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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 3

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I~ JJZYÛJ.7X- - k ~ - T ?' 4 ni-E wHIrBYcp CORRESPONDENC:E AND CHRONICI FRC WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1939 PAGE THREE RURAL CENTRE-S Women's Institutes of District To HoId Meeting at Brooklin )FÉON ....$21.25 )UIS VILLE 22.95 'NVER .,.42.9S )NTREAIS v10.80 EMPHIS... 27.30 r:J,'t't w.h.fci .Ihrut ets and Information ai Phone 675 AN EXCURSIONS L1939 INCLUSIVE" til mil ýýt I I l t TZ TIONAL nlinion. ?nditure Ï49 0-0 0-000 .iilmit o! pilots t.iitg ai vt'ift. $2.228.160 1.000,000 %I '%cel lalntus li:'tair oper- $100.000 'luI:on aülo 70.375 $170.Js75 ne..î to p'olected expendi- St be :,oLed ibis yeax, thse ' 062îfllJi. Tthis comprises .nlitta 'seiice g lip l ent . . Air roiiîc Tiraining Pilots NSON1 [ouD PU1 420X.I~3O $18 (300,766 $2,700,000 120.000' $7ô1,840 N'S I Cornes Fr or Sud-. District to Peter-. Aska Release ough, Jan. 26.-Misstig honie for elgiteen mont.hs, 'itcliinson %,as reunited tati-cr yycstecday aftcr lte velteci ho ski:. auto andi his !istaîmîig camap aL Lai" necar WlitcFiih. In the distictt,- Y, on11':-Il wh!cn lit lei ervlng n trnt-day sentence 11-'Y bere Tie reuni*on ut sçite: a ftir-îd or Mie. n -notcd a pc'lce couirt re- ' PRnpor. ai dknowing the ough rI the b"'p, wrote iri lb.- fa(ber lenry 0. a.stouf froca his camp ero.'."-cI tir take 10to te - wlt"-ne a friend tnox'e him Ile at riv'M hei-c at 500 - sn sîtid fie tiys ttc' iti.on sought tirovri V. 'ý. MrElderry. who vwu do an;thing <sIlie- Il-an e- HL1t'tubie-, MP. for Nip- le -Ltter agreedto baek 'fri-atiue-Departmient or the- boy coulti be liber- lier i-an gîve-noe- xplana- lic b)OY left'l-ome.*IBe had nce, he anit, Just disip- fmi- Mr .HuîehIînaon iss is boy. He told reporters eîîld not bear t-o se lits nient bis 4tarted ln Ilee a'. a marriage bounty tri iComNIN.UY LOCAflu I u a oed e s w i é . b m 10I e iurueu as e- il b: fi Ir cia ti fr ae b ta r ta- a B s -aI h p o B Il I p e '3;' -i i t t 'j I f4 j -I -il Dr. W. S. CAldwell, of thel u Red Cross Society, to Give an Address onj ai Rural Public . HealthG Nursing - Expect Large1 Meeting a B. (.;arb)utt. Correspondent) tIZOOKLIN, Jan. 3r) - i w Wom- fils ý Auxiliary ocf S: P.:rnuIs Chiurch wili meet .a' the lf.>ne of Bi len Maîuir.g izon 1It,'rdav o! ihis week Service wl] b? hrid tin S' ûa Chutrch on SunîdRy i, a o Rex' Mr. Clough w,,:: ;)rrea< A- ter serVice the an!i . i < 'y mneeting will b(, hr: iA. inernbcrs ar a.-ker,' i-ri a Thf- Wozrn s 1k-h , which tvas lX-poflCd dav oflne cOini.of Irt he 11,1ld on ~e pd,' iiiî., week wt:"- Hatc:ilfe. lx, I lo 'Tet Pc: rv. wîl: ad I F 'î-t Ili lied. At tlic opi t: BirtxklL it iior t i. mr' 2nd. t]:' S i ' t Bt "' Ki, lit.l1'1.