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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 1

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TUE /OL. 76-NO. 31 rai GAZ * ~ ~W1- hi8- 0<F, 31, u I 'TARIO COUNTY'S LEAEC .N ew Administration for C-OM'MITTEE WILL ÇONTROL FINANCES,ý) Ol.-VE LEAOýER-SH'IP. > Çouncil,- Chamber of Com- mnerce, Ser;vice Clubs, Firemen and Band Rep- resented on Committee aPONSOR CONCERT * TO RAISE FUNDS - Gîce Club to-Give Concert in Brock Theatre on Fb 6th, With-.Theatre Man- agement Co-operatink Organization of the W'hitby Citi- zesiBand committee whlch will iu future administer the business affairs of the baud, and seek to buld Up a. musical organizatlon-, -which will be a credit te the town snd an encouragement to the ba#d- miaster. 'as comPleted at a moet- Iug hold on Mouday- evening lu the Town. Cleîrk's offi!ce. Mie cemmittee la headed by Jo&ephi Shields as chairman, with G. Heath Ross as secrètary-treas- tirer. Other members are Mayor rred T:. Rewe and- Deputy-Reeve Frank Tbreadgeld nepresenting the Trowu Couccil; Francis J. Melntyne, the Chamber o! Commerce; Chie! William Bllot! mcd'Joseéýb Shields, the Rotary Club,,- J. H. Ormiston, the Lions Club-, William Heard. the Pire Department; Reginald Woodl, .the- CaInadiau Leglon sud Band-. ýtnaster Brie Clarke, the baud. Trhe- f ira! task o! the comruittee ~ll1 be te set the fhuanclal bouse o! the baud in order and te place it, If possible, on a souud busis, wip- Ing eut _an- existlng sunali defîcit ag&i settlng up a fuu4 ,for the pay- -In ,Lo! the bancIn~i%à r'tbê pur- chase o! uniforms and ramuslc, rent- Ing o!-band practise quartens, and the payment of incidentaI expenses. Th1r first-move lu this cennection A. beinr mirlo on Tiiesday evening r.ext. Fcbrilaîy ý6, whec. through the k1riricI ncsud generositv o! Mns. Vernan Rowc. the Whitby Glee Club ili1 sponsor a conc.et in-the Brock Theatrr, ehile the theatre management vrill coctribute te the programme with a popular motion picturPe. Tickets bave beeni print- ed mand distnibmted. aud it la the hope o! the committee that the 110115- Wil1l b soýld eut, se tha! the baud wil harve substautial finan- cial rÉtîurnus. Mrs. Rowe lias pre- parecd for thi-7 concert an entirely new re m and tbe singers wil wohard io the bes! adyau- tage in th-e fine theatre auditorium. Th- c(oicmi ff Idiscurt ed with Er.nnms ricl Clarke, a number o! mrattem-s. aniong ýhem a series of ece-i-rticflit mhight. be given in the -rk ati- cincl the business - sectiCi tri tloc al merchacîs * dunlu fam raieweather. ru this cenictwmî ie ueed for a band stand b:l.îmItforward, aIse a sutalu e locin for it, aud this ouctioi whlhave the cansidera- tien tCrte emmittee at a lateir date. The Bl3ncIn-a.ster ÃŽsendenvoring te m'.c. I-an-sd up to a higb otrf r i c usical excellence se t hcît m be n h lcpmnt ill tirnes for ecga:w-s h visde-ided te wait vnuil arm the conce-rt nex! Legi'on Honors Its President on His £nlistment Private Davide Phatt, Who rioent- ly resgned as -Presldent of Whltbv Branch 'o! the Cazia.dlan Legion, te don Hi*s Majpty'a unlform aui<i serve wlth CafflGlM !ightlng forces, *ta agreé-bWY aurl afew eeniungs mgoý when umenbers" of the Leglon called<;t bis fboi an sd pfSeeted hlm with *t MaSole ring aud a -past-,M«dents' jevel. ,The tilts weres coojpiued by an address whicli expressed appreclatIon of the work -wbich Dave fias clone for the Legion sud 0' ocougratulatd lM on fis deci3lý%nt again joln the beolrs lu the ciefence of Canada and the Empire, as he did during the lat war. Private Platt Is wlth the l5th. General Hospital R.C.AMd.o. TELL$ LIONS CLUB Of PORT PERRY 0F Rev. David Marshall, of Whitby, Given Wam Welcome Laat P'rday 'evenhng, the, Port Ferry Lion& Club was regalsd ýwlth a fioset uteeat1ng- deslptin --Of at rth Gulana by the'Rv. minuster of Whltby. The speaàke'r was lntroduced'by M.r. J. H. Ornais- ton, editor of!