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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 2

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x~1 N TWO THE WNfeITB A EE IANSCII PubhiIhed evey Wednesday momnlng by TJ lialirag Company o saaUut Mundy, President; A. R. Afloway, V%4-1 Orsydon M. koodj.low, Director. Artywhe luinCanada $2.00 a ?Uar hIadvt a yer to subscrbers-In the Uuiiçd- other fortglun taies. Theg date tei subsoriptàon ln pald la tudietted on th label AdvertWsng rates on Appucauca J. X., ORMIS, etr and RutineeSà Office Telephone: '103 ad 414. Wm'rEY, WBDMM~AY, JANUARY f31 1940 Tax Rate Beat MWf Coâncil Amie; *3.5 states or Vbich the- rt Of In the face of an additional $2,600 re qulred by the Board of - Eduçation, thý Council ha% béen able to kéep thé tax rat, at forty-oné and a hlaI!milîs, thé saine a lait year. -T'hose who hoped for xi réduc tien, »o! course wilî be diaappointed, buý when they cousidér that thé Çôuncll le ab sorblng the. additioual $0,600 without iln creasing thé raté, thiey will admit that gooi work has ben doue, and that careful par ing o! expenditureis during thé year will b. necessary. In fairnesa- te thé Board e! Educatior it shQuld-be uoted that unforeseen expendi. tures, detreaised grants, anjl, cf'course, the Couucîl',sdemand for &w lighting 1*11 the echools, hasxerndered a larger educational appropriation necessary. Thé oniy !ly ln thé' ointmient se fat, as mnunicipal financing this year j@ concerned la thé possibility that thé provincial auùb- miy -o! a ill and a hait which ha# meant 133'00 to thé Town ef Whtby mnay be- ré- Juced or eliminated on account o! thé war. Inu thÎs évent. the Council will have a dé- ficit at* thé end ýo! the year, because' the rate hais beén struck with thé expectation th at It will Iéb forthcomig'o ni aiter-the Federai élection lu March may a décision be reached, as thé provincial bud- get la dépendent upon certain subsidies or ,grants from thé 'Fédéral gevernment. If' the Council does net taré as well as last year frein Queen's Park, aàd -% déficit la ucrrd/' it will have to be taken care e! lu- the 1941 tax rate. ThéMiré slaise thé. chance th4t grants for war purposes may boost thé ceunty rate, but at thé présent tinté this seem urilikely. Police 'Work Humpered'fo Lack of Room TIhe need for btter Police headquarteris and equipinent in Whitby, of which Coun- cil- has talked on several occasions, was neyer moreapparent' than it was a few days ago when a huge pile uf loot recov. ered as the resut of a round up of men al- leged to have been stealing in Whîtby and district, Was seen beside the Chief -Con- Étable's desk at the entrance to the' town's municipal offices.. Just what dominion, provincial and city police who have beeri working wlth Chtèf Elliott in halting this latest crime wave, thought of the sight that met the ir gaze when, they -visited local Police Ilheadquarters" fa not known, but we can surmise. This pile of boot includingraisbte- ies, tires, etc., was valuable in two ways, first monetary and second for evidence ag ainst five Young- men lodged in the county -jaîl-here charged with crime, so that It la inost, unfortunate that there ex- lats no place where it Could be stored under bock and key. -Another bad feature of this situation is that not only outside Police officers but prIvate citizens who have ,business with the local1 police department are obliged to dis- cuss it in a place where- there la obsoluteîy no Privacy. The -traffic in and out of the "dPolice Office" niust also be- disturbîng to to'wn emplOYees at -adjoining desks of the town and the P.U.c. Conditions herein nientioned have pre- vailed fo4 years, and while admittédîy the -probl em isC a hard one for the Council, somne