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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 3

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Iv THE WHrrBY GAZETTE CORRESPONcI AND CHRONICLE, WEDNEMrAY, Ir d Ï. le le e 0 h(0EL Wlidtset .) 2ro.t, Jan. 2.-lb. -cý gloute are havînt most inWesetini «SMes b*e fine wnter days. Thel: hike held recently to Mr. W. F. Bat ty% voodaspeal» that could l destred including the,,dinner pre- Par!ed 1by onot e mothera off th4 Scouts ad re-heat.d ln the woode "Wue meti* helM Baturday even. iUInthé &a&men.t of the Unltec -Chuch repent lni leaz'nlng ti varioyis thig a Scout must know Ok&mw ase played and the bcy' pIan on taking up hobbiles ti thi near future. Mr. a=4 S. . Lockyer gavt tituir hm*i for a very , delightfu party on Tileaay nlgtrt for the Re. l1a&ble Ochup of the WomenVz Am.o ciaAtion. Wollo'tng a brie! businem meeting tales wei'e arranged fo' ONinue chekrs and the-gomi prov mqàt binteneting and excit- li«. W1=ýrs weme Mn. Wm. Par- nireraidMi" Mary Jones whc 'were -pftBStitSd- with lovely gifts Lunch W« sa erved by the hostes. mi er lamfly at the cloe off the MMa rjeSlAllema wus athome over tt e k-id MWe axtend symnpathy to tue rela- tie «tliate Mr. sd Mns. Johil Orçat o!Oshawa. Mn. Gyroat wu' forebly Mell a aMage.. Misffs Blanche and Bernice Blair gn41Mr. and Mn. Lloyd Dalby cd Qabava aspent Sunday wlVh their parents, Mn., and Mrs. A. Blair. brookItriYoung People were thei gsamo Wedneaday nlght off Pick- urlng YourqPeoples' Union and ail whtt@w«e able to go to Pickerngn report a very ha.ppy time spent. The gumata wen responsibie for the. pro- gram and gave ashort play en- 1111.4 "Mr. Wintergeen Pops. the Qutalo," which aIl voted to lx inot lnteroeting and entertalning. An enjoyable social hour wa3 spent, te Pickering Young People proving thésielven Ideal hosts and hostess- .Mr. Cordon Egaoff Peterboro is tatatirgIn McDUWIf store during 'eile veral groupa off the Wo- -*ma Assoiation have been busy th" month. 'beFric endshlp group qmot th. day on Tueeday wlth Mns, ýW. Smtu and-qullted one off their ql.tâ.l ... group met at mrs. Uàdland'à on'Wednesd&y snd plcc- ad1 a ejult ao having a social hour we#h lunch. Tie 'Tend A Rand" *wu» mtI for a business mectting aý ocili time at Miss Webbcn's hte and a'lmo met in thc basemeut oet thie hurci and qullted tic quilt they had pieçed. A committee frein the' "Suashine" group have aise aude a qufl wilchti tey, will quilt Mr. V. Shuttleworth was ti the irmlage on ' hursclay iooking aftcr *la-trie wling for tie United Ch"no where a new electnie steve îo.ta b. lnstalcd One cd Brooklin'& oldest residents V«Msed away on Wedinesday in the pSwmoof Mîs. C. Aflems. On the du ocf her passlng Mrs. Alcins iad - neched ber 3rd b1rthday. For sme .yem s e h i&been confined to the houa.e and cared for by Mrs. N(ilîar ulhô las helped, with many eÉTha.laeUmn..Aleém halsent + wus conducted byRev. P. L. Juil on Fridsy, wlth inlerment ti Groveside ceinetcny. Wltb zero weather -,outalde. tie Township Hall was cosy and coin- fortable on riFnday nlght, for the euchre a.nd dance given by the Wo. men's Institute. lb. tables arrang-- ed for euchre, were well f llled witai the gaine liveiy and cxclting. For tbis, the prizes went Vo Mrs. MéCoY for f irst and Mrs. Medliand for sec- orid for the ladies, and to Mr. 8. Lockyer, final, and Mn. Gimblett for second. The Wilson Orchestra, off Uxbridge providcd good music fer dancing with the ball weil tilled wti dancers and no il. moments af ter the music began. -Tic spot dance prise went Vo Miss Lehy-off Port Penny and Mr. Bob Vernon of Prospect. During the intermission, nols, weiners and ooffee and orange drinks wene sold. The procceds off the dlance ýwill help to pay for the piano wh1olh haz been purchaseci