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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Sep 1939, p. 1

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oNTARlO..COUW. School Pupilà Hâve $1,67050 Popila ct Wliltbyl public Uchecls oAf fic end c cci né1939. ,~c tu uec 1,61.10Ufich Penny Bai*ci ontaili., ËÈI#l 8197.46Icce Ilian 91 the naine Monilaof 11, fThe perccuiisgc cf puplis îcnakleg rdepsitsichoies Ercck ai 28; intg treet 20, cand Ouadas streci, 21. Total per- . ui.tage j c1f .peplic îakleg de- pcella during lllI àAfd une was 2&.. The« re arsc ocin inui- lut ue IIM0.I thils uethdofetthelît 1 Promotion. ANNIVERSARY 0 ALMftNDS UUU LargeCongresatiSll et Ser- vices - Church OUJ Aillona UnitedCOburelaanniv- gary secyks iwre held on OundaY: alisiiOOn nsd evcnlig Wth Audley çdp4rn&s4l, juiiegIth e îervIcea cuun a ade 34Sa lvclY eo# , b hrcoli 'as veonta3te- - ,,ctf ath to.wc?5. W;ili b. Insta1W 4on iN4w Standards at Alliu& Cor4 net am dthe. Dominion Bank EXTEND POLICE PHONE SERVICE Chief Wii Be in C'oser Touch WithePartmeflt Ail Hours of the Day A new e lectia"stop lli' .By$- ,ieml ta lac lnstalled .at tc oui Corners in, corinectioii wluh thc neie street jighing îisteifl installaton nOie neslig completli. TIbototal ost, including iatallgtibns la ns- imiated At $640 by iiuperlntendeiit Hierbert L. Peingle, 0cf'thePublic ,UtWlty Comisslion, it 15 expected ta lac in operati on aboUt Uic first of ?foveinber. S TheclmOWOuncl on Monday nigit soccPted the reomanidation of the Fluance Obinitite pfcieeited b3r Oalrni al ster Thomsonl tlat tal8 n6ew cqulpint, vhieb wll reg- 'uaotralfflç ai Uic Towvos busy li- ,tk'ftion, lac purchaseti tram, thec -ortiieron léctric ComPanY at 3097Ï 50, pIlla- saléeta ti, .Ainerican ex- elaangc rates anti a tew other miner Itons. :,The eqilipinent bas ta lie lircugltin roin thcUnlictted ttu lb, vas siateti, Uxcier Uic new cY9tem ta#rê y4l lac "ctop" aind "goi' Uit$ ti A. X. VAluins corner loi rt-etk'sing WèÇt, nd thedM.hnflniiAi Sk*lr tratic 'WIItl.y Logion Corner t=bet heli en Wcdnesdeyt taiknvn tons bv beac Ia-t ltc Wlitty t tend and lica 111. risete ta cnion hl4t recetI3 la katod. ord teE -cf the vsrlou mattera zélating ta, ths wêl«î11 0 ex-icrolce men and. tâ»Ir t&auntlS wlleh bavt beco su a bitaI «6 soiv th rougli ii.paient ad perslctnt udy ofJ Ucprebloma by thc Lcglen. Apy1 cg-sflsicsn Who or cOislvl a invlatio wlI beveryweloineta atefud. nie meeting plaej l theUi eliubroomus overAiln% DrtM Stere. A inatter ot lntquts ta Leglon- Mdares la tas icylvez of the chiarit of the. Port IfolD 3rsaicl No. 30. 4t a mestingr hlcilt -Thurgdtay tvfliis nt Port Hope vlth about tt vetcrmna, preant, a provision.- ai ccmnittec vas set up ta securo muilhiers andta l complets tac re- Oeganlstlcn cf tic Brancla. Tie msctlng vas addrced by Wf. Mr.- !btYre Rocti, Mad vic-presldcnt of tise Provincial Ckuemanti, Mr. Lorné Mf osies, Provincial Screlary a"t-X. -Wray Palrveatiier. cf the* OugI. Disrit Comnmnder cf mie- bltN.IM.Jack Burnett. 