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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 10

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PAGE TEN- THE WHITBY GAZETTE -AND CHRONICLE, WEDNE.SDAY,- JANUARY 31.i 1940 Visitors Kept Locals Well at' Bay Until Third ýPeriod Then Whitby R- le" dSnmsing Attack Wh",h RolIed Up Big Score Against the Militia- men (By Dick Stuart) Whltby AAA',15; Pqurtii Bat- tery, Cobourg, 3. That just about tells the. story except for the. fact. that tiie Battery miuiaged te atay en feirly even terma mlith the. 1 cals until the third perlod got ýU-qi derway. Then Whitby turned oni a smahing attack7 that completely disorganlzed the. visitera after they hed game ly held superior strengtii and skili et bey for 40 minutes cf hectic and fairly excitlng hockey. Both teams prcvided e fer bet- ter tilt than on their previous meeting 'i these parts anid the score ires considerably less indica- tive of!the play tha it hwraslest tlxne-exceph, of course, fer tiiet heertbreaklng lest perlod. And e heertbreeker 1h must have heen for tue Cobourg aggregation. Givexi juat a littie more speed anid staying power they might have r.- turned homne mith only a tire or three geai deficit. As It mas, per- sistent gaxing attacica by tire irli drilled forWard lies prcved toc much for th~e artillerymen. The Battery matciied goal for goal lxi the fîrat staxiza and the score .sheet reed-2-2 gotlghInto the second. A herd-checiLng Whitby rearguard., combined ith good beck checkixig on the formard lUne .kept the artillerymen out e! psy * dîrt thrqughout the second and al-, lowed Piper and Bagneil 4.,bedd-two more counters te the local total. And then came that lest perlod- * and the reat lu history. Every maxi hi a Wultby uniforin contribuhed te thet lest perlod scorlng apree aàidthie red llght- et Qobourgls end ofthe rlnk flasiied ten hiMe. te -demoxitrate thie su- bTS I periorlty of the. locala li neouncer- tanfashlon. Whitby locked smoother in ac- tion tha inlx any game-here se far. Smart play making and good checkixig spelled vlctory as thet -cen- biatioxi usually dees fer any hoc- key team. Anid gealie iHunter, tek- Ing Clarke's place lI the nets, turn- ed lI a fine effort that nuilified many Cobourg chances. ITe .win clinches Whitby's first rung position I the playoffs and ensures that local custemers wil see a few old time shlnny matches before the season cf 1940 boira its way eut. Tue teams: COBOUJRG: Goal, Heoper;, de- fense, Crossett, Johnston: wings, Leetham, Gallagher; centre. Hexid- ersen; alts.. Ceuch, B9reckman. Wodwarci, Wils on, Wisemfan. Gold- atone. WHIITBY: Goal, Hunter;, de- fense, Olce, Bagnell; inga, Hooper, Phillips; centre, Dafoe: alts. Heard, Brown, Piper, Watson. Mayne, Clarke. Referee: "Scotty" McAlpine, cf Oshawa. SUMMARY Flrst Perlo4 .-Whitby, Brown .......... 3:50 2CcurHenderson..5:00 3.-Witby Brown (H-eerd) .. .14:30 4.--Cobourg, Wiseman ....... 19:50 Penalties: Mayne, Goldstone. - Second. Perlod 5.-Whitby, Piper'. (Heard) ... 4:20 .-Whitby, Bagnel (Piper) . .10:00 Penalties: Dafoe, Bagnell, Gold- atone. Third Period 7.-Whltby, Hooper <Phllips) 3:00 B.-Whitby, Hooper (Dafoe.). 7:01 9.-Whitby, Brown (Heard) a-50 10.-Whltby, Bagneli (Broirn) 9:35 11,-Whitby, Bagnell (Piper) 10:00 12-WhltbY, Hooper (Meyne) 15:30 l3.-Whlbby, 'Piper (Heard). .16:00 14.-Cobourg, Gallagiier (Lee- tham, Henderso-) ...16:40) 15.-Whltby, BroiWn (Oke) ... 17:10o 16-Whitby, Bagneil (Heard) 18:00 17--Whitby, Broirni(Piper) .19:30 lg.