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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 9

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ne( place ln lthm ,tI lie 'declited jt, owil c tIUIt- Flics t n:l l", be ia c ri -t- i- Of 'x o.-- - h', [X ts - -" tri- -' ' - i,1 Wa il f l bt j- t- j 'j.r i s it u - t" t - 1 te Ir, îdev- P 'l-Wo- '1tIl th L texte t lt h hetd n Lit-say ito evc e t27.- R -r- ,'estît : :..Stt'jrthe- ' a sr .s - àq, o.10, .0'h. 'vae t-sIuat'300 - ha i, ta'. pe: hct" t"i i f rk atsi-Ibuet'- v THE WHITBY Ci Whiby olie 't'ature jDistiict Manager, J3owman ville Fugitives Croup of Four Boys Appre. Myti hendcd Following Chue: MYRTLE, June 27.- Mirs. 1eslie Acrou Feld byPoae- and Mrs. Randal of Toronto. were. Reporter Tears -Trousers week-end guests at the pêraonaige. in Pursuit spent the earlier part of the week wlth lier nephew. Mr. Bert Duff. Mte eldln catur fo ner- Mr. George McCulcougb .o! Unt Altr eudig cptue fr nar-Globe and Mail, called on f rientis ,y two cdays. four youtlba who es5- herc on Frlday. :apei f rom Bowmanvllle TruanÂnd Mr. and Mr&. Donald Tlmu nc 3,cOo: one of them ?Prom Whltby fttxiI1y of Scarboro. spenIt the week- werefilallYcorere hidng lon end with the for-mers brother. Mr.- th£c CN R. track.5 bere Mondav.AbrtTmu nie foir. who escaped earîy Sun Mr. and Mns. P'owler of Toronto wlere ai. thelr auiumer home for UI.' da, morning were tired and hungryj wek-ndL and 110t overly disheartened by Mrs. Victor Mitchell is vIsung ber the fa ilure of tireir attempt at es- parents in Oshawa. cap( <.AgePse shýdyn ,M~eir capture was f inally accomn- withhe aght'ier iWsor.ayn plrshe<-i îhrougls the combineti cf- M b e auierwn Wofdor.Ç,ý lorts of Chief Haroldi Quantrill, MtlastJee Br-wn of rosn. several helpers încluding a number aMet s, arol w e wilberdcousein 01 iiigh achool studentzs *ansd ont~MsHrl tewc n te reporter who loat part o! bis trous- relativses herc. crswhle clmbnga brbe WL, The North Star Hydroplane %%hcl ience in pursuit.WB bulby narouea e- Alter tbearctlng aIt slderoadb in gineer herr. expects to malte ib t!r., 'thp netghborhood followig tIhe re- trip roni the.bores uof Lakte Scug'i%. pOrt o! a reýfreshment booth break- %j aiond ae y nme lte ar In. tlÀe .posse took to Lire fielcib i eS9seti. -ir luh r the distilcI. The fugitives Mee Nr. J. C, Lawrence. Mib Car- finally tuncovered tsldilngna iicalndMb% brihdgeandMrer aRacrseek. bride osr a rt'e.the foriierc, son- D- Lias re:ccu' Onice tjieir retreat was drscov-ered Lindý>a oi,nirsdai t'strted to run with ail theli Ie sue n svco remaliiiig encrgy but the.chase wa' 1Made t.- Suiiaý tu.pr. 4t î,hrr-1iei Headsasffbveth policfe andi acterai otlier pursuere 1ioýmbý the- bo%.s surrendereti quietîy andi !onpb.s s;ere drircten tise iown ock-up . . lenuid Thse boys tobti tireir captors Usa ý tui,p folîowtng their "break" ihey Isa'. cd arouni)i xalkc-d .