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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 7

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICL2_WEDNESDAY,_FEBRUARY 1, 1939 PG EE Firsmcn Complain Progross of Trucks Ooing to Fires Impuded Q I4 By Motorists Rushung to Ses! E 115 Ouer. said UuUtY did 'rit 5ecoild ~~jprLze, durtfls 'il IALSM In the north yard the firemeti ex-1 perienceti grej ting to the oc vas Suriday % ple are f tee feeling oai'ma that snome da aflowed ta ci sequenles vii] Doubti, racy Abl Frc 'I 3ometinît slmistic as t ratme goverrir inccc Uic thr achievement pean Pover lI cd Hon. 0 Ge-neral, vhe f esor Narma OenoAnhelHat da'. prcvitus mac raceÇ T-1113s 12ru senbe, n01 mn bollu spiri tua Cetitral Lra ure, the Attc theory and pI th. e-i, ai menai knowle a lot aout a theoreilal 1937.» he aa KUmne ta 71 that I de ru i the Dom qualffied to à democray. f t0 te Lemg ycara. ne 5V aiMWUdvu' year. ?iheb Harv&Mardsu ticsMaUlà ,,..tuà? Many HappyReturna 1 aB. a he of Fast WhItbr Tavlhipa eider residents viseo eebattd bis 53*4bithday Tuesy. Send Letter to CouncilAs. ing for Action to Stop DangerotusPratice -, CI-sun .Crs Parkd in Front of Hydrata. Citizens visa make a practice of umping inte tuait mater cars every -lune tht tire alsrmn la soundoti, anti i many Instances lmpeding thc )ragreEs aiftetire trucka. are cau&- mig Pire Chef William Heard anti ia f irp-tiglitets neolittIe concern. 3a serlaus haste situation :becamie that the ChIi has sent à latter te' ho Town Council asilng that steps be aIes ta rcmedy IL. Tht fIremuen tomtplaIn not anly ai cars lmpedlngc tht pragreas ai lire ti1ick.r2 vtit their equlpunent. but alsôofa te practice of parking too ciaosetot hy- drants at the tccne of s tire riial- ng IL diffilcuit at ttunes for the ruckà ta pull euîflcient]-. close ta do effective vont The cIter sent ;0 tht Cauncil fte as talla-te lits Warshlp tht Miayor ,%lembers af Council: Gentlemen: T-ise Wlutby Fire -Ompany vlah ta diav La your at- tentian Uie very dangarau.s p-artire af certain IndiNittala in Interter- lng wth Uhe membersai the FIre Cormpany ln the perfarmuuicé-(e: their duiie.s awhiclu attendlng tire' Spectators dri lac te the ,r-np of a blaze have madeielî a Pi-artire tei prerede the fire trurks andi theul park right bin ront aofittifre Il%- drtntTiis ha.,;been taundto tari- terfs-rr witiî tht- itremen la atterk- lng the blazea-lt-h the îe-s':-- rlespaich ifld , ivrbetieve, ami langerau5 act ahici lm cantrars' t- the provisions a! the Traffilc Art We would aiaa like to paint out that the«Chief o! Police Lte apparentl' unable ta asInilathis malter as f cannai lie tirectinq Ira ffir art! keeping people oui ai thetramy ant tram thse buildings i; i uhs', auni- time. The rire Company theretore la placing thLs gmatter lit tre ai riLli tht hope Usait ome way lulà- be devised whicli vill enr-re tht- riremen te freedani of mOvemlent' In tht performanSice of their i'e whlch lq thicr rlght At a lire letisan ta-o n'eek-,a&V __ AI m mý fl Ab 01 TB[TSREBRE Tu TBF pOuCEf 70 Hides Stolen From Stable -HousBrokcen Int r' 'AhItby n-ortlîg r"ort.LN ti police Isaac Leim, eB $- Uet Noi-UI reporteci ta Chie! Q.uantr.l oun Truesciay rnc>mTdlg that. abCu.t-.0 iides lad licen ît.uier. Moaa troni an oid penIn 10hL stable lic rauid g:ve thse chic! ervilnt- toraris