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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 5

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114lE WHITBY. GAZETX AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY-9 JANUARY 31.1940 AS iJlmomE-YEU-.ROUND 0CF" frm8.00 -to 35800 - EELISH DISHES -1. to 4 BON SON DISHES 1.00Oto 2.75 I ~'Dhssft' 'SB7uJ RED- CROSS ACTIVITIE-S Thse regular nsonthiy meeting of tiseladies o!fbise.Bcd Cross Society wi1I h beied lu thse Red Crossworiç- rooni on -Wednesday, Pebrus.ry 7th, at 3 pin. Pîee >ing mtile-boxes to be emptimd. Tise next shlpment of supplies will be packed on Monday, Febru- ary 5tis. KuItters are requestcd to bring i as many completed gar- mente sn possible before tisat date. Acknoviedgment bas been re- ceived f rom Provincial Headquart- ers of bbe shipsent sent ouI on Jsnuary 251h, Aller. lsteulug 10 the radio broaýdeaslo! tise Bt. Hon. Winston Chsurchill on Saturday lasi, vork- ers l Is h e Bd Cross Society viii c'ontilnue Useir var.effortswttih even greater ses!, realising bise sericus- nss of lise cause for which tisey are vorking sud bbc extenl 10 ýwhich tise Empire le counllng on Its vomen to 'proide coinforts sud sseoessibles for Ibe army, navy aud air force. -Cletinlurfor Fiàn ansd Poiand Great Inlereel lea being sbown Misee - dsalnuthec-clotlslng for te- tuge.ebhlidren being mmde, at our workpoorm, *ut c! cublIngs Irom, -neuusouIs jacket ciderdovu and yja fls.nuciclte. .Wrm parka -oodle, bootees, stocklngs, jackets tnd even eboes arc 'belng made, Lnsd suy donations of nev ciotb- ng wil h.e gratcfully recelved aud islpped !orvard t0 help relleve tise iffelsg lu thue coumries. We ber bo acknovlcdge tise foi- ,vitsg donations a! tise weck: 3 airs cf vrlstlots Ironsthec'United hsîrcb, cone pair o! aocks froin lsa Ryan, one pair of socks sud sepair' of vrlsllcls rons Mrs. u3saeii atch, à donation of vool oui a member, sud one pair of 'sltetd fr= uBarb= Rs atch. Do Net Waste W'001 Bince taieý tendency of socks ta, expandin the washlng and pressing stage ls a well-known tact, Mrs. Wa.llace Campbell, Womeu's War Worlc Convener, has issued a warni- hIg to women that a measurement of 15 Inches ln the leg, wl*Ile knlt- ting, will pull out to 16- inches *hen washed and pressed. In knitting, care should be exerclsed tb nVe vool and vool is wasted when socks are over measurement. There bas been sorne confusion, too, over the length of the foot. The first instructions asked that al so>cks measure il luches from baclc of heel to toe when clone; the pres- ent Instructions cail for foot sizes from 10 to 12%k luches. Obviously, meu's feet have always corne in assorted sizes, and the second set of Instructions correponds tb the facts, but the first set was rea- sonabie too, for it has beeÉn found that when you ask for an il inch sock, you get everythlng from 10 to 12%,. The main thing Is to have the two socks ln a pair, One further word of vi'lning- wash socks lu lulcewarm waberý with soap flakes. Rinse lu luke- warm water. Squeeze, do uot wripg. Place ou stretchers or press. Or- dlnary knitters use size 11il eediles; very tlght knitters, use No. 10~ needies; very loose knitters, use No 12 needies. Do flot have lumps là to. and make a "wearable soek." That Kitchener- Tom We do flot know after whose toeJ the name came, but we do know that this toe, bea.ring the name of a gallant generai, has brought dis- may into knitters' crampe. Veter- ans, who have cast on, cast off, purled, turned heels, toed scores of soclcs that have brouglit praise from their men folk, now barge and frown at