&long tihe tcacks al lish( Jt(!,,td waý froin Bowmanville to OshtawsaT where lhey iook 10 tihe higisway toIPW" a few iles and tiretscut souili tores ert- P-ort WVhttby. They freeby admit' 'i-s .Jack~ lis et o! a lt-w botîbes of pots trom t1 ic refresismersi bootit ant ii Rtanr aIties' luat siepi ln a barn th( 6, s,;,c pres tous niglit. igwii 'WP took a couple of lie-na frontm l~tI a farmhouse aiong the way but we pre coultin t cooie tht-m so îîsey weren .s age. Dur .nuch good to us, observeti one lad Rteaie htrt- He- %ai tisailie hati waîkcd bare- b--tof a, 100 t leIt bec n at Gientva Park cas- rc éequipp-d grrU!& \Vh. r go gs CU, t-' a:. a. ti p w e:! ui- -hs ant a reputs:o.efor i - Titomto: taro : S-- ht :r ort Ssteus:a. ct-su ýa %plend.dcicotîgr-galts tit t0 hear lus -ftttal mte. arinr >L#,fs~er t~t' bts srm-ons h lase ws pari o! tise way as tht-t hnd l"sappt-ais -cc- - %Incer(- H'"k itihout n-sein slisea.wid hati Iwork oui.%Id. o!fIsle cîurcis wa> forceti tolie; sboes aicng thse s-ry zeabIous,. urr, tîre of zslekxet,à.-,r Vite gave you a good cfse ILS PL ctich brÙeak ouf o! tht-ce, tnt going t0 keep ons tr-ybng li tht-: senti me tô Guelph. Wvhy cant' tht-y senti u3 somewbore wiscre vel know wben we tan get out?" an- cther wanted to know. A rather lilceabl-e buuscisof yourig- sîeraln splt.e of tht- r udoubteti -îitorrnlgiblty- the quartet soon matie thernselves cons!ort.nbie ir tise bain iockup. AU a-are'unana.- M&n usln thelr desire for "sometlslng ts 'ai', which a-as flnally provideti - A!li -ove had inice Sunday ta tise pop andti hat dldn't do us uch gooi. ita iucky you caugisi uà be- cause we aicre golng to do tise townt iip tonigisi. 1 suce an hungry.- %ard one. All four s-ece clati in tise kitaki tîniforma o! t1iteTraining; Scisool. Ont- wore hi& p>jâaw under th- unifonni ;ubit, intr tir nsttlic t .;os>eituu GORDON F. OSEORNlt The Empire Lite 1usmure Cern. pany visiete. aunouuxce thte ap- POintmcst ofaifforon 1. Osborne as. Manager ci the Oshawa Dis- trirL .Mr. Osboêrne "as formerly li Whi(4,y and distickt as repre- slative of the C*mp&tr. lHe has madie a marked uwcecasli ho. cbosen profeFston and isi many friendn l be pleased te hear of h,% urll-de-.rrved promoe. RDWARO THREE, IN NEW' DRIVE Two at Taznworth Village a nd Long Branch Maui Reridered Fine Service i n Capture of Suspecta Toronltx- Jutie 26-Hai-old Bawn. la, and U,-,r W Bradahas'w. 2, of Ta M Worh V\ 1là k .t.hrýeemu« lorth eae; of B..rsi.Ir sere euhciv ien $-2> b%' tpos.culgovernmernt !or fý4Pj:' C. a :nan chargeod Wi Gene. tsICoirnl tantouce4 ioda, TIse retrds c in:or mert elf a neal frit-titiant coznf(ot 1 . torsous er te ri Mr îonsnt't crit se 'nise be--t xt ishes o! 