on concerning Uiem, Yesteca> lanes Gray report cii ta Chef Quant-rili that lie hi die- covereci tut the haunee! LteMsa Pao-eli. on DundaàsStreet West. "dt bien lirokm n mtc ilungi were In a éorry i ncS> vien the police in- eteiateti. tut untIl yMisa ran':i NAfe theWelthu LAUhipMVE EN .frtherânce ut firn.!frienc-' thee.ci wii* caaraic lr ta: e"tue, gal3aing devtces and drinkt- who could isee truth in ail its bear- SIO Ig Places Mre *Ytrywherc. Ings - a reaeonable well inlormed R PROVISION luthhad not ý.en taught nd. orlyadpitul.th £'ftIIIITIV ~ vaintage. appetites were wefl ca-ordinateci and II!~1IIU~II B BelOre an audience of 3»50 people perfectly adjusted, to ont ainother. In thaIt tOwn a trial wua helci So- 0f aucli a ane the i'ord "Integrlty" Clety n'as on trial. Tie jury return. mlght bee useci. Tht young man af (Cotnucd from Page ' ec a verdict that aociety waxs gullty teswaslLllcu1>.arne mnary ad cLmea fflhlY ti ht u mi tVe Ounta. Thereupon Judge of challenging lltem-ture,ý physlcaliy, strength of a few Rem Of lafld. a Brenrian placeci the whole coni- ail al-round athlctr, awnd morally. few cati.lt fand a stÃ"r iglit arM munltY ùOn Protlonfor ont y"ir.r dean ifld .courageous Wby? we have rechd a daky grhen a Wh&.'happenei? The couununîîy1 Because municlpal governulent y0 gMazn-t4o marry wiLh cannY ýp1l a ~~xx iisn n tei Ides~~~~~~ 0f L C ItY f r t t e an it otM n'ae f or me ci to advise prov de ci places of w orahlp to tren - muet POUM a SUbgtalbank ac YOUt n medIca.,legal. anti social then anc inwardly; provideti educa- cout nda tcflty fiS cmP< matters. Prienedship litagues wrre tien andi a debatirng Forumi tht tlon tht he cati ho ttasOflblY -sure forMtci andi rnny jobis were kocated young Atnlans might be keen in VU] lut, Sucli posltiowi. eltht? MdarrIR na theUicnoir future aeenied tht power of their mmnd. provlded fromea icstemdpoint 01w*e aOf brigliter prospect. At a great dii,- teatadlum. tht swnaming pool. Meg ity some & rU taIde p InplehIere Jucige Brennan annz>oced tuhat the rommunlty recreatian hall -that SIM &mcai e mo o lebpper ht e thet ciy of Orange haci bchaved so Yout£ miglit have trong. healthy peulos of atgonb*tidfli th t he had deten-mined ta diS- bonles to house beautifu-l minds and eoming <of the machine ago and Mis3 tht Chareâ agairst aocietîv n'ashlpping 5oula. B.a. prouction. Matir thoughiT 11ere w'Ui pro>bable b.e rnany Tht scene shitts to Lt e 20tii Cen - ve hsaci eschod the Imits of hu- thU'î3Yet t7t netMd attenittn buiIL tury. ILl 1 a beititiful aId Onitario --tm vr% - nlý,kr aotlsa hopelui Ulng wnen a rom- .o#rn nleh uritÀa wo modern clt-lea. lecture andi discussion led by cum- petent men cn vital prütilems of the Mhat a fine sight La set studlY grouris In English. Current Events, Ca-operativea. Art, Drama mechan- les, etc. Wbat a fine thlng ta see aur boys Catholie. Protestant and Jew ciebating the questions atofthe day at the Communlty centre in Wliitby's open forum. What a fine thing ta see a Croup of Canada's best give themse.1ves over ta musical training once a week. What a fine thing to holci a great religiaus ser- vice &,. lFrlendüilp centre once a week. What could a Town C7ouncil. Churchea. ServIce Clubs and a loyal cttitenry net do together wlth youth If we had but tht courage ta make tht venturel Let whitLw. do this year lit a