0,0 00OM uelcet ta Command ne lb. ne bas recclet word Iýfro the Provincial PopIiy Com- tai6m ebt thc cainpalgi la ta car- ouc dtecigarthan ever tuis year. ¶bé Docuio Oerilcil of the pue Orce, meeting icndcr the chair- àaaslsIl of Lord Tveellamnlr, (30v- tro-eea cl Canada, hmc en- muedthat Uic lied Cr185 arc 4ring ana' naticji-vlde appeal le fnt& enlil November luth, se tatomunit' feints And poppy amaemay bave thc riglat cf týyor thse tan. hecng. g9on Io n»ednîi tais wect In Otta- wa anie the chairnau of the TmîIii pccsitint. Brigadier Dus3- te nt Vancouver, to tictermline Uic pdak-ec cd thie YLcgla 10 ew cf this 5tate of wa5L aubS>vii uisq loe-.-jrl At onTours- n1dthe <if Wcolllb~42 slplcg Uic klns, asskc4 anadliri easl 4vaeii- uela vieuw8.vas frap ltle$ On ao*. trate Elbie viii tac a( f rcam ait cromeAttsiicy Aui 6W WAtgreHopkina s u msnded 1 f ie fo r .1 0. C la rk , -W iub y, â s îpeal Or- siOilar charge intiwu t I5 lti' a wverts xemand vita ts Ofc Céc Ul.Syp addre tien. lac slaiet, bat bcqit krOiitO tiepreclate thec value of an esaai cevcniy-tlve lper ceeu. vhieh nieao that -an cstate of onehundisti tacusant dolar. iiglit eW ta tvmnt>'-ltYe thousant ola foms it Vms finail>' ttied b h *Surrogalc Court 'auuhorit4ca. Mr. Pcauc atelsed regulr risicli 0ci vIll ta brins tiliu p iq taie. have las la mott nob C4 ulgas auccese sien diu", u» UseaxIg st atua cf relatives or othèi ei~neficiaaici, andi no forth. 2Me alto vare e$t forcet»Jquidgt4oi etaticatbroesh provisions mmdc lu , vil la:Joatiq Camcaiire 'vascten der.ltle front lvcnt-lvO 1toiti>'pcr cmii, Touelalag on tac uic"Uicutf Ui- cMrci eic.li. PeaCU adeisot bis laAcra ta niait.provlclfo for tais, la tamir villa. ucusion de- tics, lac poinit ont, tat ihe ert out et an usist. tii. goverhant tsklng thceuasd thfi e cet valu- ahi. IlqWitcs. Rc dcclsred alo ibat fitvas abneat erlmnnslfor a issialor ta maite hic wlth teix- sldnay lcgs". To Oluirto tais tact, ho cied theoase ire a uman vlao dlIedlcavlng â: ta alalion 401- that atter adnxlnltratlcii at b«4i (centlneD once Pae 5, Col. 8> Registration of Whitby for E mlb. Volutar2; Reglstfailof CanadiSaui ensI. procoedlig veil veIL .AiUcentrea report a bcD4 e' ulionce aidtheacladies seing as reg- lsaivrnbave blace at bous>'. I vouies over uc ame ef 10 are te- mindet that tu rogerIne 1137 an coinnittingtheiusmives t10nlmlu diuisr.spesalul. -The zs!clect si las tint me thineu ac& bout out Ca- nad"aswocen, tm stabOUS.. lis recults andt uit. a ww m capaldban mai b.uned ha the bu inisnv tt h fles Daumcti vis e . gwecL n.Tho £ mtasm for uav" -ervift vUl lie t&kecncul>' visa cabave bas en m idta tombm heei i n usecfor about 90 nd là Utile 'cbai*ed troM ýt otasrfia h491?ytiic trOnll ,butad.fr45 cf chgrge thait gi broDglit tlleiinbc? rainom It. Xi oreshowever" iic et1934, rcdecratedinslde Fand elecoiOligita vw-eIn'- Ia déeetiwuogiven lai Ur- CIth tSproperty. tien atac Wbutby Chapel of tii, a ifsthodit chiirch ta tic lao0ard. James iWlsonî, bier ofMr, Arthaur WlsoniiOf otai thce it clerk t 0fhei ta t. ..in .sht n >r tcthe- for an extension or tne pouce téie- phione, No. 03, ta liiireildenec ait (Oontllnuadcon Page5, COL. 3. TOUL BROlTHERS TII [EdbIBRE HERE Fanous World Travllers To Appear on SePt. 29, o!t le airla h tipri;ner M i nrctiicnreints jc lai a baIn on the pioerp- Visinte lalyIniceted laUin- oord i abr OU amher drop istteica U iedC urticcii.u- . > oneOnbllMr.iwa aaid e1d r chaice fthiichtr onp ,ilsbell' thjat a dil ia veiii5. f ex e?. llaz Srep.a bmt h st a, eisi. la , vita29 Uftahbe e Ellso'thoTll -tolydI e i Winia hu c yalLrccetl o, ilei re a 14990yigTOUe itacrc s a alarge circuit SDl iire . T ltarhoar BolutictI- ucla chargea~s ia ons f uieYc. 