for the a~Aentbesement on Feb. 14 (Monday) at Service was conduoted in tic Unit- 4:15 pin. e d Obunci on Sunday by R4v. P. L. hr Nw .jlwith Kennebi Jul aChuch New Vwn o Mr. Jull's bass off voice due ftev. J. -C. Clougi wlll conduct ete a bad coid. Tic address was the service off Evening Frayer in St, given by Mr. Kenneth Juil wio Iook Thomas Anglican Chunci on Sun- for is text "Ye siail reccive power, dlay, February 4th, at 7 pi. and be wilnesses of me." These Tic annuai Vestry meeting wil] word.. i. said. are tie key note of b. ield aller the cveulng service. lie Book off Acteansd off the 'wiole Thc regular montily business and rnew Testament. Tic word wibues& devollonai meeting off lhc W.A. of ia iste most important word lu the St. Thomnas Anglican Oburci wil rChristian vocaibulary and several b. ield at the home off Mis. Tim passages wcre quoted to' show ils as Bailcy on Tiursday, February egreal algnlflcauce. Il -wau caser for 151, at 3 p.m. -tic firsIt oilowers Vo wltness' be- Pscd Cross News l cause they had secu and heard but Uich words need not iack ineanîng 'The Brooklil Branci of tie Cari efor us because eoftlis. Tiee. t.ne adian Rai Cross wish Vo acknow- -record that He sald "go unIe tie ledge wlth thanks lie tollewiug do- .business wonld, or n m lie slunis nations: Mns. E. Onoxal, 5 pensonsl ebut He dld say 'go toe tii lermoSt pnoperty baga; Mis. W. Dryden,3 parts off thc world'." Not only on personal properîy bags; Mis. W.l lie Sabbath does lhe Christian Agar, s quantily off wool. wltuess but every day to give men Kunsale Chapler hau compîeted 18 a new altitude lowand life. It la T-blnders sud 18 pairs o! pllow the personal e lenient tiaI counts, case«. for Chilstianlby acte only tirougi Persons having pieces off flannel- human agencies. Hi.s cioslng words elle or oolVon elderdowu suitable :were "Ye are nol ouly my wltness- for making ciothilng for Polisi ne- es, but my only witucsscs." HRis ad- fugee children sud pieces off wash- dress was mosl carefully prepared able prints sultable for making sud dcllvered iu a clean, strong quilts are requesled 10 brnug tien voice. nd the service most wÃ"niip- te the workroonis lu tie hMsoni fui sud lnsplning. Hall on Tiuxsday. Miss EBdith iHolid&y wus wîtii er If lie local boys wlio sae i hei Parents, Mr. and Mns. Fred Holli- Active Service require anyknttted day for tie -week-end. goods suci as sweaters, scanves, _Prlva.te Elwood Crosierof tie On- socks, etc., licy are sked to coin. tarie Regiment (Tank) and Mrs. munleate with the secnetam-y off tie Crsier snd son, Gersid, were wth Brooklln BranciNVW Nmanng. , Mn. -and Mrs. Normian Whilte for The following ls froni a letter re- lie week-end. ceived from the Onrino Division in Miss Margaret Hamner off TorontO acknowledgemenî off aur contnibu. LWestern -Hospital, was witii hen lion te lie genenal funds off tbe parents Mr. and Mns. E. Hamer f or soelely: "On behaif e! lie Execu- lie week-end. tive Commlttee off lie Ontario Di- M.n' and Mms. J. C. Alleins wLsi vision, may I assure you off Our ap- te thank al hein netgibor,% sud preclation off tie excellent co-open- fniends who have siown many ation off tie Broeklin Branci b lthe kindriesses aud helped li se many work off lie Ontario Division in is ways durlng ticIlilness sud at tie overseas wonk. Affler ail, thb. most lime off the deathioff Mr. Allcm's important work off Red Cross aItih mothen, lb. laIe Mrs. C. Alleins. present l ime lies in tic national Mn. sud Mrs. Arthur Rowan, who and international fields and il is have been In Western Ontario for only by suob excellent co-loperallon tie pust two weeks, relurnai on as your Brncb bas sbown. that lie Fniday Vo 'Mn. aud Mna. W, Jack. Division is able to do Its part.." son's home, wbere they willî remain Mn. R. Grandy, president off the' for a ffcw da"s befona golng te themr Brooklin &prnug Fair Asoiation, uew home ln Yelventou.