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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Sep 1939, p. 10

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THE WHITBY G-AZE' British -Troop% New, Records Established Ad Chalnpionshil3s Decided At Annual-School Field Day Tbree Standing Recorda Go swlîzef ci Ic uan ii by the Boards - -Cham- Beaton (' lai 2dD Xcolil peonabîp* Go To Two Scaio hi I~l p: lstP Dôvii Brothe ,sion One Family Reid. -Sx upa Awrded Junior broad lump: isI P. Iar- --Sixdes 14 10);laid, W.Ai ld, Prospectis for Wbitby aI tn rmeQatab l up3 Inter Sohool Meet Are lIarden(1716%i);laid, H. Cemano, GoodSeniior broad lump: s1 PDovn- Claver athilees dipliyed Ihe 1r -y 16' 4"),'laid, I.Duly. verts o gont dalotaga ae annuai Mile race (open): Hoard Cie. Mati.hÃ"6 Froild Day on Wednes- menu(5 mis, 41 sec) doy l, ehen tiseca standingf re- iJunior 100 yars.. lt, P. Harden ~ cers wre shollîcea d eco 1ians- 131 se); 2nd, W. Alasý3, I, , plsaships wenattoluWilliam and lFredl IcQua)'. Ztrdonà, membars of clais isali, tstermediate 100 îyards: ltJ. visa captrai tise laurle for Inter- Whitficlal (IL 2 socs.); laidW tar. mnediale ao unlioir boys compti- don; 3m, H.Itemesand 0. Noble . Lias. (tical). Thc senir boys clasanpia5eii Senior 100 yards: tt J Rid Wentton Frank Do ney wihflave (13 1-5 sec); 2nd. E. Adoms;a,3 flets.10 hs credit. JaokRteidi, four 1. Durty'. Pelins behind Do-xney, aveu senior Junior 220 1'ards: lt, FP3*0-fdes runner-up. (28.3); laid, F. Browan;3Sd, WAI- Ali tisa ecerds veat L l nterai- Ita iala compelltoro. William Ilardeca Inerosediate 220 yards: lt,j. s broIe aie road iîanaîracord wvh t Wlitfieid il5 sec.); laid, W.liordeai distance et 19 feet at.kuelWhIstleld, led, S. Noble. iarmediate cosser-up. brute cle Senior 210' yardo: 1-, PF Dovai- Ili&s tihe firet.pisctograpla hep. ,tep and lump record. R. os 128 secs.); laid, J. Rid; Ici ampos foc Fronce - and thse i Beton zta enW iais for the poloe E. Adms. thier French allites in the Sasc Be visît vitisa oidtanose f 9' 3". Juniors 8800yards; lst, P. Mac. _________________ ThseJuioiseboys chamnsaiap don (2 mains. 40 4-5 oses,);laid, F. vas awgcded 10 Fred Hardas aWio Browai; led. J. Green. (l0 2-5 secs.); 2sd, M. Gise; .Ird, nolçeea fivee irsa te ecuasittc ce- ntermediote 880 yards: lIs, W. M MeGiI. coari of thesior champ. W. AI- Hrdes (l miss. 10 4-5 sacsra*;lid, Senior 73 yards: lt, H.Mcatel ioantooconal place I tise Junior H. Clemeais; ?e, K. Nichsonf. ' 109 ec.); 2al. E. Gacaos; 3m, E. comilettan. Senior 990 yards: lot, F. D)oval- McCulloual. Tisa gilsavaante acre leatureal by' oo'(3 minsa. 12sec.); laid., Y; se~. Senior 100 yards: lut, Il. Mi- a tiscea cornerad île for flicolppiee Junior sol put* ot F mNrenai eol (151 -5sos.):;laid, E. Green; Ie tie sacor division. Yvonne (32' 10'a"); laid, J. Grecs; led, F. led, B, Saltisury. Baille, ElmhaiiGreenaanal Howard- Browai, ie Michsal, ailallithaime pointes Intermedioie suot put.; se, DI. Junior hisielsussp: lat, M. osae, afiec, dlvldad tisa hiosoru. 