-The Whitby Gazettte and Chronicle, who by the -way 15 president of the Lions Club o! Whitby. British Gulana, said Pcv. Mr. Marshall, Is part o! Soutli Ameni- cm and was dlscovered by Sir Fran- cis Dr-ake. The early seafarers got the imnression. that this laud vas rich with gold and it go! the name of 'Eldoradlo" but. instead o! find- ing gel-i there, it was dlscovered te be full o! unelothed savages and nife with tropical diseases, but no gold. Teday British Gulana la peopled by about 30000 Inhabitauts as f ol- lows: one-third, negrees;, one-third. East -Indians, and 'one-third cern- pesed e! every ether nation under the sun. Originaliy they were slaves, but it must net be believed that slavery was all cruel. Most o! the slaves were deveted te their masters and many today are proud te be narned a!ter their former owners, a gecd exampiie te many modem employers e!f- laber. The chie! industries are bauxite, that is mtluminum lun the reugh and there is sufficient te meet present-day requirements for another century. Sugar is mîso pnoduced in vas! quantities and the chie! by-pnoduct o! sugar 13 rum. Rum was ne! wonth much in eanly days. It used te flow as prof useby as waten. Though 1! would hmrdby have been considered as good taste for a preacher te have announced for bis text, '.Shmll we atfher out+'hge -Crime Wave Cornes to Abrupt End After Nurnerous Break-ms Bowmanville to Pickering Fi Ve Face Six Charges inI Tominson,. 20; Leonard Eborner, Whitby Police Court and 18, Bruce 'Rociden, 20; Robent Weir, Sixi.'h Man, Shot By Platten, vho was wounded when Ga rage Owner West of Garage. vest o! Pickernug, is unden ~Tc- i',, . y4. ,.,,, guard ini the Toronto General Hos- A iç;irn i n tr55£5£5 5~ie iuàI@ pital - pive o!, the six mec rnested iu remoonte ýfor the break-ins along Rlghwuiy No. 2,. !rom Bewmanville te Fickering, - appeai-edinluWhitby police court Tuesday a!teruou be- fore Magistrate F. S. -Ebbs. Tlhe Slxth mac charged la in the Toroen- te General. Hospital su!! erncg a e jullet woud in lus thigh. ,gîx cli anges wene read agaicat tach o! the f ive mec whe appeareci. Crown Attorney Aluin F. Anuls ask- ccl that the cases be set over oee weebc. acd that eacb accused be remanded lu custody uniesa bail o! $5,0w0 vas pnôvided. The mec charged une: Jamea pital. The mec are changed with the theft o! a car- lu Toronto, ovced by Col. A. W. Langmuir, Toronto resideut. A quan!ity o! goods, al- Iegediy stolen lu the night raid by the thieves, was recovereci In the car ut the time the mec vere an- rested iu Toronte. Part e! these goods vene on exhibit lu the court nom Tuesday a! ternoon, sud cover- ed' the greaten part of a 20-foot table. The men vene gathered in through the Joint efforts o! Chief e! police Eiliott, Whltby; Provin- cim1 O!ficer W. H, Clark, Oshava, 'and Toi-ente police. The thieves are charged vith mXking a tour o! garages stanting, (Coutlnued on Page 6, Col. 3) TOW~N UST BAVE INDIYIIJVAUTY TO Leslie MeFarlane, Authorp Thinka Wbitby Can Be Thus Bmntfited Soinee -;.sýà ructiVe suggestions helpful to the Town o! Whltby ln sedurlng a larger share o! Ontario's annual hundreci million dollar tour- lst business were made by Leslie PiLFriane, welI known Canadian author and Whltby c it izein addreSlng thie weekly luncheon &< Whitby Rotary Club at HRotel Whit- by Tuesday. In unique,.style and In #VmWoous vein, Mr. McFarlane citecl. $ome original peetie verses, te illus- trate the point that zigus extraor- dinary, con places-o! business and Publie buildings n,)ght be the means o! at tra.cting tourissand enducing them te stoP in Wliltby