-Whttby, Brown (Piper) ..109:60 Penalty: Piper. lu -THEfPENALTY . MX (Ny ».S.) on Wednes9day night o! thlseek, WhithbY"A.&.' tak~e an uxibeethn record of six atrel!ghh game$ out ntohe be-for their last regular league clash et Taylor's Areii. Six sraght and plsy-of!. te Just around the e;oruer: And me-don't need,,to,.tll you that iAMhlb. seven. atrg1ght by Thur*daY mornlne. uxlesJohxiny Reard 9,40DOCc"Da!oe, Oeo rdie". Pilips, ai B911 Bgnel run Into the. buinema endi of a tank -i tce mftmea CSe dor Brownie, ,ÃœOoper, PiPer, 0ke, eh al.. catch ascalt fever.- league la il over, Gobourg and port HoPe scalpe. are, alrta<ty iiaxiging ighInlxithe local ,wIga n gnd Wiiitby's !arewell &Dpeargnie e t Cobourg on Mon-day Jsn'tgoem; ht mnkbiaieyn>'mrediffereiqce- tbZn ho.. nlgiit%- tussIe ah thé local be pal1 ac, <e*pte the final resulta if. cither. And they'll b. glvig pre4t beavy o4tli one direction. on thic ont- corne of! hoe.là8t-tir, et thet. DOn't, stay home hoxigi thie', foflki. YOU* knc«w,. way, back lI-'36 ther. waia mi ni1aled SehIeu1ig "çhô staceeâd. up ageixiat a celored ~>. gentleman i MadisoxiSquare Gar- * den3s, Md A lot O! people steyed home because they !lgured I1h for Iual-over. Neit mornînj n-iOst e! th=e -rt plenhy dhsappoinhe-d and tic Gotl>am Journelà Macle a lot Lemls > l NIL Point ermi Mentrea, Jani. 30..-Mlh SohmIdt o! Boston Bruina.,.w*oni Mamoser Art Ros<= rates e.mong hoelcy $al-. hlm. stars, lbustaken a Cicar'lead lI the rase for National Kockey~ League acoring honors, Tue Bruin centre- edded 5 poits - tôho s tehal -last meek, and accord- 1ng te officiel lee.gue astat4tics, now 13, credit.d irti 32 polit.s, . three more _ tien Enyax HextaIl-of tic Nem York Rangers. chinidt 11&3 15 g*Ra aand 17 as- aetS, mii! Hextall, tie leeguelé leading goal-getter, bas ta.llec 18 Urnes arîi4 helped lI il chen coun- ters. (U4ifflcial ttistics credlted ->Xcxtal wth only 10 assistis, omtting Onte gaîneç lxi a gae. again3t Newr (ork Arniericans lut Tuesday.>, Cit* Drîlbon Of Torento Meplet Leafr leader oS't o! thie seasen 4 tlMd iih Schidt for firast eaCe last meek, la 'in third place Vih 28points, followed be Neilicol- Wn al the Rangera ýWIth 27 anc« ,«Oey D=amrt O! Boston wmîhi26. #p$oer <Toe) Blake o! IÀontreal Mmài4ns, lstseasoliN'a oringa Of doui !rOm the sale cf mcli- thumbcd sporhing editions. + + + Ih Just gmesto prove that you never know lxi tii. orld e! sports. Port hope mugit make thingsa lot 01oser tula time. No, me're flot talc- îng aMY bets, nelghber. A!] .ktddlng eside, however, meat the. ta=0 a210relly beglnnlng to clameur for la some real red hot cempehlhlon thiilproduce food tor $ome go0d hockey gosaip on the long mnter eVeninga that are atili ahead of us. And dOn't blamne the hockey club fqr-"e Iask of keexi competition. lee<*eY groupinga are hougi te. or- ganise. And besicles, mait'Il me uit 'Play. dlrt, IU yucent get ho Mepfle Leaf Oardens on Seturdey nigit tien go ip t o laylor's Anena and mitness th Otasc tomorroir before tiey uit ~ ~ ~ b ta.bgtm.Tekids puton some 'meet exhibitions and you anhélP tiihe ceuse aleng by con- tribvti a thin dîme fer an after- noon o! hockey thit yeu won't get fori that price anyuiiere cisc in theSe parts. And,. Incidentally, there's almays skatji ah Taylor'5 cxiSeturdlay nl Y~ es, indeedy, thats thie enly to enjoy Saturdays. Tae.in the Wiby* Midget Hockey Leegue li the. afternoon and take yeur girl lend skating ah night. , e ehamnplon, has 25 points.. Phil Watson, Rangers Playmaker, leeda thie league in assists wihh 19, but has scored Qnly tiree goals. ROd Herner, Toronto defexitemaîî, rehained the lead li tie penalty list mith 51 minute1 spent on the bench. Wllbur (Dutcilý Hiller e! Rangera îa next mti 48. LIEVACK MARKSMAN WINS COVETED SHIELD Mlontrel.