1H. Su- Watts (33' 10%); 2aid, R. Boston; (3' 10); loi, 1H. Marks; Ird, N. manski plujci second. led. D. Kemp, - Campbell, Mrlorle Gane wos Uic Junior Senior sht put; lt, J. Red (19' Senior hiigiaump: lt, Y. Bali- gicl cisBplaiChp vis Hlen e- î,~,lic 3'11%) lad, E. Gouldburn. vitI as ruiinac-lp. Juailor poea ault; tst, W. Alloa ird, E. MîCuilouet. Tie Kig cup fer tisa Senior fi'1le1à"); lid. Charles Rycrof t; led, Junior brqod lump; li,. Lis- champinas.aiip gocs 10 . Downoy of Grant Flsber. tiner (I111 11%; lid, M. Gone; led, BrôokIlie. Intermedtiae pole vaulst: lut, R. la. flmpbeli. tisa. Maucdr ell-Macdougaoi cup, BeoeaW(93). Senior brosit lump; laI, H. M. for ttise aladent obtoiisthe lise le- Senior pole vasît: It, L. Cale- choc! (12'l85 -àl); laid, E. Grecs; est nalObeof point, cees 10 F. tis, (T1'2"e); laid, J. Reidi. 3m, Y. Bollia- Xiarden andt P. Downcy, aise are tird Quarter mile (open)l: lt, W Junior baseal tbrow: lot, K. for teteisanor. Hardes (09,1 ece.); laid, . DOWie DevIt (12V' a"), lsd, M. Gase; Ird, The Lnai eal-Saats f M. Stanlik Nortisani clp for tiha quarter mile Junior hop, tcp aid lump; lot. Senior boiebsîl tiros; lai, H. race socm ta W. Harda. G. Fiser (14' e">; laid, i.D. e Bomeasaît(115' 1lai; lsd. 1Y.Bail- Tise dJck autelsn nenoriei Quay; led, G. Mowat. le; led, E. Grecs. trophy oesy sates Junior chamt- Iatcrmcdiute olop, tcp anid lump: Jalalor baut'etbail tlsrow; lot, S. plea. 1. liardes. lt, J. Whtfieid (36'ta 1-o"1; lad. Burtlnelcy (5091"); laid, . Daviti; Ttc Bassatt -StaanoieDavey-Cami- W. Hardes; I3d, H. Cleencs. 3rd, N. Canmpbel.1 cron cup for lihe ana mile opn race Senior lhsp, top anditJump; lt, àeolor bakeiisall tlscow; let, Y. gou t0 S. CIemens. . tlovaici'(3la' ").aIlfli. (62-7l); lii . .Graien;$rd, Tise compieta iMt! f missars oi filaIs Evente S. Baawuia tisa vsriouuavets à as lollows: Junior Il yards: lt. P Lait, JuniOr bhuoiln race;:lI, R. 010., 11a7e £vents (7.1 sacs.); lsd, M. Mfi0iled, M. mens; 2lad, H. Dvtti; led,. G.11o0. Junior hligis lump:. 'lt, J. Hors Marks. Senilor bailooo race: lot, Dorica (4 li);ld, W. Als, Ird, J. Junior 705l'ardu; It, P. Le, Fransner; laid, E. Green; Ird, L, Junior acI race: lt, 1H. Devait; mars I. Rcado;3d .C "BANDEL BEES", CHAMPIONS lsd,1 isod: IIl Juniorrelayrace Ist forran215; TII M ld. Porin IA; led. Foem ZG OF " N S FTB LL ER DE Banor reioy race; lai. PorynoIV; CUp lied. bran 11110 led, Porcs Il, 0 MAN ND nncommercial.i W INI ROW ESenior gack rare: lt. Y. Baillit, - ,~2- id. EGfreen;,3ldLt Vasaimhci 1 Eliminate Pickering in Final and '"Re or have tva Wtil-D s Gaine-HoId Meeting on ad It appsas thoh te OhawaTonni lihetbreak couSit deide tisheit Wednesday N i g h tto10 ampiolnsiîp. ~ H e g e o Plain For Anaital Banquet PFckerint _.. 40o00a0-5 093i Brandel Bers ..111CM030 s-4 e 0 and Presentstions Batterie: Plelteriag-MilaC ,p. uecuaed Satu l Pour ronse lntise irstainadaise I ciaiky, p.. E. Samaski, r. Pisimtse leth lav Umpri: Phlot-ulion aseTennis League',sineulcompetitien1 kaerini a vis over Bandai Bees I- ver. dectdait i Wisi iti' lspt the faurlis ane, to ia up tiese ao- Ttuce efue asdBtritai'aflersoos, vies:- the les ai tva comeopiece. Beau acre Bandai Beesauret nov cham~pioansWslyTnI lbpsa sst aile la rounter ont rus In eoch of by irlut of a Ill to 4ain vas thecOsiava Leatue finaliste. -Thv tisa fist Ihecetiinseand bha Pickering In tl ise 11h and deeldIng leaguci"A" ciass tropisi' as won esseýers cto as e sayganse. Tise aers vare oheacifor hi'tteeOshawa Tennis Club hi' a lefton ase n naeyoniy a riel epasan as loey erorci lniargia