when many o! the ordinary methods o! attrac- tion 89- cozumon te every town had f aled. Ontario towns,--said the speaker,i should stress their Indi'viduality, and in places where this Is laeklng there should be an inunediate and concrete effort te establlIt Mr. MeFarlane told the Rotasr- lans that the subject o! his address had been- suggesteid te -him hiy the appointmnentby Premier Mitchell F. IFePburn cf Douglas Oliver, former well known newspaper man, as-hemd o! the Ontario Tourist and Publicity Bureau. Re noted, ho-wever, that the suni o! twenty-five thousand dollars, a figure which lacked con- finiuatlon, had been sslgned, te Mr. Oliver for bis work and to hl= It seemed a very lnsignifi9ant sum ln vlew o! the fact that tourist busi- nu annually in Ontario *as estfý, mated to be worth. one hundrec4 Million dollars. It might be,,howll ' ig mtght net 'be -cor d1 further, he would not like to'see Mr. Oliver handicapped linihis, worlk whlch was s0 vitally important to Ontario for lack o! sufficlent funds ta carry ou. Mr. McFarlaue stressed the point that every Rotarlan a.ndevery Ro- tary Club havtng contact wlth in- dividuals or erganizations in the United States had a wonderful op- portunity t-o counteract faise ln- formation spreading rapidly through the United States with regard te difficulties vrhich tourists might en- counter coming to the Dominion of Canada whilie she was a! war, by [ maklng knewn the true facts. Every effort should be made, Mr-. McFar- lane said. te convmnce American vis- itors that they were a,- welcome in Canada today as they were before Canada entered the war, that tbey' would be shown every kindness and consideration and subjected te ne undue incenvenience. Mr. McFax- lane could see a great falling off ini touris! traffic in Canada if the f aise propoganda, ne doubt eminating f rom enemy sources, was net met Court House on Tuesday afteruen and beyond the reading e! com- munications mnd the discussion of miner matters brought up by mem- bers very iittle wims doue. The Chairman o! Finance, W. M. Letcher, Reeve o! Port Perri', sought to obtaîn the views e! mem- bers on the request in December o! the Canadian Red Cross Society for a grant. There was oonsiderable discussion but ne definite decisien was reached. It la possible, how- ever, that when the Finance and Assessment Comimttee report is breught i a recommendatien wil be nmade. The reports o! the finance and assessinent and the reads and bridges committees are the most important yet to be brought in, and both of them may precipitate con- siderable discussion, as the expendi- taire o! many thousands o! dollars will be involved. The opinion at the court house was that the Council mightbe able'te get through seune- time ou Thursday. iE A. J. Bell la Firet Preuident 'lme Association gets. away to a. 40 M -Jo 90Wstar wit a.paid-up mem- --Ovr 40M~i~ers olibrâhlp of 43 retail business men. -DirOctorS Plàb tc> H0ld *» reien Bl, î I itiat Meeting Sot~ -A. Will cii a meeting of the directors rgtaway to deal wlth à nuniber SOCiatIo$IAbU$ Qutinecl of important matters. The Assoc- Lation as a body, however, will meet A. J. JBeU wu elefed chairman the second Monday in each month. of the newly organnd W1I1UbY et- Addressing the meeting the presi- ter Business Assoiation at a met- cent-elect outlined the chief func- ing held Tuesday evening Ii. the tion of the meeting, to promote bet- LIbrary called for the purpfl ôf ter business In Whitby. Every mexn- eiecting officers. Mr. Bell has bun ber, said the president, must there- the prime knover ii the Assocla#çt>Wa fêre boost, eat, wear, and think orga Joseph Shields WM WVhitby ail the. time. Worklng elced -president; G e orge unitedly, much could be acconi- ftoddts secriary an4 Roej