solution, even if only tenIporary, iis surely Possible. It ie hardly fair to expect the maximum of' efficiency froin the police under existing conditions. Go vrnmet'.War EffQTt Sol Election Jague e Càndias saildo al l i thefr power in the 8uPel of men.. money sidmorta sup- pott fo« the successful pros"ecut'lon of the. war, *with a deep convictioni rf the'ziéh eousneaof the illied cause, are1 being ýask- ed If they approve Or disapprove of tue war efforts of the Ming 'Goverment againat which so much critieisin lias -been levelled., The, fate of the government, we -subniit,. hangs on this Issue alone. While <romn public platrorms, radbo sta- tions and through the press, the conduct of the war will be freely and frankly dis- cussedl by candidates o! the Libérai, Con- servatives, C.C.F. and other political faitha', it la te b. hoped that political bickerings will b. eliminated as far as possible, and party atrife relegated to second Place or eliminated altogether. Criticism of the gevernient must be expected, and it. is the inherent right of every-citizen to indulge ini it so long as that criticism îs not of the destructivye type- and does not violat. the provisions o! the War Measures Act. There Is nothing to lose and everything to be galned froin a fair discuision and Criticism o! the gov&rnrMent'a -war record, but Jet us hope tha , olitical blas and persorialities wîi net be rlade dom inating factors by any candidate in Canada. As in other élections, it will be the en- deavor of The Whlftby Gazette &.Chronicle to covee thoroughly and fairly politicai meetings lu the riding o! Ontario, and in the performagnce of -this task the co-opera- tien of thé political candidates and officiais of polîtical organizations is invited and will be appreciated.t c ..Itixdnghip HaReaponaibilities U nder thé aboyé heading the Canadian Statesman, of Bowmanviîle, had& thé fol- bowing very tintély éditorial last week, whili we think should appear bun évery wéekly paper in Canada: "'Ater* council meeting thé other night Mayor R. O. Jones- and Councillor Wm. Challis were diseuasing with thé editor how to -arousé the péople's interest in mnunici- pal and governmet affaira tht they wlll be bètter Inforrned and tslah morU»f active part lu thèse important public' mnatters. A few dayo later we noticcéd whêre Mns. Cordon D. Collant, wife of thé Attorney+General, had qrd'essed -a wo- mén's gathering ini Toroyfto, and spéaking on tuis santé subject she said lu part: 'After ail, you, as methers and partuers lu thé home, are vitally affected by thé kind o! Governinent you have in power, your standard o! living le influenced by -the municipal tax rate, the future welfare o! your children dépends on your educational system, thé conditions under' which you and your children live depend very largely on thé standard ef law and order main.- talned by your governing bodies!' Refer- ring te the generai apathy in re gard te ex- ercising thé franchise, (citing Toronto's récent municipal élection when, only 35.8 per cent. voted, as au exampie), and the tendency o! tee nîany te absent them- selves froint the poles and then criticize ac- tions o! those elected, se asserted that *citiznship," a sacred trust, won by strug- gles and sacrifices o! generations o! Bri- tish forefathers, has responsibilities as well as pnivileges. On. o! these je te vote. "Tiiere would bé a revolution if any oee tnied te take thé franchise away front our people-but a large percentagé are tee lazy, or tee indifférent on eéction day te vote," she claimed. To ensure an enlight-1 cd electorate which wilI vote intelligyently, e a process ef éducation le vitally necessary,9 aud it ià here where womén's organizations v can play thbir part, she maintained. "W. should net nest until we interest every 1 home-regardless o! social and ecenomic3 standing, creed or race-w, should flot réat untîl thé .wo'mnnlunévery homirinet yét re-a presented are interested,. and through i thern, thé men, inu their respoîîsibilities a§sn citizens,"' challenged thé speaker."'s Finland Should Be> Assisted i j J Canada's war effort in- the handa o! the Lîberal administration at Ottawa 18 'thé one and only issue in the forthcomlrg Fed- eral élection. . Candidates of alI political parties shotildý therefore stick closely -te tlh.