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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 7

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THE WHITBy GAZETTE AND CHRONIGLF, WEDNESDAY JUNE 28, 1939 CORRESPON DENCE re-U 0iite e 11 N-' ard là- 3IROOKLINj (G.,M. IVliik Correspondent) EJIOGICLIN, June 2'f.-Brookujn1 Womens InitlVut.e vore gust. on Prlday of thé Whitby' ImUttut., when somne twenty ladies vent dOwn to enjoy thip alternoon. lThe meeting wa. held a Bunnok, the beautiful home and private hospiVal of Miss McKee, R.N.. a member 0f the Whitby brancb. MIMS Mlidrsd M«cDuff ad Mis. _N. J. White contributsd aumbéra on the programme. l'he results of the examlnattons at Erookll1n Contnuaton Dchool are ais follova; 1Grade IX-Promoted te Grade X -Barbara Smnith, »Kyrie .7onis. Victorins Addeulsy, Margaret Baïl- er, Noreen Coor, Murlel MrSuiInt, Marion Belliday, Grace Lambert. I~rsMcKce, Myrtie Olen. Lor- ns Tripp, AllaBooth, Raymnond Duff, _Bay _Crant, Win. Ramer. R.obert Usion, Win. Reron, Rarrv Rowden, Theodore KnlghV, Harold stell. Jluual'obin. l'h. G. R. Vlec trophy yias von by Barbara Smith. Grade X Vo Grade XI-JIm Bur- roughs, ùth DeHart.laleen De- Hart., Mar Ramer. Lorna Jones. Corothy Porter. GraceStark, Jean fWatson. Douglas DWe..The Bank trophy vWU von by Jean Watson. T'he Women'î Mlaulonary Society met on Wednesday lu the basernent et the church, vlth 1(rs. (Dr.) Best, of Chentu. West China, sa guest speaker. A number of old friends velcomed lira. Best as Un. N. J. White vho conducted the meeting spot. of her as bsing *dopted by the Brooklin SocietY mny yearu ago. Her address. wlth splendid lantern alidea of the vork donse by the miusonarles In China snd a map Indicatirig the terltory ocoupled by the 'United Churchl *1018WU vasot Interestlng. and trought the wort Most vlfldlY Vo lher audience. Mr& George Jones led In a .worship service and the only businesa tranacted vus that of appointing a committee to ho responaible for arrangements for the «Mpenses o! he Society and to § )an) for the July meeting. A social our va s pent atthe close of the tueeting vhen helaislubad the E' vilege of lookng over the sup- ,lies for hs baie vhich vers tefully dlaplayed. l'he commit- Ose In charge o! the meeting ssrv- bd tei. About, fifty v ers present. Mir. and Mis Walter Cadby. vho jave spent hs lai twIo vintera iln ¶orlds, have rsturned Vo Toronto ad at praaent are spendins a ho]U- ~y vith their old frlsn4ata the j~arecê ore.Othèrer au.VI iid Mis. Loins RoberUaon. cftlTor- SIt b understood that a nuuiber Iiimprovenentm to St. l'homme' Anglican Church are contempiataid ths near future. FIPUIldetila vi Onnounced ln 'theui coiumrua ta er. Mr. and Mnà. (»orge Jef fer7 vi- PIdrelatives lu Guelph IasV veet. Mr. and Mrs Avde. of Drayton. ,>dMr. and MIs. Bert Jons. of IMount ZMon. vers Sunday guea 'vlth Mr. and lire. Win. White. Mr&. L. Cubbage and daught.r. of Bowmanvlfl,,and Mise Rauel Nes- »itt, o!fIirtlsnd Lite, art viVh their parents, Mr. and MUs. A. Nos- Misn Margery Paxtin and Mia XcLaughlin, of the staff of thc On- t*rio JHospital. -vers vith Ur. and Mri F. Parkiui, laut veek. Mr. and Mr&. Normait Lucu.. of Troronto, are. vith Mr. and Mts. George JefUery. 