'eaxsxte- rrttli aPa1t'11 go a-ris lrrnnandi iMr$ Henry w lissuha s;st n.ted ta tioir ruer field oc'tlioer ai Carasafilwudasob-e grs'e'n. thl aber-e Uuey are nseilng on F'rid'y derîid andtihie rer-d aýd lie lor- 01 thisa at-tk Rs- OeaattoG recen. wartt-ld for-itil't NretWt-nluaa woot, i. -tIl be bducie et esat pmeulitO b. ptrrei10Gog ocloc on liuraWullia elLhs Lens Branu-is idustil 'clo c pi Thsraay hAnof si o! tuplanq engsne--rn -ho capimîret an weekRutsW Ra~has o!Hans' -automnobie tlite ton, andti Res. J M Joblin o! Scu M ltas io e-ie e es~. YWblhave change.o! Use eorvtc, -a4o ~.h~eo.- - aniagond c0ogeataUi %Isîpo _________ for. Rter. oea-an '1 i* ci I Ai)r niaU arr-led Oser tise Tnatu- ot is srvce li sa usa 'ICnuada Air Linsea ýnth Ie fir-a four 3 p.nru Sunday wihor wll meet ut manun-a oet 1» aaounulc' tot11276M 1:45 p-n. >pounti These trawlirry isarteât Io i, M5a besit tisa-eek anti saie fli i - cloua fr-uit is5 berig pèckedý Ray Du![ ani Allen Bo-tUr jCousgaîulatsow to thse ntudenýs M-.- c.î wisono! 0ý.,sass who vere no asccc'ul iLnpagenu; '.'dttst-r-s-l-e ii F-ais thoir promnoton ex&marauu c ts-l sIaeî tise Brookîis Contblrustinc'n aityu lt, Gmiv la V11,11. ga-lt j Thty aeDrsMGt.R~Uat ritsn. .ts -.ibatosd.sI- ttjï ' o t-».. '.5.-' ~1 AZE1TE AND CHRONICLE. WFDNESDAY WMMUNIST AND FASCIST MOVES Former Osbhauw a Mau' Spea tPetemo MMa CAuta Gathering Petss-boo, Jsane 2.-More than 3.000 ex-aervkce mon andi citisens stood wlt.b bared bonds andi uprala- ed arum W repent the oal.h of al1. leglance to His Majenaty King George VI at a Magna Carta drum - bond service bore 8unday afternoorn Mla Honor Judge Sheldon L Sinoko pronounSet lte oatts fb-at a.nd th. crovd repeate th Ue phrases ahr Thlm. Gelorge Glmblett, prealdent o! t.'se Peterboro brancit of the Ctnadioan Legion. which aponsored the aervlce ln R.lserlde Park. velcomed dole- taUons of 5reteram f rom practicaUyv all neai-by cent:re. 28. 1939 110M PIERI ruTne To Erad;ate Two,, Buildings Burn On TO~ ~~ Tite BOSCV[TampnesoO~ijon Tory Candidate 's Farm knw eeso Otrofarmsa antid__ m. cjtreN K Ps cèpe 1roa4c'dt.s nserY Pr-es rent thL, sidont of the Ontario Command.Laît 3 . \tarasIeJ'tnOMl.e'd o! thse Cap$dian legion. secer o-Lalets Ads- 10 - itiCrOW.S"d.sanJ %Wervds Bratteh tîséeY-General Gordon D. Conant m u n it y Celebration Ontanlu ti -pt of Agriculture. arsi andi a well-known ex%-servçiSemanowr ed siould ble sputde t oncein grIn f ornicris'0o! Oaaaaas the piinci- oerdon ViIIB4gC fleler IlfitetI pa-stures sisoubti lie pal speaker Me urged theb. e mown of tr etiredL-tric W UardV-e, 1 îcknnz anc2-. plcerjn m-I Thorougls cultit-ilotsand a short o!Ueetr itit1 ur -E PCOx~ Jne2 Pcess -*rtto !coa'liî Include tii.p-t beer -ss enjvt underirm. edani aerîtsjb bmb, -. 1mcIntciser an-d a'hoe crop -sill aL.a<i democcrzic goN-ez=nmexrsand ti 0 on Saurday na!