Powimo, pfls&ed. tasurer. embership tickets wlll be print- The diretors are: Hirry Dons4W, ed and distributed as quickiy as WalterMeCari, Mack Bassett, Jq$ùi,1possible, and new -nembers wiil be Black and Ohas. Astrop. welcomed. Proeess ' is the. Watchword .at AUiSaints Chdrht as Fi1 nb 'Ye-ar 0f Achiove m», ts ids 1WRoviewed All Expenses Met md Sué-, plus on Hand - Re<tIor urges Vestry to Ren'ier-1 ber Tho"e Froni Cougre. gatinWho Have Enhistu ed in Coýuntry't Sec The annual Ve.stry meeting o! Ail Saints Chure . was held In the pgrlsh hall, lut Monday eveing -*lth the rector, Rev. E. Rýa1ph Adye l In 1M-ehair. - 4sho a'ors sdmna~~ on baud but wlth a budget forth eomlng year vhich viii 'demauàd the best efferts o! everyone. The wardens s!ressed the fact that the Maintenance programme pantlculanly must go on and that the regular services o! the churcb must be mahntm.lned. Thle rector's report sheved 'a heaî!hy condition o! the panish with cearly. 700 mec, women mcd childi-en on'the noll. 1The reetor recommended that a cemm*ttee be set ut) te look a!ter the bo ys o! the congregation vho eulls!ed mnd be pnepaned te keeo lh touch, vith them et home or overseas. This suggestion waà ne- ceived witb approvai and the cern- mi!tee vili be set up in due course. The nrector alse polnted out that this year is the 75!h anniversary o! the iaying o! the ceruerstene o! the church andc au!horl!y vw& glv n te Set up a committee te, sec th t this annýiversary vas preperhy rneî ogule4 and lemd Up tp the anuiver- sary neýx! yemr when the church wÏas opeued for divine worship., nhe rector's warden, Mn. J. W. Vickeny, was ne-appointed for hîs secou4g year but Mn. A. H. Lear, peopléWs vanden, hmd to retire due te the pressure o! business, and Mn, E. Bundge was electec inlu is stead. Mn,.-R. ). -Ruddy was elected ch airmumi e! the board o! sidesaien and the !oliowing vere appointed by Muer rector te assist hlm: Messrs. Hiirýans, *R "M Devý--ell. H.Lead 1p4Lomax, W .feW .H 4ýichÏrdson, R. D. Ruddy, J. W. Blelghthoîm, W. C. Town, H. Baillie, R. R. Insole. Sîdesmen elected hy tàhe vestýyV ere as follows: D. Adams, J. E. Carke, S. Enskiiie, T. F. Henstock, F. Ince, A. H. Lear. G. Livingstone, G. McGowau. P. O'Dell, T. Richardson. R. Agg, Brie Clanke, Dr. F. A. Cuddy, C. Ronke. Meesrs. J. E. Clarke, R. L. Bell and His Honor Judge D. B. Cole- mac were elected as lay members o! Syuod acd Messrs. L. D. Agg, T. E. Henstock mcd A. H. Lear were elected as substitutes. Mr. H. Baillie was appointed as envelope secretany and Fred O'Deil was appointed te assis! hlm. ThIe members of the envebepe cemrnittee are as !ellews: Messrs. A. H. Lear, H. L. Heard acd L. D. Agg mcd Mesdames A. H. Lear acd J W. Vickery wlth power te add te their nuxubens. The parochimi tribunal was co- (Coertinued on Page 5, Col. 4) Whitby United Church Records A Year of Intensive Work at AnnualMeeting of Congreg'ation Church Raised Over Two $7,151.16, exclusive of new organ Thouand or Orga fud, wilefor Missionary and Thouand f o Or a teanceenterprises of the Fund Over and Ahove church there wus contributed b3' ' the congregations . of Whitby Churcýh Regular Obigations $1,404.48, and by Almonds $53.13, AIl Departments, Report ,aking a grand total of $1.458.01. r included in the current receipts was Progres $300 from the pastoral charge at Almonds. Envelones and self denial. A year of outstandhng spirituasi contributions wr $3.849.89, and loose collections $698.96. making a and material achievement for tht i total in Sunday offerings O! congregation o! Whitby United $4.548.85. Church was reported, at the an- The Women's Missionary Society nual meeting on Wednesday even- ýand subsidiary organizations for ing, over which the pastor, Rev. home and !oreign missions ralsed: Clifford Park, preslded. Mot only $1000, the Women's Association were the regular church financial $990.80; the chair $206.97, and the obligations mauntained, but.