1 , lh.syxupathy af titis cammu- hity là cxtended W Mm. Mctan. ?f Ochava, vho vus bèeeved 5« 15md la hs e Mpuol, huai koo la came from behlnd mW (b IMaO score vu 5"3 D'(ul tmhi sasse vith btmo hon me. viten the miv toco *JOsbuPlab your souppMr. Mx - VMlUI S HIQIJ Qoff I dra nfor Vhe vbaner 0f the 5810- lMn that night 1%h. bassar aud Ves given he h Womeni AssocIation of te United Chureki, ln Mr. OMMs' Park on Bat- urday vas a great succse. The proeeedi amouatsd tW over (100.0 and those vho attenOs d as - iLited la aetving had a most en- Ioys.bl atitoan. Four quilta. a mat aprons, handkerhiefs, f acY linons and nuuwrouj other articles, vees old at Vhe dry-goids co=ater. A f iah pond proved attractive fer the children, lemonade and itrav' bernles vere soli asuvl as uanti- tIft of home-mais baklng. Tii Wasl aurved from mall tables vithtVhs youngergidrla in charge of ibis. amd the part Vhroughout Vhe ai teinoO and evenlng prisented a busy &p- pearance. Mr. aMa . mmA)« McKinaey Br.. of Brampton. are vth Dr. aMd is. McKInney. ,, number f rom titis vlidnity ai- tmndsd thieBatty picnic at Oshava- on-the-Lake. on 8iVurd&Y. l'h. gerice ln the United chureki on aunday vas conducted by Rn.- Mir. WaI'ase o! Grecaban. Ne spots f. rom te tinlaRomans 5*11. uaing WeymouthWi translation, -If thrOugh the. tasgresIono! one Inividual, deatb made use of thlas trnire- ilon 10 make am nrelga aukIngi throuh anc Indlybdual Jau Chrlt--or u mom niastreepasu isued, ladoosa for ail. sw ons man rcdriss Isaued in acquittai sud lift f or all. Ood cala us to F.l.n as kinge in oui lves but NIs puipoSe ha& not been appropristed bY Christlan people Voday. If our faith in Okod la ma&klng no dit! erence ln aur ]Ives or changlng aIOr attitudes Vo ]Ilfe, vs asChrlstiani ha"e 611- ed. Vhs miniMterIad. Mi. and bM. Harvey Rarrlu, 01 Iganistllen. vere visitorsvih Li. and Mis. Hugh Mowbray ce Sum- day. l'h. thurtseith anntyeramyet BrooklUn United Cliureb viil e commemorsted. vils ipeclel srvIies at il arn. and 1 p.m (8.?.) on Ouaday, July lad. T'h. .ervlc w v le conducted by the pastor, BR«. P. L Jul, and I(ev. J. & Wa(Is DDJ.. o! Qusen'à TbeioolCl - legs, Kinguten. vii e lte guut proncher. lTh. choir wfl rnider the f oilovlng anUisma. *'Cii Upan XMi Nazne am *"Trhe Earth la th Lord's Miss M.atherine Siapson. sololit, viiisat théi choir. Roe-. Thoo. WaIls.c. o! Orsom- benk. presebs inlathe UnIt chureix on Su"" a7mmrnng. 