Red Cross rUles that exact a Kitchener Toe. Uuwilling to confeus- defeat; twoa knltters -give mutual atd. On. Homo KiIld Monts ATr -Wilson's Meut Muarket HOME KILLED TONGPOR LOIN ROASTS 'HIdI on,- IL.16c .0EV ,,ROASTS TrimouIL *l. 19C flITROAST hin on L.15C 1UI 190AST Trimmol d -là. 17c 18>1 IOASTS Haell or Whole là. 18c JEOUILDERRA S-là. 14c IDE POM rK iscs, l'Sc Slicol, 18C oMburg Frsly Mincod, Loin 2 lhs. 25c iauusge Hbou. Mode, Frosh Duily' Z lus, ZSc ry Scat POR Ea y Fiscs IL.17c - NAKE YOUR OWN LARD- ILARD lb. 10c P@rk Vat For rendering lb. 7c APPLES r %eaiuncs, Ioidwins, Sesk-no-furthera, Talman Sweeîs, Raomper. 49C - Baket, lsc ,~Zm~D Moue Leof- Z is. 19C ýbýjngONIS 6 qi. bosk. 15e 4e. MAPLE LEA AP FLAKEs nie package plus 2 cakes of Maple Leaf Toiet Soa>.. \ ur 20C Foi rompt D.Irivery -u PH7ONE 669 reads, the other1 oparates. -Somi.- 1htng te garS g. Th= e a bbock »As. omfusion Uamat. litaer end. Agalu thoratg rlplng, l. Cmg1 10 ixh straad et yMar a mssof fu=. bockw lmto.daretben la- terued In knlttlng bags fer longe« time than iwo.uld b. needed to kit several ollier pirs Wfl1 those.-prf l4ent kWUMer who have vma~ ddmuh 'burd- er things than rooflng a Kitchener toe,- note thms points*. W*seu drawlng -your* strsnd f rom back to front tsad &gain bac do you paeu over Y=iw tationary needies lnsted of under? Do you pull th. thread too t4fght? In flnlshlng thi 1., there are but four- uimple opoationa, sOh rcpeat.d until but one loop la laIt this on. biken on th. strand vison you run dovit st the finis. Fire Olperàtlon-bnset darnlns needie as If to pur! mb of Irst stltch front. Draw needie sud thresd through, but »dont slip off, Second OPoraIo-Inseet needie into first stitch back as If 10, pur!. Draw thread bhroughi. Slip off. Be sure thrcad travelo under needie. Nov strand là again at back. Thfrd Operatiou,-Insert ncedie as il 10 kwuit 0 econd loop at back. Drav Irugs. Don'tSlip Off. Fmuntb 9eratlezr-Insert rieffle as if to knit intefitat ttch front. Draw strand through. Slip off. Nov facing nin, stitiches on mach needie, go back 10 firat operatlon and repeal. 'Tou vUIi not be beset by failure; yours viii be the Joy of achie.vement. At tb. rlsk of un- sure for Slovenly Engllsh, one may conflden'tly add that you viii get a rosI kick freen this Kritchener tee ln every w«c. An lnterestlng evidence of tise aympathy of our Anserican neigh- bore appeared-Ibis veek, when tise sign, ",Bundies for Briain", vasi dlsplaYed ln the foyer of a >vacant apartosene house ln New York&s Park Avenue. Te vindow of the foyer displayed a large supply of yod.vhlch had been mnanufactured ln the ist elght daYs Imb sweaters and socks, glovres and Balaclava helmets destlned for British s e. men. "Bundies for Britalu" Is oail! a baby, but la growlng fas t. !i1 Park Avenue's effort to do Its bit for ,"weslern clvllzÈtone fIrst lne of defence. Its slogan la "UÜ.s. vool for British Seamen.10 In elghî days lb has oollecbed hundrcds of dol- lsiw esteblated its«ln hian sport- ment house foyer at a dollar a year-through friends-and pro- grPed 30 1fer hat vithin a day Or' two its first bundie of more than 1000 vooflen garments viii ho on thc way acroos th. Atlantic. 