- Up- Men's Association $156.62. wards o! ý$2,200 wus ralsed on ac- The Session- stat.istical report count of the organ fund, while 1 showed a total membership o! 523 substantial amourits were con- at the end of 1939. Under pastoral tributed by varifus organisations. care are 370 families, 325 In Whitby From every department of the and 45 in Almonds; totmlling 950 church, the Session, Board of persons. Members recelved during Stewards, Women's Association,' the year 34 -by -tertificmte and eight Women's Missionary Society, the on profession of falth. There were Mission Circle, Bunday -Sehool, 14 removals by death and 32 by Ladies' Bible Class, Men's Associât- certificate and otherwise. There tion, the choir, the church treasureT. were 3 baptl.sms, 18 marriages and Missionary and Maintenance Fund. 29 deaths. and others. came reports of WOrk Mr. P. C. Browif was elected aý well done in spiritual and material member of the Session to take the things and progress macle. Fin. place o! the late Ã". -W. Scott. To ancially,- it wms an outstandung year the Board of Stewards there were for the churéh each report re. elected Charles F'othergill, H. W. vealed. Improvernents to church IRoys, Mrs. S. Murdoch and Ralph plant and equîpment uncluded the Clemen'ts. new organ, and the memorial pul- Resolutions of thanks and appre- pit and choir loft given in1 memory ciation to the pastor for his f aith- of the late Mrs. W. J. Thompson, fui inistry, te all organizations of as well as general repairs. the church for their splendid work Total current fund receipts were (OontiuUed on Page 5, Col. 5) Council Refera Request to Committee On Finance Application for an increase in salmry was made by Dr. F. A. Cuddy, Medicai O! ficer o! Health, fer the Tqwn o! Whltby, at the f irsi regu- la&meeting o! the Ceuncil held lait wéek. Dr. Cuddy, who new receives $100, pelnted eut that this amount is insufficient considerlng the amount o! work there Is te be done -and the responsibility involved. He stated that some municipalities con- sider ten cents per head of popula- tion adequate numeration fer the medical beaith efficer. The ,letter was referred to the committee or applications fer consideration. Seeks Gran't The South Ontanio Agricultural Society forwarde-d a letter asking for a grant o! $2à. Attached to the letter wms a statement o! the So- ciety's finances, and it was peinted eut that the Society was endeavor- ing wlth a considerable measure ofý success net only te impreve its fair each year. but meet its obligations. a substantial amount being paid off last year in the matter o! debt re- duction. The letter wus referred te the finance cenamittee. Application fer a taxi license frem th<e Arrew Taxi signed by W. S. Martin and S. Correil was granted. Makes New Plan, H. L, Pringle by resolutien was authonized te bnlng the assesamen'ti plan up te date and have same, printed and bound at a cost net te exceed $125. Wants Better Lighting A letter was read from Rev. Dr. C. R. Carseali p, principal and gev- ~ ore!. he. arieLMie, C0liege, é6 cdnidr-le in-' *nlation o! ,et.ter lightlng on Reynoids Street from Dundas te the Col lege gates. Dr. Carscallen pnointed eut that while there are three llghts 'between the bigbway1 -and the Coîîege now lu use. thev are net very bright. The College was afraid te have the studentis who get off the night busses and waïk down Reynolds Street te the Col- lege on this acceunt. particularly when there are ne Iighted bouses on the route. The letter was referreci te the fire and Iight committee. TOWN FINANCE JffPFNIfNT ON WiOV._ U SD