- hu announced liaI tbe annuai The Red Cros&. roomis were again meeting o!fIthe fair wlll b. held in fflled t' capaclly ounTbursday af- lb. Council Room off lie Township ternoon and evening wlth busy Hall, Brooklln, on Moriday, Febru- workers on thie Hospital gowns ary 5th, aI 2 pin. Ahl pensons who whlch was lie work tI baud for the are Intercalaelu ic hewclf are off lie day. Mrs. Boyd brougil ln a large fair are cordially huvited to attend box off beautifully finishcd socks Ibis meeting. and scarves. A bnief busines--s meet- ?dr. sud Mns. Charles Lawrence, lig was conducted ýby lb. President, off Carnoll, Mari., wbo have been Mrs. Baldwin and lb, commilîle visiting aI the home off lhe former's appointed to make plans to rais. maotben lie pusttIwe iontis, are to i&Min rthes m étvùw&lTheneedI 18 'verY Urgm*-t6 buy.Mnaterlaà mndI this mét.hod was declded uponra sth- er than that 1W having Botit fUnction to ralse the- money. mm. Howard Arksey wM.l accept ybii., donations to thls f uxd. Miss Orm.a Bown was wlth Miss was joincd on Sunday- by ber par- ente, Mr. and Mrs. Bown, wbo spent the day wlth Mn. and Mrs. A. 3. The sympalhy off bbc oommunitY la extendcd ta Mr. sud Mns. Jini Patterson on the deali of! hemr 11111e seven-months-old son Mon- daY. The-Mission Band met on Mon-* day aftêrn-oon wi tu te new officers In charge: President, Verna Sonley; vlce-president, Betty Grakin; sec- netany, Elean<>r Porter; correspond- lng secnetany, Evelyn Joncs; treas- uren, Bill Croxaîl; World Fnienda secretary, Marjery Harris; prew_ teonetary, K.ay &mllb;. temperance secret ~, Kcnny Arksey; Christin stecw r4»dp secretary,, Raymonnd Hudson; gnoup leaders, Helen Mac- key, Evelyn Joncs, Jean McA.ndle. Fhfteen imembers answened the nol caIl. Mis,5Iou Baud will mccl in lie Lt et IL f 18 le i Te.lz At Its .Beit United Churci On Sunday monung and wene entertalned by the Young nextPeoples' Union o! the United About Iilrty members offthe Ciurcb. On Tuesday cvening off Ibis week lhe Young Peoples' Union Young Peoples' Union went te Pick- beld a, skating Panty on the nink aI eMing on Wedincsday evening lut the. ,chool. j MYRTL-ESTATION Myrîle Statcieon Jan 31.-Tinl plIth wasoupie on S.dayevn byo che Roaas1,tor, .G.S Genvan, Mis chose Ro eians1 frbi eson.th His, subect "Te nete off ti Wfvre:"orld 1ws az o le rs - edoff vese "of, Crisnt; asra- cd th owerlie Gol t Chrsat; o la tue p oner >ff ai uellvtsaltio Vove ry oeriattbeleh.tsusd Lve, ofrayer, tritmenhants sudn live off thedividofltme ndwo.Men tÃ"dan loslend off ieawonl rd. n nG erva coed i l earksby eadW- lng, "tipeei ofby hellWeîr Wil- Sunday 'èeiool and&churcb service next 49unclay 'at the usual heurs. Al'are wclcomne. Thc Januany meeting of the Aux- iliarv off tbe WomaWs Missionary Society was h eld at lie horne off Mns. Oscar Downey on Thursday afflennoon lut wlyh a geai attend- ance off menber and vlsitoms Mrs. G. S. Gervan, lb. newly elected president, iad icharge off lh. meet- ing. Duning the business part off the meeting, plans welle made -for the. Wonld's Day off Frayer, and some discussion off the supply allocation. Tuhe prograin was in. charge off Mrs.i Gervan, assisted bi, Mn. Long, Mrs. Hudgin, Mm. Pa.rrinder in the wor- sip service. Narayan Tilak's poem, as a call to prayer, was used. fol-1 lowed by one o! bis bymns in the Hymnany and a "«Prayen in Time of Wan," wnltten by Dr. Haddow. Chapler III off Meviug Millions, "Tii. Miracle of Modem India," wus revlewed lu a very capable manner by Mrs. Clanence Harrison, witi map illustration. Tbe Xieeý-- ing WflM clued with 'p3r W ~Ms. Hudgin and thie Mizpah benedir- lion. Au important featune off lhe meeting wu tie neceiving