--Turnng 'i a score o! 5931 x 6000, 0. N. c*eirart e! the Levaclc Gun Club, Levack, Ont., ne- ccntly iwon tie. covehed Dominioni Marksmen.Expert Siield Awerd for outstandlng menkmansuip, it mas- ennounced hoday from thie head- qluarters. e! hie Dominion Markçs- men iu Canada have ever accomp- llsied thie f eet of scerlng the ne- quined points te atteai hie pnized Expert Siield -Awerd fer midi thie cozuPetit0r amust shoot hmenty tan- gets frein esci e! th. standing, sit- ing and prohe positions. Molasses la a sviobesome food anid mey b. -SUbatituted for sugarin hte samne proportion. If 'you use Ir ,ihus, iemever, use a lîttie l1cm llquld fil YcUr mixture. To neutralisethe acld li molasses, use one-haîf tee- spoon soda for eaci cup c! molasses. Coho urg- Battery In a Hard Battis with Whitby A.A.Ass LoseOut by a Score of 15-3 Players li ail teama are warned that they mnpst play wlth the team rmpresentative of the irard lI which they live, aise that they cannet quit ene team and play another, as wus attempted last Saturday iritheut success. AUl teams are urged te jee that ail equlpment la turned inte the team manager at the end cof the games each Saturday so that there will be ne chance o! any o! it get- ting lest. This equlpment la valu- able and costly to replace. South Ontario Junior.League The. South Ontario Junior League had another good night of hockey et Teylor's Arena on M4ondey night,January 29th. xI the first game the Wiiitby entry teck the~ Titans by the. score of 6-0. Tii. boys are improving every time eut, but ceuld de with conaîdereble more support, both vocal and fin- anclal. Tite second garni ias be- tireen North Stars and Cedardale, and was a closely centested game endig li a score ef 5-3 fer Cedar- dale. The night cap iras staged by Central Seals and Westmount when Jo. Childerhouse's pets woen by the score of 7-1. Next week, Monday, Februery 5th, the !ollowing games are: Cedardale vs. Westmount Whitby vs. Worth Stars Titans vs. Central Seals MARLIE CENTRE LEADS 'BIG SvX SCORINO RACE Toronto, Jan. 30-Elmyn Morris. diminutive Maniboro sniper, stili tops the. 0.H.A. Big Six greup scorers, stahishlcs cempibed up te and ixicludinig Satu.rday's games. Morris, mitih 11geais and 13 assists, hes 24 points, tire mere tien Adatn Brown, Guelph minger, mie has 16 goals and 6 assista. lI actual goal- gehting Brown lathi.' leagues high maxi. Jehnny MHoleta, Guelpi's smnooth pîsymaker, is third with 21 points, and Jud McAtee o! Oshzlaa is feurti miti 20. Leading scerera te date are: Pen. G. A. P. inM. Morris, Marhboros . 11 12 24 2 Brown, Guelph ... 16- 6 22 18 Moleta. Guelph ..12 9 21 4 J. McAtee, Oshaira 13 7 20 6 Gregg, Guelph .. .13 5 18 26 N. McAtee. OsheaaIl 7 18 4 Wiciiexko. Y. R. 9 7 1 6 12 Gillespie, Mari. . .12 3 15 4 P.- McNamara, M. 9 6 15 12 Gobdiiam, MarI. ... 9 6 15 8 Penguson, Guelph 8 7 15 21 Cesens, Guelph -....12 2 14 2 G. McNamara, M. 4 10- 14 6 Eddolls, Oshama . 4 10 14 2 Simpson. Y.R--9 4 13 8 Devidson, Mer!. . 8 5 13 12 McLean, Y. Rang. 5 8 13 6 MeLaughbin, Mari. 7 5 12 7 Rellyer, Oshawa . 5 7 12 8 Percival. N. Sens 7 3 10 2 Sairyer, Oshawa . 6 4 10 6 Main, Manîboros. 4 6 10 2 Wight, Verslty ..-. 