Rate Struck in Hope That] Usual $39700 Will Be Forthcomiîng- Although as annouuced in these columuas las! week the Town Coun- cil has struck thbe 1940 ta)Z rate at !erty-one and a bal! milîs. the pay- ment o! part or ail o! the subsidy o! a miii and a haîf te the muni- cipalities by the Hepburn Geveru- Iment is in doubt. more particuiarly on account o! the Dominicn elec- tien. which, it is stated. bas upset the Provincial budget whîch, 1! Is iannouneed. wili be brought down shortly. The ch a in o! circumstances wbicb produice this situation la this weuld have te, be made up in the 1941 tax rate,,probably cmuslng an increase. ON ACTIVE SERVICE Three sons e! Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt bey. o! Whltby. are uow In unifonîn aud hope te be able te serve their country overseas. Eugerie and Ronald are lu the Tank Regi- nient and Harold is w)th the 48th Highlanders o! Toronto. 11ýW, êFFICEýR$ AID' .-ý,-.,ECTORS cIIOSEN OS-,COLINTER ýR.incsJ: Mclntr iPre- "Sicilà*t and Wiûl1lia m Regarding sez.ise vidsnViePsdnt In rmySe~e ayTreasurer Re- 'The -Wbftby, Gasette and Obron- icle would veiýy M*uch--appr, mae re- C ceiving news items concenng n'en FT R YEAReS% ORKÇ from Whitby and district who have- enlisted or who may in future en- list ini any of' Canadwa'ax-aunits. à1 d u st i tI, eLiW. Letters from soldiers ovems&as wil ship, Publi .it ra~1Bge be particularly welcere.y I-t Is the intention of this paper to toçmmence and Better Whitby Are next week as a regular feêture a Chlet C>n2mittees n r column under the heading in. Or Active Service," and we invite thé, t anàap. co-operation o! our readers in mak- ing it interesting, lFranos J. ' tre was elected All n ews items must be addressed to the editor and signed by theprset WhiYcabr wrxtersCommerce byz41ý, directers at a meetle held Mo'n4ay afternoon inUTI the Town Cilerk':ý:ficwê B iu the resuit of the rc ballo frdirectors a ee.d yEr" W'ELlliBaRVEB tailUam who bsbe president during very activeélais- Â I T. ~ BR [~ 'S tory o! the Chamber, becomes vice- AT,:S @ AN REY president and aIse chairman cf the Industrîal Commîttee. Supper and Con-cert Are S. W. Keown was re-elccted to Tribute to Meplory of th9 post e! secretary, whiile C. A Scottish Poet Bryans' retains the treasureship. Directors e1ected for a 1-Vo year period are: S. W. Keawnl, J. M. The memorv of the famous Sce!- Roblin. William Davîdson. C. A. tl.sh bard and poet, Robert B1irns ,Bryvans F. J. Mclntyroe, -1G. M.I wa s honored, in trtie style at St. i Goodfellow. A. J. £.eli. D. A. Wilson, And.rew's Church on Thufrsdaiv eve- J! nHrLwec ~Frs ing. on the occas-ion of the annual Jh ae arneApFrs Smith. Those, who have a one- Burns Night supper and concert sponoredby S. An.-,e*s Mn.vear terni are: W. A. Hoiliday, R. with the Ladies' Aid co-operatinc .Hthsn .A srp .At A. . Wlke an Bo Br1.e M. Irwin, Dr. 0. L. M2.ýdouga1l, E. bore aie! t the Haggis which was1L. Odlum, W. M. Pri ilé, Mayor pipd n te ipe Jck te3 r, ndRowe. W.-C. Towrý erbert T. the time-honoreci adiress te theWisn iy"tery dýîcacy "cham-niqn e tbe Committees who ivilli work. with 5uddin' race."'was cîèer'ergiven by the officers in fiirthetîng the vani- ISandy Prentice. eus activities o! the Chalr'er are:. jSupper of Scotch di.shes was -Industrial, Wm. Davidson, <chaic- served by members of the Ladies' mnan), C. A. Bryans. D. G. Ii. Mac- Aid and assistants; undegr the di- dougail. 