îr text, and flot drag in other issuies that cau' wait until the war le wonI and peace agai restored.. The -people'0f Canada, determinej that The Toronto Finnish Aid Committee Is Making an appeaLI for Finland in its vali.- &nt effort to preserve not only its own in- dependence but to stand as a bulwark -of civilizatbon against the hordes of subver- sive and anarchistic forces which are-at- tempting to break through ln western Eur- ope. -The Commtittee has on its executive per- sonne! outstanding men o! the province ln- cluding the Rt. lion. Àrthur Meighen as chahman, whc. recently made a personal appeal in an address at Massey Hall, point- ScOtia, - Tios# lserable iaim u4te hii Réds have botnbed. iôni hospitalshouses and ehiJ 614 Tbq have added -a ghatly -and Iha"a*,t chaîtet to the lorig story o! man's iuhum#Iimty ýt fiÉ. If ever, a nation by sheer , bavéry* and akill, resource and temiulty «h fl ec defence agraints such odd& thé Uetivtt Syid- pathy, 'and assistance t o ther n ationt, It îs Finland. Théy h&vt a4hieVedseetmu as naly a mirale as Jâ I~edli. *l3 history of war._ther<gbe orsl preservation théy haveý fousht ft r dgo rac-y and against a cornoe neluy cf the Britishi Empire o! .whicb w , h th#an tormn a part., W. should ha Proud end hi fact it is our, dut t g -qWhtas' it ' we can Iu seinding a helln. L . phbér #nd l sending chéering- helP> fo thiirbata ii this struggle are. o1;r battipso &M'ia~ and aid ina practiêal tarin. ýn*e'b.e t to thé honorary treaisu#*.rof thé o - upt- tee, R. V. LeSueur, 5$ Church Stroêt, To- ronto. Sho0rt Sighted Patritm A life insurance company, tsone Dt 4 littie Pamphlet with th#. 1'liuy dn adian Goodg." It adds tbis adv4; : 'Evety littie bit helpe; there'sa war tu vi.", -Buying "Made in Canada"'latgood a44. vice. But even in offertilgr ad practiiing thé advice one inuot rmeztbr th*t li thé last fiscal. Year Canada had tg »el $0 nillions o! itis own piýoduct phroa#d. F«r. eign tradé representia alrt14 poio of our totagl.commnerciat aotlYlty, Thé fourth excpprting country iu th# world cannot be tee exclusive n«r Sim at t00 large a degréecf seIf.liuiic#q«wth out paying a very he&avy pricçe4 ýjh It would b. unfortunate tf canadians4 Kot thé impression that It ia gnpatr*lgtlg te buy, front other countriés tlat' take our wheat, copper, nickel, bacon, automnoWjles nd other exported 'rdce Hobby, Of Pra(ct4plu Starting oUt as an -iltereft* e*i ittle over seven yéara git ' 14cultlvag ý silk W'orm by Lady Ijart Dfte at her ;0 year old, home, - Lullinggton#, 4* Ceut, has beén turnediàto Paétlcal Vàluéô ir Oliver and Lady Hart Dyke 'live. lu a nali housé on the estaté but thé stllçworams uring thé spinning séasen Pt thttY days re houséd lu thé castle. Y It was front these silk worms th&t th$ [k for thé coronation robes of QUun Ell:, beth and of sevéral other royal ladiesj me. Thus 'thé iutereatîug hobby becaîne deliglit and a joYful accomplishinent antd ionths and years of patient e~einat on becamne au nvetien bt oita Canada was weli on thée "Y te thé elm- Li!on o! couitagieus diseanê4 and the gén- -ti J health of Canada wai on the up- i tde when the preisent wor $truck the 4m 'id, according te thé annuaal rqport' o!f Department o! Pensions sudNttiouai alth or thé fiscal yrear «$diai ac 1939. 