1%èi 0.01.T. groupe ar eneter- waln elht -Pronh-,Abrstieiea the boffs .e 1914.'l- a*" Deflart durlag the first two veeka of July. They vii le #Lsodaofltse sme? pria- tlcs.1 asul4eies ta ey havi ne- coirsi dunlng pust yes.ns from the people af Vhs communhty. Inftita- Vlan may le reOelvomm in Ruth Jugi. T'he annual Bunday Sesolm am consregtiaal picanle et the United Ohureki ta belns aftaned fer Thuraday. JulY lOti t, akGeeva Parkt, Onlumbua. Atm onde ALMONI. Juts 11-Os c us dar maisngs MMW tuaIy m- heu of ttiiumaiay Uchoo.Youag Pecple'as Somy andmi cUnMs' Clamn r gMiof UMsEvelyn NeU W Mly farvli(o Ut. Guidon Wood. bcehoo VeehSoewàvb" ba ba of grea hoip bu Manyi psrteset ot the ctuch * Mi Young pees voft. Osais ver mu m ie.lta l&a. Wbusib. tu "u " iut1. raichi to.1au gatherci tg~ ra" a Miy beullludro vu rosi br inos'mamques, aMi a Icvsl gcmtbmeas (svahL st vus pre- cmlii otMi.W esi "7Or« as"f& Joui Oeil llm' nm Mot abai'- W&a. Mosif bams, luwtw oi the bom etifM. 4BM& Gap. maia « if MvI4 bhu les vlitâta tI hire ut M-à. SM is W. maitfa *WiPsU veut mm .W. HallM&L mea«hant aui dsm~ih ar. ihibvs Sai M te*"la faumr yWreoàusP pi esi h at raiiuffl Oreesheitmus elu- *W. - Roi. li i. p ma tta enb.a au t es Kuop w me iem« mqluvv , CW mvli. 4w e- u mm sai tw« sami o eauM et USI0im jw 10v ii Wlîi5 ~ iini «.~m I W" MIUSB i FRM THE Utica (1016 . A Bemaa, Oe t) UTICA, JuDe l'if-ner lundir- ection cet theUca WOMMa sA.uo- ciatiom, a mSt enuoyable meeting ,vas he4d on Tbursday aflesacOn laut, vhsa about 100 guetistroua tire dlfflenst Women!sAmOcla" U1ona gatitirmi llite United Churcb auditorium m&WiaàspendId prourm vaurenierai W Vhsdi- féent 8ocIeVaa. After a few vonde of veloom. by thei pi'ldliig ciii- cen.a.m Icynomldýa. iiia hymn. Mn, RL Walkoi 14d in prayer. Then follovi a neadln bYMlim Audrney Avey. a iplendld report Of tite Seam-annual Meeting Cd he W& of hs Teomte Ebut Prmby- teay by Wmia. appsr of Belixeda a gullar solo by bMaryLynde; r4bd- Vag bY UM 1a.Ms: Met bY MU . Ptater and Mies Elva MoOregr. acompaid by Mms C. CrOall*-a ahort adiros W te miaate. Rev Suite]]. Neqst'os5iho, uDiKh te ministesu vers dependint on Vhs vomen of! theircaigr- cationts for bots temporal antd s*éituml support. A reading fol- Uoved by Mma. W. Waltei: a niai- ing. -Why people May homo froua ChiantS". by is. R. Ashtton; a reading by Audrey Avery aida dueobthe bc isse Mflîman astd Dusheil br'ouht the propra. te a clime. A splendd jpper vue ecnved ia te baument vth a f ov plano duels durlag the social bour. col- lection &bout 618 On Sunday. Juns 351h. Vthi L.O L. heM thei speelal service la the UniedChureS vilS VS. Rer. A& Buiheli. znmister. The Utica choi rendered ivo splendid anltena "MaZeh Along" amd"Let Us Arils. Stabtts echool and churcis erv- bci liait surday wlt te R«r Dutaei. mInster. Mi .and Mn. Esia Waiksi and family atteadod lte NoIstelu breuisaspicale at Llniiy on Wsd- flssiay. Mc. Walter lyncha01moat. field. PS..