fax liotter thing that we have ever donc befaro' D.O.E. VISITS DURHAM LQDGE her. A gît t was alco given to Sis- ter M. Gould for her services In the past. She and Worthy P.A. Wenn and Worthy P. A- Dewey, visiting Presidents both gave short addresses. An appetlsing lunch wias s erved bY a commlttee of the laies of Durham Lodge. Special Bargains EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERNCANADA GOING DATES DAILY. FEB. 18 TO MAR. 4 RETURN LIMIT: 45 DATS- TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Excuruion Uekaets good ln TourIst. par- lor and Statndard sIeepin .ç laEi avallable on payment of lIgIfIy b1gbhes -passage faxes i. P rice -cf parlor or sleePing car accommodation, KOUTES-Tteketa gaod going via-Port. Uicy ssw theïr asOTJ i enferreci munity la ready ta put 1taelf om trial Tht >-outh of that towniî tenet dil!-1on 'Thunday night abouît 40 Of Arthur. Ont.. Chicago, Xi., or saul, idienês -Thecresut alas lien err a then nave out itilthe f leld oif erersi roin iicyouh af Athens 1the Daugliters of Englandt. EUipresa 8.a 1Mt. rtm vaUm ot of he'atbrekan d hand-tO-tii0tth 1agr"eai CO-OPeraUv effort for m iir UcCantOaigv hm IdaLd 1 b 0 a1 en t mnas. ny.Gnrusotoa Jobs mnd hop1t gfo- sornething w V.th lus Yong peaple Tnet)auni adim îa.mincis suici pirite ta grov Bowunanville tg visit Durham twded8 STOPOVERs -wihni t tCket tur -ys.r invhib agenra-P"PIe oai Orange bu', Lpfy ifV ddvipitoristi persan- Ifor the insltallatIon aOfttiii offikti' esndreturnlnL atanPart tion Of YOM£aCanadlana lias beeTs 0f atOur OwYou1tabeing denleci tom- % rlcs M..Wlb.TI1.8 aa I.B u t. arnie. nt Por gravtng up in lioxcars.breadliexpîtetion mentl.ay. ph.yximwrl. tcn.- But i i ~mntrie:li mdsal pr«ert. When ldArathbe jdu, On t.. aneth arti aM nipvershoi îrcmstnr ]yl andi rel.gîously agr there La nothlng for auy tao peiitd. vlth Worthy PresideIt, o!ftUnied Statea usre«. thât hold no hope osf their ever bc r.-inx a! our cn: (.îuil do - noting,..mrnirsg. aiternoon Siater H. PritCiSr Ucchardi h hir, ~lpricas101ayaet lIng abletotemam. v rae fmse îYauiul,4-55 Youzng jwople, rertt- andi tvenlng, And fotr VIoSe ho WrlyPoleiSae cn adbuild homeeof thir Owýt "Il 343.M F yuritCanaitan et have p & mlrmn ee n ,,aof oslana. and WarthY President Canadia n Pscific ple "ythat youtb toclay te leanint the fîrel, National yoa,Igsi.Ihprîn4 Umee <«I. organisaton andi pro- nldtahtptori.PID1 MRS. A. M. STANLICK ton'ards Fascisrn or Oommnin m ever heii In Csteda- Theyr r af grani building. triet Dfputy sister L. Pitches vW5.5 C. P LAGENT 1-se --a.nger grneratu.on are not ax teVYpolit-icai îde, Thiere wt"t InthIs f ine old town 01 four , nelcomt<l into tht locige and- pro- blark .am their erîtIrs paInt t1hos. Romran CatI1holîrs çand ti Jeçand PPro- thlousanti sotls nhat L% (iere for ceeded ta IltUteoffIceri, as- Thri but a.* for à chance ta Ilve tttant.s Alîd yet thes. -savuni Ci-,%- Yung menti tado Uic tes: et thet alltociby pp?. Sster M. Wlson. P.? IROUND TRI iwllna flaninotusi arcex o n'ek. vhen la gond hockey match, a Sistr D eoat nIoh ri decet. and bcitaa en dms c . eight tUun"t out.h d~tf ýcd mOs -fine thagtre have beffl attende&l. the visiting lodgtea.1 BARGAIN FARunES theËi st-iI bhave courage. they stil 1. We vant wvcrk; 2 We wtant .ctir- M4r. 0)13rien then spoke ai the e flueaiees ar: FEBRIJARY 3 - 4 - 5 