off a neW IYoung Peoples' Union çvas bçld on Tuesday evening off lust week, wlhh a record attendauce. The Young people off Prospect were the guests for tic evening. In the ab- sence off the President, the vice-pre- sient, Miss Palli Gervan occupied lie chair. Tice wonsbip service was iu charge off Pstt, Beuiab Cooper sud Audrey Grant. After the. min- utes off the luti meeting were ap- proed, and a short bu siness period. tbe Llterany aud Social part off the meeting was- taken over by Mi-s Elale Smith. Iu orden liaI the visit- ors migit f eel more at ease, th. Prýospect secretary was invited ie ahane a place on lhe plalforin with lue cbairmari off thc pregrani. and asked to intreduce lie mernbers off bis soclety. Harry Bnlggs intnoduced tie new aud iriîeresting semi- moutily paper, Little Sir Echo, of wiiihieela editon, and read the colunins off mlntb-provoking "per- sonais." Miss Smith read "Tic Ha- bitant," by William Henry Druni- Almonds (Lois Balsdon, Cern.) ALMONDS, Jan. 30.-Mn.-Lloyd Mor'onibcentt we-k-,enid 'ith fniends in Toronto. Mn. anid Mrs. Percy Dewell spent the week-end with the lalter's par- ents, Mr. and Mns. Tink, of Hamp- tison. t iss B t e vîs it at.ler dayi wiou n. evYounger leng we lntrmslîes Pilgnimagene meetcnge'. a l hre f i metin.GodnsetMuda th M .anGdoMrispeJackunsday Lansing cul off. i Mr. and Mrs. J. Chiambers, Mr. and Mrs. J.- Mess attcnded the fun- eral off Mn. Obamber's niece, Mrs. A. PoSt, ef Madoc, on Sunday at Mador. Almonds annual congregahional meeting was beld Tuesday evening lasI witlî a large attendance. Afler, very interesting reports froin lie Gulliver, off Toronto, home here on Satur- and Mrs. H. Gulliver. People on Tuesday fortunate in having on "Japan's Religlous Miss Pilkey, mission- «o fort~Y yetssago.' To lie 50onas wfor volunharyw st i n gwaUhA LUs sster, Mri. ancd mono, mvi. '*aimes were playeu and men's Association sud eleclion off for olunaryofferings wthMxs. Herbent Grills, Mankisam. refresiments brougit tic pîcusant merubers te the session sud eiders, sýd bis familiy ympstby la e'xlend- each worker urged te, give a sub- The Sacranient off the Lond's evening le a close. ffoîîowed by considerable discussion, 71: fb unenal whlch waspnivate, stantiai donation sud invite othens Suppe; wlll be observcd iu the Mn. Ronal4JnoofElsae the ladies served refresbnients. Al metored down lust wcek te, spend a .deparbments reportai a very prýofil- week wtti is parents aud brotiens. able year. ' Alîhougihie snowfall tin liat dist- A nuniber off young f olk galberai nict was very heavy,' Ronald sald at the homie off Mn. and Mrs. Angus - kthle igiways were lu vcry geai Jobriston, Centre Street North, LLACEBRO O LI ~condition by tie continuai use off Whiituby, on T1hursday evening off I 1%r, and Mrs. E. Redman. lowcd by refresimerits servcd by LasI week wheu tic roan off tic the ladies. During thc evenung liey great planes was heard ton several were pnesented with a loveîy hol- W. h o hdays aI 10 s.m. sud 9.20 p.m., we point elecînie mron frein bbc group. _ _ _ _ _ _ - a dw re W.oconcuded thaîour village was in On Saturday eveniug, Janua-y 20, vanisiinl the distance. I'Lurry, fornierly Miss Teressa Bur- P, ,,Stoven, Mgr. J1. S. Jephton, Pnop.an r.Ewo atr lsnbefM.Sct. ebidr- %W»eklin - Phene 25-4-12 lqrooklin - Phone 56 Facfilîties for Bridge, Sniowshoclng, Thursday cvenhng. ccdved many beautiful gifts, aud a - Ckes- Ua Bus, tc. Hadwae, las, leVnicl ielgh Rides, Tes, Etc. Mrs. R.oy Tiompson was a visiter ioreiy buffet luncheon wss served Tee Cream. Appîhances, Pumps, Galv. Pipe Mn.. M. Richardson, P iTnne nStray ytcbstsM.Scî.Avr _____________________anid Flttlngs BOKI - PHONE Ï5 A numberoff skiers; came down pleasant lime was cnjoyed :y all. ___________ frotn Tenante on Saturday eveuing