- vas at hie home hmn Ove hs week-end. i. a* M. o8.Troneto,cwuTel hà te ver er uisvibnl ut motreher. homa.of XtneJ hm» ala tmens t«. Paf S.., ar. itc. Jea nnln. W wGm el atives s be ii Keanati Trutand ala. litmen0(Ta- eaa&m i mto o tu es svoit h Mnt. ms . R a te eac. oraultM.ins Aiu«la" 'bSt« . ai t osto; MJeanWud Las iaisPeyo"gsami eu Tayl oTud Uo. va n ram i Mrt m.viVixMi.a m a Mis. A and.batiMia W. Usa., cf400, oto. i tw vmb-e ilsM Lu.mlge M eorg ama. ir I Greenwood (NIy IL BSU 05e) ie atusiei tm "emUA MW J. a., L wum. cf Oamkw vu lb. osw -m% M IMts aus degtMess$av*t li-i l "b at" ta umbws.. Ibis bu m motw flmMvbukb behm - lmege%«~nM4irevmvemm orlo «f f losi Sms*b , ~voe(b*utmm iiet th et&i.st la aIme ww lee $bu i» l00 chmb vu bm . Ma miÀbl Mm » blasr hod l e dunto m0m w BMeou Sie m *0 a4msi ei h*uns qb. on mms.uiboula «W T te mm - m k absvi. vm. u,: .au mi bds MdiSMm e# eIbbl. ulli P. IL M M es Omo&w iflUssIb" iW.r ami bue NWiM, kà 0 Sm4 MM P" tamua @0086-ies,1I .Psb; MIL Uý Mm W« wbu. Sm*"»m e lauai . MW a«& ob s W aili ~ ilium*~ b "IbMo~ lam & meo A(BURN, Juste 26.-isaOa. dia GIrlsla Trainag hein a m- " tu w e um Joi mi71umm. vuq.; d ta e etWlmr frm du cmmuang.T»Stpro* la gà*&» Irmàustgà W KIb sPlaeram HaiboE lTs* plyma ui phuu(s OOw 01. gav a &laSmiq M Dm.s~b ocm m SWM ta4 W4 Ussw agob ifUv *Untuvbk..go abtueb 4bb. -l» qi v - av g*- abmbe et " Mit. - b A si!ha »all pt ". k(u y ttibis tut ad& ma auitsa(o i. hs ma au.um emIL M ÇM MZ CapomiMa e m , a' umislma iamMn le a lu.gg, W 1b W" vimlta FPMFu,»W s1 o.afuml - ut o s Wr MIs. A. mm.pga »~. ns, u Tsmowt04h mmkb.. vm vbm% et du on tetu Md emMs.aluB Ou.Osbr saMlli --l- *. sm» mmsbme ~ h liasIbo Mv. ikpou M - p~nWS ~O'quo~ 91, PAGE, SEVEN. RURA&LCENTRES' Brougham ~MYRTLE STATION tmC. UantuOSI4 Cwi.miflh) Mn. &W mm in eutugm . 1 MyRTLE STATION, June 20-- smW i. ft&] 0f ftro; )in fmelmemsges on SundY t x SBuk e ç, f "m four coVffeltions on Vsthargeb&. vemrfcmlt calera ofMi. uma iMn.c 1 I the evenlig gi.Myrile oe npObt- Chl'giol Asti 20: .11-m5 fo ài kil leMdon am«i tham vuLna toron-1 Ere32 f s tbe t: *."And nov oonU "y bretsie. 1I cnfid O v ou te Qed, i me Jimi1e of(arium-1 aid Vo hs yard o! Nia gruce. vhkh hank, spenthle veek-end vlVh *lIta la able to builLi ion p. anO O to 97e randpireats, b&. &ad MsW. j.c you.n gbertaafce amcIg .&11them Cook. vich asnanctted. Il ta vth UMi and Mm T'm=ansd Cath - regM et 1 vebDaf arevel Vo Mi. arin,. M MM .Darti Omtix. nseom tuta re yun c ihful aul o! Twretc ver u ay guests &syvce a b e have S a is of i.asà& n . m LDOvs. »Wv charge on Pnlday, oui lest A Mi.iaitummvOiii ticl vistesor kils umesesgo vlVh hlm. enth chr Î o n Tur& Oburcia service neia Sund" wvl July 5,narA auumu .0f thse Wo- be in charge0( lte M m giv M&paMdtiMr. bWY e P.,. MoGirvin, at 3 paMn. tdy oe Sebool t 1:45 p~m Titis r.Mad Mms.og.eutsma&M indctin se r v i c e fer' »4r. MiesVioo f Oreeant, spet a Mi. Qirvivi iii beheu la. lb. fe ff ett.b h .