lichewni decency. hacieur. fret- lty. 3. We wamn re<creation: 4 W* maijy fine Churcli organillations Paut Presidett.sUWte M Prit- TO dezu-they at'n belleve in GOac. vainknovitdge, 5- WCTant mirsn- availile in ail the derrumtnltions erhard; W. Proalieit. Sister 1- ý"TOIRONTO ......... -. $.75 lMany older peoplo have dofonded .ng. 6. Wc vanl pence; d W' uLni tbut atill t2uere Wa& mucli leisure cdieu: w Vic-Presdent. Sister L.. 1M.TON .............S1.70 otilt youth af today adnd lthat 1reedooi; a we wanî jusu*ice tUme 10 beprugr&mrnxn~ile tmcet Pritcharci; Chaplahi. cSiâter Mary, FAO............S 3.45 Li never before has àa estiat1on heen No aduit geeration. ni) goveli-,1t@tIlile _,f Youtiî a,%it vandiertci oulci; SCuit&rY.-8181er UMalien, chatlmam........... - ctf sa frank tiIte deauneUatih ment. tecerai provincialor muni- i>.u rampool mon. to ecreet cor- î oi rraue.31se enGoderiet................ A of euueltv. hytpocriay. duahonety <tîPia, cta o6flrc¶to Ignore aucît tir- ner, ta luxch coutlr. to nari>y rity l.abb. laistGuide, çikqieT înnIt Da.ov-esSound ............... $3-75 and I ntOlerance. &0aftwmncreln Is.re.Itipe-Si 10 >'OU 5a&imenO LixioOSw wtýith tevropen edar niofbever&ge îîeY. 2nd Gide. Siser J Pritchard; Scbrelber. ............... $17.70, d@s.vre for that newbav ho M to buld a commn t î ofw tichaàroo=,%tef<ir< r hu 1-he youtî aofIrtiGuide. Sister M. Mitchell:.th M t mailaepolpi- vhb seprcein gnsaio o RtIS il~Wh.qtby are asking for a chance uo Guide. Stiller GE Benneti It4»ialdeFç. 3 rotin< men fouht and âled f eTinPlir o nlft ulithl Ie piac.y.mt uard, ster P. Bennett. Outaide Glg-ls rh 48 . ,.8 Noe longer can anyene tel! ihat AtheIosrtm ore han cascer-ueli leetually. morally andi îpirltually . >uytd Stter B, Poult :AUditôr3. 1ex relt à*m a foai srvice. etc.l month ve &hall no longer fIn thic 1 -Ta ugl irês>'teîe M. <>u .A. DoneycusItAnt - aklo Hadil irarld atT -ne lire S &iOmape deof acanaddaeedPOOL TRAIN 1S19VICE worldat wfl So du Cntd&man's charâcer ?by lils hoieneas.,What à fine thing t oa"ueoycng ;to". 8181er.IL. erntt, J. Prit-. A A "C N Df and Whtbr may lic &aking 'ta . ymmetzy. balance The hsgslit mon sulving at PrîendahtP center chard.1 Youngmeto tak u Im fr te SCfL se ca-st for th~e- M&t*? IboXlit.,rsli; A i lm h Dsrc c y PACWIC NATIONM d-ez- urin f &I hâtva ol tÙ w no ugl bemkhm bovlilSL clse-rs. lillllarfs? tllankod lier assistanta andi invited t. MR, . .STANLICK aekar ueyIàntt o mchWPtlaly, te. ias *5110a pro- What s fine Lhtng ta soc Whitby*A P.P. Butr IM. Pritchard to tté C-V.!..Agent aa htcommunity 1t~o wt oa fe&gcnealplayer. but an ail-round: hutidreds CeMIDn in thé cveekly; plattor Md a tU inictitht J#Wtl 03__on_______ comnmun iv club houa. a tisai the voutb of Wbltby may make far -------- .--*----- - liettr use a Lslelum . Ue. bat diflculty tri gel- -camr-s ta WfutDy it wifl not b Uc "lI.iemi aaiki cose, more liecause su knovn i anythingbu i c tta R TT InRai- rat.ttcooiuck eheri many mare Pea- BOV -- w 2*, o u se th e ir c u me % fl ldTh t Jed a nery 18 a cm &yif hi prctro-13FAU E U HEDThtecouployeti. parffaly nou~ antinue, striaus roui. fsjq~~ja,~ Phase 20M -OP» Evesimpandarte apicm emetsê g remîtMU OF hBU WAT is i uonlht to dlêsusa is eUiti aSi., lDOltairtbas hecomofacthe-m INANT SAISi JU<ge Colet»nÇ5jy« EN" PaiOUM «oog»iwlk aet1 IOhR udmndp linAgunst