1 *Orne reqpone hao been vonder- fui", says the aacretary, Mrs. Stuart Lindton CFagne. "Branches are belng started lu Palm Beach, MamI 5eacb end Wahlngton, au vo hope 1 o gt Itgobig au .over. Everyt!slug la knlttsd by band, so fir, but tvo knltting nma- chIne-ar boinig given, 80 'thât vwc hope to bé puttlug out sceka ln quantity amou, We send bhe vool arouud 10 friendus ad aïk them ta and more to theirs." Cretfit fur taie ides, 4 giveis te .Mi. wlée stbsam, lb. president. Tihe organisation la hnaplred by the bion. vîth Eriblsh Red Cross offi- HRe sys, "Canada knows vbere It le sendlng Its troops snd realizes fully whab a formidable struggle lm under vay. W. 414 sscI vaut tc niegleot azsybhing and that la wby 1 came to France. Nobhlng wvu be lacicing. !ivcrything vii b. ln place wben the blase cornes." Althougis th. Canadian Red Cross aetivibles vii b. îutouomous, bbey vIll h. carried. out ln cimce c- operation vibi tise Britishs and Fêrcncb Red CroSs servicos. Dr. PRoutley &&id h. had been greatly lmprîesse4by thc va.rious bospital and auxllsry base ho lu- spected durIng bis tour, fludlug everyrtlii ng luimpbecale order."9 Dr. and Mrs. Routley vIll go on to Geneva 10oconfer vith zmen- bers of 1he International Red Cros Conimittee, bihon returu b Parisi an route for home. CRWEWAIHVE ENDS AFIER BREAK-1NS~ (Oousbluued Irons rage 1) lu BownmuviUe snd f tnaly omlig t0 au abrupt end val cf Pickering vison Plabten vs hot by a garage ovuer, Bruie.. ak. 7bse garages ,ntore vere: CXr- rutlb' a rra, Bovmviie: Rcger'aGaragef, Karnseny; Albert Mapes' Garage, Wbitby; l is av' - rage, Plkrlug, and Attempliug te break I010 thse gage ff Ern]ie Crooks 'et cf1lckanln. An stemp vas mde te gel bail for Bruce ROM=cisby 518 grand- mebiser. QrOvzs Altorney Ami m- fUsa! tis bond aie vlahl o b lac, and- Il v", net acceptable te tUa 'W«Orbp. Noa Pl**wu ented by thse Oive.snd Il la nal kssown vie-. ther Ihey vi iplesd gulty- oet. I UNWMITBY CHUR.CHES *Frlay, eb. 2.-W. ILM. 8. I3 P.m. Ithe Mange." 230-"unday Michool. 7.00 pm.-Eveaing- Ie, v b- led, Popular hymus i"Porever vits Tuiesday, Ktat8P.m.-Young Fac. ple'ls Society. At tbis meeting anM liuMtbd LantemnLecture, "A TrMç through BrilaWu" l h. given by Rey, W. X. ReId, M.A., o! Osawya. All are Ihilld 10 come' and heax tis very interesting lecture. RT. JORN'8 PORT WHITBy On Bundsy nexb, Qulnquagoseam,- the Sacransent cf Moly Communion wllf be adnslnisbered at il axn.- The Beaver BoYrs' Bible Class i vii aseel at2, and bise unday Sçbooi sud other Bible Classes at, 3 pan. 'At 7 pan. a Parish Isistallabion .Ser- vice viil bebeld for officers of lh Church sud 14 ~organizations, aud Lunday School 1eschers. On Tbursday, Feb. 1, tlh. bcys' confIrmatkiÙ-éclai viib. bcld at the rectory; suýad at the saine lime, tise Aduit Bib. clams iii mccl at bbc home c,,f Mra. S. Whitncy, for It nsonUiîy muielu, social sud de- volional nseeblz>g. On Frlday, ast 3 p.m., an Aduit Confirmation Clasm viii meet at tbc Rectory. At 8 pan. a meeting for Prayer sud Evangeliltic Study viii b hseld aI Use e c1ry'. On Monday at 4 pa..the Junior W.A. vil! mcml for île monIisiy businessand devotional meeting ln bbc Bunday Scbooi Hall. At 7:30 pan. Use Mcn'e Associa- tion *v11 bold a business sud de- voticual meeting, il which the pro- gramme for tbc comlng season vii hoe declded. On Tuesday, a& conflrmstionf class for aduits will be beld aI tise Bec- tory. at 8 P.m. On Asis Wednesday, Pcb. 7th, Ibe I cf a course cf Lonten services vil! beld in bbc Sunday Sebool R Ilt a p.m. ALL AMNTSI' CRUfrC1 NexI Sund ,Quinquagesima, at All Sainte' .Church Ibere will be s clebration o! bbc Moly Commuan- Ion aI àamarnsd Il a.m. and eve- ning prayer and sermon at '7 p.m. ise Rector viii preacb at botb services. Tise Sunday Scbool vili meet il 2 p.m. Visitore vil! be mout velcome at bthe services. IWATCII11ORD AT AIL SAINT3S (Contluued from, Page 1) posed of lise recbor and vardens, His Hoor Judge B. Buddy sud Ris Honor Judge D. B. -Colemans. Meusan. R. R. Iusole, R. Baillie, T. E. Xcnstock sund L. 1). Agg'ver.