* Ohurch on lburudy evenln< at b liUme smm ?Wi iutts a OOlOkI. ami 4viii e In Chamge«aimre. aM4a], « TM'to. vwwsitaia fil. W. Ractham. OhAIMlM ! it le PasMage onSunday. Prusbytu.ryWM. bMalUsaiMerln, of Whltby.1 S&r=*Va itenOom pmiO d di d am lsmcojuài.M n ayivena. for te annuel Busday 8111001Pk, of TworMs, oàfl e n frsashe acie v w«bva heMld in eater a oSatemiay evuiig. 1Part. Tui coeuity WU5 "Il Mn. and il ru m vPU=asMd i rsprmtsd maid about 5117 ae O*fl dfudm .of Tometo. IverOS" 1 te races, balil gans horsbt ni0- litoncu ci. r s. mCI Rata- Ing. evimmins tant. ami hast but smL 111 5Bl tiuti wbotiaIthl PMU «0f UM. aM MV& .WlebU 0oSLUt- 1 e,7Uh1fg thm Vappeala o es il.Brilalai, visi tailiest vlV1h appete ta i plnlc.1V Ie i à miaRemuy fLana fl p hmugh Vred crod tit W%1<; M. Cho& Ybito! lackvateî. tew pakfr t2f w homnevsz'di ouu. cailed on &rSm&s on BSday. mi" Genovwe sBroya o! Tomoto. uMn. a ei. Wllim Lammiman vWitd «M mne veekx-fld vilSand so, cg Oubava, &Put a d"Y uMis . rnasdMis. roli durinstenPMilvet lt MKt. s&d r tredwick. hm 0 . I.Liai..e Little Johnnie Kirtham enter- UMia. gmob iuRom eci Waln- t&laed aeven,.lof 51 pIay=i e t vrigbt, l. la vlaltlu4 ig th er hbùU lriiyparty on 8atray at-.brotbsr ait asir-lm-lavMUr. and tarnoon. MsD. Ltr7. e i. and MMs. nto ndai fil?, lItehar mâtn t u bnov of TworutO se»Stinmda vitiMetitivii md« My. WSnvbcrriaère tformer'a mothn. Miacar"-. pentfm amiet ensile" ulti. rý ASH'IIRN a. The Perfect Thirst Que ncher "SA LADA' ggg)EvPf? TEA BItOUGRAM. June 2.-Toc June 1 meeting held st the O. Burton hoxn'! on Juins 22 o! the W.MS. had n large attendance. vith ths president Mia. F. Cassie. preeiing. Arrange- mients vers made for packlag a bale on Iesay afternon. and Mrs Norton IrW lcal Vo her home for Baby Band! meeting on Wedne»di!ý Ararameats vers made for a Joint metng o! al Vhs congre"gatloxit meet Vo ea" what ca be dons about chintitand yard lxnprovemént-. bM. J. Miher bid charge o! the at. ternoon progr2m. At the close.tie hostesea. Mr& O. Burton sud Mri Dma srved a dainty te&. Rer. J. E. G(bvrn chose for Ilir lt of his fareel message on Sun- day. 1 Co=. 3-13. Tt a-as vith rail regretV the Brougham congregatior. partIh Roi. Mr'. and Mrs. Glover lTe relaions betveen piston anci people have alwiys heemcomgenis.. T'h. bout visSes of! many Brougham ilnda go a-lth them Vo thetrnrew t134 nW WC'-. A numben !i=u Brougham tenk la Vhs PMli Day mand concert of Oreavood circuit on Saturday las! Th. InductIon service for Rev à&. Ksennedy4o1ntà thc charges of Olaremont and Brougham ta t e- heM la Qlarcmnont chureh on Prn- day evsstng. June 30. Recoxil guesis i the T. Roben1- sont home vers Mn. M. Hs.rper. Mm Md. Hitgina. Mn. and Mm E Midze- l'. Mn. snd Mis. F Contes. Mr' J Bradley,. Mr. anid MmsJone, Mn % l'homnpsn. Ms. H. Falconer. .'il'i.' Toronte. mand Mas-H L«ee.of I'ren ton. N J. Mm. T. Robertsont atteaded the funeralst OA-bora Lava èmete -on Juxie 21, o!fifrk J. Bradley, l'o. r6nta Mr. and Mis. IeRoy Kcnny and Mt. abdibMie. Sh@ricetof Tôron& voe gCuets eoSBrand mIMrs Harvey on Sunuay lu«., On the «v ilng 0f Jw'ie 21. lhe coagration of St. Johns pthered on Vhs lavnata the L. Jobnwton home le hou a àaievsi Party for Rev. bu. aid Urs, (lover. 