Maui Who 0vdee ïa,*0 e-menuten hotiacusefor a har4dout Qd Whe" Democr DXidNot Observe Rule smel tr y10l"ecehaieMt »'d t"is urts fr mm** b&> h etoMeeîThre.t - ---t adSis, e cleou vicWbUnyPiau U0551 ftun1t7No ont. bu a'$ et te ccmIr hadwrii 10D&rdln t e t board tnp rnu1i kdlp, >m Europe An qie..lorn 4e-cuita'.invorlng Mý wvlsulentereanw&, S*t - ai a% aasy &AVItn lni apecial coj.nt y Pwuff %ue tu» e dcedan wu, bwpIt5u Mm pomw M4nias tt o eie tecome a liii.le e- (,Our" S -Itts1tocaYybu Juie D elWtdb JCAf4raKc vO 5 gm m*sg un ê ô whetiuer t1ie dttse -B oMravontc ttnt t rry _______c_____ , c "* an WVM u *t 4%0( nentsç vill be able ta 8Ceman 141rn tkltR.S tounda I At 60 t dha lmamu l reat of the nali r rer-ta!0 k. e foiCCL s oiis OSHAWA BOY IS aîiaute t.aepra oftni-e Central Pr-vF î surordc-Splier3 t1ttsandankom »tTlu ,arw e iai Li wagIng sar -B,#rt- aci l - b 5-5 . MADE WARD 0F p D3 Conian t A iter¶e% - M_01%rAvtenue Doeiaid vs Çaj)fsv I ee!be ra mi0 cam en lie inirocM roit -eltn es n th îrr at.1 S aini 1AMto ur. MoiCeunie â ctht is ~n<rtt son De-ev rlicn 'ei Oshâ& ana -s eriii cuvs liàt Tlui Mi4urey tt,1lda 4 *>¶r 11&P.la, *7 tsutkibb t Iy$i ta the a4dreai dlon(le. nhavka befI-rvsaMadie a W.-d et "41~ ot1 tprentre a! ut r mm- c-io la amYmaruaUl l W4- luttment Il thte uuî>' by Ma.istzlseI 4PM wdM S nt-.cny wn the matî -e7L& t"alnw-nl¶a'ý«-airtTutiay atifr- epotiu~O*h. L rEt aily and socilly tht ' Uiê aS e-th cc- ýpan Puera art a lai:.- dnt tuth*Qjih»fUa alre a Io aes O M Ato tpe1tdOs Mm a ui ae ,rne-y-Gene-rIl dSlart tea PPç*oacn0e! Dr..ala aca« bet"mut C155uu-ru"Aid Ocl«y'cafu ~~s~ -vot1 w y big aubiiteî il hecotilti ha'te MM lut .ho tbat tht b"OU» IS t'lla uUtb*S oud ma mmit.oe irartise ~ di L attaly hati rie ýo 4 ewiw tzisha, ýarcb" W4tI. .d ~ I M~ S tiM 1 apeak tram per - t 10'SM1# 1* t2 h ~ ~i mqi tige. i thouglit 1 kIIW e n DDeA44 Ibo tlu o 4 n. 11351 Wrd ,! te Ouaum*à 1 vay, until 0srtôb&saccouct otDe&Ii'* 0 U fý ~ln a* vo mqw aiturs ou. && tuid11.r, jh ctMUD4 t* S .c .mm U& "t se* 404 b.d Qa boy «et ttsu ~ ot knov cd any perme=CIOak=" &"bd tbI u bu <.,1Y4 ttoI.»W ami«M t1» wita MXA sWonea eho ta beut Uc seso th* «6"M esnUfL DO=- 6a #d.4«dWlteisa II Unls ,U nte tr speak e cm " cubjff o' I& tad hM 0 wS. Uw £;IntMt Uta 1 »0f a I Re v- a s rpim=tai.veSlasu eM&6"W»Mait Ubtts.%tatIsa- 15"1 boW bU 60 la t hv« o MM Nbý ue of Natkm oas othm: 0( etUe&M sbéN p~.Mae b*h0* Mhott a W e a xat sonSu Mth am R- 0.IcS eai uM en 5*105 0" 1»4&n ta WI7L hOut bA4l M ~u~ a. h . l a p d 4 as s u is y m Ol g " bg u eM S ud s s i - bW-l Tà t&"Ur-r%6mS i-n ta e du& as *â ma Mo& mmak mm" N,.EWS sEftvicu~ t-,- c~ N~ C.u~y - Sun~y ~ sp.#ciw<it I short Cu ien. AGRICULTURE HOME CONOMICS SUIUAM - am Jt*3Ist g d-2t mè.bu# b e#" . bu ~. tom"l ni 1933 MOI)LL-6 tubr gli ing 8 tubei peslermsre; tivre ,tatim autamasti.' n.-soeop tunitu UST t9I PRICE . $12.95 We uc-qrv fortunale tulie &Mr ,tx petrchais' a number oftri mdrb Ata s pertai mansslactumhlri rîcar &ore price and mea-rt"paing ti a-tu# &long ta ,OU ai a eprla prlce 01 69le25 1 TM E 111 CNNA L L EK-Y SW,'£Ll N THEý ILL --4 I t?,-. I-lji Sîcs-<- -40 U NSU RP PÂSSED if you or. eretdin y~w'CoumuntySfld in h~ut TUHE "tai*iCouxty'a L.ading,kl FUATUING IVERYWIIK T es. e f e~I 1 PAGE SEVEN '0 '0 9nap£h£ e

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