- appolnt.d as auditors. .i Uich orginizabions reporbed a succefui year with large sumas(i! nsoney raised for lbe work. Votes cf thanke vere passed te lise officiais sud organisations3 visicis bave vorked 30 fallisfuliy during Uic yemr. A touchlng expression of appre- claticu aud lisanks vas tendered 10 Use rector sud lIts. Adye for their devotod service to tise parlis dur- lng tise nine years o!fbiseir vork lu Whltby. Tue meeting vas closed vUS prayer by tise rector with alich business concluded sud lisé plans laid fer ga successful year for 1940. TELLS LIONSCLU 0F BRITISHI 1U1ANe (Oontluued from Page 1) River?" Humais nature iBritlis Gulana la sucS tiese cme as everyvisere. cisc, suid Bey. Mr.-Ma.ralial. Thse natives are by ne means ricis, Two greal avents stand out -in every 111e. -marriage and deatis. Muc.h feast- lug and mnerrinsent take place on bobs occasions. The natives cf len embarass tisenselives financialiy for bbc rosI cf tiselr days le give tiseir daugisters a geod tminlutise eveut of miarrialge. One of tise vorsl customs e is ta of child marriage. Cildrenu ssd t b. Married to oid men. pse daugbh- ber lied no Samy Inlise millet snd Ofbea 414 fot sec ber future bus- baud unllthe vcdding day. TisaI Olsîs Of affaire la rapldly chansging tbrosagh tise interlerence of bise BritlishGoverumneu whIsch nov pro- bibite tise uarrîage cf cildren un- der a certain age. The BrilaisGov- ernment le very lostS te inlerfere vits bise custos o! aubject racet if lb cais ho svoidcd. Tiat le vhy thse Brillis arcidealials. vhen it cores 10 coloulzlng. There ire practlcmlly no raids lu Brillais Gulana; moet o! tise brave! la made by riveavistoS arc Iter- sPersed througboub Use -country. Mr'. Marabsll asd, 'Ibe country le verY avuesonseh iedouce forestis vieh ar e popled vilh S u keys, parrota, bell birdsuad alligators. lise dia'leu 4splllblng. There are 3ansi!' o mu Ulving boday 8S IIs.y *mdW ,50ý&S aaugp. but lb 14 Me7 nollcable u menctoine In cOMtact vils' tISo le vsic have *memsUder :Cbrlatla,*s Isiflenct suid those vwbkbls bve net. lZnolen> tintes viscu» o1,Mnsultls v r nav- aged by disesse sud h"d nany aid OBSERVE ABU WEDNESDAY Ash-. Weduesdelr, thse beghlng of Lent -13 next Wednesday, February 711. AI t. aits",bahere vi!! hoa celebration o! the Holy Communi. Ion at 10 a.m ln the chape! sud, evenlng -praer sud osiabo service at 7.30 pDm. l he bbc hae vbeu the rector wilkbegln a series of lieuben addreases, 'Ihis is a real opport.uuity this Lent 10 show rosi repentauce sud 1teIeglu the pre- paralbon for the great celebration o! Baster., AUlarc velcome. FOR SRROVE TUESDAY Mw eA.YP.A. 0f Ai!-Sainte' bave charge of lb, traditional Slsrcvc Tuesday paucake supper i the Parlsb Rail on Pebruary th. Tiera are many viso have e«joyed Ibis supper for years and evcryone le hnit.d te attend. inal arrange- ments for Uic supper viii be mnade at' thse reguar meeting ou Monday evenlng nexb at 8 p.m. IJNITED'caRROR A pcriod of var, brlnging an un- tizuely death tb Innumerable bu- inu belngs, lnevltably raises the quastion of Immortality lu an a.