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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 5

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TI VWITTB AZ&E N CRNIL,3ENEDY1UE 8 13 PG FV ,MH TWICE AS A NORGEI Cool 1ng" Syatem in p "Lifetime" modela [ itonany principle for neervabiori of food.. t cold preselves ood» gc or decay. Corne in ýorge-with 'Lifetimoe 'ash" BOTH Outaid. Norgè' 10-Year War- ton gves double pro- 1 14 othcr corivenient -urci. Investigate 15Cm rpncaric ow ln cffect. Fayas-you-uac" Plan.. BUTT ys 10, SHOP 'iiTBY ngles. just unloacled a of the Ieat ru Shingles or came into See tbem anrd coflviflcd. AL EXTRAS %ch $110'- ucre $4.40 ng Shinglos ýnch 75c- ýORE IT IS 100 FATE 3eecroft NfE 627 ~, r P c-S a wcl CARY, hid QOD TIMEE lai. ULARS SILVE~piAWD O E si JVJN BRoIE CAEWSSEROLES- le Z25IV SILVER CMEEPLATES L* Oup 3-pc. TEA SETS - 8 .80Oq Se@ Our Lino of Dollar Articles DASSETT'S WHITBY - OSHIAWA I Promotion ncrsuts of St. Ber-1 To Grade S-Breim-. Betty: Oml- iird-s ,Schoo:tiltby; are as fOî lent. lHelen CIpllogley. Maureen; .ows writh namc.s in alphabeticalLok5Jula;Mye Jyc; c-' ko c-d. ane ec-; c To Gracîe 2- .Didych, Anne intyre. Jane; Podvlnsky. Helen. To Grnde 3-Czehow&ki. Mary; TO Grade 7--Cteowuki Teddy*: aio1 Charles: Karitore.s. Wl)- Kantor«. Prank: MacDonald, Ken- :,Mac-Donald. Ketth: Vaaelesky. 1netis; Rouaaau, Joan: 8pratt. Jan- Lawrnence! et; B&sme, Julltu, Turi.na To Onide 4-MacDonald. Helen: RBernard: Turansky. Ralph. Mac-Ka:- Johb; Sadier. Helena; Te Grade S-Heffering. L4w-- .;rrnith LEfanot;l Worotia, Amy. rente: Padvltssy. Carolin &.1 To rad fDl3 c, Rse.Km seau. Maremla, Saekeee.. h. 1 ocBertha-, Maynie, Thelma. f1 Camilla SteffleT (teacher). Carolyn Qondon 1pr.n 1 k'Witby Nonagrenarian~ Dies In His8_4£Wth Year R ichard Cà. Oic. Dius Sun- day Af temoon - At-, tencled Old People's Diii- ner at Eaiter Richard 0. Oke. Whttby'a w-II- knowtl rionagenarian. peaaed away ât his home. Dundas Street, -on Sunaay afternoon, lu hl& OBUs Vear. For sai ne l ime uhad heei tri f ailinahealh, alt houghisoa M! hie ast public appearancu w-wu n i the comrpimnentiry dinner for aged people held ln as uiatm rt Eaater. A native of Englafld, Uue 151. Richard Oke carne la Canada viseli ai lad of tîtris yeara. aand asîlli li at Almonda., just woe-t of WhlIb R-is fathr, Richard Oke. kdglt go~ eanly age. leaving asIle tazMW.y, e m hich the e cea.d w-asthse 10M member. M4 0k. bai boeni4 Whltby for a ut 40 Ym ne cr ried on a huaaber- business onlime Present locallouicf i théwlit Lumber Compas». for tw-uity yula, dipposlng of it ilu 1920. M OSA carpmnter by 'u-ade, &a Uime ltef.0 ,worked for smme Uteiii1t u 5U and Llatow-el. but i w- a i WbttW and district tisaI ho w- M m fW known and i hghy regardai aMn4a klndly. chrisiais geeMIMMd promInoril lnschurbChUciom Active ltu Churei Ho wuas dentIfled v-i tuB wit* hlstory of thse historie chioseaIà&» monds, bulit by early plonona. siI when 11. becaam auocttei -lu l fariner Methistt Tabemcela Whitby, he for yeau-s - - t this churcis. on tise Abstouda 0 Of Trustees. Whuen chuie ni UMe Carne lusn 25M M. Oke wua Me et the three .te bu appointd IU.C,*q membera 0<t te Unitedi Chio* m. a