ne bride and groom will neside lu Inuac an sd about nc hundred anved by SI. Catharies. GargesInuraceTransports train Bunday ffoe-noon ho eujoy The Woen's Association spon- 0ROOKLIN GARAGE C O . tKMh EN Sle sport ou the bis atDagmax. sored a social eveuing athie home i Tic noLr:sCu came also, oi su ad Mrs. Em1men Harris ou 8,.Hardlnt, Pr@p. H I KM c R E S te take pichunes offthlisportsmen. Rî-iday evening, Jsnuary 12, when - oli Phone 24-4-12 Brooklln - Phone 4801 - 4»% R A N S Miss Rebecca iornton, off Bow- about seventy-five people gatiered Arte au 011 nsuanceIn li ts bances T A N S O RT manville, pa&sed away recently. Sic end cnjoyed a lovely lime wlih var- Airo te &U1 I uranceinea icarbr n c h e.A . 1. M B IU E N , P r ej. w îîî b . e r em b ered by m a y lu Iis l .uks ga ies. T ic m ain teoure off trucks.Taspt-Hy&Lutr commuuity. tac evenlng wu lthc auc*ton e! the Service Stations Tic RoyaÉL Tour wu shsown lu laveiy autegrapbed quilîl made by movlng pîcturca lu lie conmmunihy tic ladies during the pust mentis. ROIS ball on Monday evenlng off lust the quilt, wss auctiened by Mn. GARAG MAC S SE VICEwcck 10 a good house, but ws nol Park, wbo\proved liaI he cari do NAnrPo.ST AT I ON This Spac. for Sale for 24 Wecks. as long as was hopai it wouîd be. more than f111 1he pulpit. Tht. prfwin Phoe .104F.,C. McNeilan, Prp Apply te, Advertlslng Manager, 'Ticir Majesîles' graclous manner crcaled a lot off fun sud was bid up »0 * LOJL PRODULCTS Brooklln Gazette and Chrontle. was wdfl depithd by the camera, weil. Mm-a. Gordon baUght thc quit Uàý,Mr, atterie &Accesmoies Sheli tas., & oil Goodyear tires and lii. qucen's tfamous siansd for eleveri dollar& At lie close ne- FArg @& Bevic Wilar bateres eirÉmetebaud gesture recalled vvdly their freshients werceujoyai b~y ail pre- a r g S a e . S e r i c W i l a d b t t r i e * r e f e s m e n c .v i s i l b ., T o r o n t o l u I M a y . " A D a y s e n t . BR OK LI 7ýith the Dionne Quintupletstp called on many appreciative comments ,rom lbe audience as the littie girls went tbrough tbeir daiiy routine ln their nalural and unaffected man- ner. The comic neel pleased tic younger (?) ones. The picture off "The Mounted Police,",ilustrated the saying that "wbalever tbey go after, they get," and il wus doue without once nesorting te lie use off firearms. Their conspicuous uni- f orin aPPanentîy only adds to Ibein courage and daring. Miss Dorothy Hall off Toronto, visiteci with relatives. over the weelc- end. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hinten and ffamily off Toronto sPe'nt Sunday %with Mn. and Mrs. T. Carey. -Mis. Andrew Johnson off whitby' visited on Sunday wlth ber sister, Mrs. R. Chishoim. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Marchant, Mn. Hanland Johnson, Mrs. F red Wilson off Oshawa, visitai on Sun- day- witb relatives. Mrs. D. MeKînnon off Oshawa, is brt er parents, Mr. and Mm. A. The Johnson brothers are cuttln.g ice on Mn. George Wolfe's ponds. rbie ice is eighteen Incbes tiick snd the liest it bas been for sonie lime.- Mn. Seymour, off Oshawa, .ham rented the garage at the south vil- lage and expects te move ln on Thursday. We understand he lsaa good mechanic and will also selI 011 and gas. Tou Ocm SUR sso re$ay eiICks In Mont bree". But lut regular 1939 hatches are now ln Incuba- tors. Act 'ulkly if you want July chika off fanius Brv quai- It~y - aturdy. fast-growinu. early laY1nffý AUguSt hatches to order only GA. CANNING 145 BEOCK IT. S. WNMTY - PRUN*E*4«2 KilS Greenwood O#ww?,WOoD, Jan. 29. - The young PeoI>1s union -met- ut Wldneàday eâbnt and had fr the tuèt speaker, RsMlb . Mow- bray, of- rffale. 