'his report has just corne 'o!! thé pvestb ~ 1réveals that there had beingut1 t )rovemnent in public heath iu th* tDO- Pl lion during thée'ptftêditir ypýat wlth at s, thîs improyement wfs béing continu- l Iu -fact there wais a haplvhat look for thé entiré ci viîizO4 world when report was- drawn up. d The situation in regard te thé world's du ith is encouraging -igd It fgS wortlty c«tIh that, in spite of the. Ci >vil War in Spai SI thé Japanesé invauioni of Ch4144as w.>! 19 the inecreased incidence o! .choléra# mi huis, and emalipox ln utlalttér, there be been ne extension of dlstu~e tu other de auada's death eàto droppW j iOun ».2 he 1,00 population Iu 1,987 tO. 9.M in rai per 1,000 ilive' birthâ Ibu- 1901 teo S bun'th, LTii.,. W4s a définité ihrRIovement *spect o! maternal deathe. Thé raté P-0. )ped froni 4.9 inu 1937 te, 4.,2 fst year. soi ovyl<age, cerçbr#l embolism n d thromboIj%. 1f the colâmtmicle' dl sasuçs, .rhiCÉ were tehealy .983Pmeasles, - as usu a13, *wasthe iopt Prevèlexit but even there- a definete k!metiioni n thé n umber of cases aU com- pared wth the-"e.bdiug year was .noted. An. Incrage aa oted' lu the numbei' o! aCoidçnt*l deathç, th# rat'es r £hi rom 529 p~r1004000 tiop ln t1h. previous ,iq'to 54.31 er lit year. Of the 6.076 accdenai e#hs lu- 1988 the 'automobile was, bInxed for 1,545. Légiâlation during the yftr g&ended. trttetntervIces to new groups o! e. Sevcn~.These weré men Who,, al& t1IQugh they aIsO *8w Méritoribus set-vice in a4% ere actual war!are, wore not Pen- stnr.Such emn, u nder the new regu- ~stbnabqcrn~ ligblef4,r tratméent for' n0uéoeicêdisabllltiès. under conditions hltnllar to thosie applying te pensionérs. How ?iop nd ealth authorities cooinhed.t ~to ývid, prévention anid treat- miet ailltles suad how leadéràhlp wâse inv~l thè, ibId of public Health iâs exl PuWe.4, in détail lu the Departmental 'Re. porthh overg on. of the baest.yoars iti the histoty o! thià Brauch o! thé ê eça Even fUrther txtcftsiomi o! the work Q! Ph # oeatnnt of Pensions and Nattonal Rath ba' been netessiaf<, by the entry Ot danaxd# Into another conf'llct. Much of the dppart>tuéntiiswork lu récent years. ,lhis had tP *do with the handIing of the huinan 'Problet»Es arling frorn the Geat War-*.pd .u Moernrnent lias taken Advantagé of this pxprle:pce-to turn over te it many Do )hl&tory bk lgnt seeds of prejudite in the plastic -mi'nde of boys andi girli? Do historien actually disseminate. hatrodii and taIse Ideas? Whether, they do or. do't, historians are faced wlth many a Ishead-O àe~a," .co 4 4 , .nes Truslow Adan, Drs Adamet concedes that in those coun- trtes where certain 'd1eologies are beirig tor#_ul 4pQn citize»s, one does not look for Ani l4Rbibod presentation of historical or any other kind of tacts. "«Yet," ho addist "I bolleve that in à large part of the worldP hiotory la at present being written with a greater respect for truth and with legs bias than ever before.1" "PFates" are nlot always facts, because the' rnajorlty of thein cannot be, ascertaind definitely, -ancl their Importance varies wtf radera ànd-writers of histois.Rrel~d two peràons see the saine thing in the sàme w#yi and the job of the historian becomes lnereaâingly difficuit when he muet ap- pilse lnany versions of an event or inci- dent. IiistoryIs noet, end neyer can be, an excact science. }Iistorians labor at a disad- vantage They muet, perforce, differ in many cases as to the truth of facto, and &gain as to the place and value of 'those In the history they are writing. Juat as. two landscape pginters mgy see and* paint the saine scene differently, 4o iu*y two historians, and quite horiestly. Wht thon, can -they d7o?7 In the fir.t place, ;hey khould be honest and steadfast. They Should reost ail sorts of pressure groupe (mostly the -sà ùtalled patriotic spcieties, Melt! groupe, localities, and sections), and EdioralNotes The Federal dlection date haâ been ;ttled.