13. L. ol i Mmliond s, 10roolli, ita-wuas actof tacetUnited Claurcii l ienic and otter places. for abouto Yiin, and dureg In tose dias, because of their reidence hure they made ity anti the long distance many trientis. *traitel nroads unlenowIL Ticir fine auworld iravellera là ~eroAtlii, were net aivaYs i deslread. Wita the' best of itili focr overy 6,anday, axdaitad moti-icture equlpinent, th? v tl viai ton« place on ure-pacteti montas exploring and lt circuit about tire orplabiegrapiin bCentrai and oti lei a_ý. yeai'. Il La recordet et Amerlos. Wicye taure vore roada, ,t amma AimçMnti, oOfbr lley iltci-liled. Wbcre tlhere. verS y vas claetrSusica? lia rotls. tliey Iourneyed on foot anti kla1onPagg 5, Col. 5) lile-baclt, seros a untalos and ~~~tiroughjungles othere whilte meni hattiÉdom, taon. h a1a . tOry ef youth--d=nco.. roanace. Ofany in whiltby vOl remnemiler ùmrs tArir fomer trevlflfgu cHlim Iý L.H*ielg Round tac.erld-tac &tory' kv, uyer of iowupon graduat4In=itheta ky, UUWO niverity f oono tee a ma Young adventlrer set ont ta irl i~fnaOtic globe. Laaghing ai »da4ý dreaming of bcsuty. taecreocecth*ai fAtantic on a cattle«boat, liltl- ~el cdircOtrrtac ensu- tILlin la deil momnt raieeping .ar. la the Gre" at gifiering vas benoreti bY uasi ita 10am r n ,dk pu*et es ïAni Adamo, famoii la Palestine, bmho lng la "* "oro 0f1l10 Cootzing sbanglaat. ait tinal>' o ng p *j ot-àAir." In ber informeu a aa l. 0W Ou A P5dIfllI gave fabc iczVethe aerlnS% back totaCaMa40e, baving $ot pict; o th#,mny ntrtcaclca tiaiipoitt rgtroi h d4 i yanaigandI prceitinil $75 ecda ýqh3 Oeaiuig chool, vlt ii;a "Hitcli-Hlig Round th* 169M ýý recipes. andutihoacilâ i vs Preet0dta eo=wtd 0 -1there axe no fusnjubo al rcg«« i isproeincus of ' Z ~ i ~t~w ~k. I E ttIitiafl Meet- Nàne Other ISTANCE Ldquarte>c ta tbeiieetcds Of been Diifliled. ta Board of tir At tas Sepie 1t bard of hidu uesdiy eêeil 10 cef tour zpcv i on M f54or taeca] ne. t the Whga uT Tie Board, it là chligedt t nicpt fr whi lie made ln taec c the rietal lian O 'f tali heIc Do grant. A by-lawW tae appelisi ag'euient ct Q tablesc bac ai the Foc "T, on c the. vii aucatiosi Con- rllmept on bc« meeting ef tac lon boItL on Wed- lut, thc purcliae Caincc ai a ciat of p vok dcpgrtmneat oi wgaaauth orlacil. ia be POL nted eut, Id thla new equlp- Sno priiOlaon Vaa natcc, Owliig 10 cii- ande la ctdcr ta re- =ccit of Educallon pusecaonfrinn of.3ml Baivca thec Board cf Mfan- Wlalllor PublIlo llA- Ir=intac Board. he, Depctliic.flto oroeto rccently ta lahicUai &*tac, i btined lowards isoilo t.eflpuplia ~1', taeWitby 11gb tthat Cbef nslicc. OnLtarlo SeumiiaXY ivimce that, tbl wac rtisBW Boirf £du- vii but i:ather ont bearinco ntthe For t. m- erocs sund Jl

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