&11 foSm. Tisosc whosc loved mies have becis snstcbed avay long for some sure word ccncerning what lies be- yongtute veil. Tise minister vinl discuss tibis question lu Wbit.by Unibed Chureh next Sunday mnorn- Ing frons Ibe texl, «'I arn the Be- surrection and th. Lif e." Whitby Sunday Scisool meets at 2:15 p.m. Almonds Sunday Scbool viii mect at 1.15 pan. Public Worsbip folloamil 2.30 p.m. Tise Sunday evening theme at Whitby will be "Why shouldn't you be Hung." BAPTIST CHURCE "A Prayer for Victory" vwiii be tihe message next Sunday morning at thc Baptist churcis and lu the evening. tise third of tise studies of the 111e o! David, "Promn a Sbeep- -fld to a Royal Housebold." The topic being, "Rteeiving thbc- King- sbip."f The Communion cf the Lord's Supper wili be observcd at close of thc evening service. Bunday sehool et 10 at.m. Men's Club pn Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on 7tiursday, at '7: 30 p. B.Y.P.U. on Monday of next week at 8 p.m. ise subject viii be "Methodismn," and tise speaker viii be Bey. C. G. Park. and younig people, Uic wày Uiey dlsposed of bbc undesirables vas to set lire--to thse aid habitations and aeek pastures nov lu somej other camp elsevisere.-Then thec nallyce disccvered bise Karture~ Falls vbîch la 800 Ide higiser tisa Niagara l'aIls an«i the natives placed thcir very young and eld and dlscased Iu a sinail bark sud let Il drif t wviIs buman cargo over bbe falis 10 ho dashed te pleces; lu bhe deptis> beiow. Tise natives are qulte famillar witis terrifie hurricanes bisere. Il le a mosI las- cinatlng country sud eue meets tise full force an4d ffect cf nature. Durlng bis, put vinter the Lions Club of Port Perry has becu vîll Iavored lu Iheir choice ef speakers. The club le fortunate, lu tisaIIt bas' tise Bey. W. J. H. Smytis as chair- man cf the programme commlttee. BURNS N16HT I13 WI~EL OBSERYFO AT ST. ANDREW'S (Coznlinued from Page l) land and its people, sud tise. de- scendants of Scotisi ploneers vise bave contrlbubed 3o mucis tatise lndusbnlal, social cullusfl sud relig- tous development of ti ewcv ved. Rcv. MYt. Lavrence alse spolce of ~e historie beeuly o! tise côuntr# wblcis ie revisltcd tva years ago. For bbe' vocal sud Instrumental nurubers on tise prograinMis. P. N7. Sprall vas tise accompanisl. lIrs. Spralb alsq-played several numbers ou the pipe organ upstairs dunîng lb. luterval betWeen the supper and concert. Iu isonor of five men Iroin lie churcs, viso are aise members of St. Andrew's Men, vise have don- ned Ris lIajesty's uniform fer over- sea service, Private Davld Plat. LIeut, Ward Irvlu. Privabe John Fergusen, sergeant Major Chas. Cowie and Private Howard lIcGlli, tise cisairman requcsted Bob Wag- staff lea.siug bise bhnillng Scotch isumber, "Hall Osiedonlo." Tribute to Ibm l ive men for Ibeir tangible eviduhce of empire loyalty vwu paid by MCr. MoNée. WBIBYUNITEDI SA FINE YEAR (Continued frein Page 1) durlur lise yoar, sud tte cpress for publiclty cf churcis notices sud work, vote gîven unassmmous ap- Proval by tise cosiregallim. 'TishervJzýSg ofrefresisments by tise ladies brougist au outslmssding meeting 10 a close socia Mr'. Walter MeCanil hm purcheaed bbc poeperly of thq labe C. W. Sot, M7 EupWk Street, fraziMIssWin- .nifrcd8coIt, A.T.C.M., sud viii take p05ouelah iortly. PROT Ee¶PROfiTS, AU-Canadian Congress Labor. States Forw.rds Memoraum OItaWa, Jan. 30i-Nay~onslitat4ou o! munition plans vas advocated ln a memorandum submitted to Uic DomInIon Governmeasl by the Ail- Omnadian Cdogress o! Labor.' ail i le 1.btisatifIl lere ila as» euie lndustry mnore tissu another that slsould ho natlonmlized, il le Uic munitions lnduslry, sinco lb la lutoicrable that profitessould be made out of thse neceselties cf var lime," Uic memnorandum sbated. Thse congress *rcsbated Its policy regarding mauy labor probleseand callcd attention tothe bbc adthat Britishbwvitime regulabions have been amcndcd "s0 as 10 preserve pract1cafly unimpaired the rigist of free discussion and tU irgbt of la-. bar to organize sud take strike ac- tion." "Itls 0submltted tisaI liseCana- dian regulations