- It falîs on the first dgy after Ea - br ýfon4AY, Marc'h' 26. It is not beyond >osoibllties. that there might be a snow torra &nd somebody would get snowed inder. Affording a graphic picture of the but,- ens bçlpg borne by the newspaper ln- U1t7 -it àa offlçially reported tbtt no les- ian 51 d4ily newsopapers in the UnWited *tes wee suspended durlng the year. 09. T!ie tota suspensions In the past 30 kopth. nq4mber 98 dailies..-Mountl nt la- ar outtriuinx newpprint prices, the bur- en of taxation and other ex'penseso are Von* au the primary reasonis for this etly toi]. No doubt the. emergence of 010p as ani adv«eirn factor has as i nw. the 44auba adversely. Fortunately 16,mOrtalitY 'là Canada has been light but OmtIift*on çf the upward swing of ýta -And taxation will' fnevitably' have Inewhat -simiar resuits ln the Domin ion. </a 9 le it wa---5 %DA5u5e5 'juarc in i or- IWhitby-Y'lve e!t the six youni Imon àrrested ln 'roronto 'fo ['th- break-ins of garages alonl j Iflhway No. 3. from Belleville ti IPickcering, are now lodged là th, Whltby Oounty *lail. The sixth 1~ under 'euard ln the To-rontar Gen. eral lIospital sufferlng àa gunshoi wound ln has thlgh. 'Me five nov ln WhItby appeared ln policE court liere Tuesday afteriioon be- fore Matiotrate P. à. Ebbs on thi varlous charges agalnst then. 7%0» Who are ln Jall here are: Jameà Tomilson, 20; Leonard Elorner, 18; Bruce Rodden, 2o; Robert Welr, 2?: and Irwin Green, 16. DeY* Platten, who was WOUnded when he attempted to en- tOr the Crook's Garage, west of Sp@cil[*Bargain EXCURSIONS ZO AUL STATioxS IN WESTERN CANADA GOING DAMEE X)AILY FE&, 17 TO MAP.Cir 2 NETUINLJMIT: 453i>Ay TICKÉS 01 OO TRVE IN COACHES lor and 8taâdard Sie*Dlng cargadso tvatIablt On P*ym.at Of gsUghtly higier 6SUgeàt, Plus pieofjror o 7Q14lçeu go« oilng via port A=rt, Ont., Ohcae. XlM..or Bauît Mte- Mari.,returud lia sanieroute Un Qnr enfrepus Optionai "OPOVEIW: WU be Siiowed at any puot lu Qàmonadtheu Siong or re- tuin trip, or botk, vitin fina lIMt Of tick0t. Ou aPPllet O oConduc- toi; ue" st Chicago, MI., Seuit 1te. xP"lane 10., "ud W.t, tu Accordance oft tali fUnfte Statea lîisa. nu~ prticulai.from =sy agent. roi n*di.b acifjc i When you want to'. reot the Obldren or Mothier ond DadtIo a trip... send them by Highway Crier for a- happy and carefreejumy TCT5AND PR.1Q~A Mre,. -G.'Drew -Phoi. 673 T Wyour valiuable sale frerom7Are, Theff or Lpp. '~A Qmo~nIst Sczfety Depouit Box in the -vaul±s of- The DominiloniBank alfords permanent protection for bolids, oste l, titledeeds, lnsuzcinopolicies, j ewellery,' etc. Se maxd privcicy are assuréd. Bént e. boxt to-day and b. réliéved of anxiety. The -Ct' gswpinqly am4i. impotan WA - l or H idutbes or RudTinp Darga-aFare$- from WHITBY- FR-10 AND, AM. TRAINS ONLY FEB.'il TU TORONTO. Kamilton, Brantford, London, Chatham, Saints St VaUialnegNIagra Faf,,Ont, Buffalo ani ait inte*mnediate ou beyond Basnitton. ph FEBRUARy 9 - 10 T. ranipton, GuelPh, Goderleli, Owen *Sound, Southampton, un l lnturmeilate Peints beyond, Brampton. irp Mbaor& I land, Penetang, North Bay and ail intennedlate -pointu byoad arrie, Panr Sound, Burwash, Suribury Longlac, Geralton,ý- JTelicoe, Beardmore. Tieke.alsn d t e o al a io sbetw een, Bei evi le.W hl7?'y i0mç1 e, Sec hndbih fo milparticular or secure informationfonAgt. f(fPickering, 1ý under -guàrd inz FIE F OfBEw Toronto Genzral .Iiosptfàl. The Young thieves were Ibrouglit.. IN1HTYJI.froniToronto to ý,he albPrv- WhftbY 'Éranch: G. HEATH RSS, Manage;

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