sien and lànohie RDappm;niO session ronfeodap. TMW l-ertu WM the lot@ . J ls &M g»l * -1aIe Mm. Daptilngbtmqhla «d and titles foj« . * 59= previoos 1u à. 0 b bemn a -faiihul aisureli uI*Md ouê'o.f the 'niai- rotgul' S*1*S Ù4 Motlnued tistu4M tbr «M to lako an lnioeut is nlis.e 19 aluci i iana 1m M $,bc ox thse beuvernmonmet it lu b- The decoom wei w-a sptMpliof the late lime-. Omni um) mati.tehcr ad Bapusi mlin rtltby a"tidua- trIlt muffl Yomn «0,is-Who d re- csntly lua Msn LmIe Uwrpc aè Mr-. Ott ha4 a kee.a IUYO7I w-hidi auveci lM m vml Iote ue m- Met btriain tsmua t ai. liai beSwMu *r sut whidima"yof bI frWImi emunberild. <.11W4 asbi hom eammd bltbday aroiverfer f a cup 0oflt« w-bibh Aista cheuui rotofftgue" MWmd m à Doeessd m mne-Ied by t» uns. ,aimat a WhtUr meeisan. mmd .Ev.M" 09ListanT. md urseisut- tee.. m eauft . omubte. WbItby. meNia-f miW mpm fSu msuv y jura. a i wUbbSO IWUnmt .P& ana uY U910M ea" pu -W iffgea pe-ai mortu aibIs entams. bS adss i esam. e u" uiw s.icm. a Poie au. Tt" v hmsIsl las 0 Um bwm eopiueooINy 9»se usur »e. »A"selid~m. Quai a oew frema W %«b mim ato MUbma 1 Puasi usa w-WI4 hu &s m. *0 m iftu. wf amy chmiuatO I14- unm. ICOONCIL VOTES TO AIUy EPTT CHIEPS IEIER (Oonttnued tram Paue 1) ProPerty aw-ner. and ft would anly< be a Christian *et tb deiw-Its blin in this w-sy. I arn sure w-e &lai -sn to soecoly the manly a.nd courteous thing done,, a.nd I feel. too. thatitI wauld do noa gond ta, discusa tic The mayor ad Visat he w-as not in fayot of maklng a hasty decision about getting a new mtan. The tom-B eould be properly looked after in the matter of police protection w-lth the present off iceras aialsIhe snd it w-ould cost no mort niney. Reasonabl. Acion Deputy-reeve Yrank Threadgold expreased thse opinion that tbis wu the mosi reumoable thlng to do. 'TIh man la leavtng sid w-e do keep hlm tram getting anotiter PO- aition.- he stated. 'Coun. J. Md. Roblin aahd Usat hO agrffl vith the mayoe'sa 8ilgg- tiane Any discussion tsa igt ngi take place slsould bW mfterw-arda This m--as fot thse lime for il. lie said A" motion by Deputy-<r Threadgold. secon-ded b :ma Trench. that thémitlnation a« the chief be aceepted as et June 3OUs and that he W shlow-rd an amoufit equhIalerir to tw-o month*à pay, w-Sa carrled unanimously. Reeve A. M. Irwin wu atabent fri the meeting. being <out of SEES LITTLE HOPE FOnR SETIEENYT *onttnued freasPage 1) w-ai a fact. suld the speaker. thaI every clviliatàoe. m-len it achicim its peik. creates IM aeed whisch causes Its deats. Iooktng out upegi the w-orld au lb lx to-a&y w-n Its wonarn5ud prepar- atien for w-ar. lt nattSsal and In- latnes*i ni-nhlema mid laiinz Whitby High School Promotion Resu Its nhe folowing pupilà have pamaed Oreenfield. W. Guthrie (c). D. ixamination8 for promotion ta a Hodgaon c), W. J ames f l>)H.. Luke higher form. A pupil'à naine fol- ici, Z. McCullough. D MeQuay (c)' lowed- by the letter (c) Indicates M. Mark&. R, M.icel (c). G. Mowst, hat he or she has ied in one or K. Nicholson gec. M.O'Connor ici. more subjecta. Theze pupils. wha K. Pindar, K. PuckrIn (c, . Quan- aire passed condltianally inay oh- U-il (c), L. Pouueau. C. Rycrof t.V. lain further information f rom the Rycroftt c>. R. Salilsbury, F Thamas principal. <c>. C. Thorndyke. S. Townsend. B GRADE X-Form IIM. (narinez tri Va.eaky (c),.LL Vaseleaky (c), H order of merit)-D. Watt». V. Dal>-. Vickery. L. Wood. M. Brown, M. Kean. H. Levine. M M. Yacobesky ranked highest In NioQuay. R. Bowmari. R Brown, B. parin A. P, Lear ra-riked htglie3t 1,e Gard. R. MacCarl.J. Green. 