î':. Ammrf'd . a"" 't pY'g rai iilaet. tt Mp.r 1. t-' oa ." I' 1 ' ' i.] t ' t t-" t' b'., Ut i lt'.'.'. I t!' a - '"tii',. ""'-t i..- m',' cu'" :i t.' ' .' i v mpend:nîii , t'y '.'iai.ît. lioie '-i The Ltî"' t 't it > ' beL 0.)11 D %N<t.". i\ I ' ' loi 1h t 0 h ét - I' . 7 . . Mr- DJW P t t "t MI-: %t.a:'t t ed> r x i1-, - STLicl hr 3l ' tlil nr âapoRub At fra- th ie til J rS e The nat tui L UcioluSInât everi CO L ID ofler prenBd a flub ocri fchn tlUiIIcovr t th aloI~Si kIc th.s&ui extra protctlon n ltvt chilllg u*t-n> cor es Vg»t- ris - cleano air- Gestn. om tIIPKSnOlte ri y M~ V VAPORUB the oroff u Seoma aSmu ITlM te wh * i. bcb wid.ty FINE MEETINGi wom[N's INST. Quality You'U Enjoy niri SUPPER AT MNYRT[E STATION- Belleville to Investigate City ManagershipPlan, United Church on Sundaynxv a deli ek emiso he rnornlrg service. In thUeV 19AT RhKINS LL ATIRAITS RODI Ofl!Alo ee P.ermise rng the pastor will glire the san- mnd ln h4s serles o! 'e.IkàOn pSto tted Slendd PogrmmeFol Great. Words spealting about "rTie Ma.ny PSainkitted'Fund S lus thtrn» F Mrisi Mysterious Word.' Meeing et BmroliD ' wed&-Curch Hol" BefevU1le, Jan. 25.-City councliLA 2 AnJC.nlugelofPor emt evuar 2Moiiday niglit declded to Invetgate an BoohnAnbcn Fec. llrAnua eeinyteadvisability of instituting a city ~ be the %pea.ker nt the mneeting Of!aaesi tth rïm ie he Young Peopie's Union on (Mms 1 PariLin. C.<resp<sndent) cm.C. "h9 coeqfl et A special committee was named ta ii Fu-dvevening. F'ebruarv 7th. KINSALE. Jan 3-1-neWoifl Gordon Vallint l .tl çfind p trP Toot o on wed3) g0 MYRT 5 SAION. a. 0- 1Investigate. BellevIlle electora in bt Mr-ý,C PF Jordan gave a delight- 'en's MLslonary Soc.et wll mUeet ttOsmaGeealHsi 1bt M11.w ~- ~ ~~937 Bpproved of the clty managerer ful talk on lher recent tinn Io lor- at the home of WmrsMay HaYbTtTIImrvig.I1 t05onFrlday "Wting he so. Reg. Ul~ cim.bt emsintoIagr l ei- a'1emeecLn-&&of the Young on Thurici.d Pb 2usd. et 2 c'clock. lmprving.Cha c neJd, ndy at<>ualhour ate the sy3tim was refused by trie l P-oples Union on 1T'je-.dav evening >.r MiltonmPegg wiI have char", beavry blanet of amcv Utheresult! Mieas. ha& been umable to etur o017.00 Pm- Sunday School ait 1.4 Ontaio Goveiulett. m .gre-a manv ragedes-both ô!o the programme. A:] îli1s will of a bizzard Saturday. Sunday and to, the iwestern city. atter seniim P-m. A further motion tiait the neces-tr inàrnciltand moral-w ouli be pi-e-'be made w'elcomr Tuesday, whîcb simost closed a&U the. C>ritmSsnat hi hoe':The>rs u Woker Clm hlds"rprivate bis enabltng the clty w i! me/ and omen Duld