îeittoor,, but Whit(poeefeteIn 1lteyaco to, lise up 10 lthe cause NS hi 1i0nobomb pruof sheluiers 'acre mail- t Ir s- feîtt 1i or si teti a - 1o ' naa naîtîew.sal.t0CSult aeb-i tYItrt lei.plow deeply andi cm- In thse Great War. portati andi no da.iia-ge to proprrty iit rate 81 rrguiiar i era.Làdurn; "IL la a tribut. t th c. zmuofauffereti. The genini girtuser w:%thse houaIof thse %ummrtis sng a Peterboro andi thefr love of domno- Bob S. Ruddy. rîso usrsId aS -m'- stlff-t<on-,etd esîl tIs or wit.b 'a-ii Crtà uUuUutht 0V ansunlilon ioaleu .%annncîng us 'Nar, u-lscJros;ipUnderground i CaUeInstutan thi ~gmta PrOgra'm of the annual Dovinon tettu are thus brought btiste sur- gathertng ahouiWd a smblcd her Dy eebaso t c t-h-qId un thse fc n h sndmag o todaY. T'se holding f h eo! - MemortliPark bore on satUrd41s face atId iesu o-sago o atration'a recantOUW14o!Of te Plaýe achpamphlet carriej a nq>t-.. Blatder Campksîs dl!! crs from of thse UMgna <tan uns aur Bi tutifla-antifn ur dmocr1ytour o! hiiwistî'aIwiinirdtleri, .Cànidg Thktle In tisIst âfroc- trauuuon Midtn ur dmocrc i holders a priae.if presrnted i ý braneli.ga-"d hliýas a tp coot tisat the dlI.Ue of the rent ?fPpý' pene1-Ist-,ýýthtif oU ndlid- Alter res'te-vlng the Mâagna Cana T7%e bMeWa ComnîunIltr Club. anso alIpfsts aos lie du; out. bu Ils tnaand IL& lrécepU<xa. Mr tas, char"e of Use creritln oe ï.T' 'y tfsaun 5ý5 i iek Moo &Ued hatthegovmnms! he ira Um tftà eâr ar puin bs' using the S teplien 'aeM 1kiler. I YsleM and lberUas presid.d under If csthl every effort to make' thse d nfrxat<e a 0n-swedkt l u'osad fot appear to have eni.- bigle antd better ilsan ever. ma b obtâlrst~d 1 wriLlng tse mica but~ll 8 li caiainn daner Bgir-su; îtba CaUsunpisî . e<lsandi Wedi Braneir. mies bu -I ta n cnstt dager Decrnin On? aDepl AîrIculture, Ttsrcnto, or isothItfrom vltout anti vitn - parade for 'a hîcisgetierour s rlre', f rom your Agnicultunilftopreex- Outhbnt thse totablitaitgos'eru- i]le;s tea t-nowilcaie monta andti e Use t reinwtau:.devoated Io au tlt proqt*m est iPorta ________ Under Wlslch peoploIn thon count- ncudn a slow auto race. Cro,ýq- P~kr ris ir. r oo tecastiw c0ux4trvbicy'cle race andt a t urz-1 Ch*krn %.'Lurch la t &houldihave sont of IL" 1 T-o' Soene o hitnn "A h mue i mmtnol antin- 1I etbleouetrll3110aî*.raeffl b f b.isenn "u a t a usat iwen cond-bilcfowr1hW soriotlbi PîtkrinSgJune 27-AnIs iterest- munfl lansu m desoafl && sti aBaby Show. nzsolsr ait1ait*eveisnt o0*place is <iU&151St jen re& aDom. jGeoge** Chl-s o 4). n atn fit t.efmù b tme ht! --v- - _ _ mon. -hen these arransem of B3:i-r j&O - -m" «UWIWb m LMJProgam lisaswusaadmit boniuuiblledunader other-aw-actieaa Ielutenefroi 'omn" b"oifar oe4rechoa iment btiotia. a"e sowsandi Cami0lt5.infant he >e --a th"i bat bm 4 doi r aca ltga l t UC venun.1 -mot qmuy popl in r matrsingrslMtsd tse omm- asuli utlilsjybmem o ,m; te UChg T Il-l o sort la eftiuet abwhwm or cmn. a psiomutiiogl4. tuum. but l&esisan e ren~fi. Ia -cu a unrd o resil- tin DkSod cmto- *iiu*,s et o - 'adnou w togiiandi i~~~l %0, la utl s 1 ' to