'Me taik was on "Hlow Ne got aour Parliament?" It was *Very lntereatlng- and brought out clearly that' we lni these days do not haîf a.ppreciate. the privil- egea that oui' forefathers won'for Un. The R.eading Club met last Fr1- day evenlng at the home off F. U and Mrs. Green. Miss Kileen' Sadier celebratd her, bIrthda&Y by entertalnlng a nUniber off her young friendg llut nlPr" evenig Th e Women2s Mlassonary Society wili meet On ThursdaY afternoon at 2 o'eloek at the. home off Mrs. Fred Rarbron at Salemi Corners. ,Allter a long Illness drs. Emer- son Ornierod Off Canningtoni passed away last Wednesday nmorning. Trhe late Mrs. Oirmerod was Ida Mor- gan -if Ciaremont before ber mar- nra.ge some- twenty years ago. Un- tii about three years ago the fam- lly*had lived lni the community and Mrs. Ormerod had manv friends who were sorry to hear off ber death at the age off forty-fîve years. The sYmpathy off aIl gees olut to Mr. Ornmerod and Miirry and Laura (Mrs. Johnston) off Clare- mont. The funenal 'Mas held from the Baptlst Churcb at, Maremont and interment being atC laremnont Union Cemieterv. Miss Ale Pegg off Ravena Is spending a week with her Parents Andrew and Mrs. Pegrg. Three carloads off young people wrent te Markham to skate last Saturday night. AIl report a goocj time. Last Sunday mornIng Rey. R. w. McVe.y sPoke on the Book off Esther. Next Sunday be wiII speak on the Book off Ruth. You wIîl be welcome so come and enjoy the cburch service at eleven ,,'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Ponds and Mrs. J. Clarke off Toronto visited with Bob and Mrs. Pretsell on Saturday eve- ning. Mrs. T. Hutchinson bas rpturned homne after vlsiting fniends ln To- ronto. Save Money on Field Fertilize rs OUR NEW MERCHANDISING POLICY Des just Iba. Wc refuse le ask our customers wie py Iliir, .bis, te psy for those who do îîot psy. CÈEDIT DUES INOT PAX~. tINDER SUCH A SYSTEM, lie offly in wbo gets cbeap mabenial, is lhc man who dees net psy.' CHIECK THEÈSE CASH PRICES 0 12 6- at ..... $24 *00 per ton 2 12 6 ai ...-$27.5 per ton O 12 15 aI.30.75 per ton 2 12 10 aI .. 305 per ton Jack Canuck Fisi Manure 4-8- aIt-..3050 peron 5 8 7 aI ..... 30-25 penton Lunasan Seed Dressing-A British Product, 90e per lb. % oz. Ireats 1 bushel -of grain agatual sinut, etc. WRITE FOR FURTIIER PARTICTJLARS TO GROSE FERTIIERS &CHEMICAL S linted Order Eariy Fnlces subject 10 change. oul ouI for future neference. (M' . oker 'Corr.) KINSA.u Jan. 29.-The monthily meeting Off tie Wornen's.Mlssionary Society will b. Iield at tie home o! Mms. red EHarbron on Thursclay a1ternoon, Felnuany lI, at 2 pin. AUl ladies wll b. made weicosne. Th. Young People's Union met on Tueeclay evening last aIhe home Off Mr. Lloyd Moodie. The meeting epened wiîh the worshlp service conducteci by te president, -a.fter wbich came' tic roll eaUl, wio was fully i'tsPonded t, minutes and' business. Afftr sevenal items o! business had been. disposed off Mrs. L. Moodie, convene r off tic Christ- ian Culture depantinent , took oharge off lie programme. Readings wene given by Roxena Ledgett and Venle Wagg, a solo by lie Rev. R. W. MoVey. The tVopic on the sub- ject, "Our Panliament, How, Why?" was very ably presentcd by Mn. R. V. Mowbray. The meeting closed wlth thc Mizpah Benediction. RaY Ledgett tien took charge off a vety amusing gaîme, aften which a de- licieus lunch was served by the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. Ralph R. Mowbray. Mn. and Mns. Ross Raine, Broug-,, bain, Mn. and Mrs. Orvile Lawton, Manilla, and Mr. anld Mns. Wm. Bell, Jr., a.nd baby, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Bell, Sr. The annual congregational meet- ing off the Kinisale Churcb was held in the hall on Fnida-' eveiiig ast. Suppen was served conmeneing at 7 p.m., after which the meeting was called te order by the pastor, the Rev. R. W. McVey. Reports- were recived from lie pastor, the of- ficiaI