1in îrm oIn Lemberg, I. Parker. J Spratt. D Te Get Dipîemma F'reemari. J. MeL-ean. S. Mcl-ean 1%e~ folowring pupils of the Corn- ç3, J. Crawl-orth (c). mercta1 Department wÎ11 recelve GRADE X-Form II0. riarnes fi diptoma. (narne tI order of merit)> oîrder of menit) - W Hardenl. E HO0NOURmS -M. Berlezowick. K. Huntley, D. Rudack, K Samnanhki. Devereil. E, Muir. L. Puckrin. M Wood. P. PBO-C D 4aeyMOsborne> Parise. M, 1<11, E. Failow, A SPart- K. Dalby, E. Coflina, M Corinor. P ner, M. HoIlliday, M.O'Coninor (c). nichole, 1. TIjd&U (conditiona). 1. -Moore, C. Smith. S. Noble, X. Pau inlELantuatu Blight ic>, N Cam-pbel (c), G. Hoar The folaewing Third Feu npupisl 4c). P. Vallee (c). R Markey <ci have pa.saeW i lanquagea (<naine, E. Thorridyke (cl. B Harden le), J &r@ ini order of merlu Neal (c). LAIN-M. Cowle. P Cook. J GRADr IX - TarmIn A anid B>i. Wheeier, . H Mic)ael, . Clem,ne Narrez; are ini alphabetical order. In- B. L>-nd. K Scoti. ALevtne. E dividual reporte w-i be malled tO Gouldburn. J Whltflel&D.D Ast- those who havp been promoted coni- ley. M. Burgess, W. R«. J Omis3- ditlonally; (thoese whoee naines are ton, O. Raby. followed by the letter (c) OEiMAN.-Mi. Cowie-. H. Pardon. HONOUR.S-M. Bartori. H Blight, D Archlbald. D. Pegg. M. Bearnian. R. Clemens. R Collins, T. Deianey, E. Postef, P. Cook, B. LYnd, A D. Hicks,. P Lear. M Mecklu. c. Levine. H. Ciemnews J. Wbitfield. P. Moorhead. L Pegg. D Pegg. D. BagleY. Richardson, E Sadier. C Stein, J. rpRNOM-M Cevie. H. E"saa. switzer. W. Wilkinson, R Yacobo- D. Archibald. D) AM.ty. E Poste, ek E Oouldburri. H. Pardon. P. Cook. pAS-J. XA.shhy (c), S. Atkiflaor p. Bagiey. H. Ciemena. M. Michael. bBailev 'c-'. D. Balmer. J. Baker.. D Johns. D) Petg. J Whfteier, M D) Brpmnprn 'c. E Broughtori le). Burgese. A L>vineb. Rabr. B M. Brown, W CRrdweli, H Char- Lyrid. J Miaroh. B Saliabury. J ters. S. Colby, D. Dair ici, E. Tear- Ormiatoe. K. Scott. M Linton. ~ on, G.Fisher (c>. EGascoigne, O Wbttfield. St. Bernards SchoolJ sai W-i. aita ei iob lou *l fornod bee mai *0them mes mmiii Ii d lwen le ta s o t»s amium pmalw. 15mh i aiUssiI" uM ee We #w-i e bMagtewsVs iftbulOM b *0 na*0. bomlà à *1 I1 a v ho reuifbu t tim b tme is clavaia paubue ve- n vIs, t«* tac tha i bi nsa q la usom *R tg. WOORW m !u.MM Rfflam ee1hlalei qp - ýt -, -.d Fvek m Om uAtw F a #W I IRM lo ,ý Io~s -e là« ~ Apt ,W h«M Mm" 1*0 . w Wall Shaken Down By Earth Tremori SfflTranciaco. June 27 - EtlI trenmars ere recorded f rOlm Wet- CMtraI Calllfomia south mb Mexlea S&turdsy. but reported dsiTIB.gCwu. nomlinal. lThem were rio deaths O« injuries One shock centted approx-imStýely 85MU Mie otlea-st of USariFSlco. It broke diahes, topped chlmneys and overturned f urniture at Cie- flega, cracked brick waulIinaI oUta- ter and caused a w-lnery w-ai to crUznhie aSuanBenIto. The second tremor