5 4 9 2 Smyhhe, Varalty ..3 6 9 6 Ritchie, Oshawa . 2 7 9 5 Cenachen, Y.R... 5 3 8 4 EHoigson, N. Sons 5 3 8 14 R. Wilson, Oshawa 4 4 8 4 uWh'itby Midget Hockey Leae Interest li the gaines of the WVhit- by tuiret Hockey 'League, spcn- soreci by Whltby Lions Club, played every Saturday alternoon in Tay- lor's Arena, la gatherig momen- tum. While t la anybody's chance yet tonth e Jack King Memnorial Cup, teBlackhawks of Brooklin appear to be maklng an- extra atrong bid to annex the silverware, while Can- adiens aise have coVeteous eyes on it, with the Bruin i a similar Do- sition. Both teamas are tied se far, both having three wins te thelr credit. The Bruins have 2,and the Rangers, Maroons and Leafs one each. The cup was woan lust wlntel by the Leafs.. . I lut Saturday's games the Brooki B1ackhawýs held, the Maple Leafs scoreles li a fast gaine which left the Leafs at the end of a 3-a score. Thei Canadiens took, nj chances in their gaine with the Rangers when the. latter 1.11 before an on- slaugh-t and had te accept a 4-1 de! eat. These two teams, however, are fairly ireil matched, but fat skating and good combinatioxi play turned the tables on the Rangers. The Bruina left ne doubt o! their superiority on the ice when they handed the Marooxis a 7-1 defeat. This gamne, as the score indicates, *ras very much one-sided. l'ans who attend -these games frein week te weerk annot f ail te notice the great imprevemexit being madle by ail of the teams since t1hey have reached' their stride. ; It îs worth the time and effort of any citizen tÃ" 'go te the Mrena any Sat- urday afternoon and see the boys, ail under 16, li action. They are certainly ýdeserving ef every en- couragemient. Gaines next Satur- day are as- fcllows: February 3, 1 te 2 p.m.- Leafs vs. Rangera. February 3, 2 te 3 p-.m.- Can- adiens vs. Maroon. February 3, 3 te 4 p.m. - -Bruins vs. Blackhawks. LIONS 105E TO COURTICE BUT Gaines played ah Port Perry, Jan- uery 25th: Whltby . 3 Port Perry .... 3 Ceurtice . 6 Lions ... -..... 2 Played ah Whitby, January 26th: Palmn Billiards 4 Lions . . ....... 4 Nigut Owis ... 3 Whitby... 1 League Standing P. W. L. T. F. A. P. Palm BiUùiads . 3 2 0 1 16 12 5 Courtice ...... 3 1 a 2 13 9 4 Whltby .......4 11 -2 910 4 Lions........4 12 11416 3 Port Perry ... 3 0 12 13 142: Night Owls ... 31 2 09 13 2 Palm Billiards thireir Up a good chance te solidify their f irst place position on ?riday, when a major penalty te Suthon paved the way for thhfee fat Lien tallies, after-the Bil- liard men iad whah looked like. a se! e three goal lead. However ,the qulck-tempered defenceman o! the Billedmen mey nom be conviriced tiat e trip te the ceoler has spelled the difference betireen a min and e bass on many occasions before this. Goals by Thomas, Shortt and Sutton gave tue Billiardmen a de- cided advantage irn the first period, when the Lions could only net ene, March being the marksman. In the seoend period, irith McIutyre serv- ing a penalty, Muir scorezl for the Palm *Billiards te make the score Yacabosky and Hall; lst hune, Moore Bryant and Ferrest; alternates, Spencer, Rousseau, Bradley, Rich- ardson and McLean. WINS HISTORIC PETERBORO CUP Members o! the (qsiaira Curling Club have their chêsts stucW eut this wêek -and the reason la a *Ind- some neir addition for the orna-- mentation o! their "trophy aid!» . Last Wednesday an Osheaa ink, skipped by the mell-kxiown former local C.O.B.L. bail player, "Haxik" Morrison, and consishing e! Jack Roberts, lcal golf expert. Ruass Gay building gentleman and Fred "Plumnber'ý Garrarci, journeyed te Petenbere te compote iticeannual bonspiel et the Liftlock City and hhey captured premier honora. Vlc- tory meant the. anxiexing o! thie W. Qx. Morroir Trophy, one of thé most prlzed and best 4cxiomn curling tre- pies i Provincial competition. Members, of the. wnnlngrlnk wil] have thhir namies engru.ed upon- the. trophy. Presentéd tb he Pohterboro Cur!