bard, the Women's Associa- tion, The Sundav Sehool,- The Young Peopîe's Union, and te Mis- sion Band. Officers for theofficial for the Sunday 8chla Were then elected for the Conulng year.. Meet- ing closed wlth prayer by the paS-_ tor. .Mr. anid Mrm. R. V. Mowbrayr Mr. and Mms Lloyd Moodjie, Mnrs 'p R. MOwbray, Mrs. A. G. Hfooker and the Misses jean-a.nd GertUde Len- non, spent Thurslay ti Toronto. Our hockey team are dolng weIl for themselves, having, at time orf writi ng, won Vbree games, (one by protest), and lost one, so far ti 'the soh-edule. Several of their frien<da, journey with them to Majrkham ea.ch Monday night and the boys greatly -appreciate their support. The club, is Planning a dance to be held ln Brooklin tI the near fU-_ ture. The Women's Institute met. at tb.i home Off Mrs. A. Parking, on 7tus.l da'Y last, W1_1 a good numnber preý- sent. Ro11 Cail, "A Piece o« raând- mother's Hanidiwork," 's'as well ne- sponded to, severai fine Dieces od work being shown. Programmne con- sisted of sketches of some 0f dh.tIe "Famous Persons off Our~ Count y7f. Among those mentioned!were: Mrs. R. R. Mowbray by Mrs. Farridale, Dr. -John Moore bY Mrs. Win. Beal, Sr., ïSm Wma. Mulock by mrs. V. Parkin, C.,LBrtn and others, by Mr R E Mo~Y. PoUowing the rogram=Meca ie a cisPiay of "Oid 99-h-ioned IRats", wlth date attach-, ed, about ten different styles off headgear was shown, dating from, 185 to At cloeomet,,y g a dainty tea was served by the hos- tess. February meeting. wlll be an open one in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Méat, Mm. B. 7bomPson, Mrs.*B. Stagg, of To- ronto, Miss Durrell Parkln and fniend off Ashburi, werie recent cl- lers On Vic and Mrs. Parkin.. Mrs. G. Moody, of Oshawa, spent (Mrs. E. Heron, Correspondent) ASHBURN, Jan. 30.-Thc Wom- en's Gulld wIll meel ltis afternoon (Wednesday) lu tie basemeut off tiecheunci. l'ne Young People i-met, ori TUw- day 'evenig, Jariuany 23rd. TMe president, PhVpls Goose, conducted lb. meeting- 'w hici was opcned by lie use off a iymri snd lie minutes were read by Terri Stepiens, wbici stated liaI lb. ati endarnce was steadily rislng. At &tic flrst, meet- irng after Christmnas tbe attendance was twenty, whlle la.st week thene werc ffoty-six present. The vhites are silîl In tue iead in tbe, contest Mns. Lunney, convenen off lie de- volional, bold a stony off Louis Pasteur. Tbe Scripture was read by Theadore Knight. A dvel was sung by Penn Stephens and Ethel Stultaford. A lalk on prophecy was given by Russell Lunney and in illustrated song was sung by AI- fred Fiqben, "I want a girl just like the girl Ihat mannied, dean old Dad", wiih Miss Hanllsud Florence ]Doble as the old fasiioned girls and Georgina Reynolds and Phyllis Goose as the modern girls,. Tiene wtlî be a meeting off the Rai Cross ou Frlday afflernoon aI the borne off Mrs. Gordon Fisher. The ladies off the communlly anc asked te b. present. There will be work dstrbuted.. Mn. and Mns. Robert Hollby. off Port Penny, visltcd on Sunday with Mrs. Grant. Mr. and Mis. Norman Taylor and1 daugiter. off Toronto. vislted vvith1 Mn. and Mrs. E. Heron on Mon- day. The snew plow bai been wonking qulte frequently on tie nirti lis week. Mn. sud Mrs. Wtllam Gagce, off Oshawa. visitai wti Mn. and Mrs. L. Mage. on Suuday. Tic sunual meeting off Burns Chunci wus held on Thursday eve- nng lst week. A hot suppen was1 senved by lie ladies wbich was en- joyed by ail prescut. .Rev. Robent Simnpson aeted as ciairman for lie meeting. Reports wenc read frein alI tie diffenent enganlzations aise reports shewing thIhathle oulside of thc churci had been painted, aise lie basement had been de- cons ted. Rub duil bnass wilb a vinegà r snd salI soaked cioth, then wuhb off after a ffew minutes witb, warn « waten. Polihlunlb.eusual way wicn Il has been wclI drled. SafCLAREMONT F (IBYSafC orresondent) South off townm on Sunday, Jan. 28, CLAREMONT, Jan. 30.