lThe KnsaleSeniorInstiute ls igo usefo aiportion to!uetaeprtion f nt ein ufn dur n xen>Yiif ciiardwottiiWOÂId ThtKinaleSenor nsttue l roda or a.r. hri thir annuailmetlig st teU om1C surplus over a flve-year-periocl and etsr. carly lei l'Ce when tri say NO" lnvlted tei attend an open mect4tng nuetctecmlnuof0 mLai &Mrcnl.A- ,a:d Rex P 1. li] on Sunday Cve- o! the Brcsoklin Junior lnstitute Bt flIflU iin r! the dliliig public il SMen In 11 ter thietusual businesswuasdlsposed.gvn h Ayprrbzo ods nnIn 7) Urmmed Church in his 8 15 prm on T'hur-day. Peb 2s. i Ifff act that ti spite of1 th nes ofc. thie clectton of officmr for the! d'r'>on: -The Harde-st Word- &at t1ie lo*ri.hlp H 11. Brooklîn- Dr ' 'U odtoCoH-Wod.drn ri oxto&pae Wi i auMe-nla.M.ad nD o De'rblz ucn aht. hoe e-Cadweh l, Atdiecor oM the a'w uaiP roI'fl veCnclthie local Highway Trai- fflowlng resuts:Pr deaugta.nrdadM.D ir'e n tnet Booi& o! Junior Red Cross Socle-tv in loi-- Ium-u- tic Offlme, A. P. 3tune.man. re- t etchs. MUn. Carmiichael; a&sitat Ducliemmn. iii !lflIFlILJlLl POrediMi-. W. H. McCartney. of Brook-1 olr, <at of the worid sgi-et o* w.1 l the I-. tspeaxer. lOtldt-a n oto cidents c- trchr.Mr&. L. U vice-pe ,lin w à Sutday visitor, of Mr.fi t., md aerone fe uoeda hrxqe tnVil wh bl Rur-Il Public oeI cui-Ttd on huis bestIMent, Mms- L. Mage-c. 2usd vice-adMsC arsn ag6.7If . n-: ~u~g b ehP~ LL>III]1 I~ s~~ da ghterElaieandpresident, Nrm s .Parrinder. Sec - te %%s !-le icha<an Otlro! that s&-tmna-s Ju.ýs blee in ake PWltsnaei i ekedrtZ.MS .8ih rcsrr Mr. Je-as Pyke. after spendlng a~r 'tr;x)cd of vomr. who an ef<'r <> t<o ithirls mettInir___ v veîfrom c<,<> C. wbtiUn-Is.L Masters. Ployer cml<f ew wttICs villifrienda litre, Ile- epan and degradinlg cus%- A roiigrrfltional t5erttnir w'4l be tt ulgFla ui.Mrs. S. Noitinghrian. Mi-s7rx/turi-iit0lits home in Tor-onto lasI ton ~ _0f,,ja. oud hav-e the be-Id *fhisPY4iiiv ea--l!ng, Pe-bruara- W.M.S. lad Womnen's Aé- RLlng em-rl 0on Situe-d&y moening : tonsand Mms.E- Cooke. Atter clos- wek. i 'a'Se' rd utbbc aaI vhr- en -reta lm .i m 0mg8 Mca lar oîcd ii o1 f meeting. aso~cialhour wiaMr and MW5 Clarence Holmn S o! a;: deparmre'_ts o! the chu-'thi sope-nd trie oons. vd ro &nidtr1espcn vitis refre-shnsenta. The nexi Dogmar. sixlted villa Mr-. aciMà . wtt]preinttherreprt' Thc Work Othns hveileM eaflIcted by Meeting la te be )ie1d ai the home James Dlckson on Tuesday o! lasti J adieck o! hi cng"-gathsn v ~ ___ ite gus than %'li hd been. Omncf Mris John Bir-ket. of Port Perry aeek. ja seme ('r osie-w-.v Lt uzedto m bnd il"ee hve ase teAf e icrath.r cold andi rough i: Scaeral f &ror. here attended thie attnd n 0. r ýPe ti beom ae case Ui watrier of luai wek. It dld moder- rhoctey match iin Port Ferry on MANCHE~STER, Jan 3.