Of four Points. Tisa««B" tee- ctery lis aîg treomaiera on but twa runs lu 10e lait o!tlise acondal 1>10>" gmtto St,0Georges Tennis verte unubia lu, brhng theno In. la laIe a ose-runai cat but tise Club, Oehavs. bsn a 1-pint maris. laatissut big iret ionise "Bas" ees rame righî bock vis tisr e SBaseOf cup matches véeaso Bye hscssred te drive brother Visse hais and a watktOs score four rani. fliowa; li aheidc iisndoithis runtiaiThey sddtd a s.ngl Lit tht fifli'a-Ladta singles-Elizabetis Corral], on basýe. so"Law dopliestealt visco KapuocliskY ci eea anal le Wiitiey Tennis Club, doleateal Pegi' tise leu t ais lice came rîisîtishe sis adalea loua mort. Singles Johnuson, Oshawa Tennis Club, 7-5, ihere. y Gi, Rousseau and ieSrcla eiand6_. TethiOud i1ningsaav pirkr.sge a auner y E. Mamoowki accanarit- Meie' S isgls-L. Short, COsava fina) rus os Lw ripîiedte acore icd for theie ras. guIseg tht Win. Tennis Club. tefeateal Bob Ros., Sprier, jsera a seas't-aun lied.l avirspros'- lnHm TniCubs-,e. Fer, te Bec.,. Russeau aalke"i d Looteemurs for tisa P'ikeringbosa .aitn iyennis ou lubW7-5,aai6-a. and soretton an tels by laeras teo merreme. Thus rodi a tbe -2d.W tObe-W cwnai su lsook oîy hbas sasal lear reicnaoucaamplosi fr Pick- .Wistaley>, St. Gergc e ni Thiordy-ke ittv aauo o rîsaandl tiseyvert Sreat in de- Club. deltateil L Edmundsos andt Reoblaio'ersos cnd w" arorcal lasfot, ramine roiSboisid îo.:ot te M Ca14# - .-2- I.2 A. Sam2n'ki'.. doublse. Serrla scares-ie 10 tise seriea aaaid ranfle ienea Mn's doubles-W. outer anal E. ed the ciS sond finat)casnte al lchampion-s t10tht lisit. Tie Ban- FerCce, St. Geoarge's. defoateci 0N. lise tiird isir.,anal fron is.t Ide? S-m-s fulir aeserve tliuraisCWI Vie»fleld an A. Bell, Glas Ëmi point eau tise (smo ea; stisse vltla se tiserhave ployai rtsssteet bal61,0-.6-4. ais furtise score. 1 ailsason anal are a rel-ialoncead bMisaitdueles-S. lSeridan anal ÏMental lupaca in base rurmn.-tal jaud 0-lis gret doetfesn àlvae I. Tlerney. Gienlon la. ileieal A. Je' tise ec-se oar rng etance. eCeoocgtla. Fricea analA. Cocreil, Whitby. as lthe Pctrin" boa-s vert quiet tWr sassît rIse wcroangratula- te tak l tari dastege sefIisý.r isnsa(o tise ew champion,% as "lacp LANIOPO A1551TION Oppoeecv t'mae.to "eg' Martia 1t codais goca clown for tis yesr. T FOKT HOPE p. o. __________________lanal trust -Jack-' Clarke ana ltsa PrtHpe, Upt' - Imrve axecutIve to carryon for a blget ment useoIt iiralea.i=3 tisah Port adbetter sealais net cymr. 1lacet F081Office. viii abselli' ga analre ty Ilanget ILoH. g E. a !Tner frtisa ork B100,'s.Bade BesiCpu- uc-.ssfayandeactervihamt WINTIR? vaoi"I. p. E;Samuno- e; P1ker- ss-r-ly mien a recroît coomee balfore us UI lha hilm up autoOiatlcally 0ou a sof general appearaiea or con- ~IN oies plysicla aui ld, "Tis aramy f~ 11' vent men tisaI ara 1o,00 lissc W0 folait e, er, forth1 mat- ie net phase 13 stethaisoOPI ex-Reu .ation0of the gondiate's ohoul.,, C is ailalheurt actionvisicis are lieit moat vital lie delerain- categoryS If the heurt actionis l god,~ tisa racruit la Immnadiately Bllevi ed incatum l'e.cd ouI ont, allie.sne irëols 'are B timoe if, bCcané kkwn tIbM hi wa CHAS, M. SCHWABî ateci ut.iarU fl A n ofilit dwith a serieas heart ail. STEEL[KINfig BEAD mn.