-The re- whie returnng to work In Ohawa. ular meeting off the Women's Ass I - Fortuniately no onie *as hurt. ciation f tlue United church wa,1 The Young people off the~ Baptiat held on Thursday in the basement church are having another slgh- of the church, foliowed by -a con- ing piarty 'next Monday nigit, the- gregationai pot-luck sUpper and the 18tone being such a success. annual meeting. The reports fron. The ostponed meat demonstra- the different* branches were giveni tion will be held On PniiJav, Feb. 2. and in iost cases, showed that -a The pupils off the ldarM*ont pub- successful objective had been, lic seiiool senior room held a to- reached in the past year. boggan party at the fa., f Mn. The Young People off the, Unitelt Lesýter MeCulWloukh. and Baptist churches held'e sk t-* The wedding off Isobel Cooper, ing party at Markham iast Wed- daughteýr of Mr. and Mrs. _F'rank nesday night returnng to Mr. and Cooper.* to William Benson, son of Mrs. Deibert noothes' place for i Mr. and Mr_,ý Milton Ecnson, wa bowis off ot soup. solenizecd at the bride's home on We are glad to report that Miss;.' Monday, Januarv- 22. Rev. I. E. Enmma Underili is stiil im proving. Kennedy offiçiated, and ber many friends ook for,%ard -Mr.ý Lionel Douelass entertailied to, seeing ber return froin the bo.s-1 at tea a number off ladies on Mon- pital soon. day basF. Miss Betty Fretty entertaiiied the S1everal from here atteneci the younger members off the badminton show, "Gene Wrifl the Wlnd", ih club on Tuesday night after aIl had Toronto this week. participated ln the much-enjoyecl__________ game. Mrs. Emerson Ormrod. off Can- A d e nington, pa.Fseýd to lier rest on Wed- neszday, January 24. She is survived- by husband and diaughter, Murý. AUDLEY, Jxn. 30.-Mch syrn- Melvin Johnson, Ciaremont, and îathy is f rît for Mrs. Ed. Pardoni son nt, home. ini ber recent lllness. The girl.- belolg-ing.to the clas, A piano has been purhased by "The Club Gi-rl Entertains- 5, f the chool in ulace off the old one having a rarty in the basement off i \vhich is beiig removed. the hall. F'ebruary 2. at whchth' A box car jumped the swikh on will diemonstrate to mothers anIl the Audley_,iding- last week and friends what -tlie have', learned damazed the signal boxes. from the course. e- Ifl~~r~~. to nnoudei Asiht fire occurred ln the P. We egrt t an ouné t e pý;,- M. Yeates resi.ience last Sunday on Januarv 22. Miss Miller was .1 when a beani near the firéeplace be- resident off Claremont for manyaeo ritc. h lkelgfr long years and wa.s boved by al who! engine was eut. knew b ler. Miss Jean Clark. of Pickering, One thousand skiers from Mie, \1j, Ithe guecat off S. R. and~~s Toronto Ski Club enjoyed .skiing aù Wonnacott on Sunday. Dagmar over the çeek-end. The Winters faiilies spent Sun- The annual day of prayer will: bc* day witlî Toronto friends. observed by Christian women 'le Mrs. J. C. Bryant bas returned world ovçr on Friday, Feh. 9. TII,,rffrem Toronio whre she has been W.M.S. 'Of Claremont Unrii ted rercivin, hoimitaî treatments. We church and the Mission Circlp D trust sl e continues te improve., the B aptist church w ill hold a Th e t m ti c of he C u joint meeting in the Claremsont wTu e nex t te ing of the lu Baptisýt church, to observe tlîis ii- vlandben.îei t)heonmof R. P.eb portant event on Feb. 9. nt 2:30 rad Mrs. Wne nMnaFb p.m., to which ail women off thisruy12 community .are invted to attend. Robert Bentley is spending the Mr~ Gordon Overland had (,,e winter with bis brothén, William, misfortune to overturn bis cari here. Myrtle Station Jan. 31.-The pul- 1 Ashburn

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