-M- P t~mecagde unUl the vcather vas ideal for Moud&y evening. Jan. 23rd. Re%,%r Ji' ci ! Brooklin took thte ed a nianber of their frleisds and cd In a !BviurKWbl ght. the 1 ee.n.whnleWsnns UsHevyPlte dlt. PICKERIN5 CLUB On a2fp oitIe'.m MiWih eoie neti- Foosa:-i~Associatlon PUA on a amost successifut daughtrr. ~uiie. of Prospect. spent chrh here re.aues n OCnasIy <>< pupils f heitrmedlat» cf0 an inrIoor amelir1esrl -n ane occsion of the th@ ic l"alpublic oachocl rerot a i !let upper umdconcert, "Me pro- the week-end vila lier pftrents. MUr. Believe in Comniunity En- inz adh"! ~rns.tMn.a B-re Robertson, of Tlnataicie1 rem ulg b ainnt!iidMses Mim.'Ramna au !<da - cImw:'rilier father. Mr. Ukey. f*-n-A oendmi al., ngt.- viwth Um n. fey st th,*'Mr. and Mis James L« andti amn-a terprse Fr Yong i-& la3 a %L1ýt0r l.lt M1w:;week-ted m'à.cs ed main tvealve , followed by a pietasia piano îly. of Orernbaiik. apeut Suiidiy Peope 1Vr aunMutrj;xPet te v«*_i 'buin.. ad Mm.O. ' arbon. The Tue %noix ttormioff Isat voek cie- ' Toc "1f f r:e-nds cM M rW? r':en!in Lr'-44,os S'chool OV"eTThMIii Uicheisisti OTichi&ir. Bev- W. E. lAoey. galv-c nted e-ra nvork on thceaUlr-cd. A n&.*radM' toerýk"Anrae acmb-- tede ii.tos hc b B1 àa short addcires. Tiie PrSpect gui- grang of men wves kept bxssy hove»l-W AD Vjar. 31 -Tochoce lu se-eit.hanta boi re 1-e ruchreand danctrlnUtîc-a on i*eee I .îrintc, bte s beo- ga quartette. \m3m s.Wallace Ars- ing tic sr.oNv fromn the alduigaandi £ totbtticr al i -rt, eI.'raes rutse rm' a ae- vAparidai lvu ieU ?a Ro.ai-aid Versrir. UcytiSmulihvîîlcçandimaking Uithe rivewayji orW :.--i en'ng ta-t'W&&on the ivai,' ri reccn'erx Ucuer o-nbsn ar Ra oki eàreuI tW»s inde!P"tnttcy ono and reoilntd tegve the PuPils &a d te cher.. eti Bustc Stevenis gave twa se- î*suislefor<carsanaîd trucka thtA po~ ~ Tý! bOy ar do:n Ur Jlm ' arts o! O_,h shave >tKon motoreti teri î n on tMs MCa:q'ta ahldy o cctionà vhlcl ver-e iich .nJoyed !înd l n.-asrytei ras-el Intrihatt o! .e 'rn Se bo's redolt pent ¶5e ces-i-er4w¶ t .ir T:rraan'! s"!brtng tIr ciroa.. jv<'-cal da"'. ustil thie danlma m t-~ -r rtyot is Ut om a' o ri readsyn 5 loi< nochee M.-7 nr le- lti7br thr- M-' Ro 7rd T-% b . rdP& l ngte"tAhd 15 fOt kflIf 110asCarit ply in Our Yard-. s'ai ' ,Its an Ili vindti sait cesnV biov 'Y.