____ Poses Away in 1New york in thealirat iui nonths of 1939 ai At Age o 77 correepoading PerIO- Of 1938. AI' '(cars Ã";as frOm-Can"a tropped tru - £37,19,04 Inthls iret hall of 1931 New York, Sept. 1lO-Obarles M, te £?5,649,575 tis eyear. Schwab, 77, Whio controiied billions of dollars In the ateel industri' and mode aogI*abIe isendreda ýol ahipa for tise Vieat tatea (loveroment during tise liraI CGreat "War do last niglit*at hie Park Avenue T H apartntl. ýIi and l onely aince. lie aleatis of bis vil e in January, tise onca "astfcnq marn et steal" gradually de- cliid In heallls. Due90g. the lait tics days he had bien ünconsllowl. Sebwab.returne Iroos Europe aoh Aug. 31-In hie, time e had o4craued thse* Atlastic aln10ot 170 tline&-in4 complsineit t"t ha had ,bcebn 11iet a sereloue.hoart alIMent la Lon- cln. - Ma dclcr nisid Ilappeare(t ha veui4 recôvor utitil. -week,,ag. v'Ha bo4t alipppal - away," salç Sehwah's braIsa!.., Hdward, who, with lus wite,,waa aItishe dfiatisbat.- 'Tbs brether aaid limeraiservices would bq, held: Ml dl, PatIek' (Rocman Catisalii) Calleal, proie- aibly, Tillfdgy. SeBoides, hil brother, Boiswab la M C surviveal by tIvelstea, Mca. Dovld w Barry and Sitter ýCeaUia, tisa latter io q ing:l beiieg a nOn In tise Clrmelite Mqrn- astery. Lorette. Pa., whi h wab aç)2wab bail bees president of the1 ,CamteSteal Company. Lisnlted -. *, ui 1897-1901- lpaident_ of tlnlteelori c thaaa i 1e .Bethsllhem Stiel 1 c Cerplitif. and tBethleemOBSetl Company 'unîli saéently»; aijebor af tise Choie Ifationai Bank and thIe Mfetropilan 'LUe, Inguraisce Corns- pani'; direcior, '0f gençial 551p- buiding, ulw t«i Ites ahpping Boardt Emergaieliy. het Corora- tien, April-DO5tlOber,. 1918; andt preadent ef inani' other steel cnes- pontea anàit qgsniatiefls. Ha hait miedalis freimf oreigo gc- froan everel lanlvereIttea. Deesîite hie inteisieIntarsl In Industry andthtie trailie bsiness Inripoeed <on bsenegatt, chwab eîgcriy acugisî relaxation. He navet for t olt ta ima ouItifor whist and brigeasd eaan'llýh managedteb Igavel abroat oaleot annualli'. Tel, ha never tergal 1b1s riaeihbers and hlaeholime ILoc- alto. Me epelil parue Of cacil yàaf, ueualyiy n tRialtown, viera ba lied once been maotagecoach driver and, day laborer gi 1he Carnegle tStec, 1Comany ii'whlch gava inhl he sar saMOM st A 1 n Industry.A Had MHemely ?lieso9hy iblii The licmely pisilsophY' of lise, u-d L. X r a tV M man whn could davata endies s eita ýpdwiame. ss i -Mfm heure of his energy te eolvinu thet .dtpi Nwoùdd eritiool problenlOa ofa norld ie i.0 wSaac es nssl arme enaidtalli enlIder Important nse Wecfor (mm a bia neigisboieood .contacts hi Pas- da 11,5 Fu 94b*t» . nsylvana'o aieal areas 0vos express- ed In a Comumenecement Day,.ait- T-.e. eabasd etle Idrass at Weatiserley, Po. ea Id Ote50to12%K «ý . "Tisa ppiet daya of my le w ert »Mah b" *boen I hait a modesl incoixie sait insaeeo .0w .4k«d lavait wlth nay gond vile li a rot- Mai d g làimç*1 a ttaa wlth remlfuii comlfort. -- 51'.wit J* f w chave many hcaaes- matuOies. But we dont oves 1hem tThai' oin ue." t cehbadbec n Iltheallh gaverai0 climes vithiisthicpost five yyMT. LaHie viedied'dan. 12, aIt th- ea e-Teco menthsafaler bar fuareraI., be rlaecd his home which or esdeesiteas e sbeaà a lanak ont -ridi ---- 1Drive. At thtea"me lima hae lceai -hie ote homes etI