLlecnluce"-Biss invlove wvhba vomie il 18 te- ni-man. u uea otoremIsai, hlm of bis *'Snakeillvîntrs Holidayt -Oh uîîe- iiinome vay."-enhyi Diimars. iiiavIsae. "Mork t Tuii'-Siepten Lu'ocvk _______ "Sir 'îiuu Lauriert - Lauen Pavaud. -1h a the Influence of lieuro "Ttc Si: i tftce Northb-LRvy an coneunlution that mîtes ttc Sellt. ahuri dit'ansi the short veet sa "'Phe (C istesgc a ofteYukon"- ,"cesaasiy. -Henry Ford. LeRoy SaeIi. JUCO55Fle3Eàt 'Tbe per fonction of e goc- 'BigiesFlis Esî"- Copiais ermement ta to mt tes o alonP9PIOpte15di o gontdsidifficail "tiagies lis tbe Traii"-Captsis !or tem tv do v echi. Johm. Gasoe [COAL-CýOAL Large supply of best grades on hand, aill ses, alto coke and wood. -Ail Fuel Under Cover - Have You Triod Wolsh, Bîower Coal Cadlus for your Brick &M Cernent requiremensa. AlOndersPmosptly Attended to. James Sawdon Brock St. South Whitb, Phon 524 CHUIHES JEWS OF ETLIWEý,EKUN"WHITBY uSO441- a rir, vviv4à à lia 1, 1,4%jvrlvljprg% àl' 17.OJ 1 wi= p

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