slouid be simillrly amcnded slsîce lu Iheir present f oris they curlail civil liberties to an ex- lent vhlch appears 10 ho f ar beyoud that necesltaled by tise war."' tise congress said it opposed rallway amalgamation and urged tbat su unemploymeuthInsurance sciseme b. lntroduced soon. Reneval of St. Lawrence sca- vsy negotiations "le cf special conceru 10 ral1way -and other werk- ers associabed vils bbc congrese,1" Uic memorandum sald. "Il le feit that Ibis huge undertaklng, vils its important International aspects and Uic federai and provincial lu- terests luvolvcd, sbouid be given careful etudy by bbe Governints concerned sud that ne action shouid be balcon until- the projeet bas re- celved unmistakable approvai by thse Canadian people." Brougham- (Mism T. C. Brawn, Corresponrdent) BROUGHAM, Jàn. 29.-Tse line SundaY brougisî out a large con- gregallon on Sunday. Bey. Ken- nedy ba.sed bis discourse ou Jobn 16:20, "But he salit unto thons lb is I: ho net afraid". Tise Sunday scisool isac an attendance of 75. Tise Y.P. Union vas led lu theîr Sunday evening prograns by Air. Cravford, mlssionary coisvener, vise t00k as bis subject a portion of the study book, "Iudia's Moving Millions". The amateur dramatic coubest u u Zpkî lO brs 411e COFFEE RED CIROWE STEAKS ROASTS 'q 3 3 SONEILESS ROUND PO.RTERMOUSE SIRLOIN - WING CUBE or FACE RUMP NO. 1 GRADE McINTOSHI APPLES *e vicisla13 0 eho eld next ".1- day evenlug, Pcb. 2, bas fîve dîf- f ereul group enîrlos. Se Il bida fair te, le an lutere.stlng cvenlng. Mr. Harold Cassie was reporled 111 over the week-end.. Mr. and Mrs. John Cierov, oi Toronto, vlslled lhier munI, Mise Belle Brown, on Saturday lut. Miss Helen Malcolmn vas a Tor- onto vlsitoroDver the week-end.-' Mr. WiIi Brovn wva" caller aI tise home of bis parents on Thurs- day, bis fatiser relurnlng home to Toronto vilshlm for several dsya. Many skiera nsobored north over the week-end to make lise boit af lise moderate veather. SMrs. Gansson bas a Toronto fan- lly as tenante in lbe upatairis part of bher store building. Zion - (MMs,1-.W. Balson, Cornes.) ZION, Jan. 29. - Miss Marlou,, Gibson mpent thse week-end wiUs ber cousin, Miss Helen Yellovlees, Columbus. Mr. snd Mrs. Carl Wîlbur, Miss I Doris, Leacis and Mr. Smith & a- tended Uic dance at Columbus ffl'. day, evenlng.- Tise C.01.T. vii be- guests o! Solîna udxt Salurday, rcé. 3, -and viii preseist bbe prograin, Tise C.G.I.T. met on sturdsy aI the home o! MIsa. Jean Bias altendance 11. Clouera! uies( llsey are holding s ablier-Ïud' daugisler banquet soon) vas con- ducbed. One o! Uic leaders trçsbe lb. gils 10 chocolales visils ,tleY hope 10 ..ll 50 boxeg of, tory Smo. Miss Dlane 14e, offKedm. l a vlslllug ber graudparents, 14r. =4d unr. A. T. Salantou, for a vea*. and lheyalvere entertained for tes on Thureday aI lIri sud Unr. J. G. Langmaid's, Oshawa. mesus. Geralct sud Harvey ]aw son, acccmpanlod by'Misses Ete Wilkins, Oshawa, sud -Louise Faky, Maple C3rove, sad tes vils IlMir sibe, MUn. Chas. Pergusnan MCr. Pergusn,-o! hrbWs-Cr ziera, on Sunday. -Mr. sud Mm JLA T. Stalulon Mud Misses Elleen Staiton sund Diane Lee verelea guests o! Dr. sud lMr& Si1enson, Bc>wmanville. J r' ILONG DISTANCE 1. .- just to show he hadn't forgotten us." And so if~ goe. Long Distançe is the single man's answer to many a problem-and the .married man's shortest road home. Always at your service wherever you may bc. joie 7154i8 H.M L.O .4 (SUced or Uroe«di ANN PAGE WITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT I Wr-apD ied w:ve .1 1 1 , .Vîewll--.i. 1 L

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