- Ing. lub> mfter the. Great Wer, by the late W. G. Morrôw, tuis splen- dld cup' has beexi won 'only three or fourtme by Oshawa ourlera ic. 1919 amdi was ilut brought ho Oshaia lni 1936. Iliree otiier Oshawra rinks com- peted li thi Peterboro bonaplel, headed by Dr. Jack Brock, Frank Michael and Ben Ward. WINDFALL FRUIT 15 NOUT FOR SALE -WARTIMB ORDER Reveal Measure Intendeci toj Protect Prices of Good 4 Stock- Bommanville, Jadf 30 - "As a VMe measure this year, sale of wlndfall apples -has beexi !orbiddexi except fer procesalng purposes." Inspecter A. Walton o! the Ontarie Depart- ment of Agriculture' stated li dis- trict police court here mien he ap- peared as wltness. He explained tiiat sale of mlnd!all fruit on the open market iras held up thJa year to alloir prices for good stock ho be pretected. ,Wlth the. expert trade being uit by the. iar, there lsae p)entiful supply e!o good- fruit. Canadien Fruit and Produce Co., Toronto, charged mitii movig mith- eut a permit, apples under deten- tien by departmnext Inspectors as imdfells, and with gradling apples abeve their quallty, pleaded gullty on ioth counts under the Onitario Farm Preducta Grades and Sales Act. Magistrete F. S. Ebbs lmpeaed a fine o! $30 and cests lI echI- stance. At e previeus hearlng, Jake Her- maxi appeared on behal! o!the flrm and pleaded gullty. A fine cf $25 and costa iras imposed on each charge et that tîme, but mien Her- maxiprctested tiiet h. hedt wftncsses -te bring te court, he ira allowed te withdrem his plea and the case mas set over. Louis Wiesteli, anotiier partner, appeared F'rtday and enter- ed axiother plea o! gullty, Evidexice iras gîvep by Insipcctor, Waltcxi that several .hundred boxes e! wlndfell apples lied been placed under detentioxi by-_tic departeent on the Canadien Fruit PFam et Neircastle. A later inspection re- vealed the fruit bad ieên tepioved and sold mithout peroiualosiO' Ui inspectera. On tih ecidca he stated several berrdla ci àppIes had beexi lnspeçted, axId !o,*und the top layera mwer. ,qualUi fruit, ii. the reat ofthe -contenta drOpWlng li quallty 85 per çent. ««I am a<dvlsed the. prîct4ce la faIr- ly gexicral as regardc% zovlng apples uxider detention," Crown Attorney 1%. Deyman, Cobourg, stated. - Young P>eole To Meet hI eclWvilein ~1941' Beilevule, Jan. 30-11118 City mnl i 1941, again 1b. he IocaU 1oio the Bey o! quinte Con!ereie Younig people's Wliter Sehool, it iras declded* ett he Closlflg sien. Rtev. Harry Mefloi, preadent o! the sehool, mas in Charge. Resolutlons 0o! aPPreclatioý ,te Beivleresident -ibo ami, accommodating the'% U ci durlng the. week, an"t asalted, irere- adopted. Lait nlght a prran ws uider the dtrection o! the hion. grup. Games and ocj teste irere Ieâtured, anid the of dedication iras coxiducted Roy Riokard l-o! Goiborne. Gazette and Chronicle CI Ada. wil Erlng thie Deslred EL6ECTRICRANGE RBEP AIES For Moffat, Weatnhouse, une, Beach, McCiary, Gene"a Electrie and Ail Well-KnDown Makes. NEW ILIUtS from 1.95 up Sitches, Oven Door Springs-and Wirinog, Repaired. .A set of new elements