- Y :ne to astend thie M.» FInfrr e': r.1 Oshais th iScir nrthea' rrtxrn o Monday tln resaea ie er sulg sswerG14, sung by Misses Deulah 1j amr otdy îtgSdî.o Uic ri Jî.:a Iuî c- o hua pent Suniat ti-oim o!flie- r Mn'T)bs..'xn hmbas m npendlrag th lbIt a nrt:- dix'o'e 4by thte are- Cooper ant 8etty Kirtlm Ai Mis juiMIW5I o ti en eerr: FS ui a e-OOili arn2n5- ;i*al miin a 1,hwltlher aiter In Lm. - ti.ktT. C E Morky, On Sunday pian oo 0by UMe-. DDurhbetili ci.iprnt sunday vits Mr. and Me-s, t ilpn D, camwecc. a iistant trdMn 1akGr t"O C*~ . î eitend thaie fn e -rometi ic hcpprteatiAfepiaice-lia ueMthe. dA.ag! te-r Mri NI-<n'We-.ery M-Do- 4i(Oe> Rub ro n .be-UefuvsTt1UWiehIy Ur..Arnsa4 rOn ere v"rmuchý n. ~ ~ ~ o -'ed : 5 :beto-Rural we-U dtAu;i.Ipr Ir-% r<'fToron V ioiRuiho Tsonr.swn rie I w-as damageti a oe tr hct, 0a aso 'a almstun P'enc Haitt N'iraug"..pe t ua1rdar1t-&,t luth aMr a"tiweek-enýd ciii MUrandi Me- !'s.ea-10M.Oimdi ic tsi by bMesdames Hectos n &i o B MothirsilI. aRe-ideIS of T'le coînfiî'mn;ty CUub nmos'csseut M $ Vir P3.ks'ocsd.Cro'tîr large nwsber O! P-iPnt rUtlsiev &eti .dl.Ti-" dins rurisbcr va 5 tiE&% wIitby Turalsp &Inice he vis ta b-!fg sppotet bit UnsR VMossra-ani )àissk Mr krr.he f ocf tihe B=k liiiyerrpretty fia« tIn-U by thie acholan f barnri meday ce"erateM hts 3rd nan lens a' !l)M ts Ptcker- Poenee!tns lie hcWorran'a< oa~i'< "'-~"- enb 0Tsingitig a iea cd OhCania.'*>t birtlidty. and recels-cul tie bt te.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n àiai mx on-icaapaeTu1.t o bt aur'm-t u thisee u's*avacation Port il the bqnnhusgendti a (1<e. W _1hso i ayfrecsI sa -IusrncTermr"1 u ir-% Wadkr- ani Ena atteisded rO& s- yN"e- let theO Old PUF"ý aws and district lni which thiâ s ~ ~ ~ u 'llms'sP" uruauilugTir er 5n t15e Ve-is àoe-I5uoIiiwtizsg ' S oSII f *'Ood Bave the, *1W pape-r heart-ly Jois. W. Motici- ht ing"-i wcith a ator arnd- 2 prr! Teh tU cfor recc'-ailon and for Pubic thr-e of "hŽrole-*-& Tdc seî - i<re e] n- PST PURT. JaISn. - à ie XU: e.haffl e.s-cftiio a al a o s ncal eieto prg"nîu- -s dra-barik.lu* c-et to u. o x. . ehave alriotherut uWbtUby Tonhlp andtildes t g-tien** ric Scclpiurns- ws'ac-d lb,' 1 ýVmeetingfothebe la 7*nala ________Wag Ba] -ai "Ot At thW~~ei'ta MLlu1arl7 »ugtof M,. .am tom & M QIIB @ ai losi 8l tbwy s k and 4, boot tmtmai '1 r obeller L114 y.ar-."< g II~e he1pfu hi ' 'rs,8. Ps TUos aZst veek.bon j Wedseede"y t Ume week aI JM iPh*iiawane CoeV.nyaMd vu à WoMn anRdATO M ~ * ins Mu Fmeai e 1c orrnThe bt*&" mrweom z~nl. et onta. ne ha be-n iteetdnthe Cm. Ma Wt%" vie-pftmmtunV«.aw au ek wumh« m #d pilyfor over for m y ne TE TA M u 1etorr-se ani- hm«ti hî Msi- f WXMS. wNicv .4FINE j(jC 5I l-nga, Nelly M r» lthlemnJ alked iiLr. W .I mt anti lid sasse înteestle-sgfaC-ei P-4 1 eS wnlX os& poitt. NMiociiVIaiVi .estzrj;,y reut î'oSin Um im i e--Use- hoste o! lira.John Joh Ful Course Uinswrand enr-e XMobrry gavte a P-am b Tittrthe hS vof Mr*%kme toDv» UeMi. Mn Hieh ci& 1 hic latâ mrh ukwd M J eraa vu-.e rarted prestdml emt. Da ft o.