'flicy P Audley AUDLEY, June 27.-The annlvW- sary services o! Vhs local churcit here wiii be held on Sunday sud Monday. Julv 1. and 10. The preacis- îng .ervlcei are at 2.30 and 7:30, Standard Time). when an Invita- tion Ls extended to every person t15 t.he district to hear the vord 01 God. On Monday evenilngil socialta being held when s popular drain U, beiaag given. Reserve the dates. Mr. McLennan and !&mlly of Lindsay spenit Sunday -witb bis sis- ter. Mrs, P'red Crawford. Misa Kathleen Cammiet of Whlthry. callod upon her father bore rn Wednesday isut. Misa Margaret Westney attcnded lutL -week-end the reunlon of ber elss ai the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph. Seh ool closes on tb. 29th o! Juns. TMe seholars wiii bave a long hoUl- day. Ibe young trees on the grounda3 have been toton cars of and are growlflg wel' Miss Margaret pucknin Icaves for à fe ev eets on Vhs SUMMer couMs for teechers. l'Me Salemn services wvesattended by raeny Irom hcre. ManY Oid f riencis vers met. The grand-daugh- ter of the man who gave the ground fer the cemeterY Wvu Preâent f rom Bracebrldgs. enjoyed a fev gamnes. after whlch Mi'. J. Knox calle-d Uic meeting tc onder, and as hont program wa.s girexi: Piano solo. Helen Malcolm- readfns. Miss Doris Johoatoxi readlng. Mms Norton; two vocal solos,.iRobert Miler. Mr. sud Mis. Goaver acre ca.lld far-ard sud ir H.maklolm. smsion clent: Mr. AI- lan Ellicot. presldent of the Y.P.L. and lns . F.Cassie, president'oli tise W.MS. presentsd Uuem wlth ad- droes afappreclatlon aik a ha.n'-1 soin floor iinp. Both Mr. and Mrs. Qiover exproased tneir clecp apprc- clition o! VS. love and kindusas 01 thc pe<ople of Uxi.i chargc and their rregret at pàrting. tAUle Miss Ellcott' pre.sexted a loVely bouquet or7 rospi ta Mrm (lover. Rcfresiurienu iver served at the clog;e o! the evenIn3. The Walter Himî.:ton ra.nily. Fiant Carton farxiuly mine %J amui Mms A.Gray vere gticzst athe GDi-~n Wt.ddlng anniversary o! Mn. andi Mrs. Joseph CarIer on 'Thurs- day sit Wh.llevale W. J, Browni and daughters and Mn George Drynan o! Toront'. were vistons aiMr a=d Mr, T. C Brown on Stmnday. Mr'. mad %mn. Phil Ponsythe ani Mrs WSJI.er Bennet no' Manthâai- tencled the chureh service at, S' John% on Sttnday. Sevenil frin Broughaan attsidl aanlversar ner v ce et Claremont on Sunday siemla. MeâsraDan sand Hubgh0ainoil vers Vo Minden durlig ths veek l'h. former's ster nLa vsr5' 11L. l'h. July moeetingo! the Janlor lestitut« andi Junior Pannera Asx- viii b. held st Doucet.te% OSait Lite, on Thursday, te .4 a MiSasses -.it .1.. b.d. b - 'f - -~ ~.dm .uh.t~mis~s IW -'J sociation Pavilon. July 6. 1' -ýI1 e' - 'I y' -7, -, 7 7 ;7 -

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