1 rection of Mrs. Herb Wilson. who Membership - 'errest Smitlh, was in charge cf thp kitchen. F'r4nk (chairmanI, A. J. Bell, Lawrence aIse rendered valuable assistance.aeccfteOtal opia tf, Agg. Oven two huudred sat down to su1i- per. acd later remaiued fer the ,-conÃŽ- cert. The exceptioually fine prograin of Scotch uumbers included the foilowiug numbers- Community sluglur. led by Bob Wagetaff; double quartette selection by Dave Mowat. Sani- Preutice, Mrs. Perguýon, BohW-csaf.Mrs. Geo. Moçvat. and Mris. Allan Walk- er: cornet solo. Bandmrsster Erir Clarke; musical szelertion. Scotch airs bs' the five Clarke brethers Pnd Jack .Bnoadbent. Jr.: due!, Mrs. Spi-att and Mrs. Ferguisen; neadings. Sandy Preutice, vocal soles. Bob) Wagsta!f; bagpipes selection, Piper Jeck Stewart. The a.-ddress te '"The Immortal Memeny" wa-s lu the capable bauds o! the mniister. Rev. 'David Mar- shall, who lu glowlng. tenms spoke o! sevenai o! the outstauding traits o! chai-acter o! Robér! Burns whîch eudeared him to the Scottish pcrople o! bis day and of the years that -have passed since bis death, cnt only ln Scotlacd, but lu every coeun- !ry lu the wonid whe-e sous o! Scotia are te be found. StilI anether treat o! the eve- ciug was the address by ~v Samuel Lawrence,. extollinig Scet,- (Coutinued on Page 5, Col. 5) Town. ichairmani; G. 34.Good!eî- low, A. J. Bell, 'R. G. Guoibb. It was suggested that ibis commit- tee migbt be u'amed the Big-ter and Better Whitby. Cernmittee it' its chie! functien ti icdu:u' new Lcitizeus te corne te Whitby. It vas declded -te launch imme- dia!ely a vigorous ine-nb3rsbip jdrive. mcd the Cornmittee irvili ha, ou! a! once ou the wan path. jJ. H. Ormisterl was named,diner- ton f pu blicity, mcd an exures,7,iou of W arrn appre-elation o! the sum- port the Chaiuber 'had' always re- ceived from the Gazette andi Chron- icle was vq-ced by Presideut-eleet Mc!cyne . 4n Mn. Ormisten I feel 1that oun publicity la iu geed hand;' said the president. jMacy important matters await the attention o! the Chamiiber thirs i year, and some on wbich extensive i wlonk- has already hemP doue are > ;t1l lui hauci., i -ie presideut wili eall a çgenenal J meeting in the near future th fui- ther outiinte the progranhme o! work for the year. The meeting exprèssed îrs ,,pore- ciation o! the faithfuî and effec- tive service reudcmreci duriugr the ipast two years by he retiring presi- dèn!, William Davidson. Chief Subniits. First Annual Report Covering Period From Septemberto Deceniher Many Cases Deait With Under the Hlighway Traffic Açt Stolen Property Recover-!119summonses werleissued, Six Were ed -119 Summonses Under Highway' Traffic Act - Submits' Esti-i mates for the Year toi the Council Chie! e! Police Wilauî Bluet! pnesented te the Town Coucl ist its fins! negular meeting last week bis reDent frern September lst. when he took office, te December 31, 1939.2 Under the headiug o! court' cases duning that period t was showuýn tha! there lied been il arrest- made, thi-ce for breaches o! t-be liquon con- trol met, four for drunkuessanmdi four for fraud. - Summeuses wene issued fer four offenses9, twe fer disordenly conduct, eue for aggregative assault acd Oee for non-suùpport. -vice mci eue dismissed. The re-_ port shows that tbef ta incîuded $12 from- fle --cas-h drawer fnom the# Chin-ze îaundry; that eue auto w5.5 re-pc.nted stoien acd recevered at Woodbnidge, and that tmvo mutM weire recovereci !rom eut o! towl,- ene f nom Toronto and -eue fromi Oshawa. The chie! iuvestig,,at-od the bremkiug lut-o mcd enterng e! the Unitedi Cigar Store. miseô seme break- lus icvolving cottages ai- the beach %vhich. it La stated. wene traced to an Octarie Hospitalinlmate. The chie! submitted bis estimates for the year totalling $3.700 for thÉç operatien o! bis depant-meut. An :îem o! $132 la includeci for -the resýtoration o! the 10 per cenf. saiary rz-7Iuction ou account o! nlght,.eon- stable John Thomas, while the chie! aska for a $200,salai-y Increase and $50 lu bis auto aliowance. The-re- pont was filed. .400(j

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