svayed chan- deliers and shook chalii at San Diego and w-as feit soutti with varY- Irig 4egmees to Tiuana, Meico. Its centie wua estimated ai 200 MnU« f roni Pasadena. Thecf tirahock w-a'timnd ai 5.OAOam <.0140a-m. B.T). SOeCLOUDO MATIONEAISE 32ou ma-37c CoERS EVAP. M tuE 6 ro.149c Tm.Juet m-3SZO CHIESE HNT~17c 33c POUIL DEAIS à-ymd E DUS mmi Ur-NuDEES.i ,tu 9c. TOL JUICE ~7 BUT Wrniif e5 .,264êplont PI1C KLES Xm4 SOIFo 174 EATEEU Cg-. Ia.i~oetm1 JELLI ?WUK @bol. le* fl the second at 8.28.03 a.m. (12-28.03 amn. LD.T.). Sm" lwelght. sewed on the hemi of glass or dram- curtains will hetp keep them hanging straight When buying broilets. alhow lia.? a broiler per person. To serv.e q.select lhree broilent we1ghinz abot:1 on,: and one-haîf pourid.s eAch, Lindsay Merchant Diu8 he came to, Lindsay where- he hU îIded since. Mr. Suidlif e w-us 4 Afteir Short SicknIess inmber of Cambridge Street Uite4 Church and a former, menibeit Of Lindsay. June 2.-The death o Uc h Lindsay Curling Club. ne- la sur*' curred Suriday. foilowing a brief vived by his wldow-; one son, Mer-. 'Uneas0f F Su~lffe-in:fland 1w-o daughterà. Urs. Gem-. business mari and tnunder of Sut- don Laveile of Vancouver, and Mrgo. c~e&Sons. drYgoods mnerclaan,-s D. R. Morton of Toronto. He was bn 74 Years azo tI Mead- nw-i-le. and educated at Branipto)n A Scout's Duty la ta W Usetil Following a brief qtâv Ini Toron:o anid HPlp Others. EN XTRA SPELIS BUTTER Sslvef brook O)Wildmere 1L BUE 'FttG,,ade <i 185«m*Second Grode2945 117501 CL N GIIGER AILE (Cotents30o. i7 Ouilyl 2 t 17C ID&"1 FOR SAirDWItltI PEANUT BUTER9 tAlc? WET PACK P/¾-oz. SURPRIE SOAP 24or.~~ tz TnsZ5 sOuar HEALTH'COOUE A k P PIILS LX, Im CAKE 39i ' .-IO DOL. WW 39 f4I7, LEU HAIS POT RA-STbots VLÂLý ROaST *ONI ORK ý *C) cooam io 0 III~' WKATSCON s MACARcOI 6f ofl oiir * lb170, * '1c' I 4 i I.. "i E Ci I 4 4 4 w, i ¶ ~ f I .C 14 -i i i '-i I.5, q I HIGH QUALUTY MI'AT$. MNo mT lAC ÇGU AWIUM 0 r sATI8Z CTIO PORK -SHOULDERSIbS COTTAGE RGLLS ---------- THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, pACF, FIVE WWNESDAY JUNE 28,1939 1 IT cotrzance of thse littofput r-ivilitaUu. he could am litIsioe for thé present elUtialo T'he vote of thanks te thse apeker for w-bat w-as in the opinion eofm&U Whoa isard lb a ver thOughful aM- dna re-awu sovedi by RotataD Charles R Carseailen Toce speaker vuasIntroduced by Rotanian Donald A W libons PLEAOS f~IviTY TU LLA. VIOLATION Pîin gTownahip WomaI U Ass.sd $100 a Ple"dlng paity le a charge ot iegl PoM""=Of et quor Marer-' et Chapmsn. Pftm*V l Tsw-smhlp rtaident w-a flnmd 4100 &MI dCXXU j by MagUat. P S8-J>6 us in tby polbS em mauio 'usystros In additim on 0th se whm WSoeh derlamd unic lumim etIbmw-mWa=" a public place siM ontWati.d thse tiquer f GanG by thse PovineW et0-. fue scrb -o cSoteed themgme of0 lier prmtu. A Chl « t keptu Ikuor for "ai vu vtMrmm previsclalOft1«W. K C& teid Uis em iUsait Ue uwmbused the ProvincIalpoliestfm*reWho. eaI rtmi eut a mueh uirasi oenMay' 24 « tse soeued'm prm*« tmui hotu et tIkuor. lKt mAssai *0 ie 'emabà bum qvleg excoum emuttema « bee r mes a 0 1! e timu. À 1w a -- e;j 1 îl-et lu im 17el paxum te 6i

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