- ns lé eM. L. O8111114 Progrn thie autuann tinntmet Tomito ~ve-cet.m l op- 7wu aamm ,nmac-m out5- the Mite aytè'Iý-aTun.d sj. -ySafCfeû -.) ue-[tai 014 ft i r Mn .a*U n Jia ohme: péaMiit. .lsi.4 1 4,1 Ut re ' nenb -na A:a s' & sac itrie laien giLb ueiadi- t.' e r o" riSnday 1aichiol c5on- tte Ctoond*O t» h «Vsob#Uom CU&' be mr a <a iKeti"c$i lasit .10k. &M i a lnreeât am ivftoft %ïo@&*Ummd*0 î-i 'a'at day apentfc% c 't~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e ..,rvsnHa'aniMssVl- W-O..N 84 4 -mbu ni*0i1ud Mai~m" luise &tepii4su, q 0 -61m i - lm _i e va a .î 55 . îl - - -Ir-- -,1-ge.-1 -- Mai-* piew l pu*M1ICMit 1 mfà e"M a«Mà*$MA.»0*t-"___i_80bu ___1_«W -'---6- r-amtoui_& oumm« &-V.*ba m -kotmoom Yl 4i M ' fa d *tt a met ' » $ mo *ie Wte # W * mSg o S 4 m M & a m f Bo w mrnv. U n.w ,em unes* ' v lbem îlsdý1@wc& cbmO ut -*~ ~ <r154 a 50W< ~à" Wo&SaS S S W, , o « u - 0ulo-i n ,ý h. ~ssd10m B5, O p~*m fJ.Jm Pm - Wt4 l>m ,- m iý jowll O -i o twe uM «b atinue Ievylng for sinking fund- bentUres whlch alreacty lave su!- lest resei've, vas laid over unitil eriet lconunaittee m#ieting. Theo motion was sponsoreti Dy Ald5' Je-le Lewis, andi Mayor Jaziesan, ne gave full Support. rhle mayor outtine-1 Uic attemnpt the City last year tri secure pas- 9o! the blls befoxit the prIvai. Us commnit*ee of trie Ontario Gai- rment. -t costs $f50 aplece to i-sent triese bis betore thse Par- ment," M.ayor Bone &&lid,"and ta tisai his Just anoîher gouge of * goverrument. If 1 hati my way, e ulti use tlis turpliuamoney ihanti. anti ascthe govertimnent hat they intended daing about ..Ou- requesI ismost reasonabie. 3mucl s'o that lait year -tht At-, -ney-General himsel! reconienti- 1 e be granteti permission tei u» ie surplus. Use o! the siklng in sue-plus ta perfectly saleandi ould not <-udanger oui securily 1la ie slightest.' Council namnet Mayor Bone Aid. homaz JeUery andi Aid. Ornionde muter, velfare chaîrman, it cous- It.ee t0 Investigate lie pcissbllity f procurlng vooci iotý adjacent 10 ei City tri be useti ai iellef pr-,jects id at' the samieUie becomea mying proposition. In future. ail municipal Insuz-ance 111 ie landleti th-uugisan Itur- îce broker appointeti by thie cltY. 11th commisssions belisg divîdeti iually msng all agente. "Tse can4mlior 3 clty inanti- se-e ci tise present time i unis'- -sably divitird among the agents. rider the new plan, ail agents wiIl e better off. andi at the sane tlue ïe viii * bc able ta eiimiîate 'thse -ester pari of the commiars aOn se separ-ate poliea vo nov have," Id. Haig salid. Trust Fumda UucondtioneIfr Guuont.d kmu:yms of m mgulcdows or ymIn ll~ i t-.' t .. .. A& a

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