in your range will reduce your hydro bu DON CHRISTIAN ELE tRI -OSHAWK Phone service »Dp utm 44 Safe Winter Drivig BELL TAXI Safe, -careful and courteous dri*vers. Comfortable, heated cars,/ Always at your servce. JUST 'Phne 5- I Things iappened fast and fur- iously ithe. final round homever. Bobby Dove and McIntyre irere benished for a miner squabble, and huis reduction cf maupomer alloir- ed tricky "Buck" Davies te score unassisted for the Lions. A penalty te Keleman follomed aud he had hardly returxied te the ice when Suthon and Furey taxigled, with Sutton receiving a major for his contribution tethie prcceedings. Jush wiy Furey iras let off a-e were1 neyer able te find eut but te add insult te lnjury, arith Suttoniluthe cooler, lie tears through ahl the op- position te score tire quick goals, and seir the gaine up t.ighter than the skin on a drum.. The evertime se.wion failed te relieve the dead- bock. 1 Palm Billiards-Goal, Slack; de- fense, Law and Thompson; lst ine, Thomas, R. Deve, Hardie: atern- ates , Muir, Shortt, A. Dcwe, Sutton, Hurst (sub-goal) - tLions--Go-al. Prizebois: de! exse, Murphy and, Sleep; lst lime, -Fureyi Davies, G. Tresise; alternates, Mc- Intyre. Y)eourth, March, Kelemen. Night Omis Win The Nîght Owl-W-hitby gaine ias a fast travelling affali-, with the former teain showing more thai- in any preVieus gaine tô ring up their first vin of the seaesou. Lakas, in the first, and McConkey aud XViI- liains in the th-!rd. secured tue Night 0mb tallies. Bradley saved Whitby froin a shuheut lu the third mien lie outwitted Barniage for their orphan tally. Thie gamneiras fatt and dlean, only three penalties being issued durlng the extire gaine. Williamis and Yacabosky tangled in tue irst period, earnlng a trip to the box, and Moere f or a miner offeucé li the second period. Yacabosky's col- enful style, with the dasiing efforts of Moore, Bryant and Forresh mere Whitby's chie! contributions te hih! affair, aithougihite exitire team shoired signs of napidly roundixig into playof f condition. ]Forthie Omis, mhose min iras long everdue, Penny Blanchard and Sut- ton, tie1ir Ne. 1 ine, carried the mail lI upsetting the Whitby on- ganizahbon. Richards, McCoDnkeY and ILas dld fine work up front, mitii Lakas' sole goal standing out. Oms--Goal, Barniage; defence, Williams anid McDonald; lst lime,- Ferry, Blanchard and Suddard; eh- ternates, Richards, McConkey, La- kas, Alexander, McMann. Witby--Goal, ViPond; defexice, What do DETWEE.N you THE vea-d- L INU?-l Between the lines of every advertisement you see, you can imagine thesý words: "Thousands of people had to believe in this product- and huy it- before it was ready for advertising!" The fact that a product, is advertised regularly means that a lot of people buy it regularly. The fact that a sforekeeper or manufacturer will join his name with, it in public proves that he thinks it is good, honest value., lime was when the slogan, "Let the buyer beware," governed buying and selling. But advertising has re- versed that. T ay it reads, "Let the seller bewar'e!" For' if his goods don't measure up,-he loses out to ad- vertised products that do! Y Cuba's best-known glîts to the major league, Adolph Luque, (left) former pitcher and nc.w a coach, and Mike Gonziles, former catcher, shake hands in Havàna before- a game betwee-n teams coached by the two. The Cuban Icague schedule runs 15 weeks. 1 1 TIE 1 BILLIARU OSHAWA êINK

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