r6qwed Iour i nd *t*&« agua umtlmati tal iis nolw«fl teeiadmaqiet c~ «,--mu *riagg- aW'usý iraly Wuy kfrtus4g CuQ vs w auu bfo t Im W*w f xi 4I"oI lbOtyam psoew » *. a-hidi boa Ii ow# iitu i St. G.oeg~s Co~sq St PIàok~ Woeé~s b ~w4 ~ ~ ~ t - pwoo im tsNOb l-latereel te - y;;" Irnplensent Shedi and Pig' mens wcre ss-ork.iIt-tilithe Istsy fît-Id Pen Deati-oed Harry Oit tie riiilits 5: tbcî Pe D -ye o an,. ,,.. N~ewman rarm Pickering - Save Structure, i-4peciai te The Times) Pick riîsg JwIr :7.-Fit o! undl- I nnct riSi aistsarm "*or i corner of! thse lnplemrnît ris0, on th, ;îztsi ef H'.srrv Nei-maîs. Cbcera- tlfe cindidaie for Ontitrlo dInn îtssplrlnrrttt iri hanti sprcil 7-, o a pif# Pets smo deatroyedthâist blUlid- ins& siortly a fIer tenn ocock tait'. U M,.rns l itrteelon tb iseros 1 leradilg to Duiibarton SisoreN jus! wa 0ftlise silaite of Dunbartoii. andi Mrs Robet-cS. Ruddy. ITue rerensy watt, perforasec by tise retor. Rer. K 0 . Robiussoni. ansd tlie goc-parenta a-oroMr. Gorcltat Macli4amar. of Toroistc; Mra Huiitoi n us.Toronsto. aIster 0! M4r. Rsadty. anti MimaRubth WlIkn- son, Guelph.. aliter et Mmt. Ruddy. a!lter the ,or-wce. thse Clsristen- li Party a-as ntertanct!at "Tise Hernilt*ie** asmmner hsouseof tlie pnberrsal grandi-parens. Nr. ansd Mis 1. L . Ruddy. I'F.LA. COMMVtY P&TUU Ponty-oîse«rSmmunlity paitures have bot-n eokmpited. or ane [n tise îNear , te rame. (lies arriteci tle flain lbe tad nmade rach l adaytiat, Lîcir asuîldu4 g. Telephoîse calta bo Pick- brougist the cela antd cheilnical out. îo th ie scene but b% tisai tintf thse fire wn.s rrsgxglIn bise pig per 'anti tie efforts of thc f iremuen weie con-rentraei on saving tise otie: buildings un proxmntty. Fortunatctxý, khzu wlidwtss f rom tise soutiscas' jandi bew tise, spai-ks away from îlhe large bain andth Ue two homes oit the l'arm. Tsere were ne plgs in the pan anI no animals wece destroved Inl th" f ire. Tise bsa of tise buildings and thse implements I15 cttlnated 4t urounti $2.000. process of compietion. uncler thse Pnîsrle Farn Retssblta Lon work in tise Pt-ai Provinces. Tise acre- j ge amoust-a to nspproxiîîîrsteiy 900,- O500 wlrh 1.176 miles o! 4-atranti 1barb ia-re fencig. Sixiern o! tise pastures en.losing 177.480 acres3 aicre constiueteilInla1937: 17 coveîr- f lts 40236 acrea were completo ini 1938. hIe8 pastures a-hidhi hs- jclutit- 240.160 acres a-lus 1-313; mllem jof f oncing areo In Use process oi comspletion. Thse ilIloult of terse- Inla finîsheti last sason. Il atretcis- cd Ins a UIne on. posta one roti apart wouid rends fions Regina, Sask.. to beond Fat Willam. Ont. Z59Feot WithMothm bk mabchimg u u aIDWl.n ow mi-llisua - U-*mlâem mmy0 ma b U i t lp1~ t-rh o- I. t-ar tajutge tisy a-1Kingq 3;q. J.Bcher 3-9 ) thoe lab.twsm b. O. .ot- 'e U theIo-peodcm 1 '- -~~~~u o4dJ"d40"~.1 ci Li

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