eartto, Pa. gnd CPallslernm.Pa.. andIL smonth laierOu puLth h"RiverOda Drive man"u e Dta W !liSciswni vas conasidevcd a,,na h 3e ci. w mtSataen an ,lt iseTit 1 !zttv. Herct ureitfrees Europe ailitàry. potiorities acmselcs lla oa ecun Thse.citiame, .eppÇareit beforà'tIce guide, and ln tlii meaus et icast tempoeriry rejecton conîlsalu IM1q'e e tes~ ~ ~~o athe îr a c Uc an. lHe Ihgiven cotegory saptanl11ti' eil tes aleantiiaforean ' .D,1mearslag "temporarly i' 5111" ndtht he o riredit ore- sc a ac. fom aaý ~ Company' final tier wv oi'~~fa adcas are fortviisthe aco -nilnpotlag Itiegasile. Tise comalieY se' poic~ cinitoheerep A ort allteodaitlin nteida- tp'loay apipeline for 2H0 sho taxca mint Ieare:p'K a iodr ih M tagcte = t nsilgisain ohi nen yards Irain the Qovarnanant dock sp bPeie ratina coîCaegory 'B" "'. John steeal leicr îtage tsnin. 0ugriîs- id, u5ICIsà, 811f Eye Toit Mayoer Jamimson Boise sialcit tRer. y l a g rn i . T Vson e sit e t i W s I e ý w o u n o t i n g t h e c lIt c o u n c il c e c it oe mca susne iey haisg inimum h rîlcu gofrli2-30.d o a tsepecisifhad areadibecs îofle oanh bl , atheg. A inimum rt atsit f 2n granteal foc Uieconsatruction 01 te ta; liseal bi' militari' auilieritias. andif Pipeline anod, thse Pire Marsal hait hsiaclli' fit for a- anae ye of a candidate talla babaw givan hIe appesîsi.' cvlee. Tisis te iS tisrleaiti Rie flieinto Cls "C" Tniasectaion Lh as Industriel ares epIed for lamOdiate or ',E" aI once, no motter isov kîcaanyvai', oOid Mayor Boise. -cçitwse niebi-tan ie tof thse undpoverfuL hie etiser eye moy bc. are coing to lame aver' day reqlsld- a Service. Force. A bnIfsaquenca of calieîis9nlco le ing 1h01 new industries be bto*ili îaallit, but han-. tisascreaitola çetoinah etiser hcre11 ia sares a bliste Iraait te hecr ditîtas) lii tisàe.canitiaate hosu eOsestrltteal use se.-aide for an, Induâtrial ares; poricilon s190ans1 lf.hie iebs analmd e.Lack aof The matter wvi e fal'6lTed te Ps en visa neoit glissas p-iroperbalance sa, nslablli'ta -0consmittea. la category. Tie. 1'6X âH in m,,eI,, il casorah 1 ,,_______ s. chi"an aI! hat tise nai aalini' O inluWt, ors ail Mrked CeirI4n qxpcrt proiitions, ae*.- Tbr" on sayb ve =egaine a mn, I- W ' a II feçtIpg 1h. ahipmSet ao 'sin ontomsc amm n se ic ýA' elIa alamInali»on f tisaret- ont i»ueÙitoM, hiavel sn plgcat. a-enaetsviari. e egs to detennine. the prao- iteselt i'tOiy th iNtIia5aid fOct )r 01er aieaservice.:.sce of *arlom vene s o0 r IeiO. R D M ARCH 0F 'R A D 10 jwM - 19 o ,. The R&dio Buy OF thé Veari Marconi, thae World&a Greaccat Radio Orgaaaztloaa, climaxes a record of matcclleus aieveanent videthaose ser&otadam evrecelvers,' Compare diesu vicusyoaac preseat sec or vida asy set, new or odt Compare tdam < fr cery asagl: cane, 1u8iflngfa cabinet beauqay, prlot > Noc e i perteccad slapllicy cof Marconci Pasah.Baacco Tunng the aaagtaewich vildayou an ea ehoft-vave, cleanleam, Marcoai Band-Speeding. Toke nodlng for gtilited. Sebject Marconi to tise saseuarea invstuigation, pojnc loy poi-iac, andyoaiviWU.! on vincad tdas Marconi Iote radio buy of dthé year. Models for, aey badct. Modelafrum $17.95to$149.00P CANADIlN hMARCONI COMPANY S mAeOm mase- o1aè *.ea... "l T»M igou . J9 .514 wu U-'~4S -r-s .tmr ' ..~s"

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